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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 7, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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right now at 5:00, more rain is on the way. we're tracking another round of wet weather heading toward the bay area.
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as tens of thousands are still in the dark following the last storm. meteorologist kari hall is timing out our forecast and when rain will reach your neighborhood. four months after the massacre at a music festival in israel, one of the survivors, a young woman, is telling us about what she saw, what she experienced that day. we'll also give you an update on the status of what's happening in the middle east. cracking down on catalytic converter thefts. the proposal one city is moving forward with and how it could help hold thieves accountable. this is "today in the bay." good wednesday morning to you. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. let's start out with a look at the forecast. kari is tracking incoming rain. >> again, yeah. but this one is not expected to cause too many problems, although we are going to see that coming down on an already wet ground. so we're going to see this moving in and out of here fairly quickly, but it is ahead of a
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cold front that will help bring in very chilly temperatures. right now most of the rain is around eureka, but we are getting spotty light rain ahead of it over parts of the peninsula into the south bay. our temperatures starting out chilly, with some low 40s right now in oakland. it is 51 in san francisco. a little bit of a breezy wind already starting to pick up. we're going to continue to see much more activity on the radar by late morning. by 9:00, it's really starting to pick up in ukiah, moving into santa rosa, down to the south bay by 11:00, and then continuing with some waves of rain into the evening commute. it will be a soggy afternoon. we'll talk more about this and what's ahead. mike, you're watching for wet pavement. >> i see a little out there. here we go, in san jose, hill droplets on the lens. there was a mist, a drizzle at times. i drove through san jose earlier this morning. it's still going on, light
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issues. no major flooding, of course. but the ground is already saturated, so there may be issues and more debris. so far, we're doing all right. green sensors around the bay. we have recovery work that needs to go on for highway 9, 35. as we're looking toward the bay bridge, a smooth flow of traffic throughout contra costa county. i just noticed there was an issue on 580, an icon for a crash. i'll check out what's going on and bring it to you coming up. thousands of people are still waking up without power this morning. in the bay area we're seeing about 30,000 still in the dark. in santa clara county, more than 6,000 people still don't have power. in san mateo county, it's just under 6,000, while in sonoma county about 11,000. 91 people in contra costa county and about 3,000 in marin still don't have power. in solano county there are a number of people there, about 602, to be exact, that don't have power. as the war between israel and hamas rages on, a survivor
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of the nova music festival massacre is telling the story of the atrocities she experienced. >> she hopes to help other survivors of the hamas attack and jewish people who witnessed it from afar. "today in the bay"'s kris sanchez is joining us with her powerful account. >> good morning. on october 7th, she was at the nova music festival with four friends when hamas launched that violent and deadly terrorist siege. three of her friends were among the nearly 400 young men and women who were kidnapped or killed that day. she and one friend managed to get a ride away from the festival grounds to one shelter, then another shelter, and a third shelter with terrorists on their heels. she says she believes she survived because of a series of miracles. >> we saw people that were covered in blood, and someone came to us that was shot and told us the terrorist shot him.
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and even then we didn't really realize what's happening. that was the craziest part of the story, because your mind don't let you believe that someone really wants to murder you. >> eden is in the bay area today to share her experience with several jewish groups, hundreds of students, and several synagogues so that what happened on october 7th is not ever forgotten. she started a nonprofit to help other survivors. unfortunately, because of safety concerns, these events are not open to the public. the rabbi of the bay area national synagogue of youth offered this, for people who feel for the terror attacks in israel and feel for the palestinian civilians who are now innocent victims of war. >> to pray for peaceful israeli citizens and army, to create a protective and peaceful society can be in the same breath and
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the same sentence as, and also peace for any arab or palestinian person who would like peace as well. those don't conflict at all. >> eden and her friend made it out safely. israel is estimating that as many as 50 of the hostages taken by hamas on october 7th could now be dead. this comes as hamas proposes three cease-fires to release the remaining hostages. >> thank you, kris. happening today, three men charged in the shooting of a security guard who died while protecting a tv news crew will be in court. mitchell, hale and gilbert are the men accused of the murder of kevin nishita. the men are facing arraignment this morning at 9:00. nishita was a retired, decorated police officer, who was shot just over two years ago in downtown oakland. dublin schools are facing legal action after one student
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recently suffered a serious eye injury involving toy guns. it happened when dublin high school seniors were playing what's known as the assassins came, an unsanctioned game where students use orbeez guns to shoot at other students. the girl, who wanted to remain anonymous, says she was sitting in her car when she was shot. doctors have told her she may never regain use of her right eye. her family is suing the district, claiming the school dropped the ball in halting the annual senior ritual. >> i'm, like, this is, like, if my eye is bleeding, if there's something seriously wrong with my eye, i'm just distraught, like, it hurt. >> we know the school district had notice that students were using these guns on campus. they had notice even that this was happening during the school year. >> the district recently warned parents about the danger of the assassins game and clarified it's happening without district
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consent. the alert also warned about potential serious consequences. police are still investigating. san jose is moving forward with a new law to close the loophole with catalytic converter thefts. if you're in possession of the converter, officers don't have probable cause to search unless there's an identifier. the new law takes away the requirement. that means if you're caught with a detached catalytic converter and you can't prove you legally purchased it, you could be charged with a crime. the proposal passed unanimously today by city council. the excitement is certainly building for super bowl sunday. here is a live look at allegiant stadium in las vegas. when it comes to vegas, the super bowl can be the tip of the iceberg. maybe it slipped your mind, but other celebrations are happening in sin city. >> nbc bay area's raj mathai is there all week and this morning he catches up with a popular
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49er getting into the spirit. >> reporter: we are 51 floors in the sky atop the rio hotel overlooking the strip. pretty nice. later today the 49ers are finally going to get on that practice field as we inch toward super bowl sunday. as for all the parties, well, a big one was all about lunar new year. take a look. ♪♪ >> reporter: this was cool to see, a lunar new year celebration at the super bowl. they had the drummers, the line dancers. even that chinese night market like we recently had in san francisco. more than a thousand people to celebrate not just the super bowl, but the aapi community. we bumped into 49ers lineman, the former 49ers lineman who won four super bowl titles with the team. he's just enjoying these moments. >> how cool is this to blend lunar new year with the nfl? that's pretty awesome.
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>> it's pretty awesome. the timing couldn't be better. i'm honored to be here and we want to keep fighting and pushing forward. >> reporter: and of course in true las vegas style, plenty of show girls. the parties are in full swing but the bulk are going to begin tomorrow and friday. we'll see you later on today. back to you. >> sounds good. this friday we're teaming up with the "today" show to host a niners pep rally. you can join us at 4:00 a.m. at the lot at city center bishop ranch in san ramon. dress up in your best 49ers gear and you might get on the "today" show or "today in the bay." folks need to bring the coats. today we're tracking some rain. >> i'm tracking some rain today and it's going to be off and on, coming later for the commute. we're already seeing spotty showers ahead of that cold front, and it's been moving through parts of the peninsula down to the south bay, where you may have to deal with that on your morning drive, where you're turning on the windshield wipers. as you continue to drive, you'll
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turn them off as the rain is not very widespread. it is going to be a chilly day, as our high temperatures only reach into the low 50s, and we'll have more temperatures like this. once again, the rain ramping up by late morning and picking up to some heavy downpours as it moves through the east bay and south bay at noon. then it tapers off to spotty rain that continues into the evening, with the cold air settling in. so i'll have more on that and what's ahead in a few minutes. mike, you were saying that they're wrapping up work now on the golden gate bridge. >> a lot of folks are waking up or have been up for a short time. these folks have been getting ready to clear the cones, but until they clear the span, you'll have a little slowing for safety's sake. we're looking at no problems across the span northbound. southbound sometimes sees the crew hit around spencer, heading south, about mid span is where they clear in about another 20 minutes. a smooth drive throughout the bay. we're looking at the rain coming into the area.
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we'll watch for slicker roadways. there's slowing around the dublin interchange and no incidents there. there is an incident eastbound heading toward the altamont pass. coming in is your typical commute. we're looking at a smooth drive throughout. have you seen on social media those people driving cars while wearing those new apple goggles? marcus, the government is saying don't do that. >> i would agree. sure, the best team will win super bowl lviii, but how about the best city? one website thinks it knows which city, sf, or kc, comes out on top. the winner may have you reaching for your irish coffee. we're going to talk about the brewing controversy
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good wednesday morning. the time is 5:14. as you get ready to head out, grab a heavier jacket and the umbrella. we are going to see some rain coming in. as we take a look at our day planner for dublin, it's going to be off and on for the morning commute into the early afternoon. we'll get a look at cooler temperatures and if there's any more rain in that forecast coming up in a few minutes. and we are looking at palo alto, the headlights are moving much more smoothly than a short time ago. we had a road crew clearing from the southbound side around university. you also see the toll lanes, which you don't have to use the toll lanes on the northbound sigh. we'll show you the bigger
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commute coming up. good morning. happy wednesday. all kinds of fast food companies have been saying business has been tough. yum brands just said sales were down. so that's kfc, taco bell, pizza hut. mcdonald's the other day disappointed investors. but not cmg. that's chipotle. they say traffic into their stores is up and a 3% price hike is helping profit. the company says they're working on a new guacamole scooping robot. docusign laying off again. we have video of the company in better times. the ceo sent a letter to employees apologizing for putting them through this more than once, about 440 people will have to go. that's about 5%. this is the third time for docusign. the ceo says the layoffs are disruptive and hard on company culture, especially when they happen more than once. i am deeply sorry that we have to do this again. other news, this is an
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example of ai-assisted photo manipulation. adobe photo shop, the manipulation leaves metadata behind showing it's been manipulated. meta proposing social networks get together to identify and label manipulated photographs, tell people they're ai, not real, a standard that everyone can agree to. california state lawmakers are already working on forcing that on companies if they don't volunteer first. well, it's not ai, but the guy who made this video of himself using tesla self-driving software while wearing apple's new vision pro goggles tells "the new york times" it's staged. he's 21-year-old donte latini who said he did it for the clicks, and that worked 24 million times. nonetheless, the department of transportation is warning americans, don't do that. pete buttigieg writing, all systems require the human driver to be in control at all times.
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i think it's fascinating that he seems to be more worried about the car and its software and its ability to drive itself than the guy wearing the goggles, which says a lot about the department of transportation and tesla, i think. >> no kidding. >> don't do that. >> yeah, don't do that. it's hard to get used to some of the gadgets in the new cars because i'm so old school, i like to be in control. >> i like knobs. >> i don't like those. do you do this, too? >> as opposed to menu, sub-menu, wipers, yeah. >> thanks, scott. all right, everyone, sf, kc, take your pick, and we're not talking about the point spread here. >> nope. ahead of super bowl lviii, one website is trying to get to the bottom of what each city has to offer. they're comparing the cities in a dozen categories. kansas city wins in famous athletes, but we're not so sure. also, he's applying actual city
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limits, so san mateo's tom brady and barry bonds are nonfactors. meat lovers will surely applaud kansas city fare, but real foodies may beg to differ. if you've been to kansas city's airport, it counts for something, but before you get your feathers ruffled, let's hear from the judge himself. >> it's all meant to provide a more light hearted look at who wins off the field. >> all right, so raise your hand if you plan to visit kansas city any time soon. anyone? maybe this comparison makes you want to go. but definitely not in the winter. and more importantly, even if they realize the sports book calls the niners the better team heading into sunday's big game. that was a big check of the weather for us. >> there was a weather conference there recently and i was just, like, kansas city, i'll pass. >> oh, okay.
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nice. also, san francisco 49ers, their stadium is in santa clara, it's the bay area's team. >> and we have three airports. actually, more than three, but three major airports. >> they have good barbecue. >> i don't think we have to defend ourselves. >> why are we getting defensive? we've got a little rain coming our way as you get ready to head out. but then heading into the weekend we are glad to say that it's going to be clear. but it's been so busy here. let's take a look back at how much rain we've measured over the past seven days. we've had in the santa cruz mountains 7 to 9 inches of rainfall. even san anselmo had high rainfall totals, over 8 inches. in san francisco, almost 5 inches of rain there, nearing 4 inches of rain in the berkeley hills, while san jose had about 3 1/2 inches of rain, and redwood city had about 2 3/4 inches of rainfall. we have more on the way with the next cold front, and then we're going to take a break for a
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little while. we are seeing scattered showers moving into parts of the south bay and the peninsula, and it's going to start out spotty, but then become more widespread. and overall it's going to be a cool day. take a look at our temperatures. only headed for the low to mid-50s. that's a big drop from yesterday. and much cooler than normal. and we're going to see that rain picking up between 9:00 to 10:00, and then really ramping up for the peninsula, south bay and east bay, right at about lunchtime. and then we'll see it still lingering into the early afternoon, into the evening commute. then eventually it's going to taper off tonight. but we are still going to keep a slight chance of rain in tomorrow's forecast, although not all of us will see the rain. we're looking at an additional half inch of rainfall, and it's coming down on an already saturated ground. so we may just have the water sitting on top. a slight chance of rain tomorrow, but then after that we are clearing out, and then look at our temperatures.
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very chilly, with our early mornings each day starting out in the mid to upper 30s, with highs only in the low 60s. but at least we will get sunshine, a chance to dry out in the extended forecast, while the cool temperatures will continue. mike is saying that it's pretty calm right now. >> on the chp grid it's pretty calm. some green highlighting showing up, we're getting sprinkles here and there. that will be a factor over the course of the morning. we still have areas like highway 9 and 35 that have damage from the storms and washouts. that could get more complicated, but right now it's an easy drive through contra costa county and out of contra costa county here for vasco road, a smooth, easy drive across the bay bridge as well. we're seeing a little more traffic volume right on schedule. back to you. it is 5:22 right now. coming up next on "today in the bay," nbc bay area responds. >> your property tax bill might be a little higher than it's supposed to be. i'm consumer investigator chris
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chmura. we'll help you figure out whetherou're missing y
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good morning. we're talking about the homeowners exemption. if you own your home, condo or townhouse and live in it, no matter what county, you qualify. it saves you about 70 to 80 bucks a year. some data we obtained suggests
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families are moving out. the santa clara assessor told us 240,000 homes are claiming but 210,000 are not. now, yes, some homes in the no column are rentals, which are not eligible. still, some homeowners who live in their home are missing out on their 70 bucks a year. we know because we quickly found four folks on our own news team. here is good news, you can apply now to get the little publicized homeowners exemption tax break going forward. >> most people don't know. the other thing is if you change your title, like when i moved my home from an individual with my wife and my name into a trust, the homeowner exemption drops off. >> and you have to reapply. santa clara county assessor larry stone told he adding or removing someone from your home title might cause you to lose your 70 or so dollar a year break, too. side note, stone's office said
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the homeowner exemption is required to take full advantage of transfer benefits under prop 19. you can figure out whether you're getting the homeowners exemption by calling your local assessor or look up your record online. all you need is your address. if you find that you do not want it but want to get it, expect a one-page application. don't delay. your deadline to get full benefits is february 15th. we're going to put links and the story on our website, i'm ginger conejero saab in daly city. still this morning tens of thousands of pg&e customers are in the dark, including many customers in this neighborhood in daly city. ahead, we'll have the latest numbers for you that were numbers for you that were released w it ( ♪♪ )
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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right now at 5:30, a new round of wet weather on the horizon. meteorologist kari hall is tracking more rain and how it compares to past sunday's storm. we're also live with an ongoing effort to restore power for thousands. >> it's a game-changer, it's going to be able to support our strong working officers here in the city of oakland. >> big changes coming to oakland to help people who live there move forward. mayor sheng thao lays out the work under way to tackle crime and the status report in finding a permanent police chief. back in court, a south bay mom accused of throwing wild
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parties for minors faces a judge. we're live breaking down what's expected in court. this is "today in the bay." here we go, wednesday morning. 5:30. thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. let's get a look at the forecast. meteorologist kari hall is tracking the new round of wet weather. >> we're just taking a look at the radar where we are seeing the rain approaching from the north and we're going to continue to see it moving in as we go throughout the morning into the afternoon, becoming more widespread. as you get ready to head out, you want to grab the umbrella. we are going to see rain coming in for late morning into the afternoon. at times we may see some brief heavy downpours, which may cause flooding in some of those low-lying streets as well. we're going to be tracking this and talking about what's coming our way. mike, you've been tracking the bay bridge. it seems light right now. >> we're getting ready for the brunt of the traffic.
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caltrans gave us a note, it sounds like they've sent crews out to do sweeping around the bay area. watch for crews. they move slowly, but i believe they're trying to clear the drains on the sides of the roads. right now things are very calm on the roadways. a light build coming throughout the typical spots, typical pattern out of the altamont pass. just some slowing. dublin interchange cleared up from earlier slowing. no problems in the south bay or along the peninsula. we have highway 35 and 9 in the south bay that have storm damage and there's more water coming. >> thank you very much. developing this morning, brand new numbers on the lingering power outages following that powerful weekend storm, and from the looks of it, there's still a lot of work to be done. >> "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab is live in daly city, one of those neighborhoods still waking up in the dark this morning. i know we're talking about two and a half days without power. for some neighborhoods, this is a tough time, no electricity, no heat.
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>> reporter: that's right. no heat. we can feel the wind has kind of picked up. it's chilly out here. so i can imagine for people without power, it's been a struggle, not just to make sure your food is still okay or to keep the refrigerator or things cold at this point, i mean, you probably have already thrown that out. but to stay warm in this weather, a neighborhood like this here in daly city is one of the many neighborhoods of customers, pg&e customers that have been without power. the latest numbers, about 16,000 pg&e customers on the peninsula, tens of thousands of customers across the bay area still without power. there is a bit of good news because last night it was closer to 40,000. this morning it's down to about 29,000 pg&e customers. if you look at the pg&e outage map, this area that we're in is showing up orange, so really more than 500 customers in this area are still without power. it's not just homes, households
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that are without power. it's businesses and schools as well that have been affected. this will be the third day that csu east bay in hayward will be closed because of the weekend storms. university officials say classes are not canceled, however the university remains open remotely. both oakland and concord locations are unaffected and will be open as usual. now, over in the south bay, east side union high school district schools are also closed today. that includes calero high school, the adult transition program, oak grove and yerba buena high school. the same is true as well for schools in sonoma county. some schools have been closed since last week before the brunt of the weekend storms, but you can see those schools, the districts on your screen. power outages are still affecting thousands of pg&e customers in the north bay, including dozens who live near broken power poles in cotati.
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the building manager of a 50-unit apartment complex is doing her best to stay on top of tenants who need extra care, especially because we are expected to be without power until later tonight. >> we went and checked on our elderly tenants and i've got one tenant on oxygen. >> reporter: now, massive downed trees like this one on sonoma county property have become a somewhat familiar image in the aftermath of these storms. some downed trees responsible for power outages. more than 400 broken power poles came down across the bay area during the storms, along with 239 transformers. pg&e says the sheer volume of the damage that we're seeing has stretched resources thin and there have been numerous obstacles that are adding to delays for those repairs. but a bit of good news, there's been slow progress there from
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nearly 40,000 pg&e customers last night to now around 30,000 across the bay area. but as kari has been talking about, there is more wet weather, so we've got our fingers crossed. marcus and laura. >> i ran into some friends last night who had been without power since sunday. they said it's so cold. hopefully those people get it back soon. thanks. well, it is 5:35 this morning. in just a few hours the mother accused of hosting alcohol-fueled parties for her underage son and his friends could get a date for her trial. >> "today in the bay"'s bob redell joins us live from outside the hall of justice in san jose. this case has already been playing out for a long time. >> reporter: you are correct. good morning to you, laura and marcus. shannon o'connor has been in jail for over two years awaiting trial. later this morning at the hall of justice in san jose, she is expected back in court for a hearing to set a date for her trial, and to identify her attorneys. it is not unusual for a
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defendant to use one attorney for the preliminary stages of the case and then reassess whether they want a different attorney for the trial itself. late last year a grand jury indicted o'connor on seven additional felonies, including one charge that she allegedly encouraged some sexual acts between the teens at the parties she's accused of hosting and providing alcohol for. o'connor faces a potential sentencing of 31 years if found guilty instead of 17 years based on the earlier charges. in a previous exclusive statement to nbc bay area, o'connor said she's been frustrated by these court delays, says she had been waiting for two years for this moment, does not want this postponed and wants to move forward. reporting live here outside the hall of justice in san jose, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> we'll continue to follow. thanks, bob. 5:37. a south bay owner is still a little rattled here. this is after a man with a
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hammer threatened him and his workers, smashing out windows of that business. it happened yesterday morning on north capitol avenue near berryessa in san jos surveillance video shows the moments the suspect walked in and started swinging the hammer at the owner. the owner used a chair to get the suspect out the door, but his problems were just beginning. >> he was walking out the door and i thought that was the end of it. he turns back and starts smashing our windows. at that point i was pretty upset. i didn't want him to get away with doing that, so i followed him outside, i told my employee to call 911. >> police soon arrived, arresting that suspect. investigators say he also smashed windows of a nearby convenience store about one hour earlier. that incident also captured on video, thankfully no one was seriously injured. oakland mayor sheng thao is
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applauding a huge boost to crime fighting. she's approving the deployment of 120 chp officers to help halt the recent surge in crime. the officers will extend to other parts of the east bay. just as the news broke yesterday, i was talking with mayor thao, who calls it a game-changer and something that will help support oakland police. i asked her about the ongoing search for a police chief after she rejected three initial candidates recommended by the police commission. here is what she's hoping for when it comes to future applicants. >> i'm hopeful that they will recommend more than three names next time and stronger candidates. they've told me that their deadline is going to be early march. >> i also spoke to the mayor about the city's 911 response times. you can watch the full interview this morning on our 7:00 a.m. edition of "today in the bay." it streams on roku and other platforms, including let's take a live look outside. we can see san jose right here,
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getting started with this wednesday. meteorologist kari hall is tracking more rain heading into our area, but not as bad as we saw sunday. >> we're not expecting a major storm, but this is going to bring in some additional wet weather behind that big storm that we had over the weekend into early monday morning. and so with this, we are watching out for some additional issues as we are going to see this coming on top of an already saturated ground. as it moves in, we are going to see scattered showers, and we're looking at widespread rain that will continue over the next couple of hours. a closer look does show that we are seeing some of the heavier rain around eureka and approaching the north bay, we're getting light rain in parts of the south bay. in santa rosa, we'll see the rain picking up by about 8:00 and continuing into the early afternoon. and then by the evening we are seeing it clearing out there. we'll continue to track the rest of the bay area coming up. mike, you're saying the scene at the bay bridge has changed. >> as we were showing the bay
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bridge, the last report, they were turning on the metering lights, activating that and starting the backup this is mid parking lot. this is right on pace, typical for a wednesday morning commute. you see a little bit of slowing and the reason why they turned on the metering lights is because things were slowing a bit across the span. coming into the area, a smooth drive. highway 37 shows the sensors just starting to change out of vallejo. same for highway 4, coming into concord out of pittsburg, bay point, walnut creek and anywhere south shows a smooth drive still at speed. same for most of the freeways as you travel through. the green highlighting shows the earlier sprinkling, the little droplets we saw are having an impact a bit on the road conditions. nothing major. we're watching. back to you. >> thanks, mike. it is 5:41 right now. a new wush to ease the painful way for incoming college students seeking financial aid. coming up next on "today in the bay," the new help now being
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offered for families in limbo as some important life-changing decisions remain on hold. a catastrophe for house republicans as their attempt to impeach mayorkas falls short. also it turns out chief kingdom may run deep in las vegas, as in deep underground. find out what one diehard fan great party, carlene. find out what one diehard fan claims to have buried in emyne you must have blown your budget. not exactly. you have great wine, name brand snacks, tons of meat. and where did you get this imported cheese? hello? grocery outlet bargain market getting ready to watch your team play the big game?
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or still sad they didn't make it? either way, scan to save big. you want to see who we are as americans? or still sad they didn't make it? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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good wednesday morning. the time is 5:44. let's take a live look outside in san jose where it is a cloudy start, with some showers nearby. we're going to see some off and on rain picking up late morning and continuing into the afternoon. one more round of rain and then we do get a chance to dry out. we'll talk about that and cold temperatures to follow coming up. look toward richmond, the bridge to san rafael. things are picking up the volume, you can see more traffic in this shot. we'll talk about the traffic on the bay bridge just a bit to the south. there was slowing across the span. we'll see if it's recovered at all as they did activate the metering lights. >> thank you so much. it is a quarter until 6:00 right now. a follow-up on the new delays for college federal financial aid forms, better known as fafsa applications. the forms had already been on hold since late last year, but because inflation tables were never adjusted, the delay is now
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extended until mid march. there are big concerns recently accepted applicants may have less time to weigh their offer letters. so the department of education is creating a new support system to assist schools and students with the hopes of expediting the process once it's ready to roll. some colleges are considering extending their notification deadlines. a stunning development, the house fell short of the vote it needed to impeach secretary of homeland security. >> scott mcgrew, speaker mike johnson brought it to vote, but seems really surprised by the results. >> we were all surprised. good morning. because speakers have the power to decide when and how to bring a vote, and they don't do it unless they're sure they're going to win. you know how lawyers say never ask a witness a question you don't already know the answer to? well, same thing with congress. when it comes to a vote to impeach homeland security
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secretary mayorkas, three republicans joined all the democrats to vote no, and that was enough to sink the attempt. >> on this vote, the yeas are 214 and the nays are 216. the resolution is not adopted. >> it was a catastrophic day for johnson. a bill to fund israel fell short when a different group of republicans voted no because that bill didn't include matching cuts to other government spending. as for the vote to save mayorkas, those republicans who voted no cited two reasons. one, mayorkas did not commit a crime. two, they said mayorkas' handling of the border is part of president biden's administration. mayorkas isn't to blame. >> cabinet secretaries can't serve two masters. they can be impeached for committing a crime relating to their office but not for carrying out presidential policy. >> in the senate that combined
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border bill that also funds ukraine and israel appears to be dead. speaker johnson in the house says he won't allow a vote so there's no point in passing it in the senate. the bill, which among other things gives presidents the power to severely restriction the border, even shut it down, was partially written by republicans, including this man, conservative oklahoma senator james langford. the reason the sides came together to write such a big bill with so many things was because republicans told democrats, we'll sign on to funding the fight in ukraine, you have to sign on to border restrictions. >> i guess it's the negotiators' fault, we crafted a bill that was too effective. we reached a compromise that would actually fix the problem, and as it turns out, republicans don't want to fix the problem. they want to leave the issue of immigration open. >> former president trump lost
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his presidential immunity case in federal appeals court yesterday. trump's lawyers argued presidents enjoy blanket immunity while they're president. the court disagreed. tomorrow trump's lawyers will be in the supreme court trying to convince judges there that trump should not be restricted on state ballots because of the 14th amendment to the constitution. the one that talks about insurrection. we'll talk a lot about that case tomorrow. we also got word that the special counsel investigating how and why classified documents were found in joe biden's possession after he was vice president will release his report, marcus, we're told very soon. >> all right. thanks so much, scott. well, history making olympian gabby douglas is making a comeback to the olympics. she's a three-time olympic gold medalist, last competing in rio in 2016. after that, she took a break focusing on her mental health. douglas began training again in 2022 and has her eyes on the
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paris olympics this summer. first, she's competing at her first elite meet in eight years. this is the winter cup in louisville, kentucky. at 28 years old, douglas is the oldest competitor. in an exclusive interview with hallie jackson, she said she's excited to be back in a sport she loves. >> i honestly am feeling excited, nervous, grateful, a little bit timid. but i think that's normal. it's been such a long time. but like i said, i'm so excited to get back out there, be with everyone, get that kind of, like, competitive, get my feet wet a little bit after eight years. >> and a reminder, nbc bay area is your home for all things olympic. the paris olympics begin on july 26th. we all know what's coming up this weekend. we're just four days away from super bowl lviii. teams already in vegas preparing for the big day, and fans are
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now making all those predictions. some believe a chief win is set in stone, but as it turns out, the team might have support coming from underneath the field. >> let us explain here. a construction worker says that he actually stashed a chiefs kingdom flag under allegiant stadium. he actually helped build the stadium back in 2017. as a lifelong chiefs fan and raiders doubter, he says he saw the opportunity and he took advantage of it. >> i got a text from dispatch saying they were going to send me to the job site. once i saw the text, i said, my god, i've got to take advantage of this. >> think about it. you're building the stadium for a team you don't really like so much. put a little something there for them, right? the guy claims to have dug up the flag there. he says, not so much, the true
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location of the flag still remains unknown. we asked him, hey, where did you bury the flag? he said i'm not saying anything, if you want to find it, you're going to have to dig it up yourself. >> how does it mean good luck? it's in the dirt. >> i was just thinking, so the chiefs got buried at allegiant stadium. >> is that the prediction? >> yeah, exactly. >> i don't know. that will be something interesting to see, because if they did win, he could say, hey, look what i did. >> there's a lot of superstitions in the sport. >> we could say, no, you need to dig deeper there. >> i have the same t-shirt i'm going to wear. that's the winning t-shirt. >> like mahomes' underwear? >> nothing like any of the chiefs, and i wash my shirts. it's good luck to watch it. >> you smell good. >> thank you, marcus. >> even from a distance. well, you've got to layer up
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if you're headed out the door. >> we're telling everyone it's going to be colder the next few days and we're going to see the rain coming back. off and on showers in our forecast and the chilly weather just continues with a few more showers in the forecast, especially for the north bay earlier for tomorrow. and then the weekend, we have some cool sunshine coming our way, but the key word there, sunshine. this is what we have coming in now, as we get a look at that rain coming in from farther to the north. we're already getting a couple of spotty showers in parts of the north bay, and then also with the cooler temperatures, some snow on some of our upper elevations across some of our north bay mountains. and then we can see that rain, that it's about to approach our coastline into the peninsula, but we are going to see the heavier rain later this morning. look at these temperatures. we're only going to reach up to 50 in dublin today and livermore, and 53 in san jose. some mid-50s for san mateo and
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san francisco. really not much warmer tomorrow. and out ahead of the rain, after all of the rain we just had, we're checking in on our reservoirs that are now at 77% of capacity. that's a big gain. just recently, within the past month, with our four largest reservoirs across northern california continuing to fill up. keep in mind that a lot of these fill up with the sierra snowmelt, which hasn't yet happened. so now we are going to see some more rain coming in for late morning with a wave of rain from calistoga to san rafael by about 10:00, moving into the tri-valley, into the south bay by noon. then just continuing with off and on rain, even some snow on mount hamilton. you can tell this is definitely a colder storm coming in. and even at 10:00 there's going to be a chance of rain for tonight. we're going to see about a quarter to half inch of rainfall, some of the higher rainfall totals along the peninsula. and over toward half moon bay. san jose could get a half inch
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of rainfall. we're not looking at any major impacts, but there may be brief flooding in some spots. tomorrow another slight chance of rain, but then as we go into the weekend, we'll have a chance to dry out. i don't see any major storms even into the middle of next week. between now and tomorrow, we're going to see about 4 to 7 inches of snowfall for the sierra. just a heads-up there's been some dangerous avalanche conditions we're watching as well. and only some spotty showers in tomorrow's forecast, but what we notice here is just how cold it's going to be with those mornings in the upper 30s, highs in the low 60s with sunshine, and san francisco will see temperatures in the mid to upper 50s. it does get slightly milder into early next week, but overall, after today, it is looking much better. mike, you're starting out with a drive into san francisco? >> we're looking at the span of the bay bridge. the backup keeps forming at the toll plaza, right on pace.
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i saw early slowing coming toward treasure island and the last stretch getting down the decline into the city. it's moving a little bit better, but the speeds are consistent. we want movement. now we see slowing into the decline toward 101 and octavia. a build through richmond. highway 37, no problems. typical out of vallejo. highway 4 moves smoothly. this crash over here, the walnut creek interchange, it's on the shoulder. i'm tracking it because that's a critical time for that portion of contra costa county. in the south bay, the northbound route continues with its pattern for north 101. the green, the road weather index showing you there will be damp roadways from earlier sprinkling. there's a little more slowing coming north 101 toward santa clara, but then by the time you get toward palo alto, you're moving very smoothly. can't really clearly see -- there you go, you can see the prices are very reasonable should you need those hov toll lanes. you don't need them because
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traffic is flowing pretty light right now. >> thanks, mike. happening now, a new statewide change should boost access to preventative hiv drugs. governor gavin newsom just signed a new bill into law authored by san francisco state senator scott wiener. it allows pharmacists to distribute prep without prescription. it's a daily pill that prevents infection. the new bill closes loopholes in an earlier law that made the policy hard to implement. ahead at 6:00, trying to move on from tragedy. >> your mind won't let you believe that someone really wants to murder you. >> four months after the massacre at a music festival in israel, one of the survivors, a young woman, is sharing her story to help herself and others heal, and to raise money to help victims. a quick reminder, nbc bay area is streaming 24/7.
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