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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  January 31, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PST

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katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. right now on nbc bay area news tonight, we are following breaking news on two fronts. first, a freeway shooting in san francisco. you can see it here. it's crippling the evening commute. also, the atmospheric river is here. this storm hitting the bay area as we speak. we are tracking the heaviest downpours and the problem spots. good evening. i'm raj mathai. as expected, we expected a lot of traffic in terms of the traffic nightmare, but we didn't expect a freeway to be shut down. we've been following this breaking news throughout the evening. a police shooting on 280 causing
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this traffic mess during the rainy evening commute. it happened just before 5:00 p.m. on southbound 280 near mission bay. this is right at the mariposa exit. southbound 280 remains shut down. you can see all the traffic on the right side of your screen there. now on the left side of your screen there is 280 northbound. but what you're seeing on the right side of your screen is all the lanes shut down of 280 southbound, closed for the past two hours. among the big questions, when will 280 southbound reopen? let's bring in nbc's gia vang is onsite for us along 280. what do we know at this hour? >> well, raj, i got to tell you, we don't know very much. we're still trying to figure out how this all happened. we're on the 20th street overpass over 280. and if you can see below me right there, there are investigators from chp. they're trying to figure out just what happened. what we can see from this angle
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is caution tape. we can see that there is a car to the side. but we know very little, as i mentioned, only that a call came in initially as a pedestrian on the freeway. it turned into an officer-involved shooting at some point. the chp says there are no reports of an officer being injured. so that is good news. but what happened when those first calls came in to now this is all still under investigation. and, again, crime scene tape all lanes southbound heading out of the city is closed right now. no estimate on when 280 will reopen. motorists, they are being diverted on to local streets. we have to tell you there is quite a mess as you head into or as you're trying to figure out your way around these detours. because on our way here, we were stuck in traffic for quite some time, raj. suffice it to say, you should be avoiding this area. >> yeah, we're seeing some of the traffic maps here. you figure potrero hill, mission bay, dog patch all congested right now.
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the big takeaway, we don't know, any idea when 280 southbound will reopen. so as we're dealing with this mess with that police-involved shooting, we remain under a microclimate weather alert. this atmospheric river making for just a slick and dangerous commute. this was on 880 about 90 minutes ago. one of our photojournalists with this mounted dash cam. you can see the video there. some other issues we're seeing, falling trees. the most serious so far in saratoga. a 100-foot redwood fell on to a home and a truck with a young girl inside that truck. look at that. you can see that yellow rivian truck. the family tells us miraculously, the girl suffered only minor injuries. let's bring in our chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. >> oh, my gosh, wow. >> we expected a lot of these kind of issues. but what are we seeing right now? it looks pretty intense. we saw gia in san francisco. that was intense. >> the storm front itself, some
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of the heaviest downpours, raj, it is just offshore. look at this band here of extremely heavy downpours. this squall line here could have winds packing 50 plus miles per hour. i mean, this is going to be some torrential downpours within the next 45 minutes. we're talking about south san francisco, montara, also pacifica, including likely downtown san francisco, all the way through this hour. so i do think in the next 30 minutes, it really picks up, and then it stays with us through the next hour. that strong line likely holds up to the east bay through later on tonight. >> this is the hardest of it that's going to come in the next hour, two hours, three hours. >> we're really in the worst of the storm system right i know. that's why we've been reiterating the flood concern here. all the bay area under this flood watch. it doesn't mean we'll see flooding everywhere. it's just be careful out there. creeks, streams and rivers are running very high and also very fast. and we've been talking about the rivers too. so these --
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>> this is a good indicator of where we are, like a scorecard? >> you got that right. and russian river at guerneville still on pace to be about 25.8 feet tonight. through tomorrow, flood stage is 32. so not quite flood stage, but still bears watching if you're out anywhere near this river or any river here throughout the bay area. it's just a lot of rain in a short amount of time. that's why we keep talking than. >> it seems a little strange to ask this as we're in the height of this storm. what's coming tomorrow and even into the next few days because more is on the way. >> so i do see this storm front here clearing out as we head through tomorrow morning. so we'll be left with some scattered thunderstorm chances for the morning. also right through the afternoon. it's not going to be anything like what we had today. just some spotty hit and miss activity. and then beyond this. okay, this weekend, saturday we're fine. so do any storm cleanup you got to do, if you have to do it on saturday. and then the next storm system lining up out here in the pacific by saturday evening.
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this one looks to hit us all day sunday and linger into monday morning. so my early rain estimates right now 3/4 to 2 inches. look likes the coastal areas, maybe santa cruz mountains could be on the highest side because this is going to be moving in from the south. wind i think is going to be a big problem. we could get gusts up to 60 miles per hour that could be stronger than the storm we're seeing. now. >> that's where we lead to at love opg&e outages and fallen trees. >> and the sierra snow. 1 to 3 feet with the storm system. the big hallmark will be the wind, the way the forecast models are playing out. the rain is going to be a big deal. but we get the wind up to the 60 miles per hour, the saturated ground and the trees certainly could come down. >> for here and now the next 90 minutes are going to be intense. >> that's right. see you in just a bit. a lot of communities preparing for possible flooding now. the contra costa fire protection district tells us they have staffed up. we also saw people who live in low 46 lying areas getting sandbags. a smart move. a similar situation in the north bay. let's bring in nbc's thom jensen
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in santa rosa. >> we did see the weather slam into the coast here in sonoma county this morning. and the rain continued throughout the day. heavier at times. this is actually one of the lulls right now. we also met some people who are out at one of the sandbag piles here in sonoma county. this one in santa rosa. we talked to a resident here who said that she has learned that whenever one of these pineapple expresses or atmospheric rivers comes in, she pretty much has to come out, collect sandbags, and stack them around the low place in her home to prevent flooding. a lot of people expected to deal with that as this rain system continues to come in today and into friday. there is flood warnings across the area. so a lot to watch out for. not only the floodwaters in the homes, but also on the roads. we saw a lot of that today. and then also those winds. so everybody out there is taking precautions. from santa rosa, thom jensen, nbc bay area news. >> thank you.
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as this storm continues, our nbc bay area app, it's really a great resource for you. uses our storm ranger to track the rain, giving you the most accurate radar data in the bay area. you can get alerts sent right to your phone and customize them for your neighborhood. you see that qr code there. you can scan that right now from the camera on your phone. it will take you right to our app. ask you to download it and invite you to download it asap. all the headlines this evening. this is an issue that won't go away. homelessness and mental health. there is a statewide proposition dealing with this issue on the march ballot. and it has democrats and republicans working together. prop 1 is being touted as a much needed upgrade to our failing mental health system. it would increase care by creating 10,000 new treatment beds across the state of california. and it would be paid for with the $6.4 billion bond. today, the mayors of several cities joined governor newsom to
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support prop 1. you see the zoom call here. our local big city mayors, london breed, sheng thao uniting with fresno and riverside. >> so whether someone is seeking voluntary treatment or are seeking voluntary treatment for someone to save their life, we need more places for them to go. i was just out in the tenderloin, and san francisco, and it is clear that we need people to get the support that they need. >> joining us now is san jose mayor matt mahan, a central part of the governor's news conference today. mayor mahan, nice to have you in studio. so why is this -- there is a lot happening here. and it's very important, obviously, whether you agree with how to do it or not. why is this the best way forward to address our mental health crisis, this prop 1, basically. >> what prop 1 does is it creates greater focus and accountability for counties to
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actually serve the highest need population there is a lot of funding coming down from the state to address mental health. and we certainly need more of it. but if you simply leave government to its own devices, it tends to do the easier things. what we need to do is focus on the folks who are struggling the most with addiction and mental illness. and what prop 1 would do is add over 10,000 beds, places for people to go. that's one of the big barriers to taking advantage of mental health and addiction treatment is that our unhoused community, people who are literally dying on our streets don't have a stable place to be where they can take advantage of counseling, medication, and other treatment. >> so back when i was growing up, we had agnew state hospital, a bunch of other places. you're saying if prop 1 passes, you get that money and build more spaces like back in the day agnew? >> we're going in a different direction. no one wants to go back to what we did in the 60s. we need safe indoor places for people to be where they can access treatment. i think you'll see a lot more
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residential treatment, lower security. for the very severe cases, we may need secure treatment facilities. but for vast majority of people they just need their own little room with a bed that's stable so that counseling, medication can start to take hold, and they can actually start to turn their lives around. they just need a safe, stable place to be. >> a big issue for this i would imagine conservatorship does this make it easier toe say to a loved one you're not able to make these decisions yourself, i'm going to bring you into rehab. >> we've talked about care courts, conservatorship reform, sb 43 as people might remember from last year. those have already been passed and are now beginning implementation. the final piece is having beds. whether it's low barrier residential treatment, what we we used to call halfway house, a place where people could sober and turn their lives around, or something more medicalized, an in-patient treatment center all the way up for the small number
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of folks secured treatment facilities. you've got to have places for a judge to encourage someone to go or for a doctor to refer someone. >> this comes on the march primary, which is about a month away now. it's prop 1. the sticker shock is going to get a lot of people. when you read that on the ballot, $6.4 billion of taxpayers' money. where is that coming from? is that from the higher end earners? the million dollar plus, if i make more than a million dollars, i'm going pay that tax? >> here is the great news. it's not new revenue. this is taking the existing tax, the mental health services act, which generates a few billion a year. but what it is doing is it's mandating that we take a portion of those dollars, bond against them and use a larger influx of funds at one time. >> you got to tell me in english now. >> all right. it's allowing us to take an existing revenue stream, issue a bond against those future revenues, and use it to build in-patient beds. otherwise we just get the
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funding at the county level, and we use it on counseling and awareness raising and things that are good. there is always a trade-off here. but there has been no forcing function for building in-patient treatment, building places for people to go. that's what this does. . there are some republicans around the state that are backing prop 1, and there are some key republicans that are against prop 1. why are they against it so much? is it strictly the price tag? >> you'd have to ask them. what i would say is there is a pretty strong bipartisan coalition. i was on the call this morning with the governor, with democratic and republican mayors from across the state. there is a lot of support for this because we see the effects of the failures of her mental health system on our streets every day. we see thousands of people who need care, who are falling through the cracks, and the key gap is that we don't have the treatment centers, the beds, the places for people to go. >> mayor mahan, thanks for being with us. >> appreciate you having me. up next, the dramatic moment on capitol hill. you see this, mark zuckerberg apologizing to parents whose kids were harmed by social
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media. we will listen to his comments. also, as we count down to the super bowl, a 49ers staff member in the spotlight tonight because of his artwork. you're watching nbc bay area news tonight. you may know adam schiff's work to protect the rule of law, or to build affordable housing, or write california's patients bill of rights. but i know adam through the big brother program. we've been brothers since i was seven. he stood by my side as i graduated from yale, and i stood by his side when he married eve,
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the love of his life. i'm a little biased, but take it from adam's little brother. he'll make us all proud as california senator. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message. welcome back to nbc bay area news tonight. a lot of talk about facebook boss mark zuckerberg and an awkward showdown on capitol hill today over the dangers of social media, specifically for kids.
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the 39-year-old ceo of meta arrived for a senate hearing along with other social media ceos. you see in the chamber there parents holding up photos of their children. those parents say their kids were harmed and in some cases lost their lives. the most explosive moment, an exchange between zuckerberg and stanford grad josh hawley. >> you're on national television. would you like to apologize, show them the pictures. would you like to apologize for what you have done to these good people? >> quite a confrontation. zuckerberg stood up, turned around and addressed the parents. >> knowing that to go through the things that your families have suffered, and this is why we invest so much and a pretty big effort to make sure that no one has to go through the type
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of thanks your families have had to. >> the ceo of snap, evan speigel also apologized for how he said snapchat is being misused. he said his company works diligently to prevent predators from using the platform. let's move on now. let's have some fun. we are 11 days away from the super bowl. the 49ers are back to work, the players back to work tomorrow. but the people making the footballs are working today. wilson sending us this video late today. the company says since 1941 it's been making the official footballs for the national football league. and yes, we will see some of these balls february 11th at the super bowl. and here is something else catching our attention. a 49ers staff member, jot george kittle or brock purdy, but another guy is getting some love because of his artwork. emedical owe cortez works as the 49ers' edu lead educator, a program that creates s.t.e.m.
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content for kids who visit the 49ers facility. but as an artist, he also creates these one-of-a-kind footballs that eventually make it on to the field as ceremonial game ball. that press cool. joining us now is emilio cortez. nice to have you on the program. the first question i guess is the big question here. are you get to go to the super bowl in las vegas? >> you know, i'm not too sure. waiting to see about that one. hopefully. >> we're crossing our fingers for you. tell us about the footballs now. when did you start creating them pour the team, and why? >> yeah, this this is something that came about as being a part of the latinx with the 49ers which is the first ever latinx crg group we've ever had. this is something we worked on together to create as a special award for some latino youth award recipients that we've been doing for the past couple of seasons now, giving them out during a pregame ceremony to latino youth that are doing good in their community and on and off the field. >> what a cool item here.
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really unique. did they just go around the office and say hey, who can do this? or what's your artistic background? >> people kind of started figuring out that i do have this other talent outside of my day to day work. so i've always been into art since a young age and got my degree in art from san jose state. so i've been able to kind of really leverage my talent within the organization. so once they kind of figured out what i can do and custom paint pretty much anything, they started reaching out to me to start working on these. >> so emilio, this is reeshlly special for community members. what if i'm a normal person. to buy your stuff, or is it even for sale? >> i think the things now one of the pieces i created is the 49ers sugar sculfor dia de los muertos you can see behind me in the background on that towel. but, yeah, they have some of that merchandise available in the team store. so now it's officially licensed by the nfl. this is something that was created during the 2022 season.
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and came out on a flag originally, and from there was able to get that out on some merch. >> your obviously a gifted artist. what about your day job with the 49ers? what do you do? >> i'm a senior coordinator in the 49ers edu program, which leverages the game of football to teach kinder through eighth grade students that come and visit us at the stadium about s.t.e.m. concepts and how those are important to the football. it's not just the players on the field, but there are so many more careers in the organization where s.t.e.m. plays an integral role. we teach hoy that is interconnected. >> good luck with your job. good luck for your franchise winning the super bowl in a couple of weeks in las vegas. thanks for joining us tonight. >> thank you. let's take you outside right now. a live look at the bay bridge. you see not too many people on the road, which is a good sign. jeff is going to return with our forecast as that rain is going to intensify in the next 90 minutes. minutes. stay witus.h not just any whiteboard...
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...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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wendy's breakfast 2 for $3 is so good, the crew is giving every combination codenames. bis-squared. egg and cheese biscuit and sausage biscuit. 2 biscuits! i'm impressed tyler knew what squaring was... mathletes! no matter what you call it, choose wisely. choose wendy's breakfast 2 for $3. you may know adam schiff's work to protect the rule of law, choose wisely. or to build affordable housing, or write california's patients bill of rights. but i know adam through the big brother program. we've been brothers since i was seven. he stood by my side as i graduated from yale, and i stood by his side when he married eve,
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the love of his life. i'm a little biased, but take it from adam's little brother. he'll make us all proud as california senator. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. jeff ranieri back with us. and you're saying this is getting to be the heart of the storm right now, this hour. >> that's right. look at our storm ranger. we've got an intense band right now through the peninsula from downtown san francisco into the sunset district. we're just getting drilled with that rain. let me give you closer looks of that and what's coming our way for tomorrow in that microclimate forecast. and here it is on that live storm ranger scan right now.
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here is downtown san francisco, daly city, off towards the coastline, the orange and red, some of the heaviest rainfall. and downpours we can get showing up right now. not advised to be out on the road on the northern half of the peninsula. all this is tracking off to the north and the east, holding up into oakland we think through 8:14 tonight. now that rainfall will continue to redevelop those heavy downpours, and still will be with us at 11:00 tonight over the east bay and the south bay. and then thankfully by tomorrow morning, the worst of it will leave. it will be less of a chance here, some scattered rain and some thunderstorm chances through the day tomorrow. we'll start it off with temperatures in the 40s and 50s. so jacket and umbrella to begin. keep the jacket and umbrella for the afternoon. lots of 50s here for those daytime highs. now once we get over tomorrow, overall i'm call it a break. we'll still have a spotty chance here of rain friday and saturday. and then the next storm looks to be strong on sunday, 1 to 2
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inches of rain. wind could get up to 60 miles per hour. lingering rain on monday. and then we'll see some spotty rain next tuesday and wednesday. once we get past this tonight, raj, sunday is going to be that next day we're looking ahead towards. there. >> it comes again. thanks, jeff. as we wrap up, mario lopez just getting started right now with "access hollywood." >> well, since their love story began, taylor has been to nearly every chiefs game, 12 to be exact to support travis. and for the super bowl, she'd hit her lucky number 13. but before we get there, this sunday is huge for swift because she likely to win a whole bunch of grammys. will travis join her for their first ever red carpet to cheer her on? let the speculation end right now, because tonight on "access," travis answers the question. and then tariq el moussa is ready to reveal the truth behind the worst day of his life, the gun incident that ended his marriage to christina, to being handcuffed on his driveway.
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plus, if you're wondering what are the top trending cosmetics procedures of 2024, we have you covered there too. moments away on "access hollywood." back to you. >> mario, we'll see you in a minute. here is what is coming up on prime-time. our chicago lineup. chicago med at 8:00. chicago fire at 9:00, and chicago p.d. at teng. our 11:00 news live and local you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban
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and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us.
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you may know adam schiff's work to protect the rule of law, or to build affordable housing, or write california's patients bill of rights. but i know adam through the big brother program.
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we've been brothers since i was seven. he stood by my side as i graduated from yale, and i stood by his side when he married eve, the love of his life. i'm a little biased, but take it from adam's little brother. he'll make us all proud as california senator. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. tonight on "access hollywood" -- >> thanks for joining the team. >> the 13th time taylor showed up to support travis, and kelce reveals whether he'll be there for her this sunday when taylor likely grabs more grammys. held at 21 point and handcuffed, the shocking new revelation on the incident that ended his marriage to christina. a thoughtful bruce willis update straight from demi moore. >> what i'll share is what i say


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