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tv   Today  NBC  February 8, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PST

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to win the super bowl next sunday. we team up tomorrow with the "today" show again to host a niners pep rally. join us at the lot at city center bishop ranch. dress up in your 49ers gear and glory and you might get a chance to see yourself on the "today" show or here on "today in the bay." >> you will face the nation. >> let's do it. that's what is happening here on "today in the bay." the "today" show coming up next. >> yeah, join us for the midday show at 11:00. go niners. get the face paint out now. >> we have to good thursday morning. a historic day in washington. >> the road to the white house runs straight through the supreme court. good morning. it's february 8th. this is "today." ♪♪ high stakes.
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a showdown at the supreme court today over whether former president trump can be banned from the ballot. the issue, should his involvement in the january 6th insurrection prevent him from serving again? we'll break down the landmark case and the impact it could have on the 2024 election. retaliation. the u.s. carries out a new drone strike in iraq, targeting a high-level militia leader accused of plotting a deadly attack on american troops. another escalation to the tensions in the middle east. we're live in the region. chaotic scene. >> a shooting victim, 11-year-old female. >> gunfire erupting in a philadelphia suburb overnight. two officers shot. a house up in flames. several people, including children, now unaccounted for, as investigators piece together what happened. we're live at the scene. tragic discovery. five marines killed when their
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helicopter went down in the remote california mountains while trying to fly through a winter storm. we're live with new details just released about the crash. those stories, plus, hanging it up. the days of the homeland line now numbered. >> this is for when the power goes out. >> why some major companies are preparing to phone it in for good. and questions and antlers. >> go faster! a moose on the loose chasing skiers at a popular vacation destination. the wild encounter caught on video. today, thursday, february 8th, 2024. ♪♪ >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning. good to see you. welcome to "today." 7:00 a.m. on the west coast, 10:00 a.m. out here which means
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the supreme court is now in session. and today, justices will begin hearing arguments in an historic case. >> the issue can donald trump be excluded from colorado's primary ballot after the colorado state supreme court ruled that he could not appear on the ballot there, citing a section of the 14th amendment of the constitution that bans those who engaged in insurrection against the united states from holding federal office. >> the key questions, were the events of january 6th an insurrection? and if so, did donald trump participate in them? nbc's laura jarrett is right outside the supreme court where the case could have some major consequences this morning. laura, good morning to you. >> reporter: hey, hoda, good morning to you. for a long time this case was viewed as something of a legal sort of an academic debate. but now that it has actually reached the supreme court, the ultimate result is far from clear. >> reporter: this morning, a legal case that could rock the
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race for the white house. now in front of the u.s. supreme court. former president donald trump hoping to reverse an unprecedented decision. colorado going where no state had gone before, disqualifying the republican front-runner from the primary ballot this year all because of his actions in the last election. >> we fight like hell. >> reporter: in a 4-3 decision, the colorado supreme court finding mr. trump ineligible to run for president under section 3 of the 14th amendment. which disqualifies any officer of the united states who takes an oath to support the constitution and then engages in insurrection from holding public office again. krista calfer is a conservative columnist who voted for trump in 2020, but now one of the six voters serving as plaintiffs in colorado. >> for someone who might look at this and say, krista, why not let the voters decide, what do you say to that? >> former president trump didn't want to let the voters decide, right? he tried to disenfranchise 80 million americans who had voted for biden. >> reporter: mr. trump's lawyers
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argue that the 14th amendment's disqualification clause shouldn't apply to him at all, predicting, quote, chaos and bedlam if the high court doesn't rule in his favor. >> i really believe they're going to leave the people to vote. >> reporter: colorado and maine among the outliars in states that rejected or dodged the waive of lawsuits to kick mr. trump off the ballot in recent months. a new poll finding americans divided on the issue, with 41% supporting the efforts to disqualify the former president, 36 opposed to it. so laura, as we know, this case specifically the one that comes out of colorado, but the court's decision, whatever it is, will have a wider impact, won't it? >> reporter: absolutely, savannah. on paper, this is just about one state. but given the gravity of the issues here, the supreme court knows that there are dozens of other cases out there. and ultimately, likely to produce a decision that applies to everyone, in all states, savannah. >> all right, laura jarrett at the court for us. thank you. let's turn now to the escalating tensions in the middle east. the u.s. carried out a drone
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strike in baghdad yesterday, killing a high-ranking leader in a powerful militia. military leaders say he was directly responsible for attacks on american troops. nbc's chief international correspondent, keir simmons, is in iraq. he's got the very latest for us. hey, keir, good morning. >> reporter: hey, hoda, good morning to you. this is the first precision strike against a high-value target here in iraq since those u.s. service members were killed. a u.s. official telling nbc news that iraq was not told about the strike until after it happened. it all comes as the u.s. continues to try to push for a diplomatic solution to that ongoing war between israel and hamas. this morning, new details emerging of a deadly u.s. strike inside baghdad. a precision drone incinerating a vehicle, killing three. an assassination so targeted, cars close by appear undamaged. among those killed, abu bakr al
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addyi, one of the leaders of a iranian-backed militia accused of a drone attack on a u.s. base that left three servicemen and women dead. president biden ordering the strike early last week, a u.s. official telling nbc news. last night, the official says, the opportunity presented itself. u.s. central command saying in a statement, u.s. forces conducted a unilateral strike in iraq in response to the attacks on u.s. service members. but in the aftermath, a furious crowd, chanting "no to america, no to israel," while the militia targeted last night vowing revenge and promising more missile attacks. kurdistan's prime minister in iraq, a u.s. partner, who help fight isis says there are still threats in the region, and america must not walk away. >> we have always been in the forefront of fighting terrorism. as friends, as allies that we need to be capable enough. >> we need american support for that? >> we do need american support
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for that. >> reporter: the ongoing war in gaza escalating tensions in the region, with no signs of a cease-fire, a hamas proposal that included the release of large numbers of palestinian prisoners, firmly rejected by israel's prime minister, even with u.s. secretary of state blinken in the country. >> while there are some clear non-starters in hamas' response, we do think it creates space for agreement to be reached. >> reporter: and hoda, just to bring people up to date on the numbers in israel and gaza now. 27,708 are dead in gaza, according to the health ministry in gaza, which is, of course, ruled by hamas. more than 1,200 dead in israel. 136 hostages still in gaza, as many -- including as many as six u.s. citizens, hoda. just heartbreaking. >> the war has been going on since october 7th. all right. keir simmons, thank you so much. we go to washington now,
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where the wheels of congress grinded to a screeching halt. a bipartisan deal on the border blew up after republicans decided to back out and efforts to provide aid to ukraine and also israel at a standstill now. so now what? nbc's ryan nobles has the latest from washington. ryan, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. there is a long to-do list on capitol hill and congress isn't making much progress. the dysfunction a by-product of republicans unwilling to bend on key issues that led to the breakdown in negotiations around the border and there is no end in sight. the chaos on capitol hill is showing no signs of slowing down. >> we've struggled. people know. >> reporter: less than 24 hours after republicans effectively killed a bipartisan deal to address the border crisis and provide aid to ukraine and israel, the senate's attempt at a new push to provide the aid without the controversial border
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provisions is stalled, leaving congress searching for answers as to what could break the impasse. >> do you think house republicans are as interested in bipartisanship at this point? >> what they're going to have to do is show their ability to govern, right? >> reporter: republicans were under massive outside pressure, including from former donald trump, to kill the border deal. lead negotiator and staunch conservative, james langford, speaking out yesterday. >> i had a popular commentator that told me flat-out, if you try to move a bill that solves the border crisis during this presidential year, i will do whatever i can to destroy you. because i do not want you to solve this during the presidential election. >> reporter: some in the gop saying now is the time to focus. >> and no, we're not going to just pass the buck and say, oh, any president can walk in and secure the border. i saw former president trump make that allegation earlier today. well, with all due respect, that didn't happen in 2017, '18, '19, and '20. >> reporter: house republicans remain entrenched in their all
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or nothing position. >> most of my voters would love to see this place shut down because they don't think it works for them. >> the speaker promising things will get better. >> we're governing here, sometimes it's messy. >> as the crisis in places like eagle pass, texas, continues. >> i'm hoping that the federal government will cut a deal and completely stop this madness. >> reporter: but for now, there's no path towards providing assistance. and the hope of capitol hill being the source of relief is dwindling. >> reporter: and the senate does plan to take another crack at moving that foreign aid package without the border provisions forward this morning. but even if it passes the senate, there are no guarantees in the house, where speaker johnson has already warned that he may not even be willing to bring the package to the floor for a vote. savannah? >> all right. ryan nobles, thank you very much. let's move now to a chaotic scene overnight in pennsylvania. a shooting and a house fire in a philadelphia suburb. this morning, two police officers are in the hospital, at
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least six people including children are unaccounted for. nbc's george solis is at the scene with more on this story. hey, george, good morning. >> hoda, good morning. that raging inferno now under control. firefighters unable to go in yesterday afternoon over concerns there may have been an active shooter. now, this morning, officials are gearing up to go inside of the home, to begin that search for a shooter or shooters and those unaccounted family members. this morning, at least six people missing and two police officers shot after a tragic scene in a philadelphia suburb. >> an 11-year-old shot inside. >> reporter: authorities say two officers were responding to a 911 call around 4:00 p.m., reporting an 11-year-old girl was shot at this house. a gunman inside then opened fire on officers. >> shots are coming from inside the house. >> two officers shot! >> reporter: shortly before the house caught on fire, leaving at least six members of the family inside unaccounted more. >> and all of a sudden, i heard six or seven gunshots, got down on the ground and i ran and took off. >> reporter: two officers were
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struck and were dragged out of danger, sustaining non-life-threatening injuries. [ inaudible ] during the chaotic exchange of gunfire, a fire erupted inside the home. officials say firefighters were unable to put out the blaze because of the active shooter situation. >> the police officers and the fire department who were out there, there were still shots coming out at the beginning of this fire scene. >> reporter: authorities say they are unable to identify the shooter or the missing residents, but say they include children. >> we are aware that at least six to eight people who are unaccounted for from that family and it is our terrible fear that they may be inside that house when it was burned. we are hopeful that this is not true. >> reporter: now, officials are going to provide further updates this morning once investigators are able to safely enter the
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>> indeed. hoda, savannah, good morning. good morning to you as well. rescue teams, as we speak, combing through a remote mountainous area that's east of san diego, because that's where a military helicopter went missing tuesday during what's being described as a routine training flight. they were flying through a major winter storm at the time. we're going check in with al in a moment for more on that weather system, but we start with nbc's dana griffin in san diego. she has the very latest on this really challenging search. dana, good morning. >> reporter: craig, good morning. heart breaking update this morning. all five service members have now been confirmed dead. president joe biden and the first lady sending their condolences, writing in a statement, our military members represent the very best of our nation. and these five marines were no exception. >> reporter: a heart breaking end to the search for five marines who were missing after a helicopter crash in california. this morning, all five are now confirmed dead.
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the marine corps saying in a statement, we will forever be grateful for their call to duty and selfless service. the military helicopter crashed in the remote snow-covered mountains of southern california, while flying through stormy weather on tuesday night. the aircraft was found wednesday morning in california's cleveland national forest in southeast san diego county. in a previous statement, the marines said the five members of the third marine aircraft wing were flying in a ch 53e super stallion helicopter like this one, the largest in the u.s. military. they were on a routine training flight from creature air force base in nevada. when the aircraft disappeared from radar nearly 50 miles from its destination. investigators already considering if weather conditions at the time including rain and snow played a role. >> just one of the most capable aviation units on the face of the earth. they're normally capable of handling all this, but in this
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case obviously something went badly wrong. >> reporter: the same type of helicopter crashed in the same area in california in 2018, killing four marines. their families later sued manufacturers who supplied parts to the military. the cause of this latest crash still unknown. a military spokesperson tells me that these marines were actually located yesterday, but the priority was notifying next of kin. their names will be released friday. craig? >> we turn to al. actually looking out west, as we speak. >> yeah. you can see that storm moving through southern california, through san diego as well. the good news is the rough weather for the most part now just about over throughout southern california. now we have a few storms moving into the midwest, areas of snow in the rockies and the northern plains then as we move into tomorrow, showers develop down through the carolinas. tennessee river valley snow will end across the upper midwest. and then saturday, another big storm gets itself together in texas. we're looking at this stationary
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front pushing in bringing beneficial rain for the lower mississippi river valley then sunday, that surface low gains strength in the lower mississippi river valley we have severe storms possible in sunday, texas, louisiana. then we move on into monday. rain into the mid atlantic, back behind it from cincinnati, cleveland into up state new york, but rain along the coast with windy conditions and tuesday storm moves off the new england coast, much colder air comes into the northeast and mid atlantic states. through monday morning, we're talking anywhere from 1 to 3 inches of rain through the southeast and lower mississippi river valley could see some light snow here in the northeast, but it's probably right along the coast going to be mostly rain and heavier snow will be inland sections of the northeast and on into new england but we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. wayfair deals so big that you might get a big head.
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because with savings so real - you can get your dream sofa for half the price. wayfair. it's always a big deal. ♪ wayfair you've got just what i need ♪ good thursday morning. i am meteorologist, kari hall. we are starting out clear but it's very chilly. our temperature is in the 30s all across the bay area, and only headed for the mid to upper 50s for this afternoon. we're watching out for a slight chance of rain. other than that it will be cool and dry going into the weekend with our temperatures in the low 60s for saturday and sunday. we will gradually warm up into the middle of next got a big warmup coming. we'll talk about that in the next half hour. look at how football fans are going all in this week in vegas.
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kaylee hartung is live and direct hello. good morning >> reporter: hey, good morning, guys welcome to the super bowl experience this is the ultimate playground for football fans. you want to try your luck at a field goal how about a 40-yard dash or test how precise your passing is, yeah mine is not. but you can do it all here. >> all right we look forward to it, kaylee. also, prince william breaking his silence his first comment since his father, king charles, was diagnosed with cancer. we'll tell you what said we'll tell you what said overnight.he
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care.
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as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. ♪ coming up, the days of the landline are numbered. how some phone companies are trying to hang it up for good and what it means if you still have that home phone, but first, your local news. ♪ goodbye, ♪
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or in what temperature, tide works. so i can focus on all the other questions. do crabs have eyebrows? ahh... for all of life's laundry questions, it's got to be tide. at target, try fast and free drive up. for all of life's laundry♪ ♪estions, try fast and always free drive up, at target. ♪♪ who are you texting? your boyfriend?? no, i'm shopping for a car on carmax. oh, a car?! are you sure you can afford this? let me see... alright. that's a big purchase! relax! i got pre-qualified and shopped by my monthly budget so i know it's a good decision. unlike jenny's new piercing... [gasps] get pre-qualified. shop within your budget. carmax. feeling claritin clear is like... ♪♪
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that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at this looks like an actual farm. it looks cute on the app. [faranimal sounds] ♪♪ meanwhile, at a vrbo...
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when other vacation rentals aren't what they're cracked up to be, try one where you know what you'll get. my name's brian hoeflinger, and because of tiktok, i have the power to educate people and hopefully save lives. when my son brian died in a drunk driving accident, i put out a video about it and try to stop young people from drinking and driving. no other family has to go through what we did. tiktok has the power to change society, and i think that's where the power of tiktok lies. if you save one person, that's one more person that can change the world too. right? ♪♪ good morning. we are moving you forward with a look at your top stories, including breaking news that we are covering in san francisco. >> that's where 6th street is still closed after a deadly
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hit-and-run south of market. it happened about 5:00 a.m. between bryant and harrison streets. you are looking at video from the citizen app. there's still no vehicle description but police are warning about delays for drivers on surrounding streets. governor newsom and rob bonta making a legal push to crack down on crime in alameda county, and it follows the announcement of adding chp officers. now a partnership will involve the use of attorneys from the national guard and state department of justice, adding more manpower to prosecute cases in oakland and alameda county tied to violent crimes, drug-related crimes and property crimes. pamela price says she welcomes the support. time to get a look at the forecast. meteorologist, kari hall, is tracking a clear day for us. >> yeah, starting out clear and we are chilly across the bay
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area as we look outside in san francisco. you don't want to leave the umbrella at home if you are going to be gone for long period of time, because we will have one last wave of rain coming in before the evening commute. starting out in the north bay and working down the peninsula first, and then we are also going to see this very hit or miss. not all of us will see the rain but there will be that chance for today. we will see our temperatures tonight going back down to the mid and upper 30s. a cool but sunny weekend ahead. looking really nice for sunday, whether you are going to be partying or just enjoying the sunshine. it looks nice into the middle of next week.
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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♪ 7:30 now that is a moose on the loose
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and if you ever needed a little extra motivation to ski faster, get a moose running 300 miles an hour right behind you. did you ever know a moose could go that fast he's charging down the mountain. this is jackson hole in wyoming. the guy who took the video was like, i did not have moose chasing us down the mountain on my bingo card today. thankfully, he didn't run into anyone and no one was hurt but that moose is making tracks. look at that >> a lot of us don't really appreciate how big moose are moose, they're gargantuan. >> i bet the guy behind -- he appreciated it >> and the plural of moose is -- >> moose >> how about fish? >> fish. >> how about deer? >> how about shrimp? >> shrimp, deer, moose, and fish if you have anymore, let us know let's move on to the royal family overnight, prince william speaking out about his father's recent cancer diagnose and his wife, princess kate's, own hospital stay. nbc's molly hunter has the latest for us from buckingham palace hey, molly, good morning >> reporter: hey, guys, good
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morning from a very rainy buckingham palace. kensington palace says that william is doing the balancing act of supporting kate and their three kids, but also these stepped up royal duties. last night, we saw him decked out at an event right here in london with tom cruise by his side take a look. for the first time since his father's cancer diagnosis, prince william is back to work and addressing his family's health scares. >> we really appreciate everyone's kindness. thank you. i would like to take this opportunity to say thank you also for the kind messages of support for katherine and for my father, especially in recent days >> reporter: kensington palace saying that kate, the princess of wales, is still recuperating at home while william balances his return to public duties, attending a gala for air ambulance charity and cracking a joke >> the past few weeks have had a rather medical focus so i thought i would come to an air ambulance function to get away from it all. >> reporter: the event bringing in the stars, including tom
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cruise, a longtime supporter and sometimes pilot. >> and tom, if you wouldn't mind not borrowing either of the new helicopters for the next "mission: impossible," it would be appreciated >> reporter: william started out the day performing investitures at windsor castle. as brother, harry, was spotted back at heathrow airport, 24 hours after racing to his father's side. >> the relationship between charles and harry is on the mend although the meeting was short, it was on medical grounds that that meeting was short >> reporter: king charles still out in the countryside today, speaking with prime minister rishi sunak on the phone yesterday and plans to continue his state duties including his weekly audience with sunak, at princess of wales when she's out doing royal duties at these glamorous events, we will see william pick up more of these mundane day-to-day duties that his father does.
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and later we'll see queen camilla out. she's doing that balancing act, supporting her husband while he's recovering, and keeping up a full schedule of royal duties. guys? >> molly hunter for us there at buckingham palace. molly, thanks. let's get to the countdown to the super bowl. just three days now. the kansas city chiefs and the san francisco 49ers will take that field i most lavish and expensive super bowls in history >> kaylee hartung has been there all week for us. she's been getting a bit of a taste of the high life there in sin city kaylee, good morning >> reporter: hey, good morning, guys all week, i have been telling you that the party was already rolling here in las vegas, well, just like usher, i have a confession i need to recalibrate. i'm now going to say that monday we were at a 4 now we're at an 8. and with the opening of this super bowl experience, it's clear by sunday, we'll be off the charts >> let's go, niners! >> reporter: super bowl excitement is surging in sin city football fans from all over the country getting in on the action
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at the super bowl experience, as they test their skills and run some drills. >> look at her go! >> reporter: all week the clash between the 49ers and the chiefs has lit up vegas now with just three days until kickoff, ticket sales are spiking. >> touchdown >> reporter: the price for a single seat at allegiant stadium, averaging nearly 9,000 bucks. are you going to the game? >> we can't afford it. >> neither can i >> reporter: and no one does luxury like las vegas. >> welcome to one of our luxury suites >> this is a seat i would like to have. >> reporter: this is how high rollers will watch super bowl lviii in style 146 private suites, some going for more than $1 million that hefty price tag even giving fan favorite mama kelce some ma sticker shock. >> i have a feeling i'm not in the box. i have a feeling i'm in the stands. >> reporter: for those sticker shock. when she joined the "today" team >> i have a feeling i'm not in a box. i have a feeling i'm in the
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stands >> reporter: for those who can score a box seat, you'll have prime view of the action, unlimited drinks, and a menu fit for a super bowl champion. >> what can ticket holders get here that you can't get anywhere else >> you're getting lobster, steak, sushi, it's just over the top. >> because that's what vegas does best? >> of course >> reporter: but even those who won't be one of the lucky 60,000 inside allegiant stadium on game day are getting ready for it ♪ >> reporter: swifties gearing up for themed super bowl parties with, and prop bets inspired by the pop star the sports betting website bet online has 89 swift-related wagers, including how many seconds will swift be shown on tv, and will boyfriend travis kelce propose post-game? a question the tight end skillfully dodged on wednesday >> who's getting a ring first, the niners or taylor >> i'm hoping i get this ring on sunday, i know that. >> reporter: in all, a record $23 billion in gambling wagers is expected this year. and fans are going all in. >> what do you think the final score of this game is going to
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be >> chiefs, 50, and 49ers, 0. >> oh! >> okay! >> a blowout >> i like that kaylee, we're not talking enough, i don't think, about usher and the halftime performance. what's going to happen there are there any special guests or what's all the buzz about? >> reporter: we're getting a few more bread crumbs this morning, guys keeping with this theme of vegas making everything more extravagant. the r&b legend has revealed his set will be two minutes longer than shows past, and he is going to have some special guests, we don't know who yet' john has th. ludicrous. >> nicki minaj. >> and two minutes longer. >> it's going to be good! >> kaylee, thank you so much. looking forward to it. coming up, guys, a hot topic
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with parents. if your kid has a cough or the sniffles or a little bit of we've also gotten some advice >> kaylee, thank you so much looking forward to it. coming up, guys, a hot topic with parents if your kid has a cough or the sniffles or a little bit of a fever, should they still go to school moms and dads are getting mixed messages, so we'll try to clear up that confusion. first, a call back to the old days of the land line. our joe fryer will tell us why dial tones and those curly cords are about to maybe go away for goods. we'll have that for you right after this t condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. (vo) when it comes to nature valley, which camp are you in? vision changes, or eye pain occur. oats 'n honey? or everything bagel? nature valley makes an everything bagel bar?! try nature valley savory nut crunch bars,
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available in three flavors like everything bagel. whoa! the new iphone 15. with that amazing camera. i'll be sharing pics from the slope. you do not want to see yourself skiing. you look like a marshmallow! join now! only t-mobile gives you four new iphone 15s on us, and four lines of unlimited for $25 bucks a line. lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. delicious too. just ask my old friend, kevin. nothing like enjoying a cold one while watching the game. who's winning? we are, my friend. we are. since the citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly, life's feeling a little more automatic... oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle]
7:40 am
sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... ♪♪ vicks vapostick provides soothing, non-medicated vicks vapors. easy to apply for the whole family. vicks vapostick. and try vicks vaposhower for steamy vicks vapors. at target, try fast and free drive up. vicks ♪ ♪ostick. try fast and always free drive up, at target. [crowd noises] [dramaticlly beat] introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required.
7:41 am
doctors have been prescribing otezla for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. with clearer skin, movie night, is a groovy night. ♪♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. (vo) you don't just eat cheerios for you. live iyou do it for them. heart-healthy cheerios.
7:42 am
all right, we are back with in-depth "today. some bad news for people who like -- are keeping the phones around your house, you might have to say good-bye to it >> about a quarter of adults in this country actually still have one of these, but phone companies are starting to phase out the old-school service nbc's joe fryer has a closer look -- >> i'm going to call him >> joe, good morning >> in our household, we just got rid of our land line a little over three years ago, which means like most adults, we only use cell phones. as land line use plummets, phone service providers are investing in newer technology. but some land line users just aren't ready to say good-bye to the old tech >> reporter: like the curly q cord immortalized in "sleepless in seattle," the land line connects us to the past. >> oh, my god, she's so annoying >> who is? >> who's this? >> gretchen. >> the drama of "mean girls. >> do you like scary movies? >> uh-huh.
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>> the horror of "scream." >> i'm looking for mrs. o'-problem, first name bea >> and the humor of a prank call by bart simpson. even today, it's hard to hang up >> this is for when the power goes out >> reporter: with the land line becoming a punch line on social media. >> guess what i'm calling you from a rotisserie phone >> we actually still have a land line phone here in this house. >> reporter: jay is an associate professor at boston university's school of business and is part of the 26% of american adults who still have a land line he just can't always rely on his cell >> i do a fair number of interviews and the internet isn't always working you don't always get good sound quality. >> reporter: but he knows land lines are fading away, so recently as last week, phone li. it comes as they rep service providers have made moves to stop servicing traditional land lines it comes as they replace the copper wires used for those land lines with faster technologies,
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like fiber optic and wireless. but that worries those who feel the old-school land line is a lifeline more reliable if the power goes out during a storm or hurricane -- >> can you hear me now >> more trusted than spotty cell phone service in rural areas >> so there's going to be some problems, especially in rural areas, if land line phones completely disappear >> reporter: experts say land lines will eventually totally transition to wireless and fiber technology, something van agens already uses >> what is that? >> that is a rotary phone. it was pretty inexpensive to get and more of like a novelty >> we spoke with robert frieden at penn state. he says in the big cities, the top 100 urban markets, we could see that traditional landline service end in the next two three years with other smaller places taking longer back to you. >> oh. >> do you sfil still have a land line >> we don't anymore? >> do you? >> we do
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we're holding on we're like the luddites at the melvin house >> you park the stagecoach in the garage as well >> i tried to hang on, but my provider just gave up. said we're out >> they hung up on you >> there's something nice, when you really had an argument with somebody, bang, slam you can't do that with a flip phone. it's not the same thing. back in the day here in new york, you used to call to get the weather, we-6, 1212, you can't do that anymore. we're going to call some warm temperatures up, because it's going to be 10 to 30 degrees above average around the great lakes into the midplains look at this saginaw, michigan, could set a record today, 58 peoria, 61 come close to a record could be a record in minneapolis, 53 degrees. williamsburg going to be warm. degrees. we could see that break a record. toledo, ohio. springfield, illinois, we're plattsburgh tomorrow, 47 degrees. we could see that break a record toledo, ohio springfield, illinois, we're looking for some warm
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temperatures and cooler air comes in behind that system. so temperatures dip whereby d.c., monday, 53 good thursday morning. i am meteorologist, kari hall. it's just very chilly out there. we will have one more chance of some isolated showers going into the afternoon. we only make it into the mid-50s today. we're back down into the 30s for tonight. we will see upper 50s tomorrow. it will be a nice and clear weekend with our temperatures in the low 60s. we will see those 60s continue into next week. it will be also cool in san and that's your latest weather. >> thank you, al for some it may feel like yesterday, but this week marks 60 years since the beatles invaded america, and harry smith takes a look back at the excitement and frenzy that changed music forever. before there was taylor swift, there was the beetles.
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but coming up next in this morning's "boost" meet som talented veterinarians and find out why they are performing for pets, right after this mr. marbles will receive recurring deliveries for all of his needs in perpetuity, thanks to autoship from chewy. i always loved that old man. what's it say about the summer house? yeah, the beach house. the summer residents goes to mr. marbles. plot twist. i'm sorry, what? doesn't make logistical sense? unbelievable. pets aren't just pets. they're more. you got a train set todd. save 35% off your first autoship order. at chewy. (vo) tear into it... a new adventure. a new discovery. it's... all... out... there. they just need the crunch of nature valley to get after it. life happens. out there. ♪everything i do that's for my health is an accomplishment.♪ ♪concerns of getting screened faded away♪ ♪to my astonishment.♪ ♪my doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay.♪
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♪i screened with cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ jordan's sore nose let out a fiery sneeze, so dad grabbed puffs plus lotion to soothe her with ease. puffs plus lotion is gentle on sensitive skin and locks in moisture to provide soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. always dry scoop before you run. the hot dog diet got me shredded! the world is full of "health experts"... it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with b vitamins to help convert food into fuel. science that matters. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein,
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1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪♪) rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy.
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rsv? make it arexvy.
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carson is here are you ready for your thursday boost? >> let's boost >> just for carson they call themselves the distraction team it's a former group of veterinarians who will do just about anything to entertain their nervous patients and take away any kind of nerves from them take a look. ♪ more passion, more passion, more energy, more energy, more footwork, more footwork. >> that's the veterinarian clinic in honolulu this distraction team comes in, they've got songs, they've got dances it works look how chill the pup is. the pup is like, what's going on >> i hope somebody else iscalm. coming up on pop start, guess what we're revealing, billboard woman of the year. any picks? anybody? >> taylor. >> you know who? it may surprise you. >> or it may not.
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but first, some of the hottest jackets around watching from how she's doing it to do something special. but first a check of your local news and weather ♪cinnadust♪ ♪ (vo) cinnamon toast crunch. blasted with cinnadust. nature's bounty hair growth. clinically shown to help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty.
7:53 am
(michael) my tip is, the worst lies are the lies you atell yourself, like smoking isn't that dangerous. [announcer] you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit now. look at that sweet frosting and filling. that's what makes pop-tarts such a great snack! i sure hope we get eaten soon. we will. i made a sign. [vending machine buzzs] it's working! pop-tarts! crazy good. at target, try fast and free drive up. pop♪ ♪rts! try fast and always free drive up, at target. ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
7:54 am
when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc in check and keep it there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save.
7:55 am
♪ ♪ ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq is this yours? you ready? surprise! i don't think you can clear this. i got this. it's yours now. whoa! the new iphone 15. with that amazing camera. i'll be sharing pics from the slope. you do not want to see yourself skiing. you look like a marshmallow! join now! only t-mobile gives you four new iphone 15s on us, and four lines of unlimited for $25 bucks a line.
7:56 am
(vo) when it comes to nature valley, which camp are you in? and four lines of unlimited oats 'n honey? or everything bagel? nature valley makes an everything bagel bar?! try nature valley savory nut crunch bars, available in three flavors like everything bagel. a very good morning to you. it's 7:56 right now. i am laura garcia. here's a look at what is happening now. i am ginger conejero saab in daly city. the latest numbers from pg&e concerning power outages across the bay area, 12,000 pg&e customers are still without lights this morning.
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in the north bay, 8,000 customers still waiting for their electricity to be turned back on. along the peninsula, 1,600 customers, and less than 3,000 customers in the south bay are without electricity. we will continue to post updates on the power outages across the bay area on our website at >> thanks so much, ginger. in the meantime, it's a cold start to our thursday morning. >> very cold, especially if you don't have electricity. we will see sunshine today and watching out for a chance of a spotty shower going into the afternoon. heads up along the coastline and along the bayshore, a coastal flood advisory will be in effect as we have more chilly mornings ahead and the weekend is staying dry. once again, watching out for rain here and there. not all of us seeing it, but there's a possibility of it for today and we will dry out as we look forward to slightly warmer afternoon temperatures. mornings still temperature with inland valleys starting out in the upper 30s.
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laura? >> thank you. thank you for joining us as well. we will have another local news update in about half an hour, update in about half an hour, and ao joinls this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you.
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for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
8:00 am
♪ it's 8:00 on "today. coming up, supreme court showdown a high-stakes face-off happening today over whether colorado can
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ban former president trump from the ballot we're live with the latest and what it could mean for the 2024 election plus, heading on in, how a growing number of schools now encouraging kids to attend class, even if they're not feeling well what doctors, parents, and schools are now saying about the controversial call then, fresh coat a look at the nfl jacket gone viral after being worn to games by some pretty high-profile fans >> what does it feel like to be a part of the taylor swift effect, in realtime? >> oh, adrenaline. so much adrenaline and just happiness. >> our exclusive conversation with the woman behind the football fashion in just a moment and mop top milestone.miles. >> you're bald? >> we're all bald. don't tell anyone. >> taking a look back at 60 years of beatle mania as we celebrate their historic arrival >> you're bald >> we're all bald. don't tell anyone. >> taking a look back at 60
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years of beatle mania as we celebrate their historic arrival in the u.s. with the dj who first brought fans their music >> how was it? >> it was wild >> today, thursday, february 8th, 2024. e. >> flew on my first plane -- >> alabama. >> -- to be here today >> shout-out to blithe academy >> in greenville, south carolina >> hi to our moms watching in st. louis, missouri. >> sending love to my preschoolers at methodist church in welch, louisiana. >> on our first family trip, >> to new york city, from oregon ♪ >> visiting from lexington, south carolina >> and slidell, louisiana. >> hi, savannah and hoda, i'm here from nashville, tennessee >> to celebrate avery's 10th birthday >> with you! ♪ >> hi, avery and hi to all! we're so glad to see everybody outside on this beautiful thursday morning
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i see mardi gras beads i'm not sure what's happening, but i see mardi gras beads >> and i feel sunshine, too. that feels good no matter what the temperature is by the way, speaking of warming up, a heartwarming story we've been following tomorrow on "today," a kentucky family that adopted a local baby boy who was left at a fire house >> and that boy is now a healthy and happy toddler, as you see there. it's a really beautiful story that we've been following. can't wait to share the update with you tomorrow right here on "today". >> look forward to that. let's get right to our news at 8:00, guys. one of the most extraordinary cases in u.s. history goes before the supreme court today the justices will be asked to decide if donald trump can be insurrection. nbc's legal correspondent laura jarrett is outside the supreme court. she joins us with this. hey, laura, good morning >> hey, hoda, good morning to you. donald trump will not be here at
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the u.s. supreme court today, but his actions are going to be front and center. of course, this entire case having to do with that controversial decision out of colorado. his attorneys have predicted chaos and removed from the colorado of course, this entire case having to do with that controversial decision out of colorado his attorneys have predicted chaos and bedlam if the u.s. supreme court does not overturn the decision now, there are any number of ways that the court may do it. a lot of focus on section 3 of the amendment. it's an obscure section that the supreme court has never had to deal with in this way before colorado did something that had never been done before, at the time, finding mr. trump ineligible because of his actions leading up to january 6th and what he said on january 6th, before the attack on the u.s. capitol now, the colorado decision is the one that's front and center. that's how it was teed up for the supreme court. but the ultimate ruling in this case, guys, likely to be far
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more sweeping. there are a host of other lawsuits on this ballot issue, and the court likely will decide the issue in all 50 states back to you. >> laura jarrett for us there at the supreme court. to testify before congress about his laura, thank you defense secretary lloy austin has agreed to testify before congress about his failure to immediately tell president biden and other top national security officials when he was hospitalized last month austin was admitted to the hospital on new year's day with complications from prostate cancer surgery his aides did not alert the white house, though, until january 4th, and he waited several more days before revealing that he had been diagnosed with cancer. austin apologized last week, saying that he is a private person who does not like burdening others with his problems throughout the covid pandemic, a lot of schools told parents to keep their children home at the first sign of a sniffle or a cough, but now, now a growing number are encouraging students to show up even if they aren't feeling 100%. nbc medical contributor, dr. natalie azar is here to help us sort things out. this one hits close to home, because we had to keep our 9-year-old son home yesterday from school.
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he wasn't feeling well the guidance various from district to district, even state-to-state, but are there general guidelines that parents should be following whether they keep a child home? >> there can be general guidelines the american academy o pediatrics has said, think of this as the 24 rule. if you have had a fever of 101 or higher in the last 24 hours, if you've had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours or if your child just doesn't feel well enough that you think that they can contribute to or enjoy activities at school, that maybe you should keep them home. but as you said, you know, the covid-19 pandemic was a public health emergency we did and we sort of had to keep the kids home at in every sign of an infection have we overcorrected a little bit with some schools allowing children to go to school, when they might be infectious maybe. we still do need to have some of those guardrails in place. >> i think a lot of kids who do go to school, some parent just say, you're going anyway but then aren't you just spreading around all the germs so all the other kids in class
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get it >> right this is where it gets difficult, even though i think the aap guidelines make sense. there's a lot of nuance there. for example, if your child has a rash, what constitutes a rash you should stay home for as opposed to going to school and i think it's important, too, to remember that schools have the authority to, you know, make these recommendations in terms of staying home or coming to school and i think it's really important for parents, myself included, to know what policy your school has in place, because they are taking guidance from the local health departments. >> it's really hard, because some of these little kids -- all of our kids are roughly the same age, these little kids coughs and colds can linger for weeks if i kept my son home for a cough, i would just take him out of school, and that doesn't mean they're contagious >> correct and the tricky part is that viruses have different periods of when you do remain contagious a good rule of thumb to remember, especially for colds and flu, while your symptomatic, you're still technically contagious, but hear me out,
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because most colds and even flu symptoms will last 7 to 10 days at most, but that lingering cough can last for up to three to eight weeks following the cold or a flu. and that's from post nasal drip and inflammation in the airway you are no longer contagious but remember, that, you know, before the pandemic, everything seemed easy. your kid is allowed to go back to school if they've been fever-free for 24 hours, you know, places like california have changed that a little bit it's a moving target talk to your pediatrician and know what school policy is in place at your community. great tips thank you, dr. natalie >> thank you, dr. aczar. tourists were evacuated from a popular resort in iceland this morning when a volcano erupted for the third time since december the eruption sent lava bursting up into the air. it's happening just a few miles from a scenic fishing village, where an earlier eruption destroyed several homes.
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officials say that at this point, the lava poses no danger to the town or a major power plant in that area it's not expected to have any impact on air travel >> all right coming up, we've got "popstart. carson is going to tell us why disney is saying "you're welcome" to the fans of the movie moana. >> that's great sound track. first, though, these jackets right here, they've taken the nfl by a storm with an assist from taylor swift, of course nbc's kaylee hartung sat down with the designer who makes them by hand. really cool story here, kaylee >> very cool, craig. after making dozens of outfits for herself to show her support for her husband, kristin made a jacket on a hope and a prayer out of travis kelce's jersey special for taylor swift special for taylor swift she didn't even have her or a warm coat to protect them from the cold.
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many families across the country struggle to be able to provide these basic needs for their children. subaru wants to help by giving these critical items to more than one hundred fifty thousand children in urgent need this year. subaru. more than a car company. you don't have to be a wizard to make delicious iced coffee at home.! that's good! (sfx: thunderclap) never gets old. (woman laughs) -want me to do it again? -no thanks. dunkin' cold. easy to make at home. stands up to ice. special k is oven-toasted to crisp perfection then tossed with yogurty goodness or maybe some red berries special k.
8:11 am
in so many craveable varieties so you can do what's delicious. why do dermatologists choose dove? the dove beauty bar, is gentle. it not only cleans, it hydrates my skin. as a dermatologist, i want what's best for our skin. with 1/4 moisturizing cream, dove is the #1 bar dermatologists use at home. the right age for neutrogena® retinol? that's whenever you want it to be. it has derm-proven retinol that targets vital cell turnover, evens skin tone, and smooths fine lines. with visible results in just one week. neutrogena® retinol at target, try fast and free drive up. ♪ ♪ try fast and always free drive up, at target. feeling ughh from a backed up gut? miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go...
8:12 am your gut. and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try new mirafiber gummies. (vo) tear into it... fora new adventure.r, a new discovery. it's... all... out... there. they just need the crunch of nature valley to get after it. life happens. out there.
8:13 am
♪ super bowl, and when you think football, you may not immediately think fashion, but some of the hottest jackets this season are popping up on nfl sidelines. >> they are custom made for stars like taylor swift -- >> never heard of her. >> -- simone biles and more. and the red-hot designer behind them is much more than just a football fan nbc's kaylee hartung had the chance to sit down with her. hey, kaylee! >> reporter: hey, good morning, guys kristin juszczyk didn't study fashion or design in school and as a kid, she learned how to sew and knit from her mom and grandma. it wasn't until a few years ago when she started focusing on her craft with the help of youtube videos, but never in her wildest dreams did she imagine this moment she would find herself in just as her husband and his 49ers team is eyeing the ultimate prize, kristin is at the top of her game, too did you pack the sewing machine for vegas? >> i did not pack the sewing machine, but i have myself a kit.
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i have a fanny pack. >> this one-woman show has taken the nfl by storm kristin juszczyk's custom haend made jackets and one of a kind head to toe outfits are changing the fashion game >> i've always just been wanting to wear something unique i just had that moment where i'm like, i can't find it out there to buy the only other option is to create >> spotted on the sidelines of 49ers games, there's kristin supporting full back kyle juszczyk >> how many juszczyk jerseys have you bought just to cut up >> i've probably gone through 30 of kyle's jerseys. >> she's been outfitting herself for the past five seasons, but she challenged herself in a new way. >> my goal was to start making something for myself every week and something for somebody else, which is a challenge, because these are very time consuming and very intricate i definitely surpassed what my goal was >> you don't say >> reporter: so she gifted other wives and girlfriends of nfl players juszczyk originals,
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including patrick whitney, simone biles, and model olivia culpo. men wanted in too after taylor lautner reached out and showed off his custom lions jacket during the playoff but did we mention, he's not the only taylor seen wearing one of kristin's designs. what does it feel like to be a part of the taylor swift effect, in realtime? >> adrenaline. so much adrenaline and just happiness >> reporter: so how did one of kristin's creations end up on the world's biggest pop star she says she has brittany mahomes to thank >> brittany texted me and said, can you send me a video of taylor's jacket. and i was like, wait, is there a possibility of you guys both wearing this and she said, yeah, we're wearing it and it was such a pinch-me moment >> speculation of who made taylor's jacket quickly spread across the internet, but leave it to i mean, it just was incredible >> speculation of who made taylor's jacket quickly spread across the internet, but leave it to kristin's husband to set the record straight. >> kyle, how many tweets do you
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think you responded to, dropping the mention of kristin's name so that she got the recognition she deserved >> i don't know the number, but i was hard at work that night. i just so badly want her to get the recognition that she deserved as much credit as we would like to give taylor swift, there's somebody else who you feel had a hand -- >> so i lost my mom when i was 18, it's emotional for me, for sure, so much of this just feels like divine. my mom has just made this for me >> she's looking out for you >> yeah. >> reporter: fate now sending the juszczyks into what they call a perfect storm otherwise known as super bowl lviii. >> i did make these super bowl puffer vests and they're team neutral. we're launching them at an auction and i'll donate all proceeds to the national breast cancer foundation. i just feel like this is my mom and i just need to give back in some way >> reporter: on to the question we're all asking who else will be sporting a juszczyk original at the super bowl >> we have some exciting people coming out, too, for the super
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bowl >> any hints >> we're still working on it, but we've got kyle, finally. >> finally >> i know, i feel so bad i made him something really special and i think everyone will absolutely love it. >> even though they'll be rooting for opposing teams, no matter the outcome of the game, kristin will be forever grateful to taylor swift. >> she single-handedly catapulted my career i've been at this for years. when i saw her walk out in that jacket, it just brought me to tears. >> reporter: now, kristin's auction for a cause so dear to her heart, it goes live at noon eastern today. and guys, this is the first time she is able to sell one of her prized pieces, because the nfl has just given her the license to use the official logo in her stadiums and see fans wearing her clothes. not just in the nfl, think nba, mlb, olympics. this is just the beginning for kristin juszczyk, guys. >> oh, we can see that. we can see it crystal clear.
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>> and it couldn't happen to a nicer person. i love that. >> those nfl licensing designs. >> great for her mr. roker? >> let's go check and see what's going on as far as our weather is going on. here we go, come on, check it out. we've got some weather, a little shower activity and some snow developing into the southwest. we are going to be watching for much cooler conditions making their way into the northeast i should say, the northwest part of the plains, but 70s and 80s down through the gulf, 70s down through florida. and temperatures will be warming up in the northeast. but in the meantime, we have strong storms firing up in the plains, mountain snows through the rockies as part of that system makes its way through through texas, we'll be looking at sunshine, although this weekend, the panhandle might see a little light snow, upwards of good thursday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are going to have one last chance of spotty showers for this afternoon. but it starts out clear and cold
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across the bay area this mornea mid 60s. saturday is looking nice. perfect weather for sunday. upper 4 don't forget, if you're heading out the door, you can check us out, sirius xm channel 108 at 1:00. today show confidential. its slogan, it's better than dead air and now -- >> not by much >> but not by much wish i csash to the data wall >> let's do it right now. >> come on! >> t now the best time of the morning, "popstart." >> thank you very much, uncle al for that i wish i could just sashay over
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to the data wall >> let's do it right now >> come on >> they don't have graphics. >> they're not ready >> there's people panicking right now. we can't do that let's go ahead and start with pop start. a big announcement, which chart-topping superstar has been named 2024 woman of the year here's a clue. over the summer, she rocked our citi concert stage with one of the biggest crowds we have ever seen ♪ that is carol g. she just won a grammy. she'll be honored at the billboard women in music awards. th that is carol g. she just won a grammy. she'll be honored at the billboard women in music awards. the yum event recognizing record stars and some of the past recipients include olivia rodrigo, ariana grande, madonna, taylor swift and others. this year's show will be hosted by tracee ellis ross you can check out more information over at, congratulations to carol g amazing crowd. >> it was unbelievable next up, it's happening, everybody. taylor's returning this week to
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her tour in japan, she's also making a major announcement about this onscreen project. >> welcome to the eras tour! >> this has been the most extraordinary experience of my entire life. ♪ he looks so pretty like a devil ♪ >> a streaming service has snapped up the eras tour concert film, starting march 15th, taylor swift "the eras tour: taylor's version" will be available on disney plus you might be wondering what makes this show taylor's version, she is adding the entire song. that includes four additional songs from the acoustic section of her show. before this, the concert movie had only been available to rent. next up, mmoana, duane "the rock" johnson gearing up to say -- ♪ what can i say except you're
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welcome ♪ ♪ for the tides, the sun, the sky ♪ for 20 bucks on streaming ♪ hey, it's okay, it's okay, you're welcome ♪ >> because disney has announced there's a moana sequel in the works, dropping this quick teaser just yesterday. ♪ yes, moana and maui are both expected to return for the sequel, that is slated to hit theaters in november, where they're going to be joined by a crew of new characters getting onboard. also, the announcement comes almost one year after disney revealed plans for a live action version of the original. and while the first moana had all of those great songs by lynn manuel miranda, songs for the sequel will be from a new team that includes abigail bear the unofficial bridgerton musical back in 20 -- >> they're amazing. >> they're great. >> this was going to be a tv series
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when they started getting the -- this is so good. we're going to make this a movie. >> surprised it's taken this long all the says "moana" had. >> a "popstart" for disney what a great company they are. >> maybe they should get into the theme park business. >> oh, my goodness next up, celine dion on sunday night surprised the grammy audience by stepping out to present the award for album of the year, although she didn't give an on-stage performance, it looks like behind the scenes she was serenading a much smaller crowd. serenading a much smaller crowd. r&b artist sunya elise shared this video on social media ♪ ain't no telling the world ♪ ♪ ain't no telling the world ♪ right, baby ♪ ♪ baby ♪ ♪ baby ♪ >> all right! come on! >> that's beautiful. >> i haven't ♪ there's only one way to turn right, baby ♪ ♪ baby ♪ ♪ baby ♪ >> all right
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come on! >> that's beautiful. >> i haven't heard her sing since her situation. she sounds great and finally, we have time for it had to kill it yesterday, "happy days," four decades later, this dynamic duo is back together >> let me tell you something everybody gets scared. you're going to survive in this world, you just can't show it all the time, that's all >> but you never get scared. >> i know, that's why i'm the fonz >> in a new post on instagram, ron howard, aka richey cunningham sharing this snap yesterday with his arm around winkler. the caption saying, just started post-production in sydney on a recent wrapped film or movie when i touched base with henry, i discovered he was making an appearance here. fantastic we connected backstage and i watched him give a great speech almost 50 years after that, these two bffs still supporting each other isn't that wonderful to see? >> in australia. >> shout-out >> where are they today? >> anyway, that will --
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>> i see the family -- >> sly and the family stallone right here we'll catch up with the whole gang to talk about that i shall hit reality tv series. surprise cameos. sly, we'll find out if you're a clinger. the word on the street is you might be
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good morning. governor newsom and the state attorney general are making a new push to crack down on crime
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in oakland and alameda county. it follows the plan to add 120 chp officers. now a new partnership will boost prosecution efforts. it involves the use of attorneys from the california national guard and state department of justice, adding more manpower to prosecutor criminal cases in oakland and alameda county. alameda county's d.a. says she welcomes the support. one person is dead after a hit-and-run in the south bay at about 5 p.m. between bryant and harrison streets. you're looking at video from citizen avenue. so far, there's no vehicle description. meteorologist kari hall has the forecast for you. lots of sunshine to start out, but still a chance of rain. our temperatures are very chilly in the upper 30s and low 40s. as we go into the afternoon we'll see highs in the mid 50s. watching out for a chance of showers later today.
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sunny and dry for the weekend. >> we'll have another update in 30 minutes. two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home.
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the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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♪ 8:30 now it is a thursday morning
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great crowd out here on our plaza. hello! posing for selfies, doing all the things, high fives it's all happening do you know in this day in history, guys? >> what happened >> i bet you carson knows this because he's an encyclopedia of music, the fab four, the beatles, first touched down in the u.s. 60 years ago today. >> that's right! >> this is right ahead of their iconic performance on the ed sullivan show. who else but harry smith caught up with one of the radio djs who was there to greet them. he will share that story with us >> the great dick clark had in his collection the actual door from the aircraft when it landed in the states. >> for real? >> yes >> idyllwild airport, it touched down >> here's the mardi gras crowd right here we've got some from there. we've got mardi gras -- >> where y'all from? >> we're from welsh, louisiana >> we see mardi gras over there, too. coming up in a little bit, folks, we are going to help you evaluate that super bowl party with help from the ultimate host, there she is, in all her
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glory, martha stewart. martha will share a whole menu of delicious snacks, including some boseman sauce >> i just saw katie, she said, savannah, bones with sauce i'm sorry. otherwise known as wings >> these are martha stewart's bones with sauce >> plus, guys, it's a party in studio 1a, because sylvester stallone is here he's got his whole family to chat about season two of their reality show, "the family stallone." and coming up in our third hour, chef molly is making a lighter super bowl spread from dip to dessert, game day classics without the guilt she's going to be there. by the way, we've got gloria gainer >> that's right. >> wait, what? >> i will survive. >> keep that football theme going tomorrow with more crowd-pleasing recipes for your super bowl party plus, we'll be live in kansas city and san francisco we've got two really early morning pep rallies with some die-hard fans. that's tomorrow here on "today". >> i wonder if coach andy reid
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will show up again like he did >> that's right. >> we can't tell if it's the real thing or a fake all right. the real mr. roker, what do you got? let's look ahead to the weekend. start off with friday. tomorrow, record warmth in the great lakes. showers increasing in the mississippi tennessee river valleys. more snow out in the rockies saturday, rain and storms through the lower mississippi river valley skiers delight through the rockies. good news for our friends out west, lots of sunshine sunday, sunday severe storms down through the gulf, cool through the southwest. light snow back through the panhandle of texas, and we're looking at sunshine in the northeast and great lakes. good thursday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we'll have one slight chance of rain for today. other than that, it's going to be mostly sunny with temperatures in the mid 50s. tomorrow morning in san ramon, it will be in the 30s. we'll see highs headed for the upper 50s. nice weekend ahead with sunshine, but cool each day and becoming mild for the
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that's your latest, mrs. florida, where's mr. florida >> he's back at home with the dog. >> all right >> yes, sir. we've got royalty here in the house. back to you guys >> come on come on. >> coming. >> come on >> let's walk. coming up next, they call it the british invasion when the beatles travel to america for the first time in february 1964. and six decades later, harry smith looks back at the frenzy over the fab four. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. and welcome back this week marks 60 years since
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the beatles famously touched down at jfk airport and sparked beatle mania with their performance on the ed sullivan show. >> the fab four went from being completely unknown here in the states to top of the charts and harry smith joins us with a look back at that craze hi, harry! >> al said it a moment ago, idyllwild had just been named john f. kennedy airport, because in november, the president had been assassinated, there was this very dark mood in the country. and honestly, if you're a baby boomer, this should be a national holiday, quite frankly, because when the beatles got to america, it was like all of a sudden, there was sunshine some thousands of fans and even hundreds of press were there at the newly renamed john f kennedy airport. emotions ran high. some fans seemed, let's be honest, delirious. >> that was wild the kids were really on top of a roof of a hanger and they were all over the place on the tarmac, too.
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>> reporter: bruce morro was cousin brucey was witness. >> when they landed at jfk, they had a press conference, so to speak. >> the press had an attitude, adversarial, snarky. >> does all of that hair help you sing >> definitely, yeah. >> the beatles were cheeky and charming >> houmd how many of you are bald where you have to wear that wig? >> we're all bald. >> reporter: their talents honed in the caverns and taverns of hometown liverpool the band had become a sensation in britain and europe. news reported here at nbc. >> one reason for the beatles' popularity may be that it's almost impossible to hear them er but as their songs first landed in the u.s., crickets >> very honestly, we used to have music meetings. and at these music meetings, with we would turn these records down >> say what? >> we didn't like it at all. it didn't hit home
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and i wish i can say that i was the genius who understood, but you know something, honestly, i voted "no. >> reporter: back then, the average american teen listened to the radio at least three hours a day and late in 1963, when the beatles finally got air play, their songs shot up the charts >> and all of those djs, they were like my personal friends. because their voices were in my ears, all the live long day. >> reporter: jamie bern stein was 11 her dad was the conductor of the new york philharmonic. >> and i remember hearing, "i want to hold your hand" on the radio for the first time night record by the beatles. well, i didn't have to tell you, all heck broke loose. i plaid it eight times that night. >>
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i remember it. >> reporter: played by cousin brucy. >> i get a call that afternoon from the record company. and he said, they're sending up an armed guard with a promotion man that night to give me a new record by the beatles. well, i didn't have to tell you, all heck broke loose i plaid it eight times that night. >> reporter: even before setting foot in the united states, the beatles were well on their way to conquering america. >> did you have a crush on any of them? >> so, in the very, very beginning, i had a crush on george he was so pretty and then pretty soon thereafter, i switched to john lennon, and stayed permanently with john lennon, for the rest of time, he was my favorite beatle >> reporter: beatle mania, for adults, a confounding frenzy, for kids, a welcome contagion, especially after the beatles' explosive performance on the ed sullivan show. ♪ oh, yeah, i'll tell you something ♪ >> for an audience of more than 70 million >> so by then we were all in a tizzy. the beatles are coming, the beatles are coming, and then they went on the ed sullivan show, and that was that. >> wow >> a special thanks to the village trip festival, really cool people downtown, which held
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a beatles event with jamie and cousin brucy earlier this week and that's how we kind of tagged along to get those stories >> this was the key, the transistor radio back in the day, kids in america listened more than three hours a day to the radio we complain about the phones now, this is what everybody went to bed with. >> and it was all a.m. radio forget about f.m.. >> exactly right >> and the little ear bud in your ear, so your parents couldn't see >> harry, thank you so much. great story. straight ahead, sly and the family stallone. they're here, season two of their popular reality show, we'll find out what to expect and hear about one very surprising cameo but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... mugs. we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. ♪
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♪ who could forget that iconic scene from "rocky 3" between rocky ball boca and apollo creed. those are good friends there weathers passed away, just 76. we'll ask him about that in just a moment just welcome him and his family here we've got sly, his wife jennifer, his daughter, sophia, justine and scarlett we're here to talk about season two of "the family stallone," which is a bona fide hit congratulations on that. >> thank you. >> we have to take a moment for carl. >> yeah. what a beautiful relationship onscreen and off >> it really was it still chokes me up. i was numb to the fact -- i saw him as superman. he really was. he had the voice, the talent, the humor. he had it all. i couldn't have made it without him because he just brought that element, you know. >> yeah. people think of rocky, but it's rocky and apollo you wrote it
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this is a partnership. that's what makes it so special. >> we got off to such a rocky start, because he came in and he auditioned with me he goes, where is the real actor? i can't read with the office guy. >> time out. >> i said, he's so arrogant, i love this guy. >> it's working for him. >> well, i know your heart is so much with him in the family, so we just wanted to take a moment. i do want to talk about season two. you have a hit on your hands you know, i don't know if you know this, but most reality shows don't get reviews like this here's one that says, one of the most likable people to ever swagger in front of the camera >> swagger >> sly is reality tv gold. you guys surprised at the reaction >> no. >> you knew you had a hit on your hands >> we knew we would be great at it he used to do a reality show on his instagram a little bit and obviously the acting helps, but his hesitation became the best thing ever, because once he gets in front of the camera, he doesn't get out of it. >> so you're like a ham.
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it's good that it's there. >> i saw the preview, like, are you really boxing the pope this season >> i am. he said the wrong thing, i said, come on, step outside. he said, i'm going to stay inside >> it's just incredible. so in season two, tell me about, like, what's going on with the girls this season. >> there's a lot of changes. we move from the west coast to the east coast same with the girls. we moved out of our house in beverly hills and moved east, because they live in new york now, scarlett goes to college in florida. >> they just follow us everywhere >> how is it being in college and having some times this reality tv crew following you? >> you know, at first when the cameras are following me on campus, i was very overwhelmed, but then you get used to it. that's why season two is so good, because we finally got used to being in front of the camera, now we can really show our personality. >> the two of you were out and about, dating a little bit it seems like your dad and stop
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me if you disagree please don't punch me, rocky, but he seems like a stage 5 clinger as a dad. a little protective. would you agree? >> a little? he's the most overprotective, overbearing guy. if he had it his way, we would live at home until about 55, single -- >> married to god. >> yeah. >> nothing >> so does that scare off the guys >> all the time. we've had so many dates where they've brought them up and within the first five seconds, we know it's a red flag, they've brought scripts to her dates they've auditioned >> but when we do muster up the courage to bring them home, they never normally come back, because he does a whole -- >> they are one-hit wonders. >> what's actually interesting, that could be a good breakup strategy if you're dating these girls and she brings you home, they want to get rid of you. >> he's good at writing the letters to break up. >> you write breakup letters i do >> give me an example. >> they're not brutal enough i would say, i would rather live
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in egypt forever in the sun than spend another moment with you. >> he did that for a guy for me in middle school, because he kept calling for homework help and he thought the boy was trying to ask him on a date. the guy never called back. >> that was in fourth grade? >> sorry, she's in egypt >> this may be related, but i have a clip of y'all from this season in self-defense class >> oh, gosh. >> i have a responsibility as a father to do everything i can and the first thing is, we have to learn about a little self-defense, something. >> honestly, my dad is the most paranoid person on the planet. >> he is crazy >> growing up, we had to learn how to fight off a coyote. >> he always made them overprepared like, what if someone comes up and gives you a piece of candy, what are you going to do >> god, he's so annoying when he's nervous >> you all we have also learned have an excellent impersonation of your father can somebody just give me a little bit >> i'm the worst at it >> i would say my mom does it best >> you know, jennifer, i'm a little hungry and i want breakfast, a little bit, i'll
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have eggs -- >> i've been here -- >> no, jennifer, i'm just a little hungry. and then he like tells me ten things he wants for breakfast. just a little hungry, just make those eggs you always make, put some jelly, pancakes in there -- >> no, sly, pick up the towel, why do you eat -- why is your food all over. >> this has just turned into therapy. >> i think everyone can see why this is pure gold. you mentioned you're empty nesters, you moved to palm beach -- which is hilarious >> and we filled that nest with cavapoos a very tough dog not a donorman >> and a cat, a little house cat. >> and you had really touching good-bye with some of your l.a. friends, including, and i did an old friend. >> beyond old. >> and he has said he modeled the fonz character after you >> he's being very generous. >> he did say that
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>> i know. flatterer. >> that's amazing. >> no. my character is much more, would you say, bullyish. he was very nice and genuine my character is like, oh, my gosh it's a horror movie. >> well, we're so excited. it's so fun to see you guys together sly and "the family stallone" is coming back premieres february 21st on paramount. carson, over to you. >> good to see the stallone family here. look who's here, martha stewart putting her game-day twist on some cocktails. wings, pigs in a blanket, guacamole, but the cocktails we all know martha has a heavy, heavy hand >> kansas city water >> yeah, right >> really delicious. >> that ain't water, folks that's far from water, martha. you should have a deal with uber anyway, we'll have mtha here, but fiar two leadinrsg candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years,
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including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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all right. now it's time for our special super bowl edition of "today"
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food loves football with the one and only martha stewart. we have the mvp right here huge menu, great game-day spreads, super strong cocktails. the bedford at paris in las vegas, if you're there, that's the restaurant that has everything >> it's so -- it's after my home it looks like my home. >> it does >> it does and it's fabulous food and sold out. >> i'm sure. these are some of the items off the menu, the cocktails included >> we are celebrating in las vegas. >> you're going, right who are you pulling for chiefs, niners >> the chiefs. display okay >> putting my money on the niners >> so let's -- you did >> now that you're rooting for the chiefs, i'll go for the so you make the sauce out of scallions, ginger, peeled and chopped, and a quarter cup of oil. >> people never deviate from the classic buffalo chicken wing.
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>> we have many different recipes. these are delicious. bake them in the oven with some salt. >> you hav niners, so i have something to salt >> you have a restaurant >> you have to have variety. >> i agree >> grind that all up >> how's the ginger scallion wing >> so good >> and you mix this with the wings, and now bake the wings. this is easy >> put them in here? >> that's the same sauce here. use this and it's -- the wings are baked at 400 degrees for about 35 to 40 minutes, depending on the size of the wings. remember, if you haven't bought your wings already, you better rush out today, because -- >> the wings are going quick >> do you want to toss those >> al, get your wings yet? >> just got them >> and we have also something fun. we have the sriracha get that in the oven tr ten minutes more >> puff pastry, brush with mustard, and use the bratwurst you know what bratwurst are? >> big hot dogs.
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>> these come from right in new york >> these are the brockwurst. >> i renamed them. you know who brock is. >> so, anyway, brush this with egg, a little egg wash, sprinkle with salt. >> forget the pig in the blanket. >> just a whole hog in a blanket. >> i like making names of all the players and stuff. i'm a hero worshipper. and this is what they look like when they're done. >> that looks fantastic! >> dip it in ketchup or mustard. >> tell everybody your name -- mahome mamole. >> i told her that's -- >> it's fun! >> avocados, tomatoes, jalapeno taste. and make it in a bowl like this. this is the real, we -- my cat has a big one at home and she wouldn't loan it to us.
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and this is the medium size. >> this is delicious. the brockwurst. that is beyond. people at home, trust me right this. >> it's like if a pig in a blanket -- >> this is the mahome mamole. >> this is strong, mvp. >> and don't forget lime. lots of >> you add egg to your -- >> why do used egg >> this is guatemalan. are you trying to say he's going to lay an egg? >> no, he's going to win the game >> how come you don't have anything named after taylor swift. >> oh, we do >> what did you miss >> this cocktail >> you just made that up right now. >> no, we did have a swifty, they were her chicken wings. >> we have 15 seconds. here's the cocktail. if this is anything like your eggnog, you'll never make the second half of the game.
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good morning. it is 8:56. i'm marcus washington. as soon as today, we may learn the trial date for a woman accused in the death of a kim kardashian look alike. vivian gomez pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter in practicing medicine without a license. she's accused of flying from florida to give silicone injections to a woman from antioch. investigators say that the injections led to her death a few hours later inside her burlingame hotel room. gomez is scheduled to appear in court in redwood city for a preliminary hearing. ginger conejero saab will have a live update at midday. > a>>la growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path.
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first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message. calling all 49er faithful. we are teaming up with the
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"today" show and the niners. "today" show and the niners. >> at the lot of city center this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you.
9:00 am
for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. this morning on the third hour of "today," high rollers. with three days until the super bowl and tke


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