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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  February 9, 2024 11:00pm-11:34pm PST

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for all of us at nbc news, good night. right now at 11:00,
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frightening moments on campus tonight. the sound of gunfire sending students running. the video that you are looking at just into the newsroom minutes ago. it appears to show some of that chaos. now, the shelter in place order went into effect as police swarmed the plaza. nbc bay area's gia vang is in the area. you just confirmed no one is hurt, thankfully a basis act is in custody there? >> reporter: it all happened in this vicinity right there. you can see of this plaza, the entire area is taped off, and on the second floor, you can see that it appears a window with shattered glass right there, officers using flashlights up there earlier. students here at the time say it sounded like it started between two people when a scuffle happened at a door. uc berkeley confirming for us that around that time an individual fired nine shots on
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campus. no injuries have been reported in the suspect is in custody, as you mentioned. now, there was a shelter in place order for some time, some students tell me they ran instead of sheltering him and you can listen now to how some of them described what happened. >> i saw the other suspect go to this parked motorcycle i think. i wasn't directly in line of sight. i was definitely scared, but i just wanted to get out as fast as possible. >> reporter: really scary moment for them. they are feeling okay tonight. a little shaken up. what you are hearing right now is a person taken into custody. you can see them on the ground
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there in what appears to be handcuffs. you can see there are still officers out here, still in and around the area. and i do want to talk about one of the things that students were upset about. it wasn't until about 9:20 that students told me they got be warm me alert. this happened around it: 40. i asked the university why there was a delay and i haven't gotten a response. back to you. >> gia vang, thank you so much. our other stop top stories tonight. all lit up and ready for the big show, let's take a light look in las vegas where the niners and chiefs will face off in less than 38 hours. thence flooded the strip tonight. a lot of red, gold there. super bowl weekend is officially here and the party is underway. >> after that, our airports flooded as fans were anxious to join the party in sin city and cheer on the niners. roger is also there. now it is a party and the weekend begins. >> you have seen us, we have
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been here for 6 nights. the first five nights, about a level five. a scale of 1 to 10. tonight though, a level 10, all over las vegas. 49ers down here, and like the niner faithful do, they are taking over the place. >> let's go, niners! >> reporter: that is the familiar chant, this was inside the aria hotel, and then outside on the strip it was more of a party. more red and gold. a lot of smiles, a lot of selfies. really, a special journey for the faithful. >> just got here today, checking it out. getting ready for the big day. >> i've got an italian dinner plan. >> we love that guy. he is still there right now. here's the deal now. the strip the last several
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nights, it has been relatively traffic free, but that all changed tonight. again, heavy security. you can feel all of the energy here, and it really is a standstill in terms of traffic. what about the players now? that is it. they are on lockdown mode. they have a curfew tonight, but the 49ers and chiefs, no interviews, no family, but there is practice of course. earlier today, 49ers at unlv, they are getting ready to go. there was some top talk earlier in the week, but that is behind us now. the niners are healthy and ready. they remain a two and half point favorite over the chiefs. now, security is always a big deal with any super bowl, and that is the case here in las vegas. among the many u.s. agencies, government agencies here, u.s. customs and border protection. a flyover today of allegiant stadium. their mission includes aerial security and surveillance and enforcing those tfr's, the temporary flight restriction.
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federal law enforcement designates the super bowl is roughly the as a presidential inauguration. from that we turn our attention to all of the parties, which are really just getting and going. at las vegas, 11:00 is the beginning of the night. behind my shoulder you see the sphere and caesar's palace. both of those venues hosted you too, which is the residency here, and adele working caesars tonight. she actually called out the 49ers and chiefs, the fans and the crowd having fun with the crowd. then, the vip parties, some of thheadliners up and down the strip. are you ready for this? from thbay area, green day, house of blues tonight. lil wayne was playing at the wind and post malone at the new mountain dew hotel. so, this places late as the kids are saying. >> jessica we will send it back to you. >> hello, from the other side. over here, no parties. go enjoy yourself. say hello to adele for me.
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>> night, guys. >> rogers about to have a lot more company. that airport is busy. 49ers fans making their way to vegas. caught up with san jose international, excited. even once that don't actually have tickets to the game. >> just going for the experience, about to have some fun. the guy fear you tailgate party , just having a good time. >> we went to florida in 2020. so, this is the rematch we had. >> it will be awesome, there will be 70 people. >> we have the best fans in the nfl. >> got that right. >> it is vegas, baby. >> 49ers fans also hopping on last-minute flights to vegas from oakland. nbc bay area, steve joins us life. and i'm guessing it was not hard to find a 49ers fan tonight. >> that's right. and we are looking for those 49ers fans i did get a chance to speak to, they say they are
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both excited and nervous about super bowl sunday. they want a good outcome, obviously, from the skin, and from one fan i spoke to, she said it is more than just taken, in fact, that is why she is going to vegas, to see it in person. >> this will be out here, we will get number six. >> 49ers fans at the oakland international airport can barely contain their excitement as they get ready to board their flight and join fellow 49er faithful's in las vegas. >> let's go. >> just wanting to bond with everyone, and i mean, hoping to go into this trip and celebrate the win. that just would be so amazing. >> we are not going to the game, going to vegas to hang out and have a good time. enjoy the atmosphere. super bowl experienced before rallies. >> i'm going to the rain, yes. >> they will be watching the game inside of allegiant stadium in las vegas, she's excited watch the game in person. as for the cost of that ticket -- >> you want to know how much is too much? my husband will see this, so i can't really say.
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>> reporter: the super bowl experiences taking on a special meeting. as a lifelong 49ers fan, she is a season ticket holder and has seen her fair share of heartbreaking 49ers losses. her mother was usually by her side during those days, but that will not be the case this sunday. >> i lost my mom in september. she went to all of the games with me. and she passed away just before the season started. so, one of the reasons i am going is because we were going to go to the next super bowl. >> reporter: but her mom will be there in spirit, and deborah hopes to make a new memory for the 49ers victory. >> this is our third time, you know, going there, so i would lit really like to see this. >> reporter: pizza rattus, nbc bay area news. how about doing a watch party? one family from san jose say they are feeling nervous about the game, but they are concert confidence the niners will win in the end. they say the best part will be anxiously watching it with the
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other fans. >> we will have a big party on sunday. >> party jumping, we are going to multiple. >> first half, second half. >> now, the party without the niners swag, owners estimate that over the last week they have had about 1000 people coming for party decorations. now, they expect even more people over the next two days. >> it is a wonderful bump. party business is not superfast in january, it is kind of a slow month. so super bowl is always a nice little boost, but with the niners in the super bowl it is a very nice boost. >> as far as what happens on the field, our teammates and bay area sportsha you covered, you can turn into niners pre-and post game life, as we bring you complete coverage of the game from the stadium in las vegas on sunday, and pregame coverage starts at one: 30 in the afternoon. other headlines at this hour? why did he do it?
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tonight the investigation continues into the bazaar theft of that airplane you see right there. investigator say a 50-year-old man from florida stole a single engine plane from palo alto airport and landed it onto the beach in half moon bay. that man was arrested a short time later. pilots and palo alto say they were surprised, but ultimately think the airport is safe. >> any concerns about the security, here at palo alto airport? >> no, i'm not concerned about that, or frankly any airport. >> why is that? >> i guess, for airports like these that are into the major airports you know, the people that are here are mainly pilots and relatively trustworthy. >> the city of palo alto and county agencies are investigating. we are told the faa and ntsb are not involved, because the planes didn't crash. new charges filed today in the death of a security guard, killed while protecting a news crew in oakland. kevin died two years ago during an attempted robbery. pamela price today announced
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new charges. the three men arrested are now charged with murder, along with additional gun and gang enhancements. in addition, the a price announced the man responsible for actually pulling the trigger. she says gilbert, one of the other sis best suspect has previously been identified as the gunman. if convicted of all of the charges now, the three men face anywhere from 78 years to life in prison. new year's celebrations begin in san francisco tomorrow, and tonight leaders are warning about a scam targeting the vulnerable and elderly in the chinese community. >> those who may be willing to try to do anything to receive blessings, to receive good luck at a time in the year, especially now, where we are talking so much about generosity and goodwill. >> the city leaders say there has been an uptick in so-called blessings games. in two cases, they convince their scammers to bring jewelry to ward off evil spirits and
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then stole them. they stole hundreds of thousands of dollars in valuables. back in 60 seconds. tonight, a one-on-one with the mayor about her prices. we investigate the longs wait times. and the next time you drive down highway 101 you might notice a big change. the longtime shop in the south bay. >> i am chief meteorologist, jeff ranieri, with our big super bowl weekend. come to the bay area. i did want to show you a quick preview of that forecast and it is looking awesome here. temperatures in the low 60s and partly sunny to partly cloudy skies.
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. as we first reported months ago, oakland has the worst 911 response times of any city in the county in california. some people tell us they get busy signals or are stuck on hold for 20 minutes or longer.
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>> that is during an emergency. our investigative reporter sat down with the mayor to find out how she plans to turn things around before the state steps in and shuts down oakland's 911 dispatch center. >> in the months we have been reporting on this life or death issue, we have been trying to get oakland mayor to talk with our investigative unit. she has declined more than a dozen of our interview requests. until now. >> i called 911, i couldn't get through, it was a busy signal. >> when i called 911, usually they are on hold for approximately 10 minutes. >> alarming experiences by oakland residents and business owners. >> i got a busy signal. >> frustration by city leaders. >> 20 minute bull times, someone has a heart attack, they are gone. >> six months after our first investigation, oakland's dangerously long 911 response time still plagued the cities.
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our team analyzed new state data, showing in january, it took an average of 44 seconds for an oakland dispatcher to call a 911 call. that is 10 seconds faster than last summer, and compared to all other call centers, oakland's response time is still the worst in the state by a significant margin. >> we have to do better. >> reporter: our mayor agreed to a one-on-one interview after recently announcing progress on this issue she inherited. there are fewer dispatcher vacancies, she said. there are more 911 calls being answered within the state's pickett 15 second standard. >> moving from 27%-50%, that is a huge success, but it is not good enough. >> reporter: weeks after we broke the story last summer of oakland having the worst 911 answering time of any city in the state, the california office of emergency services sent oakland this notice and warned that, if oakland doesn't
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comply with standards by this july it will lose state funding. >> oakland needs to get to 90% in just over five months to keep the city on track. >> you know, this obviously has been a long time coming. you know? i am equally frustrated when i try calling 911 about a year and half ago. and we received a busy signal. >> you think oakland will make the deadline though? >> that is to be seen, right? for me it is about really in the vacancies, really, i am really honored to have the team that i have that, just within a year we were able to take action , implement the things that we needed to implement, to ensure that we fill the vacancies, improve on the pick up time and not just that, but ensure that we are retaining the talent. >> the state's notice said not only is the city at risk of losing a certain amount of funding, but it is also at risk of potentially losing its 911 center, because calls were then rerouted to another agency. what would that mean for safety
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and for people in oakland, calling 911? >> i think 911 dispatch is a local issue. obviously there are a lot of technicalities that we have to work on whether it is at the local level or the state level, but, you know, we need to do that work. >> what led to oakland's dyer 911 problem? outdated technology, the mayor says. she is working to finally update and as we reported in december, oakland it failing to process about 1000 dispatcher applications for an entire year. the result of vacancies in the city's hr department. >> how did that happen and what is being done to make sure it never happens again? >> coming into the city and really the first year we lifted the hood, there was, you know, and then we had to find solutions for many of the problems that we saw, and this is definitely one of the problems. >> reporter: she says they are preparing to announce a new hr director, in charge of filling other vacancies that she says
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are across the board. and with 911 there is a long way to go, she admits. in a short amount of time. >> if oakland doesn't make the summer deadline by the state what is the plan? >> well, we are going to continue to do that work. >> reporter: if the worst-case scenario happens, will 911 colors be better or worse shape if a caller takes over? that doesn't be a appear to be an option for mayor, sheng thao, we will stay with her and the state. with the investigative unit, i am candace and you can. >> you can visit 888-996-tips or visit for more. it really couldn't be better, after the storm systems we have had, we have high pressure moving on in as we move through this weekend, which means yes, some sunshine
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and a little bit of cloud cover. let me show you more details right now on that microclimate forecast and, as we roll through tomorrow morning, here it is. we will started off on the chilly side with temperatures in the upper 30s and low 40s. just a little bit of cloud cover, and i do think we will have quite a bit of sun as well. 42 here through the peninsula. southbay 40, tri-valley, 38, also more of those upper 30s for the north bay, and back here to the east day, 39. daytime highs with that sunshine coming in through the afternoon. should warm up 4-7 degrees. so, we are back in the 60s tomorrow, going to be incredible. up here, 64, 63, santa rosa, low 60s, concord to livermore, san jose, 62, but san francisco and half moon bay will still be in the 50s for a little bit of that ocean breeze. now, there is so much happening this weekend i really think on saturday the big event, right here in san francisco, the lunar new year celebration, 12:32 2:00, partly cloudy skies and those temps in the upper 50s. so, a good time there, and
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we've got watch parties happening on sunday for the super bowl. we are going to stay dry. now, partly sunny to partly cloudy skies, but considering all of the storms we've had lately on our weekend, this forecast is coming in excellent here. temps in the low 60s. so, awesome weather to rude on, of course, the niners. beyond this we are looking at a chance here of some rain next week. wanted to give you an early preview, that next friday and also next saturday. so, for very 16th and 17th we could get an atmospheric river moving in and possibly a second storm back behind that. early total show 1-2 inches may be more. we will continue to watch that next chance of rain as we had into late next week. otherwise that weekend, it is insight for us. so, you know, i wish i could say it will be sunny all day long on sunday, but at least it is going to be dry. we will all be watching the tv to see how well those 49ers do. so, it is coming good for us.
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>> exactly. >> thank you, zach. still ahead, a very important day for the team. the 49ers final full practice the 49ers final full practice before the game
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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you have probably see this cell phone 101. say goodbye to it. a popular landmark has given days to pack up and move out. it has located the intersection of two of the busiest highways in the area. 101 and state route 25. it is recognizable to thousands of people in the area. allie and charlie larson say be a acquired their property under eminent domain, which basically means they get to take it so they can build a new intersection. >> we been here for 39 years, alex is 62, i'm 63. we are planning to retire in a few years, and now we are basically asked to start all over again. >> it is an iconic structure. but on the other hand, traffic on 101 is just escalated so much. >> imminent domain. the brother say they are losing moving to their sister winery. that is just on the street until they figure out a permanent location. >> plastic bags could soon be a
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thing of the past. lawmakers are considering something that could bend them for good. back in 2014, the shoppers can still buy those plastic bags at checkout. the idea was that those backs would be reusable, but critics argue that many people aren't reusing them or recycling them. it still has a long way to go before approved. >> so, are they ready for sunday? the niners and chiefs went great party, carlene. the niners and chiefs went through their workouts day. to
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you must have blown your budget. not exactly. you have great wine, name brand snacks, tons of meat. and where did you get this imported cheese? hello? grocery outlet bargain market getting ready to watch your team play the big game? or still sad they didn't make it? either way, scan to save big. growing up, my parents wanted me to become or still sad they didn't make it? a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message.
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allegiant stadium will be the center of the football universe on sunday, with the 49ers take on the kansas city chiefs insuperable 58. hello, i am anthony florez. both teams held their final first practices before the big game. the team has held three practices, since surviving in las vegas, but really, the game plan was when they played last week in santa clara. the niners will have a final walk-through in unlv on saturday. this game is a rematch of super bowl liv won by the chiefs. but head coach, kyle shanahan,
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says the past has no impact on this sunday. >> i don't think the last super bowl has anything to do with this game, just like last week didn't have anything to do with this game. if you remember the game, people won that game. and that is really all that matters. >> the chiefs continue as the head coach of the raiders. the defending super bowl champs are aiming for their third title in five seasons. all of that winning has turned some nfl fans against the chiefs. >> if you win a lot and that causes you to be a villain, i'm okay with it, but at the end of the day i will enjoy playing the game. >> on the injury front, all the 49ers are healthy and should be ready to go on sunday. now, both teams will remain in their hotels in the past. some teams have switched the night before to avoid distraction. in las vegas, anthony florez, nbc bay area. glad to hear all the niners are healthy. all right, back in a
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives.
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adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. finally tonight, it seems everybody in the bay area has the probably the central has a super bowl party ahead of the
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big game. staff, families and the kiddos will cheer on george kittle and the niners. all dressed in their favorite 49ers gear. a big hit ahead of the big game. see? even the little ones are getting into the spirit. >> everyone! >> that is so cute. and the weekend weather? back. >> amazing, i think we got into the spirit pretty nice here as well. >> it even the dress. >> right. so much happening. let's take you to your forecast in case you missed it. watch party in the bay area, it will be dry, so nice, after all of the rain we have seen lately and look at those temperatures in the low 60s. partly sunny to partly cloudy skies on the seven-day forecast. eventually some rain chances by next friday, but let's not worry about that right now. we will worry about that in the weather office. everybody else is focusing on that awesome weekend is just around the corner. >> just enjoy. >> all right. thank you so much. go niners! >> bye-bye.. >>


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