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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  February 6, 2024 1:33am-2:03am PST

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so you can enjoy life. when you feel the signs, it's time to try align. two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. when you feel the signs, steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: i want to thank my guests senator bernie sanders,
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zosia mamet. i want to thank dan peters and the 8g band. thank you for watching we love you! [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ now at 11 still in the dark and in the cold, tens of thousands are still waiting for pg&e to flip their power back on after the wicked weekend storm that tore through the bay area. it is getting real folks, a live look at allegiant stadium. tonight it was all about the players, the 49ers in full effect. >> fans filling the stadium to get a glimpse of their favorites at affordable prices.
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we are joined from the strip. showtime. >> reporter: you know how it works usually in the super bowl cities things started died down right around now but not in vegas and it is only monday night. we are on top of the mandalay bay resort. the 63rd floor and we are overlooking the strip. we see the sphere in the background and this was a night for the players and fans to have some fun. >> the san francisco 49ers. >> reporter: when you hear that you know you are in vegas. that is a mma announcer bruce. this is the super bowl opening night party. tickets are about $50, affordable. this is the one and only time
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the 49ers and chiefs will see each other face to face, even exchanged hugs until sunday. it is a made-for-tv event, not much substance but fun moments. >> if it comes down to it and it is late in the 4th, are you prepared to disappoint taylor swift? >> yes. >> yes. i will leave it at that. >> how cool has this experience been? >> it has been amazing. as a football nerd every time i am in those meetings i geek out. you start to understand all of the things you do not know when you are in the meetings and you realize how important every little detail is. >> cool to see. christian mccaffrey, the former stanford star on the center stage. dangerous territory when he was
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messing with this with these. a lot of fun for the players and the fans as well. we also have damien who joined us from off the strip at resorts world las vegas. take it away. >> it is only monday but vegas is already off the hook and 49ers fans have taken over. they booed loudly, the chiefs when they were on the stage in between sessions. when the 49ers showed up they embraced the red and gold. >> reporter: the 49ers faithful made the stadium seem like it was their house and for tonight it was. >> huge, it does not get bigger. we are going to beat them this time. >> as the heroes took the stage the cheers continued. >> it is exciting.
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this is my first experience. >> there were a lot of fans that live in vegas cheering on the red and gold. >> a great feeling. to be able to enjoy it in our hometown. >> reporter: one fan flew in from modesto. >> i have to just take it all in. >> tonight the 49er nation took over the entertainment capital of the world. it rained all day today so not a lot of people along the strip, that will change tomorrow when the weather is expected to subside so a lot of red and gold along the strip. are you ready for six more days of this? >> no i want the game to be played tomorrow but we will be here for six more days maybe even seven. reporting from resorts world. you know how it works.
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not just the opening night party for the players but also the first night of the vip parties and this is for the exclusive fans and the hall of fame players. our old friend ronnie was here hanging out with a listers. we will show you what happened at the strip steak restaurant. michael's famed restaurant, ronnie invited some friends. marcus allen among the friends. mike haynes was here. the gold-medal skater kristi. there they all are. ronnie work is kristi, a lot of super bowl rings and gold medals in the group that of course 49ers football was front and center. >> one of the great things i have seen all year long is when they decide to play hard and tough, they are hard to beat. >> the anticipation. >> you cannot let the game get
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bigger than it should be even though it is a huge game you have to approach it like every other game. >> cool to see those two. amazing stories about how the nfl was and what direction the nfl is going. ronnie and marcus, best friends since their college days at ufc. coverage continues later in the newscast. anthony florez is with us on the strip. we will hear more from him and the 49ers players. we will send it back to you in the warmer studio. i do not think we have ever said that. >> i think you are in the right spot. we are teing up with the today show to host the 49ers pep rally. you n in us this friday at four clock in the morning at the east bay. dress up in your 49ers gear and
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you make it on the today show. if not you will be on the morning show. >> the other top story, the aftermath of the powerful storm that swept through the bay area over the weekend, live cameras show it is much calmer tonight. the storm has moved on but the problems remain. you can see the power outages on the map. 94,000 pg and e customers still in the dark. >> team coverage continuing with our chief meteorologist and the they will need the time to put the lights back on but we will get a break to give them a chance. >> a huge improvement over the next several days. it should give the power company enough leeway to start to get some of the work done. we are tracking this area of upper low pressure that will linger to the south tomorrow. still with a spotty rain chance and flooding rains towards la. for us there is a small spot left under a flood watch from winds are down to santa rosa because out of a lot of the creeks and rivers are running
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high and fast. the flood warning until 1:00 in the morning. in case you missed it the top wind gusts 86 miles per hour. san jose up to 51. rainfall, bull's-eye, the santa cruz mountains, 2-5 inches. san jose, 1 .73. i will talk about the major shift in the weather pattern heading for us as we had to the weekend and all of those details in about 10 minutes. >> those people are looking for a change. tonight thousands are still without power after the strong winds knocked down trees and whipped up power poles. crews are working overtime to fix the problems that popped up. >> reporter: on lincoln avenue businesses were closed, there is no power tonight. some of the stoplights are out and many residents are going on
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30 hours without power. the estimated time of restoration for some, 11 pm tomorrow night. tonight the aftermath of the strong winds that whipped through the bay area. caution tape around downed trees and some are waiting for the power to come back on. ruben says his power went out 4 pm sunday, more than 24 hours later he and his neighbors are looking elsewhere to charge devices, plugging phones in their cars and they are dealing with other issues. >> we have a tankless heater. >> reporter: just in santa clara county, they received reports to damage to their equipment at 700 locations. >> it is hard to say and it will be different for every community. right now we are prioritizing critical infrastructure and
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customers. >> like hospitals and schools. crews from santa fe unified also at work, cutting trees and branches after the storm. it is a effort to clean up and restore power as residents try to help each other out. don baker borrowed a generator from one neighbor and another is letting he and his family use their shower. >> in the santa cruz mountains the high winds and heavy rain led to a deadly situation in boulder creek. a 45-year-old man was killed when a fallen tree crashed into his home. >> reporter: one family survived a close call after a redwood tree fell into the home splitting it into. they say the granddaughter was sleeping on the couch and the tree narrowly missed her by less than two feet. grandma was trapped in a
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bedroom. the fire crews were able to get her out safely and nobody was injured. the grandfather told us about the moment the tree had. >> a tremendous crash. the tree was about 18 inches away from layla. the electrical popped off so i picked her up and took her to the kitchen. >> can you imagine how scary? somebody also ripped the shingles off the rooftop of the church in napa designated as a historic landmark. more downed power lines causing headaches. drivers told to avoid the road, officers shut down two westbound lanes so crews can assess the damage and make repairs, one lane is back open. a lot still going on out there. before you head out in the morning the best thing to do is check with the morning team. you can get the latest on weather and traffic.
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the morning show begins at 5:00 in the morning. a family says a driverless car heading straight towards them, they were in the crosswalk, almost hitting the seven-year-old son. tonight we investigate the push to hold driverless cars accountable. >> the da says police and prosecutors are making a difference.
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the embattled driverless
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car company cruise is being ordered to appear before regulators tomorrow amid accusations a purposefully tried to mislead chelators about safety issues. >> we have been digging into complaints and we have learned about other alarming allegations that have not been public until now. >> reporter: seven-year-old luke loves robots but not robot cards. he says a driverless rowboat taxi operated by gm nearly hit him when he crossed this street with his parents last summer in san francisco. >> i started to go faster. it was heading towards me and then it swerved this way. >> did you worry it would hit you? >> yes. if i did not run it would have hit me properly. >> this is where you crossed that day.
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>> you thought it was safe to cross here because you saw the car stop at a stoplight. >> it started when we got a third of the way across the intersection. >> reporter: cruise says it's records says none of its driverless cries traveled through the intersection at that time but transportation records we obtained showed the dmv is now investigating the allegations. and what appears to be a eerily similar close call caught on camera were a cruise car drove towards a different group trying to cross the street nearly heading to children. according to the dmv it happened the same day luke and his parents said they had their near miss. >> we were scared at first and then i was just angry that my kid could have been hurt or killed by this vehicle.
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>> reporter: a mechanical engineer that old robots himself says there is no mistaking what he saw, a cruise driverless car with a signature orange stripe. as for the other close call, crews admits it is one of the driverless cars but would not comment because federal investigators are still looking into what happened. they say they are at the center of five separate government investigations probing whether the company purposefully misled regulators and the public about safety issues. accusations cruise denies. the driverless car company is navigating this without its actual driverless cars, three months ago cruise pulled the entire fleet of vehicles off the road. 400 across four cities. after regulators determined the company posed a unreasonable risk to public safety. cruise has not said when or where it is expected to get back on the road.
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the president and chief technology officer declined to sit down with us but in a statement the company said we are focused on advancing the technology and earning back public trust. >> in this case the technology is running ahead common sense and logic. >> reporter: late last year we exposed a loophole allowing driverless cars to state clear of pricey penalties when they break the rules of the road. in california we discovered traffic ticket have to be issued to a person so driverless cars have been immune to the fines. >> it is a loophole in state law. you have pointed that out. >> reporter: the state senator dave. >> it has been a glaring whole in the law. >> reporter: the assembly man phil took notice and are taking action, pushing for new laws following our investigation. >> your story validates everything i've been hearing in san francisco.
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>> reporter: legislation will add more regulations for driverless car companies like making them liable when vehicles violate traffic laws. local communities and are empowered to make their own rules rather than relying on the state. the on time is vehicle industry association says while it supports closing the traffic ticket loophole giving cities the ability to write their own transportation laws could create chaos. >> we want to make sure we are not putting up roadblocks for autonomous vehicles to be deployed. to try to add a additional layer of complexity will result in a patchwork quilt in places like california. >> is exley cities that decide how taxicabs operate in the neighborhood so why should driverless cars be different? >> providing additional regulatory capabilities to city government will lead to the spirit rules. >> what would you say to that? >> we have chaos now, there is
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no place to go but up. >> even if leaders approved the loss they will not take effect until 2025. giving driverless cars in california another year to break traffic laws without facing the same penalties as human drivers. >> they should not be allowed to have 2000 pounds of metal into the streets potentially endangering others. >> reporter: sasha reached out to cruise to explain how one of its driverless cars nearly hit his son but after giving the company all of the details he says he is still waiting to hear back from cruise. more than five months later. >> what did that leave you feeling? >> more angry. the company is beta testing on the public. >> cruise tells us it apologizes for not following up and says as part of the a commitment to transparency it is continuing to investigate allegations surrounding the close call.
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>> thank you very much. >> one of the top stories yesterday and today, is the weather. >> we are holding onto a chance for spidey rain as we head into the forecast. right now things are calming down but the thing we are tracking is a area of low pressure in the upper atmosphere, it will move off to the south and east with the spidey rain chance. i'll show you more on the macro crime forecast right now. here it is tomorrow morning. i do expect a mixed bag to speak here. when we start tomorrow we will have clouds a chance of patchy fog and areas of sunshine breaking and and we may get showers towards livermore but a decent chance of sunshine here in the north bay. we will hang onto the same forecast here of the mixed picture through the afternoon. over all i am not expecting anything in terms of heavy rainfall. as we move through tomorrow
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morning's forecast keep the umbrella in the backseat of the car but make sure you have the heavy jacket. south bay at 45 and we continue with 40s for the east bay san francisco and the north bay. the daytime highs stay cold, 58 in napa. 55 in napa and for morgan hill 57. i see at this point chance of a few spotty showers staying with us into wednesday and by the weekend everything will change. we get in on warmer temperatures and what looks to be a good amount of sunshine for the area. high pressure moving the storm track to the north. there is still a chance we will get in on morning fog but i do think a lot of afternoon sunshine. what will that mean for the watch parties in the bay area? mostly sunny skies, low 60s and a little bit of a wind out of the north, 5-10. good for any kind of outside celebrations or parties. we do not want to pre-celebrate
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yet. we are trying out. saturday, sunday and monday. plenty of low 60s across the inland valley's this weekend. a lot of folks are superstitious so i do not want to go to that part yet. >> that is a nice forecast after yesterday. still to come, the anticipation is mounting, a live look at the stadium where the countdown is on. are you ready for the super bowl? >> the party is kicking off, it is opening night in vegas. the 49ers are here. coming up we hear from
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the continued fighting against retail theft. townhall focusing primarily on that type of organized crime
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ring accounting for the majority of that's ripping cities across the bay area. a number of retailers already throwing in the towel. the district attorney says prosecutors are making a difference by specifically targeting the largest crime groups. >> disrupting those doing this over and over again has allowed us to bring the percentage of these types of crimes down and we need to do that. >> city leaders say they need to effectively use the resources they have as they cope for hiring challenges. a world renowned restaurant, theater and cabaret is closing its doors. the nightclub popular among the transgender community. known for live performances and award-winning cuisine the founder said they have not been able to rebound so he and his partners decided to close and inventory retirement. the last day is sunday, march 1
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which coincides with
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let's take a live look at the stadium in vegas where in six-day the 49ers will take on the chiefs in the super bowl. >> we showed you both teams in the spotlight during media night. here is anthony for us in vegas. >> the 49ers will take on the chiefs sunday in super bowl lviii but before they go head- to-head on the gridiron they went face-to-face on the big state on opening night. picturing the moment patrick pretty and the chiefs tackle jones along with fred warner sharing the stage to kick off opening night. the 49ers linebacker may have even had a few playful words for the chiefs star quarterback. >> did you tell chris jones to stay away from the quarterback? >> you already ov


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