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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  January 30, 2024 6:00am-6:58am PST

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several times per year. you can see more on how climate change is affecting the bay area on on our climate in crisis page. victories, sometimes you have to wait for them, when the do come. >> right now at 6:00, on watch. parents are praising the new message from california's attorney general following the drawn-out emotional battle over school and just into our newsroom, a new push in washington to decriminalize marijuana. the call from some u.s. lawmakers as the white house ponders fewer federal restrictions. and the a's appear to be one step closer to their new home in las vegas. the new announcement demolishing any remaining hopes ahead of
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and this is tuesday morning. good morning to you. i'm marcus washington. >> thanks for starting your day with us. i'm laura garcia. we'll check in with mike in just a little bit. first, enjoy today. the weather will change by tomorrow. >> yeah, we have some big changes, going from warm and sunny to cool and rainy. and we can see the storm headed our way right there on theimage of clouds, connecting with moisture all the way from hawaii, making it the pineapple express or atmospheric river. we'll be saying that a lot over the next several days. we're starting out mild this morning, temperatures in the low 50s. partly to mostly cloudy in some spots. we will have some clearing as at least the south bay will have some more sunshine and temperatures in the low 70s. then as you head to the north bay, the clouds do move in a lot sooner. it's still going to be a very comfortable afternoon with mid
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to upper 60s. look at how much cooler it's going to be heading into tomorrow where most of us still delayed through pleasanton? >> there's a lot of slowing off the dublin interchange south toward bernal. i believe there's a crew trying to get them over to the shoulder. we do see folks coming off avenue castro valley and the of the altamont pass, you can cut down 84. it's very light through that area. again, use caution. there are some signals through that portion as well. the rest of the bay shows a predictable pattern. the south bay easing up from the first burst and the bay bridge toll plaza is full. 6:02 right now. the state attorney general is issuing a strong warning to oakland unified. his office will be watching to make sure any future school closures don't violate students civil rights. bob redell joins us live. i understand the ag is also weighing in on the district's
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previous plans for school consolidations. >> reporter: you are correct. good morning to you, laura. california state attorney general rob bonta says his office has completed an investigation into oakland unified's previous plans to shut down several schools back in 2022. in this letter that was released by his office, the ag says the closures would have disproportionately impacted black and low income elementary school students. the letter also advises ousd that any future closures should not violate state civil rights laws that protect closures from having adver impacts on communities of color. at the ag's office, they'll be monitoring ousd to make sure that doesn't happen if there are future closures. the initial decision to close the schools sparked months of demonstrations in 2022 from ousd parents. those parents are now relieved to hear the ag's stance on this issue. >> the families that participated may smile a little
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bit tonight that they took that time, they made those sacrifices, and that the attorney general is standing with them. >> this right here is a victory and a win for ousd and the parents and the students, and just everybody that's been a part of this thing. >> reporter: we reached out to ousd for comment on this letter from the ag, but we have yet to hear back. reporting live, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> a story we'll keep following. thank you so much for the latest. well, the man convicted of beheading his estranged girlfriend will be sentenced today. over the past two years jose raphael solano landaeta killed carina castro using a samurai sword. witnesses say that they were having a heated argument before landaeta went to his car, getting that sword. no convicted, he was convicted back in november of the crime.
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proceedings begin at 9:00 this morning. well, this morning pressure is mounting on president joe biden's administration to respond after a drone attack by an iranian-backed military group in jordan. three american service members were killed, and while the white hon warn that a retaliation attack could be on the horizon. as "today in the bay"'s brie jackson explains. >> reporter: these are the u.s. service members killed in the drone strike in jordan over the weekend. all three were from georgia and leave behind grieving families. >> she never expressed any fear and tower 22 is nothing that she ever mentioned to us. she was full of life, she enjoyed life to the she was jus sunshine for anyone that came in contact with her. >> reporter: the biden administration blames an iran-backed malitia for the first u.s. fatalities in months of attacks since the
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israel/hamas war began. >> iran bears a responsibility as they fund these groups that continue to use capabilities that they get from iran. >> reporter: some lawmakers say the president must take decisive action and strike iran. defense officials say the u.s. is still weighing its options. >> the president and i will not tolerate an attack on u.s. forces and we will take all necessary actions to the u.s. and our troops. >> we do not seek another war, we do not seek to escalate. >> reporter: others on capitol hill say the white house should not engage in military action without congressional approval. >> i just urge extreme caution, consultation with congress, and a real thinking through of what this looks like in the big picture. >> reporter: the president facing political pressure a con. in washington, brie jackson, nbc news. just into our newsroom, a new push from top senate
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democrats to legalize marijuana across the u.s., as the white house considers easing federal restrictions. right now the plan calls for reassigning pot use from its current schedule 1 status to a schedule 3 status. the classification on marijuana goes back five decades, a federal review is ongoing. a new letter from 12 democratic u.s. senators takes it further. they're calling for the full removal classifications. the dea is not commenting. the agency has the final say of exchanging the status. a storied hotel in the las vegas strip, it brings the a's closer to their future home. bali's announcing the april 2nd closing date for the tropicana, a hotel that dates back 67 years. the company also announcing that it is moving forward on plans for a new integrated resort and
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ballpark complex, in partnership with the it will involve an implosion. the a's final stadium blueprints are still in the works and funding for the project is not yet locked in. it is tuesday morning. taking a peek outside. waiting for the sun's arrival. a beautiful look at the bay bridge this morning. kari has a look at our forecast. if you've got errands to run, today is the day to do it. >> getting ready for heavy rain, clearing those storm drains, making sure everything around the home isigh winds. things will change very quickly going into the day tomorrow. so we're envoying the break that we have. still continuing today. we're seeing flood watches going up for the bay area starting tomorrow through friday. also, wind advisories will be in effect as we're expecting winds to see dangerous surf conditions. let's talk about the flooding.
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it's in effect as we look at all of our microclimates as we are going to see the potential of quickly rising rivers. take a look at russian river at guerneville. by thursday we're expecting it to reach the action stage, which means it needs to be monitored very closely. and then even looking at the alameda creek near niles canyon as we go toward wednesday afternoon into thursday, we could see it reach flood stage. so once again, we'll be talking more about all of this coming up. mike has a look at something that's lower, gas prices. >> we hope. we'll start in south bay with sunnyvale, $3.77 at great gas on north matilda. next price in the middle, let's check in with the tri-valley and sunol's best of $3.87 at sunol super stop. finally, we'll finish with marin county's lark spar, $3.95 at marin gas on magnolia. all stared othe roadways, prett
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predictable. the only unexpected slowing would be south 680, recovering now. the earlier disabled vehicle looks like it's been cleared, slow as you pass stone ridge and ri the earlier crash reportedly cleared. no injuries. it was just past the toll plaza. but the toll plaza wait is on. back to you. >> thanks, mike. 6:10 right now. new education opportunities in the south bay. ahead on "today in the bay," the university opening a campus in a downtown area. see how soon class old flashing blue light special, you may like what walmart has in mind. let's go to the futures and see what kind of colors we get there. money coming off the table. we're going to open at new records. plus, look at all of those manatees, hundreds floating there in one spot in florida. we're going t tell you the o
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(vo) with fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo, when dad brings up the importance of... (dad) building credit. (vo) ... you're ready. (daughter cutting him off) dad. fargo, what's my fico score? (dad) wow. it's a work of art. (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo. what else can fargo do? instantly tell you what you spend on things like food. (dad) fargo, what did i spend on groceries this month? (son) hey dad, can the guys stay for dinner? (dad) no. (vo) want faster, easier banking? you can, with wells fargo. you may know adam schiff's work to protect the rule of law, or to build affordable housing, or write california's patients bill of rights. but i know adam through the big brother program. we've been brothers since i was seven. he stood by my side as i graduated from yale,
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and i stood by his side when he married eve, the love of his life. i'm a little biased, but take it from adam's little brother. he'll make us all proud as california senator. good tuesday morning. right now at 6:13, let's head to santa rosa, where we are going to start out with some fog and cool temperatures. we're in the low 50s this morning, headed for the low 60s. we're going to see just some peeks of sunshine here today. but we're still dry. we'll talk about tomorrow's rain in the microclimate forecast coming up. a live look shows you the nimitz past the coliseum, just
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north of there, moves just fine. headlights toward the toll plaza where there's the backup -- i'm sorry, the taillights. headlights toward the san mateo bridge and that's moving smoothly across to the nothing on the stock market as we maintain this bull market. the dow and the s&p 500 will both open at record highs this morning. the government just said it would borrow slightly less than expected to get through the quarter. that's more good news. microsoft reports itstoday. the markets are looking for rate cuts. probably not this time around, though. the federal open markets committee kept rates steady both in the september and november meetings. the company neuralink says it's implanted a chip in a human's brain for the first time.
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the ceo, elon musk, says the unnamed patient is doing well. they also have shown proof in the past that the chip tested in animals would let them control devices by just thinking about them. the company hopes to give paraplegics or amputees the ability to control prosthetics like a robot hand. but eventually they hope with the product called telepathy to give everyone the ability to control devices around their house by thinking about them. bank of america warned work from home employees they've got face dismissal. an employee posted the letter online. the bank calls them letters of education. it's now based in north carolina but still has a big presence in the hometown of san francisco. and walmart is experimenting with flashing lights on the electronic price tags that clip to the shelf below a product. the idea is you would look up a product on your phone, it would
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tell you what aisle to go to. the app already does this. but then it would set off a flashing light on the price tag so that you can see it. bloomberg the first to report that. the lights will be able to display a number of colors so you and another shopper can use the feature at the same time in the same aisle. have you ever done that with your uber app? did you know that's a thing? when you're waiting for your car there's going to be a little light symbol. you press it and it turns your screen all one color, random color. let's say red. but it also informs the ube crot or football game, you can just hold it up. >> i didn't know that. >> it's cool. it's fun. makes it easier when there are five ubers. >> yeah, exactly. >> the more you know. that's where you've got to watch "today in the bay." thanks, scott. well, new at 6:00, san jose welcoming another university. california miramar university will now have a building downtown. its parent firm leased a
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building at 505 south market street. the university offers in-person and online classes and has a variety of degrees. right now we don't know if the building will be for administrative or classroom use. trending this morning, chp officers in marin took on a job of cowboy early yesterday morning. if you look closely, you can see in these pictures the cows were wandering on southbound 101 near lucas valley road. officers took charge there and they herded those animals off the freeway. no animals were harmed, but chp did take the opportunity to remind people to pay attention to hazards on the road. and trending this morning, like many people in colder climates, manatees, they are fleeing those cold waters to hang out in florida. >> they're snowbird manatees. the gray dots there in the man. they're all piled into the
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crystal river national wildlife refuge. manatees don't handle cold weather very well. they can actually go into cold stress syndrome. so they flock to warmer waters. last week another popular state mark, the blue river state park, recorded a record number of manatees with 932. i'm always cold in the newsroom. maybe i'm part manatee. >> and i also heard they are the cows of the sea. >> they're called sea cows. i wanted to stay away from that. >> the cow of the newsroom, thanks, marcus. >> that sounds like something -- >> i never said that! >> cows of the sea sounds like something that my daughter would see on her videos with bubble guppies or something. i don't know. >> chicken of the sea. >> i don't know where we're going with all of this. let's just change it over to weather. we have some warm temperatures, and the manatee woos love it, at least for now. we are going to have some cooler
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weather and rain coming in. as we take a live look in san francisco, getting started this morning with a clear morning and rain just to our north. the biggest storm system is off the coast. so we're going to see a lot of waves of rain as this comes and we're going to be saying an atmospheric river. what does that mean? this basically all has a connection to the hawaiian islands and it's helping to funnel in the moisture and it enhances the amount of rainfall we see with these storm systems that come in. we get about half of our it has a pretty big impact as we get initially some light rain that could start in some parts of the bay area later tonight, but then the heavier rain really starts to ramp up late tomorrow morning into first in the north bay and continuing as we go into tomorrow evening, and also waves of rain, at least into thursday morning before we get a brief break. rainfall totals for all of us
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basically are going to at least be an inch. but it could be as high as 2 t 3 inches of rainfall, and we'll see those higher rainfall totals in the mountains and along the coastline. but look at how much rain we are going to see here. very few breaks with the potential of that next atmospheric river coming in between late saturday night into sunday, and continuing through at least the first part of next week. and while we are getting lots of rainfall, the sierra getting lots of snow. these are colder storms compared to what we've had previously, so we do expect much more of this to come down as snow, and it's going to be anywhere from 29 to 53 inches of snow in the forecast. and coming up a little bit layer, we're going to talk more about how the sierra snowpack has changed. as we take a look at our seven-day forecast, very wet, very few breaks in between. we're going to have the concern of flooding, high winds, downed trees, as well as potentially power outages. so you want to make sure you're prepared for all of that as we
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see a very busy next seven days. mike, you're saying there's some more movement out of oakland now. >> did you say potentially 53 inches? my goodness. >> yes, lots of snow. >> stay tuned. over here we have actually better movement out of the oakland area, whatever was going on just past the toll plaza cleared up. it was a minor crash. we see a smooth flow off the berkeley curve. more slowing through richmond, with we expect for 80, as well as 580. much smoother drive for south 680. earlier issue at bernal that cleared about 20 minutes ago. full recovery for the tri-valley with a build. a crash at a street for southbound 880, as well as another, which there's no slowing. we're going to watch both of those on the east bay. on the peninsula, a smooth, easy drive. more volume heading through palo alto. back to you. 6:21 right now. and tracking changes in the development of young people.
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next here on "today in the bay," we're going to talk to one expert about the reason early puberty spiked during the pandemic and the steps parents can take to help guide their children. before we go to break, this oakland native became a civil rights icon, challenging the constitutionality of his internment during world war ii. over the weekend, our own mike inouye participated in a panel with don tamaki, part of the legal teamved there was no military necessity for the incarceration of japanese americans. he died in 2005, but is remembered every year with this day of civil liberties and the constitution. you can keep up with mike on facebook and instagram. always doing great things within .he community
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department...
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we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. developing at an earlier age, it's not your imagination. researchers say they've seen puberty trending younger over the last 30 years. the last ten years, 15% of children were beginning development as young as age 7. a ucsf pediatric endocrinologist says some factors are hormone disrupting chemicals, rising rates of obesity, and stress, which might help explain aemic,
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children were stuck at home, not as physically active, we saw rates of obesity rise and we saw many, many reports of earlier puberty in girls. >> experts recommend keeping up with regular well child visits to make sure really early puberty isn't a sign of something more serious. help your kids get a healthy diet and exercise. they also suggest you gain access to puberty education early in case they need it. it is 6:26 this morning. we've got a lot more ahead at 6:30, including an update on california's water levels. that crucial measurement happening in the sierra today. plus, meteorologist kari hall is tracking more snow and rain on the way. plus, as a lot of schoolchildren in san jose walk to school this morning, they may walk past encampments of people who are unhoused, perhaps with
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untreated mental illness. the city of san jose wants to change that, and i'll show you what the ordinance is they're discussing today soou can be y (vo) with fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo, you can instantly know what you spend on things like food. (dad) fargo, what did i spend on groceries this month? (son) hey dad, can the guys stay for dinner? (dad) no. (vo) want faster, easier banking? you can, with wells fargo. growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress.
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you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. su a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us.
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(vo) with fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. you can pick up the tab, even when you forget your wallet. (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. smooth. (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo. right now at 6:30, south bay leaders considering a big crackdown on encampments near schools and walking trails. we're live with the controversial proposal raising concerns among homeless advocates. plus, the calm before the
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storm. another round of rain set to arrive tomorrow here in the bay area. we're tracking the risk of flooding. and some of the faithful are facing some tough questions. how much would you spend to see your team in the super bowl? we break down the unusually high cost for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. this is "today in the bay." good tuesday morning to you. 6:30 right now. thanks for starting your day with us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. we talked about it and here it goes. meteorologist kari hall is talking about the incoming rain. before we get there, we've got 24 hours to enjoy. >> yes, we do. we're going to take it in. sunshine, warm weather. that continues today. and we're going to start out this morning with you heading out the door to temperatures in the low to mid-50s, and this is a look at our highs for this afternoon. reaching 71 in fremont, san jose, los gatos, those are the warmest areas that we'll see with upper 60s across much of the rest of the bay area.
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tomorrow it will be cooler, but that's also when the rain will be spreading from north to south. and these are the kind of temperatures we're going to see for the next several days, as an atmospheric river approaches the bay area. we may see spotty sprinkles in parts of the north bay late tonight, but some of the heavier rain moving in between late tomorrow morning into the afternoon. so i'll be tracking that with an mike, you're watching the commute and so far it seems like it's rolling pretty well. >> rolling across the san mateo bridge. this is typical as we take a closer look. that's westbound, your commute gathered traffic. eastbound, the headlights are moving just fine, no major issues as you travel throughout the bay. dumbarton bridge, lighter flow of traffic. more slowing south on 880 coming down out of san leandro and toward hayward, heading toward the dumbarton bridge. both san mateo and dumbarton bridges are smooth. all the bridges are nice. the backup at the bay bridge is the biggest.
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first battle, that is, taking center stage today in the south bay. this surrounds the issue of encampments, some believe sit too close to san jose schools. "today in the bay"'s kris sanchez is live for us. certainly an issue, but the thing about it is, a lot of answers we're not getting. >> reporter: you know, it is a difficult thing for parents to have to walk their kids to school past encampments. sometimes they see open air drug use, sometimes they see people who have untreated mental health issues, and also there are no a buffer zone around the schools. today the council will consider a proposed ordinance that would create a buffer around schools, about a 150-foot buffer around not just schools, but also licensed preschools and daycare
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facilities. the proposal would allow the city to tow rvs from the same area, and it would beef up the enforcement of existing policy banning non-vehicle encampments in school zones rather than creating a new redundant city code, use the rules they already have in place. mayor matt mahan is calling for more funds to make sure that areas that are cleared of encampments remain that way. that includes a large encampment along the guadalupe creek trail. here is what he told us a few days ago. >> it's hard for us to build public trust to get taxpayers and other government agencies and the sta limited public dollars if we don't prove that we can keep these areas clear and clean and accessible to the publorter: so no vote is going to happen today. this is still a discussion of the proposed ordinance. so you can help move that
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conversation forward if you go to san jose city hall. the discussion starts at 3:30 this afternoon. in san jose, kris sanchez, "today in the bay." >> that will create a lot of conversation. thank you for that update. 6:33 right now. making it in the bay takes center stage in concord where leaders are expected to vote on a long debated plan to boost tenant protection. tenant rights groups have been seeking the changes for close to a decade and dozens of meetings have been held. council members will vote on capping rent increases at 3% per year, and applying just cause protections for ren single-family homes. also bumping up the cost of relocation assistance. supporters plan to gather outside of city hall ahead of tonight's vote. today in oakland, police will update what's next following the recent big break in that case o crew. two weeks ago u.s. marshals outside of kansas city, missouri, arrested laron
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gilbert, the last of three suspects still not in custody for the shooting of kevin nishita. sources telling us he's been extradited back to oakland but police are not confirming that. the other two suspects are already facing first-degree murder charges. and here is a live look in san francisco this morning. this is where authorities there on all levels are gathering to address and explore issues of hate crimes. the hate crime summit is part of a federal initiative against hate. and leaders including the state attorney general rob bonta will attend, along with leaders from the fbi and various bay area district at the event gets under way at 9:00 this morning. niners fans, the matchup is set and the niners are in it. we all know that. now some of the faithful are
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weighing in just how much it may cost to realize the dream of seeing super bowl lviii in person. the niners are shooting for their first lombardi trophy in nearly 30 years when they face the chiefs in las vegas. some season ticket holders have already struck gold. they were them access to tickets at face value. but the vast majority now weighing the cost of digging much deeper for their chance to see the game, including one fan we talked with outside the niners stadium store. >> i heard this morning they were, like, $6,500. if it's that price, i'm in. >> resale tickets will likely go up and down over the next 12 days. this morning the cheapest price we saw on stubhub, just under $9,000 per seat. if you factor in the cost for airfare and hotel, fans are looking at dropping about 10 grand. but as they say, the chance doesn't come around too often: we certainly have you covered
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from the bay area to las vegas. we've got a team of anchors, reporters and niners insiders heading to vegas for the super bowl. you can see our full coverage at now to a live look at palisades tahoe see resort this morning. looking nice there. we should learn just how much all the recent storms are boosting the sierra snowpack. the state water resources deey indicator there of the state's water supply. the snowpack only about 40% average during the survey last month. >> what kind of boost can we expect? >> the storms comi colder so weg this to be in the form of snow, not rain like we've seen previously. let's talk about the changes. on january 1st, the measurement statewide was only at about 28% of its normal amount, and we know that recently we have had a few storms. we're still about halfway there
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compared to what we typically see for this date. and then looking ahead, we are going to see a lot of snow coming in. we could see snowfall totals within the next week anywhere from 32 to possibly 55, 58 inches of snow between now and next monday. and the storms may continue beyond that point as well. we're going to see quite a bit of rain with the next storm that will be arriving, and we're also going to be tracking high winds andking at a few changes out of richmond. >> yeah, one is the volume of traffic and that's pretty much expected. same for the sun, right on time. sunrise showing beautiful colors in some of our camera views. you know about the backup there, causing some sunrise colors out of richmond across the bridge to san rafael and out of richmond, toward berkeley. pretty nice drive. we will look toward the city.
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calling out some future events like the warriors game. there will be a crowd again. we need all of the energy. so close last game. this game we're turning the corner. here we go, warriors fans. the r the bay's corners and straightaways moving nicely. the south bay does have that build. travel times out of contra costa county, we are at now officially over a half hour, vasco road has continued to slow out of brentwood and down toward 580. back to you. 6:39 right now. two of the busiest airlines are warning passengers to brace for disruptions and delays. ahead on "today in the bay," the ongoing work that may get in the way of your flight plans. washington says it will strike and where it wants following that drone strike. we just at this point don't know the when and where. out to the big board this morning, where we started at new records, but a little money leaving. and a surprise reunion months in the making. a touching moment inside this
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school as a military dad rerns home fturo you may know adam schiff's work to protect the rule of law, or to build affordable housing, or write california's patients bill of rights. but i know adam through the big brother program. as i graduated from yale, since i was stood by mye and i stood by his side when he married eve, the love of his life. i'm a little biased, but take it from adam's little brother. he'll make us all proud as california senator. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. [narrator] covered california is a free service from the state that's already helped millions of people like you get and pay for health insurance. with financial help to lower the cost of health coverage, you could get a quality health plan
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for less than $10 a month. every plan covers preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. if you have questions, covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by january 31st at thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. both of these ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection,
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liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. the time is 6:42. take a look at this gorgeous sunrise that we have over san jose. beautiful, bright pink clouds, and we are going to enjoy some times of sunshine today as we get one last warm and sunny day before the rain comes in. i'll be tracking it for you in the microclimate forecast coming up.
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same city, same sky, more traffic in this shot from san jose. north 101 really building up over the last couple of minutes here as they're traveling northbound for your commute. we'll talk about 87 and see what we see now and also talk about the future coming up. to decision 2024, and a democratic house lawmaker mounting a bid to defeat president joe biden, and he's planning to return to an engagement later today at a san francisco gathering spot. minnesota representative dean phillips is hoping democratic voters will go against the grain and choose him over p a legal battle just to be placed on the ballot. he first visited manny's in the mission district last fall and later this afternoon he's scheduled to h and president bi secretary of homeland security faces an impeachment vote. >> the chances alejandro mayorkas will be thrown out of
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office are close to zero. >> a reminder, you get impeached, that's an accusation and a trial in the house like the two impeachments of trump or the impeachment of clinton. it is the senate that throws you out, and the chances that the democratic-led senate will kick mayorkas out of office, as laura was saying, is close to zero. it's the republicans in the house who want mayorkas out. the house homeland security committee will take a vote to impeach, we expect. they never heard from mayorkas. he never testified in his own defense, nor did the committee name any specific high crimes or miss demeanors he may have committed. they should take a vote today. president biden continues to pressure republicans to pass the bill agreed upon by the senate by both parties to strengthen security at the border. biden tells house republicans he will use the power in the law to shut down the border if they will let him.
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, he wrote, quote, if that bill were law today, i would shut down the border right now and fix it quickly. pictures given to us by the white house showing the president being briefed on army reservists in jordan. the world is certain america will strike back, but nobody knows at this point when or where or against whom. >> we will respond decisively to any aggression, and we will hold responsible the people who attacked our troops, we'll do so at a time and place of our choosing. >> some members of congress are telling the president he should ask congress to give him more authority to wage war in the middle east. the president says he already has that power, doesn't need further authorization of military force. another multimillion dollar decision could come out against donald trump any time now. this time from the new york judge overseeing his civil fraud
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trial. the prosecution wants hundreds of millions of dollars in fines against trump and his company. and attorney general surgery th because he'll be under anesthesia, he will temporarily transfer his power as america's top cop to his deputy until he's recovered. this wou white house was caught off guard when the secretary of defense went under the knife but didn't tell anybody. nor did lloyd austin tell anyone he returned to the hospital with complications. for a certain amount of time, nobody, including the president of the united states, laura, knew where the secretary of defense was. >> concerning. 6:46 right now. new at 6:00. alaska and united airlines are cutting down on service out of sfo because of runway be
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cut. sfo has warned people to expect 30 minutes to an hour delay for flights and they're asking travelers to give themselves plenty of time to catch connecting flights. it's still unclear which flights to sfo will be cut at this time. san jose mineta airport and oakland international are still work to go get back to pre-pandemic travel levels. in 2023, the airports handled more travelers than in 2022. sjf accommodated 12.1 million passengers in 2023. that is 6.7% higher than the year before. while oakland handled 11.2 million, which was only 0.8% higher than 2022. although numbers are climbing, they've not reached the highs of 2019 before the global pandemic hit. here is an unexpected reunion for two kids in pennsylvania. >> they hadn't seen their dad since the fall season after he was deployed. but he got to come home early and surprise them at a school assembly. let's take a look.
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>> come on out! [ cheers and applause ] >> put your hands together, everybody! make some noise! >> so that's a tech sergeant with part of the national guard and he's been away from his family since the fall, missed the holidays with his family. his wife learned he could come home a little early and decided to make it a surprise for the kids. so after that, they got the surprise there at the school assembly. after that, the family went home, had dinner together, and they say they are not taking the little things for granted. >> most definitely. cute. i love those reunions. >> that's just a way to get tears flowing. >> it's just great to see. and great, this forecast we're going to get. just hold it tight. >> we're cherishing every moment. >> we're going to have to hold on to the umbrella tight, probably. >> we're going from warm and sunny today to rainy and chilly for the next several days. so we have a little bit more time to run some errands, get
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things done. and, also, prep ahead of the rain for the potential of some gusty winds, heavy rainfall, and possibly even some power outages. we see this storm well off the coast, and we're going to be tracking this as an atmospheric river. we can see that connection from that subtropical moisture from hawaii, so what that does is it makes the clouds basically able to hold more moisture, and that enhances the rainfall as it moves across the pacific and moves right into the bay area. we're going to see a couple of these coming in. and the first wave that we get will bring us first some light showers in parts of the north bay, as early as late this evening. but the heavier rain starts to ramp up late tomorrow morning into the afternoon, first starting in the north bay, and oranges, even the reds late tomorrow night. so that's when we're getting the brunt of the storm in parts of the south bay. then it just continues with off and on rain through at least thursday, and during this time
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with the initial wave of rainfall, we could see anywhere from 1 to possibly 2 to 3 inches of rainfall farther to the north, and so that's going to have a big impact because the ground is already wet. this will most likely run off very quickly. bright purple, and, yes, that's well off the coast, but that's 25 foot waves that could be building and dangerous surf conditions as the storm comes in. lots of rainfall in the forecast between wednesday, thursday, friday, and then there's only a brief break before the next atmospheric river starts to reach into the bay area between sunday and monday, and it looks like that one also continues through the middle of next week. so we're going to get pretty busy here. a lot of impacts continue to add up as our temperatures will be dropping, going from upper 60s in the inland areas today to gusty winds, heavy rain, and the possibility of flooding extending into next week. look at those highs. only in the low 50s.
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in san francisco it's going to be in the mid-60s today. a little more in the way of cloud cover, but we are going to see the rain coming in more quickly. mike, you're starting out with a couple of notes for the south bay. >> we know we're going to have sl 101, the build at capitol expressway and continuing toward santa clara. we're looking at 87 as well. the build here, and 85, actually, in the last fewoming n this evening. we do have a sharks game tonight. as you head toward the tank, that means more surface street traffic after work for most folks. still, that will be as folks are leaving town, more folks are coming in. a smooth drive southbound 680, west. there could be a distraction for folks as you're traveling westbound past the isabelle exit. just a note, it's a relatively mild slowdown past the scene.
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building here, walnut creek, southbound 680 toward westbound 24 over in order lafayette and orinda, that direction, there will be more traffic and more slowing there as well. we're watching for the build toward the bay bridge toll plaza. a smooth flow of traffic despite. 6:51. happening now, the sonoma county coroner is identifying the man shot and killed in rohnert park last week. the press democrat report today man is 66-year-old james murray. he was found in the parking lot of a mountain shadows plaza. police officers have not released any more information. >> next the top stories we're following, including a new twist on what's being a heated debate, and parents are praising the state attorney general. his strong message to oakland schools when
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(vo) with fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo, you can pick up the tab even when you forget your wallet. (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) want faster, easier banking? you can, with wells fargo. what else can fargo do? (woman) oh, come on! come on! (vo) fargo lets you do this: (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card! i found it! i found my card! (vo) and also, this: (woman) fargo, turn on my debit card! (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo.
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welcome back. we're moving you forward with a look at the top stories on "today in the bay." >> first, a man convicted of beheading his estranged girlfriend will be sentenced today. overtwo years ago jose raphael solano landaeta killed karina castro outside of their apartment in san carlos. this was using a samurai sword. he was convicted back in aving a november of the crime. sentencing proceedings begin at 9:00 this morning. also today in oakland, police will updak in the case of a shooting that killed a retired police officer protecting a tv news crew. two weeks ago u.s. marshals
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outside kansas city, missouri, arrested laron gilbert, the last of three suspects still not in custody for the november 2021 shooting of kevin nishita. sources tell us gilbert has been extradited back to oakland. the other two suspects are facing first-degree murder charges. state attorney general ron bon ta reminds oakland unified they cannot harm students civil rights. bonta's has completed an investigation and in a letter says the planned closures would have disproportionately impacted black and low income elementary school students. the letter advises the district any future closures should not violatet does not happen. san jose council members today debate a proposal to crack down on homeless encampments
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some parents believe sit too close to schools. an early draft of the plan calls for a buffer of licensed presch and daycare facilities. it would allow them to tow rvs and beef up the enforcement of existing policies. the proposed ordinance will be heard this afternoon. right now there's no immediate plan for a vote. a look at the forecast as we have this beautiful sunrise here this morning. it is nice. the sun coming in under the clouds. we're going to see a mix of clouds today and we're holding on to one last dry day with our temperatures well above normal. we'll be in the upper 60s. we set numerous high temperature records today. there may be a few more today. tomorrow the temperatures drop, we get an atmospheric river coming in, gusty winds and as we see several days of this rain, we'll see the impacts adding up with the possibility of flooding and, also, some power impacts as well, downed trees. we want to be sure we're
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prepared for all of that as we get not only one, but two atmospheric rivers coming in over the next several days. we'll, of course, have all of those updates right here. enjoy today. yes, i know it's a little more traffic than you would like on 101 through san jose, but the conditions are great tomorrow throughout the day, as kari he's talking about, big changes from right now. a typical slowdown throughout the south bay and pretty predictable pattern for 101 and 87. we'll talk about what else is going on, typical slowing throughout the east bay. looking at the san mateo bridge, coming from the nimitz, as well as the bay bridge toll plaza, which actually has started to move a little better. it's tuesday. we'll have traffic. >> the "today" show just moments away. did you know, we continue "today in the bay" on roku and other streaming platforms? here is something we're talking about this morning, controlling your brain with a chip. scott mcgrew breaks down the all-new product elon musk is revealing and the tests that are
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already under way. join us for our 7:00 a.m. newscast that extremes live at 7:00 a.m. >> hypnotizing them. why not? >> thanks for making us a part of your morning. don't forget to join us for our midday newscast at 11:00. good tuesday morning we're learning more about that drone strike on u.s. forces the middle east. >> and the white house facing new pressure to respond. it's january the 30th. this is "today." ♪ waiting game the biden administration weighing its next steps after that deadly attack in jordan blamed on iran-backed militants. >> we will take all necessary actions to defend the u.s. and our troops >> the three americans killed now identified their grieving families speaking out.


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