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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  February 1, 2024 11:00pm-11:34pm PST

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not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. right now at 11:00, it is the race to get ready for the next one.
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at this late hour, take a look. damage control. crews are still in action after the atmospheric river slammed the bay area, and there is not a lot of time. more rain and wind is on the way. another storm expected to stir up more trouble. >> it has been eight busy 24 hours. check out this video of a possible tornado in the north bay. certainly an unusual sight. let's get to chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. what's next? >> we really had it all. we will be in for a repeat performance into this week with another storm system. i want to give you a closer view of this video, and what you see here is a funnel cloud. certainly a funnel cloud, but, the big thing that we are waiting on is certification, did this actually touch the ground. it is hard to tell in the video if it, in fact, touched the ground. that would be classified a tornado. national weather service's headed out to take a look. by my reading here, and taking a look at it, we have wind of
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65 to 85 miles per hour. ef zero likely if it did touch the ground. on radar, this was this morning, happening between 10:30 and 11:40, just north of petaluma, just north of liberty and south of roanoke park, that strong rotating thunderstorm cell moved across. exciting to get that rotation in the atmosphere. certainly a little bit scary if you were out there and saw that as well. on radar right now we have scattered areas of rain and we are putting a track on this moving off towards the east also another sell here over towards union city, at 11:46 and spotty rain in the north bay. the totals have been major through the bay area. over four inches in san rafael, san francisco at 2 1/2, and here we go. the next storm system starts to line up by saturday night.
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this one will hit us hard with more rain. i have details on exactly where that bull's-eye is and the 60 mile-per-hour wind coming up in about 18 minutes. >> thank you, jeff. it's been a long night for a neighborhood on the peninsula. a massive tree came crashing down in los altos, cutting off power and water. jocelyn moran, there is a lot of activity still behind you. >> reporter: yeah. the good news right now is that it did stop raining and the power is back on for residences to show you what is going on behind me. crews have been working to clean up what is left of this tree. in the last 30 minutes they were really focusing on the root, that is loaded up on the truck. it really has been a race to get all of this cleaned up if they have been here all night. especially before the next storm roles and. tonight, pg&e crews are making this a priority, getting power back on for residents after a pine tree fell this morning.
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it knocked out power lines and damaged a fire hydrant, and a six inch water main cutting off water to several residents. >> this could definitely have been worse. every time i drive into this tree, i am terrified. i speed up because it is huge and i'm always afraid it will fall on my car one day. >> reporter: one resident who did not want to go on camera said this tree had been a problem in the past. as we prepare for the next storm rolling in this weekend, tree specialist say being aware of the trees around you is important. >> with recent storms, the soil is at maximum capacity, which means it is holding all the water it can possibly hold. these new storms, the water has nowhere to go. >> reporter: making the risk of trees falling even greater. >> the trees in soggy soil with copper my root system arty danger. >> reporter: the advice, people should be looking around the base of the trees around their house and check for any fresh cracks in the dirt. >> if they see that the tree has leaned whatsoever, that is
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a definite sign to get somebody out there to look at it. >> reporter: cruise across the bay area are on alert, ready to respond to new problems that pop up. pdn details as they are keeping a close eye on santa cruz mountains and the peninsula and they have a prediction model to help them identify how many crews they need in certain areas. >> we do expect to see fallen trees like we saw in several cities across the bay area today. possibly even landslides. those are issues we will be looking out for. >> reporter: we have been talking to a resident here who lost power. it sounds like he still does not have water. but, something important that he did note, he was prepared. he said he knew somebody with a generator. he asked if he could borrow it. that absolutely helps. that is a good reminder to think about the next storm rolling in, to have a generator, batteries and of course bottled water as we saw here tonight, there is still no water.
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>> thank you, jocelyn. our morning team is arriving right now and will track all the new development overnight. before you head out tomorrow, check in with today in the day for an update on the weather and traffic. live coverage begins at 5:00 i am. the city of berkeley is looking to add more surveillance cameras in response to recent attacks targeting women and the elderly. the council will be voting on a proposal this week but as nbc area explains, not everyone is on board with the extra surveillance. >> reporter: if you are driving around the city of berkeley, you might be seeing more of these cameras in the coming years. >> neighbors are telling us they are suffering violent assaults. >> reporter: city councilmember ben bartlett said these incidents played a key role in the council decision this week to authorize a plan to add six surveillance cameras to the city. they approved 10 surveillance cameras last year to address
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crime. with the city being understaffed, only one had been deployed. the next cameras will be no transit stations where the attacks are taking place. according to berkeley pd, total crime is down by 22% compared to last year, but assault and battery are up 29%. ronnie regularly visits berkeley from oakland and welcomes the plan for more cameras. >> as an older person who is petrified to walk outside in oakland by myself, at night, morning, afternoon, and hearing stories about berkeley getting to be like that. >> reporter: for small business owner, maria bloom, feels more surveillance could be a slippery slope. >> i have concerns about it. i think there always needs to be a system of checks and balances and i worry about people being misidentified. >> reporter: city council says the cameras will be used solely for criminal investigations, and not for continuous surveillance.
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the proposal for the new cameras still needs to be reviewed by the police account ability board before the council signs off. tartly says the process can take anywhere from 30 days to several months. pete suratos, nbc bay area news. another sign of the times in oakland, today. the denny's was boarded up. this is hagan berger road near the airport. as we reported last night, that denny's shut down suddenly. the closure comes after an armed robbery last month and several other thefts and break- ins over the past few years. this is the second restaurant near the airport to close. in and out across the street from the denny's says it is there only look oakland location, but their customers are being victimized by crime. mayor sheng thao says she is working with business leaders to come up with strategies to combat all of this. >> what kind of designs we can
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implement, how to make it harder for criminals to actually commit crimes around that space. >> starbucks, black bear diner, and others have already closed in the area. >> an arrest has been made nine months after a hit-and-run crash in san jose. surveillance video shows the crash that happened in march of last year near tully road and flint avenue. investigators say a man was helping a family whose car broke down when he was hit. he was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. investigators use the license plate reader to track down the truck involved with that crash. police now say in december, they track down the driver. at the san francisco international airport party has been booked into the san mateo county jail. the protesters who shut down the bay bridge in november were in court today, and it was noisy. hundreds of supporters filled the hallway. the protest
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crippled traffic on the bridge during morning rush hour just before president biden was set to speak. protesters calling for a cease- fire in the israel and hamas war. among the charges filed district attorney, false imprisonment. the judge did schedule a hearing for a motion to drop the charges, and that is set for march 14th. new detail tonight about what caused the martinez refinery to release coke dust into the air. this happened in november of 2022. we could not see the dust blowing away from the refinery. catalytic cracking is the process of breaking down hydrocarbon molecules into smaller ones but they also blame worker fatigue and broken equipment for the release. the final community risk assessment is expected to be
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released this month. new at 11:00, former employees of the iconic anchor brewing company have withdrawn their bid to buy the now shuttered brewery. but, tonight, the anchor ss cooperatives as it is not giving up the fight completely. historic building and tasting room is up for sale. it closed last july after 120 years in of business incentives the scope of the former employees have developed a business plan and hope to work with the new owner. >> i think that this is a failure. i think there is another step. we want to take a view to see the whole thing and see the positives, of bringing this business back to the city. >> finalists could be announced in days. super bidders will be announced before the end of march. you would think if you are a chiefs fan, the bay area would be a lonely place come super bowl sunday, but that is not the case.
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we have a chiefs bar in san francisco and that the bar is only letting chiefs fans into watch the big game. here is gia vang. >> reporter: this is cricket. >> i was a chiefs cheerleader from 2010 through 2015. >> reporter: finding herself on the sidelines of chiefs games, because before she was born, her dad passed away. >> the chiefs had an option to help support my mom pay for medical bills. they auctioned off autographed footballs. there were alumni football players there, present. so, i was born a chiefs fan. >> reporter: now she watches with hundreds the soma neighborhood. with their banners up, it is home for them. chiefs fans began patronizing in 2015 and filled up the bar. >> playoffs, always well into the hundreds. and insuperable its shoulder to shoulder. >> we give them their fair share. >> reporter: which means?
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>> that means we are not letting in any niners fans or fans of any others. >> reporter: chiefs fans only, even though the owner roots for the 49ers. he is heading to the bar across the street. >> i think it's the best game i've ever seen. >> reporter: the pub is excited to reach capacity, so you want to get there early for a seat as they watch the 49ers try to win it all in a rematch of the 2020 super bowl. >> it is scary because it's patrick mahomes and he's beaten us once and he seems unbeatable, but i really think we have what it takes to be temperate >> reporter: gia ngnbc bay areaews. a chiefs bar re, i had no idea. for the 49ers fans, listen up. we held a pep rally last week r the today show and we are doinit again. another 4:00 a.m. call time. join the faithful on friday, february 9th, thatis in the
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friday before the super bowlat 4:00 i am. it will be atthe lots at bishop ranch and san ramon. dress up in your niners gear, we will have food and prizes and you can be seen with al rocher and the today show gang. we are back in 60 seconds getting another update from 49ers hq. they are back at it after taking a couple of days off. what team owner jenny york reveals after a rare media session. commuters are complaining about this. bar trains slowing way down, but why? a new potentially expensive issue with trains and its effect on riders. more bay area rain on the way which i will get to, but an early preview come here, look at the sierra snow from tomorrow into monday, really hitting hard on sunday night and monday on that snow. 37 in kingsvle, 46 at il
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growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message. b.a.r.t. riders have been complaining about a recent phenomenon.
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when it rains, cars slow down. >> our investigators report unit was the first report about the future being plagued by wet weather, bricking issues. tonight, jaxon van derbeken shows us what could be an extensive problem. >> it's gotten better, but it is hot there. cold and rain delays. >> reporter: he says he has noticed an improvement this year but is still recovering from last year, when the b.a.r.t. system all but melted down. heavy rain leaving riders crammed into shorter trains, running at half speed, as engineers scramble to deal with the weather related problems. this but my understanding is that we are doing better this year with respect to delays through the braking system. we are still having flat wheels. >> reporter: in fact, deborah allen told us, during one recent storm, five trains ended up with real flats.
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>> reporter: b.a.r.t. officials say that when wet conditions cause the wheel to spin or slide for too long on the tracks, triggers automatic emergency braking. but those emergency brakes lock up the wheels, and where flat spots on them. so, trains have to go in for maintenance to grind down those spots and true up the wheel. as a stopgap, b.a.r.t. has slowed down its trained systemwide when it rains. still, since november, a total of 385 cars have sustained wheel flats. the cost to repair, b.a.r.t. says it's less than 200 per car . 284 an entire 10 car train but that only counts for labor. b.a.r.t. fleet superintendent estimated in this internal email, that total cost of repairing a 10 car train is $80,000. whatever the final cost, trains are on and existing extended
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warranty. >> when the warranty is up, b.a.r.t. starts absorbing the cost to true the wheels. >> reporter: how long the extension will last is not clear., documents indicate the original two-year warranty will be up for the entire new fleet by 2028. in the meantime, b.a.r.t. officials are now looking to gps tracking technology. the idea is to verify train speeds are safe and override automatic braking when it is not necessary. the train maker had previously advocated gps, but documents released to us under the public records act show b.a.r.t. rejected that very solution less than three years ago, saying the case for safety had not been proven. b.a.r.t. decided, then, to accept more trains, ensuring regulators in a 2022 memo, that slowing speeds have sufficient significantly decreased flats. b.a.r.t.
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has been available to answer questions. as for allen, he has only wavering to track train speeds from our investigators unit. >> it's frustrating that i, as a director, and learning about the decisions that were made back in 2021 to essentially abandon an interim solution. >> reporter: b.a.r.t. has to hope customers like freeman will remain loyal, freeman says he is willing to do that. >> commuting from here to the city, in the rain, with a lot of people in accidents is way worse than trying to deal with some delays. >> reporter: jaxon van derbeken, nbc bay area news. weather issues at b.a.r.t. and for other people. we have a possible tornado, hail, rain, wind? we have it all. >> we really do. there is another storm system
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headed this way, and what we are caught up in is the storm track moving right on top of california. that is where we have the chance for spotty rain and thunderstorms into tomorrow's forecast but a quick look at storm ranger, doppler radar, and you can see more of that rain is moving through right now. let me show you more details on the microclimate forecast and what is coming our way through tomorrow. and, it is more of the same. a mixed bag, here. we have clouds with a few breaks of sunshine, and at times, some scattered thunderstorms here for that morning commute. we will see the same thing here heading for tomorrow afternoon. as we start off for the morning, it will be cold. numbers back down into the lower and middle 40s. 45 of the peninsula, 43 for the south bay. also dipping to 46 in san francisco, and 40 right in the north bay. so, a jacket to start, ejected to finish the day. this is it. it is a huge departure from the 70s that we had on monday, just 55 in napa, 56 in concord, and
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56 in san jose. scattered the storm chances on sunday as well. i wouldn't cancel any plans over it but by sunday, that is the day when it looks like our next storm system will hit. by all accounts, this is taking a super tricky path for us. we don't often see storms developing and moving in how this one will. so, it is unusual here for all of california. what we are looking at is a storm system coming in from the south, really digging its feet in right through southern california, and then moving up towards the bay area. i do think some of the biggest impacts certainly could be central and southern california, but we are still keeping the rain. 1/2 to 2 inches the way i see it now. wind at 25 to 60 miles per hour, and snow at 1 to 3 feet. let's look at the rainfall totals and how we are seeing things play out at this hour tonight. look at this. santa cruz mountains, peninsula, east bay, south bay,
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two inches, maybe a little higher, and then as we widen this map out, look at this bull's-eye in southern california, the great color has four inches of rain. very dangerous flash flooding threat especially in southern california with a chance of landslides. on that seven day forecast, once again, rain chances here through the next couple of days with the strongest storm on sunday, and we think that lingers into monday morning with spotty chances on tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. real important updates tomorrow, some high-resolution data and we are going to be able to really fine-tune the timing and the totals a lot better as we enter tomorrow but >> thank you, jeff. up next, golden gate bridge, fisherman's wharf, and drugs? how some people are traveling to the city just to get high.
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we have a rainy weekend ahead. >> and cheering on the 49ers with a new anthem, how the two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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is san francisco a hotspot for drug tourism? are people specifically traveling to the city to buy and use illegal drugs. matt dorsey says it is time for san francisco to commission a report that digs into the growing perception. the supervisor sent a letter to the city controller asking for an analysis and a method to track the issue without identifying the so-called drug tourists. >> we wanted to identify populations that are implicated in sentences goes ongoing drug crisis and also the recipients of public assistance here among the adult population. and, find out how long they have been here. >> homeless advocates say the
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focus needs to be on treatment and not traffic. cruising is making a comeback. the decades-old tradition of cruising down streets in custom letterwriters was banned in antioch back in the 80s. in san jose, the cruising then was listed two years ago. now a state law is in effect listing all bands statewide antioch leaders say they are antioch leaders say they are wo not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks,
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big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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a few challenges this week for the 49ers. first of all, get ready for the chiefs. also, tell your family and friends. >> can you hook me up with a ticket? remember, your third cousin, get me a ticket. players have to deal with all the ticket request and travel plans for families. what happens in vegas does not stay in vegas, not next week. the niners also have to deal with photos shoots and interviews. here is nick bosa looking very uncomfortable, actually. toss around the football awkwardly. you will likely see these types of clips on super bowl broadcast. this is the first of three practices before going to las
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vegas on sunday. brock purdy will be a major storyline, we know that. today, jen york in a rare interview session says kyle shanahan pulled him aside two seasons ago and said hey, this brock purdy guy will be our first string quarterback one of these days. >> grab me after practice and said hey, we've got to talk. that's not generally a good thing. all right, what's up? and he's like, i think our third string quarterback is our best quarterback. but okay, what does that mean? he says obviously, we have invested in trey, he's doing a good job. we are not going to change that, and we're not going to change the depth chart, but i think brock will end up being our quarterback at some point. >> it's amazing. because he was the last player taken in the draft that year, he still makes the league minimum salary of about $900,000. compare that to his receiver,
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growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message.
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. the spotlight was on breakdancing in san francisco tonight. a style of dance that originated in 1970s new york
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city is now an olympic sport. breaking, as it is now called, will debut in paris. in anticipation, the consulate general will plan an event tonight showcasing sports. you can see her right there. >> there she is, she's the moderator for that. breakers say they cannot wait to see breaking on a global stage. >> it's a long time coming. from where we started to where we are at now, taking over the global stage for 50 million people to watch and be inspired by and start that next chapter of breaking. it's a long time coming. so, for me, it is an amazing feeling. all the breakers are feeling the same way. >> nbc bay area is your home for the olympics. starting july 26th. jessica will be there bringing us live coverage from paris throughout the game. >> will she be breaking? >> i hope so. >> i'm thinking maybe she tried something onstage tonight. >> thank you for joining


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