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tv   Today  NBC  January 31, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PST

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and also tech companies are set to face tough questions today on capitol hill. you can watch our 7:00 a.m. newscast next. >> never a dull moment there. thank you so much for making us a part of your morning. don't forget to join us at 11:00 for our midday newscast. here is a live look at pacifica. . good wednesday morning. . >> w good wednesday morning. the u.s. now set to respond to that deadly drone attack in the u.s. >> the question is what will it look like. good morning. it is january 31st. this is "today." ready to retaliate. president biden saying he holds iran responsible for the deaths of three american soldiers and has made a decision on what's next. how and when will the u.s. take action is fears of a wider war escalating quickly. breaking overnight, house republicans one step closer to
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impeaching the secretary of homeland security over the border crisis. >> secretary mayorkas' actions have forced our hand. >> a move democrats call a stunt and a sham. >> throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks. >> we'll have the latest and what it means for that bipartisan security deal in the works. historic hearing. the ceos called to capitol hill today. lawmakers and parents saying they are failing to do enough to keep parents safe online. we're there live. flood fears. tens of millions up and down the west coast on alert for torrential rain. al is tracking the storms and where they're headed. those stories plus cup craze concerns. do stanley tumblers come with a risk of lead poisoning? what the company is saying and
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what anyone who owns them needs to know. and golden. >> it still hasn't sunk in yet. >> u.s. figure skaters are finally being honored at the beijing olympics and they're on their way to celebrate with us, live in studio 1a today, wednesday, january 31st, 2024. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hi, everybody. good morning. welcome to "today." nice to have you with us on a wednesday morning. two years is not too late. we're going to crown u.s. figure skating today with those gold medals. >> we have been waiting for them to come on our plaza and receive their accolades. we will be happy to receive them. it's going to be an exciting time. meanwhile, we have a pair of storms, so-called atmospheric
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rivers set to bring heavy rain and flooding over the region before heading east. we will get the full forecast from al in just a moment. we begin with the fall-out from the deadly drone attacks. biden saying he decided how the u.s. will respond. what he did not say is what the response will be, when and where it could happen, all highly secretive details at the moment. >> the president did stress he is not looking for a wider war in the middle east. he made those comments after he spoke with families of the three u.s. soldiers killed in sunday's attack. >> let's get the latest from keir simmons, who is in iraq this morning near the iranian border. keir, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. this morning u.s. officials are describing this as a campaign that could last for weeks.
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telling us that a campaign could last for weeks. it is expected to include iranian targets outside of iran. there will be likely be cyber operations. and the targets will be in multiple locations, several countries and locations. president biden under intense pressure after deciding to respond to the deadly drone strike on a u.s. base. >> yes. >> the three american service members were killed by the explosives laden drone. the leader of one group strongly suspected of the attack saying it is suspending military operations in the region, likely a reaction to expected u.s. strikes. the u.s. skeptical the attacks will stop. >> actions speak louder than words. >> reporter: while the president is still wary of a growing conflict. >> i don't think we need a wider war in the middle east. >> reporter: he was pressed by gabe gutierrez whether he blames iran for the attacks. >> i hold them responsible because they are supplying
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weapons to those who did it. >> reporter: another bomb striking the u.s. again overnight. the houthis firing an anti-ship cruise missile in the red sea, shot down by a u.s. destroyer. tensions and the fall-out from the war in gaza growing on multiple fronts. while the families of those killed in the strikes in jordan are still reeling. the army announcing two of those killed, kennedy sanders, and breonna moffett had been promoted to the rank of sergeant. >> i just want to say thank you to everybody that sent us prayer requests. we just want to say thanks. >> thanks to all of you. >> so heart-breaking for those families. in the meantime, keir, word iran released a new warning this morning about any retaliatory attack from the u.s. what have you heard? >> reporter: that's right, savannah. the commander of iran's
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revolutionary guard saying we hear threats coming from american officials, and we tell them they have already tested us, and we now know one another. no threat will be left unanswered. u.s. officials telling nbc news the targets have not been yet finalized, but undering the director of the cia saying this week that the crisis in gaza, he believes, has emboldened iran. >> keir simmons in the middle east for us. thank you. house republicans taking a key step in their push to impeach the secretary of homeland security, who they say refused to enforce immigration laws. nbc's capitol hill correspondent, ryan nobles, joins us. walk-through what happened, ryan. >> reporter: yeah, hoda. good morning. this happened while most of us were sleeping. shortly after 1:00 a.m. and after roughly 15 hours of debate, house republicans on the
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homeland security committee voted to advance two articles of impeachment against the homeland security secretary, alejandro mayorkas. that's bringing him closer to becoming the first secretary in nearly 150 years to be impeached. now, the articles charge mayorkas with willfully ignoring the law by failing to enforce immigration policies at the border, while republicans pointing out it led to 8.6 million migrant crossings, which is a record. democrats have said this is a political stunt, and mayorkas, who did not appear at the hearing, calling the accusations baseless in a letter, adding that they, quote, do not rattle me. hoda? >> what do you think the time line is on that vote? >> hoda, we do expect the vote on the full house floor is expected next week. it will likely only pass if republicans avoid just two defections because of their razor-thin majority. mayorkas is not expected to be convicted in the senate. but a trial during the general election further puts the
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spotlight on the issue that republicans and former president trump will help his campaign, at least he's hoping it will help his campaign. that's why the former president is attempting to kill that bipartisan border vote in the senate. democrats are slamming republicans for impeaching mayorkas over failing to take sufficient action at the border, all while opposing legislation to do just that. a vote on the deal is expected next week as well, but it still has little chance to pass in the house. that according to the speaker mike johnson, who has spoken to mr. trump about this. but he called it absurd when asked whether or not he was doing it to help trump's campaign. >> ryan, thank you. intense new fighting has intense new fighting has erupted in gaza where israeli forces are now flooding a network of tunnels used by hamas. israel also facing questions after carrying out a dramatic raid inside a hospital and all of it adding to the uncertainty that surrounds a proposed hostage deal. matt bradley following all those
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strands from tel aviv this morning. matt, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, savannah negotiations to free the remaining hostages in the gaza strip are coming along, but slowly white house national security adviser, jake sullivan, met with the families of some of those six american hostages yesterday to reassure them of th administration's commitment to bring them home. today growing fall-out after that daring israeli raid in a west bank hospital that killed three palestinians commandos disguised as doctors and medics one of the slain fighters was from hamas and two from jihad the group said in statements the palestinian authority called it a massacre. and human rights groups said hospitals should be off limits from war israel said the militants were using the hospital as a hide-out while planning terror attacks. >> hospitals should not be used
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for that purpose. >> reporter: as fighting continues on multiple fronts, there were new strikes on northern gaza. while the world waits on word from hamas on a long-awaited negotiation deal but the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu yesterday rejecting two key hamas priorities, saying they will not withdraw from the gaza strip and won't release thousands of terrorists netanyahu faced mounting pressure from the hostages' families who protested for months, demanding their loved ones' return but some right wing israeli politicians opposed a deal that might put prisoners back on the streets. >> so we are basically looking at a situation where you have to asker self, what are the limits? what do you draw the line? because the extortion could be potentially endless.
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>> reporter: and we may be seeing some progress on the palestinian side hamas said they have been invited to cairo to continue talks on this deal. >> matt bradley in tel aviv. thank you. now to a first on capitol hill today five ceos of some of the most popular social media companies called before congress to face tough questions about child safety on their platforms. kate snow joins us right there from capitol hill in that hearing room hey, kate. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, hoda. we expect this room to be filled with parents this morning who have lost children after something happened to them on a social media site. the ceos of meta and tiktok are appearing voluntarily. but the ceos of snapchat, x and discord have never testified before and they were forced to come today after the committee subpoenaed them. we expect a wide range of topics this morning, the top bosses of meta, tiktok, snapchat, x and discord called before congress to answer for what lawmakers
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call a crisis for america's kids, sexual exploitation happening through those platforms. >> the numbers that come back to us tell us the exploitation of children is growing by leaps and bounds what are we doing about it we're clinging to old law which basically exempts this industry from liability. >> reporter: nbc news reached out to all five companies who say they're committed and plan to outline their safety measures at today's hearing but for some, these measures haven't gone far enough. we sat down with a young woman named ellen outside of dallas. when she was 14, she joine snapchat and started chatting with a person that she thought was a teen like her but was actually an older man. >> did he ever send you photos >> yes. >> naked photos? >> yes. >> more than once? >> correct. >> reporter: snapchat says what happened to ellen is horrific, illegal and against our policies
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and we work diligently to prevent it but parent advocacy groups say more needs to be done, and not just in cases of sexual exploitation but with harassment and bullying, images of body image, mental health and drug sales. dozens of parents will be at the hearing today wearing black and holding photos of the children they lost after incidents involving social media we first told the story of his son sammy in 2021. he was 16 when a drug dealer connected with him on snapchat and gave him a counterfeit pill containing fentanyl. sammy overdosed in his bedroom i interviewed his parents just days later >> he was on the floor and gone. >> i'm so sorry. >> reporter: today sam chapman wants all the ceos put under pressure >> what we're hoping is there is very pointed questions about why
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they're letting so many children die on their platforms, why they're letting so many children be abused on their platforms without changing. >> so minus the ceos who will be there today, is there any legislation in congress that congress is doing right now to address this issue, kate >> reporter: hoda, there are several bills, actually, all meant to protect kids online what is unclear is whether any of them will move through congress snapchat endorsed the kids' online safety act. today we will hear the new head of x say they also think that bill should advance. all the ceos will taut the work they're doing to protect kids. but there are clearly gaps all these companies let you sign up with a birthday they never verify to be that's how that adult was able to pretend to be a teenager and talk to that woman, ellen. we will have her story tonight on "nightly news." >> it's interesting that some voluntarily came and others had to be subpoenaed.
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and it's about a quarter after, and that brings craig to the table. >> good morning to you as well the economy in the spotlight today as the federal reserve will be holding its first meeting of the year. after signaling that three interest rate cuts would be coming in 2024, that is a meeting that is being closely watched by wall street and by consumers as well. nbc's senior business correspondent christine romans is here wearing her fed outfit, money green. so we expect the fed decision today. we don't expect they will cut rates. a lot of the key indicators have been positive, so why not cut rates now? >> because i think the fed was thinking the economy would slow a bit and they could cut the interest rates, but the economy hasn't slowed. we will be looking for the fed chief today, and he will have a press conference will they indicate the next move will be a cut? they don't need to be so worried about inflation anymore. every word he says will be closely monitored for what it means for your interest rates, for your mortgage rates. we're hoping those will fall later this year. >> speaking of falling, we are seeing housing prices comingecae
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people hav down a bit, and that's a good green chute. and also consumer confidence high, which is unusual because people have been kind of grumpy about the economy the last few years. >> i think they might be shaking off their vibe session they're feeling a little better. they can see the light at the end of the tunnel in terms of inflation and they see still a strong job market. that was a two-year high for consumer confidence. i don't usually cheer when home prices go down, but they have been so stubbornly high, keeping a lot of people out of the market, along with high mortgage rates. so a little bit of decline in that home prices for something people liked to see a little bit. it was red hot in the housing market. >> a lot of times, ups announced the dramatic cuts. "sports illustrated" cut a whole bunch of people. all throw there's good news, a lot of people are saying, not for me >> in that machine of the american economy, parts are clunking along here. ups is one of those. package volumes were down. remember they had that labor
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issue in the summer. they had to give everybody those big raises, and so they're cutting i think 12,000 jobs and telling their office workers you are coming in five days a week. get ready for it that's going to happen while i say overall the economy is doing well, growth machine right now, you do see these pockets that explain why people don't feel so great about it sometimes. >> thanks so much. let's get our first check of the weather with mr. roker. what's up? >> good morning. and good morning to you. let's see what's going on. all eyes out west as we have heavy rain and snow into the pacific northwest and the west coast as well. 25 million under wind alerts a million under winter weather alerts all the way to southern california, 22 million people under flood alerts as well this specific storm is moving in today bringing heavy rain into california enhanced risk of flooding from california into oregon tomorrow snow starts to pile up
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in the sierra. they need it areas of drenching rain in los angeles. rain soaking the desert. look for scattered showers continuing tomorrow into california some areas picking up 6 to 10 inches of rain along the northern california coastline into oregon. up to 4 feet in the highest peaks of the cascades. but they are below where they should be for their snow pack. why? well, we have a warm el nino and those storms have been warmer, producing more rain than snow. we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.
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good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are tracking a storm moving in with some rain that will continue to spread from north to south across the bay area. right now some light rain farther to the north, but it will continue to slowly make its way across the bay area. some of the heaviest rain not until late this evening when it really begin to say light up with some high winds and heavy rain, most of us seeing it late this evening. we will see the scattered showers continue through frida and that is your latest weather. guys >> al, thank you so much still ahead, the widely popular stanley tumblers are back in the spotlight after claims they could pose a lead pay -- poisoning risk. >> good morning. you recognize these cups the hit, trendy cup that has had some people camping outside stores to get their hands on it. it is dominating the conversation on social media over concerns about lead
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coming up, what you need to know from experts and the company. >> all right thank you. plus, on our countdown to th super bowl, we are focussing on the ads you will seeing, set to target a new female audience i wonder why a closer look at who is influencing this influencing this but, not just any whiteboard...
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...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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still ahead, a first-hand look at celine's health battle. and her road back to performance. >> what she just revealed about her most personal project ever, but first your local news and weather. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to.
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emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... as we age, our natural collagen production may decline. with vital proteins collagen peptides, your bones,
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joints, skin and hair may never have to know. vital proteins. for everybody with a body. two brothers cut from the same loaf. one is everybody's favorite part of the sandwich. oh, hey! the other... freezer burned. again. uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. sorry crust. alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last longer. . say hello to your fairy godmother alice and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain! feeling ughh from a backed up gut? miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go... your gut. and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try new mirafiber gummies. (bill) we made a promise to our boy blue that we would make the healthiest foods possible... ...with the finest natural ingredients and real meat first. and that's our promise to you and your dog or cat.
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because when you love them like family you want to feed them like family. shake up your shower with a flavor for every feeling. this dove freshens you up. this dove winds you down. this dove leaves you glowing. and this dove keeps you going. so whatever care you care about, there's a dove for every body. i have relapsing ms, but i still want to spend my time my way. i chose kesimpta because it works for me and my schedule. kesimpta is a b-cell treatment for rms that had... ...powerful results. a reduced rate of relapses... lesions... ...and slowed disability progression. i take it myself once-a-month, at home, or on the go. when i'm ready, treatment time is less than a minute. so more of my time, is up-to-me time. don't take kesimpta if you have hepatitis b, and tell your doctor if you have had it, as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including infections. while no cases of pml were reported in rms clinical trials, it could happen.
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tell your doctor if you had or plan to have vaccines, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. kesimpta may cause a decrease in some types of antibodies. the most common side effects are upper respiratory tract infection, headache, and injection reactions. kesimpta fits my life. so how i fill my time, is up to me. talk to your doctor about why kesimpta could be right for you. good morning. i'm marcus washington, along with kris sanchez. and we are moving you forward this morning with a look at our top stories on "today in the bay," including word of an arrest overnight in the shooting at the peninsula church. >> this is sky ranger over the scene last night when a gunman fired more than one shot, several shots at st. augustine church in south san francisco. nobody was injured, but you can see extensive damage to the
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church windows. police announced overnight the arrest of a 22-year-old san francisco man expected to face charges up to and perhaps including attempted murder. we are in a microclimate weather alert with an atmospheric river set to bear down in the bay area. we are looking at niles canyon where there are flooding concerns. water levels are expected to reach nearly 8 feet sometime tonight or early tomorrow, right near flood stage which is 9 feet. many residents are concerned the storm could trigger rock slides along the roadways nearby. let's get a look at the weather. >> we are starting out with dry conditions and mostly cloudy sky with the sun coming up. we can at least get the peeks of sunshine ahead of this storm system that will continue to move in as we go throughout the day. it's going to bring in rain from north to south, scattered light showers in parts of the north bay. that will continue to move
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through with the heaviest rain later this evening. we will continue with the heavy rain and gusty wind for tonight. the possibility of flooding between late tonight and early tomorrow morning. still some scattered showers in the forecast through friday, and a brief break before another storm moves in. we'll be tcking it all right ra
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you may know adam schiff's work to protect the rule of law, or to build affordable housing, or write california's patients bill of rights. but i know adam through the big brother program. we've been brothers since i was seven. he stood by my side as i graduated from yale, and i stood by his side when he married eve, the love of his life. i'm a little biased, but take it from adam's little brother. he'll make us all proud as california senator. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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♪ >> come on that's what olympic royalty looks like here they are. your gold medal-winning figure skating team from the 2022 olympics it took a while. two years later, they're getting their moment they're getting their gold medal. we are going to celebrate with them live in studio 1a our first gold, as you said, of
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2024. >> you can hug them now and no one will say anything. >> oh, because we couldn't. >> yeah, we weren't allowed. the olympic committee banned hoda from hugging during covid. first up this half hour, though, we were talking about one of -- not one of, the most popular cup on the planet. the trend >> that's right. the trendy stanley tumblers and there are concerns now that they could pose a lead poisoning risk the company is pushing back, though emilie ikeda is here with that story. >> the same way social media influencers fueled demand for the stanley cup, now they are raising alarm bells. weeks after social media helped make the cup the must-have accessory of the season -- >> i want to see if these stanleys have lead in them for myself. >> this morning a wave of
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tiktokers are testing them for lead the company says its product are safe, explaining on its website it uses an industry pellet to seal it and the sealing material includes some lead but it's covered with a durable stainless steel layer, making it inaccessible to consumers. >> the green bottle is dead. tis the quencher is his daughter >> once associated with macho blue collar workers is now a juggernaut beloved by women. >> now we're all about them. big dumb cups. >> a phenomenal snl recently played up for laughs and even referenced the controversy. >> you can really taste the bacteria uh-huh >> i'm getting lead. >> so how concerned should you be
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>> there really is zero risk of you ingesting any of the lead that's in this cup. >> a lead exposure expert says while people shouldn't worry, he's disappointed the company chose to use any amount of lead in its products. >> we pretty much stopped using lead in just about every product out there. >> stanley says its engineering and supply chain teams are making progress on innovative alternative materials for use in the sealing process, while the competitor hydroflask posting to advertise its bottles as lead free, writing we chose this path because we aimed for a higher standard a new front in the water bottle battle as stanley seeks to reassure its customers. >> all right this is what we're talking about here this circular nickel-sized piece here if that comes off, that exposes the lead if it does happen to you, you can take advantage of the lifetime warrantee. >> okay. people are using at home test kits on it now
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>> yeah, they are. experts are cautioning that they are not super accurate while it could be a good first step, is there lead on this product or is there some kind of harmful substance on this product. if you are concerned, a good place to start is the consumer product safety commission. >> you have two stanleys, huh? >> i got two, yeah don't walk down the street because a gang of teens will come after you still ahead, dramatic new video at the first of its kind trial of a mother whose son carried out a school shooting. her reaction to police just hours after that tragedy as prosecutors prepare to wrap up that case. up next the taylor swift effect now changing the game when it comes to super bowl commercials. vicky is here with a trend youg. >> we know you come for the >> we know you come for the football and stay for the
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bipolar 1, i got help will notice during the big game. >> we know you come for the football and stay for the ads. and the snacking in some cases how the taylor swift effect is playing big in the arena that's next right here on "today." ed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults to help you push back. elderly patients with dementia have increased risk of death or stroke. do not take lybalvi if you are taking opioids or are in opioid withdrawal. the samidorphan in lybalvi can cause severe opioid withdrawal that can lead to hospitalization or increase risk of life-threatening overdose. get emergency help if you have trouble breathing, become very drowsy with slowed or shallow breathing, feel faint, very dizzy, or confused; or have a fever, stiff muscles, rash, swollen glands, or problems with your liver, kidneys, heart, or lungs. other serious side effects may include high cholesterol, weight gain, potentially fatal high blood sugar, uncontrolled body movements which may be permanent, dizziness upon standing, or falls. are you ready? ask your doctor about lybalvi. you may be eligible to save with the lybalvi co-pay savings program. visit
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okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) when dry eye symptoms keep... coming... back... inflammation might be to blame. over-the-counter eye drops can provide temporary relief. xiidra can provide lasting relief. it targets inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. xiidra? no-o-o!
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xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied, and unusual taste sensation. why wait? ask your doctor about a 90-day prescription and pay as little as $0. xiidra. (grunt) ♪ making your way in the world today ♪ ♪ takes everything you've got. ♪ ♪ you wanna be where you can see... ♪ ♪ troubles are all the same. ♪ ♪ you wanna go where everybody knows your name. ♪ they're grrreat!
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when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. we are back at 7:38. countdown to the super bowl. just 11 days to go until the chiefs and niners battle it out in vegas >> it could end up being the most watched game ever and, of course, a lot of folks just tune in for the commercials. >> that's right. a number of the most highly anticipated ads will be catered toward women, more than ever before
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vicky nguyen joins us with a closer look at this trend. >> good morning to you at home unless you are living in a man cave, you already know about the taylor swift effect on the nfl this season. in the past, the league's commissioner said that women make up just under half of the fan base but that number is growing rapidly. and now companies, they're hoping to cash in on this new and younger audience of female fans an iconic super bowl ad can attract just as much attention from fans as the big game itself. >> what are you seeing that will be different about the super bowl this year >> vicky, there is one favorite fan that is really changing the nfl in taylor swift. >> there is an interested fan right there. >> you're seeing a real battle royale coming for the female
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audience of the super bowl this year for the first time. >> women and girls make up about 46% of the nfl's fan base. and thanks to the taylor swift effect, the number of teen girls watching regular season games increase by more than 8%. >> an awesome job. >> after the chiefs punched their ticket to the super bowl, swifties want to see her support her boyfriend, travis kelce. but the big game is just one day after her eras tour concert in tokyo. her fans also happen to be the target audience for companies like nyx professional makeup, set to make its super bowl debut this year. >> you are summoned. >> for what? >> it's joining e.l.f. cosmetics, which returns to the super bowl after airing its first ever commercial during the big game last year. >> what was the return on your investment in that super bowl ad >> we had not only roaring positivity from our fans, but we saw a massive surge in sales. >> dove will air an ad for the
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first time in 18 years with a spot focussing on body confidence and girls in sports some brands tapping into gen z icons like doritos with "wednesday" star jenna ortega. and tiktok phenom. and pepsi teaming up with rapper ice spice. barbie actress part of a new hellman's spot this year a 30-second ad in the big game reportedly runs for $7 million. what makes a super bowl ad special and memorable? >> brands are putting a lot of money behind this. they want to see moments, an they want these spots to have longevity. >> we don't eat our own supply. >> a "breaking bad" parody gave an increase in demand.
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and it propelled massive buzz for the farmer's dog with the pet food company's emotional commercial even earning an emmy nomination come super bowl sunday, it may be men playing on the field. but for fans watching at home, brands are betting the future is female >> this will be very, very cool. all right. we saw some famous faces in the ads. any more you know about? >> it is interesting the ones that are sitting it out. ford, gm and stellantis will not be advertising this year they are cutting back on ad spending you will see kia and volkswagon. but the one to keep your eye on is doordash. they are going to do a sweepstakes where they give away every single item featured in a national super bowl ad everything from fried chicken to mayonnaise to a car delivered to one lucky winner's home. >> how >> that's pretty clever.e they
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see. you have to >> you have to enter the sweepstakes. it starts when the game starts there is a promo code they will see. you have to enter it exactly correctly. so it's not easy. >> you either get a car or a bag of cheetos >> all of it one person gets it all, all the things. >> i like it. >> car plus cheetos. love it. >> thank you >> i wish they would bring back the clydesdale >> maybe you could win a clydesdale, and while it's being ridden by taylor swift unbelievable >> back to taylor swift. >> how cloudy has it felt in new york and the northeast guess what the continuous daytime overcast. since 9:00 a.m. last tuesday, we had eight consecutive days there could be a few breaks of sun possibly today i'm not even that optimistic but the one thing i am optimistic about, the temperatures way above normal
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for a good chunk of the country. boise, idaho at 63 degrees minneapolis 29 degrees above average. 54 st. louis 53 degrees tomorrow that warmth moves east. little rock will see a 10 degree bump at 62 but then we fall back to earth later this weekend it will be in the low 50s to mid-50s in richmond. low 40s in new york city mid-50s into atlanta by the weekend. that's what's goin good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are under a microclimate weather alert as this atmospheric river comes in, and we're starting out with some light rain in parts of the north bay. this will be a slow mover, so it's going to take its time making its way into the bay area. the north bay seeing it through noon, and it gets heavier later on today, with some of the heaviest rain not until after the evening commute, as it sweeps through we're going to have gusty winds and the and that is your latest weather, guys. >> still ahead, hoda has a
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morning boost to share. morning boost to share. plus, stars in broad kay when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. rivera check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc in check and keep it there with rinvoq.
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ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... (♪♪) some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. not one based on paul. you don't want to ride with paul. or sarah, not today anyway. and you don't want a rate based on ben, he's got some important business to take care of. why would you pay a rate based on anyone else? with allstate, you're connected to a rate based on you. [radio commentator]: so, a 2-2 tie. there is a high fly ball deep to right! [sfx: heartbeat] crazy, just crazy!
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and to see bridget's before and after photos. good to see carson as we turn to the loss of a broadway icon. >> good morning, guys. cita rivera lit up the stage for decades. chloe melas has a look back at her legendary career. >> truly broadway royalty. nominated for 10 broadway awards and winning 3. breaking barriers for latina performers every step of the way. ♪ ♪ come on, babe ♪ ♪ >> reporter: this morning, tributes pouring in for chita rivera, honoring the indelible
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mark she made on the american musical "west side story" to "chicago." born in washington, d.c. in 1933, she told al she always felt her calling was the stage. >> how do you see yourself >> once a dancer, always a dancer fortunately, i can rely on a wonderful time. i was able to do some pretty phenomenal shows >> reporter: an electrifying triple threat, dancing, acting and singing her way. rose in "bye bye birdie" and "chicago." a meteoric run paused by a devastating car crash that required 16 pins to fix a broken leg. but it couldn't keep rivera from the stage for long she worked on broadway for decades more one of her costars, wilt chase, remembered rivera stealing the show at nearly 80 years old, on and off the stage. >> she was very mischievous. she had a little twinkle in her eye.
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>> reporter: she garnered 10 tony nominations and won twice for best actress. >> chita rivera! >> reporter: the first hispanic american woman to receive a kennedy center honor, and she also earned tony lifetime achievement award. >> i wouldn't trade my life in the theater for anything, as the theater is life. >> reporter: and the presidential medal of freedom. ♪ ♪ and all that jazz ♪ >> reporter: rivera's daughter said she passed away on tuesday after a brief illness. she was 91 years old her legacy honored by broadway stars who said she inspired them mora calling her the trail blazer for puerto rico on broadway. and catherine zeta-jones who reprised her on the big screen writing, there will never ever be anyone like you, chita. >> her career rarely slowed down when she wasn't booked on the
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stage, she would fill her time with international cabaret performances, appearing in a netflix film in 2021 truly a spirit who belonged in the spotlight. >> wow now, you had a chance to talk to her. >> just this bright light and just was never going to slow down she just really made such a difference on stage, screen, everywhere she went. she had purpose, and she was a great ambassador as well. >> beautiful >> really nice tribute, chloe. thanks for that. a gold medal and a lifetime of training all in the makings for team usa's figure skating team honored to have these history makers with us. we are we are so honored to have these history makers with us
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paxlovid is an oral treatment for adults with mild-to-moderate covid-19 and a high-risk factor for it becoming severe. it does not prevent covid-19. my symptoms are mild now, but i'm not risking it. if it's covid, paxlovid. paxlovid must be taken within the first five days of symptoms, and helps stop the virus from multiplying in your body. taking paxlovid with certain medicines can lead to serious or life-threatening side effects or affect how it or other medicines work, including hormonal birth control. it's critical to tell your doctor about all the medicines you take because certain tests or changes in their dosage may be needed. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, hiv-1, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeed. don't take paxlovid if you're allergic to nirmatrelvir, ritonavir, or any of its ingredients. serious side effects can include allergic reactions, some severe like anaphylaxis, and liver problems. these are not all the possible side effects so talk to your doctor. if it's covid, paxlovid. ask your doctor today. mmm...rainbow sprinkles, jammy filling and frosting?!
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friends, pop-tarts, pastrymates! lend me your ears! —oh boy. we're going off the crust again. wait till i get warmed up. pop-tarts! crazy good. good morning. it is 7:56. i'm marcus washington. here is a look at what's happening now. i'm bob redell in niles canyon here in fremont, along the alameda creek with a look at this afternoon's storm that will be coming in. we are expecting that with all the rain the prediction is that this creek will rise. you can see it's down now, but it is expected to rise to 7.9 feet later tonight, early tomorrow morning. fortunately, that will be below the flood stage of 9 feet. time to get a look at that forecast. meteorologist kari hall is tracking the incoming storm. >> we'll be watching our creeks and river as we see them most likely quickly rising as the
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heavier rain arrives later this afternoon. right now we're starting out with light rain in the north bay. if you have the nbc bay area app, you'll be able to track the rain hour-by-hour. it still looks like it's in the north bay around noon and just starting to get into san francisco for the early afternoon. the heavier rain won't be until late tonight, and then beginning to taper off early tomorrow morning with scattered showers that will continue off and on throughout the day tomorrow. looking at a pretty good amount of rainfall with this storm system that will continue to bring us lingering showers into tomorrow as well as friday. there is a brief break on saturday before another atmospheric river comes in sunday through next week, and temperatures will be much colder, but a lot of things we're watching here, marcus. >> thanks, kari. >> thanks, kari. we're going to have not just any whiteboard...
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...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban
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congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. ♪ it's 8:00 on "today," coming up up, u.s. response. new details on the president's decision on striking back after that deadly drone attack in jordan how and when will the u.s. take action, with escalating fears of a wider war. we're live in the region then, shocking details
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the never-before-seen video of the school shooter's mother moments after that shooting. why prosecutors are saying she may have been able to prevent the tragedy. plus, worth the wait the now gold medal winning u.s. figure skating team is live in studio 1a, speaking out for the first time together about their delayed win from beijing how it feels to finally get gold, several years later. and elmo's "whirled. >> elmo, elmo, elmo. >> the wound up this morning after going viral for simply checking in with everyone. >> the consensus, not great. the furry friend looking to help those out who might be seeing a >> on the "today" show. >> business trip from red, the details coming up in "popstart" january 31st, 2024. >> molly is turning 50 today.
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>> on "the today show". >> sister's trip. >> hi to our families in my eagle, tennessee. >> michigan. >> and tacoma, washington. >> from boston, today is faye's 40th birthday. >> hello, kingston, ontario. >> hi to our husbands and our daughters in kentucky. >> on a father and son trip. >> tulsa, oklahoma. >> visiting from tampa, florida, celebrating michelle's 70th birthday hello, hello good morning we're waiving right back at you. it is wednesday. nice to have you starting the day with us out on our chilly plaza or watching at home. >> that looks great. happy 70th birthday out there. we'll say hi in a bit. okay if you want a laugh, join us tomorrow larry david, we are live it is his first interview out of the final season of "curb your enthusiasm."
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what he has no store to wrap up his hit show and what's next it will be fun. >> he makes us nervous, but we love him. president biden confirmed he holds iran responsible for the weekend drone attack that killed three american soldiers in jordan he says he has decided how the u.s. will respond. but, of course, has not revealed it keir simmons joins us from iraq this morning with the very latest keir, good morning >> reporter: savannah, good morning to you u.s. officials saying this morning that this is a campaign that could last for weeks, telling our pentagon team that it will likely include iranian targets outside of iran in both connecticut and cyber operations and likely expected to include targets in multiple places, in several countries and locations. savannah, it's clear that iran is preparing itself for these attacks. an iranian-backed militant group here in iraq is accused of sending that drone laden with explosives that killed those three u.s. service members,
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saying it is suspending operations so analysts tell us its word cannot be trusted. meanwhile, the head of iran's revolutionary guard talking about the threats from the u.s., saying that it will meet those threats if they come savannah >> thank you. tesla's ceo elon musk just took a jaw-dropping financial hit. a delaware judge voided his $56 billion pay package awarded by the tesla board back in 2018 it was the largest compensation plan ever with the publicly traded company a group of shareholders sued, arguing the amount was excessive. the judge agreed, saying approval of that pay package was, quote, deeply flawed. she ordered both parties to negotiate how it will be returned.
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today marks day seven in the trial of a michigan mom charged in the deadly school shooting carried out by her son prosecutors aiming to wrap up their case after showing the jury never-before seen video of jennifer crumbley in a squad car where she said her son, quote, just ruined his life and haunting photos of the shooter's bedroom. maggie vespa is joining us with the latest. >> reporter: good morning. prosecutors in this case also digging deeper, having her now former boss yesterday testify that she could have taken time off the morning of the shooting to get ethan counseling. this after school administrators testified she refused to take her son home this morning because she said she had to work the defense continuing to fight back as they prepare to take over this unprecedented case. >> caught on camera and now entered into evidence, this morning the trial of michigan mom jennifer crumbley marked by
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video from the back of a squad car in 2021, hours after her then 15-year-old son ethan opened fire at oxford high school, killing four classmates. crumbley crying. >> we're not bad people. he had mental issues i don't get what happened. >> meanwhile, investigators searched the family home, finding prosecutors say a whisky bottle and bb gun in his room. on his wall, bullet riddled shooting targets prosecutors want to wrap up the case this week arguing crumbley ignored warning signs her son could be violent her former boss testifying she could have taken time off to get ethan help this after testimony from two former school administrators who say on the morning of the
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shooting they tried to warn crumbley and her husband james, who also faces charges, that ethan was exhibiting violent behavior the defense pushing back saying they weren't concerned enough to search ethan's backpack, which included a gun. >> you had no concern there was anything in that bag >> i had no reasonable suspicion. >> an attorney representing victims' families not impressed by the case. >> do you think a conviction is likely do you think they're making their case >> yes, absolutely this kid did what he did and deserved his life sentence that he got, too. but they absolutely were the
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adults they had a responsibility, and they absolutely needed to take their kid to get him help. >> reporter: the former dean of students also testified yesterday that school administrators at the time didn't know ethan crumbley had access to guns had the parents disclosed that, it would have completely changed the process they followed. the defense eager to take over this case with jenner crumbley who faces 15 years in prison expected to take the stand craig? >> maggie vespa for us maggie, thank you. all right. time for a boost. >> let's do it here's a cutie for you this baby girl had not seen her grandmother in several weeks, which is a very long stretch in baby time. watch her reaction when grandma shows up to surprise her during a family vacation. >> hi, sweetie >> awe she may be one, but she knows. grandmas deserve all that love look at that that's the genuine reaction. a little round of applause. >> incredible. coming up, better call the crown. it is not a new crossover show on "popstart," the member of the
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royal family who is actually related. wait until you hear his reaction to the news. but, first, check them out they dazzled us at the winter olympics in beijing, but it's taken two years, two years to get their due. we'll celebrate with the now gold medal winning members of the u.s. figure skating team right after this the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. -sigh. -come on crust, it's your inner beauty that really counts. wow, rude. i just mean all that matters is what's in here. -you're so self centered. -look! look you're inner beauty is right here. uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. sorry crust.
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i'll be honest. by the end of the day, my floors...yeesh. but who has the time to clean? that's why i love my swiffer wetjet. it's a quick and easy way to get my floors clean. wetjet absorbs and locks grime deep inside. look at that! swiffer wetjet. can an oven roasted turkey breast pack so much succulent flavor, that the mere glimpse of it induces turkey sandwich daydreams? if it's hillshire farm, oh, hill yeah.™ [sneeze] dude you coming? because the only thing dripping should be your style. plop plop fizz fizz with alka-seltzer plus cold & flu relief. also try for fizzy fast cough relief. (bill) we made a promise to our boy blue that we would make ther healthiest foods possible... ...with the finest natural ingredients and real meat first. and that's our promise to you and your dog or cat. because when you love them like family you want to feed them like family.
8:11 am
whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... why do dermatologists choose dove? the dove beauty bar, is gentle. it not only cleans, it hydrates my skin. as a dermatologist, i want what's best for our skin. with 1/4 moisturizing cream, dove is the #1 bar dermatologists use at home. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit (♪♪) ♪ all the pretty girls walk like this, ♪ ♪ this, this, this, this. ♪ ♪ pretty girls walk like this, this, this, this. ♪
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it is 8:12, and we are surrounded by olympic greatness. >> yes, we most certainly are. after a lengthy wait, the u.s. is being awarded the gold medal at the 2022 beijing olympics this is a first ever for team usa in that event. >> how about five of the members with us this morning how about we celebrate we promised we would and we will but let's take a look at how we got to this moment a monumental victory worth its weight in gold. >> second place to the united states of america. >> nearly two years after their apparent runner-up finish at the beijing winter olympics, the u.s. figure skating squad now the rightful winners of the gold medal. this week, the court of arbitration for sport
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disqualified a russian skater who tested positive for a banned heart medication in the lead-up to the 2022 winter games and argued she may have been inadvertently exposed to the medicine her grandfather takes the ruling ending the ongoing saga by stripping the russian olympic committee of their team win and awarding the top prize to team usa. >> it still hasn't sunk in yet. >> u.s. olympic team member vincent joe speaking to us from his dorm room. >> i'm still processing. i probably experienced 20 new emotions that i don't know how to describe in english. >> now 9 american skaters are making history as the first u.s. skating team to grab gold. back in june, sharing with out
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of "today" how their dreams of a medal ceremony in beijing dramatically played out as news of the positive test spent shockwaves through the sports world. >> we were dressed and ready to go and they were like, no, this is not happening. not happening. and they sent us back to our rooms in the village. >> now team usa finally recognized and looking forward to their gold medal moment. >> well, here they are can we have a round of applause in our studio? nathan chen, vincent zhou, karen chen, alexa knierim, brandon frazier, madison hubbell, zachary donohue, madison chock and evan bates, good morning, gold medalists how are we >> we're doing great >> so that was worth remembering. you didn't get any medal at those olympic games. so how did you get the news that you were, in fact, getting the
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news you deserved? >> just through media. but i'm super excited to be here i'm super excited for this team. i'm so proud of them, the way they carry themselves through this decision. we're finally happy to have a decision. >> you guys were hanging in limbo there, which is not a figure skating move because you were just telling us that at the end of the olympics, after you literally worked your whole lives for this, they gave you an empty box and said, we'll get back to you. what has this wait been like >> well, i think it's been very unexpected in ways we just didn't have much information, and people would always ask us, oh, do you know anything we're like, no, we know as much as anyone else knows i didn't realize how much that had been weighing, weighing on me and i guess probably weighing on all of us until we found the news it almost felt like a weight had been lifted to just feel this closure from the beijing games. >> i mean, to hear the news that, in fact, this russian skater had tested positive, to realize that you are a gold a back then, how does that sit with you? >> well, it's amazing,
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medalist, whether you got the medal today, a week from now, back then, how does that sit with you >> well, it's amazing, obviously. you know, i have always felt like our team was a gold medal team, and it's just so gratifying and fulfilling to have it be finalized and sit here with my friends we always knew that we were destined for greatness, but it's great to really have it now. >> so what happens next. i mean, are you still kind of waiting to figure out when you will get to actually see your gold medal, guys, wear them? do you know what the deal is we're still in limbo. >> yeah. we're still waiting on the specifics on how we will receive the gold medals. i think we're all just still digesting the news of like, we are olympic champions and there are committees still meeting about how they will present those medals but one way or another, i know it will be a magical moment to get them with these incredible teammates and members. >> we should point out that last week you guys were competing at the nationals. you won the nationals. you won the nationals and you
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had the flu and you still won the nationals. so you have been competing and working ever since what are you looking forward to? >> you know, it's been -- it's been a lot we have been at it for a long time but the olympic career for most of us is not that long waiting two years has been tough for a lot of us. most of us have moved on to other passions and, so, this decision has been monumental for everyone, for our team, for clean sport, for all of the clean athletes who have been, you know, have lost their medal moments in the past because of people who have doped. so i hope there has been some joy, some solace for those athletes as well. >> nathan, first of all, we have to point out you now have two gold medals, which is a feat that hasn't been performed since i think, dick button, from the '50s and the '60s. you are a student at brown university everybody wants to know whether you want to come back for 2026 in milan
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are you thinking about it? at b >> why did i say >> i'm actually at brown. >> why did i say brown >> i love skating. it is a big part of my life still. find myself at the rink all the academic world right now. so the decision will come as it time i'm really happy at yale and the academic world right now so the decision will come as it comes. >> what are you studying, by the way? >> i'm studying data science. >> when you skate now, do you just do it to relax? >> certainly we have lunchtime skate from lunch to 2:00. i find myself there every tuesday and thursday. >> will you guys raise your hand if you are thinking, considering milan? considering. >> there you go. okay. >> we're just going to go and watch these two over here. >> okay. so anyway, we wish you guys all the best we're proud of you we're happy you got this moment and it was a long time coming. thanks for sharing it with us. we're honored. >> congrats. let's go to mr. roker with a check on the weather. >> we have a nice plaza here
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could have that medal presentation there come on back anyway, for today we are looking at cloudy skies here continuing in the east. above average highs down through the central plains into the southern plains. record warmth and bringing a lot of heavy rain from the pacific good wednesday morning. we are under a micro climate weather alert as we await the atmospheric river. right now, hitting parts of the north bay. it will continue to pick up throughout the afternoon. we are seeing the rain spread into marin county, sonoma and northern napa county and northward. we'll continue to see it move into the peninsula and east bay tonight and and that is your latest weather. best time of the morning.
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and that is your latest weather. >> let's start with céline dion announcing she will be the subject of an upcoming documentary. irene tailor will do a deep dive into her life and career as she opens up with her battle on stiff person syndrome, writing this last couple of years has been such a challenge for me, learning how to live with it and manage it but not let it define me as resuming my performing career continues, i am celine dion set to stream on prime video >> yeah. >> next up, elmo our little red buddy is going viral for being a good friend. earlier this week he tweeted, elmo is just checking in how is everybody doing probably regret asking that question on social media those nine words dropped, opening up a flood gate of tens of thousands of users on x
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unloading their emotional baggage on the red muppet. one person writing, we are tired. one writing, i can't get my stuff together to finish this semester i'm mentally burnt out and i have a lifetime of working to go it was not all doom and gloom. chance the rapper chimed in, honestly, i'm in a really good place right now. and our own craig melvin sent this message thanks for checking in, elmo mondays are hard hope you are doing great be sure and check in on oscar. he always seems to be in a mood. >> i felt bad for elmo because people were coming at it. >> elmo, don't ask a question you don't want the answer to, especially on twitter or x. whatever it's called >> you want to go after mr. noodle, maybe. but not elmo. >> he's already off. no, he dropped the account elmo is like, i can't handle this. >> he should go on instagram. >> he's on threads now. next up, bob odenkirk
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getting a lesson on family history in "finding your roots" and learning about a surprising royal connection he has in his family tree. take a look. >> i'm an american i'm not a monarchist i don't believe in that. >> well, guess what? >> what's wrong? >> you and king charles iii are 11th cousins >> well, maybe i'll change my mind on that >> that's pretty cool, right >> wow >> he should play king charles in something now. >> oh, yeah. yeah i love seeing his face when you make that connection. >> he's make, maybe i am. >> i have to rethink this whole thing. 11, though, that's far removed. kate hudson is up next on winner, dropping a single called talk about love, "popstart. the golden globe winne diving into the world of music,
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just yesterday dropping a single called "talk about love. let's take a listen to it. ♪ ♪ tell me ♪ ♪ baby ♪ ♪ nothing but the truth will do ♪ ♪ call me ♪ ♪ crazy ♪ ♪ because i know it's our time ♪ ♪ and i've been talking about love ♪ ♪ >> sounds good, right? >> a little stevie knicks classic. that. >> carson, can comes out later this year. we'll be looking for that. >> carson, can i add a "popstart" item? there was a clue on "jeopardy" last night that grabbed our attention. let's see if anyone can get this one. daly. >> what is carson? >> right >> two names, carson
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>> first names for $400. >> what is carson? >> right >> got it fast, too. >> two names, carson daley you were a $400 card, too. >> she won big coming up, a couple who has been studying the science of love for more than five decades. there is a lot of expertise right here these doctors will teach you how to fight right that's the name of their new book, how conflict can lead to a stronger connection with your partner. let's get into it.
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good morning. it is 8:26. we are in a micro climate weather alert because an atmospheric river is bearing down across the bay area. live look at downtown san jose. hasn't picked up just yet, but kari, it's coming and for some, it's already here. >> yeah, we've seen gusty winds, also, leading up to this storm as we get this southerly rush of warm while the rain is still to the north of us. we are still seeing the rain in the north bay. it's been moving very slowly and
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will continue to do so. so it may take a while before we start to see it south of the golden gate bridge. an hour by hour forecast shows that'ven at 1:00, it's mostly the north bay that's getting the rain and the leading edge of that making it into san francisco and down the peninsula. we see it intensifying for the north bay around the evening commute and pushing in later tonight. >> thank you, kari. as the storm rolls in, kari and our weather team plus the nbc bay area weather app are great resources. you can use storm ranger to track the rain, providing the most accurate radar in the bay area. you can also get customized alerts sent to your phone. download it for
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you may know adam schiff's work to protect the rule of law, or to build affordable housing, or write california's patients bill of rights. but i know adam through the big brother program. we've been brothers since i was seven. he stood by my side as i graduated from yale, and i stood by his side when he married eve, the love of his life. i'm a little biased, but take it from adam's little brother. he'll make us all proud as california senator. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department...
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we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. ♪ oh, we're back we're back we're back yes! it is 8:30 it's hump day, y'all it is the final day of januarymg happy to see all these smiling faces. and our little corner of rockefeller plaza. it also means, carson daley, dry january is over. >> i know. i can't wait for tonight at midnight i will get up and set my alarm.
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>> it is like waiting for santa. coming up, guys, to buy, to sell or to hold. that's the question facing a lot of people thinking of buying or selling a home right now brian cheung here to figure out what steps you should take. plus, two of the most famous relationship experts in the country. they're also a couple. they're fuelling up at our coffee cart. we need them nice and amped up, because we are about to have a fascinating conversation it is all about how you fight with your partner. they say there is a right way to do it. when you do it right, it leads to deeper connection and lasting love. a legendary rock 'n' roll paragrapher sharing his photos this is really incredible pictures we're excited. can't wait for that. and we will walk you through simple money moves right now that can really add up, even boost that credit score. guys, tomorrow on "today," i will kick off black history
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month with an exclusive story. we will take you to a schoolhouse older than america itself it is a shrine to the education of black children in the country, and it is getting a modern makeover to carry its incredible journey forward. folks didn't even know this building existed we will have that for you tomorrow >> looking forward to that. >> mr. roker, how about a check of the weather >> starting off with friday. finally sunshine in the east great lakes, the plains, strong storms through texas we're looking at mountain snows in the rockies another nice day for the weekend here in the east more snow in the rockies heavy rain through the mississippi river valley snow out west. sunday, sunday sunny and chilly showers and storms in the southeast. another big storm comes rolling into the west. we'll start o
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rain and the heavier rain hitting this evening. scattered showers tomorrow and friday and saturday, there's a brief break before the next storm system comes in and it will be cool over the next new >> and just a quick reminder, you can stream your local nbc station live on peacock. so to learn how to catch your local news and your weather, ju plus all four hours of "today," just sashay over to your little computer and just type i
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>> oh! >> oh, wait. look how cute this baby is. wait can you give a shout-out come, come >> sh! >> if you are thinking about buying or selling a house, now is the right time maybe. brian cheung will have our questions and answered questions and answered but, first, this is "today" on not just any whiteboard...
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...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading.
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and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. back now at 8:35 with "today's consumer. so when it comes to the real estate market right now, should you buy, sell or hold? a lot of people are facing that choice and here with some answers is nbc's business correspondent brian cheung brian, it is good to see you all right. so there is a tiny bit of good news if you are looking at median prices. >> home buyers have been on the sidelining peeking out saying now is not a time to buy good news because home prices
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are coming down. so the median home price is over $380,000 according to the national association of realtors that's down 1% from december and that lines up with reporting we have seen from other reports, showing prices sliding into the end of last year one important caveat i want to point out, even though prices are going down, they're still above on a yearly basis. this about 4% higher than the year prior. >> that's baby steps. >> baby steps, but we will take what we can get. prices coming down is prices coming down. >> what matters when you are buying a house is location, location, location what are the best spots. >> look, median prices are coming down, but it depends on what you're looking at we're looking at detroit and chicago. people moving into those cities, snatching up homes but areas that are cooler, seattle and san francisco. in fact, these markets we have seen price declines between october and november, over 1% in each of those areas. by the way, s&p saying the western united states broadly has seen some of the coolest housing markets relative to the
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rest of the country. >> and san francisco, just the real estate numbers are insane. >> it is interesting to watch. >> all right let's step down to our last panel. what about mortgage rates? they have been high lately they were 7% they dropped to 6% remember back in the day when they were 3% >> i remember just a few years ago. the 30-year fix is 6.7%, down from 7.8% just in october of last year. since i'm the data guy, let me crunch those numbers down into what the savings will be on a monthly basis. that drop in mortgage rates would equate to about $200 in savings. this will be the equivalent payment for the median home sale price. mortgage rate savings will save over $220 per month over the course of a 30-year mortgage that will save you over $80,000. this is real-time savings. we're expecting to see mortgage rates go down. the fed is not expected to raise mortgage ratesat 6.7% figure co more. >> do you have any time line on
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that? because i know people are out on the market going, should they may even cut them that 6.7% figure could go down more. >> do you have any time line on that cut because i know people are out on the market going, should i pull the trigger now or wait a little bit? >> yeah. the federal reserve may be cutting interest rates later this year, which means they could see the mortgage rates coming down. we're not expected to see those 3% rates any time soon. >> got it. brian, thank you so much. hoda, what if i told you the way to fight with your
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growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message. we're back at 8:42 with "start today." can't wait for this one. let's face it, relationships cas and be hard work, navigating the ups and downs that come with commitment whether your love is young or decades old, it is important to learn how to fight right
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that's the title of a new book from a successful couple nice to have you here. >> thank you, savannah. >> this is an interesting and provocative subject. the first question, julie, is what are we fighting for you said it is important to identify that right off the bat. >> that's absolutely right you know, on the surface, people look like they're fighting about nothing, but what they're really fighting about are their values, sometimes their needs, sometimes their dreams, where they want to be, what they really want to do that will give their life meaning. >> you say the first three minutes of a fight can be the most important and tell everything why? >> why because if you bring up a problem with criticism, what's going to happen? your partner will shut down, withdraw, get defensive. if you bring up a problem by yo
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feel better. >> and you guys have, for lack describing yourself and your own feelings, your partner is going to be much more open to how you are feeling and how to make you feel better. >> and you guys have, for lack of a better word, scripts. for this, john, a successful way to start a fight is to use this model. i feel, x, about this situation, x, and what i need from you is y. >> right. >> how would that -- what's an example of that? >> the difference is i'm not describing my partner. i'm describing myself. >> yeah. >> so i'm really starting more softly not only am i not describing my partner, but i'm talking about something i need some way in which my partner can help me. >> you guys have identified three conflict styles. >> right. >> can we go through them? the first avoiding, the conflict avoiders
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right here. >> me, too. >> you too i'm like the peace keepers, agree to disagree. let's not drudge it all up. >> they don't through persuasion at all. >> they're like, just sweep it under the rug. >> i know how you feel you know how i feel. we're done. >> what about the next one, the validators >> okay. the validators are willing to talk about their feelings a tiny bit calmly and rationally. then they move into problem solving a bit too quickly. >> can you be both >> yes, you can be >> okay, fine. then there is the volatile, the erupters, the screamers. >> my favorite that's me. where you express your emotions really intensely, passionately, sometimes loudly and hopefully your darling partner, like this guy, doesn't run away he can actually listen. >> okay. so you're partners you have different fighting this. >> as long as there is a
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five-to-one ratio of positive to negative during the conflict, then we're in great shape. >> what does that mean in real life? >> it means that when you are listening, you are nodding your head. you are saying things like, interesting, okay. oh, i get it, yeah. well, tell me more about that. you're laughing together. you are being affectionate, even when you are disagreeing. >> yeah. is it good sometimes? they say don't go to bed angry, but is when you are disagreeing. >> yeah. is it good sometimes they say don't go to bed angry, but is it good to take a pause, especially when things are hot and heated. >> it is absolutely good, especially if you are up to the ceiling with heat. in other words, we call that flooding when your heart rate is over 100 beats a minute, you are in fight or flight. you can't think. you can't problem solve. you can't listen at all. so good time to take a rest,
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take a break, separate for the time being, calm down. >> but don't take a break forever. get to it maybe the next day or something or a couple hours later. >> that's right. so the minimum amount of time should be 30 minutes the maximum 24 hours. >> i could spend all day with this, but i want to start before you go you say there are certain four horsemen of the apocalypse if you are doing these things, you are in trouble what are they? can you describe them? >> the first one is criticism, which means the problem is stated in terms of the limitation of your partner's personality. here's what's wrong with you let me tell you. >> you never this, you always that. >> that's right. you never this, you always that. so there is no constructive criticism. and instead, a gentle softened start-up is much more effective. >> what about contempt >> contempt is really interesting. >> yeah. contempt is sulfuric acid for the relationship it means criticism from a place of superiority with scorn, a little disgust, sarcasm. it not only destroys a relationship, it destroys the
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immune system of the listener. >> oh, awful okay so now you are sick and tired. okay real quickly, stone walling and defensiveness kind of go together. >> defensiveness is either counter attacking or acting like an innocent victim and that fuels the interaction in a bad way because that person doesn't take any responsibility for any part of the problem. so, you know, push it all back on my partner. and defensiveness? >> that was defensiveness. stone walling is when you are flooded, you shut down you give your partner no responses, nothing. >> silent treatment. now, aren't you, doctor? >> he >> you look away and down. >> you are stonewalling right now, aren't you, doctor? >> he is but guess what when we looked at stonewallers, they were in fight or flight as well.
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>> just looks different than the hot heads. >> it looks different. they go inside to try to calm themselves down. >> this book is chocked full of not just whatnot to do, but how to fix it, how to fight right. thank you so much. you can find this book at it is a good conversation. >> and if you have more questions. coming up next, we will introduce you to the photographer behind the most you may know adam schiff's work to protect the rule of law, or to build affordable housing,
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or write california's patients bill of rights. but i know adam through the big brother program. we've been brothers since i was seven. he stood by my side as i graduated from yale, and i stood by his side when he married eve, the love of his life. i'm a little biased, but take it from adam's little brother. he'll make us all proud as california senator. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death.
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tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. a legendary photographer when we say legendary, imagine being up close and personal on bob dillon, bruce springsteen. >> pretty cool danny lynch is not done yet. jersey. >> you may not know his name,
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but odds are you probably know his photographs. he's photographed icons like bruce springsteen and johnny cash and much smaller names like me, capturing quite the moment as you'll see in a bit. this month, danny turns >> nbc's joe fryer caught up f collection featuring his most iconic photos and decades of photos to share. in new jersey, the sound of music is set to the beat of a camp >> i do my little dance trying to find the right composition and the right moment. >> whether it is an image of bo my guitar, you dylan taken during a photo shoot, one of the foo fighters snapped while hiding behind a drum kit
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>> you know, my relationship with them is such that they're like, go wherever you want just watch out i don't hit you in the head when i swing around my guitar, you know? >> reporter: his photographic hall of fame proudly on display. >> we were able to create a space that's welcoming to people, and we are always pushing for good vibes and the idea that, you know, music is medicine. >> reporter: which is why he has always been drawn to musicians. >> you know, there is always a mystery around them. >> reporter: do you think you are trying to capture the mystery? are you trying to solve the mystery? >> yeah. i mean, i think you are trying to add to the mystery a little bit, you know. >> reporter: he got his start interning for an icon before making a name for himself in the world of hip-hop with subjects like tupac and the beastie boys. he soon expanded to other genres, amassing an eclectic list of clients. some of his favorite photos are immortalized on t-shirts, which includes one especially meaningful artist. we are in new jersey when people think of new jersey and music, they think of >> bruce springsteen >> reporter: as a jersey native,
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he fell in love with the boss' music early on and eventually got the chance to work with him over and over again. bruce once said, danny's got soul. >> that's a good one i'll take that any time. i'm going to put that on my gravestone danny's got soul, bruce springsteen. >> reporter: doing what you do, how important is it to have soul >> you can have great lighting and you can have all the great gear, all that sort of stuff if you don't have a connection with someone that shows in the image, you know, i think you failed. >> reporter: in a city known fo its music scene, it's no surprise his gallery hosts the occasional jam session, surrounded by his wall of
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legends. >> everybody comes in here and we all swipe the pose. what is it yeah, yeah, yeah. >> reporter: one of them life sized. it is hard to look as cool as bruce. >> it's hard it's hard. we're trying how are we doing >> reporter: bruce is leaning against his car, a pontiac silver series. he took the picture a few blocks from the gallery on the jersey shore. an iconic jersey board walk, right? >> yeah. >> reporter: that's where on a gusty day, danny showed this non-rock star how he catches those perfect moments. turns out the answer. >> i have literally no rhythm. geez >> whoa! >> reporter: is blowing in the wind. >> i think i got it. >> reporter: here's how that looked through his eyes. one more example of how he is capturing the rhythm of life >> he's also involved inar, now festival. it's happening in september. as for those t-shirts, for most
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of them, a portion of the prosoods go to the charities that are important to the musicians captured in the photos. as clumsy as i am, he did capture cool photos of me. i actually do look kind of something that's a huge draw >> rock star there so i just wanted to get that out there. >> you look like a magician. that is cool danny has the trust of the artist so that's the number one key there, he has that trust that puts him in those places to get those shots like dave grohl with the crowd behind him. >> they let down their guard. >> thanks, joe. ahead on our 4th hour, we got drew brees in person in the house. >> your boy is back! okay coming up first, though, on the 3rd hour, we will catch up with one of your favorites. >> scott bakula will be here we will be back after your local news, weather and a check of these quick messages we will be back after your local news, weather and a check o these f qu
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good wednesday morning. we are under a micro climate weather alert as we track this atmospheric river coming in and as of right now, we're seeing a
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lot of cloudy skies, the winds are picking up and the rain is still over much of the north bay, but we will eventually see this working its way across the bay area and continuing in the north bay at least until about noon before it moves into other areas like san francisco, down the peninsula and eventually into the east bay. most of us won't see that heavy rain until later this evening, but it will continue to get quite windy along with the impact of the potential flooding we'll see. scattered showers in the scattered showers in the trecast for today and not just any whiteboard...
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...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban
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congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," taylor made. an inside look at this year's super bowl football commercials. >> we're seeing a battle royale coming for the female audience of the super bowl this year. >> why this year's commercials could look a little different and just how much are they costing? plus, good as gold. two years later, team members


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