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tv   Today  NBC  February 13, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PST

7:00 am >> if you're staying here, 11:00. if you're going there, now. >> we've got a lot going on. we're pretty much always here for you. >> we've got you. >> it's valentine's day tomorrow, mike. >> i remembered. >> happy tuesday, folks. >> we've got a lot going on. a lot of love in the air. have a great one. hi, everybody. happy tuesday. hi, everybody. happy tuesday. and it is a very snowy one. >> it is tens of millions of people in the path of a major winter storm. good morning it's february 13th this is "today". ♪ states of emergency. that fast-moving system hammering the northeast this morning.
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near lu a foot of snow expected in some areas. this morning commute treacherous. schools closed all along the east coast more than 1,000 flights already canceled al is tracking all of it. breaking overnight, family affair donald trump looking to expand his influence on the republican party, pushing his own daughter-in-law for a key leadership position. we'll have the latest. and what it could mean for the presidential race. hate crime disturbing new details on that frightening new shooting inside joel osteen's church >> we do have some anti-semitic writings that we have uncovered during this process. >> what the investigation is revealing and what we're now learning about the shooter no love. thousands of uber, lyft and doordash drivers from coast to coast set for a massive valentine's day strike just ahead, the potential impact on your plans. off in new orleans with parades, parties and plenty of people all that, plus let's go!
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♪ mardi gras celebrations kicking off in new orleans with parades, parties and plenty of people why it could be the biggest in decades. we're there live. and touchdown. the kansas city chiefs arrive back home after the most watched super bowl ever. and a wild celebration in vegas. taylor swift hitting the clubs with travis kelce. and her parents. the new video she just posted. and the team's plans for a second straight victory parade with more than a million people expected to join, today, tuesday, february 13th, 2024. ♪ >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning welcome to "today. lots of reason to celebrate on a tuesday morning. it is fat tuesday for mardi gras >> yes, indeed.
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>> and also big celebrations are happening for the chiefs >> the chiefs are back in kansas city you know who is celebrating? >> who. >> the nfl guess how many people watched the super bowl on sunday >> tell me. >> 123 million people. do you know what's the biggest audience since >> since when? >> the moon landing, yeah. >> oh, my. >> yeah. so was it the swiftie effect or just a great game? >> i think it might have been because there were two teams a lot of people liked but a lot of people thought it wouldn't be one of the most exciting, and look what happened boom >> all right, we'll have more on the chiefs triumphant return. >> yeah. >> we'll talk about that. but let's get to our top story, that major winter storm take a look. snow is now falling on the statue of liberty in new york. >> birds eye view. in all, nearly 15 million people are under winter alerts this morning. some are set to see up to a foot of snow.ave everything
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but we are going to start with a snowy ridgewood new jersey. that's where we find emi fast moving nor'easter it is also bringing heavy winds, making power outages a major concern. >> we have everything covered, including al's forecast. but we will start with a snowy ridgewood new jersey that's where we find emilie ikeda. hi, em, good morning >> reporter: hoda, savannah, good morning to you. i can tell you the roads are already slick and they're only going to get worse parts of the northeast could be buried by up to 10 inches of snow that's as much as people in new jersey have seen all season long throughout the morning, it's been a bit of a wintery mix, so you can see the consistency of the snow it is wet and heavy, snarling travel both on the roads and in the air. this morning, a hard-charging storm racing up the coast that could affect 46 million people in the mid-atlantic and northeast. >> it is snowing in pennsylvania. >> reporter: the intense, february nor'easter already blanketing snow in states like tennessee overnight, set to dump up to a foot or more in the northeast. driving serious concerns about the morning commute, with officials in several states
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urging people to stay home. >> we have not had any significant snowfall for quite some time. the time has come. mother nature does what she wants to do. >> reporter: with tens of millions of americans facing winter alerts, many schools across the region are cancelled in-person classes. overnight, downpours started transitions to snowfall. >> heavy, wet snow will be really hard to shovel and a little more exertion than the light, fluffy stuff. >> reporter: the boston area no stranger to winter weather, declaring a snow emergency, with 850 pieces of snow-clearing equipment at the ready. >> make plans to be indoors. stay off the roads. it is looking like it will come down pretty heavily pretty fast. >> reporter: along with the snow, those on the coast are preparing for wind gusts 30 to 40 miles per hour that could cause major power outages and possible flooding this afternoon. >> if you live on the water, you will have to expect a storm at least once a year to bring up surf, especially if it is a full moon. >> reporter: today's wintery mess intensifying from a storm system that already hammered the southeast with hail and heavy
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rain. flood waters closing roads monday and spilling into neighborhoods. >> y'all be careful on those roads. >> reporter: even causing this car to slide into a ditch. but now all eyes turn to the northeast, bracing for what could be the biggest blast of snow in two years. >> use extreme care if you do need to go out. >> reporter: and already at this early hour, more than 1,000 flights have been canceled across the u.s. because of this winter weather. laguardia, jfk, newark and boston hardest hit. now one silver lining, this is a fast-moving storm. while it is packing a punch with snowfall rates between 1 to 3 inches an hour, those high temperatures we saw over the weekend will help decrease the amount of snow that can accumulate on the ground. hoda? >> all right. emilie ikeda for us in ridgewood, new jersey. looks like it is making our way this way. >> we're starting to see flakes out there, al. >> the snowfall rates are going to increase. by the way, let the kids have a
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snow day. this remote thing, stop. stop. give them the snow day. we had one. they should have one. any way, we are looking at 46 million people under winter weather advisories, winter storm warnings from the virginias all the way up into new england. boston right now under winter weather advisory. we can see now the rain is changing over to snow as this system pulls in that colder air. plus, we've got coastal flood advisories 1 to 2 feet above normal. high tides could bring flooding stretching from boston all the way down into the del mar peninsula. so here we go. these are the impacts we're looking at. washington, d.c. steady snowfall from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. windy, up to 40 miles an hour wind gusts. philadelphia 8:00 a.m. until noon. gusts up to 35. steady snowfall in new york city until 1:00 p.m. gusts up to 35 miles an hour. we head into new england,
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providence, your heaviest snow from 7 to 3. gusty winds up to 35. and boston 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and, again, those strong gusts. snowfall amounts, the heaviest going to be right pretty much along the coast and inland. allentown pa. about 3 to 7 inches. philly, 1 to 3. new york city, 3 to 7 inches of snow, depending on those 1 to 2 inch snowfall rates. providence, 4 to 8. boston about 2 to 4 inches, but it's been a while since we've seen this, two years, so we're ready for it and we're ready to get the snow trucks out there and get that salt down, guys. >> snow day, like riding a bike, right, al in come on. let's go. turning to politics now. donald trump in firm control of the presidential race. he's now looking to expand his influence on the party and calling for a change in leadership at the rnc. nbc's garrett haake covers the trump campaign for us. hey, garrett, good morning. what more do we know about this move and how it might impact the republican party? >> reporter: well, savannah, this would be a major shakeup. overnight, former president trump is pushing for three loyalists to head the republican national committee and replace ronna mcdaniel who has faced a lot of pressure to step down.
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his daughter-in-law, laura trump, as co-chair. he would make a senior campaign adviser into the party's chief operating officer. the idea is that these moves would tighten donald trump's grip on the party and basically eliminate any daylight that exists between his campaign and the rnc. now, mr. trump's rival nikki haley blasted this saying mr. trump is rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic and pointing out under trump the party lost election after election and the rnc is effectively broke. now the former president can't do any of this unilaterally. these moves will require an rnc vote which now appears likely to take place after the south carolina primary next week, savannah. >> garrett, let's talk about capitol hill. the senate this morning passed a foreign aid bill, but the real question is what happens in the house. >> yeah. the senate pulling an
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all-nighter to get this done, bipartisan supermajority of senators passing a nearly $100 billion foreign aid package for ukraine, israel and taiwan. but despite getting 70 votes in the final count in the senate, it faces a pretty rocky future in the house where there are large swaths of republicans who oppose giving any more money to ukraine, specifically. overnight, speaker johnson reiterated his opposition to in bill for not including any border policy changes. but, of course, this bill only came together after republicans killed that bipartisan border deal tied to the foreign aid they originally demanded. all this with donald trump loudly opposing to bill to avoid giving president biden any sort of political win. now just this past weekend, mr. trump bragged about killing that bipartisan deal that some republicans said was the best shot at giving once in a generation border changes. the stakes are incredibly high with ukraine running out of ammunition on the battlefield. president biden saying not sending aid would be close to criminal negligent. savannah, all eyes now on speaker johnson who once against has to walk this tight rope with a divided republican party and
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an outspoken republican candidate weighing in. we are learning more about the gunman who opened fire inside pastor joel osteen's church on sunday. they covered anti-semitic material at her home. morgan chesky has the latest for us this morning. hey, morgan. good morning. >> reporter: hey, hoda, good morning. that anti-semitic material combined with the fact they saw the word on the rifle. and this is happening as we learned that the shooter's 7-year-old son remains in critical season after police say she brought him inside the church and then just started to open fire. more than 24 hours after gunfire rang out through houston's
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lakewood mega church, investigators are painting a troubling picture of the woman that opened fire. houston police identifying the deceased shooter as 36-year-old genesse ivonne moreno. telling nbc news she was carrying an ar-15 with the word "palestine" written on it. a search of her home yielding ingredients to make explosives and written material with a very clear message. >> we do have some anti-semitic writings that we have uncovered during this process. >> reporter: law enforcement records show moreno had at least six prior arrests since 2005, including weapons charges. in 2016 authorities placed moreno under an emergency detention order. >> she does have a mental health history that is documented. >> reporter: police say a dispute with her ex-husband's family, some of whom are jewish may also be related to the shooting. witnesses say moreno was wearing a trench coat and backpack when she walked inside the church. her 7-year-old son next to her when she and two off duty officers began exchanging
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gunfire. moreno was killed, the 7-year-old boy critically injured. the off duty officers credited with saving countless lives. >> they held their ground with the face of rifle fire at point blank range. >> reporter: inside the nearby sanctuary, hundreds of frantic church goers tried to escape. paula says her boyfriend told her to ditch her high heels so they could run faster. >> you never think it's going to happen to you or your family until it happens to you or your family. it could have been a lot worse. >> yeah, we keep hearing those exact sentiments over and over again, these kinds of shootings. but we are also hearing from the shooter's neighbors on their encounters with her. what are they telling you? >> reporter: hoda, we heard from
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one of the neighbors of moreno yesterday who didn't want to go on camera but did say they filed a restraining order against her as recently as this past fall. describing months of red flags, saying that there was definitely a sign of things to come that could have been beyond disturbing. in the meantime, authorities say that because of this attack here at lakewood, they are now increasing security at places of worship across the entire houston metro area. hoda? >> despite all those red flags she was able to get a weapon somehow. all right, morgan, thank you so much. also this morning, the u.s. is negotiating a deal for hostages that would lead to a week's long pause in the israel-hamas war. but even amid the on going d thg talks, israeli forces are expanding their offensive in gaza nbc's molly hunter joins this morning. moll lirks good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. lots of high-level diplomatic activity that we're watching cia director, bill burns, his israeli counterpart and other regional officials are in cairo looking to hammer out a hostage and a cease fire deal.
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while that hostage rescue was very good news for two families here, the remaining families of hostages are clear, it is no replacement for a deal this morning israeli hostages fernando and louie har home with their families this reunion, these hugs 129 days in the making. >> it was very emotional to see them, to hug them, to feel them. it feels almost unreal. >> reporter: and today the united states pushing urgent high level diplomacy in cairo. cia director bill burns and ce meeting today, according to an israeli official, to try to close the significant gaps in deal talks more than 100 hostages remain in gaza after monday's risky operation in gaza. rafaah showing commandos racing into a building the two israeli hostages on the second floor guarded by three hamas gunmenneighborhood, killio
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a minute later, a heavy wave of israeli air strikes providing cover, destroying the neighborhood, killing dozens of palestinian civilians, according to gaza health officials the hostages then taken by helicopter to a hospital in tel aviv do you want a blanket? no, he says. it is warm in my heart hours later, president biden meeting with the jordanian king abdul la at the white house. biden framed the deal as a six-week cease fire, allowing both sides to agree on a more enduring deal, but also ramping up pressure on israel as the death toll in gaza continues to rise. >> too many, too many of the over 27,000 palestinians killed in this conflict have been innocent civilians and children. >> reporter: but prime minister netanyahu argues to root out the final hamas battalions, raising the city of rafah is mission critical for months the israeli military has told palestinians the south would be safe.
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the scene in october now packed with 1.4 million displaced palestinians where can we go, he asks god knows there is no safe place. and you just heard from that man, savannah. there is growing panic in rafah that the israeli military may move in before a deal is struck. but the israeli military tells my colleague raf sanchez that no evacuation plan has been drawn up yet for the 1.4 million palestinians already displaced in rafah savannah >> thank you, molly. astonishing new dash cam showing that deadly plane crash friday on a florida highway. so the plane comes out of the left upper corner of the screen. it flies over several lanes of traffic and it tries to make an emergency landing in the far right lane but it crashes into a vehicle, killing two of the five people the ntsb is leading the crash and the investigation.
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onboard. officials say the pilot had radioed that he lost both engines and was trying to make it to the nearest airport. the ntsb is leading the crash and the investigation. now the cold waters of lake superior where shipwreck hunters found the wreck of the "s.s. arlington", that sank in 1940 in 35 miles off northern michigan in 600 feet of water the arlington, nearly as long as a football field, was fully loaded with grain when it went down in a storm and fog. the crew was rescued by a nearby ship 7:17 let's take a look at the weather. a busy day today, al. >> yes, it is. here specially in the northeast on into new england. but the rest of the country is fairly quiet a little light snow in the central great lakes. we are looking at plenty of sunshine through the gulf, mild in the plains here comes another clipper, coming out of alberta, a quick hit of snow across the northern plains plenty of sunshine out west. we'll get to your local forecast in 30 seconds. wait! we can use etsy's new gift mode! yes, what do the french like? ...anyone?
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cheese... they like cheese! brilliant. done. plateau de fromage! oh la la! [cheering] don't panic. gift easy with gift mode, new on etsy. good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are dry today, but we do have rain coming our way, set to arrive late tomorrow morning into the afternoon. the north bay will get the rain first, continuing to spread across the bay area for tomorrow afternoon into the evening. it could bring us about a half to possibly one inch of rainfall. there's a lot more wet weather on the way going into the weekend, with just a brief break on thursday and friday. it's going to be and that is your latest and that is your latest th. there is a strike in the works that could threaten your
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plans for valentine's day. maggie vespa with the story. hi, maggie. >> weather, guys? >> thank you, al. just ahead, there's a strike in the works that could threaten your plans for valentine's day maggie vespa with the story. hi, maggie >> reporter: hey, savannah good morning yeah if your valentine's day plans involve hailing a uber or lyft or maybe a quiet night in with doordash delivered, drivers say they're fed up and planning to strike nationwide. we'll have the details coming up >> all right, maggie and two towns in full party mode the chiefs gearing up for their second-straigh super bowl party and it is fat tuesday in new orleans. happy mardi gras we're live in kansas city and new orleans. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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coming up, nearly a decade after signing off as host, john stewart was back in his seat at "the daily show". >> and let's just say he has not missed a beat. inside his long-awaited return but, first, your local news.
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l'eggo with eggo. can we... [car traversing over uneven ground.] [silence in the vehicle.] l'eggo with eggo. [car traversing over rocky ground, babbling creek in the background.] [minimalist piano enters, plays throughout.] (dad) we got our subaru forester wilderness [heavy sound of water coming from waterfall.] [heavy sound of water stops abruptly.] to discover all of the places that make us feel something more. [heavy sound of water from waterfall re-enters.] (vo) subaru is the national park foundation's largest corporate donor, helping expand access for all. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too.
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serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ we are moving you forward with a look at the top stories here on "today in the bay." >> police in pleasant hill searching for a suspect behind the murder of an employee working an overnight shift at pleasant hill park. 37-year-old santiago jacobo died
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from stab wound on friday night. his wife says they lost contact for several hours and several saturday morning she drove to the parking lot where she found his body. pleasant hill police are not commenting on the investigation. happening today, peninsula leaders will try to slam the brakes on a plan to expand robotaxi service outside san francisco. supporters are pushing for local control when it comes to regulating self-driving vehicles. currently it's strictly up to the dmv and state public utilities commission. the resolution supports a bill recently introduced by south bay state senator dave cortese responding to waymo's plan to expand service into san mateo county. supervisors will consider that resolution later this morning. let's enjoyayet's enjoy this forecast, with meteorologist kari hall. >> we are going to say enjoy it because the weather looks so different over the next few days with rain returning to the bay area. it starts out cloudy and cool, temperatures in the low to mid-40s right now and headed for the low 60s, much like yesterday
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afternoon. as we mentioned, there's going to be rain in our valentine's day forecast and continuing into the afternoon as well as the evening. there may be a brief break in the rain on thursday and friday, but we may be watching a couple of bigger storm systems coming in for the weekend. long holiday weekend looks very soggy and potentially windy, that may cause some issues. we're tracking that and keeping you up to date on all of the changes ahead. go to for the latest forecast.
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the economy is simply not working for
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millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. ♪♪ we're back at 7:30. a live look at new orleans. it is fat tuesday. the mardi gras floats, they are ready to go. in fact, some say, this year's celebrations are bigger than ever. we will take you there live in just a bit. sheinelle is here.
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good morning. there was a lady on the plaza, they're from new orleans. we brought them in. they brought mardi gras beads for us. >> we'll get you some. >> she said she had some for everybody. >> all right. we do have a lot to cover this half hour, including a looming problem for your valentine's day plans. >> yes. thousands of ride share and delivery drivers are set to go on strike tomorrow. nbc's maggie vespa is in chicago with that story. maggie, good morning. >> reporter: yeah. good morning. we're talking all the major players in the raid share industry, including uber, lyft and doordash. if you are planning on getting your valentine's day delivered, this impacts you, too. major organized rallies are promised in several cities across the country tomorrow, including here in chicago. but organizers really want this to make a splash on the holiday, so they're calling on all
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drivers to strike nationwide. this morning, americans looking to head out or order in on valentine's day may not be feeling the love with delivery and ride share drivers set to strike tomorrow, from uber to lyft to doordash. >> we are going to strike on february 14th. yes, valentine's day. but we are not showing any love for uber that day. >> reporter: a coalition representing ride share workers calling for massive strikes. one representative saying thousands of drivers nationwide could call out. it is not just your commute that could be affected. with a major storm on the east coast, many americans could be planning to order in for a wintery valentine's day, but the strike also reaching delivery drivers. >> drivers, i'm here to remind you guys that do not drive on that day. stay home. >> reporter: it is the first major strike since uber and lyft went public five years ago. >> what do we want? >> reporter: there could be chaos for those planning a valentine's day get-away, too, with organizers calling for rallies and for drivers to turn down airport trips in major cities across the country from
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philadelphia to chicago to austin. the justice for app workers group writing we're sick of working 80 hours a week just to make ends meet. being constantly scared for our safety and worried about being deactivated with the click of a button. it comes a week after lyft said it would guarantee weekly earnings for drivers. a first in the industry. lyft saying, we are constantly working to improve the driver experience. uber said that drivers earn about $33 an hour when they are being used and says only a minority of its drivers participate in such strikes. but with a nationwide rallies and strikes planned tomorrow, you may want to get a home-cooked meal ready as a backup for those valentine's day plans. nbc reached out to uber and doordash as well and haven't heard back.
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it's worth noting, we have heard attempts in the past. including boycott in new york city and global day of strikes in 2019. the impact from those wasn't very big. a lot of drivers didn't participate. sheinelle organizers of this one hope it will be much bigger. >> this isn't the only strike we're monitoring. airports are also facing demonstrations today. what can you tell us? >> reporter: yeah, that's right. that's today. the association of flight attendants says we could see workers picketing at 30 major airports across the country. they're demanding they say better contracts, better pay as well. major airlines that could be impacted include united, southwest and american. sheinelle. >> also a trickle down effect when they do that. thank you. still ahead, another impact on valentine's day. high prices on everything from flowers to food. so, how can you save and still impress your sweetheart? vicky nguyen will tell us that. >> poetry. write a beautiful poem. this year's super bowl victory parade set to be twice as nice in kansas city. our jesse kirsch right there. >> reporter: good morning, savannah.
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the stage is literally set for parade that could be beyond football fans and swifty's wildest dreams. what's next for the super bowl champs coming up. ouch! ouch! it's tortured, humiliated, forgotten. the currency of choice for paying people back with spite. this is 50 bucks, by the way. why are you doing this? ohhhh! get me off this piece of scrap metal. make me digital. let me soar. imagine me actually paying for stuff. amongst the people again, instantly traveling the globe without fees or friction. old abe just wants to be good at being money again. is that too much to ask for an old, top hatted dreamer? ♪
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7:37 am
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live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. ♪♪ all right. we are back at 7:38 with two towns in party mode. >> you know what those two towns are. the chiefs went back to kansas city and became back-to-back they're super bowl champs. they're gearing up for tomorrow's super bowl parade. >> and it is fat tuesday down in new orleans. this is a way of life. we'll get to that in a moment. but first jesse kirsch is in kc. hi, jesse, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. the championship banners are already up here in kansas city and schools have been cancelled ahead of that massive parade. officials expect up to a million people, close to a million people to be out here. and the question is, will taylor swift be one of them? with a heroes' welcome at the
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airport, super bowl champions are back in kansas city. ♪♪ the chiefs victory lap leading to a disneyland parade monday after becoming the first team to win back-to-back super bowls in almost 20 years. [ cheers and applause ]. >> reporter: and super bowl mvp patrick mahomes is already talking about going for three-peat. >> we'll celebrate these next few weeks, and then we'll get right back at it. >> reporter: and chiefs fans are celebrating him after the star qb took control at the end of the game. new video revealing his leadership during the final play in overtime. >> tom and jerry wright yellow. >> touchdown kansas city! >> reporter: the team overcome with emotion. >> i want to take credit. but honestly, it was everybody. it was -- i was -- i knew it was going to turn around the way the guys worked. >> reporter: and millions watched that work pay off, the game setting a massive ratings record according to cbs with 123.4 million viewers, the most watched broadcast since the moon
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landing. of course, some of that could have been the taylor swift effect. the pop superstar was on the stands and in the field to support her boyfriend travis kelce. later, the duo hitting the los angeles strip with her family in tow. overnight, the singer posting a hilarious tiktok about her parents joining the fun. swifties noting it is her first official social media post featuring kelce and the two swooning over the two celebrating after the game. kissing as "love story" played. and a memorable moment. travis leading a sing-along of "you belong with me." now the question is, will fans see the power couple together tomorrow in kansas city? the super bowl champs are already preparing to parade through the streets and rally with fans. last year, momma kelce joined travis at the super bowl
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celebration. but with this year's parade falling on valentine's day, many fans wondering if travis will be bringing a date. >> reporter: here is serious swifty math for you. if she is at the parade, she cannot stay very long because she has an eras tour in melbourne, australia. melbourne is 17 hours ahead of kansas city. she won't have much time to rest in between. we are not out of the woods yet, but i got to say, if we don't see trailer together here in kansas city, i feel like we're going to have a bit of a blank space at the parade again, close to 1 million people could be out here, guys. back to you. >> listen, we drank every time you did a taylor lyric. it was coffee, though. thank you, jesse. >> thank you, jesse. all right, now, let's welcome the return of mardi gras. we need some beads here. it may be a regular-old tuesday for most of the country. but in new orleans it is fat tuesday, signaling the biggest
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party of the year. it's been going on for two weeks. this is the culmination. sam is covered with beads. he's down in the big easy. hey, sam. good morning. >> reporter: i have about 50 beads for you, guys. actually some more that you can't see on camera as well. figured that should be enough. yes, of course, excitement permeating the city of new orleans. i'm standing in front of rex floats, rex being the king of carnival. this is the oldest parading organization for mardi gras, more than 150 years old, guys. we're talking about 29 different floats, 450 riders and a lot of the traditions so time honored and connected with mardi gras, everything from the colors purple, gold and greep to the balloons. we can have our king cake and eat it, too, right now mardi gras is preparing for one of the most epic events they have seen
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in decades. >> reporter: this morning, new orleans' message is loud and clear. mardi gras is back and better than ever. >> there's nothing like being in new orleans. nothing like going to a mardi gras. >> a whirlwind month of carnival season celebrations leading up to today's fat tuesday festivities with hundreds of thousands of people expected to fill the streets of new orleans. triumphant return to post-pandemic crowds. >> it does feel like it's back. and people are having so much fun. >> reporter: locals celebrating time-honored traditions. >> we cook. we have gum bow. we have jambalaya. and everybody shares. and everybody looks out for everybody. >> reporter: alongside tourists experiencing their first mardi gras. >> i'm 84 years old. it's my very first ever mardi g gras i like the music and energy. i i'm excited. >> reporter: expected to boost the new orleans growth since 2009. >> we know the hotels were virtually sold out this past weekend. we're hearing from our restaurants they have been absolutely packed. we know at one point the french
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quarter had to close to vehicle traffic because there were so many people. >> reporter: on monday night, parades like the crew kicking off with harry connick jr. on hand presession of colorful floats, music and, of course, lots of beads. neil patrick harris serving as this year's celebrity monarch. a role once held by former new orleans resident, our own, hoda kotb as big as this year's mardi gras promises to be, the city is gearing up for a busier 2025 when it is set to host the super bowl just weeks before mardi gras >> we like to say that new orleans is built to host we know how to do mardi gras and what we believe makes us a great city for the super bowl. ♪ >> reporter: a city trumpeting its culture and sense of community like only the big easy can. >> it's like one time in the year everybody no matter where they're from, they're all coming together having a great time. >> what's so cool, sam, about mardi gras, it's a family thing.
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you think it's a drunky monkey crazy. it's a real family affair. which i love so much so you're at the beginning of the parade what's happening where you are >> reporter: i'm so happy you used that word, hoda you talk to organizers here, they say this is about families first and foremost when they go down st. charles street later today, you'll see all these families lined up. it starts at 10:30 a.m. the rex parade it's about four hours long five miles right down st. charles, which has these majestic oak trees and mansions. and the oldest streetcar in america. and of course, all the floats that we were talking about, hoda and savannah, what's so interesting you have six iconic floats but 20 others that are changed every single year to reflect narratives, mythologies and parts of the city's history. this is my personal favorite, the cuisine creole, you have crab and flounder and gumbo. they are meant to be enlightening and enriching and good about new orleans history that is what this is all about
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the action all starts in just a matter of hours. >> wow. >> you know what -- everyone has to go to mardi gras. i'm going to invite you to come to mardi gras. savannah has never been, never been al has been. it's very cool sam, thanks. we'll celebrate more later and share mardi gras inspired recipes to whip up tonight. a check of the weather from mr. roker. >> i was on a float with hoda one year she is the queen of new orleans. >> family affair >> we have some fun. >> well, depends on your family. [ laughter ]. >> i never heard the term drunky monkey before. all right. so, again, we have that storm going on here in the northeast you look out our window, man, it is really coming down now. we're starting to see that 1 to 2 inch per hour. could even hear a little thunder know before this is over meantime, a quick-hitting storm coming across the northern plains with light snow, slick
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but it feels like spring today. minneapolis, you are near 40 degrees. roads from rapid city to minneapolis and mixture of rain and snow in the northeast. the time we get into thursday. next system comes in from the high plains but feels like spring today minneapolis, you'll be near 40 degrees. kansas city near 60. oklahoma city, temperatures in the upper 50s. and tomorrow that warmth goes down to atlanta at 62. kansas city same tememperature good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today we are going to start out with clouds, but then head towards sunshine. one more dry day before rain comes in, and this will arrive on valentine's day. mostly late morning into the afternoon, a bit of a break between thursday and friday from the rain. then we're watching two additional storm systems for the weekend, on saturda an weather. guys >> thank you, al coming up, a new look behind the scenes at one of the super bowl's most memorable commercials.
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wait until you see the fun they ben affleck, matt damon and tom brady had in the parking lot >> oh, i want to see that. plus, a can't-miss morning boost coming your way right after this ♪ i've always been prone to hair thinning. i'm genetically predisposed. i just gave birth. i was under a lot of stress. i started taking nutrafol.
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we test our formulations with the highest rigor of clinical trials and we're the number one dermatologist recommended hair growth supplement. i noticed it becoming... stronger and thicker. nutrafol has taken me back to the hair i was meant to have. i am back to me. start your hair growth journey at ( ♪♪ ) i love your nervous smile. i love that you always sing the wrong words, how you see the best in people, and knowing what melts you. ( ♪♪ ) uh, honey... hi. the irresistibly smooth chocolate of lindor. made to melt the one you love this valentine's. febreze! your bathroom... needs febreze small spaces... the always-on, odor-fighting air freshener you set and forget. no outlets used, no batteries needed, no effort required.
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so your bathroom stays continuously fresh for 45 days. that's the power of febreze small spaces. ♪everything i do that's for my health is an accomplishment.♪ ♪concerns of getting screened faded away♪ ♪to my astonishment.♪ ♪my doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay.♪ ♪i screened with cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ i can't see you! hi, i'm bradley cooper. everyone is auditioning to get t-mobile 'magenta status'. with 'magenta status' there's no need to fill up... ...when you drop off your car... at dollar. i like to juggle... that's good brad! i'm a really good whistler... [whistling] get a special rate on your hilton stay. mom! i can cry on cue. ♪ playing: you don't gotta try... ♪ ( ♪♪ ) no need to audition.
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( ♪♪ ) introducing 'magenta status'. ( ♪♪ ) premium benefits from brands you love. i'm willing to work alone. what? ♪ we're back carson joins us with a boost. >> every parent knows the importance of reading to your young kids sometimes it is better to just let them read to you take a listen. >> baby llama hums a tune. llama, llama red pajama. wait, waiting for his momma. momma isn't coming yet >> that's the best >> he doesn't need any help. he has llama llama red pajama down pat >> that's cute okay dad kicked back. >> he's turning the page. >> that was great. >> that smile for the camera >> that's cute good stuff. guys, coming up on
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"popstart," the overnight highlights our friend jon stewart is back on "the daily show." plus, helping with the soaring costs of valentine's but, first, a quick check of your local news and weather and these short messages but this is my story. ( ♪♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia,
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and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪♪) what causes a curve down there? can it be treated? stop typing, and start talking. it could be a medical condition called peyronie's disease, or pd. and it could be treated without surgery. find a specialized urologist who can diagnose pd and build a treatment plan with you. visit today. he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need.
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♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ sorry body, for knowing about actives, but giving 100% of them to my face. but fear no more, body. get active serums with hyaluronic acid that quench, vitamin c that brightens, and pro-ceramides that even everywhere. new dove serum body washes. get dove or get foamo. (vo) the shape that stole your heart is back for a limited time. new dove serum body washes. heart-healthy cheerios. [customer service rep] discover customer service, this is maya. jennifer: oh, hi maya. you robots are sounding more human every day! [customer service rep] at discover, everyone can talk to a human representative. jennifer: alright, prove it. [customer service rep] wait, are you a robot? 24/7 u.s.-based customer service. jennifer: how would i prove that i'm not? feeling ughh from a backed up gut? miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go... your gut. and your mood will follow.
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for 8 grams of fiber, try new mirafiber gummies. good morning. it is 7:56. i'm kris sanchez. here is a look at what's happening now. i'm ginger conejero saab i. later today peninsula leaders will try to hit the brakes on robotaxi expansion outside of san francisco. san mateo county's board of supervisors will consider adopting a resolution that supports a state senate bill that gives local communities a say in local traffic control.
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we'll continue to monitor this developing story and update you on air or online at you're going to want to watch those roadways for wet weather tomorrow. >> yes, we're going to have one more day of dry conditions, and then we're going to head back to some wet weather. as we take a look around the bay area, it is a cool start with some 40s in dublin. we're headed up to 60 degrees today. upper 50s and low 60s across the bay area. then once again tomorrow, even though the rain will be coming in, we won't see much of a drop in temperatures. in fact, as we go into a much more active stormy pattern, we're going to see our rain chances ramping up by late tomorrow morning into the afternoon, and then with two more storm systems this weekend we could possibly see flooding and gusty winds. we'll be following that with all of the latest right here on tv and online. >> thank you so much. we have more local news in just a half hour. hope you can join us.
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this ad? typical.
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politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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♪ it's 8:00 on "today. coming up, on alert. a major winter storm racing up the east coast this morning. nearly a foot of snow expected in some areas. >> make plans to be indoors. stay off the roads it's looking like it will come down pretty heavily, pretty fast >> al is live with your
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forecast. ♪ ♪ what's love ♪ then, labor a love an inside look at the high cost of valentine's day, with consumers set to spend a record amount this year vicky nguyen has tips and tricks to avoid breaking your budget or your heart. plus, he's back! >> now, where was i? >> jon stewart returns to "the daily show" nearly a decade after leaving. >> look at me. look what time hath brought. >> the details on his big return and mass appeal. behind the scenes with ben affleck, matt damon and tom brady -- >> see what you got. >> oh! lucky shot still didn't make it. >> as the dunkin' dynamos get their game on.e on. we have that story ahead in
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"popstart," today, >> get one in here, baby come on. >> we have that story ahead in "popstart. today is tuesday, february 13th, 2024 ♪ >> good morning to my mom. >> watching in london, ontario. >> visiting from greenwood, south carolina. >> from east top, georgia, celebrating our 22nd birthday. >> hello from seneca, illinois. >> from sacramento, california. >> love you, mom and dad >> celebrating our 30th anniversary. >> from louisiana. >> sisters' trip from columbus, ohio. >> from coral springs, florida. >> it's flowy's 14th birthday. welcome back we're so happy you joined us on a tuesday morning. craig has the day off. he's on assignment he will be back tomorrow >> plaza is cold but there are still a few folks out there. tomorrow is going to be amazing. one of the biggest and busiest names in hollywood will be
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stopping by our studio right here live, tyler perry >> nice! >> he's the writer and director of a steamy new crime drama, and we can't wait to hear all about it. let's get right to our news at 8:00. it is a messy day for travel that snow started falling overnight. it is piling up. closed schools, flights are canceled al has the updated forecast. but first let's go to emilie ikeda who joins us from ridgewood, new jersey. hey, merks, em, good morning >> reporter: hoda, good morning to you after a lackluster winter, the biggest snowstorm in two years a barrelling into the area parts of the northeast will be buried by as much as 10 inches of snow. that's as much snow this region has seen during the entire season it has been coming down throughout the morning if i walk over here to this parking meter, you can get the sense. a couple inches already on the ground it is only going to continue to hammer the area. one of the particular concerns among officials is the timing of this storm it is coming as so many people are heading out the door, work.
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officials are urging people, if you can, to stay at home, avoid going out on the roads. across the region, many schools ha heading into work. that's when we'll see some of the heaviest snowfall. 1 to 2 inches an hour. so officials are urging people, if you can, to stay at home, avoid going out on the roads across the region, many schools have also cancelled in-person classes as tens of millions of people are facing winter alerts. this is all part of a storm system that first hit the southeast yesterday. hammering states with heavy rain and hail, flooding roadways and neighborhoods. but, all eyes on the northeast today as the storm intensified into a nor'easter and hammers this area with snowfall turning this area in ridgewood, new jersey, into a winter wonderland it's already wreaking havoc on travel across the country. more than 1,100 flights have been cancelled you look at laguardia, alone, more than 40% of the flights there have been nixed. are now off the schedule now the good piece of news, guys, this storm is expected to head off the coast by later today. hoda >> emilie ikeda, thank you so much. >> it's a quick bun, al is tracking it, though. >> that's right. we have winter weather advisories up and storm warnings we're looking at winter storm warnings just south of boston,
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all the way to cumberland, maryland, we're seeing all this snow in fact, the national weather service in new york city saying we're getting the snowfall rates of 1 to 2 inches per hour. it's really starting plus, we have coastal flood warnings from new england all the way down to the del mar peninsula. here is the timing for this. heaviest 9 to 10:00 a.m. 8 to 11 in philly. noon in new york city. wind gusts up to 35 miles per hour then we move up into boston. you're going to be looking at steady snow from 10:00 a.m. to 3. providence until 2 again, wind gusts 35 miles per hour snowfall rates now starting to pick up. and so we are looking on grassy surfaces and now as that snow really gets going and temperatures start dropping, we could see about 3 inches of snow on the ground, on the streets. but 7 inches up to on the grassy surfaces 3 to 5 in hartford, providence quick mover and it's out of here really fast.
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guys? >> all right, al. this morning police are still to 8; philly 1 to 3 of snow. but as mentioned, it's a quick mover and out of here really fast guys >> all right, thank you, al. this morning police are still searching for suspects after a deadly rush-hour shooting on a new york city subway platform. officials say two groups of young people got into a fight aboard a train when it reached the stop in the bronx, the violence spilled out on to the platform where numerous shots were fired police say a man, possibly an innocent bystander was killed. five other people including two teenagers were wounded investigators are reviewing security camera footage to help identify the suspects. this morning, officials near buffalo are searching for a door that fell off a small airplane mid flight it happened shortly after takeoff. the pilot calling the tower saying he needed to return to the airport to make an emergency landing. >> we have an emergency. we're heading back runway 3-2 your choice. when able, can you say the nature of it >> we lost our rear door >> the plane did land safely back at the airport. no injuries or damage has been
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reported but so far the door has not been found just ahead, music star usher with two big reasons to celebrate after the super bowl halftime show. carson will explain on "popstart. then valentine's day is tomorrow vicky nguyen is here to spread the love while you save money. >> hello, good morning, ladies yes, love is in the air. what are we buying our special someones this year plus, i have some ideas for last-minute gifts that don't cost a thing that's next right here on "today." ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur.
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stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ (vo) imagine your child going to school without a decent pair of shoes and socks or a warm coat to protect them from the cold. many families across the country struggle to be able to provide these basic needs for their children. subaru wants to help by giving these critical items to more than one hundred fifty thousand children in urgent need this year. subaru. more than a car company. (singing) ♪ i feel good ♪ ♪ duh na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ♪ i knew that i would ♪ ♪ na na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ooo, yum. hey!
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♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ i feel good. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. look at that sweet frosting and filling. that's what makes pop-tarts such a great snack! i sure hope we get eaten soon. we will. i made a sign. [vending machine buzzs] it's working! pop-tarts! crazy good. [customer service rep] discover customer service, this is maya. jennifer: oh, hi maya. you robots are sounding more human every day! [customer service rep] at discover, everyone can talk to a human representative. jennifer: alright, prove it. [customer service rep] wait, are you a robot? 24/7 u.s.-based customer service. jennifer: how would i prove that i'm not?
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(♪♪) there's two things a young man wanna be - a cowboy or a gangster. and a gangster's outta style. i got back to my roots... we come from a long line of cowboys. my grandfather, my great-grandfather, my aunt even rode horses. when i see all of us out here on this ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. (♪♪) (♪♪) grace didn't believe in magic. but her daughter was happy to prove her wrong. you were made to dream about it for years.
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we were made to help you book it in minutes. sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ leftover chicken, scallions, cheese... what am i gonna make with this? "may-ow" mayo? best foods?? you can talk? and then she says... "may-ow" ...and boom—best foods saves the leftovers. she can't spell. "may-ow" it's mine! and now our keynote speaker... "may-ow" pete... is it serious?
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you lasted longer than most. "may-ow" we're back with "today's consumer." and on this day before valentine's day, you know what, love is in the air and cash may be too as it flies right out of your wallet. >> yeah. with consumer prices still high, americans are expected to set a new spending record this year. so what are they buying? how can you save money while still impressing your loved ones nbc's vicky nguyen is here with the answers. vick, okay. >> good morning. >> what do people say they're going to spend on valentine's this year. >> love is in the air. we have consumer confidential in the pink and red they're saying $25.8 billion is what americans will spend. this is the national retail federation that is their estimate that works out to $185 now, here is the record. $14.2 billion is what people will spend on their significant others, their super special someone.
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when you take out the classroom valentine's decorations, whatever else. more than half of americans say, yes, i will celebrate. you know who is in the most celebratory mood it's not us, it's people 25 to 34 they are really digging love day. brjt. >> because they're single. >> exactly even for the people that say they're not going to celebrate, the 29% say i'm not really into it they are into the #treatyoself hashtag. so their going to be taking themselves out or going out with friends. >> or galantine's. okay which is the day you celebrate galantines >> okay. what are some of the top items >> what do you think >> i just saw. >> it's candy. >> and flowers. >> nothing says love like a box of chocolates. from sea's chocolate 57% of us will buy candy that's followed by greeting cards, flowers and a night out this is also an interesting new record 6.4 billion to be spent on jewelry. only about 1 in 5 people say re
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when it comes to valentine's day. most they're going to buy jewelry, but they're going to spend big on it. we're not really that creative when it comes to valentine's day, most people who were surveyed, 33% say they get their ideas from what's on display in the store. >> makes sense, impulse buy. you can always get your scroll out and write a long form poem for free >> exactly. >> people love a love note. >> absolutely. >> i take your see's candy. it is so delicious let's get to ways we can save money >> nothing sweeter than saving, hoda the bad news here is flowers are up 2%. candy is up 5% dining out will cost you more. 4.5% because of inflation. those traditional items are more expensive. what about a homemade valentine? is there anything more romantic? >> how about this? >> someone putting something together with their hands. >> how about this, they write a love note. hold on. they don't hand it to you. they read it to you. how about a read-to-you poem. come on. >> i see your love note. i raise you a poem with rhyming. look at ai something called the rhyme - >> no, no, no.
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>> ai can help, hoda savannah banana. it can come up with better rhymes than me the other thing you can do dinner at home is also very romantic make a recipe you have seen on "the today show. experiences, this is cool. flights are actually down. 9.4% if you want to splurge, you can splurge on a trip. airfares are down. if gifts are not your love language, what about an act of service? book that spa appointment for someone. get their car washed >> sweet. >> that is very simple if you are going to buy it, retail me not says look for the cash back offers those big ticket items, you always want to price compare, especially with the folks buying jewelry. and then savvy, a whole bouquet of roses is too expensive, mix in flowers go to the grocery store for flowers. >> out of all these things, the only things that are unforgettable are these. there you go. those three. >> hoda approved. >> last-minute gifts, what do you have >> okay. last-minute gifts, target always is a good go-to. they have deals on candy right now, 20% for their circle
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member it's free to be a member amazon 30% off candy you want to check the shipping will et get here in time they're offering 24% off of select beauty products walmart has all sorts of deals on flowers you can get them delivered by tomorrow as well kohl's, if love to you is a pair of pajamas with hearts all over it, a wide selection of jewelry as well. and pajamas. and then some people want to find something practical, that's on sale at kohl's as well. >> yeah, air fryer i got it i love it. >> savannah, did you get your mixer? >> and we should point out, delivery may happen, the storms are crazy. who knows? >> go to your local businesses, too. >> thank you, vicky. over to you, al. >> bopus. >> there you go, al. >> not again >> uber will go to bopus for you. you can send an uber now -- >> but uber might strike there's a lot going on >> good point.
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>> do it today a lot of things happening. a lot of things happening. we got the storm here in the northeast. but look at the rest of the map. things relatively quiet. we like that we will see that start to change as we get towards the latter part of the week in the meantime, the temperatures on the chilly side from new england into the northern plains, into the pacific northwest, 20s, 30s and 40s. warmer down south. more seasonal. so we do have that clipper coming across the plains bringing light snow. mild in the central plains plenty of sunshine along the west coast and into the gulf coast. mississippi river valley, ohio river valleys as well. the big problem, though, in the northeast with that snow movini good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are going to enjoy one more dry day with seasonable temperatures. our highs today reach the low 60s. tomorrow, rain is back. we'll see it moving in late morning and continuing through the afternoon as well as the evening. there will be a brief break in
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the weather before we get two additional storms or the weekend saturday and again on monday. we'll see the p don't forget, today show radio sirius-xm channel 108. best time of the morning "popstart. >> we got lots to get to, too. let's see what's going on over the weekend with the big game. a packed "popstart" today. we will start with usher fans getting caught up playing the grammy halftime show on repeat ♪ ♪ >> okay. ♪ ♪ come get me ♪ ♪ i got up and followed her to the floor, said baby let's go ♪ ♪♪
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>> well, as ♪ and i told her, i said yeah ♪ >> well, as you can imagine, since usher's performance in vegas, streams for his biggest hits are exploding on spotify. according to the streamer, "yeah" went up 500%. >> wow >> that's just the start of it take a look at some of these numbers. >> that's crazy. >> go back to 2004, his track "caught up" that jumped 2,000% you don't have to call love in this club, bad girl, all of them getting a boost of over 1,000. "confessions part ii" earned a bump 900% the superstar making the weekend memorable for another weekend. reason after the game, according to the clark county, nevada records, usher and his long-time girlfriend jennifer went over and got married. >> nice. >> yeah. we can confirm this. nbc news can and god bless them they have two kids together. they're happy. >> that is awesome >> it's a great outdoor spot in vegas. >> sure. >> usher's mother was a witness. and they got married. >> that's great. congratulations. meanwhile, his partner on stage,
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alicia keys also getting serious love for her >> good for you. >> extra super super bowl. meanwhile, his partner on stage, alicia keys getting serious love ♪ if it ain't you baby ♪ if i ain't got you baby ♪ ♪ some people want diamond rings ♪ ♪ just want everything ♪ but everything means nothing, if i ain't got you ♪ >> come on. >> alicia's "if i ain't got you" saw 1345% jump on spotify. good for her speaking of the halftime show, h.e.r. also joined usher in the lineup of a list guests. take a look.
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♪ >> it was a full-circle moment for h.e.r. online she shared this sweet throw back caption here is me singing the national anthem at a niners game. we knew her back then. she performed on "today" in 2007 as little gabbie wilson. in th ♪ no one, no one, can get it in way of what i'm feeling ♪ >> look at that. >> that's it >> that's amazing. >> all happens right here. remember justin bieber met his wife right here outside, hailey. >> meghan trainor. >> that's our slogan, it all starts on "today". >> taylor swift was born back in the kitchen, yeah, it all happened right here. next up, ben affleck. >> he was on when she was 17 bought her own bedazzled guitar. >> ben affleck made a splash, in dunkin' super bowl commercial dragging his boston buddies into
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his latest venture. >> bronx for your consideration, here comes the boston massacre, the dun kings. test out tommy on those keys. >> play it, coach. >> got it. >> i'm open. >> and needs no introduction, my partner. >> sometimes it is really hard to be your friend. >> in a new behind-the-scenes video the dun kings share a peek at the making of that really funny ad, including matt damon and ben affleck trying to show off their quarterback skills in front of tom brady before the super bowl champ gives it a go. >> i don't want to hurt your hands. >> i don't either. amen. >> i told you he was bert than you, matt. >> did you get that? >> oh! oh >> yeah! >> not a winner. >> oh! >> oh!
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>> well done i'm throwing one more. come on, let's go. >> did he make the last one? i don't think so if anyone is jealous of their fresh looks, dunkin doughnuts putting out those track suits. when they restock, i will do "popstart" in them why did i say that they're going to restock >> they're getting their money's worth. >> yeah. i think that was the best ad. mecole hardman is next you guys caught up -- did i say the name right mecole caught up with him, the super bowl champ yesterday fresh off that big win with the catch. >> first of all, i know you're out there celebrating. how does it feel to be super bowl champs? >> man, it feels great an undescribable feeling yeah, that's all you can say about it. definitely feels great >> i don't think you did the math if you notice the time difference there, mecole is talking to you, it was 4:00 a.m. for that interview by to
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jimmy kimmel live, celebrating with the team. >> did everybody leave at the same time or did it kind of just filter out and somebody last night he stopped by to jimmy kimmel live, celebrating with the team. revealing a peek into his big night out. >> did everybody leave at the same time or did it kind of just filter out and somebody was left at the end >> i kind of left early because i had media. >> were you still drunk when you did those interviews >> i was -- i was under the influence maybe. >> listen, he won the super bowl he won the super bowl. >> the game-winning catch. >> he literally won the game. >> the natural high plus he said, i was out and about then he said, i did a little something and came back. >> thank god he was nice enough to the media otherwise knuckle heads like us don't get any interviews we appreciate him for that. finally, jon stewart making his triumphant return to behind the desk at "the daily show". after nine years >> welcome welcome to "the daily show." my name is jon stewart now, where was i
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american de-mock-racy. it's a homophone we didn't change the sound of the word but we added a k, which makes it whittier. [ laughter ]. >> have you seen all of it it's so good >> i sent it passing around this morning. >> it is hard to find. if you want to watch it, you have to go to paramount plus it's the parent company of comedy central it's really funny, though. great to have jon stewart back he will be hosting for nine months now so welcome back, jon. >> that's a good "popstart." >> way to go straight ahead, taste of new orleans. we're going to celebrate mardi gras with the recipes from the queen of creole cuisine, chef toya but first your local news. ♪
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good morning. it is 8:26. i'm kris sanchez. peninsula leaders are trying to slam the brakes on a plan to expand robotaxi service outside san francisco. officials are pushing for local control when it comes to
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regulating those self-driving vehicles. currently it is up to the dmv and state public utilities commissioners. a bill was recently introduced responding to waymo's plan to expand service into san mateo county. supervisors will consider that resolution later this morning. and later this morning a little bit of sunshine, then maybe some rain. >> yes. we have a lot of changes coming our way. high temperatures headed for the low 60s very much like yesterday. tomorrow we'll need to break out the umbrellas on valentine's day as a wave of rain comes to the bay area. we are also going to take a brief break from the rainfall thursday and friday. then another storm system will be coming in for the weekend into president's day. we'll be watching all of that. we have more local news in just a half hour. we'll see you then.
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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♪ we are back. 8:30 on a snowy tuesday morning here in new york and all across the northeast. we're cozy and warm inside studio 1a because of those flakes, carson is concerned with his hair i said it's going to be fine
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it's a weave. >> perfect. >> yeah, it's safer to be >> it is it is. nice to have you along with us >> this half hour, chassis post is here with "today bestsellers. you are going to love from affordable beauty treatments to a fix for your old shoes to make them look like new also ahead, hoop dreams in a place you might not expect that is connecting nba players with a new group of basketball fans halfway around the world hoda, tell them about fat tuesday. >> i will. we have more on it on fat tuesday. we're celebrating. we have the queen of cajun creole cuisine here. she has traditional dishes she is an incredible new orleans chef. >> let's go, chef. >> cannot wait for that. coming up in the third hour, the remarkable story behind one of my favorite peanuts' characters, franklin his ground breaking debut was noticed by a young boy that ca. more than 50 years later, he's
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getting ready to create the next chapter in franklin's history. >> that is dreamed of being a cartoonist. more than 50 years later, he's getting ready to create the next chapter in franklin's history. now we cannot wait to share it with you >> that is so cool, franklin having his moment. >> that's right. he was first debuted in 1968 >> that will be a good story. guys, if you did not score a valentine's dinner reservation, the great chef daniel balude, friend of al roker, will stop by tomorrow on "today" and he will show us how to make a restaurant-worthy meal at home >> how about a check of the first. >> we have the snow up there it is wrapping up from boston all the way down to washington, d.c. snowfall rates 1 to 2 inches per hour for the rest of the country today, mild weather in the plains another clipper coming across the northern plains. sunshine out west and through the gulf coast as we move into tomorrow, that snow goes away sunshine in the eastern half of the country. mild in the midwest. that clipper -- another clipper bringing more snow and a new storm momoves into good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. it's a cool start to our day with low to mid 40s for the
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inland east bay from dublin, but we're seeing upper 40s from oakland to san jose and low 50s in san francisco. after this cool start, we only make it into the low 60s. that's about normal for this time of year. we're going to enjoy sunshine. tomorrow clouds will roll in with rain throughout the evening and more storms ahead for the weekend. continuación, chasie post está weather. guys >> all right, al thank you. thank you. coming up next, chassis post
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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♪ we are back. it's 8:35, today's best sellers finds. we have shop all day contributor
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ch we have a great list this morning from smart and useful hacks to remarkable fashion and beauty finds we have shop all day contributor chassis post here. all you have to do is scan the qr code on your screen and click. chassis, good morning. >> good morning! >> this is a good snow day find. >> yes, so good. so this is actually a hybrid this is a trend called the coatigan it's part coat, part cardigan. >> okay. >> you have the beauty of a sweater, a cozy sweater combined with this kind of cool tailoring. i think it almost looks like a trench so it could be a swench. >> you could have a belt if you wanted >> yes, i love it. i think it is the ultimate multi-season coat. what i love about it, when i tried it on, it is really flattering draped, easy to wear keep this at your door it is one of those running out the door and grab it if i'm wearing leggings and workout clothes. i'll look pulled together. around $46 >> let's get to some beauty products >> you will love this stuff. it is another hybrid called
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glotion. it's from lore yell paris. this stuff is so popular the brand says one is sold every 14 seconds. >> oh, my gosh. just sold another one. >> i love it so much >> how do you use it >> so i tried this and it is almost like it's an illuminator and a hydrator it goes on so silky smooth. >> do you do this on top of your foundation or instead of >> today i used it as a high lighter. you can put it under your foundation it makes your skin look like it is glowing from within >> i love that. >> it is so fabulous for around $11. >> okay. they just sold another one >> oh my gosh. >> this is for repairing damaged hair. >> yes this is another incredibly popular product. millions of tiktok views it is called the cer-100 it is this really intense, you know, collagen and ceramide and protein treatment. i tried this too, savannah i got to tell you. don't love a
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treatment because my hair is thin but it needs it i normally don't love a deep treatment because my hair is thin but it needs it baa it's color treated. >> right and i was sold i thought it was so fabulous. >> how do you do it? it's wet and you leave it on. >> you wet it. you leave it on for 5 to 20 minutes. >> leave it on for 5 to 20 minutes. you can see my before and after. >> is that you >> that's me. >> you look amazing! >> it still gives you body it doesn't weigh it down i could see my split ends were repaired and my air was a lot shinier than normal. under $7 fans say this is a great alternative for some pricey hair repair treatments that we all know and love. >> what on earth >> i love this thing it is like a car wash for your shoes, for your sneakers so look at this. it is like little shoe bags that you use to wash your sneakers. >> wait, wa? you wipe your floor while walking around >> no. they come with two things. they come with a shoe tree so your shoe will retain its shape. then you take this furry, micro plush bag.
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you put your shoe in and then you zip it up and then you throw it in the washing machine. so it protects your shoe it protects your washing machine. >> but it gets clean because this is so thick. >> i tried it too. >> it's like a lab at your house. >> it was a lab. and this worked really well. you know what else i love about it it's silent. when you put shoes in the washing machine and they tumble, tumble, tumble >> yeah. >> so this was really cool my shoes looked real good. so it is $35.99. and you could probably fit two kids shoes in there. you can fit two kids shoes in there. you know those are the dirtiest. this is carson-approved. >> okay. carson loves this. so does everybody else because these are genius so you can see here these are magnetic little silicone cable ties. >> yes so you can use this to wrap up all of your great cables anythi
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little notes or your office supplies. >> that's cute. >> yeah. mine are always such a mess. corral your cables but you can always use them to attach anything to metal, like little notes or your office supplies. >> that's cute. >> yeah. i put my scissors on this and stuck it on my filing cabinet. they're really strong. they're really strong. >> they're very strong magnets i was kind of a doubter. >> i was kind of a doubter. >> that holds a phone? >> right they're so strong. what i love about it, i have used rubber bands. i have used the zip ties to corral my cables it is such a bother. these almost want to, they want to connect i know they're magnets >> it's love. >> it is love. >> yes okay >> lastly -- >> i'm in the spirit. >> you are in the spirit you know what you're also going to love? >> this pan? >> these are actually oven rack protectors, oven rack shields. so how many times -- i have many times, you reached into the oven and burn your hand. >> i don't reach into the oven that much, let's be honest. >> if you were to reach into the
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oven, how many times have you burned your arm or hands >> many times. >> i have many times. >> i have, too. >> that's what this thing is for. well, this is -- well -- >> this is the latest in oven mitt technology. >> okay. >> it's mitt-less. >> you just put these before you put it in. >> yeah. you put it on your oven rack and you can put it on your regular oven, you can put it on your toaster rack. you can cut these down because it's silicone. >> so it's not really for the pan. it is for the rack. >> but you can get creative. if you have a grill pan, you can put it on that, too. what i love about it is it is super easy a set of four for $7. >> what about that, haters you don't like it? >> the sharks don't want to invest in this thank you, though. >> the peanut gallery over there. but you like the cords >> love. >> yeah, the cords are great especially if you have got to call your refrigerator. >> that's good. >> all right thank you. let's start shopping qr code.
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we should mention "today" does earn a commission for you scan that qr code. check it out we should mention "today" does earn a commission for purchases made through our links coming up next, we'll take you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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♪ look at the global popularity of basketball. >> obviously a huge sport here in the states. it's now taken hold in some places you might not have expected. >> janis mackey frayer joins us from beijing. with that stroir janice, good morning >> reporter: good morning, guys. i know you have been obsessed with football lately, but take a look at one of america's other face-to-facery sports, nba basketball, and spread it around the chinese countryside. add fans, some merchandise, even a few farm animals and you have the twin ba, village basketball league, that's grass roots and going viral. the hottest sports ticket in china these days is a grass
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roots version of the nba a basketball league where the players are amateurs admission is free. and the stands are packed. with every kind of fan it's a way for everyone to get together, he says. played on an outdoor court tucked in rugged hills in taipan. twin means village teams and fans drive hundred of miles. the population here swells from 1,200 to more than 20,000. there are no big contracts or sponsorships here. none of the players are even paid. >> it's very special for us to represent our village to show our talent in basketball >> reporter: what do you do when you don't play basketball? >> i'm a cook. >> reporter: you're a cook
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>> yeah. >> reporter: american basketball has long been a fixture of small town life across china, but the twin ba with its rural festival vibe is now more of a national obsession. live streams on china's version of tiktok, watched by millions of fans. who had never heard of this village in one of the country's poorest regions. now a whole economy has sprung up here around village basketball even drawing the attention of nba star jimmy butler of the miami heat, who appeared at the game last summer. >> i think it is great that we're exchanging basketball culture, says this player. aren't professional, this is not your average game of pickup. they're fast and nimble. the crowd cheering every dribble, drive and dunk. so with the crowd primed, the
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atmosphere electric, the championship game went well into the night here the winners lavished not with trophies and rings, but chilies, goats and a calf champions of the countryside and beyond given the popularity of village basketball here, it is no surprise that the league is expanding. with more teams, there's a twin ba hotel and even more prizes. now there was but one championship cow at the games that we went to. but other top teams went home with a few dozen ducks and a massive fish so in their own way, everybody in the league is a winner. guys >> we just learned something today. >> great story, janice >> i like what you said, carson. you said this is like the love of the game. that's why they're playing. >> especially coming off the super bowl, which is so corporate and sponsored. it is nice to see a village swell up like that and playing
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for the right reasons. >> and coming for the right reasons. >> diplomacy >> and coming home with a massive fish. >> or cow. >> thank you, janice and coming up next, a taste of mardi gras. my favorite city new orleans the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still
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can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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let's go happy mardi gras 8:50 on "today food. it's been a sbig celebration on this fat tuesday our guest has been called the queen of cajun creole. she's the author of a great book called "cooking for the culture. recipes and stories from new orleans streets to the table toya, you are a new orleans to your core your parents grew up you have a beautiful family. >> yes. >> and you have just made your mark on the food industry. i have to say it is a crowded field, but you have made your mark. >> thank you so much i worked hard at it, so i'm glad it happened.
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>> she said she has new orleans grit >> i worked hard at it yeah, it's in my veins. >> i know you are missing mardi gras i'm so happy you are with us. >> i'm happy to be with you. >> you are >> yeah, yeah, man i'm happy to be here the flavor is strong but it's super simple, yakamein kind of like lo mein but a heavier soup ramen base. this is starting with the beef you will take that and sere it, season it all up with cajun seasoning. >> what's that >> this is the bouillon base this is that punch that's hitting you in the back of the throat. this is that punch then you add the water and you are going to let this simmer. >> how long? >> for three and a half hours, three hours. >> low and slow. >> look, you could put it in the instapot, crock pot, whatever you want to do. you can do that as well. >> okay. low and slow for a while now what >> now we have the soy, we have ketchup. >> add all those, and this is
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what you got. now what are we doing? ketchup. we have sr airks iracha. >> add all those, and this is what you got now what are we doing? >> look at all these flavoring inside of here. >> does the meat just flake off? >> yeah, it breaks apart that's the goodness. >> now what are you adding >> now you take the eggs and add the eggs and scallions right on top. and then that's it >> add spaghetti noodles >> just spaghetti. you could use linguini if you like. >> yeah. >> and it will still hold the same body. you don't want a skinny noodle you can switch it up if you want to do it fast. add chicken or shrimp. >> that's good. >> good! good roll it like it got wheels i'm telling you now. all right. i'm telling you. i'm telling you. so now we have the red beans and rice another one with the slamming flavor, but it is easy to throw together you have the trinity, which is the onions, celery and bell pepper >> that is the trinity you have the trinity, like the father, son and holy spirit of the food world >> amen. >> you have that sauteing. the beans have been soaking
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overnight, but if you don't have time to do that, boil it one good time, let the water rise up, rinse it off and start from scratch like you had it sitting overnight. >> all right now what >> it's the flavor inside of this pot, we sauteed sausage, bacon we have sauteed the smoke turkey neck you can get that from any butcher, any place it's about building that flavor. you see that smokey taste that got you? >> punch in the face. >> come on, i'm telling you. i'm telling you. >> what kind of sauce is this? >> anjou >> of course, ok >> come on now you have the garlic. you put everything in. all of this. >> keep going. >> and look at this. you add the stock in and you add the beans. another one. >> look. >> you just come back and check it to make sure it's not thickened. i didn't mean to do that but i did it >> it is intimidating to make it home you are like, i can't build all these flavors, but it looks easy. >> look at that. it is literally sauteing and simmering. >> it's delicious. >> you have to get her cook
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book you can find the recipes on her website. her cook book check out happy mardi gras >> thank you, everyone thank you for having me. >> there you go. >> love you, love you. >> okay. let's keep those good vibes rolling. smucker's jars, come on up guaranteed your going to like these people happy 100th birthday to gerado weinstein. from dallas, texas an avid roader who traveled the world alongside his wife of 21 years. bess baynes is turning 100 of los angeles, california this mom of two had many jobs in her life, including a nurse and a man curist frankie is a talent show regular in her assisted living facility where she shows off the dance moves and singing voice. sadie mae young 101 years old.
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love that hat and that hair. beautiful. loves listening to gospel music, singing happy birthday to others today, everyone sings to you, sadie mae. and sylvia remer 100. she's an avid golfer from mideast meadow new york. her favorite saying, 90% of the things you worry about never happens anyway happy 100th birthday t peggy staack loves playing bridge and her sister joan and lifelong friends also enjoys a pinot grigio with dinner perfect with these red beans and rice. >> can you tell us the name of your book? >> "cooking for the culture. it is a real new orleans experience like a local. you learn how to make everything and super simple my gumbo is six steps to take you to the base. >> getting the flavor. i can't believe it. >> it's punching us in the flavor >> thank you so much. >> appreciate you. >> the third and fourth hours are coming your way. hoda, do you know what's coming
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up on the fourth >> no. it's going to be fun. >> by the way, we should shout out jon stewart on the daily show gave the smucker's jar segment a plug. >> welcome back, jon stewart, we love you your local news.
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good morning. it is 8:56. a look now at sfo where there is one of 30 or so airports across the country where flight attendants plan to picket today. globally about 100,000 flight attendants are part of four unions which are actually involved in contract talks in one way or another. it's planned for the area between terminals two and three. at this point it's not clear how many flight attendants are going many flight attendants are going to take part.
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this ad? typical.
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politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," let it snow. tens of millions waking up to a major winter storm. we're tracking all of it. plus, super homecoming. the chiefs touching down in kansas city, after their historic super bowl win and


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