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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  January 31, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PST

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hi, en. i'm zinhle essamuah. my co-anchor kate snow is on assignment. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, wednesday, january 31st, 2024. breaks news. historic hearings. the heads of major social media platforms are testifying on capitol hill today. >> you have a product that's killing people.
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>> but the tech industry alone is not to blame for the situation we're in. those of us in congress need to look in the mirror. >> how the ceos are defending their platforms and steps parents can take right now to protect their kids. also breaking, holding steady. federal reserve decides to keep interest rates at their current levels. one step closer. house republicans move forward with their efforts to impeach the homeland security secretary. and victory lap! two years after competing in the beijing olympics team usa is finally being honored as gold medalists, now they're talking to "nbc news daily" about why they're celebrating this golden moment. let's begin this hour on capitol hill. after nearly four hours in the hot seat the leaders of the most popular social media networks have finished testifying just over how safe their platforms are for children especially when it comes to sexual exploitation.
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the ceos volunteered to speak before a hearing. as they defended their platforms, parents who lost their children and blamed these companies for playing a role in their deaths packed the hearing, too, holding up photos of their kids. at one point a senator sktd mark zuckerberg to address these parents. >> would you like now to apologize to the victims who have been harmed by your product? show them their pictures. >> my co-anchor kate snow was in hearing room all day. kate, good to see you. >> reporter: i'm still in the hearing room, this is where it all happened earlier today, in fact this is the desk where you saw those five ceos of the major social media companies, sitting taking questions from the senators right behind me here, and the overall tenor today was
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fierce questioning, sharp criticism of these ceos and their companies, questioning why they're allowing sexually explicit material to spread on their platforms, several senators asking them what more they could be doing talking about how responsible they feel these companies are for all this material. other key moments lawmakers asking why companies are not being shut down for the spread of this kind of material and senator ted cruz pressing ceo of meta mark zuckerberg on the way searches on meta can surface sexually explicit material. take a listen. >> when a boeing plane lost a door in mid-flight several weeks ago, nobody questioned the decision to ground a fleet.
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of over 700 planes. so, why aren't we taking this same type of decisive action on the danger of these platforms when we know these kids are dying. >> did anyone verify whether it was child sex abuse material? >> senator, i don't know if every single search result we're following up -- senator, do you want me to answer your question? >> i want you to answer the question i'm asking. >> reporter: after that testy exchange meta reached out to us and said senator cruz had old information that they restrict thousands of search terms on their platforms. >> kate, this is not the first time these social media companies have come under intense scrutiny, you spoke with the attorney general of new mexico who himself has filed a lawsuit against social media companies, what did he tell you? >> he's actually filed a lawsuit against meta in this particular lawsuit it's just against meta because of an investigation they did in new mexico, he had his investigators pose as children and they were exposed to all
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sort of explicit content. by others who want to traffic children. we were talking about meta, i asked him, meta, they would argue, just the platform, they're not responsible for the speech on their platform and here's what he said. >> it's not neutral as to the delivery of this content, it's actually making connections between people who have a sexual interest in children and underaged users they know on the platform. we believe this is not covered by the liability shield granted by section 230. but as you heard from some of the questioning there should be a real focus on eliminating or severely restricting the liability shield that's currently in place. >> reporter: so that's his perspective there. he was here many, many people were here, the room was
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absolutely overflowed. especially families, i want to note, were here, families who have lost loved ones, children, these are kids they say were victimized on social media platforms and they want to see change. >> kate, i know you have spoken with many of those impacted families, just generally we have seen so many of these hearings, tech ceos show up, they testify and nothing really changes. could this time be different in. >> reporter: it depends on who you ask, i put that question to senator klobuchar during a break in the hearing, she was optimistic, she said, i think today we saw a bipartisan for a lot of different measures, being proposed in the committee, she's optimistic, but i also asked so much the parents two were here, what they felt afterwards and they said, i don't know. one of them said, i've been to
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many of these now, many of these situations, and nothing changes, so they're feeling a bit hopeless that finally things will change just because of another big hearing with lots of fireworks. >> shedding a light on the people behind the politics, kate snow, thank you so much. good to see you. of course we'll next have what you can do as a parent to protect your children on social media, we'll talk with an expert about the best practices to keep your children safe. more of kate's reporting on "nightly news" with lesser holt. while hearing has just wrapped up in senate, growing fallout if the house over the battle over immigration. advancing two articles of impeachment against homeland security secretary mayorkas. we could see a full house vote as soon as next week. if this inquiry goes forward his
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impeachment would be historic. julie tsirkin joins me from capitol hill. what are hearing about this decision to move forward with impeachment in. >> reporter: they locked in that vote for next week to officially impeach alejandro mayorkas, republicans believe they do have the votes to get that across the finish line, we talk about razor thin their majority is, they can only afford to lose one, two votes depending on attendance, at least two republicans in the house who are unsure who want to move forward impeaching mayorkas. we asked leader schumer, are you going to hold a trial? he said that's a hypothetical, he wasn't willing to touch it, he also pointed to the ongoing negotiations right now for that emerging border deal which is tide to funding to israel,
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ukraine and humanitarian to gaza. we'll see if it goes far enough for house republicans, for speaker johnson, to accept and put on the floor. the real key here is, if the senate is able to get the text out and pass it and vote on it that puts a lot of political pressure on johnson who at the same time might be dealing with an impeachment with hof mayorkas who's been in the room to fix the border problems. all of this is happening together, we'll see how it moves forward. >> julie, thanks so much. now to breaking news the federal reserve just made its first interest rate decision of 2024, keeping them at their current levels of 5.33%. the fed chair saying moments ago that inflation is still too high to bring rates down. let's get right to it with brian. we just heard from fed chair
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jerome powell. >> ongoing progress toward our 2% inflation objection is not assured. the economic outlook is uncertain. we're prepared to maintain the current target range for the federal funds rate for longer if appropriate. >> those remarks coming after the announcement that these rates remain unchanged. >> they remain unchanged, the anticipation they may tee up a possible interest rate cut, the news coming out of the prosuccess with powell, i don't think it's likely the federal reserve will cut interest rates in its next meeting in march, pretty interesting, a lot of market participants and traders and also just the econ types they could expect an interest rate cut in march. the federal reserve has taken that off the table. average americans looking at their mortgage rates and credit card rates, any relief on those
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borrowing costs coming down could come later this year. based off the federal reserve's commentary they're worried that inflation, they want to see proof of more evidence of that. >> i mean the economy generally has been looking good, consumer confidence high, inflation seemingly on the decline, is there a world where interest rates remain too high for too long? >> yeah, certainly. if that happens you risk people losing their jobs enmasse. in aggregate employment still looks all right. it's still below 4%. if the federal reserve keeps interest rates high for too long, dampening and slowing economic activity, spur people to lay people off.
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>> all right, we'll see you friday if not before. thank you so much. time for today's money minute. leadership shake-up at one of the world's largest fashion retailer and popular songs are being pulled from the popular app tiktok. steve joins us now. the baltimore orioles are reportedly on the verge of a sale. the $1.7 billion offer from two private equity billionaires. major league baseball would still have to approve any sale. also h&m ceo stepped down today as the brand struggles against competitors, a company veteran will take over immediately as ceo and will also keep his current position as head of the retailers core brand. h&m has been closing stores and laying off staff in an effort to stay profitable universal music group plans
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to pull its music from tiktok if an artist compensation deal isn't reached by tonight. tiktok users won't be able to use tracks from artists like taylor swift and drake in their videos. tiktok said it reached an agreement with other labels but universal said that tiktok pays just a fraction of rate. >> interesting to see how that impacting tiktok use. coming up, millions of college students seeking financial aid are in limbo today, who's to blame and what pam lis need to know. plus a drenching storm is soaking large parts of the west soaking large parts of the west coast today, where it's hding ea hepatitis c? don't just treat it. crush it with mavyret. conquer it with mavyret. cure it. with mavyret. mavyret cures all types of hep c. in only 8 weeks. the virus multiplies daily and can damage the liver over time. mavyret stops hep c and cures it. if you've had hepatitis b, it may flare up... ...and cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. tell your doctor if you've had hep b,
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real weird. he was bad luck anyway. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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millions of people on the west coast are dealing with another round of potentially dangerous wet weather, some of the biggest threats right now are the wind and rain. right now the entire bay area is in a flood watch and this just the start, nbc's kathy park is in half moon bay, california, but we'll start with bill karins tracking where these storms are heading next. bill, what are the biggest areas of concern right now. >> reporter: potential for power outages from the high wind and potential mud and rock slides. the storm is pulling the moisture up from the tropics. san francisco bay area northwards, a zoom-in view, the
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heavy rain now just arriving in downtown san francisco, this will be with us throughout the rest of the day, through the evening rush hour, if we add up all of our alerts for some of the same areas, but for the most part very small amount in the winter alerts only the highest of elevations. rainfall totals from additional rain, throughout tonight and tomorrow, about 1 to 3 inches. isolated up to 6 inches, that's where we could get into some problems. as far as the winds go, the highest wind gust, portland 33 right now. a wind gust of 38 in northern california. as far as the snowfall totals go, highest will be where you expect it, up in the ski resort. central sierra, anywhere from 12 to 18, possibly getting up there to around 3 feet of snow, very significant stuff. then we've been talking about it, only one of two atmospheric
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rivers the next one coming in will be towards the tail end of the weekend, more sunday into monday, southern california, we'll talk about impacts in the los angeles area and also around san diego, rain, wind and snow will be heading into these areas with this next storm, too, along with colder temperatures, the snow levels dropping. because it's the second storm in the row we have saturated soil so that enhances the flood risk. 1 to 3 inches and we get another 1 to 3 inches it will worse with the second storm. we're just starting now with the worst of the impacts in san francisco and the bay area. we'll wait and see how this progresses later on tonight. >> bill, thanks so much. kathy, you're braving the elements and people out there have been bracing for this rain all day. how is it now? >> reporter: hey, there, as you can see the rain has moved in, this is just the preview before
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the big event later on this evening, we're anticipating conditions to deteriorate later through this evening, but as you can see we're getting slammed with heavy bands of rain behind me is the bay. you can probably see the massive waves crashing over the rocks but the other big headline we're tracking of course are these intense wind gusts anywhere between 40 to 70 mile an hour wind gusts throughout northern california. believe it or not these conditions are ideal for extreme athletes. take a listen. >> it's really good today. we were all superexcited. we showed up at 7:00 in the morning. pumped up for sun rise. it's been getting stronger all day. definitely like, if something goes wrong with your equipment it does get pretty scary. but we're all looking out for each other. >> reporter: those folks enjoying this right now, but of course california officials
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urging folks to be on alert, because this weather can be extremely dangerous, flash flooding is a big concern especially with the runoff of the heavy rain, power outages and also downed trees. >> important point, kathy to proceed with caution and stay safe. thank you both. coming up, one of the las coming up, one of the las vegas rip'sst i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant... is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms... ...better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements,
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mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar and can help you eat less food. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, vision changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. taking mounjaro with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. tell your doctor if you're nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can cause dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. (woman) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (vo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro.
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our nbc bay area app it's a great row source to track the storm. download is today. get alerts right to your smartphone. when rain hits, you get a heads up. it's free to download for all smartphones. here are other stories we are working on today. a city council member abankruptly resigns. two san francisco supervisors get death threats in the mail. police have arrested the person accused of shooting a catholic church on the peninsula. this is citizens app video as they arrested a suspect last night at his home. they deployed tea gas into his place. it happened yesterday afternoon at st. augustine church. the gunman fired multiple rounds at the church. no one was hurt. police say he is expected to face charges that could include attempted murder. two san francisco
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supervisors are speaking out after each received disturbing threats in the mail. they received mail containing death threats. the mail included a message echoing a recently deleted post by gary tan, a political donor and local tech ceo. he posted that local politicians should die slow. tan has since apoloized and claims he was representing a song. they are calling for the city attorney's office to investigate further. an east bay city leader is stepping down. kate harrison announced her resignation. berkeley's processes are broken. harrison says she plans to run for mayor. for mayor. that's it [♪♪] did you know, many moisturizers only hydrate your skin? for advanced science that visibly repairs signs of aging...
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tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel - nothing beats it. new pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients - it really works.
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bottom of the hour now, here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." portland, oregon, has declared a state of emergency over the city's rising number over fentanyl-related deaths. the city will conduct additional patrols to catch fentanyl sales and launch information campaigns on programs. four national hockey league players have been charged with sexual assault, an alleged assault that took place in 2018
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by several members of the canada's junior team. they denied any wrong doing on their clients' behalf. one of las vegas's longest casino is about to meet the wrecking ball, tropiciana, it's been on the strip since 1970s. today we're following a horrific murder case in pennsylvania, we want to warn you to start the details are extremely disturbing. a man accused of killing his father and display his father's head on youtube. it's been removed from the site. tom winter joins me now in studio. tom, we're not showing this video, but can you describe for us what's in it and have you ever seen anything like this in the u.s. in.
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>> nothing like this. a number of gruesome crimes over the years, but when you marry this video to the act and the type of rhetoric you see on the video, it paints a very disturbing picture, the person arrested here, he's 32 years old, charged on three counts including murder, you see a photo of him here, this is actually a mugshot that was taken earlier today, but he starts the video by holding up his dad's head and then going on to say may he be in hello for eternity and he's traitor to the country and goes on a die tribe anti-biden, antifa conspiracy theories and a lot of things that are espoused online. extreme right-wing ideology. >> what are police saying, what's youtube saying?
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>> police are saying, look, we got the guy, he's charged, he's not eligible for bail. he's not getting out. he's made specific calls for violence. calling for the death of fed ram employees. out a judge who ruled out against him his address. as far as what police -- on the video front with respect to youtube they removed the video up for several hours, he didn't have a huge following, it was something that appears to have been taped after the act, he continued to live stream, youtube said if statement to nbc news that this is something that goes against their policies with respect to violence, something that goes against their policies as far as extremism, they've decided to not only take it down but to be on the lookout for anyone re-uploading this video. at this hour, we're learning new details about president biden's planned response to the
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deadly drone attack that killed three american troops in jordan. the escalating tensions come as iran warns it will respond to any attacks on its territory or interests. secretary of state blinken announced plans to return to the middle east this weekend, the fifth visit since the start of israel/hamas war. raf sanchez joins us from tel aviv, we're learning more about how a u.s. response to this drone attack may look like in jordan. >> reporter: so, u.s. officials tell nbc news this is likely to be a campaign of strikes over several weeks rather than just one attack and they're saying expect to see strikes across several countries, now the obvious ones would be syria and iraq where these iranian-backed militants have been repeatedly attacking american installations, you could see strikes in yemen.
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these officials also say it's possible that these strikes will target not just these arannian-backed my lish shans but operatives themselves. including strikes on members of the revolutionary guard. that trains and arms these militias all across the middle east including the militant group that's believed to be responsible for the attack in jordan which killed three u.s. service members. >> raf, ynd these concerns in the region of course there's still the humanitarian crisis in gaza, we're learning new details about conditions at some of the hospitals in gaza, right. >> reporter: right, so the healthcare system has all but collapsed all across gaza right now, in southern gaza there are still hospitals functioning at reduced level and we heard from the head of the world health organization about the situation at nasr hospital in khan younis
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earlier, there's a single working ambulance at that hospital, you can imagine the scale of patients being rushed in, the w.h.o. saying they're relying on donkey-drawn carts to bring wounded people in, the w.h.o. also saying they ride to get a shipment of food to hospital it was held up an israeli check point nearby the hospital and ultimately a crowd of nearly starving people ended uptaking the food before it could reach that facility. >> harrowing details, raf with the latest for us. thank you so much. here in the u.s., financial aid offers for student loan borrowers may be delayed. a fix to its free application form is to blame. the latest complication in government's rollout in its simplified application. rehema ellis is following this one for us, walk us through what this delay means for universities, when this aid will
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be released to schools. >> now, the changes they brought out kind of clumsy and normally they would be putting together those packages going on to colleges, it would be now in january, because of the snafus with the software's program it's not going to go out until march, an increase in pell grants, given to low-income students and a lot of people based their decisions on where they go to school on how much money they're going to get. colleges won't put the bundles together of financial aid until then and then it rolls out, students have to make a decision by march 1st, the decision deadline, got some folks on pins and needles, this is a time for anxiety for a lot of families anyway, so this software snafu has added to that anxiety. >> rehema, briefly, what
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contributed to what seems like a botched rollout? >> what they wanted to do is they wanted to make so many changes to the program based on inflation, and so the delay came when the fact the software wasn't ready in november when it's normally ready, they didn't have it ready until december, even with those delays, about a million people did feel out fafsa but delayed fafsa of bundling the financial aid students should get. >> rehema, thanks so much. an exciting and long-awaited moment for team usa nearly two years after their apparent runner-up finish at the beijing olympics, the figure skating team are now gold medalmedalist. now nine u.s. skaters are making
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history as the first u.s. figure skating team. i sat down with two members of that team earlier today. what this moment means to them. >> i'm in chicago right now. with alexa. working together on show programs for an upcoming ice show. we found out yesterday morning. very exciting of course to find out that we're now named olympic champions. >> and let's go back to that moment, right the ceremony, i'm sure so many emotions were going through your mind.
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the doping scandal had come the light. incredibly confusing. walk me through that day what happened. >> it was devastating, because our team was geared up ready to go out for the ceremony and we thought we were being pranked that this wasn't going to be a ceremony. we were very confused. because we weren't given any information on why there wasn't any ceremony -- oilt was just speculation. >> you didn't know? >> we didn't know. slowly by word of mouth. little rumors, it all came out there may be an issue of doning with a russian skater. >> how did that feel? >> not good. >> it was strange, it was deflating. it was sad. >> and i wonder now, with the new revelations, the new developments, how do you feel about the way doping is being handled in your sport? >> issues in the past with doping scandals and i think it's become every athlete, you know, like, clean sport is the most important thing when it comes to the olympic games and everyone
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should be held with the same accountability to the rules on doping, so this is a big win for clean sport. you know, it shows that only clean athletes should have the advantage. >> and you talked about heartbreak during that initial ceremony, what are you hoping for now, should those medals come to you, we hope they do, team usa, but what would you want, a ceremony? >> yeah, i think our team would love a ceremony, we were talking about how fun it would be to have it at the paris games. we'd love our families to be there. we're just really looking forward to cherishing that moment. we've waited a very long time. >> have you as a team collectively been just talking about this experience? >> yeah, i mean, i think we -- we're so lucky to be part of such a great team of tremendous people and athletes, so we all
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like have showed so much spirit through all this. >> i wonder, though, you both have said you're planning to step away from the competition, at least for now, is that potentially a permanent thing, what's going on? >> yeah, i think we're taking it day by day, season by season, we've taken a break from competing. being amongst this olympic energy is definitely really exciting and bringing back that fire, but for now we're going to remain doing shows and kind of exploring other avenues. >> and can i ask, we've seen a lot of high-profile athletes step back as of late, many citing mental health or other reasons, can i ask the why? >> we've been skating our whole lives. i'm 32 now, after we won the world championships together it was the peak of our success, we love the sport so much and it's a lot of stress on the body and the mental state, and you reach a point where you start to
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feel fulfilled enough by the work you've done. i think lately we've been in frame of mind and we're so grateful for the journey we've shared and it feels even greater now knowing that we get that gold medal. because it was a little sour for a while not even having the material. so, this is very exciting. >> and thank you both for the ways you shared your talents not just with our country but with the world. big congratulations to you. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. coming up,
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(vo) meet fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. fargo makes banking faster, and easier. (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card! (vo) lets you pick up the tab, even if you forget your wallet... (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) fargo puts important information at your fingertips. (dad) fargo, what did i spend on groceries this month? (son) hey dad, can the guys stay for dinner? (dad) no... (vo) want to see everything fargo can do? you can, with wells fargo. nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years mainly because i just love helping people.
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as i got older, it was just a natural part of aging, i felt that my memory was beginning to decline and that's when i started looking for something that would help. when i first started taking prevagen, i noticed my memory was so much better. just stuff seemed to come together and fit like a jigsaw puzzle in my mind. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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in today's modern parenting we've been covering today's senate hearing on kids safety online, with top tech executive s testifying today. according to the pew research center 59% of american teens have been bulied or harassed online. joining us now is josh goalen, this hearing is mostly focused on child exploitation on social media. talk to us about that specific problem and the other ricks kids are facing online right now. >> sure, so, sextortion, adults
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preying on children, content that causes anxiety, depression, content that encourages children to have eating disorders is rampant on social media. they're linked to the deliberate design of these platforms, so that's the hearing was about. >> josh, sometimes we talk about this and it feels like a very new thing but i remember getting my first social media account and aol im account in early 2000s and getting some weird messages, i was wrong, what can parents do to protect their kids or start these conversations with their kids online? >> there's a couple of things that parents can do first of all, i think how we model for our family, setting family rules is very important. talk to your kids about the wayer their settings are set up,
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things like no phones at meals, no phones in bedrooms. but i also think it's important for parents to recognize that these platforms make it as hard as possible for you to understand what's going on and how the settings work. ultimately, it's not fair to put this entire burden on parents, we need these platforms to be designed safer. we have had almost 20 years of these platforms regulating themselves and they've done nothing. >> to that end, right, this is bigger than just individual actions today has been at will of conversations about systemic changes, your group is supporting the bipartisan act protecting kids. >> that bill the most important thing about it it has a duty of care for these platforms to for prevent and many it gate the most serious harms to kids whether it's cyberbullying or
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sexual exploitation, or suicide or eating disorders or even addiction to social media. that's really important. it requires all the settings on these platforms to be on the most projective by default. it also has important transparency requirements. really important, these platforms make promises all the time and then they don't keep them. we need to understand how these algorithms work and why they're showing them the content they are. >> what do you wish parents knew about their kids and social media. >> i think it's really hard to keep kids off entirely especially kids want to be where their peers are. i think we should all come
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together as parents as a society and demand that social media platforms are safer. the easiest way to do that is the kids online safety act, this legislation that could move tomorrow. >> thank you so much of your time and insight. we got a lot more news ahead. don't go anywhere. you're watching "nbc news daily". you'll find them in cities, towns and suburbs all across america. millions of americans who have medicare and medicaid but may be missing benefits they could really use. extra benefits they may be eligible to receive at no extra cost. and if you have medicare and medicaid, you may be able to get extra benefits, too, through a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. call now to see if there's a plan in your area and to see if you qualify. all of these plans include doctor, hospital and prescription drug coverage. plus, something really special, the humana healthy options allowance. your allowance.
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welcome back to "the fast forward." i'm janelle wang. we are tracking this heavy storm hitting the bay area. gusty winds and possible flooding this week. here is vianey. >> we have some impacts sweeping through the north bay. this is just the beginning of some widespread heavy downpours into the early afternoon. zooming in closer, you can see heavier pockets starting to move through san francisco right now. if you live north of the golden gate bridge, you were the first to see the rain. that will spread south as we inch toward 1:00, 2:00. we do see heavier pockets in oakland, hayward, san mateo and fremont. the south bay, we are dry. it isn't until 1:30, 2:00, we see the rain coming in, through college park. becoming widespread by the time we get to the 4:00 hour into the evening. in addition to that, the gusty
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conditions are going to play a factor into this evening. paired with the saturated soil from the rain we have had in the past couple of weeks, and here are areas that of concern, including the high wind warning around the coastline, all the way until thursday morning. we will monitor that very closely. gusty winds upwards of 40 to 50 plus miles per hour. >> thank you vianey. firefighters responded to this downed tree this morning. it came down around 8:00 this morning. you can see it crashing into a vehicle and a home. a girl was trapped. crews were able to get her out and take her to the spital.ho you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home.
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so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. are you having second thoughts about your gym membership? there might be hoops to jump through. chris chmura shows us savvy ways to cancel it.
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>> those new year's resolutions to join a gym, lose weight and get fit fade fast. >> by march, something like 67% of gym memberships are going unused. >> julie says gy mr s make it easy to join in person, online, in their app. so what's it like cancelling? >> be prepared to have to repeat yourself a lot. odds are, they will throw every tactic at you to stay on. >> stand your ground. >> be polite but firm. >> when you are firm, politeness wins. get proof of the cancellation in writing. side note, there should be no fee if you just signed up. >> in california, you have five days. you can quit and don't have any cost consequences. >> this man with consumer checkbook says cancelling a membership by mail is your best defense. >> send it certified mail. it seems old-fashioned, but you have a record.
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>> that $4 for certified mail should protect you. in the case of the gym continuing to bill you and claiming that it had no idea you wanted to cancel. if you used certified mail, you can counter that claim and get that debt wiped clear. the 49ers heading to the super bowl soon. not before cheering on another bay area team. last night the warriors played the 76ers. check out who had seats. they all got a standing ovation from the crowd. the niners got vip treatment before the game, receiving custom warriors jerseys. they must have inspired the warriors. they beat the sixers 119-107 they beat the sixers 119-107 snapping a two-game losing my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop.
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ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq i'm andrea canning, and this is "ddidn't deserve this.nbc.he to kill someone, over months, and months, and months. there's a lot of ways to kill someone. but i've never seen anything like this. andrea canning: a devastating mystery illness. she was in a lot of pain. she was in excruciating pain. i saw her walking. and she walked like a-- like a zombie. like a zombie. i knew she was gone. andrea canning: what was happening to this young mom? so when you're seeing this-- we're like, oh my gosh.


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