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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 3, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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good morning. it is saturday, february 3rd. 7:00. a live look outside. japantown in san jose. some cloud cover there, and calm outside now, but, boy, do we
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have some wet weather on the way. thank you so much for starting your first weekend of the month with us. i'm kira klapper. cinthia pimentel has a quick look at our microclimate forecast. you have a lot to get to. >> we do. good morning, kira. good morning, everyone. now, there is a little bit of a break around the majority of the bay area, but stormranger is scanning just a little light activity through san francisco, south city, out at the airport, parts of san mateo. getting closer into half moon bay, this cell moves in. you could hear a clap of thunder out there. just make sure you're staying dry inside. parts of the north bay along highway 1 also seeing light rain, but really this storm is still out to the pacific, and is going to start coming in as we go into later this afternoon, but becoming heavier. intense, i'm speaking, as we go on into the overnight hours. you can see the colors light up there. some of the things you can expect that i'll be guiding you through? a flood watch in effect. four to eight inches possible in our coastal mountains.
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one to three inches around the rest of the bay. it's also going to be a major wind event. i'm talking 45 to 60 mile-an-hour wind gusts in our ridges. i'll guide you through that coming up in about 15 minutes. back to you. >> cinthia, see you soon. those caltrans changeable message signs you see above our freeways, right now say to limit travel tomorrow and monday. the chp agrees it's a good idea to stay home, if you can, during this weekend's storm. today in the bey's emma goss shows us a first responders are worried about safety and potential mudslides. >> reporter: the clock is ticking before the next big storm hits the bay area. >> preparation is urgent. this isn't like the other california problems earthquake-wise you don't necessarily know it's coming. this, we have a pretty good idea there will be impactful rain. so prepare now. now's the time. >> reporter: that means filling up sandbags if a risk in your
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area, flashlights on hand and charging devices if there's a power outage. >> a lot of power lines down. especially in areas that we serve where they have above-ground power. >> reporter: all alameda county crews were busy friday during the break in the rain to check areas for potential hazards and ensure the roads and gutters got cleaned up. the chp is warning drivers to be careful on the roads, which could be flooded in some areas. and the storm's strong winds will pose additional risk to drivers. >> avoid being out if you can. if you can avoid being out in the heart of the storms, the safest way. >> reporter: advice that pat and charlene solis in castro valley are heeding, canceling their weekend road trip. >> were going to go up to rockland to see the kids. nah. play it safe. >> reporter: for those who can't avoid driving -- >> always kind of use the turn around doan drown, that term. don't drive through it pup see standing water on the roadway,
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turn around. take the extra 10, 20 minutes, whatever it may be, find an ultimate route and not go through it to risk the hazard. >> reporter: reporting for "today in the bay." and this next storm has people in the santa cruz mountains preparing before it moves in, because they've been through this before. as "today in the bay's" jocelyn moran explains, people who live there know that strong winds and big trees could be a dangerous combination. >> reporter: the it's calm before the next storm. crews with tree service companies are busy, and hardware stores in the area are storstoc up. people are planning ahead while they still can. >> people who live up there have trees in their yards and come in buy the chainsaws to dig out what came down that night. >> reporter: in the last weeks people here have seen mudslides and fallen trees. the outdoor supply store, stocking up on sandbags, generators, flashlights and sump
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pumps telling us some come in in time, many wait to the last second. >> a lot of people wait until something happens thinking it's not going to happen to me, come in after the fact and in a pan it. >> reporter: this woman doesn't plan on being one of those people. >> i asked him to go get oil and candles, and flashlights. . >> reporter: her house lied in the middle of trees. last year a douglas fir in her yard. >> makes me nervous. >> reporter: governor newsom saying 800 boots are on the ground in california. 4,000 caltrans personnel, 550 firefighters and staff and water rescue teams. sandbags put in place. at capitola village you'll find sandbags outside of several businesses. >> think about last year for
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sure. >> reporter: the village hit hard in the past by big waves and flooding, while they monitor this next storm they also say they can only do so much. >> after a certain point, only so much you can do. enough swell, breeze, water, we're at nature's mercy. >> reporter: jocelyn moran for nbc bay area news. heading to tahoe is on your weekend itinerary, change your plans or be kpeerped for treacherous conditions. a look at interstate 80 along the donner summit last night. last night there's were multiple spinouts on 80 in classer county. all eastbound lanes shut down at one point pup can see the traffic pileup. also last night, this was highway 50 in the town of meyers approaching south lake tahoe. this next storm is expected to drop several feet of snow on the mountains. this is a storm that has the whole state on notice. down in southern california, los
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angeles mayor karen bass is urging people to prepare ahead of heavy rain and winds. >> we know that weather predictions can change quickly, but right now there are indications that the coming storm could be as strong as tropical storm hilary was in august. >> caltrans says it has been adding drainage pipes along southern california freeways known to flood. they say they could go as far as to shut down freeways, if conditions become too dangerous. when we are not on the air, our free nbc bay area app is a great resource to track the weather minute-by-minute. it will give you access to the forecast using our interactive radar. turning now to a developing story in the middle east where the u.s. has launched retaliatory airstrikes in iraq and syria. we're told they hit more than 85 targets. the u.s. says the iraqi prime minister's office tells them 16 people were killed and 25 were
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injured in the u.s. airstrikes. the so-called retaliation is in response to last sunday's drone attack on a u.s. military base. three american soldiers were killed. the u.s. says the militia that claimed responsibility is backed by iran. the biden administration says this is just the first step. a berkeley mother is pleading for help after thieves stole her family dog in broad daylight in a matter of moments. it happened thursday on college avenue in oakland not far from the border with berkeley. a camera in a business across the street caught the thieves through the window. kind of on your left side. smashing one of the car windows, and snatching the 3-year-old french bulldog named violet. katie roosevelt tells us she was picking up her daughter from day care when it happened. she left the dog in the car
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because violet was sick and needed to go to the vet. >> a mom ran in said your car is being stolen. i ran out. happened quickly. last night, barely slept. every time i pause to think about what she's going through, it just breaks my heart, and it's just -- horrible. >> violet is a rescue. the family says she is shy. previously suffered trauma and neglect. she is microchipped. if you see her contact oakland police. the family is offering a reward for her safe return. turning to better news now. the 49ers play in the super bowl a week from tomorrow, and if you can't make it to vegas there's going to be a big watch party just announced in san francisco. just like when the warriors made it to the playoffs, thrive city hosting watch parties this time for the 49er faithful. the big game broadcast on chase center's massive outdoor screen. the party goes from 2:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. kickoff at 3:30.
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tickets are free, but you have to sign up first, because there is a capac limit. signup opens on thsday get this -- the 49ers and bud light panered to throw watch parties across the globe. the faithful in mexico can watch the game at the casino in monterey, and uk fans can attend a wch party in leeds at the centenary pavilion. advanced ticket signup required for those as well. oncegainteaming up wh the "today" show for anoer 49ers pep rally. join us friday, fruary 9th at 4:00 a.m. at the lot at bishop ranch in sanramo really showed up last time. dress up in red and gold and you may get on the "today" show and our local newscast "today in the bay." coming up, bringing in the lunar new year starting today. san francisco's chinatown making
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changes this year of the dragon, hoping to attract more people.
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welcome back. 7:13 on your saturday morning. we're taking a look in oakland. cloudy skies there. cinthia pimentel will be along in a few minutes with a big storm headed our way tonight. into tomorrow morning as well. sticking with oakland, an actor best known for his role at
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apollo creed in the "rocky" movies carl weathers has died. did you know weathers was a raider and went to the college in the bay area before being a hollywood star. in addition to his iconic role at apalo creed he acted alongside arnold schwarzenegger and awarded for an emmy in the "star wars" story "the mandalorian," he played for the raiders in oakland in the early '70s. look at him there. raiders released a statement saying he will be missed by his raiders' family and fans worldwide. weathers family says he died in his sleep on thursday. we have finished out the first month of 2024, if you can believe it. google looked at what the most searched things were.
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unsurprisingly, cold weather was highly searched. the main words that went along with cold weather searches is, "is it safe?" many wondered about the snow, rainstorms other intense weather pattern ace cross the country. some seen here in the bay area. weather searches helped illustrate the differences in extreme weather across the u.s. >> look at the east coast versus the west coast. we're looking at things such as snow change, just extra accessories for vehicles, whereas east coast looking for complete snow tires, because they don't have the choice but to deal with the snow at all times. whereas we kind of go with it. >> another top search, the super bowl. 49ers taking on the chiefs. the most searched player -- travis kelce. they are credited to taylor swift's fan base. in chinatown, they are hoping that it's about to get busy, because the city is
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preparing to ring in the lunar new year starting today. "today in the bay" gia vang in chinatown with more on what you should buy to welcome the year of the dragon. >> reporter: we are going to a flower shop and in addition to cleaning your home, getting new clothes, preparing for the new year, we actually have to get a couple items. essential items for preparing your home. deborah liu is a community organizer with bechinatown launches a program called lunar new year shopping go-go-go what we're doing. popular -- >> a popular plant to get actually the kumquat tree. >> reporter: from a distance it looks like gold coins symbolizing wealth and prosperity. >> looking for love, peach blossom. >> including ones bilingual. >> reporter: questions from customers inside one of chinatown's newest businesses on waverly. >> people wonder what are these
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for? red envelopes for? >> reporter: the answer takes us to this shop. >> red envelopes, actually, one thing we should get. >> reporter: married adults give these to people or children receivers use two hands on your home. >> upside-down sounds like arriving in japan. flip it upside-down, your good luck is arriving. lanterns scare away monsters representing a new life. >> reporter: new life is needed here at chinatown continues to bounce back from pandemic woes. it's working with the city to allow some shops to set up tables in front of their stores displaying merchandise beginning saturday through february 10th. extra patrols and sfpd officers. next, juicy fruit. representing life or vitality. >> in cantonese, this means you roll to have money. good luck.
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>> reporter: another stop for a swede treat offer guests -- >> next, food to give out to friends and family. here at bakery. >> this is a sweet cake. >> reporter: representing growth. >> this is actually like, looks like a pot of gold. >> reporter: to wealth and health as you go-go-go, into the lunar new year. gia vang, "today in the bay." looking to get out before the big storm later today our mikey inouye has a few things you can do in this weekend's calendar. >> good morning. first weekend of the month we celebrate both black history and the lunar new year. collaborate at the second annual lunar new year and black community celebration. promising an amazing mix of black and asian arts, martial arts, musicians, dance groups including west african drumming and chinese dancing. the japanese american museum of
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l.a. celebrating a new exhibit celebrating kimono from garments to activist. along with the beautiful garments and fabrics today the cherry blossom festival queen hosted a design your own kimono activity from 11:00 a.m. through 1:00 p.m. kids can design their own origami garments and engage with the corp. what it means to be a leader in the community, just like that. finally, help more youth and parents smile. today in san francisco at the school of dentistry, giving kids a smile free kids dental health fair from 9:00 a.m. through 1:00 p.m. free dental and ortho screens and games, prizes, face painting, balloons and a photo booth to try out the new smiles just a couple blocks from the muni stations. mass tans it, solo driver covered on your weekday commute right here on "today in the bay." >> thanks, mike. time now to check in with cinthia pimentel for a look at
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our microclimate forecast. a good day out of the two. >> yeah. really the first half will be the best and then i want you to stay inside and just continue to look at the forecast, because there is a major storm coming. already picking up all of that cloud cover and moisture approaching our coastline here on saturday light and radar. stormranger scanning the skies this morning. i think this right there, see that lighter shade of green, it's picking up on thunderstorm activity approaching half moon bay. seeing light rain continue through san francisco, parts of highway 1 in the north bay and we have a flood watch already. prepare for what's ahead. starting tonight and goes through monday. this is a big timeline here for how the storm is going to roll about. could see the possibility of more flooding in our creeks and rivers. landslides are possible as we've already had a lot of rain this past week. gets you an hour-by-hour lookout. what going on. i mentioned first half of the day spotty showers here or there. cloud cover. notice as we go on into
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dinnertime especially from the south. this is a little bit of a rare system, because it's coming in from the south where we typically get storms dropping in from the north or the west. this is going to come along and run with the jet stream. going to be very rainy and windy, and as we go on into tonight we start to light up the colors here into those dark reds and those oranges. really an overnight event for the majority of the bay area. it's going to be that kind of rain bustling down so hard it could keep you up. this kind of activity will continue on into sunday. notice that we get some rain, pockets of heavy rain at times, through the east bay, the north bay and this is the kind of activity that continues on into parts of early monday. how much rain are we talking about? look at how much all of this concentrates in the santa cruz mountains. parts of san jose even upwards of three or more inches. the north bay also two to three in parts of ukiah and santa rosa. i mentioned winds. prepare and bring those things inside. it's going to be howling over unite.
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talking 45 to 60 miles an hour especially along our coastal mountains, parts of the diablo range and that's in effect tonight through parts of sunday. snow in the sierra, going into making the storm up into the parts of the sierra there, light to start but then we see those contours going up into the amounts of feet there in south lake tahoe and the higher elevations of kirkwood. when do we get a break? in this kind of stormy activity, but really it won't be until we get on into parts of wednesday, but that won't let up, because another one drops in here on thursday, continuing on into friday. so really listen and pay attention to the forecast over the next 48 hours as we get ready for this atmospheric river. very windy. we need to keep an eye on the rivers and creeks and really each other as we get ready for this major storm. >> good advice, cinthia. thanks. 7:22. much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, one local woman working to make her career more
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assessable to others. how she's moving forward to make sure other women have the opportunity she took for herself decades ago.
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welcome back. a single mom looking to support her family in the bay area? the late '90s found a job as a vta bus driver. nearly 30 years later she's making sure other women get the
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same opportunity in the male-dominated field. we have her story in this morning's "bay area proud." >> we can start with our open agenda. >> reporter: as proud as shannon is about her role in breaking barriers for women in transit, she's eastern more proud of never having broken anything else. >> i drove for 17 years. i have a million miles safe driven. >> reporter: shannon started driving for vta in 1996. when not many women were behind the wheel or anywhere else on the bus for that matter. >> a lot of passengers were men. people wave me on. didn't want a woman driver or you're too young. honey, you're too young. i'll take the next but. >> reporter: shannon persevered and came to love driving a bus before being promoted to supervisor. a career path she is forever grateful. >> yes! >> reporter: now found a way to pay that gratitude forward. >> so just make sure that employees know that survey is
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for men and women. >> reporter: once a month shannon leads the vta's women innovating transit group or w.i.t. >> give back, giving best practices. women in the front line give them a voice a seat at the table when we're making decisions. >> reporter: at that table a group of veteran female vta members discuss ways to make transit more welcoming to women. >> we need the address. >> reporter: things like more and safer facilities to use in the field. for majority uniforms for pregnant workers. and this member says just a friend to lean on. >> we have careers, we're moms. sometimes we need a hug. we need a kind word of encouragement and sometimes need them all at once. that's what i'm here for. >> the core message is that you are not alone. you have a sisterhood of women
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that are going to give you physical protection, psychological protection and best practices. >> reporter: shannon has not heard of other agencies that have a group similar to w.i.t. in fact, transit agencies across the country reached out for ideas about starting their own. shannon is more than willing to help. transit has been a good career for her, and she's always willing to have more women along for the ride. >> once they get their foot in the door they have a sisterhood to help them get through. >> mor garvin thomas, another g story. much more ahead for you on "today in the bay." coming up, a live look at our satellite radar as we track the incoming storm. stay with us. cinthia has an updated timeline as heavyain and winds move in r
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine.
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i approved this message because this is who we are. diabetes can serve up a lot of questions, like... what is your glucose, and can you have more carbs? before you decide... with the freestyle libre 3 system... know your glucose and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. now the world's smallest and thinnest sensor... sends your glucose levels directly to your smartphone. manage your diabetes with more confidence, and lower your a1c. the number one cgm prescribed in the us. try it for free at ♪♪
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good morning. it is saturday, february 3rd. 7:30. a live look outside. someone out biking in san jose on this morning. cruise are monitoring water levels, as this river has flooded in the past damaging nearby neighborhoods. we have all fingered crossed heading into this saturday. thank you so much for starting it with us. i'm kira klapper. cinthia pimentel has a quick peek at our microclimate forecast. we're bracing for the rain, but
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you say the coast is feeling it already? >> yeah. picking up on something interesting with our stormranger. near half moon bay. it's a marine warning right there, and what does this mean? conditions out to sea, treacherous. really windy and wind taking a rotation now. there is a chance of developing a waterspout out there. now, interesting as it might be to dash out and get a glimpse of it, please, stay away from it, as conditions could change quickly. also getting light rain through parts of san francisco, parts of the north bay, and it will be the calm before the storm. scattered showers, really look at this amount of rain that's just coming in to the bay area. the possibility for dangerous winds and flooding all on the table. i'll guide you through that coming up in ten minutes. kira? >> cinthia, see you soon. she just showed us, the clock is ticking before the next big storm hits the bay area. although the coast is seeing it already. people who suffered damaging flooding last year were pro actively preparing yesterday. we found emergency crews in
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alameda county checking for potential hazards, cleaning out storm drains and gutters while the rain paused. chp, you can see signs, urging people to stay home and off the roads, if you can, because road conditions are expected to be dangerous. alameda county fire has a few ideas for how you can stay prepared at home. >> preparation is urgent. this isn't like our other california problems earthquake-wise, don't know it's coming. this we have a pretty good idea there's going to be impactful rain. so prepare now. now's the time. >> filling up sandbags if a risk of flooding in your area. have flashlights and batteries stocked up, and charge all of your devices ahead of time in the case that there ends up being a power outage. this next storm is expected to hit the santa cruz mountains especially hard, and people there know it's important to be prepared ahead of time. in just the last few weeks, people who live in the santa
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cruz mountains have seen mudslides, falling trees. we went to the outdoor supply store, found people stocking up on sandbags, generators, flashlights, sump pumps. telling us, some come in ahead of time, but some come after something already happened. >> a lot of people are, they wait until something happens thinking it's not going to happen to me and come in after the fact. come in in a panic. >> governor gavin newsom announced the state but 8,300 boots on the ground across california including more than 4,000 caltrans personnel more than 550 firefighters and water rescue teams. 7 million sandbags put in place across the state. if heading to tahoe is on your weekend agenda, you will want to either shift your plans or be prepared for those treacherous conditions. a look at interstate 80 along the donner summit last night. chain controls are in effect for
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both i-80 and highway 50. last night, multiple spinouts on 80 in placer county. all eastbound lanes shut down causing a massive traffic pileup. also last night, highway 50 in the town of meyers. a look approaching lake tahoe. the next storm is expected to drop several feet of snow in the sierra. and the whole state is really on notice for this next storm. down in southern california, los angeles mayor karen bass is urging people to prepare ahead of heavy rain and winds. caltrans says it has been adding drainage pipes along southern california freeways that have been known to flood in the past. they say they could go as far as shutting down freeways altogether if conditions become too dangerous. a great weather resource when we're not on the air is our free nbc bay area app. you can track the stormy weather minute-by-minute using our exclusive stormranger radar.
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we're going to turn now to a texas lawyer offering up a reward and heavy criticism after her son and his friends were visiting the bay area and were robbed at gunpoint at an oakland gas station. it happened monday at a 76 station on hegenberger inside the city's known troubled airport corridor. we have gas station video showing five armed men getting out of that gray infiniti in the middle of your screen and robbing a group of friends in the top right suv. the gunmen not only broke the window of the rental suv stealing all the luggage and took jewelry, phones and wallets from the victims. a mother of one of them tells us she is upset by the lack of warning about that known crime hot spot, and the lack of response from oakland city officials. something the gas station tells us happens every day. >> it does not have to be the
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norm, the norm where everybody says, oh, that's just oakland. that's just -- don't gas in oakland. you should know better. we didn't. we did not know better. there should be warnings. this threaty rental car should warn people. signs up, the gas station had nothing. no police presence. >> seeing people get hurt in front of your eyes and can't do anything about it. just -- customers. the place that you own is supposed to be a safe zone. >> the victims on their way back to oakland airport after a 21st birthday celebration in wine country. at the time, scherr, the mother, says there were no warnings at the gas station nor the rental car location. her law firm is offering $10,000 for tips that lead to arrest of the men who robbed her son and her friends. turning now to the u.s. military. it's launch add series of airstrikes hitting sites in iraq and syria. all in response to an iran-backed militant group's
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killing of three american soldiers. word of the attacks came just after the remains of three american service members returned to the u.s. yesterday. nbc's alice barr has the latest from washington. >> reporter: the united states has launched attacks against more than 85 iran-backed targets in iraq and syria. the first retaliatory strikes for the killing of three american service members. according to u.s. central command, an iranian-backed militia group claimed responsibility for the drone attack on a u.s. military base in jordan that killed army reserve sergeants kennedy sanders, william rivers and breonna moffett. the u.s. responded with long-range bombers and other aircraft to his command and control operation centers, intelligence centers, rocket, missile and drone storage facilities. president biden writing "our
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response began today. it will continue at times and places of our choosing. the united states does not seek conflict in the middle east or anywhere else in the world, but let all those who might seek to do us harm know this -- if you harm an american, we will respond." news of the u.s. strikes came hours after president biden and the first lady received the fallen soldiers' remains as they returned to u.s. soil. the president meeting privately with the soldiers' families. on thursday he publicly honored their memory. >> they risked it all and we'll never forget the sacrifice and the service to our country. >> reporter: the family spoke this week about their heartbreak and deep pride. >> she gave the ultimate sacrifice. she is a hero. >> reporter: a day of mourning in the u.s., underscoring the stakes in the middle east. rocked by conflict and simmering tensions. the biden administration is trying to walk a very fine line,
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seeking to retaliate against iran, but in order to avoid further escalation, at this point no striking inside iranian territory. instead, hitting those iran-backed targets in syria and in iraq where there are separate diplomatic relationships to manage. already iraq's military saying u.s. airstrikes are a violation of iraqi sovereignty and disastrous for security and stability. in washington, alice barr, nbc news. back here locally a new plan in san francisco to bring historically black colleges and universities to the city. mayor london breed yesterday talked about that proposal with hbcu leader, city leaders and tech companies. it's part of a broader strategy to revitalize san francisco's ailing downtown. the first step will happen this summer when hbcu programs will be formally offered through the university of san francisco, san
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francisco state and ucsf. there is room for 28 students. the goal is to expand that offering. 7:40 right now. still to come on "today in the bay," it's not your average bargain sale. take you inside this massive event bringinghousands of t
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at 43 past the hour i want to draw your attention to this polygon i've highlighted with our stormranger.
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out towards half moon bay, stay indoors. a possibility of developing not only thunderstorms also waterspouts out there as the wind picks up and takes that rotation out there. be careful of this. this is with us a couple more minutes and this rain will be with us for many hours as we go on into this weekend. notice how it's coming in from the south and taking that kind of counterclockwise rotation with really intention colors drawing in to the bay area as we go on into the overnight hours. there is a flood watch for the entire region, that will be in effect from tonight all the way on into monday. be prepared for heavy rain keeping an eye on rivers and streams out there. the possibility of land slooids is also on the table as we take it hour-by-hour for you showing you why. as we go on into tonight. heavy rain bands already starting to pick up for the north bay, the east bay out toward the tri-valley. watch as the overnight hours just intensify with all of those colors. going to be the kind of rain that keeps you up. not only that, also gusting
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winds out there. this storm continues to linger on even as we go on into our sunday plans. really, start rethinking those weekend plans and prepare for this storm. i'm talking gathering those sandbags, charging up electronics and really watching out for those rivers. look at this river in felton. right there with that action stage as we go on into sunday morning. this is in the santa cruz mountains. where the bull's-eye of this activity will be. not only them, focusing in on contour with one to three inches locally. four to eight in mountains. take you down into southern california where this rain is just going to funnel in for them. talking santa barbara, los angeles, parts of orange county. could be in for flash flooding risk going to talk about four inches of rain possible there for them. and back here in the bay area, also prepare for the winds. look as i take it on into sunday morning. the contours start to go off the charts into the wider parts of the bay area where those gusts could go from 50 to 60 miles an
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hour in those ridges out there in the east bay and the coastal mountains. so it is the kind of situation we want to prepare for. we've seen storms, but nothing like this. especially as it kind of takes a different kind of track here and san francisco will be in for very gusty conditions. no word until we get on into wednesday,
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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welcome back.
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the largest and old ept rummage sale in all of california happening this weekend in oakland. "today in the bay" is shopping at this year's white elephant sale benefiting the oakland museum of california. how's it going? >> reporter: good morning, kira. you can see why this is considered to be northern california's largest rummage sale. in a warehouse here in oakland benefiting, of course, the oakland museum of california. 96,000 square feet. look over to your right and you've got furniture, all sorts of furniture. if you keep spinning around you're going to see we've got silver. quickly look over here. all the jewelry. over there, looks like there's women's accessories. i know there's stuff for the kitchen in one section. here's more furniture to the left. ip see books way down there. i know there's musical instruments down on the other corner. there's hardware. i am trying to think if there's anything that they don't have. the question would be for marge
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harvey, president of the women's board for the oakland museum of california. good morning to you, marge. >> good morning. >> reporter: is there anything you don't have, an area you are saying, man, we need more of that? no? >> no. i don't -- no. >> reporter: of all the years seen it all? >> we have seen so much come in here. things we couldn't even imagine. things we didn't even know existed. >> reporter: i was in the toy section and saw this. the first thing i thought was, i had this as a kid. i would never have remembered this. nothing i'll take to my grave but gives you a sense the type of people see and bring them back. memories of childhood. do you hear that a lot? >> hear it a lot. people make purchases talking about my grandmother had this. i had this as a child. my friend collects owls, and she would love this. you know. >> reporter: earlier showing an old edison record player from 1916. my dad texted, i had that as a
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kid. we got rid of that. part of this not only finding a good deal but that walk down memory lane. you say people flip from across the country to come to this sale. why is that? >> they do. it's a tradition that they've done. if they've moved away they're going to come. i actually have someone in my defendant whose brother and sister bring a trailer down from colorado to put all their treasures in it to take back. >> reporter: there are treasures here. things in the thousands, hundreds of dollars and of course find things in the single dollars, marge, thank you have. you can go to the sale runs through march 3rd. don't think i forgot about you. asking for a red foot stool with a skelton on it? i'm sorry. all they had was green and it has a skull on it. i hope that works. >> so close. >> reporter: here in oakland, nbc bay area news. >> bob, i'm take it. you're the best. thanks for thinking of me.
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many of us have turned our attention to the 49ers maybe letting the warriors fade into the back yound. especially with their recent record. a good sign kicking off a five-game road trip. taking on the grizzlies in memphis. second quarter, doo dominga. pass in the corner hilting a three finish with game high 29 points. warriors win 121-101. just shy of 7:52 on your saturday morning. up next, a quick look at the stories we're following stories we're following including an atmospheric riv.
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♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ welcome back. before we get to our top stories this morning here's what you can expect tomorrow morning on "sunday today" with willie geist. willie? >> good morning, kira. great to see you. tomorrow morning on "sunday today" my conversation with olivia rodrigo. nominated for six awards at sunday night's grammys on her meteoric rises from middle school songwriter to international superstar. >> of sitting down spilling your guts on a piano, head tags, ooh.
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shouldn't go this far? shouldn't tell this one? >> in the moment writing a song i try not to sensor myself or think what people, i know they're going to say about it. >> a sunday sitdown with olivia rodrigo plus the morning's latest headlines and another "life well lived" where we air at 6:00 a.m. in the bay area. not up at that hour on a sunday set the dvr. we will see you whenever you're ready for us. >> thanks. we do hope you are awake to catch willie at 6:00 tomorrow morning. always a really good show. great interviews. then just stick right here for your local news with us on "today in the bay" at 7:00. and here's a quick look at top stories we're following on this saturday morning. the next big storm hitting the bay area reaching its full strength later today into tomorrow. emergency crews in alameda county checks for potential hazards cleaning out storm drains and gutters while the rain was on pause off and on the last few days.
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chp urging you stay off the roads if you can this weekend. alameda county fire suggest it's filling up sandbags now if there's a risk of flooding in your neighborhood. have flashlights and battery it's stocked up and charge all of your devices now in the convenient a power outage hits your neighborhood. people who live in the sand croods mountains have experienced fallen trees, heavy mudslides. they now know to be prepared. we found people stocking up on sandbags, generators, flashlights, sump pumps at the outdoor supply store, but unfortunately we heard some people wait until it's too late. >> a lot of people are, wait until something happens thinking it's not going to happen to me and come in after the fact. come in in a panic. >> governor gavin newsom announced 8,300 boots are on the ground across the state. 4,000 caltrans personnel, 500 firefighters and water rescue teams and 7 million sandbags to
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help those in need. another great weather resource when not on the air our free nbc bay area app. use it to track stormy weather minute-by-minute using our exclusive doppler radar. before we go we have our own -- exclusive doppler radar in cinthia pimentel with one last look. >> i wanted to give people a timeline of the incoming storm, because as we go through the middle part of the day scattered showers here and there. notice how the storm comes around dinnertime for the southwest part of the bay area. going to come in from the south. move into the north and the east as we go on into tonight and that is not as exciting as it gets. those hughhues of red and orang come into the picture overnight bearing into the bay area. a wind and rain event. possible landslides and possible flooding. you want to be prepared. charge up those electronics, make sure you're tuning in for the forecast. our team is really prepared to get you through the storm as it -- one of the strongest we've
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been dealing with this year, and it's continuing on into parts of monday. chp warming people to hunker down if possible. the main message i want to get across. an interesting storm to watch, to say the least. >> yeah. makes me nervous. seen so much already. i see thunderstorm chance monday? my 7-year-old loves a thunderstorm. >> as exciting as it sounds, gets scary sometimes. >> yeah. i don't want one. so -- fingers crossed. cinthia, thanks. thanks to all of you for making us a part of your morning. more louz news for you tonight and the one
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. narrator: when you see this symbol, you know you're watching television that is educational and informational. the more you know on nbc. dr. rae: today on "mutual of omaha's wild kingdom: protecting the wild", when animals suffer from the worst that nature can throw at them...


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