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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  February 2, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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hi, everyone. i'm zinhle essamuah. my co-anchor kate is off today. "nbc news daily" starts right now.
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today, friday, february 2nd, 2024, breaking news, returning home. the bodies of three american service members killed by iran-backed militants are back on u.s. soil. the president and first lady grieving alongside their families. how they're being remembered as the u.s. prepares to retaliate. help really wanted. another surprisingly positive jobs report shows america's economy is booming. what does that actually mean for your bottom line? we'll break it down. relentless rain, submerged cars, downed power lines. a monster storm soaks california with another on the way. we're tracking why it's expected to be even worse. and bored to tears. having nothing to do may be exactly what you need. the benefits of boredom that are worth getting excited about. thank you for ending your week with us. we're going to start with breaking news, the bodies of three american service members who died during a surprise attack overseas nearly one week ago are back on u.s. soil.
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president biden and first lady jill biden met privately with the families before paying their respects during the dignified transfer earlier today. the three sergeants were all from georgia, william rivers, kennedy sanders and breonna moffett. sanders and moffett were promoted from specialist after they died. all three were killed sunday when a drone strike hit their base in jordan. dozens of their fellow service members were hurt and the president says iranian-backed militant groups are responsible and has vowed to retaliate. aaron gilchrist joins me from dover, delaware. walk us through what we know about this dignified transfer so far. >> reporter: zinhle, it was a simple, solemn, beautiful movement that we saw here, experienced today, for these three soldiers that really was designed as a way to pay tribute to them, to honor the sacrifice that they made. we saw, obviously, president biden and the first lady joined by several other dignitaries on
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the tarmac at dover air force base to receive these bodies as they were coming in from the aircraft here. we saw the president and some of the dignitaries walk to the end of the entrance of the aircraft, and then one by one these transfer cases were taken off the plane, slowly by a carry team. you see in the video here, these are all army soldiers dressed in their battle dress uniforms. they transferred the cases to a waiting van, and then that van very slowly drove off to take these bodies to the mortuary affairs building here on the base. this was really -- we know the families were watching off to the side, out of view of the cameras. the families were watching, receiving their family members, their loved ones, soldiers, seeing them for the first time since the tragic incident that happened over the weekend. a moment for these families, zinhle, that is a difficult one for them, a heavy moment, as you
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can imagine, for them who didn't expect, didn't expect that their loved ones would be coming home this way. >> aaron, certainly heavy, somber, and they were all so young. do we know where the remains of the fallen service members will be taken? >> reporter: yes, so the process here, this base is the armed forces mortuary affairs headquarters, if you will, and so the remains will be processed, these soldiers have to be positively identified by the armed forces before they are then placed in caskets and cents to their families. they will be sent to georgia where their families will decide where they're going to hold their funeral services. they will all be buried with military honors, another ritual for military families that is a difficult one. these are gold star families, zinhle, because these soldiers died overseas in the middle of operations.
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>> yeah, aaron, as i mentioned earlier, in response to this attack, the president and his cabinet are working on a retaliatory response. what new details are we learning about when we could see that happen and what the plan might be? >> reporter: well, zinhle, the defense department isn't telegraphing exactly when we might see a response, although we know there will be one. there will be likely a military response in the form of some sort of a strike. the secretary of defense said yesterday that it is likely to be a multi-tiered response that we will see, meaning we could see strikes of different natures over the course of several days or even weeks. we haven't been told when exactly that might start, and it's not something that obviously the department of defense wants to make known to the outside world. but it is likely that we will see targets, that it will be struck in some form or fashion, that are directly connected to the iranian regime, although they will not be strikes inside
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iran. >> aaron gilchrist for us, did you so much. the first jobs report of 2024 is here and the economic year is starting out with a bang. 353,000 jobs were added in january. that's nearly double the dow jonesest my. the unemployment rate stayed the same at 3.7%. business and news correspondent brian cheung is with me. this is a huge number for any month. walk us through the areas that saw the biggest gains. >> reporter: what a way to start 2024, with estimates beating numbers. as you mentioned 353,000 added, and economists only expected about 185,000 jobs to have been added. so well above estimates. the unemployment rate stayed 3.7%, although some demographics we saw the number go up. leisure and hospitality, bars and restaurants, and also health care and professional and business services adding over 70,000 each, blue collar and
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white collar jobs, in addition to information adding 15,000 jobs. so all in all, it's continuing to chug along. >> while we do see gains in some industries, the reality is i'm thinking of the tech industry, which has seen major cuts and layoffs, google, amazon and others. how do we reckon with the changes on silicon valley and what we're seeing on main street? >> paypal is another one. for what it's worth, here are some of the names we have to acknowledge has had layoffs. these are headlining grabbing companies that individual tens of thousands of people off, but you're not seeing it in the figures. that's the reason i put up the professional and business services figure and information, because tech and media jobs will likely be bucketed into these two categories. as far as the overall picture, maybe it's not reflected yet. at least for now, we are not seeing that having a substantial impact on the overall picture where the jobs market looks pretty good. >> bottom line, i'm at home,
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looking at my grocery bill and wondering why it's so high. >> prices are not going down and this is the jobs report. we're not getting a picture on inflation. we do get a picture on wages. inflation at the store is all right if your wages are keeping up with it. and for right now the picture does look like that. wages 4.5%. inflation 3.4%. these are annual figures. this dynamic only happened as of the beginning of last spring. prior to that, inflation was well outpacing wages. is this keeping up and able to compensate for the losses we saw during the peak inflation of 2022? that's the open question and that maybe explains the difference between sentiment and what the economic numbers look like. >> brian cheung, always breaking down those numbers for us. thank you so much. and we're following breaking news out of georgia. fulton county district attorney fani willis, bringing charges against former president donald trump in the election interference case has admitted to a quote, personal relationship with the special
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prosecutor. president trump says their relationship is improper and charges against them should be dropped. let's get right to it with nbc news correspondent blayne alexander. walk us through what this means, what was revealed today, and why it's so important. >> reporter: well, zinhle, this is a very long filing and we've been waiting a long time to hear what d.a. fani willis had to say. we're making our way through this filing in response to this allegation, but basically the top line is what you said. they are saying that, yes, even though there was a relationship, it doesn't have any bearing on the case, and certainly doesn't constitute any wrongdoing that would have her or nathan wade removed from the prosecution of this case. i think there's one section that really kind of speaks to this. i want to read it for you, if i can. basically willis writes, the affidavit also clarifies that although d.a. willis and special prosecutor wade have been professional associates and friends since 2019, there was no personal relationship between them in november 2021, at the time of special prosecutor wade's appointment, and
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defendants offer no support for their insistence that the exercise of any prosecutorial discretion in this case was impacted by any personal relationship. she goes on to say, courts have held for decades in both civil and criminal context personal relationships among lawyers, even on opposing sides of litigation, do not constitute impermissible conflicts of interest. so that's their argument right there. she then goes on to say that there was no financial gain. again, the allegations here aren't necessarily that they had a romantic relationship, but that she financially benefitted from it. that's what michael roman and his attorney are using to hopefully get the charges dismissed. she's saying there was no financial benefit, they're both grown adults, strong professionals, they had their own income and neither are relying upon the other, so that doesn't have any bearing. the other thing we saw that was interesting is that, as we know, fani willis and nathan wade have been subpoenaed to testify. she says that's nothing but an attempt to embarrass her and
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delve into her personal life and plans to fight that subpoena as well, zinhle. >> do we have a sense of what happens next? how might the trump case be impacted here? >> reporter: so there are a couple of things that can happen. of course, michael roman, and now trump has signed on to this, trying to get the case thrown out. let's look at the scenarios. sources i've been talking to that know fani willis well say that it is a near impossibility that she would step aside on her own or she or wade would recuse themselves as many people have been talking and questioning whether or not they would. the other option, of course, is that if the judge decides, okay, there was improper action here and therefore willis, and of course her office would then need to be removed, in which case it would then be assigned to a different d.a., a different prosecutor in the state. but let's look at where we are. we're in the state of georgia, we know it's a red state. finding another prosecutor, d.a., who would want to take this case on would be very, very
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difficult, if not highly unlikely. so certainly unlikely we're going to see her removed from this case or move on. >> blayne alexander, always thorough reporting, thank you so much. time for today's cnbc money minute. a popular line of childrens' toys is issuing a recall and demand for gold hits a record high. cnbc's contessa brewer joins me. >> a ball run toy from play kit subscription company has been recalled due to a potential choking hazards yesterday, according to the u.s. consumer product safety commission. a wooden doorknob could come off and potentially choke a child. they shipped between june to november of 2023, so right before christmas, and they're all affected. and they will be contacting purchasers directly and offering replacements. demand in gold hit record highs in 2023 driven by geopolitical tensions and a slowdown in china's economy. gold prices were $2,100 in
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december, but gold purchases this year are not expected to meet 2023 levels, with inflation anticipated to fall. amazon launched a new ai shopping assistant as it released its fourth quarter results yesterday. the assistant called rufus was launched to a small group of customers on the shopping app, but more people will be able to experience it in coming weeks. the new service is the latest effort in amazon's investment in artificial intelligence, zinhle. >> pretty cool. i don't know if i need any help shopping. i have enough of a habit as it is. contessa brewer, thank you. coming up, you may have noticed some tiktoks are suddenly silent. why and what it means for music artists. plus, this week marks one year since the toxic train year since the toxic train derail [♪♪] did you know, many moisturizers only hydrate your skin? for advanced science that visibly repairs signs of aging... try olay regenerist micro-sculpting cream.
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right now the national weather service is telling some people in california to prepare for possible evacuations, as the west coast is bracing for a new round of life-threatening weather from an atmospheric river. imagine a river in the sky dumping tons of water onto california. that's what we're talking about with this type of weather event. this was the scene in san diego from the last atmospheric river. historic rainfalls are possible as the next storm threat is expected to reach the west coast by sunday. we'll get the forecast from meteorologist bill karins in a moment. first let's go to dana griffin in san diego.
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i know conditions out there are a bit turbulent. how are people recovering from the last round of rain and how are they preparing for what's to come? >> reporter: zinhle, i think we've got a little bit of reprieve because the sun is out, so this is the time officials say for people to get ready, get their sandbags, their supplies, so they don't have to be on the roads when this next second more powerful storm rolls through, likely as early as saturday into sunday, and possibly through next week. right now there is a high surf warning and that's why you're not seeing anyone at the beach or in the water because it's a little dangerous right now. it's been kind of a weather whiplash because not only did they experience the rain the last couple of days, but the deluge that hit the area last week that caused flooding, submerged cars. people are feeling worn out by the storm. when you think about what's to come, you've got the snow.
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that's kind of a mixed bag, because in the sierra it's important to get that snowpack so that it can supply water to california for the rest of the year. but in this case, you're going to see about 2 to 4 feet of snow possibly, but if you're driving in the mountains, especially monday into next week, it could be very dangerous, if not nearly impossible, zinhle. >> so important that people proceed with caution. dana, thank you. let's bring in meteorologist bill karins. this new round of rain could last for days, right? >> yeah, and it's the severe part of it, though. sunday evening overnight into monday, the first half of the day. if we're going to get destruction, that's when it's going to occur. we know this storm is coming. the biggest question is where is it going to hit the hardest and the intensity. the storm is in the pacific so we have roughly about 36 hours or so before it gets to california. saturday will be fine. there's scattered showers today. one of the measures we see where the most severe flooding is, or the potential, we have a flash flood risk assessment.
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this is done for each day individually. this is for sunday and it goes marginal, slight, moderate. we could go up to a high risk in really bad situations, and it is possible, especially as we go through sunday and monday, they upgrade this. this area of maroon, which includes santa barbara, los angeles, this is where we expect the biggest threats of potential flooding. as we fast forward, we shift from the south, including all of the downtown los angeles area, still into areas around santa barbara, so that's the timeframe, if we're going to get destructive flash flooding, that's where it will occur. this is the rainfall prediction right now, totals out through the entire event, and you notice when you see rain totals in downtown l.a. up to about 5 to 6 inches, this means the mountains would be somewhere up to possibly a foot of rain, that would be an historic rainfall event. we're hoping this trends down in the days ahead, and still a
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significant rainfall. fresno, monterey, even san diego and oceanside. the real possibility of destructive flash flooding would be santa barbara and l.a. and the mountainous areas. don't plan any travel sunday night into monday, 2 to 4 feet, easily the biggest snowstorm of the season. going into february we only had 100 inches. this will have it all, destructive wind, heavy rain and surf. >> thank you both so much. coming up, at least three people are dead after a small people are dead after a small plane goes down in a mobile home always dry scoop before you run. the hot dog diet got me shredded! the world is full of "health experts"... it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with b vitamins to help convert food into fuel. science that matters. you'll find them in cities, towns and suburbs all across america. millions of americans who
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for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills. good friday. this is "the fast forward." i'm janelle wang. enjoy the pockets of sun today, because a big storm is coming this weekend. kari hall has more details. >> going into the afternoon, hit or miss showers in the forecast for us. we could also see some times of sunshine and the waves of rain we see may bring brief heavy downpours and maybe even a few rumbles of thunder as we watch out for thunderstorm chances. into early saturday morning, scattered showers in the forecast. more widespread saturday night into sunday as the next atmospheric river comes in. we could have some very high rainfall totals as well as gusty winds. the potential for some downed
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trees and power issues and flooding and landslides are possible. we are watching for these impacts. we will talk about what's beyond in the seven day forecast coming up in 30 minutes. >> thanks. a house fire in the east bay overnight. the house destroyed by flames. ginger conejero saab is at the scene with more details. >> reporter: two victims were brought to different hospitals this morning. one man who was severely burned was airlifted to uc davis. a woman was transported to the east bay. a neighbor tells me the scene was intense. she says she saw the man run in and out of this home. she says he was trying to rescue an elderly woman from the home who may have been trapped when the fire broke out. this is what is left of the home. you can see the entire front of the house is scorched. it's boarded up at this point.
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same with the garage. firefighters had to saw open to get the smoke out. here is a look at the intensity of the flames and the fire late last night. it tore through this home. firefighters were working to ventilate the smoke out that had filled the home. the neighbor i spoke to said she was concerned about the condition of the victims considering the intensity of the fire. another woman we spoke to said the scene this morning was tragic. >> there was flames coming out of the living room window and the door and in the roof on the corner in the front. smoke coming out of the garage area. there were two women in the driveway crying. they were on their knees crying. >> reporter: they received the first call before 11:30 last night. they contained the fire an hour later. there were two other females who lived in the home that were able to escape safely and were alerted by smoke detectors.
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the cause of the fire is still unknown. we are told the investigation is still in its very early stages. as soon as we get updates on that, we will bring that to you on air or online. ginger conejero saab, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. here are other stories. san francisco leaders are launching an initiative to bring a historically black college to downtown. a superintendent is retiring after voting against a ban on pride flags. a follow-up to the man who shot at someone in the south bay. he has been captured and is behind bars. this is a mug shot. he shot at someone trying to serve him legal documents at his home last week. the victim did not suffer any injuries and called the 11. he barricaded himself in his home but was able to get away. police finally arrested him in morgan hill yesterday. he now faces several charges,
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including attempted murder. sunol school superintendent is retiring. you may remember in september, the school district board voted to ban the pride flag. she voted against that. now she announced this week, she is retiring. she said she was set to retire in a few years but decided to move up the plan. she says the stress of pride flag controversy became overwhelming and unhealthy for her. no time line yet on when the school board will decide her replacement. san francisco could become the site of a historically black college or university. it's led by the human rights commission. they will hold historically black colleges or universities or hbcus this summer. the goal is to partner with several hbcus and eventually have a location in the downtown area.
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universities including sf state, ucsf and others will provide house, space for classrooms and internships. internships. today the mayor says it if you're living with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis or active psoriatic arthritis, symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment. now there's skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin... ...and show it off. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ with skyrizi, you could take each step with 90% clearer skin. and if you have psoriatic arthritis, skyrizi can help you get moving with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and less joint pain,
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[sfx: heartbeat] crazy, just crazy! bayer aspirin. official sponsor of fans' hearts. bottom of the hour now, here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." breaking news from the entertainment world, actor carl weathers has died, best known
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for his role boxer apollo creed in the "rocky" movies and he starred in "predator" and the "mandalorian." his family says he died peacefully. he was 76 years old. federal authorities are investigating sex trafficking allegations against wwe co-founder vince mcmahon who resigned last week after a former employee accused him of trafficking her. authorities have been in contact with women who accused mcmahon of sexual misconduct. he has denied the allegations and says he tends to vigorously defend himself. alaska is getting buried in snow hitting low temperatures with dangerous consequences. the temperatures have hit minus 40 and lower in parts of the state. some states are opening emergency warming centers.
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two commercial buildings have had their roofs collapse under the weight of the snow. this weekend marks one year since the toxic train derailment that devastated east palestine, ohio. nbc's steve romo spoke to community members just returning. they say there's still a long way to go to get back to normal. >> reporter: video and documents just released by the ntsb shedding new light on that devastating train derailment and controlled explosion a year ago, including transcripts of the conversation in the train's cab when conductors realized something was seriously wrong. we didn't get any air in the back, one says. that means we've come apart. 38 cars had jumped the tracks, some bursting into flames and leaking toxic chemicals. christina dillworth says that day east palestine changed forever. >> we all had to leave. it was scary. it was like a horror movie. >> reporter: for much of the last year, dillworth stayed at a hotel paid for by norfolk southern. that relocation program is
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ending. >> bottled water is my new normal. >> reporter: she hoped coming back to her house would feel more like coming home. >> people think it's over, everybody is safe to go home. i always feel like we're the forgotten town. >> reporter: an october report did not show any concerning levels of contaminants and regulators say the water is safe. many worry about the long-term health impacts. after the derailment, she developed a rash and headaches. >> health-wise, are you concerned just being here? >> yes, i'm concerned. what's my long-term future? i've already been exposed. >> reporter: as for the cleanup, norfolk southern says that is nearly complete. trucks and heavy machinery remain, as crews rebuild the area that was dug up to remove chemicals. >> we want to make it look like it was beforehand. >> reporter: crews installed pumps that are collecting all storm water from the site. a lot of people are asking why it took so long.
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what was the biggest challenge? >> it's a complex site. everything we do, we've got to work with regulators to get done correctly. >> reporter: all day long, trains run through east palestine and no new federal safety legislation has passed. steven romo, nbc news, east palestine, ohio. many in east palestine fear potential long-term health effects from the derailment, specifically because of a toxic waste that was spilled. but a new report shows millions of americans are at risk every single day of the same thing happening in their towns. investigative and legal correspondent cynthia mcfadden is here to explain. this chemical is highly toxic and actively traveling around our country, right? >> right. this isn't just somewhat toxic. this is one of those few chemicals that is a known carcinogen. there's no question this is a dangerous and potentially toxic chemical. this is the report that's being
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referenced. it's done by the toxic-free future. the group took many publicly available records to try to see the most common routes of the transfer of vinyl chloride in america. i think we have an animation to show you what they selected. from texas, the plants where the chloride is made, it goes through eight major cities, about 2,000 miles until it gets to new jersey. let me tell you what happens along the road. 36 million pounds of vinyl chloride travels in more than 200 rail cars across nearly 2,000 miles on any given day. now, the analysis done by this group says that more than 3 million people are at risk along this route. >> the 2,000 mile route. >> that's correct. and how do you calculate that number? the standard for evacuation, if there is a spill, is one mile on either side of the train tracks. so that's 3 million people,
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mostly poor people, mostly people of color. another thing i want to tell you, it's worth pointing out, east palestine is on that route. there was another leak of vinyl chloride on that same route previous to the one in ohio. so there have already been two on this route. of course it doesn't happen every day, but -- >> it's cause for alarm. >> it is, indeed. here are the cities along the route. houston, philadelphia, san antonio, pittsburgh, toledo, fort wayne and little rock, and 1,600 schools. >> so young people, also. i know some people are listening and still wondering, what exactly is vinyl chloride, why should i be concerned about this. walk us through what some of the effects can be. >> this is a known carcinogen. every form of cancer, brain cancer, every kind of tumor essentially has been linked, and it's a chemical. and when it escapes in a toxic
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amount -- i mean, workers who have been known to work with it, their bones have been known to disappear in their fingers. it's a dangerous chemical. it has to be regulated. >> are people pushing for that? >> people are pushing for it. the group that did this study say it should be banned. the epa is looking at banning it potentially, but no action yet. >> cynthia mcfadden with the latest. thank you so much. right now investigators are trying to figure out what caused a deadly plane crash in florida. a single engine plane slammed into a mobile home park in clearwater, three people were killed. fire crews worked through the night after multiple homes were on fire. sam brock joins me now. who do we know about who is investigating and what they're focussing on? >> reporter: the ntsb is the lead on the investigation, working with the faa. we were told those two agencies, plus clearwater police and fire were going to be providing an update as to potential causes,
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but more likely background information on the pilot and victims, the two people who died on the ground. they scrapped that plan a couple hours ago and said they would be providing an update via social media. we've been checking and so far that has not come out. what we know is the pilot of that single engine plane had reported engine failure right before he crashed into a mobile home park, creating the jaw-dropping scenes that you're looking at. it could have been much worse, if you can believe that. look at how dense those homes are there. there are many of them, dozens of homes in that space. one was hit directly. the flames spread to on other homes. thankfully the people who lived in the adjacent homes were able to escape safely. the pilot came from vero beach, and was apparently heading toward an air park near the airport in st. petersburg in the clearwater area, only five miles away from where he crashed. by all accounts, it appears he was close to getting to his destination before the tragedy took place. >> what do we know about who was on the plane, as well as the
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other victims? >> reporter: we know it was a pilot on the plane, there was no cabin crew or passengers. as far as the other victims, two people were in a home where the plane struck directly. we don't have background information on them, zinhle. it is possible that they are not from in-state, they could have been down here because it's cold in big chunks of the country. we are waiting to get background information presumably from the responding agencies. they just have not updated it so far today. >> more details to come. sam brock, thank you. well, the app tiktok just got a whole lot quieter. it's all because of a feud between the social media platform and universal music group. entertainment colors chloe melas joins me. why is my phone so quiet? >> reporter: exactly. people are not happy about this, and music artists are upset because, don't forget, tiktok has launched the careers of
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several music artists and songs like little nas' old town road, songs that people learned about through tiktok. and now universal music group has pulled its entire catalog from the app. it's the sound of silence on one of the world's most popular social media platforms. tiktok is known for funny or elaborate dance routines set to all kinds of music. but now -- those videos, some with millions of views, are awfully quiet, with angry comments asking where the music went. >> it has me a little scared about what the future holds. >> reporter: this is a tiktoker who obsesses over and recommends new music to followers. >> my account is so focused solely on music. if more of the labels, like, decide to pull out, then it will mean, like, worse things for my account and my ability to cover music. >> reporter: this is all because
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tiktok and universal music group couldn't agree on how much money artists could get when their music is played on the app. universal represents thousands of artists from taylor swift to nirvana. the company released a statement saying, quote, tiktok is trying to build a music-based business without paying fair value for the music and adding the platform is using ai to replace music by human songwriters and performers. ♪♪ >> reporter: tiktok responded with a heated statement of their own, saying that universal has put their own greed above the interests of their artists and songwriters. >> even though the music takedown impacts creators like dunn, he says he supports the label's position. >> it hasn't been a fair deal to the music industry and they've built an app that is pretty much music first. i think they need to be paying their fair share. >> reporter: recordings appear to be deleted from the library, while other videos were muted entirely. for creators, big questions with no answers. >> what is the place of music on the platform?
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is this going to disappear altogether? it's been so central to the brand identity of tiktok since its inception. >> wow, so how long might this silence last? do we know anything about the state of negotiations, if they're happening? >> reporter: i wish that i had something positive to tell you, but it's unclear if tiktok is even in active negotiations with umg. we don't know if this could last a couple days, weeks, or potentially be indefinite. what i can tell you is this is affecting big stars, too. part of that catalog is taylor swift, and she is having a major moment in 2024, and last year, too. and if you go on her page alone, you'll see that some of her own posts don't have any music anymore. so i think that's unclear, and we were talking about this a moment ago, is will artists, if they own their own music and they are independent, can you then post your own music onto your own social platforms? >> interesting. >> reporter: so there are a lot of questions as to how this is going to shake out, and so in
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the meantime, you'll see people are very upset. people are a little lost right now about what to do. >> like you said, its been a platform where many people have discovered new artists or songs from their favorite artists. >> like lil nas x and all of these songs, and also a lot of old songs have become new again because of tiktok and remixes. so a lot of people are affected, and obviously it affects people's bottom line and their income. >> we'll see how it plays out, or in this case not playing out at all. thank you so much. getting on board with being bored. how embracing boredom can improve your menta health. l
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today's mental health check, we've all been bored before at school in a meeting or simply at home with nothing to do. according to mayo clinic, over 60% of u.s. adults report feeling bored at least once a week, but experts say embracing boredom can have some benefits. joining me is a clinical psychologist. why do we get bored? what happens in our brains? >> we experience boredom when our brain is seeking a certain amount of stimulation and doesn't receive it. it sends an emotional cue that
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we don't have something that we want and that's something we experience as boredom. >> we're in this age where there's always something vying for our attention, pointing to my phone. but what are the benefits that come with embracing boredom? >> there's quite a few benefit. the main ones being when we give our brain the opportunity to wander and explore, it helps us build up creativity and gives us an opportunity to rest and reset. oftentimes we don't realize how much work our brain is doing to pay attention to the constant stimulation, but it's doing a lot of work. boredom gives us a chance to rest and encourages introspection and have a positive sense of who we are, where we are in the world and what we're looking for. without time to pause and have breaks, we miss a lot of internal information. >> that's good and it's space for creativity, to dream, to imagine. being bored can be good, but it can also be a warning sign of
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something else, right? >> yes, so boredom, like any other emotion, should be short lived. every emotion should come and go in its own time. but if you are experiencing chronic boredom, that's something to really be concerned about, because it can create symptoms of anxiety, symptoms of depression, and it can also lead us into places where we're desperate to avoid the experience, and so we might turn to things like substances, or other risky behaviors as a way of dealing with the discomfort of being bored. >> i told our producers before we started this segment, i hope my dad is listening. growing up, i was always saying, dad, i'm so bored. i was a kid that needed to be active, the only girl among many boys. and he would always say, you're lucky if you're bored, because as an adult you get pretty busy. i know for people watching at home, life gets busy and it gets hard to find a free moment, so what are some ways people can make space for boredom if they're on the other end of the
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spectrum and feel like they're too busy? >> absolutely. boredom is one of those things where we can get the most out of it when we're intentional about how to use it and we're really in tune with when it's happening. oftentimes we experience boredom and we don't have a plan of what we're going to do so it can be uncomfortable. but if you know what it's like for you when you're bored, it gives you an opportunity to say, okay, the next time i feel bored, i'm going to try to get outdoors, alone time, maybe i'll journal or meditate, and that way you can take advantage of that break in time that boredom gives us. it gives you an opportunity to create more balance in our lives, particularly in this world where it's really hard to not be stimulated at all times. boredom is really of value. >> those are helpful activities that you list had we can do to sort of overcome those uncomfortable feelings, being productive about the free time, and also sort of what's the difference between having free time and maybe just being uncomfortable with a little silence? >> yeah, so the other issue is
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that it's always important to understand, where is this boredom coming from? is it coming from not having as much external stimulation as you're used to, and maybe it's a good thing you take a moment to pause? or is it coming from a lack of purpose or a lack of fulfillment in your life? in that case, dig deeper and figure out what you can do to bring more fulfillment. but sometimes we need to be mindful of where the boredom is coming from so we can properly address it. >> i love it, use boredom as an invitation to assess what you're doing in your life and what's motivating you. always good to see you. thank you so much. thanks for watching. we've got a lot more news ahead. you're watching "nbc news you're watching "nbc news daily." my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears.
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[laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. welcome back to "the fast forward." i'm janelle wang. we are tracking this rain that just won't go away. bay area is basing for another atmospheric river this weekend. some neighbors are cleaning up from the last one. clearing out this tree. it came down on power lines, knocking out power. there are concerns the next storm may cause more problems because the soil is already saturated. experts recommend looking at the base of the tree. keep an eye out for lifting or cracking in the ground around the roots. those are telltale signs the tree may be ready to fall. experts are supposed to gather to check out an area where a possible tornado was seen in the north bay. this is video showing what
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appears to be a funnel cloud yesterday. if that cloud actually touched down, it would be a tornado. the last tornado in sonoma county struck more than a decade ago in 2011. for more on this upcoming powerful storm, let's check in with kari hall and her seven day forecast. >> scattered showers for today and tomorrow. it's going to be very chilly with highs in the mid 50s and overnight lows in the upper 30s. the next big storm coming in on sunday will bring in more widespread heavy rain and the possibility of flooding as well. we may see some of the gusts reaching 45 to possibly 60 plus miles per hour for the coastal mountains. into monday, the rain continues. we may have the flooding issues continuing to rise along our creeks and rivers. it tapers off to scattered activity on tuesday. a bit of a break on wednesday before we have more rain in the forecast next thursday.
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nt to see who we you wa are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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welcome back. every day our responds team speaks with frustrated residents who are stuck in consumer service standstills. chris chmura joins with us a pair of cases where list team ended it. >> happy friday. start with william. his cable company wi-fi router wasn't working. they sent him a replacement. it also didn't work. william returned both of them. the cable company still billed him $72 for internet. he connected with us. we connected with the cable company which credited william his $72. next, michael in san jose. he bought five seats up front for a live musical performance. ushers reseated his group out of the front row. why? still isn't clear. the producer reimbursed him the price difference of one ticket,
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$120. that left $480 on the table. michael asked us to step in. we did. the producer issued a $600 credit for future shows. michael sang our praises. i don't think any movement would have happened without your support. we are happy to help. if your battle needs an audience, let us know. scan the code to fill out our consumer complaint form online. have a great weekend. >> you toochri let's tal about the niners. ey will face the chiefs on sunday, february 11th. super bowl in las vegas. as we gear up for th, we want to let you know that "today" is hosting a pep rally. join us friday, february 9, 4:00 a.m. at the lot at city center bishop ranch. drs up in your gear. you just mht get on "today"
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and our morning show "today in the bay." we did this before the nfc championship game. a lot of people turned out. hundreds of people. it was so much fun. it was so much fun. show i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant... is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms... ...better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common.
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i'm andrea canning and this is "dateline daytime" on nbc. [ music playing ] i was trying to determine what she had on. you know, clothing. and he got real quiet and whispered, and he said, red blood. chills up and down my spine because i thought, wow, this kid saw this.


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