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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  January 23, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PST

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breaking right now at 5:00, a standoff in brentwood comes to an end overnight. a live report as the investigation unfolds after a neighborhood is put on edge.
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here is a live look at walnut creek, as one storm moves out another one is on its way. meteorologist kari hall is timing out when the wet weather is set to make a return. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you on this tuesday morning. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. let's start with a look at that forecast for this tuesday. we're going to be a little dryer today? >> a little bit. it's starting out foggy and kind of misting this morning. but once we go throughout the day, we're going to catch a break from some of that rain. here is the next storm that's going to be coming in, and it looks like it is tapping into that deep subtropical moisture, making it an atmospheric river. here is a look at the timeline. tomorrow morning at 6:00, we're starting to see some of those showers moving into the north bay and the coast, and quickly sweeping through as we go through late tomorrow morning into tomorrow afternoon. so we are going to see more
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waves of wet weather coming in, and we'll continue to see rain in the forecast over the next several days, all the way into the weekend. so i'll have more on that coming up in a few minutes. mike, it's a misty drive. >> you and i were talking about how we had enough mist on our windshield that we did have to use the wipers from time to time, san jose, 280, 17, just indicating that you might need to use wipers from time to time, or perhaps steadier as you're coming through the tri-valley and out of the altamont pass. i think the last of the crews have cleared but there's still a crew blocking highway 9 because of the mudslide that kicked in. this may be the third day it's impacted. the rest of the roads pretty smooth. back to you. breaking news this morning, in eastern contra costa county, that's where a tense night in one neighborhood has come to an end. >> "today in the bay"'s bob redell is live in brentwood
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where a long standoff rattled nerves. what are you learning from law enforcement this morning, bob? >> reporter: good morning to you. we have reached out to the contra costa county sheriff's office to fill us in. we are still waiting to hear back. here is what we know. there was a heavy law enforcement presence in this neighborhood. this is a neighborhood on east simms road just off of brentwood road here in the city of brentwood. you can see in the video that this did include a s.w.a.t. team. people who live there said this was a standoff situation that had been going on since yesterday afternoon. we know it ended a little bit after 1:00 this morning. >> this is a quiet road, very quiet road. >> reporter: and that was somebody who lives on east simms road giving their assessment of that neighborhood. it's not clear if the standoff ended with any arrests or if anyone was hurt. again, we are waiting to hear
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back from the sheriff's office. reporting live in brentwood, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> bob, thanks so much. this morning the first votes are being cast in the new hampshire presidential primary. six ballots have already been cast for republican presidential hopeful nikki haley. we have a live look at the polling place in londonbury, new hampshire. what i can tell you is "today in the bay"'s brie jackson reports the former u.n. ambassador says she's not giving up. >> reporter: republican candidates delivering their closing message to new hampshire voters. former president trump wants to seal the deal for the gop nomination. >> we're coming to take over the beautiful, beautiful white house, and we're going to run the country the way it's supposed to be run. >> reporter: trump's former u.n. ambassador and republican rival, nikki haley, seeks to finish stronger here than her third place finish in the iowa caucuses.
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>> this really is an option. do you want more of the same, or do you want to go forward? >> reporter: that's the sentiment echoed on the democratic side. dean phillips is challenging president biden. phillips is considered a long shot, but he tells me he hopes to build momentum in the granite state, where joe biden's name is absent from the ballot. >> he needs competition because if we coronate him, trump is coming back to the white house. >> he's done a stand-up job with the economy and i don't see why we would pick anybody else to continue that work. >> reporter: here at stark brewing company in manchester, craft beer is flowing and so are conversations about the presidential race. some say they are not enthused about their choices. >> this is a tough election.
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this is really a tough election. nobody wants to vote for people. they're all voting against people. >> reporter: a sense of frustration as the first in the nation primary gives the country a sense of where voters stand in the 2024 presidential election. in manchester, new hampshire, brie jackson, nbc news. >> super tuesday here in california is 42 days away, march 5th. we'll be following all the major headlines. to see our full election coverage, head to our website, new developments overseas. the israeli military says 21 soldiers were killed in an incident in the gaza strip. yesterday's attack is thought to be the deadliest for the country's forces since the war began. the heavy toll may add to growing pressure for a cease-fire deal with hamas. israel is proposing a two-month pause in fighting in exchange for release of all the remaining hostages. meanwhile, u.s. and uk forces have launched a new series of air strikes against
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houthi targets in yemen. it comes in response to houthi missile strikes against commercial ships in the red sea. the latest strikes focused on at least eight houthi sites, including underground storage facilities. al new joint statement describes it as precision strikes meant to disrupt the houthi threat to global trade. there is no word on casualties. happening today, the suspect in the half moon bay shooting rampage is expected to be back in court for an arraignment, this comes one year to the day since the tragedy unfolded. in all, seven people died. another critically injured. soon after, authorities tracked down and arrested the alleged gunman who last week was charged in a new grand jury indictment. the shooting shattered lives at two separate mushroom farms. the brother of one of the victims tells us although justice is being served, it will never bring back his brother. >> translator: i'm not happy for the punishment he's going to
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receive. the pain of losing my brother is not going to go away. the pain is there. it's always going to be there. >> the 66-year-old suspect at one point last year confessed to the shooting during an interview with nbc bay area. he eventually pleaded not guilty to the original charges. kris sanchez will dive deeper into the aftermath one year on. that's coming up in our next half hour. clean-up efforts are getting under way in santa cruz where the latest storm led to flooding damage near the wharf. residents sharing video of the water as it quickly moved into apartments during the early morning hours yesterday. numerous units were damaged and some repairs may take some time. and it is not just northern california, the atmospheric river also slamming southern california. this is video from san diego. you can see what people had to deal with. that is waist-deep water there. the downpour causing flooded roadways, cars crashing and water rescues across the county.
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san diego officials were urging people yesterday to remain at home unless it was absolutely necessary to travel. meteorologist kari hall joins us. only a brief pause before more wet weather arrives. >> yeah, we do see more atmospheric rivers down the line that could be coming in as we go into the next week. i wanted to show you the view of the past 24 hours, and all of the rain that fell across much of california, moving from the bay area on southward, and we saw those rounds of rain, but we also had some very heavy rain that moved in yesterday early in the day, into the afternoon. so now as we look ahead to the next system that's going to be coming in, we're going to start out tomorrow morning with some spotty showers in the north bay, moving into san francisco around 6:00 a.m. then as we go throughout the late morning to early afternoon hours, more waves of rain coming in, with a few breaks. going into thursday, it does look like the activity lightens up just a little bit, gives us
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another break before rain returns late friday into early saturday, with the north bay the focus of that rain. temperature-wise, the high 50s and low 60s, a mild day as we get an afternoon break. mike, you've been looking at gas prices. >> we'll talk about up. it's up a quarter at vallejo's quick stop, $3.64 on springs road in solano county. holding steady in contra costa county. their best is still $3.65 at diamond gas and mart, oak grove road. a couple cents lower for santa clara's best at $3.65, platinum gas on washington street. all shared by you on we'll get out to the roadways, where we are moving smoothly with green sensors for the freeways. a lot calmer than yesterday. there's mist and drizzle, contra costa county no problem as you're getting toward the bay bridge. a smooth flow of traffic at the
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bay bridge itself. we do have a good number of vehicles in all lanes here. the span is clear, but there may be mist. these travels times are novel smoothly throughout contra costa county itself, vasco road moving nicely at 18 minutes from marsh creek. lots more still ahead on "today in the bay," including a new way to protect your iphone. stick around and be a little late to work. it's worth watching. a legendary new york yankee hitting home runs, but now the family variety. his newest post warming the hearts of girl dads everywhere.
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(vo) with fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo, when dad brings up the importance of... (dad) building credit. (vo) ... you're ready. (daughter cutting him off) dad. fargo, what's my fico score? (dad) wow. it's a work of art. (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo. what else can fargo do? instantly tell you what you spend on things like food.
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(dad) fargo, what did i spend on groceries this month? (son) hey dad, can the guys stay for dinner? (dad) no. (vo) want faster, easier banking? you can, with wells fargo. good tuesday morning. the time is 5:13. we're taking a look at our day planner for berkeley where we start out mostly cloudy and at times foggy and temperatures in the low 50s. we're going to stay in the 50s today with some peeks of sunshine, a little bit of a break before our next round of rain comes in. i'll have more on the timeline coming up in a few minutes. as far as your drive today, very calm compared to yesterday. there are changes ahead. right now 101, the taillights, the city ahead, and no delays as you travel along the peninsula. i'm seeing a blip over in the east bay, i think there's a crew that might affect folks through san leandro. good morning. happy tuesday to you.
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the dow industrials crossed 38,000 for the first time in history yesterday and settled there right at the close. the s&p 500 hit a new record, netflix reports profits today, and as we watch companies like netflix report their quarterly financials, just over the next couple of weeks, watch what they say about the future, what they call the guidance. companies are realizing how good the economy is, how strong the consumer is, and that we got that soft landing. so they may be very optimistic about the future. shares in amd, for instance, up 130% over the past year, as the chipmaker moves into ai. speaking of ai, the san mateo county board of supervisors today will debate a resolution that would promise to keep staffing where it is, even as the county explores new ways to use artificial intelligence to make services better. in other words, to protect jobs.
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a lot of government agencies thinking about ai, from school boards to city councils, to the state of california. last week we spoke with a california state senator about new proposed laws in sacramento that would require ai makers to watermark photographs and audio and video. i asked him why they were trying to do it on the state level, and josh becker said, have you seen the progress or lack thereof in washington. walmart upping pay, managers will make a minimum of $128,000 a year for front line workers. for font line workers, pay goes to $18. more than california's minimum wage and the higher minimum wages required by places like santa clara county. the bureau of labor statistics says less than 1% of californians work at minimum wage. a big update to the iphone. it will protect yours if it's stolen. it's called stolen device
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protection. we show you how to turn it on and then we'll talk about what it does. first, update to the latest ios, plug your phone in and go to settings general and update your software. after that's done, go back to settings and then down to face i.d. and pass code. scroll down to stolen device protection and turn it on. that's easy. if somebody steals your phone and knows your pass code, they can change everything, passwords, permission, bank accounts. you can't take control of your phone from a computer. by requiring -- this is going to require face i.d., so the chief won't be able to use that, and your phone will get extra suspicious if you're in a place you've never been before. so a thief takes it out of your baggage, goes home wit, your phone is going to say, i don't think we should be changing anything at this location. >> i like that. >> easy to turn on.
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do it. >> thanks, scott. trending this morning, former new york yankees superstar and hall of famer derrick jeter is just beloved off the field as a doting girl dad. >> he just posted a new look to instagram. check out his face paint. >> it's actually pretty good. >> you can see him rocking the detailed unicorn design. he captured the photo. his sister commented that he was the best girl dad. jeter and his wife share three girls and welcomed a baby boy last spring. what a beautiful family. >> did you have to go through stuff like that? >> oh, yeah. >> have to? >> well, did you? >> i have an excuse. whatever they want to do. you have triple the requests. whatever they want to do, that's what makes it fun. >> yeah, it's fun. i don't remember doing that to my dad, though. >> i didn't do it to my dad.
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kids did it to me. >> no kidding. it is 5:18 this morning on this tuesday. let's get a look at that forecast. dryer in a sense. a little mist this morning. >> the rest of the day is going to be nice. so even though it's a little damp early, we are going to see things improving going into later today. a little bit of a break, peeks of sunshine. yes, it is misting and drizzling in parts of the bay area this morning as you're heading out. a little bit of low clouds and fog as we take a live look outside in san francisco, where we are going to see at times low visibility. right now it's mostly in the north bay, santa rosa down to half of a mile visibility, and we've also seen some fog creeping up from the south county, closer to san jose. and our temperatures are fairly mild to start out. we're in the low to mid-50s right now. it is 51 in martinez, 55 in palo alto, and san francisco at 52
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degrees. looking at our highs for today, not bad. we're in the low 60s. this is about normal heading up to about 62 in san jose, 60 in morgan hill, and 60 in pleasanton. martinez looking at a high of 62 degrees today, and upper 50s for daly city, redwood city at 59 degrees, and san francisco also in the upper 50s today. a breezy wind and a mix of sun and clouds. we'll also see peeks of sun for the north bay with a high of 62. let's talk about what's coming our way. we can see the next storm system that is well off the coast. we do have a little bit of time today. we'll start to see clouds moving into the bay area late this evening, and we can also probably tell that we are seeing this as a pretty widespread system that's going to linger for a while. so looking at what we're expecting here in terms of rain, at 6:00 tomorrow morning we're seeing some pockets of heavy rain farther to the north, but most of us just getting a light to steady rain throughout the
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morning and a few pockets of heavy downpours into late morning into the early afternoon. and then as we go into the evening, some breaks here and there, but overall we will start to see the rain trending downward for just a little bit, those rain chances, and then going back up for friday and early saturday. our temperatures in a spot like napa will be warming up into the end of the weekend, but it doesn't last that long. a few of our inland valleys will reach into the low 70s. sunday's forecast not looking bad at all. 72 and partly cloudy. we're looking forward to that, but we do have to work our way through a little bit of rain before we get there. it seems like a calm drive right now. >> it is. there's a potential for changes, mist out there. just that word of warning. mind the speeds and make sure your windshield wipers are operating. we're looking at a smooth flow for green sensors. we have blips with yellow, likely a few crews moving out of
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the area. the slowing has cleared, southbound 880, that bridge, the flyover toward 238, that has one of two lanes blocked by a crew on the caltrans grid. they may be getting ready to move. that might present a little more slowing san leandro heading toward castro valley, opposite the main commute. the castro valley y is just fine. let's check highway 4, just a little bit of a brake tap coming in, so just the start of the commute and a little bit of slowing that shows up from time to time highway 37. no problems in emeryville or the berkeley curve. coming up next on "today in the bay," nbc bay area responds. >> paying tax on a purchase is irritating enough. so imagine the frustration one viewer felt when a company doubled her tax. i'm consumer investigator chris chmura. nbc bay area responds next. plus, with the super bowl spot hanging in the balance,
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there is a lot riding on the niners this weekend. they're set to take on the detroit lions at levi's. nbc sports bay area is your home for free and postgame coverage. all the aionct
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welcome back. 5:25 this morning. nbc bay area responds to a south
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bay woman whose cell phone upgad set up a costly domino effect. >> she asked consumer investigator chris chmura's team to dial up a solution. >> sandra in san jose says she ordered two phones from t-mobile, but the wrong model arrived. so she returned them and got the right ones. done, right? well, not if i'm talking about it. sandra says t-mobile billed her $292 more than she expected, first she says t-mobile charged her tax twice, then it billed her monthly installments for the two phones she returned. in all, she owed them an extra $292. sandra says she called t-mobile three times, reps promised to fix it but didn't so she tapped our consumer team. we contacted t-mobile. a rep replied and said our care team contacted sandra and resolved her concerns. t-mobile sent sandra a $292 refund and correctly her monthly bill. sandra spotted the issues when she reviewed her bill.
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high five. that takes me to auto pay in general. so many of us have so many of our bills on auto pay. it is convenient, but auto pay is not a free pass for companies to charge whatever they want, so double-check your bills regularly to ensure you're not overpaying. if you're experiencing a poor reception with consumer issues, let us know. scan the qr code on screen to fill out our consumer complaint form online. >> thanks, chris. coming up next, the top stories we're following today, including vowing for your vote. candidates in california's senate race go head-to-head. the heated exchanges and key issues discussed. i'm ginger conejero saab in san francisco, with new developments for california state university students and faculty members. we'll have more of those details
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right now at 5:30, we mark one year since that shocking massacre broke the silence of the quiet coastal community of half moon bay. we'll show you how the healing is going and what's different for farmworkers. classes will resume at all cal state campuses statewide. we are live with the latest deal. we'll have that coming up in just a bit. good morning to you. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. let's start with a look at the
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forecast. everybody has been talking about the rain. a little bit of a break today. >> we do have more rain on the way, but we are going to have a little time to pick up, prepare, and also assess what we've seen around the house. now, we are going to start out with temperatures in the mid-50s this morning, and it is mostly cloudy as you're driving to work. we're dealing with some mist and drizzle and we are also going to see some of that rain, once again, giving us a break for a little bit. but then we're going to see temperatures in the upper 50s and low 60s. so i'll be watching all of that. we'll have a look at the hour-by-hour forecast for what to expect. there might be mist on the windshield. >> i confirm with the meteorologists when the weather and traffic combine at the windshield. this is san jose, a little glow for the lights earlier. it will be a factor for some folks who are driving in, so just keep that in mind. the roadway, you'll have much
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better traction than yesterday. in the lower left corner, we see highway 9 and we still have that mudslide that was reported yesterday. this may be the third day in a row it's affected the area. so far, caltrans has not updated the status on the roadway since it was closed. smooth flow of traffic for the rest of the freeways. the eastshore freeway, no delays, but we do see a build before the berkeley curve. back to you. it was one year ago today a farmworker shattered the quiet community of half moon bay, killing his coworkers. the mass shooting drawing the spotlight to the mental health issues for those who are housing, for those who grow our food here in california. >> "today in the bay"'s kris sanchez talked with the mayor of half moon bay, who is actually a farmworker himself. >> he says he feels connected to the community and one of the main things i wanted to know
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from mayor joaquin jimenez is how half moon bay and the farmworker community is dealing one year after the massacre where the farmworkers were killed. >> that's something we might never heal from it. it's going to take decades before we can actually say we're healed. we might never heal from that. >> it was one year ago today a disgruntled worker showed up at two mushroom farms and shot and killed seven coworkers and critically injured another. the shooting pulled back the curtain on the basic needs many farmworkers are lacking, which is liveable housing and health care, mental health resources, living wages and food security. san mateo county has three housing developments in the works. one of which mayor jimenez says should be ready by the fall. >> i'm grateful with everybody who has come together to join
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this fight and to take action. it's not just talking. we are not just sitting here talking about what we would like to do. we're doing. >> the gunman you see here in video was indicted by a grand jury and is due in court friday morning. he pleaded not guilty formally through the courts, though informally he confessed to the actions to our janelle wang in a jailhouse interview. he told janelle he was remorseful. today the community will focus on the lives lost. at noon there is a remembering and advocating roundtable discussion planned. congresswoman anna eshoo and julian castro will be there, and other local leaders. at 6:00 tonight, there is a memorial event titled heart of
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the farmworker, planned for the community at alas, the community organization that's been doing so much outreach from the beginning. as the mayor told me in that interview, there's a saying in spanish, which is at an ant's pace. he says progress may be slow, but it is progress nonetheless. >> thank you, kris, for the latest. new developments for cal state students everywhere, thanks to a late-night deal, a planned week-long faculty strike is over, after just one day. >> that strike disrupted what many are saying was the start of the spring semester. "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab is live for us in san francisco this morning. i understand the students are still on break? >> reporter: that is correct, marcus. they can press snooze for just a little bit longer. they head back to class next monday. some of them have been putting in the work to show their solidarity with their university teachers who were scheduled to picket all week. all of that avoided when a
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tentative agreement between california faculty members and csu management was announced as of late last night. now, that tentative deal between csu management and cfa faculty, some of those highlights you'll see now, the biggest part of that will really see a pay raise for faculty, a 5% increase retroactive to july of last year, and then another 5% increase for all faculty beginning july of this year. the agreement will raise the salary floor, it will also increase parental leave and extend the current contract of 2022 to 2024, another year. that will make it to the end of june in 2025. now, cfa's president says the tentative agreement makes major gains for cfa members, whose members launched a one-day strike here at san francisco state back in december. you're seeing some footage from that one-day strike. that was also mirrored in at least three other campuses across the state.
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now, yesterday's strike extended to more campuses and threatened to last the whole week until that tentative agreement was announced. the csu chancellor praises the agreement, saying it will enable csu to fairly compensate faculty, while also protecting the system's long-term financial sustainability. some csu campuses go back to class today, that's because the faculty will return back to the classroom. that is the case for csu east bay, cal maritime. san jose state goes back tomorrow. at sf state, classes go back on monday, while the technical semester starts tomorrow. at least for some students, they'll have a little more of a break without being disrupted with a planned strike. >> nice, long break for them. thank you, ginger. 5:37 this morning. happening today, santa rosa police are update research efforts to relaunch the
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department's crime team. police announced the plan last month in response to a recent spike if gang-related crime. the team has been dormant. the launch is being credited with several arrests. police plan to update city council members later this morning. to decision 2024, the race to fill the late dianne feinstein's u.s. senate seat. last night the four leading candidates took part in their first debate. at times it became spirited, including with barbara lee and katie porter trying to pin down republican steve garvey on whether or not he'll vote for donald trump. >> i believe that our republican opponent here on the stage has voted for donald trump twice, according to public reports. that agenda is an agenda to dismantle our democracy. >> i'm my own man. i make my own decisions. i voted for -- >> mr. garvey, we would like to know. >> california, i think what they
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say is true, once a dodger, always a dodger. >> that reference to garvey's days on the l.a. dodgers. garvey did not indicate his voting plans but did confront house leader adam schiff about trying to take down the former president. >> i think you've been censured for lying. >> i was just called a liar by mr. garvey. >> 30 seconds. >> i was censured for standing up to a corrupt president. and you know something, i would do it all over again. >> schiff is currently leading in the polls. garvey was recently been gaining ground. the march 5th primary now six weeks away. with heavy hearts, the warriors are trying to resume play. yesterday they held their first team practice since the death of a beloved assistant coach, with head coach steve kerr calling last week devastating. >> heartbreaking, devastating.
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you know, it's just the saddest thing i've ever been a part of in the nba. >> the assistant coach dej suffered a heart attack in salt lake city. he was honored with a special pregame tribute which coach kerr says that the warriors watched together. the warriors will hold their own tribute tomorrow when they play the hawks at chase center. let's take a live look outside on this tuesday morning, getting a little break in the rain we've been having. kari has a look at our forecast. >> we are going to have a few little peeks of sunshine here and there. but we are starting out with some mist and drizzle this morning, with some low clouds moving by. the look at the big picture shows we are seeing a bigger storm system off the coast and a straight connection with the moisture from hawaii reaching toward the bay area. that will be another atmospheric
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river coming our way as we go into tomorrow morning. and we start out with some clouds this morning in gilroy, temperatures around 50 degrees, and once again we're going to see a mix of sun and clouds. at 4:00 it's nice, 60 degrees, and we'll head into sunset with our mid-50s around the bay area. so overall a mild day, and we will see slightly cooler temperatures tomorrow once we get some rain. most of us in the upper 50s, low 60s, and we'll see it moving from north to south. i'll have a look at that timeline in a few minutes. mike, you're starting out with our predictable bay bridge buildup. >> want to reassure folks it's not any worse than you would predict. the metering lights have been turned on since about 5:35. we're already seeing slowing as you approach the toll plaza. the volume pretty good. we see a little slowing through the treasure island tunnel and building through richmond. highway 4 shows slowing, highway 37 shows the brake taps coming
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out of vallejo. looking ahead today, we continue with the closure of the lower manzanita park and ride. that's the section that basically flooded, and we also had flooding highway 101 and 1 yesterday, a combination of rain runoff and the tides that are pretty high. that's why they will continue to close that this week. the south bay, we have no major problems. there's the tri-valley with a smooth flow of traffic. let's talk about the sharks that are playing tonight, activity by s.a.p. a major ruling from the u.s. supreme court, when it comes to the ongoing border debate. ahead on "today in the bay," the key decision made following a plea from president joe biden's administration. a key decision in new hampshire as well today. today is the primaries. today is the primaries. coul bed m
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[narrator] covered california is a free service from the state that's already helped millions of people like you get and pay for health insurance. with financial health to lower the cost of health coverage, you could get a quality health plan for less than $10 a month. every plan covers preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. if you have questions, we're here to help every step of the way. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by january 31st at
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good tuesday morning. the time is 5:44. we're taking a look at our day planner for brentwood. starting out at 52 degrees. there will be patches of fog here and there and peeks of sunshine. overall it's nice, as our highs head for 60 degrees. we'll see more changes tomorrow, with rain returning. i'll have more on that in a few minutes. look at the backup here at the bay bridge. things are moving slower on the approach. not a problem through the maze. hand in hand with the bay bridge backup, i see it on the sensors,
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we'll give you a peek at 101 coming up. it is a quarter until 6:00 right now. happening today, a man accused of killing a south bay mother shortly after being charged with sexually assaulting her child is due in course for a plea hearing. prosecutors say the suspect ray garcia used to live at their home on thelma way. late last year he moved out, shortly after being confronted about the alleged assault on halloween night. eventually he was charged. in december, authorities found the mother's body inside that same home. last month prosecutors added murder charges. garcia is being held without bail. happening today, san mateo county supervisors will debate a controversial plan to criminalize unhoused people who refuse shelter. the ordinance would allow authorities to charge a misdemeanor to anyone encamped in a public area who declines shelter offers more than once. opponents say it contains too many holes and may lead to added
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trauma. a new ruling by supreme court justices will allow border patrol agents to remove raiser wire along the southern border. it was argued it prevents age events from reaching migrants. well, the decision is a big win for the white house, and for the federal government. scott mcgrew, this comes down to who has the power to stop illegal immigration. >> on paper it is the federal government. this comes down to the supremacy clause of the constitution. but states are absolutely desperate, texas stepped in with its own action to stop record number of immigrants as far away as new york city and chicago, mayors there are pleading for help as immigrants overwhelm shelters and potentially freeze on their streets. a report from immigration and customs enforcement last week
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showed the u.s. deported more than 142,000 immigrants last year, nearly twice as many in 2022. 18,000 of those were parents with children, more than were deported under donald trump in 2020. video out of new hampshire this morning, with the traditional first polling place in the new hampshire primary. the six registered voters all voted for nikki haley. here is a last word from the two republican candidates ahead of today's primary. >> we had very big polls, just like we do now. we got some in, fantastic polls. assume you're one down, please, okay, and get out of bed and just get to vote. grab your neighbor, grab everybody. you've got to go out because we have to win by big margins. >> do you want more of the same? or do you want to go forward?
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70%, 70% of americans have said they don't want a trump/biden rematch. the majority of americans disapprove of both biden and trump. >> today's vote has been called a make-or-break for nikki haley, partly because new hampshire is where she's closest to donald trump in potential votes. polls show her badly behind trump in other states, including her home state of south carolina, and even here in california. but haley has funding, she can stay in the race just in case something changes with trump, and there are a lot of potential changes. health is one of them. he's nearly 80. the courts, that's a constant challenge. updating you on the courts, the second e. jean carroll trial has been delayed until tomorrow. trump is expected to testify in his own defense. in georgia, the judge says the prosecutor there, the one
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charging trump with racketeering, will not have to testify about her relationship with one of her own prosecutors, but that man's divorce records will be made public. the allegation is fani willis had a romantic relationship with the man who she hired to help prosecutor trump and then paid him a lot of money. now, that doesn't directly affect the trump case in georgia, but if the state decides she should step away as a prosecutor, then, laura, that would definitely affect the case. >> no doubt. thank you very much, scott. let's talk 49ers. they're returning to the practice field today with unanswered questions. for starters, will deebo samuel be able to return for the nfc championship game? he missed most of the packers game after injuring his shoulder. the team confirms there's nothing broken and for now it sounds like it may be wait and see. the niners host detroit lions for a trip to the super bowl. we're trying. the last place sharks have some serious work to do if they hope to get back in the playoff
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hunt. maybe this is a sign of better days. last night in l.a. they won their second straight. justin bailey giving the sharks the lead in the third period with a break-away goal, but the kings tied it and the game went to a shootout. the sharks prevailed, winning 4-3. trending this morning, with the help of a bay area group, kelly clarkson highlighting the healing power of hip-hop. >> it started in 2011 and uses hip-hop as therapy, connecting underserved youth with mental health experts. later today kelly speaks with the founder on how he first started the mission. >> we started with this idea of speaking against the ills of our community and having a voice against suppression. >> preaching in a way. >> for us it's about combining things like narrative therapy, solution-focused therapy, self-psychology, marrying those two together and partnering with our triads, the social worker, the teaching artist and peer specialist to do our groups.
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and here we are 20 years later. >> 20 years later. >> wow. well, you can watch that entire segment on the "kelly clarkson show" today at 3:00 p.m. right here on nbc bay area. >> it's so often she highlights some great bay area people and groups and organizations. it's nice to see. >> and really across the country she's doing that, which i think is great. you can see the efforts that are being done to just make the world better. >> and i love that it's just highlighting regular folks that are doing extraordinary things. >> we all can do just something, just a little bit. >> 20 years for a community effort, that is -- oftentimes it will last until the people who are involved graduate or whatever. >> it shows the need, too. >> absolutely. we need a little break from the rain. just saying. >> a little one. >> my dog does. my dog is getting so fat because he doesn't want to go out in the rain. we've got to get some walks going. >> you're both going out for a
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run today. >> i'm blaming it on the dog. >> tomorrow you'll have time to rest. we're going to start out this morning with some fog and also some milder temperatures. we're right now in the mid-50s in the south bay. it is 56 in san jose, 53 in dublin, and 51 in martinez. napa, you're at 52 degrees and san francisco at 51. let's take a look at our highs this afternoon, with cupertino up to about 60 degrees. that's coolish, but not bad. we're going to continue with a lot of upper 50s and low 60s for the east bay. walnut creek headed for 61 degrees, and a high of 58 in half moon bay. san francisco in the upper 50s as well. in the mission district, 59 degrees, and much of the north bay in the low 60s. sonoma, 62 degrees there, and in santa rosa. we do have a very active storm pattern, another atmospheric river is gearing up and is reaching from hawaii all the way into close to the bay area. we're going to see it coming in
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tomorrow with rain spreading from north to south, and it starts out spotty and there may be some pockets of some moderate to heavy rain. this is at 6:30 tomorrow morning, and you can see the coverage that we'll have in the north bay, as well as san francisco reaching into the east bay. we'll continue to see that rain spreading in, going into the afternoon, the evening. even as we head into thursday. it will taper off for a little bit. we're looking at rainfall totals with the next wave of rain coming in, for most of us about a half to three-quarters of an inch of rain. this will be falling on already saturated ground. you can see there's still that long connection of that moisture that's going to be reaching in for the weekend from friday to saturday with our next wave of rain. it does lift to the north just a little bit to give us a break sunday into monday. and that's when our temperatures come up a few degrees. we'll see that in livermore, going from highs in the upper 50s to mid-60s for saturday. that's when we will still have
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some rain. we're up to 70 by monday of next week, and, unfortunately, the warmer weather doesn't last that long. we are going to continue to see waves of rain coming in every few days. mike, how is it looking in the south bay? >> we had that period of pretty focused slowing here north 101, just north of the 280/680 over-crossing. things are starting to calm down. that's typical, this pattern, this stretch as you're looking at slowing from about tully up past oakland road. the sensors are changing from what they were, red and orange through that stretch, easing up from that first burst. there's more traffic feeding. 101 into san martin and morgan hill, that shows more volume is going to come toward the south bay. no major delays for contra costa county. typical build, including vasco road for slowing and of course the backup at the bay bridge. >> thanks so much, mike. happening now, san jose state is getting ready to welcome a new football coach. later today, the spartans will
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introduce the coach that comes from the naval academy. he takes over for brent brennan who moved to the university of arizona. it comes with the spartans losing a top transfer, brock purdy's brother, just announced because of the coaching change, he will not join the spartans after all. >> a surprise to a lot. we continue to follow breaking news, an overnight standoff in contra costa county finally comes to an end. ahead on "today in the bay," the revelations from law enforcement about the tense moments that unfolded. plus, voting is under way in the new hampshire primary. a make-or-break day for nikki haley's campaign. we're live with complete coverage. and nbc bay area news streams 24/7. you can watch us whatever you would like or wherever you are on roku or other strng platforms. a lot more news ahead. a lot more news ahead. it's 5:5 look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did.
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quickly approaching 6:00 this morning. a tense standoff comes to an end overnight in the east bay. this morning, there are still many unanswered questions.
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we're live this morning with the latest from authorities. head-to-head in new hampshire. donald trump taking on nikki haley in the closely watched primary. find out who has got the early lead after the first votes are cast. we'll also have the latest of what's going on with police activity in the east bay. as one storm moves out, another one is on its way. the timing out of when that weather is set to make its return. "today in the bay" begins right now. i say began, but we've been on since 5:00 this morning, so we continue. want to say good morning to you all on this tuesday. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. we actually sleep right here. >> if you didn't know. >> i'm sleeping right now. >> we love to be here for you early on a tuesday morning. a little break in the rain today. >> yeah, a little bit. we're starting out with some mist and drizzle for a lot of drivers heading out. you may still have to turn on the windshield wipers. going into today, some peeks of


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