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tv   First Look  NBC  January 28, 2024 3:02am-3:32am PST

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johnny bananas (voiceover): and connecting the city's two sides, punda and otrabanda, is the queen emma bridge, fondly known as the swinging old lady. johnny bananas: i'm rocking, not because i've had too much to drink. i'm rocking because i'm on a bridge that is floating. johnny bananas (voiceover): tourist tip number 1. [alarm bell] just don't get stuck on it. - gotta go. the bridge is about to close. johnny bananas (voiceover): as it opens for oncoming vessels. [alarm bell] woo! indiana jones! [music playing] the one thing that stands out to me is the array and the palette of color. tirzah statia: we have this beautiful color on these islands because of the governor. so he came with law saying that everyone should paint their buildings any other color than white. [music playing] johnny bananas: tell me about the people of curacao. tirzah statia: we live here on this island with 81 nationalities. talk about multicultural, huh? tirzah statia: and we all live together, friendly-- enjoying the island life. i noticed the spoken language here is very unique. it's called papiamento. papiamento.
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exactly. it means to speak. ok. and it is a combination of spanish, dutch, english, french, and portuguese. johnny bananas: you just throw them in a blender-- - all together. - --and out comes papiamento. exactly. so how then would you say, welcome to curacao? tirzah statia: [speaking papiamento] [speaking papiamento] [laughs] johnny bananas (voiceover): the warmth and vibrancy of curacao hits you the moment you touch land. and we've only just scratched the surface. [music playing] johnny bananas: i am about to embark on an absolutely incredible experience. [music playing] this experience isn't just exciting. it's also unique. [music playing] all right. climbing aboard, captain. hatch coming down. woo! curacao was one of only three locations on the planet where someone like me can get into a submarine and dive to depths of up to 1,000 feet.
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johnny bananas (voiceover): this is substation curacao. [music playing] johnny bananas: listen, we haven't even left the surface yet. this is already one of the coolest things i've ever seen. [music playing] johnny bananas (voiceover): one of the world's first mini submarines for tourists. johnny bananas: it's a surreal experience. johnny bananas (voiceover): taking passengers to greater depths. [music playing] than even scuba divers can reach. bruce brandt: this is actually where they have this feeding station right in front of the ocean lens. and the one with the yellow tails are the yellow tail snappers. johnny bananas: look at all those fish. [music playing] johnny bananas (voiceover): and just minutes into our journey, we encounter one of the greatest wonders of the diving worlds-- the blue edge. johnny bananas: wow. johnny bananas (voiceover): a steep drop off into an ecosystem to rival any other. johnny bananas: looks like i can literally reach out and like, touch this stuff. [music playing] bruce brandt: yeah. johnny bananas: oh my god, look! bruce brandt: this is finger coral. it looks like finger tips pointing up. and that's a lot, right? bruce brandt: yeah, that's a whole colony. oh, we got a bunch of jacks in front us just passing, right there. johnny bananas: just cruising.
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[music playing] i've never been in water this clear, ever. our reefs are pristine, clear, warm waters, healthy reefs. [music playing] johnny bananas (voiceover): as we dive deeper. johnny bananas: wow, it's getting dark. johnny bananas (voiceover): daylight diminishes. and with the darkness. we're almost at 500 feet. johnny bananas (voiceover): comes a whole new world. johnny bananas: that's a lionfish. he's chasing us. bruce brandt: yeah, well, he's using our light to hunt, actually. johnny bananas: ok. oh, there's a little guy. look at that little guy. what's that? bruce brandt: it's multiple organisms that cling together-- - ok - --and form this string. [music playing] johnny bananas: everything down here just looks untouched and serene and beautiful. [music playing] we've now passed 900 feet. i can see the bottom. i mean, it's-- it's otherworldly down here. we might as well be on the surface of the moon. [music playing] woo!
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touchdown. we've hit the bed of the ocean. everything about being down here, it's cool. it's calm. it's peaceful. bruce brandt: kill all the lights. here, boom. johnny bananas: oh my god. it's so quiet. we are 1,000 feet below the surface of the ocean. what are you laughing at, david? [laughter] [music playing] johnny bananas (voiceover): after a magical two-hour voyage, we make our ascent back to the surface. it's like seeing it for the first time again. johnny bananas (voiceover): and on to dry land. woo! we did it! that was insane. that was one of the coolest experiences of my entire life. [festive music] johnny bananas (voiceover): "1st look" is sponsored by the curacao tourist board. feel it for yourself at [festive music]
3:07 am
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3:08 am
even with insurance. but with va, i'll pay zero. and va is the best, most affordable health care in america for veterans like me. knowing that my family is waiting at home and a surprise medical bill isn't, that's good for my heart. my service was then. my benefits are now. get what you earned. visit [stomach growling] it's nothing... sounds like something. ♪when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion♪ ♪upset stomach, diarrhea♪ pepto bismol coats and soothes for fast relief when you need it most. not flossing well? then add the whoa! of listerine to your routine. new science shows listerine is 5x more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. ahhhhh. listerine. feel the whoa! after cooking a delicious knorr farm stand chicken cheddar broccoli recipe.
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you will want to close all your delivery apps and open your camera, so you can take photos of your home made masterpiece. unfortunately, no photo can capture the savory goodness of this perfect combo of juicy, sweet tomatoes, and smooth silky zucchini. tasty! - you nailed it! -i know! make your own knorr taste combo. it's not fast food, but it's so good. conveniently located outside of the hurricane belt, curacao boasts year-round sunshine, making it the perfect destination to enjoy the island's many beaches. we're here at playa kenepa, which is one of the most
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gorgeous beaches in the world. what i'm standing on top of is one of the most iconic cliff-jumping spots in all of curacao. curacao! woo! johnny bananas (voiceover): but beyond the beaches lies a myriad of landscapes just waiting to be explored. [4 wheeler engine revving] [rock music] woo! hell yeah, dude! yeah, man. man, this is beautiful. i did not expect to see cactuses and desert in curacao. leonardo vieizo alvez: it's crazy, man. here, on the island, we have a very strong wind. it actually carries sand from the sahara desert. johnny bananas: this is from the sahara desert. yeah, pretty much every kind of landscape imaginable here, even for a small island like that. it's amazing. let's go check it out. - let's check it out, man. - yeah. after you. [rock music] woo! wow, what a spectacular view, man. leonardo vieizo alvez: this is the christoffel park,
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the tallest hill on the island. johnny bananas: we were just on a desert, and now, there's like this lush national park behind us. hiking mount christofell is definitely something you should do if you come to curacao. it's a must, man. [rock music] johnny bananas: wow, man, this is beautiful. leonardo vieizo alvez: welcome to shete boka, man. shete is seven. and boka is a mouth. seven mouths? leonardo vieizo alvez: yeah. here are the seven mouths of the island. johnny bananas: this is absolutely stunning. this just nature at its finest. leonardo vieizo alvez: can't ask for any other place that's got the whole world crammed into one little island. johnny bananas: it's amazing. johnny bananas (voiceover): and with curacao being located just 12 degrees north of the equator, it is just this dry and airy climate that makes it perfect for growing one of the world's most ancient mythical plants. ow! who put that there? roy knippenborg: welcome to the aloe vera plantation in curacao. what a beautiful garden you have here. yeah, it is. we have around 100,000 aloe vera plants here. it's everything-- from plant to product are made here.
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how is curaloe different from other aloe vera products? curaloe is one of the most pure aloe vera products in the world. so the products contain a really high concentration of aloe vera. tell me a little bit about the history of the aloe vera plant. roy knippenborg: it comes from egypt. so it was used by the pharaohs. but what we also know is that jesus christ, himself, he was embalmed by aloe vera. he was embalmed with aloe vera. yes. [music playing] cut and rip. - that's it. - there it is. roy knippenborg we always pick out the outside leaves because they have the most gel in it. johnny bananas: how many of these do you harvest a day? leonardo vieizo alvez: we do 20,000 on a day. [music playing] after harvesting, we have to wash the plants. it's more on the wrist is what you're saying. it's more so like this. [speaking papiamento] [speaking papiamento] [speaking papiamento] [music playing] roy knippenborg: this is where we extract the inner filet of the plant. and it looks a little bit like filleting a fish.
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so let me show you something. ok. all right? johnny bananas: ok. see this? just ate it. pure aloe vera. [music playing] - it's bitter. - this has a-- it's a little bitter. --there's a lot of good minerals, polysaccharides. [music playing] [laughs] mm. - bit like a steak, right? - steak? no. [music playing] johnny bananas (voiceover): and after filtering and adding preservatives to the product, we're ready to put the fruits of our labor to the ultimate test. johnny bananas: the amount of time that we've spent outside today, i mean, i think you agree. the perfect way to end the day-- make it official, we'll be aloe brothers ok? - yes. [laughs] - all right, aloe brothers. - aloe brothers for life. - there we go. aloe brothers for life. you want to get my shoulders a little bit? thanks, man. ooh, that's nice.
3:14 am
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3:15 am
visit today. ♪ on your period, sudden gushes happen. say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins... with rapiddry technology... that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush. detect this: living with hiv, robert learned he can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why he switched to dovato. dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: marnina learned that most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. dovato is as effective with just 2. if you have hepatitis b, don't stop dovato without talking to your doctor. don't take dovato if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking dofetilide. this can cause serious or life-threatening side effects. if you have a rash or allergic reaction symptoms, stop dovato and get medical help right away. serious or life-threatening lactic acid buildup and liver problems can occur.
3:16 am
tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, or if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. dovato may harm an unborn baby. most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. detect this: you could stay undetectable with fewer medicines. ask your doctor about dovato. you could stay undetectable with fewer medicines. johnny bananas (voiceover): the name, curacao, derives from the portuguese word meaning heart. and pulsing through its veins is a thriving art scene that adds an additional splash of color onto the island's visual landscape. before you do anything. [making a beat] you need to feel the artist in you. [rapping in papiamento]
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johnny bananas (voiceover): and wielding the paint brush is artist, poet, musician, and curacao native, francis sling. sha, sha, sha. johnny bananas: i've never been to a place that is as vibrant with color as curacao is. francis sling: yeah, the art scene in curacao is something very beautiful to see. it's very diverse, but in our own way. i have the privilege that i'm an artist. i can do these kind of things. - this is yours? - yes. johnny bananas: no kidding, man. that's incredible. francis sling: you like it? johnny bananas: yeah. frances sling: the name of it is "3 o'clock romance." johnny bananas: 3 o'clock-- well, it's about 2:55, man. it's about 2:55. so if you try and kiss me, i guess i'll have to let it happen. no, no, no, no, no, take it easy, man. take it easy. it's about love. yeah, i wrote something that said. (rapping) la, la, la, la, love love. there it is. (rapping) la, love. hey! la, la, la, la. would you still love if you knew more of me? would you still love you if you knew more of me? and she said forever, adam. and i said, forever, ever? i write poems for almost all of my artwork because most of my artwork are not just the painting.
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it begins with something you feel and you want to say, and then you make art. [hip hop music] me being new to curacao, i'm sure there's like some of the slang words that i should learn. what would those be? the first word you need to learn is dushi. dushi. ok, so is that a bad thing? because where i'm from, dushi means like you're kind of lame. francis sling: nah, nah, dushi is a good thing. dushi is sweet. so am i dushi? no. no, i don't know that. so what else do i need to know? - bom. - bom. bom is good. you can put the boom with the dushi. bom dushi. bom dushi. so you're not just dripping in paint, you're dripping in finesse, my friend. [laughs] [music playing] francis sling: this is my art cave. wow! art cave, that about describes it, man. i'm going to teach you to paint some. - i would love that. - [laughs] come. all right. [music playing] francis sling: before you do anything, you need to feel the artist in you. i need to become the artist. now, what is that, man?
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what will be your artist name? how do you say banana in papiamento? - [speaks papiamento word] - can i be [papiamento word]? [papiamento word]. it's sounds like something, you know? it's good, huh? so where do you get your inspiration from? francis sling: a lot of my inspiration growing from curacao-- the nature, and the people, the loud way of being. i'll tell you what, you know what would make me paint better? frances sling: what? if you played me some music. [playing drums] (singing) bom dushi! aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye. bom dushi. you like it, man? [playing instrument] bom dushi! bom dushi! bom dushi! do you feel inspired, now, man? i've never been more inspired in my entire life. [laughs] ta-dah! francis sling: you know what i like about this? every stroke of everyone is different. i can see your way of-- so what you're saying is, different strokes for different folks. johnny bananas (voiceover): and from colorful strokes. [whistling]
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johnny bananas: who's had too much curacao? johnny bananas (voiceover): to colorful pours. when most people hear curacao, they don't necessarily think of the island. they think of the liqueur. everyone knows the-- knows curacao about the blue curacao liqueur. and actually, the blue curacao liqueur is original from days island, from days' factory. it made from the lahara. johnny bananas: or tele raha. claudemy fransina: it's like a orange, actually, but it's not orange. the seeds inside is really bitter. and we only use the peels for make our liqueur. so you want me to make? make blue daquiri? here, here, here, twist my arm. ok, i'll do it. [laughs] ok so are we going to add 1 and 1/2 of the blue liquor. all right. claudemy fransina: half shot of white bacardi. one shot of lime juice and a little bit of san bisedo to break the sour of the lime, ok? johnny bananas: ok, you want me to shake it? ok, no problem. [laughs] - get it, claud! - get it. get it. get it, claud! salud. yes. [music playing]
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take it easy. [laughs] ahh. that's nice? johnny bananas: ooh, that's flirte. claudemy fransina: [laughs] [music playing] johnny bananas (voiceover): accommodations for "1st look" provided by livingston jan thiel beach resort-- hotels, villas, and apartments in beautiful curacao. ♪♪ my doctor recommends all free clear for my laundry. it's free of dyes and perfumes. and doesn't leave behind irritating residue. for a clean that's gentle on skin, all you need is all free clear. [cough] honey... honey. nyquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey taste nyquil honey, dry skin is sensitive skin, too. and it's natural. treat it that way. aveeno® daily moisture with prebiotic oat is proven to moisturize dry skin all day. you'll love our formula for face, too.
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aveeno® ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ now that is tasty. [music playing] johnny bananas (voiceover): in curacao, you'll find plenty of local dishes. we are going to try [papiamento word].. johnny bananas (voiceover): to tempt the palate. mm, so hardy. johnny bananas (voiceover): and for seafood lovers out there, the island's warm and temperate waters are teeming with atlantic game fish. whoa. pull, pull, pull, pull! woo! this is the amberjack. on the island, they call it [papiamento word].. so it tastes like red snapper. [music playing] johnny bananas (voiceover): and at waterfront restaurants like de visserii.
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1, 2, 3. woo! you would have made a really good cowboy, you know that? johnny bananas (voiceover): the seafood is caught and delivered right to the door. we got dinner, boys! get your fish here. fresh bake [inaudible] you know, so can we go cook these up and eat them? gino obispo: yeah, sure. all right but first thing's first, what are we drinking to? to the bounty of the sea. bounty of the sea. ok. [music playing] gino obispo: yo, johnny, there's our catch of the day. oh, there we go, man. wow. wow, whoa, we wow, that is some delicious fish. we just pulled fish out of the sea. gino obispo: in to the kitchen. johnny bananas: and we're eating it, what, 10 minutes later. yep. that is fresh fish. johnny bananas: poor guy went swimming in the ocean to swimming in a deep fryer within 10 minutes. and now in our stomach. johnny bananas: have you heard the phrase, bon appetit? yeah. what's the papiamento version of bon appetit? bon appetit. - bon appetit. - yeah. [laughs] [music playing]
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johnny bananas: as a native of curacao, what is it that you love about this island? you feel free to feel free, to do whatever you want. [music playing] [papiamento phrase] johnny bananas (voiceover): and there's no better feeling of freedom than on the streets of curacao. trevor nisbeth: [papiamento word] - [papiamento word] - [papiamento word]. i guess you heard that before, right? johnny bananas: welcome? - all right. johnny bananas: the energy here is incredible. this place is buzzing. trevor nisbeth: it's buzzing. this is actually where it all happens. we are in punda, is the center of downtown. and on thursday nights, we have this event called punda vibes. this is punda vibes. you enjoy your punda vibes stuff. woah! hello, hello, hello! what's punda vibes? trevor nisbeth: you can eat. you can drink. you can just sit and watch people. you have live musicians everywhere. there's people dancing. 1, 2, 3, left. 1, 2, 3, right. trevor nisbeth: now, there's something for everybody here. woo!
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[speaking papiamento] [speaking papiamento] [speaking papiamento] what does that mean? ok! [crowd cheering] [music playing] johnny bananas: see, i don't dance. i make the world move. woo! trevor nisbeth: nightlife in curacao, it has different facets. like let's say, if you're coming with your family, then this is a very good place to start. johnny bananas: what if i want to leave my family at home and have a night out? can we do that, too? trevor nisbeth: you have time, right? i got time. [music playing] listen, we're on island time, my friend. i got nothing but time. trevor nisbeth: we can do this. [music playing] johnny bananas: woo! [fireworks] [music playing] johnny bananas (voiceover): lucky for me, the party doesn't stop when the sun goes down. located on the eastern side of the island, jan thiel beach keeps the libations flowing
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with the biggest happy hour on curacao and serves up an array of activities on both sand. let me show you how beach tennis is done. johnny bananas (voiceover): and sea. woo! [music playing] ah! never done fly boarding. - no? what's fly boarding? it's flying above water. johnny bananas: i can walk on water. michael koster: you can walk on water. ah! [splash] ok, so here we go. try it. yep. ok, back on two hands. low ball. you see? it's blocking. it's not like tennis where you're not swinging through it. manuel mair: no, you have to do much more work with your legs than with your arms. [music playing] that was out! that was out! in your dreams, that was good. johnny bananas: 50%. i don't get more than 3 inches out of the water. woo! ah! 50% says i am the best fly border curacao has ever seen. woo! flying high in curacao! [music playing]
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woo! home run. [laughs] woo! [rock music] i mean, as if the beaches here aren't incredible enough, the people, the water, the sights, the sounds, the art, the culture, there's truly something for everybody here. woo! what better way to cap off the adventure, the trip, the vacation of a lifetime than flying into the caribbean sunset? [rock music] i think i've basically checked off 87 items on my bucket list that i didn't know existed, and it happened all right here in this unassuming island in the middle of the caribbean. [speaking papiamento] [rock music] [slurping]
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the interiors do represent the brains of the ones living in it, especially when they're artists, of course. [theme music] i'm sara gore and welcome to "open house nyc."
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this week, we are coming to you from this huge, stylish apartment in the lincoln square section on the upper west side, so close to lincoln center, in fact, you can almost hear the philharmonic. [music playing] but this home is all about the views in every direction. we are talking 360 degrees here. this open great room, which is perfect for entertaining with its inviting living and dining areas, also gives you a front row seat to central park. talk about wowing your guests. and at the end of the night, luxuriate in this primary bedroom suite with a large bathroom and windowed dressing room. it's one of five lovely bedrooms in this over 3,400-square foot home. we are shining a spotlight on creative homes that soothe and inspire, so it's fitting that we're starting things off with irish-born new york city based designer clodagh, whose holistic approach to design is meant to foster a sense of well-being.
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and she brought that ethos to her clien


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