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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  February 6, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm PST

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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. on "nbc bay area news tonight," more than two days in the dark. tens of thousands of people without power after a weekend storm. where the biggest problems are still tonight. also sending reinforcements. the governor stepping in to help oakland with its rampant crime. 120 more chp officers headed to
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the east bay. >> we all have to feel safe to be able to prosper. otherwise, people are going to flee the city. it's turning into a gotham city. >> so what exactly swayed the governor's mind? i'm going to be joined by one person who took their concerns to him last month. later -- >> i have two shoulders for them to cry on when it's all said and done. if taylor wants to cry here, and her man wants to cry there, it's all good. there's all love. >> mayor london breed sending a message to taylor swift and her beau if the 49ers win the super bowl. what else she said about the team during our one-on-one conversation. good evening. this is "nbc bay area news tonight." i'm jessica aguirre along with raj mathai, who is leading our super bowl coverage from vegas. not just the niners tonight but also the a's are making news. raj is going to join me in just a few minutes. first i want to catch you up on some headlines.
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tens of thousands of bay area homes still in the dark after sunday's storm. some people have been without power for more than two days now. pg&e says this is the third worst storm-related outage in company history, and the biggest problem spots, north bay, south bay, a lot of power poles still damaged. pg&e hoping to have the majority of people back online by the end of tonight. now, until that happens, it means people in those impacted areas are doing everything in the dark. >> so we weren't prepared, but thank goodness we had flashlights. we have bottled water. that's it. and we had to drive to fast food. >> more than 43,000 still without power. that includes more than 10,000 on the peninsula. 11,000 in the south bay. 20,000 in the north bay. now, power outages are not the only storm-related issue tonight. check out that behind me.
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nbc skyranger over tesla road east of livermore. part of the road is gone. really disappeared during the storm. it's closed in both directions from here to alameda county border. tesla road is a huge alternate route for drivers who want to avoid getting on the freeway. but now no idea yet when it's going to reopen. a lot of downed trees in the north bay as well. a falling redwood tree broke a sprinkler line, flooding the boys and girls club of st. helena and calistoga. it flooded a lot of the building including the gym. they expect those repairs to cost $100,000 or more. a tree also fell on the historic building that houses farm stead restaurant general store and tasting room. luckily the restaurant is a popular tourist spot, and it wasn't damaged. but a lot of damage in different areas. switching gears, driverless car company cruise offering to pay $112,000 in fines amid
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allegations that it tried to hide details about that accident that happened last year that left a pedestrian seriously injured in san francisco. cruise's president made the pitch today before a judge with the california public utilities commission, acknowledging mistakes were made. at the judge's urging, upped the original offer by nearly $40,000. cruise says the company is making big changes to improve safety and increase transparency. it also offered to increase the amount of information it shares publicly for all future collisions. no timeline, though, for when the judge will decide whether to accept or reject that cruise settlement. senior investigative reporter bigad shaban has been digging into safety complaints against cruise, and just yesterday he joined me right here at 7:00 to talk about the newly uncovered complaints from two families who said that they were nearly hit by cruise vehicles when they were crossing the street. you can watch our full conversation and his full special report on our website,
7:05 pm okay. also tonight, the governor again stepping in to help stop rising crime, which he calls alarming and unacceptable in the city of oakland. the governor now sending 120 additional chp officers to the east bay. that surge will include specialized units specifically meant to target violent crime as well as it will focus on rampant car robberies and break-ins and all that retail theft. oakland business victims of repeated crime say they want that manpower. they need it. this pizza store has been hit not once, not twice, but four times in less than a month. last week employees were fighting back against a knife-wielding robber. they threw a hammer at the person. they threw a recycling bin at them, scaring that would-be robber away. >> i told my other co-workers,
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let's grab whatever we have and just throw it for self-defense. we never know what could happen, you know? so we're really scared. we're scared for our own life. >> we're talking about the city of oakland as a whole. we're all the residents of oakland so we all have to feel safe to be able to prosper. otherwise, people are going to flee the city. it's turning into a gotham city. >> so why now send help to the so-called gotham city? we have learned that the governor's help comes after a meeting he had with some 20 community members last month, including the oakland chapter of the naacp. joining me now is bob harris with the oakland naacp. thank you so much for being with me, mr. harris. naacp has been very vocal in pleading, in demanding that the mayor and other elected officials do something about the crime in oakland. tell me about this meeting that you went to. who was there? >> the naacp was very, very
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pleased to be invited to the meeting. it was done january 17th in the governor's office, and we discussed a lot of issues concerning what was going on in oakland. people from the faith community, people from community leaders, et cetera. we had a discussion with the governor, and the governor told us right from the beginning that he was disappointed that we had not applied for the grant that was available to us. and the naacp, at almost the very end of the meeting, told the governor that we had a ten-point plan for a safer oakland. and we wanted to share it with the governor, and the governor was kind enough to have his staff look at the ten-point safety plan for the city of
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oakland. and that plan included having highway patrol men and women in the city of oakland. >> yeah, which they had done six officers. six chp officers had been in august, and it was very, very successful. were any elected officials at the this meeting, and if they weren't, was that deliberate not to have them there? >> i don't know whether it was deliberate or not, but no elected officials were there, and i'm happy they weren't there because what's going on in the city of oakland is a shame, and somebody has to be held accountable for that. >> so what is it your hope is with 120 new chp officers that come in and this task force? do you have a timeline for when they're going to get here, what kind of work they're going to be doing, and how long they're going to stay? and the impact also, i think, i mean we still don't have a chief in oakland. we're now going on a year. i know that's been one of your biggest complaints is not having leadership at the top. how much of an impact do you
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think that's having? >> it has a tremendous impact to go for over a year without a police chief is just deplorable. and i say to the mayor that if you do not remedy this problem, it's going to get worse. and it's incumbent upon the mayor to make certain that we have a police chief, and of course the naacp has advocated that it was totally unnecessary in the first place to fire leronne armstrong. he should still be the chief, and we would not likely have any of these problems. >> mr. harris, thank you. let's talk super bowl. we are one day closer to the big game. lots of headlines coming out of las vegas. 49ers and the a's are making news. within the last hour, the skies have parted in vegas. our raj mathai joins us from the
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rio hotel. raj, it's not going to be raining on the niners parade to the super bowl. come on, you knew the skies were going to fix it. >> reporter: about 45 minutes ago, the rain stopped, and now it's supposed to be sunshine for the rest of the week. jessica, we are on the 51st floor of the rio hotel. a little different vantage point from where we were last night. last night we were at the mandalay bay. this time we're not on the strip. we're actually across interstate 15, across from the strip. i'll get out of the way here. you can see kind of the landmarks you're used to here. the encore hotel, the wynn. you see caesar's palace and there in the red, that's the sphere. a lot of times they'll pop in a chiefs and a 49ers logo. on this side of the camera, there is allegiant stadium, home of the raiders. but obviously it's going to be the chiefs and the 49ers come sunday. so, jessica, get a jacket and come on out. i'll save you a seat come sunday. >> that is fancy pants for sure. okay. let's talk about the niners.
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what did the team do today? what was on their agenda? >> reporter: well, usually on a normal week, tuesdays are the team's day off. so kyle shanahan said we're going to try to keep things normal. the players have the day off today. but it is super bowl week, so that's not normal. they have their mandatory media obligations. let's take you to the 49ers team hotel. both the niners and the chiefs staying 20 miles east of us. so today's media session was at 49ers hq near lake las vegas. coming down those elevators and that whole media swarm, brock purdy is in the middle of all that. still surprises me as to why so many people discount his ability. nice thing about purdy, though, is we've gotten to know him in the last year or so. he doesn't really seem to care about all the haters and doubters out there. he's so mild mannered, kind of reminds me of buster posey back in the day with the giants. just get your job done. >> we all have that hunger and taste in our mouth that we're
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right there to finish the deal, and we just fell short of it. with all of that being said, some new guys this year as well, and we all understand what our goal is and what we're capable of. yeah, like, i said, we're hungry to win. >> reporter: the nfl store here in las vegas completely sold out of all brock purdy jerseys. jessica, you're going to have to figure out maybe a fred warner jersey you can buy, a trent williams, or deebo. >> that's such a good analogy, comparing him to buster posey. they both have that really good guy vibe, low-key, and then they're amazing, right? i love that. this was interesting, that the a's are making headlines in vegas. the mayor there said that it might not be the right place for the a's. what's the lowdown with that? >> reporter: we had a suspicion the a's were going to be part of the headlines this week. obviously, this is their new home, or at least they want this to be their new home.
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we chatted with the mayor's office today, went over to the new ballpark site. the whole thing is a mess. however, the mayor of las vegas today did go on record, making a couple of different statements not so good about the a's. take a look. >> i had to check this out for myself. the famous tropicana resort, which is the site, the a's say, of their new ballpark. so many questions here, and not many answers. a's fans remain frustrated and angry with the team's billionaire owner john fisher. but it's not just the fans. today the mayor of las vegas let loose in a podcast interview with front office sports. mayor carolyn goodman questioned the a's move. i'm not sure the funds are there. i personally think they've got to figure out a way to stay in oakland. soon after, mayor goodman backtracked, issuing this statement, which reads in part, i want to be clear that i'm excited about the prospect of major league baseball in las vegas, and it very well may be
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that the las vegas a's will become a reality that we will welcome to our city. while nothing is certain, oakland mayor sheng thao is on a parallel path. >> i am still talking to very viable candidates who can possibly buy the team, you know, that have the funding to buy the team and the funding to actually build out a stadium here in the city of oakland. so we're hopeful that, you know, if this doesn't work out and john fisher would like to sell the team, that we are ready to have a viable buyer. >> it's like a bad dream. but until it actually happens -- and i'm not sure it will -- i'm not going there yet. >> reporter: whether the a's are coming or not, 67 years of history will soon be gone. bally's corporation will close the tropicana this april. greg papa said it best. it all seems like a bad dream what's happening with oakland, las vegas, and the a's. we should note the mayor of las vegas actually does not have
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jurisdiction of the las vegas strip. that jurisdiction belongs to clark county, the overseeing county here. whatever the case is, jessica, we're just waiting for john fisher and the a's to release the details of this ballpark so we can analyze it and maybe the fans can get excited here. so far, everyone is kind of waiting to see what's happening. >> it really is an ongoing nightmare. thank you, raj. i will see you tonight later on. all right. let's talk about san francisco making strides when it comes to cutting down on crime, especially when it comes to car break-ins. what the mayor is crediting for that
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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the year of the dragon is almost upon us. lunar new year now just four days away, and san francisco city leaders are pulling out all the stops for the hundreds of thousands of people they hope are going to gather to celebrate. the city touts their lunar new year parade celebration as the largest outside of mainland china. leaders say since the pandemic began, though, it's been a struggle to get visitors back in the city. during a news conference today outlining the new year lunar plans, chief scott says his department has made big strides in making the city safer. >> there is a 66% reduction so far this year in larceny. you know, homicides, this is a small number, but it's 50%. >> joining me now is mayor london breed to talk about a lot of things having to do with the city. thank you, mayor, for being with me. i want to start with the state of the city. you know, san francisco has had
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this kind of beleaguered problem. we're talking about crime. but today you tweeted that property crimes, including break-ins, are at a ten-year low. i know that there has been a lot of attention, whether it's retail theft or, you know, all the stuff happening in the tenderloin of putting attention there. do you think you are seeing results because of this? >> oh, definitely. we've been working really hard to make sure that we're putting the right resources in the right places. we've been able to increase our capacity. we received grants from the state department to provide support to deal with retail theft, our arrest of those who are using and dealing drugs on the streets of san francisco. it's been a combination of things that we've done where as a result of all of our hard work, the numbers from 2023 entirely, they are some of the lowest numbers we've had in ten years, minus the year during the global pandemic where we had to
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shut the city down in 2020. so we're seeing significant progress, and even year-to-date, even as we move into february, those numbers are down by over 50%. >> i know that you have kind of like a twofold, you know, mantra. you're working on reducing crime, but you also want to increase, you know, the level of engagement in the city and using some of those open spaces and empty spaces to really revitalize. last week you announced that plan to bring in satellite campuses for historically black universities. tell me a little bit about what your vision would be and what would that mean to the city, especially in terms of, you know, in the 1990s, we saw a lot of gentrification taking away neighborhoods taking away a lot of those traditionally wonderful neighborhoods that were african american prominent. tell me a little bit about how that's going to work and what's the first step? >> so downtown traditional lib
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the 9:00 to 5:00. now that our neighborhoods all over san francisco are thriving, it's so important that we look at downtown as a neighborhood in the same way. we're focusing on converting a number of buildings to housing. we're looking at other uses besides office and retail. lab space, universities, including historically black colleges and universities. and that's where this option comes in. fortunately for us, we have some incredible institutions here already, and when we talked about what we needed to do more of to not only revitalize downtown but to diversify our various campuses and our city as a whole, they immediately said that they wanted to be a part of helping us to look at bringing historically black colleges and universities to san francisco. and, in fact, the university of san francisco and ucsf, they both are partnering with us on
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providing not just housing but possible classroom space. and we're looking at hosting a number of cohorts in san francisco even this summer that will be utilizing a lot of the downtown properties. >> okay. let's talk about what's really exciting for san francisco and the whole bay area right now, which is the super bowl. here we are again. are you nervous? how are you feeling? what's the plan? do you have a bet going on yet? give us the deets. >> so me and the mayor of kansas city, we're going to announce a bet on this thursday. we're having conversations. yes, of course. i mean, like, i am nervous. i'm excited, but after what i saw the 49ers pull off with the lions in this last game, they are an extraordinary team. they have some incredible players. george kittle is amazing. brock purdy for a new quarterback, he's doing an extraordinary job.
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and deebo samuel, and we have some great players. mccaffrey and bosa. you name it, this roster is a star-studded lineup prepared to take on this really significant challenge at the super bowl. and i am so excited about what that means for san francisco, and my hope is that they get over the finish line and pull it off. let's go, niners. >> so the bay area really, you know, threw their back out when taylor swift was here. it was a big deal when she was here. i'll be the first to say i'm a die hard swiftie, but do we have a little bad blood right now with this whole situation, that she's now on the opposite side of us? i'm a little worried. >> well, let me just say this. i love taylor swift. so, you know, i get that she's on the opposite side. she's cheering for her man. i have no problem with her looking out for her guy. but you know what? i have two shoulders for them to cry on when it's all said and done. if taylor wants to cry here and,
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you know, her man wants to cry there, it is all good. there's all love, and that will remain. taylor swift will always have love in san francisco no matter what's going on with the super bowl. >> that's good to hear. we're going to keep it all nice and just be enchanted with her because it's all good. we're still all rooting for the 49ers, and i k you wanont to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message. this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money.
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and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. welcome back. i'm chief meteorologist jeff
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ranieri with your microclimate forecast. we are tracking a new storm system dropping down tomorrow. not only the chance of rain but another cold blast of air. now, 7:00 in the morning just some spotty rain. that storm front moves over by 9:00 a.m. this will be quick moving. east bay, peninsula, south bay by 11:00 in the morning. just left with some scattered rain chances by the afternoon. rainfall totals because of the quick movement not looking too high. just a quarter to a half inch expected across the bay area. on the seven-day forecast, keep a slight chance of a shower on thursday. we dry it out friday, saturday, sunday, and into early next week. so still looking good for those super bowl watch parties on sunday, and for that lunar new year on saturday. >> all sounds good. thank you, jeff. that's going to do it for us at 7:00. we'll see youack tonight at b
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