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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 1, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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right now at 5:00, as you wake up this morning you might see some flooding outside your window or along your morning route after a long night of rain. there's still more rain in the forecast. we will help you track the atmospheric river as it slowly moves out of here. the white house issuing a new proposal for drugmakers. we are moving you forward with a change that could soon lower prices. and california lawmakers unveil the first of its kind
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measure to bring reparations to black america. this is "today in the bay." a live look at pacifica this morning -- >> no, that's not -- >> there we go. the high surf advisory remaining in effect until at least 3:00 this afternoon. see those waves right there? some of them 25 feet high. avoid that this afternoon. i am marcus washington. i am kris sanchez. laura garcia is off today. we're dealing with puddles on the roads as the storm system heads further to the south, but still leaving us with lingering rain. as we look further to the north, lightning strikes are starting
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to pop up across northern california. we will watch out for that chance as we go throughout today with isolated thunderstorms that will be possible. still, showers will be moving through san francisco and parts of the north bay and now extending over towards contra costa. we are seeing a few pockets where we are seeing the yellows and that's around san francisco and moving over towards hayward. as any point today we could see spotty rain, but overall the trend is to be a little drier, all the way up to this afternoon where we may see more activity developing and that's when once again we could see thunderstorms. a chance of rain continues in the forecast through tonight and into the day tomorrow, so we are not done with this storm just yet. we will have more on that in just a few minutes. mike, you were talking about spinouts? >> yeah, folks in san josé are familiar with the interchange at 101 and 88, and just at the
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clover leaf, there's a spinout. the clover leaf is open. another car crash on 680 in the berryessa area. more green especially in this area, and this is where kari was talking about a lot of activity, and the blue, the puddling and ponding. most of the freeways, they are perimeters for the puddling and ponding, but highway 24 may get more flooding through the areas. we are watching this on and especially the off-ramps, watch those coming off the freeway speeds. take a look at this. this is video from sonoma county. flooded streets posing a lot of problems last night. this is just off of mark west
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station road. >> today in the bay's bob redell is live in fremont. bob, you were there yesterday. how has it changed? there are still concerns about rising water? >> reporter: no, and there has not been change since yesterday, but the national weather service is expecting the river behind me to crest below the 9-foot flood stage, and we could see flooding upstream along highway 84. we did not get enough rain for that to happen. this is what it looks like up in the north bay. i just checked with the national weather service, and that waterway expected to crest
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several feet below flood stage. >> with rains coming in we don't want to end up like from 2005. >> when i was a child i remember the water being up high and causing damage to homes and businesses. the town is prepared, and there's sirens and alerts to help make sure everybody knows what is happening, and aside from that mother nature will do its thing. >> reporter: in the south bay homeless advocates passed out food and weather supplies to those living along coyote creek. reporting live in niles canyon, alameda creek in fremont, bob redell for today in the bay. >> thank you, bob.
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because of the weather two school districts are closed as a precaution, a rainy day, and both districts are in sonoma county. first all schools in the casha elementary school district, and in the twins hill school district, they are resuming tomorrow. the oakland zoo will be closed because of the storm. the zoo is going to issue refunds for people who already had reservations. you will have to find another way to tire your kids out. developing now, an investigation under way after a police shooting in san francisco. it happened around 4:30 yesterday afternoon on 280 at the mariposa exit. the officer was called out because of a pedestrian on the
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freeway, and a struggle ensued and the officer fired. that person was taken to the hospital and is expected to be okay. the biden administration giving its first proposal to the drugmakers, and they want to reduce the costs of drugs treating cardiovascular and diabetes and kidney disease. if this is approved, the savings would not take effect until 2026. now to a live look at the state capitol where lawmakers are taking another step towards what would be a history-making decision on reparations to african americans. the black caucus introduced 14 reparation bills in response to
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proposals first outlined last summer by the task force. that measure is categorized under education, civil rights, criminal justice reform, health and business. cash payments and financial compensation are not mentioned in the bills. some experts believe the measure may face questions over constitution legalities. take a live look at i-80 this morning. you can see the snow piling up near sarasota springs. we are expecting more snow today. you can see there, a lot of snow. >> yeah. >> you know what? >> they do night skiing there. >> do they? >> it seems fun in theory. >> you learn something new every day. >> yeah, you are out the night
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and you see a bear, right? >> yeah, i should have listened to kari. the snow is still coming down so they are not lifting the chain controls anytime soon, and we are looking at waves of snow coming down. we are looking at a closer view of all the snow just as you head up north of the paulic pines area, and we are seeing lots of heavy snow this morning. once again the winter storm warning continues until tomorrow morning, and at times low visibility and with the high winds that we see, there's a possibility of downed trees. we are looking at an additional 5 to 15 inches of snow, and then as we go into the weekend there will be another storm coming in and into early next week in total we may see about 60 inches of snow in kirkwood. this is much needed because right now the sierra snowpack is
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only at half of its normal amount, so hopefully we do see a lot more in the forecast with colder storms coming in. i will have more on that and we will talk about what to expect this weekend coming up. mike has a look at some of the gas prices around the bay. >> good news, vallejo, 3.65 at the 76 on tennessee street right off i-80. best in city in santa clara today, platinum gas at $3.77 on washington street. named after marcus, i believe. maybe not. fremont's best is 3.99 at arco, and under 4 bucks if you are paying cash, just like the other prices here on use caution in the blue areas
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with the puddles. a small crash off in the gore point here and a little flooding for i-80. slicker roadways kicking up on your lens. you can go the speed limit. >> thank you, mike. we are going to show you which streaming service is cracking down this time, and why some users of friends and family may consider clearing the calendar for some last-minute binging. are you as a parent doing everything you need to do? counting down to the super bowl, and the viral fashion pieces this morning, a sneak peek for you from a 49er wife
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(vo) meet fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. fargo makes banking faster, and easier. (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card! (vo) lets you pick up the tab, even if you forget your wallet... (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) fargo puts important information at your fingertips. (dad) fargo, what did i spend on groceries this month? (son) hey dad, can the guys stay for dinner?
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(dad) no... (vo) want to see everything fargo can do? you can, with wells fargo. good thursday morning to you. it's february 1st. as we take a live look outside in san francisco, it's starting out with rain now. we will take a brief break from the downpours through about 10:00, but there will be a chance of showers throughout the day. don't forget the umbrella once again. we are still tracking rain here and the potential of thunderstorms, so more on that coming up in a few minutes. taking a look from san francisco, here's our mountain tup perch showing the golden
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gate bridge. let me show you a better view of the driving conditions. there will be slick roadways, and mist, drizzle and rain leftovers of course, and ponds and puddling left over in some parts of the area. more on the conditions, coming up. good thursday morning. 5:15. the fed did as expected and left interest rates where they were but hinted they could cut rates around maybe summer. elon musk wants tesla to reincorporate in texas after a judge in delaware ruled he was badly overpaid. the weather has been a challenge lately, but kari i think you will like this. i came across a report that was going from taipei flight to los
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angeles, and it hit an all-time speed record of 826 miles per hour, the tailwinds pushed it along, and technically faster than the speed of light, and the plane was flying a normal speed through the air, but they had tremendous ground speed, which is what a passenger cares about. fastest commercial flight ever. ceos from snap, meta and x were there, and mark zuckerberg took the worst of it. depending on how you do the math, meta spends more money than all of these companies combined, and congress already has bills written and ready to
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go that contain many of the changes that lawmakers are calling for, but they haven't voted on those bills. companies complain that parents aren't using the tools they already provided. a "washington post" study found just 10% of parents had access to child safety tools on instagram. parents, use the tools you got. there are tools to prevent strangers from contacting your kids, and on tiktok, you can turn off stitching, and that's where somebody can -- >> that makes incredible. you are so talented. let's be honest, your fiancé is the luckiest man alive. >> in this case, she gets a huge boost from gordon ramsey, but if
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it's something your child did, they probably want that boost and want to be influencers, and stitching allows that to be transmitted to so many other people, so turn it off. >> and also, follow the rules. i know parents that let their kids have social media before the age 13, and parents say i don't know how to use that stuff. >> yeah, i am not letting companies off the hook, and companies are saying, you know, we have these tools. >> if you are going to let your kid do it, you should know how to do it. i am not very popular. >> i am not a kid kid. but when you said that, i thought, hey. >> no, my kids didn't have social media, but there's lots of communication through
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snapchat and others. hulu says unless otherwise permitted by your membership plan, you will not be able to share your account with people outside your household, which it defines as your primary residence. if hulu determines you have violated the agreement, they could terminate your account. the terms took effect last week for new subscribers, and it will be effective march 14th for existing companies. >> you will just come over and watch it with auntie kris more often. the big game now just ten days away. the team is headed for vegas on sunday. some of the biggest fans buzz involving our favorite
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fashion girl, kristin juszczyk. this is to be worn by the likes of taylor swift and many others. this week she reached a licensing deal with the nfl. >> oh, yeah. >> that means cha-ching. >> and they get to control more of what she's doing, probably, right? >> i will go to the goodwill and get something. >> she has one of those rain jackets with a hood -- >> not in vegas. i would just bring an umbrella. it will be so off and on, you don't want to be fully committed in the rain, right? we are seeing showers out there right now, and we are seeing a very soggy commute across parts of the bay area. the chance much rain and even thunderstorms will continue today and we are looking at the flood warning in parts of the
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north bay continuing for sports like the russian river and much of sonoma county on those creeks and rivers seeing very high water levels. then there's not much of a break before the next storm arrives. this is a look at the next storm well out in the pacific. we are still dealing with this one now, and it's connecting with all of that subtropical moisture. yes, it will be another atmospheric river. we are also going to watch out for the possibility of thunderstorms and some of the heavier downpours. snow still coming around in the sierra. around the bay area we are tracking areas of more rain, and it's light to moderate with pockets to heavier rain, and we have slightly heavier rain moving across the bridge right now. rain is getting ready to approach the pacifica area in the next few minutes. there will be breaks in the activity for today, and maybe even breaks of sunshine. at any point today we could see rain. at 3:00, we are still seeing
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coverage of wet weather and possibly some rumbles of thunder, some lightning strikes into this evening. that chance continues into tomorrow as well, as we are still getting energy and moisture streaming across the bay area. you can see there's not much really much of a break in the overall rainfall but we will still see a chance of showers. additional rainfall for most of us will be a quarter to half an inch. looking ahead we are going to see that chance of rain going into next week. here's the next atmospheric river arriving very early on sunday morning and continuing through much of the middle of next week. then looking at how much additional rainfall we are going to see, looks like a pretty good soaker for us. another wave where we could see three to four inches of rainfall, and where we see the heaviest rain maybe shifting a little further south. we will watch out for those trends. looking at the 7-day forecast, it will be chilly out there.
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not much of a warm-up with highs in the 50s, and the next storm moving in on sunday. we will be tracking that kris and marcus. >> it was cool last night. i almost put on an extra blanket. too much information. next on "today in the bay," "nbc bay area responds." >> he tied up a birthday gift with a nice bow but wound up
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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good morning. frank in santa clara gave his mom a $300 department store gift card for her birthday. happy birthday, mom. when mom went to use it for the very first time the store said there was no money on it, somebody had already spent her 300 bucks. frank wanted his money back. the department store refused so he asked safeway where he bought the card for help but didn't hear back, and so frank contacted us, and we contacted the companies involved, and three days later safeway gave frank a refund. how did somebody swipe mom's money? we don't know. but we do see many cases involving companies galore where viewers' gift cards go bank and they suspect fraud. as we said many times before, your best protection with gift
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cards is to spend them as soon as possible. some thieves tamper with gift cards, the store racks are full of cards and that's where thieves sometimes tamper with the bar codes and stickers and all that, and examine the packaging and feel the cards itself, and if the card feels like it has been altered or the numbers are out of place, don't buy it. if you have any gripes, scan the qr code right now to fill out the complaint form online. >> reporter: it was a late night scare for the residents of that apartment complex. a big tree came crashing down on to the two-story apartment complex. we will have more of the details uphead. a
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing,
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lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. right now at 5:30, stormy cleanup. we are looking live this morning at the aftermath of an atmospheric river. we're not yet quite in the clear. meteorologist, kari hall, is tracking the weather outlook. major oakland corridor now missing another tenant.
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>> this is "today in the bay." good thursday morning to you. i am marcus washington. i am kris sanchez. laura garcia is off this morning. we want to take a look at the forecast and kari hall is tracking the weather. >> there's rain that will be in the forecast today and go into the afternoon. the heaviest rain has already fallen with the gusty winds we saw yesterday evening. we are watching out for the possibility of thunderstorms, but as of right now we are seeing with storm ranger lingering showers in parts of the north bay into san francisco. moving into the east bay with some off and on rain, and a few pockets of heavy downpours, and overall it's looking much drier. as we go throughout the morning, spotty rain will be possible and we could see activity ramping up again for this afternoon. this is when we could possibly have some thunderstorms. we will talk more about that and a look ahead to the weekend, coming up. mike, you are looking at the
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conditions on the san mateo bridge. >> look, and i will show you up closer so you can see the bridge. you may want to low we're those speeds. traffic is operating at speed. the arrow shows you the commute direction, westbound. on the east bay, the right side is the wet roadways you see there, and at the bottom of the screen, an earlier crash on san hill at 280 south bay. the flares looked to be burned out and there's no more slowing. approaching the fremont off-ramp, the gore point there had a crash and activity. it is cleared from the khap report but there's more of a build there and the metering lights are active there now, too. >> thanks, mike. we want to give you a live look out on san francisco. the latest storm delivered a lot of rain in a short amount of time leaving the ground soil saturated pretty much everywhere.
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>> let's go to today in the bay's ginger conejero saab. you are in daly city this morning, and people there had a scare overnight. >> reporter: kris, marcus, we will show you why they had the big scare overnight, and you said this marcus, i want to bring your attention to how wet and muddy this is where that tree was. that might give you an idea, you can imagine how soggy and saturated that ground soil is that maybe caused the downed tree. the big tree came crashing down to a two-story apartment complex here on king drive in daly city. the area is still blocked off. the tree, from what we could make of it last night, appears to be blocking a driveway into the complex. this happened just after 10:30
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after the heavy rain came down in san francisco and the peninsula. the apartment maintenance team said there were no injuries but you can see the exterior damage. heavy downpour in san francisco happened around 7:00 last night, and cars taking it slow on the freeway. this is a look at 101 where there was massive ponding along the highway. the rain did not seem to slow down all business, however. people still got out to enjoy the restaurants, like the pink onion, but the staff there says they know how damaging the rain can be. >> it's scary sometimes with the rains, but so far so good. >> reporter: speaking of damage, we are only seeing really what the tree has done to the outside of this building. it's not clear how extensive the damage is inside the apartment complex. we're hoping to learn more about that as the morning continues. we're also told that the tree will be cleared out at some
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point this morning, but no exact time on that yet. we will be here and bring you the latest. back to you guys. >> thank you, ginger. 5:34 now. developing news out of idaho this morning. we want to show you what investigators are looking into. they are trying to figure out how three people died and five others were injured after a hanger collapsed near the boise airport. it happened yesterday afternoon. that hangar was under construction. there are records of a crane operator having put something on top of the hangar before it caved in. video does show a collapsed crane in the rubble as well. now to a live look in san josé this morning. the city's mayor plans to come together with other leaders, and fremont mayor, lilly mei also
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discussing the outlook for silicon valley. they are going to look at dwindling jobs in the tech industry and shifting office space needs. this event is already sold out. it gets under way at 8:30 this morning. if there is any news that comes out of this we will let you know. also today arraignments are set to begin for the pro palestinian supporters that shutdown the bridge last november during the apec conference. each charge could amount to jail time. they plan to hold a rally this morning outside of san francisco's hall of justice. contra costa county health leaders will meet this morning f the coco dust release. the department said there was no
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risk to residents at the time, but many woke up to see ash covering their cars and homes, and the county supervisors are looking at the time of the release and the notification by the refinery company. and then the denny's on haguen burger road is closed because of safety concerns. that area has been plagued by robberies. starbucks, black bear diner and other restaurants have already closed in that same area. turning back to the weather here, look, we have a lot of rain that came down yesterday throughout the night. great for sleeping conditions, but we know it caused some trouble out there, and meteorologist, kari hall, is tracking how much rain we got overnight. how much? >> we had decent rain, and take
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a look at the numbers closer there. napa, an inch and three quarters there. we also saw rainfall totals nearing two inches for parts of the santa cruz mountains. in santa rosa we had over two inches of rainfall. livermore and danville, this is typical of an atmospheric river where we had half an inch of rainfall. morgan hill, over an inch. we are going to see some of the highest rainfall totals, as we typically do, in the hills and mountains, and some of the rainfall totals were over 4.5 inches, and mount barnaby, four and a half inches there. we know there's more on the way, and it's going to be coming on
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an already-saturated ground. we will have more on that in a few minutes. mike, you said the bay bridge is jammed up in san francisco. >> over the last few minutes since the last report, completely filled in the toll plaza from completely empty, about ten minutes and that's a rapid fill in. we see lighter traffic on the incline, but that's because of the backup. westbound into san francisco is jammed but i do believe they have cleared the earlier activity. yes, it's recovering past fremont. there was an earlier crash and i thought it was cleared but there must have been another quick closure there. contra costa county, more slowing for highway 4. watch the conditions in towards walnut creek. construction is planned for 101
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and tiburon boulevard, and i don't know if they will still be doing that today. watch for standing water. back to you. >> thanks, mike. breaking news overseas, and the new video of ukraine forces destroying a russian warship. meanwhile, we're waiting for a deal in washington over ukraine and the border. we break down the most hated nfl team, and a little hint is it's one of the teams heading to the game. we are teaming up with the "today" show to host a niners watch game. that's next week, at 4:00 a.m., and it's over at the lot at city center bishop ranch in san ramon. ramon. dress in your 49ers gear
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nothing comes close to this place in the morning. i'm so glad i can still come here. you see, i was diagnosed with obstructive hcm. and there were some days i was so short of breath. i thought i'd have to settle for never stepping foot on this trail again. i became great at making excuses. but i have people who count on me so i talked to my cardiologist. i said there must be more we can do for my symptoms. he told me about a medication called camzyos. he said camzyos works by targeting what's causing my obstructive hcm. so he prescribed it and i'm really glad he did. camzyos is used to treat adults with symptomatic obstructive hcm. camzyos may improve your symptoms and your ability to be active. camzyos may cause serious side effects, including heart failure that can lead to death. a risk that's increased if you develop a serious infection or irregular heartbeat or when taking certain other medicines. so do not stop, start or change medicines or the dose without telling your healthcare provider. you must have echocardiograms before and during treatment. seek help if you experience new or worsening symptoms of heart failure.
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because of this risk, camzyos is only available through a restricted program. before taking camzyos, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions, including current or planned pregnancy. today with camzyos, i don't lose my breath as often. my symptoms have improved, helping me go from expecting less to experiencing more. my name is mike. and this is my camzyos moment. call your cardiologist today and see if a camzyos moment may be in your future too. good thursday morning. right now at 5:43, here's a live look outside in dublin. if you look at 580, you can see there's still a lot of water the cars are kicking up there on the roadway. we will have a little window to dry out and get sunshine into late morning. rain will be off and on into the evening and potentially thunderstorms. i will be tracking all that for
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you in the microclimate forecast in a few minutes. the bay bridge is packed in. in the shot, look at the cars going up the incline here. i am looking at it as the traffic guy, right? traffic here into treasure island is recovering. and a crash was cleared at fremont street. we will show you how traffic is stacking up. >> thank you for showing us where to look, mike. a short time ago social media posted an attack where the ship sank. this would be the second such russian ship to sink in the last month, and the number of casualties not yet known. and democrats have agreed to
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a major change in border security in exchange for the deal here at home. >> it could be the best deal republicans will get in a decade. the details we know about that the senate has agreed on would give the president the power to shutdown the border if the number crossing averaging 5,000 a day, and it's routinely higher than that. donald trump says they should not vote yes. >> don't make a bad border deal, because a bad border deal would be worse than no deal at all. you don't need a deal to tighten up the border. >> trump made those remarks to the union teamsters. we are in a strange
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position, when the democratic president is asking to shutdown the border. >> look, the border deal is a very important thing to get done. our border is broken, and our republican colleagues over and over again said it's an emergency and has to be fixed, so we on the democratic side are pursuing getting all of this done. ukraine, israel, humanitarian aid, endo pacific, the border together. >> the original deal was republicans would only hand over more money for ukraine's defense if the democrats agreed to the historic changes at the border, which democrats did. and then hours ago, the eu agreed to pay more for ukraine.
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and then president biden's campaign has the biggest war chest, and trump's pacs paid $50 million on legal fees. pictures here from the department of justice, which just succeeded in sending a new york man to prison for assaulting a police officer during the attack on the capitol. he pushed a police officer off of a ledge and he will spend the next six years in prison. the doj and fbi say 350 individuals have been charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement, and about 1,000 individuals have been charged with crimes related to the capitol, and there's been an
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arrest every day since. >> thank you, scott. it's 5:47 for you this morning. discovery black heritage month is here. we are celebrating it here at nbc bay area. separately, google, celebrating james baldwin. he is being celebrated. he died in 1987 at the age of 63. it's 5:48 right now. talk about tagging to a new level. this is southern california, and it's a half finished skyscraper. and some of it covered in
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graffiti. construction stopped five years ago when the developers ran out of money. so far no arrests, and police are trying to figure out how the taggers got access. >> i was thinking the overpasses and stuff, but i don't know. >> they are brave. >> that, they are. happening tonight, "law & order" fans get ready for a new episode of "law & order" organized crime, and this is the latest install of the of the franchise. the role originated on "law & order" sbu, remember that. i got a chance to speak with her, and she says the way the episodes flow together, it sets this version of "law & order" aside from the others. >> it's not going to wrap up in one episode. you will have to watch it for a
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few episodes or more to find out what happens, and i think that kind of sets us apart from the other "law & order"s, and our show is more gritty and action based. >> she was really fun. i asked what was the most exciting thing people should look out for? she said, me! in a fun way. she's from sacramento, too. >> really? >> new episodes tonight at 10:00 here on nbc bay area, and that airs after "law & order" and law and order sbu. a betting website breaking down the ten most hated teams in the nfl. >> i would say there's enough hate in the world. first, let's say the super bowl doesn't do you any favors, haters going to hate. the niners made that list based
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negative posts in twitter fear. the chiefs are the top spot. whether it's because of the bad blood with kelce or they made it the last four years, and the niners barely make the top ten. >> when you are the champ, people want to take you down. >> haters are going to hate. >> hate, hate, hate. >> see, now, that may play in a little bit to why the number one team is up there because of the association. >> all right. well, if they were playing here, they would want a dome, you know, and luckily nobody is playing football right now. >> yeah, you know, and it's
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going to be so off and on. it's going to be hard to say if you can go out and play football or if you want to cover things up, because we are going to see things change minute by minute. we are seeing the showers out there now and it's affecting your morning commute. in the parts of the bay area where we had such heavy rain yesterday, it's still out there on the roadways. the showers continue today with thunderstorms, and we are continuing with a flood warning for parts of the north bay and some of the rivers and creeks until 7:00. the next big storm will be arriving on sunday. we can see we are still dealing with this for now and thunderstorms to the north. this is the next storm that is going to be coming in, so we do have a few days in between, but we can see the lightning strikes that have been popping up off the coastline. we will have that chance today as the moisture and the energy continues to roll across the region. as you are stepping out the door this morning, don't forget the umbrella, even if it's not raining right now. there will be a chance of it as
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we go throughout the day. looking at the rain pouring in richmond and berkeley as well as oakland moving over towards the east bay, and we are seeing it pick up along the coastline near pacifica. one heavy cell off the coast. and then in the 10:00 and 11:00 hour, a couple spotty showers and then activity ramps up again later this afternoon. there's quite a bit of rain here and the thunderstorm chance could continue as we see heavy brief downpours. additional rainfall for us today, quarter to half an inch of rainfall. the next storm coming in on sunday continuing into at least the middle of next week, so we are not done with the rain just yet. we are looking at much colder temperatures with highs today up to about 60 inland, and only in the 50s through the rest of the forecast. it's about the same in san francisco, just make sure you keep checking in every day, because things will be changing. mike, you are tracking the
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recovery on the bay bridge. >> yeah, things are changing on the bay bridge itself and speeds are better across the span. doesn't look like much change here at the toll plaza because it's stacked up. as we are recovering the metering lights are slow across the span. had issues at fremont street, and you saw the crowd over here off the maze and the berkeley curve. you have time in most cases, so slow your speeds down. it's dark and it's windy so use caution. back to you. >> thanks, mike. happening now, a new ruling says california will not have to pass a background check to buy bullets. a federal judge issuing a different version this week, and it went into effect immediately. and bonta asked the judge to delay the decision to give him time to appeal, and that has not
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been decided yet. the details we are learning about the pilot who was onboard. plus, a historic legislative move here in california as we break down the all-new bill aiming to give reparations to the
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nbc bay area responds to a south bay viewer whose generous gift for his mom vanished after he gave it to her. >> this was no magic trick here. consumer reporter, chris chmura, explains what the complaint has in common with so many other cases you send us. >> good morning. frank gave his mom a $300 gift card for her birthday. happy birthday. when his mom went to spend it, there was no money on it. somebody already spent the $300. frank wanted his money back.
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frank contacted us. we contacted the companies involved. days later safeway gave frank a full $300 refund. in a statement a rep said in this case our customer service team resolved with the customer. how did somebody swipe mom's money? we don't know. we do see many cases involving companies galore where cards go blank and they suspect fraud. as we said many times before, your best protection with gift cards is to spend them as soon as possible. some thieves tamper with gift cards. the store racks are full of cards and that's where thieves tamper with the bar codes and stickers and all that. examine the packaging, and feel the card itself. if the card feels like it has been altered or any of the numbers on it are missing or out of place, don't buy it. if you have a gift card gripe or another consumer issue, perhaps we can help.
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scan the qr code on the screen to fill out our consumer complaint form online. >> you can watch us whenever you want on roku and other streaming platforms. right now at 6:00, all eyes on rivers and creeks with water levels still on the rise across the bay area. overnight the russian river flooded up in mendocino county. we are tracking lingering wet weather and another storm on its way. this is "today in the bay." good thursday morning. thank you for starting your morning with us. i am marcus washington. i am kris sanchez. laura garcia is off this morning. we do have live team coverage for you. bob redell is watching the water levels along one creek where flooding has been an issue in the past. first, meteorologist, kari hall,


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