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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  January 24, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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hi, everyone. i'm zinhle essamuah. >> and i'm kate snow. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, wednesday, january 24th, 2024. trumped again, the former president scores a decisive victory in new hampshire, leaving nikki haley trailing by double digits. >> this race is far from over. there are dozens of states left
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to go. what her former boss has to say about her promise to fight on. breaking news, plane crash mystery, a russian jet reportedly seen crashing, bursting into a fireball, the kremlin claims it was full of ukrainian prisoners, why kyiv said that's not true scrutiny to the max, boeing ceo is on capitol hill today meeting with lawmakers after a string of mid-flight strings. >> and baby steps, millions of expectant moms suffer from extreme morning sickness. how science is working toward a treatment for them. we'll begin with the race for the white house, former president donald trump taking another big step toward securing the republican nomination, nbc news projects that trump defeated his former ambassador to the united nations nikki haley by roughly 11 percentage points in the new hampshire primary yesterday, despite the loss, haley vowing to stay in the race, she's set to host a
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campaign rally in her home state south carolina. on the democratic side, nbc news projects that joe biden won new hampshire as a write-in candidate. nbc news correspondent ali vitali is in charleston, south carolina, report on the haley campaign for months. not only is south carolina her home state, powerful people in that state, republican senator tim scott have endorsed trump over haley, what are you hearing on the ground in south carolina about the appetite there for her? >> reporter: in fact, i think it's almost the entire south carolina delegation, ralph norman was an early endorser of
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haley, now though she's facing the steep climb that she knew she would except for the fact that the haley campaign say they're staying in because they're officially the last person standing as a trump alternative, this is the place that she always wanted to get to, now the question is how long can she actually stay in especially when her campaign is not saying outright what state they plan to win they're only saying they'll be staying not only through south carolina, super tuesday in early march as well. >> increasing pressure on her to drop out including from the head of the republican national committee. >> reporter: that pressure is coming from the rnc, specifically the idea, the chairwoman said if trump wins a decisive victory it's time for the party to unify and come together. haley's counter to that is only
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two states have voted. listen to more of haley and the rational for sticking it out. >> in the next two months, millions of voters in over 20 states will have their say, we should honor them. and allow them to vote. >> reporter: look, guys, there are two ways to look at this, a way the lot of republicans are looking, trump is winning decisive victories and haley is she's the been the person to get as close as anyone else in this field. she's the last person standing. >> ali vitali, thank you. let's bring in stephen hayes for some more analyst. thanks for joining us.
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let's talk about nikki haley, we heard from vaughn polling doesn't look great for her, she's in it to win it, real talk, what is her long game here, all for 2028 that presidential race or a cabinet position, does she realistically have some kind of path guard. >> very difficult path forward. had she won last night, give the opportunity to chime in. having lost, it becomes a much harder case and as vaughn said a much more difficult road. a number of things that people around nikki haley will say as to why she's staying in, she's personally piqued by donald trump's attacks on her of late. they hold the trump campaign responsible for resurfacing these rumors of extramarital
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affairs and she's also looking at this this is her opportunity to make a case. it's one-on-one with can donald trump. she wants to take her shot. >> can we talk general election, nikki haley did do well with ibd pendent voters in new hampshire, talk that trump won't do as well with those voters, could that be a weakness forf he is the candidate against biden in. >> absolutely a weakness for him. where the republican primary nomination was always going to be fought, i mean, donald trump is very strong with the republican base, he has the support depending on how you count it, 30% of the hard-core base, plus 40%-plus of republicans first who like donald trump, they might have been open to an alternative, but nikki haley commands a big chunk of that non-trump republican
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party rank and file particularly suburban voters. and donald trump has trouble with those voters in the past, we've seen this in 2020, the candidates most closely associated with donald trump in 2022, they didn't do as well, so this is going to be something that will be a problem, i think a challenge for the trump campaign at the end of november. >> the campaign are looking a lot of time ahead of them. more than nine months until the general election. what issues do you expect each candidate to hone in. >> 285 day, not that we're counting. >> who's counting. >> yeah, it's a lot. donald trump in post-victory speeches, he's talking about immigration a core campaign issue for donald trump going back to the ride down the golden elevator in 2015, i'd expect him to continue that. an area of vulnerability for jedden.
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he'll continue to attack joe biden on foreign policy issues things like afghanistan withdrawal. as for joe biden he wants to make this is a referendum on democracy, donald trump is threat to democracy, tried to steal the last election, incited an insurrection and now he wants to run again. >> 285. thank you so much. we're fol loek breaking news related to the war if ukraine, russia's ministry of defense said one of its military planes was shot down. >> it said it was carrying ukrainian prisoners. it appears to show that plane hurdling toward the ground. matt is following the very latest for us. what do we know about the crash, we have different accounts from the russians and the ukrainians. >> reporter: unfortunately, we
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don't know too much about the crash, it took place behind the russian border in an area that's already kind of a war zone, kind of under martial law, very difficult to get an independent picture of what has happened on the other side of the russian border. it's very close to the ukrainian city of kharkiv. very difficult to get details. most of what we're hearing is from the russians okay, they've came out with this claim there were 65 ukrainian. . o.w.s aboard. the ukrainian side has acknowledged the downing of the plane but they're saying that they don't know what was aboard. they have acknowledged that a prisoner exchange with the russians was expected today. no longer today. the big question, the one that we all want to know the answer to, is there any credibility to
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russia's claim? i will note two things that stuck out to me on this question today, the first being when we watched russian television, they don't have any fresh images they're seeing the same exact video, you'd expect to see a little bit more out of them, but they're also saying that this is a terrorist act, one of those things we're not seeing is any kind of deeper look at a crash site or presumably bodies from the p.o.w.s. >> all of this happening on day 700 on russia's invasion of ukraine. time for money minute. a major round of layoffs at ebay. >> and a major recall of explorers. ebay laying off about 1,000 employees. . the layoffs were part of the company's need to restructure in order to focus on customer
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experience amid slowing demand. facing pressure from competitors as well as impacts on spending from inflation. also ford issued a recall for nearly 2 million explorer suvs over concerns that pieces of the roof trim could fly off while driving. u.s. regulators opened an investigation into the issue last january after receiving dozens of consumer complaints. and for the first time in its 75-year history, in-n-out is closing, the campaign said it's because of issues with crime in the area in oakland. while the restaurant was busy and profitable it was unwilling to risk the safety of employees and customers. >> where was that again in. >> in oakland. >> that's tough. >> yeah. >> steve, thank you. coming up, bugging out. a new u.s. city is now named the worst in the nation for --
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bedbugs. what travelers need to know. plus alaska airlines ceo is speaking out after that terrifying mid-flight emergency terrifying mid-flight emergency who he says hepatitis c? don't just treat it. crush it with mavyret. conquer it with mavyret. cure it. with mavyret. mavyret cures all types of hep c. in only 8 weeks. the virus multiplies daily and can damage the liver over time. mavyret stops hep c and cures it. if you've had hepatitis b, it may flare up... ...and cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. tell your doctor if you've had hep b, a liver or kidney transplant, other liver problems..., other medical conditions... ...and all your medicines. do not take mavyret with atazanavir or rifampin. report right away yellow skin, stomach pain or swelling... ...confusion, and bleeding or bruising. hep c? crush it with mavyret. conquer it. cure it. in only 8 weeks. see hep c gone with mavyret. ask your doctor about mavyret. abbvie could help you save. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,...
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pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. senators are meeting face to face with the head of boeing today as the company comes under intensifying scrutiny over exactly how safe its planes really after the alaska airlines
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head said he's angry with boeing. within hours of the mid-air emergency on flight 1282, american airlines grounded all 65 of his max 9s. as an engineer, he immediately suspected the problem was bigger than just one plane. >> there is no doubt alaska received an airplane off the production line with a faulty door. >> and it could have cost your passengers their lives. >> exactly. >> reporter: he took us inside one of alaska's grounded max 9s to see the door plug now being inspected on every max 9, a series of bolts hold it in place. they're investigating whether it was ever bolted in place on the assembly line. >> boeing is better than this. flight 1282 should never have happened. should never have happened.
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>> reporter: already, united and alaskas have found problems. >> we found discrepancies on many of our airplanes. >> reporter: meaning loose bolts. >> loose bolts, a missing cutter pin. >> reporter: have you conveyed your disappointment, your anger to boeing's top leadership about this? >> i'm more than frustrated and disappointed, i am angry. this happened to our guests. it happened to our people. >> reporter: its reputation now seriously damaged, boeing has ordered a safety stand-down for thursday. in a statement, boeing says, we have let down our airline customers and are deeply sorry for the significant disruption to them, their employees and their passengers. it was five years ago that two max 8 crashes overseas killed 346 people. boeing promised then it would double down on quality control. now, united's ceo says he will consider buying airbus planes rather than boeing's. >> the max 9 grounding is probably the straw that broke the camel's back for us.
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>> reporter: sending their own inspectors in to double check boeing's work. it was pure luck that no one was sitting next to the plug when it exploded. looking at that video and those photos, did you think, my god, what if someone was sitting there? >> there were only 7 open seats. we had a guardian angel on that airplane. >> reporter: tom costello, nbc news. >> some members of congress are angry at boeing as well, boeing ceo as we mentioned dave calhoun is on capitol hill today. syal, let's talk beyond the alaska airlines. i wonder what calhoun is saying about the safety of the planes overall. >> he's certainly having to answer questions from senators about this. boeing's ceo is on capitol hill today meeting with multiple
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senators incluing the commerce chair, the panel oversees aviation security as well as other members of the committee, such as dan sullivan, the republican as well as ted cruz, in addition to that virginia senators mark warner and tom kaine. because boeing is headquartered in virginia. >> shared everything i could. understands the gravity of the situation. we'll make sure that we convey our message and all the work we're doing. >> reporter: now calhoun was asked to respond to people who feel too scared to fly on these boeing planes in wake of these security issues, he said only that we believe in our airplane, confident in the safety of our airplanes. dan sullivan the senator who met
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with him called it a frank discussion, he said calhoun took full responsibility for this. the reauthorization has a march 8th deadline, including aviation safety, they need to do this proactively, not reactively. >> these are closed doors conversations today, could we see a public hearing at some point on capitol hill? >> reporter: it's not out of the question, nothing scheduled at the moment, all depends on the trajectory from here, does boeing, does calhoun answer these questions adequately or do these issues persist to the point where the federal investigation isn't enough, where senators are dissatisfied. we're not there yet but the ball is in boeing's court. >> thank you. coming up, armed on campus, teachers in one iowa school now allowed to bring guns into classrooms. "nbc news daily" is just getting started. we're also streaming for
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free, you can watch us $247 on nbc news now, watch wherever you stream live, every place you're about to seon your tv there and also you can go to very easy., click the little button that says "watch live." and you can watch us there. the news continues after this. [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition
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i'm janelle wang. it's unknown if today's rain was a factor. but a car ended up in the waters. sky ranger got this video of the car partially submerged near the bridge. this is on the fremont side of the bridge. it happened just before 11:00 this morning. reports say it was the only car affected. no reports of injuries. this crash is under investigation. today's storm is moving out of the bay area. kari hall has the latest. >> we have had waves of rain off and on throughout the bay area. what we have seen recently coming on an already saturated ground. it will move to the south. we will see the rain picking up for southern california today. we still may see lingering rain into the afternoon. we also will see some breaks as well. hopefully, that gives us a chance to dry out. we are looking at some wet weather in the forecast even into this evening as well as a slight chance early on thursday
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morning. we will continue to see more rain in the forecast, not expecting any major storm systems. we are watching the forecast for sunday. we will look at that in our seven day forecast coming up in 30 minutes. >> thank you. police are ramping up their presence at four south bay high schools in response to an anonymous email. bob redell has details. >> reporter: law enforcement does not believe the threats are credible. out of an abundance of caution, officers from the san jose and sunnyvale police departments along with deputies from the santa clara county's office did start patrolling the four high school campuses when class started earlier this morning. yesterday, the district sent out this letter to parents to indicate the district did receive an anonymous email in the afternoon that made threats threats.
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>> i am concerned about what is happening right now. i wasn't expecting that email to come. >> reporter: the district reached out to law enforcement, who is trying to find out who e-mailed the threats. police and sheriffs do not think it's credible but don't want to take any chances. hence, the law enforcement presence on the campuses this morning. >> thanks. here are other stories. vice president kamala harris is arriving back to california today. the city of loss altos is demolishing a building that went up in flames. amid a rise in deadly crashes, california state senator scott wiener is pushing for street safety. he is proposing two bills that would change public infrastructure and the deployment of new technology. one bill says large trucks must have side guards and cars made
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in the state should have built-in speed limits. the second bill requires more sidewalks and crosswalks. he says there's a 20% increase in road deaths in california in the past three years. loss altos is demolishing a building that was destroyed by a fire. the building housed a dozen businesses, including a dance studio, salon and a college prep tutoring center. the original date for democrat lags was delayed. it will be demolished today after hiring a contract tore. officials say the process will take several days. vice president kamala harris is coming back to california. she will be in los angeles for a fund-raiser. then she will touch down in sacramento tomorrow. she will be here to deliver remarks at the state legislature democratic caucus reception. the vp is touring the country with president biden for their re-election campaign.
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big weekend. if you don't have tickets for sunday's game at levi's, you will have to pay up. the niners take on goff and the lions for a trip to the super bowl. unless you have a friend with a spare ticket, prices are not cheap. nose bleed are going for more than $500. vip seats on the 50 yard line start at about $3,500. those seats ao come with free food and drinks. it's going to be aeaiful day. our teaates at nbc sports bay areaaveou covered. pre-game coverage at 2:30. be sure to tune back for post-game live show from the locker room. get more details on our website. that does it for us and this edition of "the fast forward." edition of "the fast forward." see you in 30 minute when you have chronic kidney disease... ...there are places you'd like to be. like here.
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bottom of the hour, here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." the united auto workers announced their endorsement of joe biden for president in the 2024 election, last fall biden was the first sitting president to join the picket line. the speech the uaw president said endorsements must be earned and joe biden has earned it new report shows the birthrate among texas teenagers hit a 15-year high in 2022, comes after texas enacted a
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six-week abortion in the state in 2021, a total abortion ban was implemented in the state in 2022 when the supreme court struck down roe v. wade, the report that noted hispanic, black and asian teenagers saw the highest increases. the second city is once again number one, chicago topped the list of america's worst bed bug cities, bed bugs can be found in bedside table drawers, electrical outlets. cling to belongings. turning now to growing tensions in the middle east, another u.s.-owned cargo ship came under fire today from rebels in yemen. >> new disturbing video from gaza, images appear to show a palestinian people walking with
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their hands raised and holding a white flag before one of them were shot. >> raf, let's talk about that video, i know it's going viral, what do we know about the incident? >> reporter: yeah, kate, it's hard to watch, it took place in southern gaza, supposed to be a safe zone but as you can see in that picture, fighting going on nearby, smoke billowing ahead, one of palestinian holding a white flag trying to walk up the street past an israeli position to reach family members who were stranded in an apartment beyond, they were doing everything they could to make themselves look nonthreatening but as they moved up the street one of them shot by an israeli sniper. we asked the idf about this, they said they weren't aware of the incident. they say they don't shoot people
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who are waving white flags, but we saw, kate, that the israeli military killed three israeli hostages who were trying to escape, trying to reach their positions, they had their hands up, they were waving a white flag and that didn't save their lives and palestinians say it's not an uncommon occurrence for people with their hands up to be shot inside of gaza. >> that incident you're describing, we were showing stills of the moment. raf, this newest attack on an american-owned cargo ship is coming after the u.s. launch air strikes against militia targets in yemen and iraq, take us through what's happened in in the last 24 hours in that region. >> reporter: a lot has happened, it's hard to keep up, doesying wave of strikes and counterstrikes. it carried three air strikes.
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in yemen we've seen the houthi militants also backed by iran continuing to fire at cargo ships and that's despite this wave of american strikes in yemen designed to deter them, john kirby the spokesperson for the national security council talked about this earlier. take a listen. >> we're acting in self-defense in both cases. strikes against the iran-backed groups in iraq yesterday were designed to prevent them from continuing to attack our troops. self-defense. same thing for the attacks against houthis, it's about self-defense. >> reporter: and guys, we have seen strike after strike in iraq, in yemen, and beneather place does it appear these american strikes are deterring these iranian-backed militant
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groups. an iowa school is take act major step, they're now allowing some of their teachers to carry guns on the job. the decision comes nearly three weeks after a shooting at a nearby high school that killed a principal and a sixth grade student there, our nbc affiliate in sioux city, iowa, shows us how this new rule works. >> we just started looking at option and obviously, to take the step to have our armed staff in our school is a big one and it requires a lot of conversation with a lot of stake holders. >> reporter: it's a big step in school security. >> my ultimate responsibility here is to protect this building, to make sure everybody who comes in is safe here. >> reporter: the superintendent
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said improving safety and school is paramount for the and min administration. >> we think about continuous improvement in terms of curriculum and our staff. >> reporter: the administration here say they did not take this step lightly. a lot of research, a lot of conversation and a lot of praying went into whether this decision was right for them. >> in a worst case scenario, the action required is going to be incredibly challenging but it has to be done to pro ticket all of the other students and staff in the building. >> reporter: those selected volunteered to do so and were carefully vetted and trained. the individuals are prepared to step into the life-threatening. >> it's something that we hope we never have to utilize. quietly in background of our
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school. but if it does happen, then we're ready to respond and we can do so in seconds. we've got breaking news the ohio senate just voted to over-ride the governor's veto to restrict medical care of trans minors. >> reporter: this is kind of a two-prong bill, combination of bills that were. the governor vetoed, they over-ride it. minors can't get gender-affirming care, including hormone blockers, therapy, it will also prevent girls trans gender women and girls from
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competing on women's sports in the state of ohio. this vote came today after we heard dozens of lawmakers on both sides of the issue stand up and say why they were going to vote the way they did. two examples of what we just heard. take a listen. >> despite what the liberals say, gender is not assigned at birth but rather from the moment of conception. you're either male or female. >> i find it very disconcerting that we stand here and make bold statements and not really understand or accept the fact that someone has their own autonomy and being able to make choices about their own medical care or how they want to be seen
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in this world. >> reporter: we should point out ohio's governor is a republican, mike dewine vetoed that bill he drew his line at surgery. now this bill takes care of all kinds of gender-affirming care. guys. >> maggie, thanks so much. every year, roughly 70% of women experience morning sickness, that's according to national institutes of health, for some the symptoms of nausea and vomiting will last a few months, but some experience a less common and extreme form of morning sickness that expands their entire pregnancy. maria shriver has more.
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>> you see pictures of people pregnant and picking cute little outfits and, you know, rocking a baby bump. that's what i imagined. but i did not have that. >> reporter: in 2018, asia grammar had just become pregnant with her first daughter when she became violently ill. >> i spent my days vomiting, 20 times a day, pretty much until the end of pregnancy. i was not able to maintain electrolytes and water and food in my body. >> reporter: but did you feel like, wait a minute, people talk about morning sickness. this isn't supposed to be like that? or something must be wrong with me. i'm not strong enough. i can't buck up enough. >> yeah. i thought that it was my fault. i guess i'm just being dramatic because there is no other answer for this. >> reporter: turns out, asia had a mysterious illness in pregnant women that leads to nearly 400,000 visits to the e.r. every year.
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symptoms include severe nausea, dizziness, motion sickness and vomiting, which can lead to dangerous dehydration and weight loss for mothers and harm to fetuses. asia who is married to singer andy grammar says her illness took a toll on them both. >> right. this is the thing. if i'm about to faint every time i stand up, then i can't really be left alone. >> reporter: perhaps the most publicized case is comedian amy schumer, who documented her battle in an hbo special. >> i just threw up blood. >> reporter: asia says it was only through schumer that she learned about the condition. though her doctor did offer her anti-nausea medication, he didn't mention that word saying he didn't want to scare her. her doctor wasn't available for comment. would it have been helpful if he
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had given you that word? >> it would have changed my entire life because at the time i thought i was just going crazy. but having the label would have showed me that it's actually a common occurrence. >> reporter: still, there is no single treatment once given that will resolve symptoms for the rest of the pregnancy. nor are there any tests to diagnose it. this doctor is determined to change that. she's become one of the world's leading researchers on hyperemesis. >> i needed to know what had caused this condition and stop people from having to go through what i did. >> reporter: two decades ago, she suffered from it and lost her baby. even today, 1 out of 3 pregnancies with hyperemesis don't make it to full term. but the doctor says hope is on
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the horizon, in a recently published study, she documented a genetic link to the illness. >> we found there is a 17-fold increased risk of having it if your sister had it. >> reporter: her goal to develop a genetic test and a treatment to block the symptoms. asia says that would change her life. >> i might want to have another child. and for a long time, that was a hard no because i don't want to be sick like that again. coming up, how to be a better mom, dad or parent, our expert isere to h
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in today's modern parenting an important lesson for all of us, nobody's perfect. the reality is, though, parents inevident mri are going to make mistakes. you're not going to have all of the answer. >> reporter: that's okay, according to our next guest perfect parenting is the enemy of good parenting and what parents should be focusing on is raising good humans. joining us is a developmental psychologist. she also has a new book out now "the 5 principles of parenting." >> i picked five things that are
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in our control, but it's like let's turn down the noise of the things that we can't do anything about. so, relationship, connecting with your kid. reflection. think of taking a pause. regulation. which is just if you think about how to not blow up at the barista when they get the order wrong or something. and rules, boundaries and limits. you know, just the boundaries we set between humans and limits for behaviors to move through the world and not knock people down and repair, because we're going to make mistakes, because we're going to disconnect and we have this chance to come back together. >> that's the part we just said. we're all humans. i'm wondering about reflection on your list. as a parent, it takes a lot of time to parent and often you don't take the time to sit down or meditate or, you know, some people may be thinking, are you kidding me? i have no time. >> absolutely, at the book at
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the end of every chapter i have self-regulation moment and a reflection moment, they're like one minute, it's ridiculous to ask parents to do exactly as you said. i'll do it in 20 years, thanks so much for. >> the truth is if you take five seconds to pause and breathe, you're going to respond here instead of react and when you do that you're intentional and much more proud of the parent you are. >> being intentional as a parent, how can they practically do that. >> when you take a breath. take a breath. make a decision. i'm going to take a breath. before i decide how to respond to something, unless there's an emergency, like someone's life is on the line. if not you have time and you don't have to just react and go on like that autopilot this is what i do when i yell. but if we can take a breath and
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decide on how to respond, instead of meeting kids high up here in their emotions they can come meet us where we are. >> a relaxed environment. >> training we got, to talk a pause, we don't have to decided what the consequences are of misbehavior right now, we can go discuss it and come back. >> if i don't do this now i'm teaching the lesson. >> you talk about boundaries. that's always interesting. . you want to keep your kids safe, you want to have some boundaries, teenagers don't like all those boundary and boundaries are safety. if you can make appropriate boundaries between yourself and the kid, the limits that you set, of course they're not going to like them and that's okay, because you have a close relationship, and those things work together, all feelings are welcome and all behaviors are
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not. >> not all parent/child relationship are great, sometimes they need repair. >> pay attention, think of repair as reconnection versus fixing something that's broken, we can always come back together, no different than the tiny little ruptures that happen when you're building muscles you need those. need those. we g imagine if you could get ahead of your ibs-c by treating it with linzess. then you could start proactively managing your constipation with belly pain. say yess to linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it's a once-daily pill that helps you get ahead of your symptoms. it's proven to help you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and helps relieve overall abdominal symptoms - belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than two. it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away.
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forward." i'm janelle wang. we will start in san francisco. uc workers and students are protesting. they demand the school stops investing in the war. students and teachers stood in the rain to protest. this comes after the u.s. struck military sites in yemen overnight. the u.s. military carried out strikes against militia facilities in iraq. the palestinian health ministry reports more than 25,000 people have been killed in gaza since the war began. today's group are calling for the uc governing board to not fund companies that facilitate military aid. >> i'm not going to stop taking that risk. i think more people should be willing to take that risk, specifically because we are grounded in history, in facts, on the uc davis campus. we have been talking to international leading experts and professionals, professors to teach us about this issue, which is what the university is for, for us to learn about the
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issues. >> organizers say their message is too important not to be heard. it's a cold and rainy day in the bay area. we could see that carry on into the weekend. kari hall has the latest in her seven day forecast. >> it's going to be a cool day with off and on rain. most of the heavy rain falling throughout the morning. a chance as we go into the evening. we will watch the north bay on thursday for a chance of scattered showers and the rest of the bay area getting a chance to dry out. we will see slight rain chances friday into saturday. the sky stays cloudy. our temperatures will be warming up slightly into the end of the week. for sunday, it's going to be nice at this point, highs in the low 70s inland and it's going to be mostly sunny. we will see more of that on monday as well. san francisco, expect a need for an um before la. rain chances for the weekend. >> thanks. by the way, our free nbc bay area app is a great resource to
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1:00 pm
i'm andrea canning and this is "dateline daytime" on nbc. i didn't want to believe it. my sister's dead. and i just-- sorry. i just kind of fell apart. andrea canning (voiceover): inside a silent home, an eerie scene, water pouring through the rooms. keith morrison: you heard the water running? yes, it was just, like, gushing. i saw her in the bathtub. - face down. - right. andrea canning (voiceover): drowned, no. she was badly beaten. mm-hmm. lots of bruising. andrea canning (voiceover): but clues would be hard to come by.


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