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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 4, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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good morning. it is 7:00 on your sunday, february 4th. a live look outside. wow, ominous, dark, cloudy skies over dublin. you can see that wet pavement
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out there, as we begin what should be a very wet sunday. thank you so much for starting it with us. i'm kira klapper. meteorologist rob mayeda is in for cinthia, and he has the very latest on this microclimate weather alert. >> one-two punch of the storm underway around the bay area. gusts up to 40 miles per hour around san jose and around napa, peak gusts above 50 miles per hour this morning. so the wind sustained 20 to 30 around the bay area, and we're seeing some league rain rates around the santa cruz mountains, moving south to north. this will be the pattern of the day, as the storm is aiming in on california. this is what is unique about this storm. this is the area of low pressure. instead of being part of north, will approach the north bay coastline. so that will keep the heavy rain at times ongoing off and on throughout the day, and the chance of severe thunderstorms from lunchtime into the afternoon as we head towards the evening. most of the heavier rain will
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move off towards the east. the wind has been strong this morning. peak of the wind speed, late morning to mid afternoon. in the evening, the high-wind warnings are expected to drop by 10:00 tonight. you see the wind speeds starting to come down as we come down towards morning. coming up, more about how much raun we're expecting, the latest on the flooding in the guadeloupe river in our microclimate forecast. going from the guadeloupe river up to san francisco now, where they have seen flooding in the past. so city workers there are on alert and they say they're prepared. our tom jensen was there with how they're preparing. >> reporter: measurable rain didn't start falling in san francisco until late in the evening. but crews had prepared one of the city's most flood prone
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neighborhoods for the rain ahead. this is fulsome street between 17th and the 18th where the city has installed barriers to surge back street water from flooding homes and businesses. >> make it so the water doesn't get higher than this. >> reporter: and utility workers making sure storm drains are clear and the water blockades are working. >> make sure the water is not impeding inside their garages as much as i can. >> reporter: people say the barriers have been crucial in protecting their homes since they started using them. >> without it, the water would be halfway up the steps. >> reporter: the rain ahead heavier and the wind likely stronger than what the city faced a few days ago. with wind gusts turning umbrellas inside out and in some cases uprooting trees. pg&e says this time customers will be affected, so the utility is following the storm's progression with satellite images and weather forecasting
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computers. >> to understand where the storm is going to hit the hardest, and then we're bringing crews from the less impacted areas into the very hard-hit areas so we can make repairs more efficiency. >> reporter: pg&e has stockpiled equipment and manpower in the areas expected to get hit hardest, and will move assets as needed. tom jensen, "today in the bay." the santa cruz valley water district has also seen problems with past storms, so they say this time around, they are prepared for the potential of flooding. >> our crews are prepared, and they will be out and about at 4:00 a.m. to clear any and all obstructions in the creeks. our eoc will be opening and fully staffed at 4:00 a.m., as well. we have developing news that we are following right now. seton medical center in daley city the accepting patients after a brief pause. the power stopped working last night, as you can imagine. so many patients inside and
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vulnerable. it was redirecting people to other hospitals, but we have just received word this morning that the power is back on and once again, seton medical center in daley city is accepting patients once again. now to sonoma county where a swift water rescue team spent the last few days running drills, and they're ready. leaders are expecting low-lying areas to flood. i'm sorry, this is a tree that blew down onto a carport in santa rosa, where you can see there that it fell on a carport. back to those low-lying areas expected to flood in sonoma county, they are preemptively closing roads for the very first time. >> we identified five roads that we have probably the most request to rescue drivers. we're closing them starting at 7:00 p.m. on sunday night.
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they will be closed until at least 7:00 on monday morning. >> you can see partial road closures on your screen. we don't appear to have that right now, but they include sluser road, star road, trenton heelsburg road, mark west station road and green valley road. san francisco public works is reminding people to secure their lawn furniture from approaching winds. call 311 to report any flooded streets and keep away from flood areas and downed power lines. this is a current look at the pg&e outage map. we are seeing one major outage in santa cruz. we are also seeing images in cupertino. we will keep you updated as those outages change. san francisco warning people
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to stay clear of golden gate park. falling trees and brarnl bram b the main concern today. the kaiser san francisco half marathon has been rerouted to avoid going through golden gate park. the race will now be entirely along the great highway. for anyone who is willing to brave those winds. speaking of the winds, a high surf advisory is taking effect along the coast. that's early this morning. this was the theme in san francisco's ocean beach yesterday. people checking out the big waves and some even catching them before the rain started. >> it looks pretty good when you are far away. when you get closer, you're like, okay, it's pretty serious and looks like it will get more serious. maybe put your feet in the water, but don't go further than that. yeah, i mean, unless you're
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really into cardio exercise, that's no fun what's behind me. >> no fun. there were a few surfers in the water. but, again, officials do not recommend going out in those conditions. it just can't safe. in the east bay, a portion of tesla road is closed now because of this damage. part of the road washed out, crews closing it completely yesterday. it's not clear if it was because of the rain or storms we saw earlier this week. tesla road is closed from cross road in livermore to the alameda county line. it's not clear when it is going to reopen. i'm going to show you one more look. wow, our nbc bay area storm ranger on the left there, scanning right now on san bruno mountain. and look at all that activity coming our way. you can see the radar on the right, showing really the entire bay area about to get drenched
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at this hour. it is -- oh, we want to remind you that our free nbc bay area app will give you exclusive access to that radar you just saw. it will be easy to track the rain in your neighborhood. if you haven't already, take out your cell phone, open the camera, and scan that qr code, that red and white box on your screen. download our free nbc bay area app along with the radar. you'll get weather alerts sent straight to your phone and early warnings when the rain is coming to your neighborhood. it's almost 7:09 on your sunday morning. still to come on "today in the bay," we take you live to washington, d.c. for our weekly interview with ksten welker, ri
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welcome back. as we reported yesterday morning, the u.s. has launched retaliatory attacks on iran-led
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militia in iraq and syria. the attacks are in response to last sunday's drone attack that killed three american service members at a small base in jordan. joe biden said this is just the first step. please join me in welcoming kristen welker, moderator of "meet the press." my, kristen. thanks for joining us this morning. joe biden, let me get this quote right, said the united states does not seek conflict in the middle east, but went on to say this, know this, if you harm an american, we will respond. i want to take that into your conversation with national security adviser jake sullivan this morning. i'm wondering if he was able to touch on how can the u.s. avoid further conflict in the middle east if these retaliatory actions are seen as a provocation? >> well, jake and i discussed that extensively, kira.
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the question is, is this already a wider war? he would not accept that premise, and look, he really emphasized the united states is trying to respond in a calibrated but appropriate way, and in a way that sends a signal to these iranian-backed groups, that the united states is not going to allow its service members and its other outposts to be targeted. so this is about sending a warning to iran, and perhaps one of my most notable exchanges with jake sullivan, kira, i asked if the biden administration has ruled out strokes inside iran. and he effectively didn't say they ruled it out. so that was a headline. it is something to watch. the reason why that's important is because you have lawmakers on capitol hill who are calling for exactly that. republicans who say that the united states should be targeting strikes or targets inside iran. and the other big piece of this,
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what will these retaliatory strikes mean for those high-stakes diplomatic talks underway? we know secretary blinken is trying to secure a deal for a cease-fire that would include releasing the remaining hostages. i asked him, do you have a full accounting of how many hostages there are? and he couldn't give us a number. that was another really striking moment, kira. i think you're right to point this out, there is widespread concern what this conflict means for the united states. and it is coming against the backdrop of a re-election year for joe biden, and he's getting, according to the latest poll results, low marks when it comes to this conflict and foreign policy. >> i know you'll have those results on that poll, as well, with steve kornacki. a loaded show today. we really look forward to seeing you. thanks so much.
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we hope you join kristen for this morning's "meet the press." she will have interviews with national security adviser jake sullivan, as well as speaker of the house mike johnson. just stick right here with us for "today in the bay" and "meet the press" is on at 8:00 a.m. after this news cast. coming up, we'll talk to nbc bay area political analyst larry gerston for our weekly segment. we'll take a look at the conspiracy theorys making -- people making extreme allegations against taylor swift, super bowl, political theorys and how outlandish theorys can affect voters. we want to turn back now to british and american forces launching precision strikes, targeting houthi rebels in yemen. this happened last night. the strikes specifically went after sites where houthis store weapons, missile launchers, and
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radars. they say the goal was to disrupt the abilities of the houthis to attack ships in the red sea. we're going to take a big shift and head back home, talking about the pebble beach pro-am. fans and volunteers will not be allowed to watch today because of weather concerns. that was announced late last night. the cyprus club will also be closed. there is a chance the final round will be pushed if that happens. officials will reassess who can watch and who will be involved. the pga is airing on the side of caution. there's a chance the tournament will be cut short to 54 holes. we'll keep you updated on the changes as which come in. back here in san francisco, happening today, celebrating number 24 on 2-4-24.
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willie mays is being celebrated today. why today of all days? it's a once in a century day. it has never happened and will never happen again during mays' lifetime. mays, of course, played for the san francisco giants and is fondly known as the say hey kid. mayor london breed officially proclaims today as willie mays day. land marks across san francisco will be decorated in orange and black and celebrating the grace, dignity and joy that he exudes. we know we're telling you to stay inside, but if you are looking for something to do this weekend, mikey has a few ideas. >> i'm sure you heard of thurgood marshall, the first instagram on the supreme court. there's a park in concord named for him. even though it's not always open
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to the public, it is during black history month for walks that include talks about the port chicago disaster, and what justice marshal's role was defending the poor chicago 50 before he was on the supreme court. also, this month, lunar new year. the actual day is the 10th. chinatown continues their flower market fair, for just such a need. but it's not just prep work being done, they'll have all kinds of performances, magicians, acrobats and chinese opera. plus, over a hundred booths and concessions. and another city to the south has you looking for trash. as today's trash punk cleanup will be at the trails along the guadeloupe river park. the trash punks says our world has been overpopulated by trash caused by us, and we can decide
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what to do, to do something about this, and we can have fun while doing it. that's the same thing i say about the traffic report. most of the fun we can have fun doing it, so joining me tomorrow morning on "today in the bay." >> mike, thanks. and take a look at this in petaluma. heavy wind and rain battering the city. this is this morning. a tree fell into a fence. workers cutting up another fallen tree. just all those workers, we thank them for their work overnight. not getting any sleep and braving the conditions. someone else who didn't get any sleep, meteorologist rob mayeda. you were here late last night and here this morning for cinthia. we are under a microclimate weather alert. >> we're seeing a lot of trees coming down, a lot of impacts from 40-mile-per-hour gusts. even in san jose. we're fortunate that this storm is coming in on a sunday. can you imagine school buses heading off to school or trying
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to get to work in all this? there's a lot of debris on the freeways and roadways. these wind speeds aren't going away. it will be staying this strong into the early evening. 54 degrees in dublin. winds at 25 miles per hour. around san francisco international airport, southeast wind at 28. gusts to 35, and around the golden gate bridge, you see the flag blowing, east wind at 24. around the mid spans of the bridges this morning rngs it is a rough, bumpy ride as we could get gusts close to 50 miles per hour around the bay area through about midday. highs today, upper 50s to near 60. but the main weather factor today will be that gusty wind that we continue to see, and the flood watches that are up around the bay area, guadeloupe river here, some good news this morning. notice how it is, at least right now, behind where the hydrograph forecast was for this stretch of the guadeloupe river. heavy rain continues to fall, and we'll continue to watch if it gets up towards flood stage.
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san lorenzo river, starting to come up. stay tuned for updates. another two to four inches of rain falling today, and you can see here, radar shows heavier bands of rain approaching the coast from south to north. what is unique about this storm is the area of low pressure which is still strengthening and approaching the bay area. it will curl up the north coast in the afternoon. that will keep us in this on and off downpours at times. notice the emphasis with the heavier rain across the peninsula, down towards the santa cruz mountains and back towards the north bay in the afternoon and evening. yes, the wind is a big factor, as well. look at the wind gust speeds from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00. still pretty strong, and then 10:00 tonight, the high wind warnings start the drop, and the wind speeds, thank goodness, will drop as we head into monday
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morning. from today into tomorrow, scattered showers, sun at times. decreasing showers monday and tuesday. we'll need that break after all the gusty wind today and some heavy rain at times. showers is lingering, but decreasing, with less wind monday and tuesday. wednesday we get a break. and more rain for the second half of the week. but with that, a lot less wind and a lot less rain than we're seeing right now. so a powerful storm. in terms of wind and rain, on par if we had last march, where we had a lot of wind impact and tree damage. we'll be watching that through the day today. >> rob, thanks so much. almost 7:22 on your sunday morning. much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, steph curry scoring a season high in atlanta. it was not enough to lead the warriors to victory a
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family...
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good morning, earn. a season high 64 by steph curry is not enough to rescue the warriors on the road in atlanta. second of back-to-back games, we'll pick it up in the fourth quarter. warriors up one. curry hits the triple. he scores 22 points in the final frame. but with under ten seconds to go in regulation, murray hits the bucket to tie the score. now, curry has a shot to win in regulation, but it doesn't fall. so we head to overtime. the warriors run out of gas in the o.t. with the exception of curry. he had eight points in the extra session. but the hawks win it 141-134. the warriors have lost is 11 straight overtime games on the road despite the effort by steph curry. >> i just feel so bad for him and for our guys, because they're battling. obviously, we're short handed, and back-to-back, and i thought we really competed like crazy the whole game, and just
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couldn't get over the hump. >> and now to football. let the circus begin. the 49ers are heading to las vegas later tonight. the team is expected to arrive shortly after 6:00 p.m. the niners held their final walk through on saturday. the focus is getting the game plan in place before leaving for vegas. no doubt that means trying to find a way to contain patrick mahomes. >> umm, i think keeping him in the pocket as best you can is one of the big things, just because he loves to impro vise and do all that stuff and then full-on effort. kyled called it defensive line stamina is the key to the gain. >> so the 49ers leave for vegas later today. the fun begins opening night
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when the team meets the global media. third round of the pebble peach pro-am. but wyndham clark was red hot. he shot a 12 under par 60. tournament officials say they're watching the weather closely. the final round might be moved to monday or the tournament could even be called after 54 holes. that's a look at sports. i'm anthony flores for "today in the bay." as we mentioned, we're still watching the pga to follow that. 7:26 right now. much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, the storm slamming the bay area. our nbc bay area storm ranger working hard, tracking the rain across the bay area. our meteorologist rob mayeda our meteorologist rob mayeda will be along in just a few
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good morning. it is sunday, february 4th, 7:29. a live look outside, of rain on our lens there over san jose. a perfect blanket of clouds. hope you're warm and safe and cozy, wherever you are. thank you so much for starting your sunday morning with us. i'm kira klapper. meteorologist rob mayeda is in for cinthia and has a quick look at the forecast. we're under a microclimate weather alert. >> we're looking at the peak wind gusts starting to arrive. san jose up to 40 miles per hour. you can see the high wind warning around the bay area. most impacted zones, the coast and the hills along the inland east day, santa cruz mountains and north day mountains until 10:00 tonight. peak gusts 40 to 60 miles per hour. to the south, a hurricane force wind warning along the big sur coast. this has never happened before on this stretch of the california coast. wind gusts could be higher above 75 miles per hour there. in the bay area, seeing pockets
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of heavier rain bands pushing through. flood watches until tomorrow morning. look at these two red areas around the santa cruz mountains and san jose. san lorenzo river expected to hit flood stage later this morning. stay tuned for updates. and the guadeloupe river expected to climb close to flood stage later this morning. the latest or conditions, let's go over to bob redell. bob? >> reporter: good morning to you, rob. we're on the alma avenue river -- bridge over the guadeloupe river here in south san jose, where the guadeloupe is running high. but as you were mentioning, right now the levels aren't as high as initially forecast, so we're getting some more rain. the hope being maybe the river will not flood later this morning. it's supposed to crest in a coup of hours.
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the mayor releasing an emergency proclamation, even going door to door to make sure people near the river knew about the potential flooding. >> hi. >> reporter: the emergency proclamation allows the city to redirect personnel and request aid later down the line. san jose police officers have also mobilized to alert unhoused people living along the river that there is a mandatory evacuation order here. people who need a safe place to spend the night can go to the roosevelt center. >> primary focus right now is getting every homeless resident who lives along the guadeloupe river out of there and into a safe location in one of our community centers. >> reporter: the mayor says the city will monitor weather this morning. strong winds expected throughout the day, which is another concern for the city. i can attest to that.
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we have seen rain early this morning. as i was heading south on 680 here in san jose, i kid you not, i had to dodge a big thing of tumble bead. so it is gusty out here, so that can be an issue as we get further into the day. reporting live, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> not at all planned, i just told rob that also, that i dodged a tumble weed on the freeway. it was so windy this morning. i'm glad you are safe and thank you for being here with us this morning on your day off. new this morning, strong winds in the north bay uprooted this massive tree, blown right over onto some cars. this happened in santa rosa on mcmin avenue. it fell on a carport. the tree's roots pulled all the way out of the ground. in sonoma county, swift water rescue teams spent the last few days running drills.
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county leaders are expecting low-lying areas to flood, impacting the roadways. to protect people and first responders, the county is preemptively shutting down roads for the very first time. >> we identified five roads that we have probably the most requests to rescue drivers. we're closing them, starting at 7:00 p.m. on sunday night. they will be closed until at least 7:00 on monday morning. >> there are partial road closures, including slusser road, starr road, trenton-healdsburg road, mark west station road, and green valley road. now to san francisco where the rain started falling last night, but city workers who have seen this movie before were already prepared. so we went to fulsome street between 17th and 18th. the city had already installed
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walls of barriers. they are used to hold back surging water, so they don't flood homes and businesses. people living in the area say those barriers have been crucial in protecting their homes. and the city has been using them over the last four years. >> without it, like the water would be halfway up the steps. >> make sure the water is not flooding or impeing inside their gram garages. >> pg&e is keeping a close eye on the storm and has taken some equipment to trouble spots ahead of potential outages in hopes they'll be able to restore power swiftly. san francisco public works also reminding people to secure any outdoor furniture from all these winds. you can call 311 to report flooded streets, and keep away from the flooded areas and don't go near downed power lines.
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speaking of, we go live to our pg&e outage map. we are keeping an eye on all the changes this morning. spots in orange, like cupertino, napa, santa cruz, quite a few in the east bay as well, showing up to 2,000 customers without power. the green, i believe, are 5,000 customers without power. we will continue to keep you updated as things change. the state department of water resources has already reactivated its flood operation center in preparation for today's storm. it will allow crews to be deployed. it has stockpiled resources to help deal with possible damage connected to the suspected heavy rain. and governor newsom has ensured people can collect sandbags in california. 64 locations with a total of 7
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million sandbags. 8300 people are ready to respond. 1200 pieces of equipment are there, ready to help remove snow, ice. 21 swift water rescue teams are on stand by. and more than 62,000 big sand bags called super sacks are at the ready in case of levy breaches. that kind of disaster is on top of everyone's mind. last winter, we saw several major breaches. >> with this heavy rainfall, significant high impact flooding is likely, including the potential of flooding on many roadways, or flooding on creeks, streams and rivers, mud and rock slides and debris flows. this damaging flooding will be a threat to lives and property. please, if you come across a flooded roadway, we urge you to turn around, don't drown. >> to stay informed with what
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the state is doing and get major alerts sent straight to you, visit and southern california is set to get hit hard by a storm as well. ventura county has issued evacuation orders. the mayor of los angeles, karen bass, said the storm is expected to be similar to a tropical storm that hit the area in august. most evacuation orders in the county are expected to be lifted later today around 5:00 p.m. back here locally, parts of the south bay are monitoring flooding. families in areas of month ray county are under evacuation warnings as the storm moves in. those warnings went into effect for the caramel river and an area near selinas. homeowners began preparing by filling sand bags, hoping to keep water out of their homes. people tell us the county needs to take action. they say the county needs to do
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something about debris in the creek, which can lead to flooding. >> it's been 14 years since they cleaned it. and they only cleaned half of it, because i belong to a different department. >> well, the county told us it has cleared the parts of the creek that it is able to, but much of the creek crosses private property, or it is not in the county's jurisdiction. crews are on stand by to clear roads and respond to any rescues as needed. now to the sierra, where the chp is warning the heavy snow mixed with high winds will make driving close to impossible over the next couple of days. highway patrol posted this video giving an idea of what they've been dealing with. troopers are telling people to stay away. we do have a live look at donner summit. a winter wonderland. plenty of crashes and spinouts
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the past few days. if you are planning on traveling to the sierra, carry your chains and all of the supplies you need in case you get stranded. a high-surf advisory takes affect along the coast. this was the scene at san francisco's ocean beach yesterday. people checking out the waves, even getting in the water before the rain moved in. let's take a look now at our nbc bay area storm ranger. it is scanning on san bruno mountain on the left of your screen, and the radar on the right showing a lot of activity, rain coming down at this hour. did you know that you have the power to use that satellite and radar in the palm of your hand? our free nbc bay area app gives you access to that radar. it makes it easy to track the rain in your neighborhood. if you haven't done it, open your camera on your phone, scan that qr code to download our app. along with the ability to use
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the radar. we will send you weather alerts and early warnings as the weather heads your way. 7:40 on your sunday morning. still to come on "today in the bay," celebrating black heritage. we go one on one with a bay area
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welcome back. 7:42. we are under a high-wind warning around the bay area. you can see the impacts there around san francisco with the flag there. east wind at 22. gusts to 43 now in san francisco at 53 degrees. gusts of 37 miles per hour at sfo. and 25 miles per hour at dublin. look at san jose, gusting to 40 miles per hour. mild temperatures at 55 degrees. we'll continue to see highs, upper 50s to near 60. rain at times, gusty wind through the afternoon. and there is a chance also of seeing some thunderstorms.
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if there is some good news, right now, guadeloupe river here is running below where the forecast plot had it for this morning. glad stage still possible a little later this morning. similar trend around the san lorenzo river, starting to climb rapidly but below the pace expected. we'll have to watch these rivers, because the guadeloupe watershed in the santa cruz mountains likely to see the top rain totals of the day. this will be heavy, fast run-off and that rain eases off heading into tonight. more rain in the north bay. you can see the rain near san francisco, and the steadier rain rates now increasing across the santa cruz mountains. this area of low pressure is going to aim in towards the north bay coast as we head into the afternoon. so hour by hour, in and out of the downpours, focusing on the peninsula southward into the early afternoon. we head towards the evening, those showers could also involve thunderstorms during the day.
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now, look at the peak wind gusts. these will stay strong through the afternoon. as the high wind warning expires at 10:00, wind speeds is come down as we head into monday. better news monday. we should not see the intense rain and strong wind that we're seeing today. monday, still isolated showers, a chance of thunderstorms. then gradually decreasing showers. as we get into tuesday, we'll need the break. a lot of cleanup. and i think power issues form all of this gusty wind that we're seeing today that may carry over into the monday morning forecast. once we get past today, high wind warning ends at 10:00 tonight. flood watches end at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. drier weather pattern and more rain the second half of the week. >> so 10:00
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welcome back. this month, we are discovering black heritage, and our marcus
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washington is here to tell us about an important book exploring equity and inclusion. >> good morning, kira. as we see challenges of equity and inclusion in our community, you may be moved to do something but don't know where to start. we are celebrating discover black heritage and we want to into douse you to this book. leslie ann noel explains we first need to know where we our severals are coming from, then to understand others. use that experience to think critically and understand as well as empathize with other people, where they might be coming from. this applies to people from communities of color, as well as people who want to be allies. >> and people just start, that's kind of the idea that you can make small change, like maybe helping people understand new concepts. you know, one of my students
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suggesting helping her grandmother understand the use of pro nouns, which is different than when her grandmother was young. or you can make big change with other people, like changing policies in a city or something like that. >> so design social change broken into three parts. building critical awareness, recognized in oppression. and listening and seeing others. then there's deepening emotional intelligence. that is understanding what it feels like, and considering how your community supports you. that then sets you up for the action part. this is envisioning. and then designing equitable futures. to get stories like this, join us on "today in the bay" monday through friday. we start at 5:00 a.m. on air. and catch nbc bay area news 24/7 whenever you want. i'm marcus washington. kira, back to you. >> marcus, thanks so much. we're going to turn now to disinformation. it poses an unprecedented threat to democracy in the united
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states this year. that's according to researchers, technologists and scientists. the presidential election comes at a time of ideal circumstances for disinformation and the conspiracy theorists who spread it. no matter what evidence appears before them, conspiracy theorists rarely abandon their beliefs. so let's bring in nbc bay area political analyst larry gerston. you're here to talk about conspiracy theorys in an odd combination of taylor swift politics and conspiracies. >> you bet. swifties, this is for you. yes, taylor swift and politics, who would have thought this? but there are dozens of conspiracy theorys revolving around taylor swift. taylor swift works for the pentagon. well, she goes around the world, you know that story. taylor swift's jet is responsible for global warming. and the third one, get ready for this one, come super bowl halftime, taylor swift and travis kelce are going to come out and announce support for joe
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biden. those are all unsupported theorys. do not place a bet. >> they just sound silly. so what is a good example of some more troublesome theorys that have impacted or infected politics? >> yeah. let's go back to 2016. during that period, somebody -- a member of the cult qanon with an ar-15 marched into a pizza restaurant looking for hillary clinton who was there operating a sex ring. and dr. fauci, he was accused of withholding the vaccines so that he could run -- determine the outcome of the election. and finally, this one by the way, has the support of 25% of americans. 25% of americans actually
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believe that the fbi orchestrated the january 6th, 2021 insurrection. that's right, 25%. no evidence whatsoever. but that doesn't matter. so look, we go from the silly to the serious. and the fact is, these conspiracy theorys can hurt us. they can harm our democracy. we lose faith in our institutions, and that's something we really need to think about. >> troubling indeed. larry, thanks so much. it is 7:51 right now. up next, a quick look at the top stories we are following on the sunday morning, including the wind and rain across the bay area moving in today. wow, whipping winds in san jose this morning. meteorologist
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welcome back. we are under a microclimate weather alert as a storm is taking aim at the bay area. our rob redell is monitoring the flood watch near the guadeloupe river. >> reporter: we're on the alma avenue bridge over the guadeloupe river here in south san jose. we are expecting this to peak within the next couple of hours. we have heard from rob mayeda and unfortunately, the river is running behind the previous outlook, the previous forecast, but it is starting to gain ground. but the point is, there is a possibility it might not flood. we will know later in the morning.
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the mayor of san jose released an energy proclamation last night and went door to door to make sure people knew about the potential flooding. >> hi, how are you? >> reporter: now, the emergency proclamation allows the city to redirect personnel and request aid later down the line, if needed. san jose police officers have also mobilized to alert up housed people that there is a mandatory evacuation order. people who need a safe place can go to the roosevelt center. >> the primary focus is getting every homeless resident who lives along the guadeloupe river out of there and into a safe location in one of our community centers. >> reporter: the mayor says the city will be monitoring the weather this morning. also, strong winds expected throughout the day, which is another concern for the city. here in san jose, bob redell, nbc bay area news. just in minutes ago, the
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kaiser permanente marathon has been canceled because of the storm. race organizers as we told you earlier had initially changed the course to a safer route, but they are now calling off the entire event all together because of the current conditions. on facebook, you see here, organizers posted that medals and shirts will be mailed out, so at least you get your medal. going to take you now to the north bay, where strong winds uprooted this massive tree, blowing it over right onto some cars. this happened in santa rosa after this free fell onto a carport. and rob has one last look at the forecast. >> gusts around the bay area, 40 to 50 miles per hour. and we're now seeing some of the heavier rain pushing into the bay area. this is the some ranger view in the north bay, santa cruz mountains and peninsula. that's some downpours coming
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down. it's near instant runoff mode. at the top of the list today, damaging wind gusts, if you've been traveling across freeways, try to avoid that. there is a lot of debris across the road. power impacts likely to increase through the day. flood watch for the entire bay area will continue into monday morning, as things transition to scattered showers and dry weather. >> oh, my gosh. fingers crossed. rob, thanks so much. and thanks to you for making us a part of your sunday morning. we hope you are safe and warm wherever this finds you. we'll have more local news at 5:00, 6:00, and 11:00, and we are always on bc
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. . ♪♪ this sunday, border battle. >> the border is a catastrophe. >> we have a broken immigration system. >> a bipartisan border security bill that would help fund the


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