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tv   Today  NBC  February 1, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PST

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couple isolated thunderstorms and we are watching out for that as we look at storm ranger. can you also track it on your smart device. the alert continues in for castro valley because of a crash at schafer ranch. thank you for joining thus morning. we are headed over to our streaming platforms for more hi, there. good thursday morning. we're following breaking news overnight. >> a deadly accident at an airport. it is february the 1st this is "today." hanger collapse. three people killed. at least nine others hurt at an airport in boise, idaho. some of the victims trapped under debris >> it was fairly catastrophic. >> the frantic search for survivors overnight and the investigation to uncover what went wrong grilled.
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tech ceos called out on capitol hill over the risks their platforms posed to children. >> i know you don't mean it to be so, but you have blood on your hands >> the dramatic moment mark zuckerberg stood up and apologized to grieving families in the room. the question this morning, will any of it help make social media safer. pineapple express. a one-two punch of powerful storms hammering the west coast. accidents, rescues, and flooding already mounting with even more rain on the way, while much of the rest of the country set to enjoy a winter warm-up millions expecting record highs. al has the full forecast new twist. the accused idaho college killer now fighting to have his trial moved. his attorney saying it's the only way to find a fair jury we'll tell you how the victims' families are reacting. all that, plus, love story >> it's a beautiful thing, isn't it >> travis kelce opening up like
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never before about his romance with taylor swift and pushing back at critics. >> we just have fun with it, and we enjoy every single bit of it. >> what he's now revealing ahead of the super bowl. and checking in. elmo's innocent post asking people how they're doing now seen nearly 200 million times, and fueling a wide array of responses. so what does elmo think of all of the commotion we'll ask our furry little friend when he makes the trip from "sesame street" to studio 1a, today, thursday, february 1st, 2024. ♪ >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> well, good morning. good to see you. happy you're with us on this thursday morning there's a lot of crumby things going on in the world. we need a little elmo today. >> we do elmo is going to be here we cannot wait to catch up with
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him. and thinking of furry and finalr enthusiasm." adorable balls of positivity, larry david will also be here to talk about the final season of "curb your enthusiasm. >> wow, yin and yang >> yeah, point, counterpoint we're also covering that extraordinary moment on capitol hill yesterday mark zuckerberg turning around during a hearing to address the families of children victimized on social media. the image itself going viral we'll have a full update on that important hearing just ahead we start with that breaking news out of boise. three people killed, nine others hurt, when an airport hanger that was under construction suddenly collapsed the boise fire department calling it catastrophic. nbc's erin mclaughlin is live in studio 1a with the latest. hey, erin, what can you tell us? >> good morning. this was a chaotic and deadly scene. we're talking about a 39,000 foot steel hanger. fire and rescue crews rushed in to respond now officials are combing through the wreckage, trying to figure out exactly what went wrong. >> we have a structure collapse
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at the new hanger at jackson jet center one crane collapsed and i guess partial structure collapsed as well >> reporter: this morning, authorities are investigating a deadly building collapse in boise, idaho, that killed three people and injured nine others, five of them in critical condition. >> it was a pretty global collapse that occurred to the main structural members came down, it was fairly catastrophic >> reporter: the initial call coming in wednesday evening at a steel jet hanger owned by private aircraft company, jackson jet center the building had been under construction within boise airport's airfield >> holy [ bleep ]. >> reporter: officials describing the scene as chaotic, with several fire engines and at least a dozen ambulances on the ground rescue teams making entry, pulling victims out of the wreckage >> it did have some that were challenging and there were hoists and so forth. >> reporter: officials say everyone within the collapse area had been accounted for. the cause remains under c news
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hearts go out to everyone affected by this horrific event. we do not know exactly what caused the hangar collapse our focus now is on supporting our team and partners during this difficult time. investigation. will be heading the investigation into this collapse nbc news has reached out to the general contractor for the project, but has not heard back. guys >> erin mclaughlin thank you. also this morning, fallout is growing from that contentious hearing on capitol hill addressing child safety on social media ceos from five of the biggest platforms were on the hot seat yesterday, and at one point, meta's mark zuckerberg's issued a rare apology to parents in the hearing room who lost loved ones nbc's senior national correspondent kate snow was there and joins with us the latest kate, good morning >> reporter: the chief executives of discord, snap, tiktok, "x," and meta faced tough questions from senators on both sides of the aisle and a frosty reception from the
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families gathered in that hearing room, many wondering why the tech companies and congress have failed to act while children still face danger on social media sites >> reporter: in a combative and emotional senate hearing -- >> you have blood on your hands. you have a product -- you have a product that's killing people. >> reporter: the ceos facing accusations they failed to protect children from illicit content, predators, and extortion. >> your platforms really suck at policing themselves. >> reporter: meta ceo mark zuckerberg tangled with senators over his platform's safety record >> it appears that you're trying to be the premiere sex trafficking site -- >> of course not, senator. senator, that's ridiculous >> reporter: sitting behind the ceos, grief-stricken families holding photos of children they say were victimized on the company's platforms. >> would you like now to apologize -- >> reporter: pressed by republican senator josh hawley, zuckerberg turned to address
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>> and this is why we invested so muc families >> no one should have through the things that your family have suffered and this is why we invested so much and will continue doing industry-leading efforts to make sure that no one has to go through the types of things your family has had to suffer >> reporter: mary was in the room she says her son riley was blackmailed over explicit photos on facebook messenger and was so distraught, he took his own life to her, zuckerberg's words rang hollow >> when he stood up, he said, i'm sorry for your pain, but i don't think he's sorry for my pain >> reporter: at least six social media bills are still waiting for action in the senate, include legislation known as the kids online safety act, which some ceos declined to support. >> there are parts of the act that we think are great -- >> it's a yes or no question in its present form, do you support it yes or no? >> we're aware that some groups have raised some concerns -- it's important - >> i'll take that as a "no." >> reporter: some parents remain skeptical. are you hopeful thinking things might change after this. >> i've been in these hearings
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before i would love to hear that we're going to pass all of these bills and actually protect children, but i'm not convinced that will happen >> another big issue that came up has to do with lawsuits the fact that there is not liability for these social media companies. and why is that? and is congress prepared to do something about it >> it's very hard to, as you know, as a lawyer, to sue civilly against tease companies and win. it really hasn't happened. and that's because back in the '90s, there was this law that was passed, federal law, that basically says the platforms aren't responsible for the content on their platforms think of it like the phone company, if you make a bomb threat on a phone line, you can't -- you're not going to sue the phone company, because that bomb threat was on the phone line, does that make sense it's not their fault >> they're trying to -- otherwise, it would be crushing liability. yeah >> but here's the thing, there is some movement on capitol hill around this issue. i talked to senator john cornyn, a republican of texas yesterday, and he said to me, he thinksmett
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shield these companies have. and that's a huge ask. it would take a ton of there's quite a bit of enthusiasm about maybe doing something to repeal some of that shield that these companies have now, that's a huge ask, that would take a ton of negotiation. >> well, they don't have to take it out entirely, they could refine it and find some way to hold the companies responsible when certain circumstances warrant. >> certainly want the families want >> it seems like congress has these hearings, but they ultimately do have the power to pass legislation, so you talked about some legislation, they're making baby steps, but why not just go ahead and legislate, instead of having hearings like these? >> it's frustrating. the families felt that, too. why can't we just do something there are more than half a dozen bills right now, all different bills that would take me too long to describe how they're all different. they do different things they go at the problem in different ways here's the thing, the concerns about those bills on the social media side, because i've talked to all of these companies, is that some of them might invade the privacy of their users, some of them might not be constitutional they could have a chilling effect on free speech. even the aclu and other groups have said they're concerned
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about some of these measures that said, there is some movement there's a child online safety act, that's called kosa, that's getting a lot of attention chuck schumer, the senate majority leader said yesterday, i want to make this a priority but the reality check on is that right now our friends who cover capitol hill, you know, all our folks up there for nbc were saying to me, we've got the government can't shut down, we've got to pass budgets, it's an election year there's a lot of stuff on the agenda on capitol hill and this right now has -- none of this has been scheduled for a full senate vote. >> it feels like both sides of the aisle are lining up to berate these ceos, you know, deservedly or not deservedly but they don't need their endorsement to pass legislation. they can feel free to legislate anytime they want. >> that's true >> and as a family member of a victim said, i've been to these hearings a million times >> but senator durbin would say he's the chair of that committee, he would say as a democrat, it's the power of the
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lobbying of the social media companies that also stops some of these measures. >> right, the lawmakers are the subject of the lobbying, are they not >> thank you, kate meantime, the u.s. is now preparing a campaign of military strikes in response to the drone attack that killed three american soldiers and wounded dozens more. overnight, u.s. forces carried out strikes against other targets in the region. nbc's chief international correspondent, keir simmons is in iraq. he's got the very latest for us. hey, keir, good morning. >> reporter: hoda, good morning to you in this region, the spotlight remains very firmly on iran and its proxies. some of these iranian-backed groups continuing to operate, despite those threats of a response from the biden administration this morning, as the u.s. readies a multi-target strike against iranian assets, it says an iranian-backed group is responsible for the attack that killed three americans and its
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control by the houthis u.s. f-18s preparing ten unmanned drones that are preparing to launch attacks and a ground control station the pentagon adding the targets presented an imminent threat to merchant vessels and the u.s. navy ships in the region overnight, the u.s. destroyer, "uss carney," also shooting down anti-ship missile fired by the houthis along with three iranian drones according to the pentagon. the national guard now confirming at least 41 guardsmen were injured in sunday's attack against u.s. troops on a remote outpost in jordan. this the moment president biden called the parents of specialist kennedy sanders, one of the three killed >> we're promoting her posthumously to sergeant >> oh, wow, that is the best news i've heard today. thank you so much. you don't know how much that means to us. >> reporter: biden's response,
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when it comes, likely to target iranian-backed militias in the region the u.s. has targeted these groups before, with little discernible impact on their behavior now, u.s. officials telling nbc news to expect strikes on multiple places in several countries and locations, including cyber operations >> when you're talking about what we're anticipating here, which won't just be a one-off. as you said, the first thing you see will not be the last thing >> reporter: the white house rejecting suggestions that the delay is allowing iran and its proxies to prepare but a senior iraqi official tells nbc news that some of those iranian proxy groups are evacuating headquarters here, as the u.s. prepares for those retaliatory strikes, iran appears to be readying, too, hoda >> keir simmons for us there in iraq keir, thank you. ahead of the fbi sounding a new alarm about chinese cyber attacks, saying they pose a serious national security threat, director christopher wray testified at a house select
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committee hearing yesterday and said chinese hackers are preparing to wreak havoc against u.s. electrical grids and other infrastructure he warned the u.s. cannot afford to, quote, sleep on this danger. last year, hackers linked to china breached the email accounts of both the commerce department and state department employees. almost 7:14. craig's here weather's a big story. >> oh, it is hoda, savannah, good morning good morning to you as well. we're talking about the first of two potent storms now dumping rain up and down the west coast. tens of millions bracing for flooding, power outages, and possible landslides in the coming days. mr. roker is standing by to track those storms also looking at some record warmth in the forecast and the end of those gray days, as well. first, nbc's liz kreutz joins us from windsor, california, just north of san francisco liz, good morning. >> reporter: hey, craig, good morning. yeah, overnight, northern california got drenched with rain, leading to flooding like
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in fact, just down the road here a car got stuck after a driver tried this we're on a road right now and these waters continue to rise. in fact, just down the road here, a car got stuck after a driver had tried to get through these floodwaters. swift water rescue teams had to come and try to help them get out.e country by the weekend, though most americans are feeling above averag above-average temperatures right now, intense rain set to move in millions are under flood alerts. rescues already starting overnight, as the system, known as a pineapple express, makes landfall in california >> it's coming down in waves of like -- >> reporter: dumping snow in the tahoe area with roads snarled. the rain causing accidents residents expect flooding. >> this lifeguard stand right here will be underwater. >> reporter: a dramatic scene in the bay area this massive tree toppling over, trapping a young girl inside she was rescued with
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nonlife-threatening injuries officials opening up dams in preparation for excess runoff. this morning, farther south, san diego bracing for impact again >> we lost -- a total loss to everything >> reporter: water from last week's 100-year rainfall is still seeping into the soil, increasing the risk of flash floods, rock, and mud slides later this week. >> i want to reiterate, as much as we have been focused on helping residents in these impacted communities recover, we've also been preparing for the rain event >> reporter: residents now getting ready with a wet end to the week ahead and you know, this storm it's now moving south to los angeles. the heaviest rain expected during the morning commute and it's just the beginning. another stronger atmospheric river is expected to hit many of these same areas again on sunday craig? >> yikes, all right, thank you that sets us up perfectly for mr. roker's forecast hey, al, good morning. >> guys, good morning. good morning to you. you can see the rain and snow
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lake tahoe seeing snow 25 million under wind alerts, a million under winter weath making its way from los angeles, just about to hit san diego, all the way up to san francisco, lake tahoe seeing snow 25 million under wind alerts, a million under winter weather alerts and flood alerts stretching from redding, california, all the way down to san diego for 22 million people. as liz mentioned, we've got two storms storm number one today and tomorrow storm number two, the more powerful of the two, sunday on into tuesday for today, soaking rain again for southern california, rain and snow moving into the rockies and the great basin area tomorrow and saturday, this rain and the heavy thunderstorms advance into the lower mississippi river valley snow and wind will continue to pummel the rockies storm number two comes onshore from sunday into tuesday another round of flooding rain and strong winds this is a dangerous situation. we look from anywhere 1 to 3, could be upwards of 5 inches of rain, up to 2 feet of snow in the mountain peaks and then we're talking record temperatures possible. look at chicago, 50 degrees today. 17 above average lubbock 74
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washington, d.c., 9 degrees warmer than average at 54. tomorrow, d.c. again very warm nashville, 13 degrees above average at 63. dallas, you're going to be hitting 70 degrees we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. i love that you always sing the wrong words, how you see the best in people, and knowing what melts you. ( ♪♪ ) uh, honey... hi. the irresistibly smooth chocolate of lindor. made to melt the one you love this valentine's. good thursday morning. i am meteorologist, kari hall. we are still getting waves of rain even though the heaviest rainfall with the atmospheric river has now pushed to the south. we will see off and on wet weather throughout the morning and into the afternoon, and even a chance of thunderstorms where
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we may see this activity ramping up from noon to 3:00 this afternoon. then beginning to give us a little more of a break, but at any point between today, tomorrow and friday, we could see rain coming >> that's your latest weather. guys >> al, thank you coming up, a new development in the idaho college murders, adding more complications on the push to schedule a trial laura jarrett following the story for us hi, laura. >> hey, guys bryan kohberger is ramping u his defense case, even without a trial date set we're going to break down the chances that he could actually get this trial moved out of town plus, the new norm in streaming. another popular platform is ready to crack down on all of that password sharing you're all doing. some new options if you want to save some money. >> i object. >> but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... good morning. i am marcus washington along with kris sanchez. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories, including overnight flooding along the russian river north of the bay area. >> this is about 50 miles north of guerneville. russian river waters now have reached minor flood stage, and we learned highway 175 out of hopeland is closed. the rivers there are not
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expected to peak for 18 hours or so. and niles canyon, we were watching alameda creek, which is expected to crest at 7.5 feet. this is the same area where we saw really heavy flooding last winter, you might remember. despite all the recent wet weather, the levels are well below flood stage, this is nine feet. scary night for some in daly city after a tree crashed into an apartment complex. the tree appears to be blocking a driveway. the apartment's maintenance team telling us nobody was injured. now we want to get a look at the forecast. kari, still lots of green on your radar? >> yeah, we are still seeing waves of rain come through. looking at active conditions here, sloppy roads and we will have a chance of rain and
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possibly thunderstorms in the afternoon. the off and on rain continues in the forecast through saturday with another atmospheric river coming in on sunday. we are looking at more impacts of the ongoing rainfall across the bay area. also, temperatures will be dropping. can you get the full forecast on our website on
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years,
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including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. ♪ what's with the jogging? >> i'm -- i'm working out. >> working out >> yeah. >> you -- you're jostling the fetus. you can't run in your condition. >> uh, yes, i can. i was advised by my midwife that i should continue to work out. >> maybe you want to consult your blacksmith, see what he has to say about it. >> oh, my god!hilarious.
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>> daytime larry david larry's goin i'm sorry! >> he is so inappropriate and crazy and. >> it's so sad and so good at the same time. larry david. larry will be here today 24 years after the launch of that iconic series, "curb your enthusiasm," larry says it's time for good-bye. and you know how he loves a finale larry, we are excited. he'll pay us a visit this morning. you know he's excited, too >> sort of >> full of love, warmth, and joy. >> we'll get to that in just a few moments. but we are going to start this half hour with some new developments in a case that we have been following very closely here >> the attorney for the man accused in the idaho college murders is now arguing the only way to find a fair and impartial jury is to move the case to a new venue. >> laura jarrett joins us with the details. hi, laura, good morning. >> hey, guys, good morning to you. people file defense motions like this really all the time, saying they can't possibly get a fair shake at a trial, especially in
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high-profile cases but the size of the community in this case could end up tipping the scales in kohberger's favor. >> reporter: this morning, a new wrinkle in the prosecution of bryan kohberger, as the man accused of killing four college students in moscow, idaho, tries to get the case moved elsewhere. lawyers for kohberger filing a new motion this week for a change of venue, arguing a fair and impartial jury cannot be found in latah county, citing the extensive inflammatory pre-trial publicity, the small size of the community, and the severity of the charges mr. kohberger faces. it's been more than a year since prosecutors allege kohberger fatally stabbed zanna kernodle, ethan chapin, madson mogen, and kala goncalves in their off-campus home, setting off a nationwide manhunt and rattling the tight knit community aroun the university of idaho. a community that simply might be too small to handle the grisly accusations against kohberger fairly at trial, says former prosecutor, jean fisher. >> latah county is a college town college
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town. the population is only 40,000 people. i think the prosecutor is going to have hard time keeping it there. >> reporter: the attorney for the goncalves family says while his client would prefer the case to stay in lata county, it the population is only 40,000 not guilty plea on kohberger's behalf last year the state has said it's seeking the death penalty. but families of the victims have been frustrated by the pace of the case the judge last week suggesting that it might not go to trial until summer of 2025 but opting not to set a firm trial date yet >> i think it was a good punch, right, to everyone, to the family, that this could drag on for another two years. >> all right, a change of venue motion how difficult is it to get one and what do they have to demonstrate to get this move
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>> his attorneys will have to convince the judge in this case that he cannot possibly get a fair and impartial jury. now, the prosecution is going to say, look, this case is getting national attention it's not specific to moscow, everybody has heard about this case you're not just looking for someone who hasn't heard about it, you're looking for someone who can truly be fair and objective. the judge will hear arguments in april, so we'll see where it goes >> it's state court. even if it were moved, it would be moved somewhere else in idaho. >> it will be somewhere in a neighboring district, perhaps boise just because it's larger there. >> but not out of the state. >> it's not coming to new york >> thank you, laura, appreciate it still ahead, february 1st, that means it is the first day of black history month and this morning we'll mark it with a powerful story our exclusive look inside a humble schoolhouse that's older than the united states itself and it's been hiding in plain sight. but now that schoolhouse is offering hope for new generations of learners. plus, we told you to expect more streamers to follow netflix and crack down on password sharing. >> why does she look at us like that >> you know why i'm looking at you. >> we're innocent.
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>> that judgment >> password sharers are borrowers are on notice. hulu is the next company that is going to crack down on all of this happening so, call your mom, your brother, your co-anchor, whatever the case may be and let them know, there is no streaming free lunch anymore. we'll have the details, coming up
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(vo) the shape that stole your heart is back for a limited time. heart-healthy cheerios. welcome back this morning on in depth today yet another streaming giant joining the growing list of services cracking down on password sharing >> it's like we're providing a public service announcement. nbc's stephanie gosk here with that story hey, steph >> sort of a public service announcement good morning, guys this move by hulu doesn't come as a surprise. there have been months of speculation that it would be the next company to crack down on password sharing the streaming service sent their customers an email telling them they have just over a month before the new policy goes into and for the
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and for the remaining companies that haven't taken this step, it seems just a matter of time before they do >> oh, my god! oh, my god oh, my god >> reporter: if you're hoping to spend the remaining winter months binging any one of hulu's remaining shows, starting soon, it could cost you extra. hulu announcing they'll join streaming giants netflix and disney plus in banning shared accounts outside individual households >> it's so stupid. streaming sites, companies, are starting to become like cable. >> hulu sending an email to customers wednesday announcing the update to their agreement saying unless otherwise permitted by your service tier, you may not share your subscription outside of your household. >> this is an era where all of these big companies need to make more profits, and i expect they're all looking at differen
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cable, but now they're just becoming cable. >> reporter: though some saw the writing on the wall when the ceo of hulu's parent company, disney, announced they were exploring how to address password sharing, rolling out similar user agreements on disney plus. >> they came to these services for all the shows, none of the ads, and all of the convenience. so we're seeing that being eroded as time goes by. >> the move comes after netflix' success with its own password sharing crackdown, gaining the stream subscribers in about six months, totaling a record 260 million paid subscribers across the platform and almost $9 billion in revenue >> the fact that they have seen that netflix has actually gained subscribers, rather than losing them, so they're just thinking that they're also going to have the same like outcome. >> reporter: all of this amid soaring streaming prices, hulu plans with live tv cost nearly $80 a month. if you're looking to save, you
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can pay just $7.99 if you can forfeit live tv and put up with all of those ads and while streaming services are raking in the green, users are seeing red wondering who's next >> once hulu starts doing it, then amazon prime, then starz, then paramount plus, everybody else is going to follow. this is new normal at this point. >> yeah, you're right, brother everybody's going to soon follow, steph. so how is hulu actually going to do it? how are they going to roll these changes out? >> it has to be policed, right they are going to be looking for rule breakers, guys, rule breakers >> she's projecting. i just want to say that it's over here -- >> we don't! >> what are you talking about! >> we don't share. >> for those who are breaking the rules -- >> what's happening, she's like, oh, you and craig. and like -- we actually don't do that. >> this is a classic, whoever smelt it dealt it. right now. >> the psychological term is projection >> just be on notice, hoda if you're sharing a password,
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they're going to limit your they're going to limit your service, or end it >> all right march 14th that's the deadline. mark your calendar >> it already applies to new subscribers, yes, it does. hoda, bing "the bear" now. >> see how we turned that around mr. roker? >> steph says, read a book >> we think doth protest too much >> that's the other way to say that let's show you what we've got. it's been almost a snowless winter in the northeast. more than a foot of snow behind where we should be for burlington syracuse, they are 44 inches behind where they should be. who's ahead? washington, d.c. with 8 inches of snow. they've got an inch more than usual. and guess what february's outlook is out and it doesn't look very good, at least to start things out. we have a trough in the west it's going to be cool and stormy there, but dry and mild in the east, which, you know, we've had a lot of clouds, so maybe a little sunshine, not so bad. so below-average snowfall for the month of february, and an active storm track, rainy and snowy from the southwest and
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southern california, all the way into the southeast tomorrow, of course, we've got warmer than average temperatures for the month of february. that's the way it's looking. and tomorrow is groundhog day. that's right holtsville, new york, showers and cloudy skies gray in marion, ohio, for woodstock. unadillybilly in nebraska, he's going to see cloudy skies. so no shadow, which supposedly means an early spring! chuckles in manchester, connecticut, cloudy, but the grand daddy of them all, punxsutawney, phil, low chance of shadows, 36 degrees we'll see -- i predict he's going to see his shadow, because, why good morning. i am meteorologist, kari hall. we are seeing waves of rain coming through, but some of the heaviest rain we had last night
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has now moved to the south. we will be looking at the potential of thunderstorms. storm ranger is still picking up on the heaviest rain in the peninsula move into the east bay and will approach the south bay as well, and tomorrow and >> that is your latest weather, guys >> did you, drop the gopher? >> i said, is it a gopher? no, it's groundhog day, not gopher >> got it. thank you, guys. coming up next, let's start all over, redo travis kelce gearing up for the super bowl, opening up like never before about his relationship with taylor swift what he's revealing and your morning boost, all coming up, right after this ♪ ♪ five, six, seven, eight, nine, ♪ ♪ ten, eleven, twelve, huh, ♪ ♪ how many times, ♪
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has a look inside the most talked about romance on the planet >> i have no idea what that could be is it taylor swift and travis kelce? yes. as the football star prepares for the super bowl in vegas, he's opening up like never before nbc's emilie ikeda is all over that >> back on the beat! good morning the world seems to be captivated by their relationship, which has taken over the nfl, pop culture, and of course, social media. now travis kelce is opening up about how he and taylor swift are handling the intense, to say the least, spotlight, and if fans can finally expect to see them together in taylor's territory. this morning, travis kelce speaking out >> the glass is full, it's not even half full, it's full. >> reporter: basking in the glow of his playoffs win and sharing new details about his relationship with taylor swift >> this guy is everything we like to be a football player and he's in love >> it's a beautiful thing, isn't it >> after that on-field appearance sent swifties swooning >> check on your taylor swift fans, guys, we are not okay.
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fans, guys, we are not okay. >> kelce admitted they started dating a month before a chiefs game. since then, she's attended 11 more. some football fans complaining about swift's screen time during games, but the sports world coming to the couple's defense. >> we celebrate all these goof >> kelce admitted they started nicholson, men and men and eminem and it's cool and can i get a selfie and the young, attractive, beautiful, talented woman comes on for 25 seconds and you're bothered >> travis saying the two shake it off >> how much the world wants to paint the picture and make us the enemy, we just have fun with it >> and we enjoy every single bit of it. >> and reflecting on taylor's presence on the sidelines. >> i love it when taylor comes and supports me. and enjoys the game with the fam and friends. it's been nothing but a -- but just a wonderful year, man >> reporter: travis' brother,
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jason kelce, even congratulating swift on the big win >> shout out to the newest members of the chiefs kingdom, taylor swift, who has officially reached the super bowl in her rookie year. that's got to be -- >> shout-out to tay. thanks for joining the team. >> reporter: but before the super bowl showdown, the pop sensation has the grammys, where she's up for six awards, including album of the year. her beau, bursting the bubble of fans hoping for the couple's red carpet debut >> i wish i could go support taylor at the grammys and watch her win every single award that she's nominated for, but unfortunately, i've got to get ready for this big old super bowl we've not in a week >> and by the way, before travis kelce was in the picture, his coach andy reid says he knew of taylor swift from the philadelphia area and has poked fun at taylor for it he's applauded the pair for how they handle he did used to be an
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eagles fan. >> she did. >> go birds. >> likes better when eagles fan >> i believe she did use to be an eagle's fan >> go birds. >> likes better when she's at those games. >> he is 9-3 as the record goes. coming up, if you're a taylor fan, an item in popstart tied tyler her music and other artist music being pulled from tiktok >> all right and good morning, sunshine >> look who's here >> oh, yeah. >> so excited to be here, larry! >> am i on camera now? >> yes, you are. >> don't watch turn off your tvs, you're going to be very disappointed. >> after your local news just don't watch or mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults to help you push back. elderly patients with dementia have increased risk of death or stroke. do not take lybalvi if you are taking opioids or are in opioid withdrawal. the samidorphan in lybalvi can cause severe opioid withdrawal that can lead to hospitalization or increase risk of life-threatening overdose.
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good morning to you. it is 7:56 this morning. i am marcus washington. here's what is happening now. >> reporter: i am ginger conejero saab in daly city, where you can see behind me damage from yesterday's storm. take a look at that tree that came crashing down on a two-story apartment complex here along king in daly city. the apartment's maintenance said there were no injuries, fortunately, but this happened past 10:30 last night. the tree is expected to be cleared at some point this morning. let's get a look at that forecast for us today. meteorologist, kari hall, has that. the rain moving out, kari?
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>> we will have off and on rain for today and the next several day as the slow-moving system continues across the region. the heavy rain we had last night is moving through southern california. we will have a few more breaks in the activity, but still rain in the forecast for today. we will also be monitoring for the potential of thunderstorms, the highest risks will be early this afternoon with another wave of rain coming in, and that will be between 2:00 and 5:00 this evening. then there may be a little more of a break, but basically at any point between today, tomorrow and even on saturday we may have a chance of rain coming through, so we are still monitoring for the wet weather ahead of the next atmospheric river moving in on sunday. marcus? >> thank you. we will have another local news we will have another local news upda coming upte not just any whiteboard...
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...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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it's 8:00 on "today. coming up, rising tensions new fallout following that heated senate hearing tackling social media and child safety. >> you have blood on your hands. you have a product -- you have a product that's killing people. >> ceos facing tough questions and addressing victims' families the details, straight ahead.
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plus, checking in on elmo. the "sesame street" star is live in studio 1a to talk about his social media post that went viral and sparked a big reaction we'll see how he's doing in just a bit. and curb appeal. get ready to lol >> if you're going to laugh out loud, why aren't you laughing out loud why saying it? why not just laugh >> because our friend larry david is here, we'll talk about the final season of "curb. >> don't you think the sorry windows is closed on that. >> in a sit-down conversation that will have you feeling -- >> pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good. >> today, thursday, february 1st, 2024. ♪ sending love to our dad -- >> watching in maine >> happy birthday!
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>> shout-out to my family in ft. worth, texas >> mom's turning 70 today! >> on the "today" show >> traveled from nashville to see savannah and hoda. >> here from ft. myers, florida. >> love you, grammy and poppa. >> good morning to my mom! >> on our first girls trip from indianapolis >> to meet al roker! >> what a fun -- can't wait to get out and say hello. thank you for coming to see us on this thursday morning >> it's a good one out there and in here, too elmo plus larry david. going to be a good day >> let's get right to our news at 8:00. we begin with breaking news overnight. the collapse of an airport hanger and the search for survivors. this happened in boise, idaho. at least three people killed, nine others hurt, most in critical condition officials say a private hanger came down. rescuers risked their own safety to pull victims out of that wreckage they believe everybody working in the area has been accounted for. an investigation into whatfallo
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is growing after what happened on capitol hill. the ceos from five of the largest social media platforms were grilled by lawmakers on both sides. kate snowe was in the hearing caused that accident will now get under way. turning to washington, fallout is growing after what happened on capitol hill. the ceos from five of the largest social media platforms were grilled by lawmakers on both sides kate snowe was in the hearing room, good morning to you. >> good morning, savannah. good morning, everyone it was a combative and emotional senate hearing with the chief executives of discord, snap, tiktok, "x," and meta facing tough questions from senators on both sides of the aisle. senators accused the ceos of failing to protect children from illicit content, predators, and extortion. meta ceo mark zuckerberg, in particular, tangled with senators over his platform's safety record, which he defended and one of the most memorable moments of the hearing, he was pressed by senator josh hawley to speak to families in the room who say their loved ones died after being victimized on social media. >> no one should have to go through the things that your families have suffered and this is why we invested so much >> some of those families holding photos of their children as you see there afterwards, several told me that
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zuckerberg's words rang hollow to them. they're concerned nothing will come out of this hearing at least six social media bills are waiting for action in the senate that includes legislation known as the kids' online safety act, which is one of them that snapchat and "x" endorsed, but others like discord did not. senate majority leader chuck schumer tells nbc that he wants to make children's online safety a priority, but none of these bills are scheduled to come up for a full vote in the senate and they have many more legislative priorities right now in the election year unclear where all of this will go >> kate, thank you for staying on it. now to the latest on a shocking act of violence that was caught on camera in the heart of times square. police right here, as you can see, trying to break up a group of young men outside of a migrant shelter saturday night at one point, the men started punching and kicking two of the officers who suffered minor injuries five suspects were eventua
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injuries. all of those staying were staying at the shelter and released without bail. when asked if the asylum seekers should be arrested on felony charges manhunt is under way for the others all of those staying were staying at the shelter and released without bail. when asked if the asylum seekers should be deported, kathy hochul new york governor, said it is something that should be looked at all right. it is 8:04 and i think we need a boost. >> yes. >> so let's get one. this is a sweet surprise young natalie was on a flight to vegas with her dad she thought she was joining him on a work trip that's when a flight attendant got on the speaker and made a special announcement just for her. her. >> she's really flying to las vegas to see adele perform at caesar's for her birthday wish can we all wish natalie a happy birthday natalie, happy birthday. >> so that's pretty amazing, right? she can't believe that well, someone showed that video to adele and at the concert, where natalie was, adele called her out. i'm going to sign it for her can you take it up to her.
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>> happy birthday, natalie >> adele literally said in the concert, where's natalie where's natalie? like searching the crowd for her, because she saw that video. that's what you call a special night. her dad did really good. how about some -- we'll send her birthday gifts, too. >> let's add on! >> happy birthday! >> way to go, natalie. guys, coming up, a fun mix of stars are here. first of all, we have "sesame street's" elmo, plus his dad, louis. and on the other side of the rhetorical perch, we have larry david. oscar the grouch, if you were a sesame street character, would that not be your character >> i guess so, yeah. is this another teaser you know, i had contractually, i don't do teasers >> you do, now >> someone's getting sued. i'm not supposed to be doing teasers. i told them specifically, no teasers! >> cut the mic much to discuss with larry right after this 3/
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look at that sweet frosting and filling. that's what makes pop-tarts such a great snack! i sure hope we get eaten soon. we will. i made a sign. [vending machine buzzs] it's working! pop-tarts! crazy good. dry skin is sensitive skin, too. and it's natural. treat it that way. aveeno® daily moisture with prebiotic oat is proven to moisturize dry skin all day. you'll love our formula for face, too. aveeno® do you like... ...chocolate bars? ♪♪
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sparked kind of an unexpected reaction online. >> we want elmo to tell us what he learned about all of this in a moment. but first, let's check out more on the post behind the frenzy. >> an innocent post this week >> an innocent post this week from one of "sesame street's" favorite furry friends has gone viral. elmo wrote, elmo's just checking in how's everybody doing? with nearly 200 million views. those kind, thoughtful, nine words touched a nerve. >> these are elmo's emotions >> tens of thousands of users on "x" sharing with the 3-year-old muppet how they're really feeling. some saying the responses amount to a social media trauma dump. one response, not good, elmo, not good another simply said, elmo, we are tired. another writing, elmo, girl, i'm having a quarter-life crisis right now and i can't get my stuff together to finish this
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last semester. i'm mentally burned out and i have a lifetime of working to go one tweet expressing, elmo was just checking in, he didn't ask for all of this. ♪ that may be so, but elmo took to social media to respond, and wow, elmo's glad he asked! el know elmo learned that it i important to ask a friend how they're doing. elmo will check in again soon, friends. elmo loves you hashtag emotional well-being celebrities including deen warwick, t-pain, and garfield sending elmo responses even the president weighing in, tweeting i know how hard it is some days to sweep the clouds away and get to sunnier days adding, even though it's hard, you are never alone. and our own craig melvin sent this message thanks for checking in, elmo mondays are hardmood.
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>> we're so happy, because look who's here. elmo and his dad made the trip from sesame hope you're doing great. be sure to check on oscar. he always seems to be in a mood. >> we're so happy, because look who's here elmo and his dad made the trip from sesame street elmo -- >> good morning! >> you asked everybody how they're doing. how are you doing? thank you for asking elmo is glad that he got to talk to a lot of people and see how they're doing. >> louis, were you surprised that elmo tweeted that, asking how people were and you got so many views, 180 million plus and people, really, i guess. they told the people how they were feeling, good or bad. >> a lot of people expressing a lot of feelings out there, gave me so the goose bumps. i'll tell you that so many people willing to let my boy know what's going on inside. >> and daddy helps with the "x," because elmo can't read. >> i kind of run it for him. he's only 3 1/2. so his fingers don't really know the letters that good.
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>> and he's big. he needs a social media agent. >> it's amazing, he can't read, but the grammar is always perfect. >> well, elmo tries. >> elmo, you obviously got a lot of responses from people that are overwhelmed, that are dealing with a lot in life what does elmo do, when elmo's overwhelmed and elmo's dealing with a lot >> it's important to remember that we all have a lot of feelings and that's okay you know, it's good to know what feeling you're having, and you know, if you're feeling sad or worried or confused, you can talk to someone that you know and trust. and it's good to talk about it >> i know that your dad read you a lot of those tweets, so which ones, elmo, stood out to you what did you see and go, wow, that was cool? >> there were so many. there was the president, which elmo couldn't believe that and craig's was good, too. >> craig, yours was good, too. >> i've loved you for a long time, elmo i was just so happy that you decided to take some time out of your day to check on all of us >> it's very important to check
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on your friends and see how they're doing. maybe they're not doing okay but maybe they are it's good to talk about. >> 40,000 responses, we don't even know how to count that high yet, do we >> i can count to 11 >> well, louis, you guys put the hashtag, "emotional well-being," and sometimes it's just a matter of, you maybe can't fix a problem, but just asking and knowing that someone cares, don't you think? >> emotional well-being, that's kind of the key. it's as important as your physical health. so learning what feelings you have inside and how to name 'em and healthy ways to express them, that's just part of living nowadays, you have to get it out. >> elmo, this tells me that people feel so comfortable and close to you that they can tell you all of the things that are bothering them >> well -- >> and you're so special, and you know what else is special about you? >> what? what >> you have a birthday coming up >> that's true >> oh, my gosh >> on saturday you're going to be 3 1/2 again >> that's right. elmo will be 3 1/2, just like last year and the year before and the year before.
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>> what are you going to celebrate? what are you going to do >> elmo's having a party if you want to come by. >> absolutely. >> daddy, can we have a party? >> sure. are we going to invite all 40,000 of those people who responded? >> yeah, everybodies invited >> got to get more paper towels. >> louis, i love that when you said, when you read the responses, you got goose bumps you're so furry, how did you know >> the hair kind of stands up. >> elmo and louis, thank you >> thank you so much >> i love what you started, elmo great job. >> you're the coolest. and we are going to have more on elmo's unique voice on social media on our website at all right. let's go over to al for a check of the weather >> wait, wait, wait, wait. >> not yet >> oh, my gosh you love elmo, don't you >> that's a lie, elmo liked you before >> ask permission before you touch people, larry. >> let's talk about how you're
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feeling. >> they want to cancel the show, elmo >> all right larry, you've gone too far this time >> yes, larry! >> somebody had to do it >> is anybody really surprised >> he's going to sue y'all for the teaser, i'm going to sue him for assault. >> that's right, louis >> anywho. >> let's show you what's happening weather wise didn't see that coming 60s out west where we've got a lot of rain, 70s and 80s down through texas, we're looking at 30s and 40s, 50s into the northeast. nice and warm down through florida. we've got that february warmth stretching all the way from texas, foggy conditions up through the plains snow in northern new england plenty of sunshine through the southeast. a bit of a flood threat. we've got that second storm that's going to be coming in over the weekend, too. so a lot going on. that's what's going on aro good thursday morning, i'm meteorologist kari hall.
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still a little soggy morning commute. and we are looking at waves of rain coming in for today, and the possibility of thunderstorms. watching out for the best chance of thunderstorms between noon for the north bay, to 3:00 to 4:00, for much of the rest of the bay area, and then there will be off and on showers in the forecast, for tonight, and through the day tomorrow, and even lingering into saturday, ahead of the next atmospheric river that's going to be arriving early on sunday morning. all right, there you go! >> larry, do you have something you want to say to elmo? >> look at the camera, please -- >> from your heart >> from where? >> from your heart we're ready. >> what organ are you talking about? >> your heart. >> go ahead. say you're sorry >> elmo -- >> larry >> -- i just want to apologize >> thank you, larry. >> that's very big of you. >> elmo accepts your apology, larry. >> and louis, will you drop the!
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>> oh, he accepts it? okay, cool. thank you, thank you. >> elmo, you are such a sweetheart. >> we're sorry. larry, you are not a sweetheart. you ever heard that? >> i'm really sorry. i'm really sorry. lawsuit? larry, you are not a sweetheart. you ever heard that? >> i'm really sorry. i'm really sorry >> i know you are. >> we can tell that you are. should we talk about curb? >> whatever you want to talk about. whatever you want to talk about. >> that's funny that you say that, because you were so -- >> isn't it a little freaky knowing that there are people just standing there watching huh? >> they can't hear us. >> we're on television >> that happens, that happens. >> we hope people are watching >> you had a rule there were some things you did not want to talk about >> let's talk about anything, except the one thing we don't want to talk about so let's start there what do you think about travis and taylor >> you really got a nerve. you really got -- you've really
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got a nerve. >> you bring it out in us! >> we weren't going to we weren't >> i used the s-word once before on this show some years ago. i'm prepared to use it again >> oh, no, no, no, no. in answer to your question and i think you know, it's i don't give -- >> okay. >> a schnoodle >> larry, it's your final season it's coming. >> are you bumming >> no. >> why is it the end no one's saying end it >> i think, you know, i'm almost ready for a nursing home i mean, i think it's a little old for a grown man to be acting like that, you know? >> you know what your colleague j.b. smooth said he says this "i think he's going to get home, sitting around his fancy living room with his fancy little coffee table, drinking one of those espressos with his legs crossed over -- >> look at his legs crossed over >> -- and he's going to get
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board and larry's going to call everybody one at a time, maybe bo two years from now, maybe three, maybe four, but larry always gets bored. so he thinks it's going to come back again >> people don't believe me this is it >> this is the finale. larry, another thing that you love to talk about, finales. were you stressed out about doing this finale and giving "curb" the proper sendoff? >> a little bit, if i may be honest >> say more about that >> which i don't like being, frankly. but yeah, there was some to-do about the "seinfeld" finale. >> there was a to-do >> we'll see what happens. >> can you give us a little hint >> no, i can't >> why because you don't want to? >> yeah, i don't want to you two, you're not cut this year >> we're not in it, are we >> we're in it?!
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>> you're lying! he's lying you know you're lying. you do this every time >> we had such a big bit last time, remember about the pickle! >> larry's like, hey, state late, i'm going to put you in "curb," and we kept doing the lines over and over. >> you were very good. you were very good there just wasn't room for you >> you didn't really put us in the final season >> we'll see, we'll have to watch and find out >> i'm not falling for it. >> i'm not either. let's get your take on a couple of things. >> let's get my take >> here's one. >> okay. >> is it ever okay to chat and cut? now, chat and cut is when you see your friend, you know -- describe what chat and cut >> chat and cut, there's a line, and maybe you sort of know somebody a little bit, you've met them once and you go and pretend like you know them very well and then you don't leave that position in the line. they're ahead in the line. you're like, oh, heysudden, youe
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cemented your position in the line. >> have you ever done it? >> i've done it, yes. >> what do you think about the stanley cup -- >> nobody can do and then all of a sudden, you've cemented your place in the line. >> that's a chat and cut, yes. >> have you ever done it >> i've done it, yes >> what do you think about the stanley cup craze? >> nobody can do it in front of me, though because i see the chat and cut >> the stanley cup craze do you know about that the water tanks that everybody likes to walk around with. >> no. >> you don't know about that >> people are fighting over them in walmart. >> what? >> they want that big jug, full of water so they can carry it around and drink out of it >> you really don't know about it >> honestly, i've never heard about it >> because you don't watch this show >> okay. >> what's the appropriate length for a stop and chat. your on the street >> good question good question. again, it depends how well you know the person. i guess on the street, maybe, 90 seconds. >> that's long so are you saying that people see you, you like them stay 90 seconds?
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>> no, no, that's not me i'm talking about a normal person -- a person >> how long's a larry stop and chat >> 15, 20 seconds. >> that's the max. >> hey how you doing? hey, savannah, how you doing good to see you. >> how are you are you okay >> you know what, can we do this another time >> you got lunch with elmo got to get there >> how about leaving a party, okay, do you have to go up to the host and everybody there and say your good-byes or are you a -- you guys, pretty good today. you know, the good-byes are a terrible thing in life they're just -- people don't know how to negotiate that because everybody always wants to make a plan with you. let's, let's -- oh, you know, n let's have lunch or whatever they can't leave without a plan.
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so nobody wants to really say good-bye to anybody, because nobody wants the plan. >> exactly i agree. so you think, just slip out. >> hoda does that. we call it the hodini. just gone. >> then the next time they see you, you didn't say good-bye it's like a tragedy. you didn't say good-bye! oh, you poor thing oh, i didn't say good-bye! >> yeah. >> what do you think about when you're invited to a party and the host says, no gifts? do you believe them? do you not bring a gift? >> i'm not bringing a gift by the way, i'm not bringing a gift even if they say "gifts." >> oh, you're that guy >> i'm going to think about another person for that length of time to go out and buy them something. that's insane! >> real quick. tipping. tipping culture is kind of a thing right now. we just did the improve, do you want to tip 10, 15, 20%. what would you tip us for this interview? >> you would have to tip me for
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-- i've noticed, like in the little coffee shops, right, if you go in and get a croissant with a cup coffee, and there's a tip spot, right? >> yeah. >> it freaks people out a little bit. >> like, how much do you tip take a deep breath. the heaviest rain from this storm now has moved on. but there is still oversaturated ground on the peninsula. and that led to a scary moment in dade city last night when a big tree came crashing down on a two-story apartment complex a little before 11:00 last night along king drive. the area today is still blocked off and the tree appears to be blocking the driveway. the maintenance team told us that no one was injured.
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kari, we expect we could see more trees coming down. hopefully nothing like that. >> yes, we will have more wet weather. that is always the risk. we're monitoring for the potential of some thunderstorms, we are starting to get a few isolated lightning strikes, here and there, as the next wave of rain comes through sunnyvale and millipitas and the north and east. and the next few hour, at any point today, we could see off and on showers most likely during the early afternoon, with the risk of thunderstorms, and even into tonight, a round of rain, or a few moving through, hit or miss showers, continuing into saturday, and that is our break, before we get another atmospheric river on sunday. >> we'll be ready for it. thank you, kari. more news coming up for you in just a half hour. have a good morning. don't reget your
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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♪ hey, hey happy birthday, beautiful! >> we are back it's 8:30, it's a thursday morning.
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stop right there! jimmy, look at this gorgeous lady. you are 70, you are so beautiful. >> thank you so much. >> what's your name? >> my name is julia from southern california. hello, everybody! thank you so much! >> happy birthday, gorgeous! >> yes! isn't she lovely? >> sweetest, sweetest. >> craig just met some of his >> it's the first of february. >> happy birthday, gorgeous! >> yes isn't she lovely >> sweetest, sweetest. >> craig just met some of his people back there in god's country. >> some cousins from columbia. >> south carolinians there you go >> by the way, you said today is february 1st i had a buddy of mine text me a picture of a beer sitting on a bar at 12:01 last night. he survived dry january. coming up, we have "popstart" still here and barbie herself, margot robbie addressing the oscar snub for the very first time. what she had to say about that controversy. >> also, you mentioned february 1. that means black history month
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we're launching discover black heritage series, and we'll do it with a schoolhouse that has an incredible story of educating black children and how it is now carrying that legacy forward in a new way. >> i cannot wait see that. >> me too. that's so cool coming up on the third hour, get ready to shop all day. we're talking hand-picked items for your closet, your kitchen, and a very sweet valentine's day idea >> and tomorrow we're exploring the latest fashion craze it's called the mob wife aesthetic. everybody's doing it you dress like a mob wife. it's like leather and all of that leopard, a lot of cheetah. it's really cool >> a lot of cheetah. >> a lot of cheetah. >> great idea. >> are you going to do it? >> let's do it >> top it off with a bow >> you're off tomorrow mr. roker -- >> i'm off tomorrow. >> well played >> i would love to do it with you. bye. first, let's check your weather, show you what you've got for the weekend opinion breezy and chilly tomorrow on groundhog's day. mountain snows and all the mess
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along the west coast, afternoon storms through texas, saturday, strong storms move into the gulf coast. sunny skies from the great lakes, mid-atlantic al the way down into florida. snow continues in the rockies. sunday, sunday there's a chill in the air, from the great lakes into northeast, mid-atlantic states, more wet weather through the eastern gulf next west coast storm comes in bringing more rain and sno good thursday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. don't put away the umbrella just yet. make sure you have it close by. we will see off and on rain today and temperatures heading toward 60 degrees. going into tomorrow, a few more breaks in the activity but still a chance of rain. that continues into saturday as well. by sunday, the next storm will be coming in, and another atmospheric river, and off and on rain throughout the middle of next week. look at how chilly it is going to be, our highs will >> that is your latest weather >> guys, it is february 1st.
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that means it's time to announce our start today theme for the month. the leader of our group, stephanie mansour is here. al, i love this. you're such a cheerleader for this and you picked this month's theme. >> that's right. it is balance. something that we don't think about, but you've got to have >> that's right, al. we have a strong balance to be a strong walker, and just to get around so i wanted to work on my balance, and i thought, what better way to get going than to enlist steph to lead us off. >> that's right, al. we have a 29-day plan this month, because it's leap year. so we have an extra day. so we've got a balance strength training workout that's going to help you tighten and tone your whole body while improving your balance. we've got a five-minute core workout that's going to help you strengthen those abs, and of course, we've got walking. we've got modifications for all levels if you're a beginner, i've got you covered. if you want to step it up and d
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there, too. >> that is not the only big announcement you have, uncle al. >> we're more advanced moves, you can join us with that, too >> trying to plans during that whole thing. >> tree pose we actually have a yoga pose in there, too >> that is not the only big announcement you have, uncle al. >> we're talking, going to take the february challenge on the road putting our newfound balance in your town, your state, craig melvin south carolina we're going to be walking in the mountains and on the beaches and you can join us live on february 28th, as we cross the finish line together it is sponsored by discover south carolina >> make sure y'all go now. make sure you're there, columbia how can our folks join, by the way? >> you want to open up the camera on your phone, come up to your screen, scan that qr code that will get you signed up for today's newsletter and in that news letter, there's a link to register there's a limited number of registrants. you want to make sure you sign up for that newsletter, you get it it comes out today and you can sign up for hilton head or greenville and we're going to meet you all at the finish line there.
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>> that's a great idea >> you should come down. >> well, i will. >> i might >> very cool >> what the heck >> winds are picking up. stephanie, we're looking forward to that. get that qr code going coming up next here, comedy legend, there is one that's set to get the icon award at the people's choice awards sorry, larry david, it is not you. not anymore, anymore >> not after that elmo incident. >> we'll have more on that coming up in pop start, but
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growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message. ♪ we are back. 8:38 >> you know that sound >> "popstart " better late than never >> that's right.apps.
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universal music groups has failed to reach a new deal with the social media giant over artist compensation. tiktok responded to that, saying it is sad and disappointing that universal music has put their own greed above the interests of their artists and songwriters. starting today, the we'll start with tiktok. so you can expect to see those songs disappearing from videos on the tiktok platform we should mention, universal music group has no relationship to our parent company, nbc universal. you can find more info on that at that makes up like 60% of the songs you hear on tiktok >> really? wow. >> yeah, it's a lot of music a change there next up, margot robbie the "barbie" actress speaking out after last week's oscar nominations that had many fans saying her omission in the best actress category was a major snub her block buster hit scored eight nominations. at a screen actors guild panel this week, here's what margo had to say there's no way to feel sad when you know you're this blessed
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we set out to do something that would affect culture, to make some sort of impact, and it's already done that in some way, and more than we ever dreamed it would. and that is truly the biggest reward that could come out of all of this. that's how you answer that question >> exactly >> with class. way to go. as for the film's director who also missed a nod for best picture nominee, margot said that she thought greta gerwig deserved credit for pulling off a once in a lifetime project we'll see who takes home the trophy next month. the 96 acakcademy awards are up next month next up, "saturday night live" weekend, "the bear" star, my friend, ioa devery. there's a funny new pro moe that's out where she's revealing it's not as easy as you would think to rally the cast of "snl" for another big weekend. >> two shows in a row, man i am beat! >> yeah, i don't know if i can
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car? >> what's this i'm hearing? this show could be the greatest show of our lives. and you're just going to let that opportunity slip away? 100 million people will be watching. >> probably not. >> oh, really? because i just heard, we're following the super bowl. >> isn't that on a sunday? >> this is going to be the first show that will be live on a saturday night. >> that's a lie. >> yeah, you're just making stuff up. stuff up >> fine, okay, i want to get you guys hype, this is my first time hosting and j.lo will be the musical guest. >> what? j.lo?! j.lo jenny from the -- >> oh, okay. okay, am i going to get charged for that >> that was good that's cute. >> you can catch ayo and j.lo this weekend right here on nbc and peacock. and finally, patrick mahomes this video of the kansas city
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quarterback is going viral >> i got this saying, we ain't done yet >> we ain't done yet chiefs on three, one, two, three. >> one, two, three >> i don't know how, but screen grabs of mahomes' quote/unquote dad bod have been flooding social media he's totally embracing it, writing on "x," yo, why they got to do me like that, #dadbodseason. and following up with, like, i got kids perhaps the best response of all comes from the kelce brother's podcast new hype, they tweeted this perfect side-by-side with jason kelce, writing, this is the ideal male body. you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like >> cute! >> i think still looks pretty -- >> yeah, if that's a dad bod, i don't know what i've got just ahead, a special story in honor of black history month, about a simple building with a about a simple building with a remarkable hidden history not just any whiteboard...
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...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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series, discover black heritage on this first day of black history month. >> craig, you've been talking about this one for a while this is special. a story of a schoolhouse older than america itself and it's believed to be the oldest structure in north america that was dedicated to the education of black children. >> hidden in plain sight, too. that building that once contained the williamsburg school might be nothing special to really look at. in fact, it was overlooked for decades, but the impact it's had has been hard to measure it was a place where young students, most of them enslaved, started paving the way for an incredible legacy. >> it's not strange to see old-looking buildings around colonial williamsburg, but this one covered in scaffolding had
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been hiding in plap sight for decades before researchers discovered it had once before the williamsburg school. janice has lived her all her life she passed the building countless times, not knowing its past, and for her, history is empowering >> i needed to know so i could teach my children who they were. so they would feel like, when they walk into a space, that they had every right to be there. >> the school operated from 1760 to 1774. its mission, to education black children, most of them enslaved. dr. maureen is the director of the lab at william and mary. >> they were based in london they were rooted in anglican faith and had a mission to educate children they considered heathens >> the enslaifrers actually thought they were saving their souls. students ages 3 to 10 were taught to read the bible and other books. the lessons geared towards obed,
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but no one could control what they did with that knowledge. >> we do know at least one child who went through the school ran away on two different occasions. >> the school closed when its teacher died and in part because of teaching religion and obedience, never reopened the building stayed on the campus of william and mary, used for housing and other purposes until it was moved in 1930 to make away for a new dormitory. after it was certified as a former home of the bray school, colonial williamsburg bought the building and moved it to a new location last year matt webster is the chief architect. >> they actually built the trailer underneath of the building and then we pulled it out, we brought it here. we had a foundation already built. and then we slid the building across on big i-beams to the spot where you see it now. >> webster's team is now working to restore the building before it's opened to the public this
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fall >> so this is wood from the 1700s? >> it is this wood is from 1760 we know that because we did a study called dendrochronology. it's looking at growth patterns in trees, tree ring dating we know the trees felled to build this building were felled in the spring of 1760. and the school opened september 29th, 1760 >> now, she can see her family's history with her own eyes. one of her ancestors was a free black child who attended the bray school. she was overcome with emotions when she first went into the building after learning its true history. >> i can't describe how surreal that was to look out the window and walk where they possibly walked wonder how many of those children that were in those buildings from different times were actually a part of me, not just the one that we know about, but how many more? >> when you walk through it, what do you feel
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>> a lot of emotion. joy, sorrow. i wish my mother was here to know about it. i wish my grandfather was here to know about it >> she thinks about her family, who have been in this area since they were brought here, and just how far they've come >> they planted those seeds. they cast our seeds to the wind. the wind picked them up and took them everywhere. and we are everywhere. we've impacted this nation that shows how powerful we are how we thrive, and that's why the story is so important. ♪ >> so the bray school is set to open to the public in september, while colonial williamsburg works on a physical structure, scholars at the bray school lab are working to gather oral histories and make contact with descendants of the students who went to school there we'll meet one of those scholars who has her own family connection to the school coming up in the third hour of "today." someone who is a descendant of a kid who went to school there and also a descendant of one of the slave owners as well so coming up in the next hour.
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>> wow fascinating. >> amazing they were able to move it like -- what an engineering feat that was. not to mention the dating of 1759, the tree fell in the winter, that's part of the structure. >> by the way, if you've never been to colonial williamsburg, it's building after building that has a story like that >> and the actors who work in there that bring the history to life is amazing. >> awesome all right, guys, coming up next, one woman's story of strength, hope, and healing after suffering a heart attack what you need to know about your own heart health but first, this is "today" on two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. welcome back february is heart health awareness month. this morning we have a remarkable story at a second chance at life six years ago, chartrice was training for a 10k she was running five miles every day. everything changed when she woke up and wasn't feeling well, and was raced to the hospital. after seven days in a coma, she.
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she's with us this morning along with nbc news medical awoke to the shocking news that she had survived what was known as a widowmaker heart attack she's with us this morning along with nbc news medical contributor, dr. tara narula you are like so many women you were healthy and you were feeling kind of nauseous one morning, which most people would write off as to what you wrote it off as, i ate something bad, it's no big deal, but this was a big deal what happened? >> this really was a big deal. so i woke up and i had a cheese steak the night before i figured, i shouldn't have had the cheese steak a little bit of pressure in my chest, but nothing particularly serious. i thought, i'll go downstairs and get a ginger ale i didn't make it to the stairs, i ran to the bathroom, was immediately nauseous and throwing up. i crawled back into the bed, and my husband kind of looked at me and said, are you okay i said, i'm fine, i have to go to work, i have all of these things to do five minutes later, he came back and looked at me again and said, do i need to call an ambulance and in my head, i said, no, because i have 17 things i have to do today. but yes is what i said
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>> you said "yes". >> i'm so thankful that i said "yes." >> once you got to the hospital, your heart stopped nine times. you were in a coma for a week. i want to pause on this story and talk about these symptoms. nausea, things that you would -- anyone could feel like they just had a bad night. how do you know when it's something serious? >> it's so important to hear stories like this, because many women think, it has to be -- i'm clutching my chest and falling down on the ground, like you see in the movies. and it can be much more subtle it can be a feeling of tightness, pressure, heaviness in the chest i've heard women say, i feel like i had to take my bra off, it's just too tight. it can be the nausea, the indigestion, shortness of breath, feeling faint or like you might pass out, or even jaw or shoulder or back pain really important to understand these symptoms this is the leading cause of death for women in this country. one woman every 80 seconds dies. >> so important. you spent months in the hospital, because you also hady
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pick myself up and continue. that's some infection complications, which explains why you're in the wheelchair but to change your life and to say to yourself, i'm going to pick myself up and continue. that's not easy. >> at all. >> you had a very difficult time so how did you sort of decide like, i'm going to choose that i'm going to live this life that i have now >> the major factor that are is my daughter. my daughter is now 26, almost 27, but she was giving me all the tough -- excuse me, all the tough love that i had been giving her all of these years and she wasn't going to let me just waste away on the sofa. >> and your faith was also a big factor in this >> when i was in the hospital, my faith was shot. and everything that i thought that i believed, i said, well, none of this is real, because how could this possibly be happening to me if god is real and it took my mama dot, who is my surrogate mother, she came to my house and gave me a scripture, which is jeremiah 29
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and 11, i know the plans i have for you says the lord. plans to prosper you and not harm you and i tell people that this scripture saved my life. i made the decision, if there's a plan for this, then i have to go on and see what's next. >> well, you are on your path. you are a fascinating human being. i wish we had an hour to talk to you, because the way you've turned your life around and how you're living a life of purpose probably far beyond what you ever would have before i encourage people to look you up you're an incredible human being. dr. narula, thank you, as always all of that stuff will help people at home who think, maybe i'm just having a bad day today. thank you guys so, so much appreciate it. >> thank you >> we're back with the third and fourth hours of "today," coming up after your local news and good morning, it is 8:56. i'm chris sanchez. health leaders will meet later this morning as part of an ongoing review of the 2022 release that happened the day
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after thanksgiving, at the martinez oil refinery, and at the time it happened, the department says there is no risk to residents. however many people woke up to see ash covering their cars and their homonded what that meant for their health. county supervisors meanwhile have been looking into the lag time between the ash release and the notification from the refinery. happening now, monitoring a hearing, we will have a live report coming up in the midday newscast. also in the midday news at 11:00, the latest on the cleanup following the latest storm and the places where
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we have a rainy weekend ahead. >> and cheering on the 49ers >> and cheering on the 49ers with a new anthem, how the not just any whiteboard...
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...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban
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congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. this morning on the third hour of "today," password crackdown. more streaming services announcing plans to stop the sharing. how much more could it cost us plus, travis and taylor. the football star opening up about their high-profile relationship and all those haters >> we hear it, but we hardly ever talk about it >> what he's saying about their love story as he gets ready to play in the super bowl and then later, jacob trem


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