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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  February 13, 2024 11:00am-11:31am PST

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right now at 11:00, stock market taking a major hit this midday. a live look at the dow. look at that, down 600 points.
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we'll show you some new data fueling this setback for wall street investors. a very good morning. thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm kris sanchez. marcus washington is off. this is a setback of sorts for families trying to make it in the bay. government economists say inflation did not weaken as much as they hoped last month. >> scott mcgrew has been looking through this new report. scott, food prices really stood out to you. >> food is very important, gasoline, the two products families are most price sensitive about because they're things we buy the most of. now, let's be clear, inflation continues to cool, just not cooling as fast as we expected it to. put together, the headline inflation number was 3.1%. economists were looking for something in the high 2s, down from the previous month. but still more than expected. the high price of food really holding up the progress that we were hoping for.
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the bright side, inflation, way down from the 9% we saw right after the pandemic, and workers' wages are up. in fact, americans are on average enjoying raises that are going up faster than prices are. as you pointed out, wall street reacting with disappointment, sending stocks lower. investors had been joyous lately, running up new records on part in their expectation that the federal reserve would cut rates. now, today's cpi data left them kind of deflated, and high interest rates maybe around for quite some time. looking through the report, though, hiring was up enormously, 20%, preschool prices up 5% from last year. we mentioned food. steaks up 10%. >> and really they track everything. >> they do. they track hot dogs, which the government officially calls frankfurters. those were up 2%. they track clocks.
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toe bako prices and cigars are coming down. >> the one thing interesting about the food situation is that president biden did talk about shrinkflation, where food companies are still -- they're giving you less. how much of that has to do with the prices? >> yeah. yeah. >> you can feel that at the moment. >> you do. >> going to the grocery store -- >> buy frankfurters. >> thank you very much, scott. >> you bet. new at 11:00, east bay leaders celebrating a major step towards cleaner air. today the air quality management district announced both settlements with the chevron and martinez refineries. both companies agreed to drop a lawsuit over the district's rule 65. the rule was adopted a few years ago and calls for chevron and mrc to cut emission base 70% and 80%. officials say both refineries
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are working to meet the standards by 2026. >> today is really about improving public health for resident who is live near refineries. everyone, no matter where they live, deserves or has the right to breathe clean air. >> chevron also agreed to pay $20 million for past violations and will help fund health projects for richmond area. while chevron was much of the focus today, officials noted mrc faces fines and legal action for more recent violations as well. happening today, a 50-year-old man from florida who's accused of stealing a single-engine plane from palo alto is expected to face a judge. investigators say luis gustav vollanded that plane on half moon bay before taking off on foot last thursday. no one was hurt in the incident. he was arrested a short time later. while this was a surprising thing to most of us, pilots in palo alto say they feel the airport is safe.
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he is due in court at 1:30 this afternoon. to a live look at sfo. this is just one of the airports where flight attendants across the nation are hitting the picket lines in a show of solidarity. this comes as labor unions continue to negotiation with airline companies over pay. ginger conejero saab is live at the airport this morning for more on the action. they're loud behind you, ginger. >> reporter: you're seeing that action play out, laura, hearing the demands of flight attendants who have gathered here on the picket lines of sfo. we are in terminals two and three of sfo, and we have flight attendants from several airlines -- united, american, southwest, alaska just to name a few. their colleagues are here as well as allies to send a clear message. this is an informational picket, not a strike. but people are demonstrating for better pay and compensation. now, if you have a flight out
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this morning or early afternoon, you should not expect delays because of these picket lines. however, that doesn't mean it eventually won't happen. we spoke with the president of the afa council in the bay area. she says today is historic because flight attendants have in the past picketed for themselves but not for one another. that solidarity that they want to express is what you're seeing. >> we're here to let management know we're not going to, you know, back down. we're going to still continue to fight for what we deserve. and other airlines are also in the same place. >> reporter: sfo is just one of the dozens of airports in the united states participating in this morning's picket lines. there are also flight attendants from the united kingdom and guam that were also out on the lines demonstrating. you're seeing the scene in minneapolis. that pickets began at 11:00 a.m. central time. other demonstrations are also happening here on the west coast, including los angeles and
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seattle and many others across the country. alaska airlines says they will announce a strike -- or flight attendants from alaska airlines will announce a strike vote later today. we are awaiting that. that will happen after noon. that may have implications for flight disruptions in the future. for now, these flight attendants are bringing their message very loud and clear. they're here in solidarity, and they want to get paid or else, they say, it will be chaos. ginger conejero saab, nbc bay area news. >> they're getting their point across. thank you, ginger. san mateo county wants to slam the brakes on self-driving cars. right now, county supervisors are talking over a proposed law that would put local government behind the wheel, so to speak. only the dmv and state public utilities commission regulates self-driving cars right now.
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there is a bill, though, on the table to give local government more say in permitting and regulation. it was introduced by state senator cortese representing the south bay. it heated up as waymo was trying extend into san mateo county. the supervisor who released the county provision cited more local control. a peek from the east bay overlooking walnut creek. clouds look pretty. kari has a good look at the forecast for this tuesday. got to run a lot of errands today. i've been listening to you. >> you're getting your errands run today. also spend some time on the patio as you like to do before the rain. get the backyard ready for more possibly windy weather going into the weekend and some off-and-on rain tomorrow. but it is so nice out there. a few fair-weather clouds dotting the skies. our temperatures go from mid-50s
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to upper 50s and will eventually reach a high of about 62 in the south bay today, 60 in dublin and 60 in oakland. now, once again, this is last dry day, but we are going to see rain coming in tomorrow. i'll have a look at that hour-by-hour forecast. we'll talk about two additional storms in our weekend forecast. that's coming up a little bit later. >> we'll check back with you. turning to decision 2024, san francisco mayor london breed has a challenger. former san francisco supervisor mark farrell is announcing his candidacy. >> san francisco can't afford another four years of failed leadership. we need a leader that can hit the ground running on day one inside of city hall. >> pharrell posting his campaign video on x this morning and just made an announcement in person within the hour. back in 2018, fellow supervisors appointed him as the interim mayor after the death of ed lee. at the time, he replaced mayor
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breed, who recently held the role as president of the board, and later won a special election that june. happening tonight, the berkeley city council will consider reviving an old safety program in order to protect women. the commission on the status of women wants to bring back safety escorts to prevent criminals from targeting especially older women. back in 2003, two safety escorts would help commuters get from the ashby and north berkeley b.a.r.t. stations to their destinations. the commission wants to expand that program now city-wide and add other crime prevention strategies. this comes as the safety commission says a growing number of older women have been robbed, sometimes even assaulted. right now, it's not clear how much the programs would cost, nor how long the escorts would last. later tonight, san francisco's school board supervisors will vote on rethinking their curriculums to allow middle school students to take algebra. right now, most students don't start algebra until high school.
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the disict is considering three options. one would ensure every student is enrolled in algebra 1 starting i the eighth grade. another would allow students to choose between the course and math 8. the final would provide students interested in taking algebra one the option to do so through an additional period. the school board meeting starts at 6:30 tonight. after a capitol hill all-nighter, the senate passed a $95 billion foreign aid bill. ahead on nbc bay area, the reason it's unlikely to hit the president's desk at all. and bringing the flavors of the dominican republic to the bay area. local restaurants made a big switch to embrace the culture during the pandemic. it led to success. after a heartbreaking loss in las vegas, the 49ers clean out their lockers for season in less than 30 minutes. we had ian cull head over to levi's stadium to talk to the players.
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive,
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her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product.
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the u.s. senate early this morning passed a bill to provide critical new aid for israel, ukraine, and taiwan. the lack of funding for border security likely means the deal will be dead on arrival in the house of representatives. as nbc bay area's brie jackson explains from washington, the vote follows hours of back-and-forth debate. >> this vote, the ais 70, the nays 29. the bill as amended passes. >> reporter: on capitol hill, senators worked to pass a roughly $95 billion emergency spending package that includes military and humanitarian aid for israel and ukraine. >> with this bill, the senate keeps its word to ukrainians in desperate need of supplies and ammunition, to innocent palestinian civilians in need of
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relief, to israelis in need of support, and to u.s. service members on patrol. >> reporter: the measure faces an uphill battle in the house as fighting continues overseas. israeli forces rescued two hostages in the southern gaza city of rafah monday. a reunion families have waited months for. >> it was very emotional to see them, to hug them, to feel them. it feels almost unreal. >> reporter: efforts to secure the release of the remaining hostages continue. president biden sending cia director william burns to egypt to work on negotiating a deal. >> you don't know how many are still alive. the anguish that their families are enduring week after week, month after month, is unimaginable. >> reporter: the president met with the king of jordan monday. he's calling for a cease-fire. >> we cannot stand by and let this continue. we need a lasting cease-fire now.
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this war must end. >> reporter: the u.s. urging israel to change its military tactics in gaza and protect civilians. the palestinian health ministry says more than 28,000 people have been killed in gaza since the war began. in washington, brie jackson, nbc news. as we discover black heritage in our communities this february, we head to the east bay for some authentic dominican cuisine. it is a restaurant that started as a vegetarian restaurant, which only really came into its own when the owner and chef went back to his roots. oakland's alamar is celebrating ten years of serving up cuisine in oakland, now adding caribbean flavors. we talked with the owner and chef, nelson german, about how the evolution of his cuisine brought him back to the beginning. >> we needed to refresh ourself, and i was like after all these
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years people saying we want a dominican restaurant, the food you grew up with, it was that time. to me, it's full circle finally having to shut down and come back ohm and become a full dominican restaurant, the only one in all the west coast. >> nelson says that's the key for any cook, to cook with love culture that food represents. dozens of residents are cut off along the central coast near big sur following a new string of weather-related mudslides. the latest slides happened four days ago. caltrans is offering convoys to get people in and out of that area, which at this point is the only option for about 50 residents who call the latest issue a major inconvenience. >> you have about a 4 1/2-hour drive go across the slide, come back around, and so each of those residents is having to make some really significant plans about, depending on the duration of that period, how they're going to be able to
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continue their work, how they can maintain their properties, and basically just live their lives. >> the slide is currently the largest slide on the central coast. that section of road is expected to remain closed through most of the spring. meteorologist kari hall is here. kari, during the last deluge, i was, like, oh, we made it out without any landslides. you pointed out sometimes they are triggered after. >> well after, days, weeks, the ground can still be saturated, then, yeah, the gravpation nal pull just brings it down. absolutely. and unfortunately, we'll still have the risk of more mudslides as we get more storms coming in. and we are going to see more of that heavy rain leading into the weekend. so, for today, we do have a nice, cool, sunny start, and it's becoming mostly sunny now. then by tomorrow, rain will be back, and it looks like it's going to be out of here fairly quickly, but we are going to see additional wet weather with the potential of a couple more storms as we go into the weekend. as our temperatures today head
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for the low 60s, this is about normal for this time of year. and we'll see that again tomorrow, not much of a change temperature-wise. even as we see the sky condition changing and our rain chances. we are going to see this storm system that's out over the pacific head our way, and it's going to first start to bring in more clouds later this evening. the rain holding off until about 10:00 tomorrow morning for the north bay. but quickly racing in, filling in on the radar as we go into the afternoon. and there may be some pockets of heavy rain where see the yellows and the orngs that indicate heavier downpours. we'll see that going into the afternoon as well as the evening commute as it tapers off for the north bay at about 7:00, still raining in the tri-valley and parts of the south bay, then ending by tomorrow night into thursday. so we're looking at the possibility of another half to possibly three-quarters of an inch of rainfall. and the rainfall totals may be even higher for mill valley and
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parts of the north bay, over an inch of rainfall possible. and so, that's going to fall on a ground that's already saturated, and then we have two more storm systems coming in for the weekend, the next one on friday into saturday, heavy sierra snow, and rel hi only a brief break before the next storm comes in on presidents' day and continues through the middle of next week. and we are going to see quite a bit of snow in the sierra as well. very cold temperatures, even just with this first round we get in the bay area for tomorrow, it will bring the sierra about 9 to 18 inches of snow. but in total, as we go toward the weekend and early next week, there may be 2 to 3 feet of snow in the forecast. so that's really going to give them a big boost there but make travel conditions very hazardous for people trying to get there for the long holiday weekend. we're going to be wachbing out for those storms and the impacts we could see here because we could have more heavy rain and gusty winds like the storms we had early last week.
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we'll be watching out for that. back to you. >> those winds were tough. thanks, kari. today is mardi gras, and the party is getting into full swing in new orleans. let's take a live look at the big easy this midday, where people are gathering to celebrate fat tuesday. the city's mardi gras celebration draws more than a million visitors, and it is a time to indulge, get a little wild before fasting and getting serious for lent. meanwhile, the celebration kicks off tonight in san francisco. the annual mardi gras celebration in the mission kicks off at 5:00 this evening. a big addition to the san francisco giants ahead of the start of spraing. spring training. the team is signing jorge soler to a three-year deal. he may be best known for winning the world series mvp when atlanta won it all in 2021. last season, he slugged 36 home runs with miami. the giants so far are not confirming the report. happening now, police in
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pleasant hill are searching for a suspects behind the murder of an employee who was working an overnight shift at a pleasant hill park. 37-year-old santiago jacobo died from stab wounds on friday night. his wife said they lost contact for several hours that night as he was working, so early saturday morning she herself drove to the parking lot where she found his body. pleasant hill police so far are not commenting on this investigation. highlighting the achievements of women in sports. next on nbc bay area, the new book one
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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tonight, la brea wraps up its three-season run with the fi fi neal. the unfortunate folks who fell through the sinkhole into prehistoric l.a. have one last chance to. shows don't always have a chae for a final episode so that made
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theinal month of filming in australia special for the cast and crew. it airs tonight. >> covering the super bowl, one sports reporter is making a big move off the field. bonnie joe is releasing "in a league of her own," highlighting female first in the world of sports and shares the stories of several including billie jean king and mary lou retston. she started her own sports career as a professional cheerleader for the golden gate warriors, then became a sports reporter at nbc sports bay area. she also broke barriers as the first woman scout in the nba. we asked her for advice for women who want to work in the industry. >> take any job you can at the beginning. take internships. be able to start to network. networking is so important. being at and going to events you'll meet people and taking their names and emails and
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trying to be as resilient as you can to find your niche and being very versatile. that's very important to be able to write, edit, shoot, produce, being on air and very knowledgeable. >> not just saying -- i mean, she's saying it from experience. this is her book, "in a league of her own," released a week from today and available now for preorder. speaking of women doing big things, nbc sports california has just named jenny cavnar as the primary play by play announcer for its live game coverage of the a's. she's the first woman to serve as a primary play by play voice in history of major league baseball. cavnar previous hi served as a become-up announcer, pregame and postgame host for the colorado rockies. during her tenure with the team, she became the first woman in 25 years to call tv play by play for a major league baseball game in 2018. go, jenni. >> yeah. about time. why not. >> love it.
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we have got some preparing to do, kari. >> a little bit. oh, yeah. a lot of people are still cleaning up from the last storm we had and trying to repair the fence and all of that stuff. we have some more wet weather coming in tomorrow. that shouldn't cause major issues, but we are more concerned about the two storms we have coming this weekend that could produce some high winds and more heavy rain. and it's also a long holiday weekend, so people may have some time off or heading somewhere. you'll want to make sure you're putting the weather and the impact that will have in your weekend plans. >> good plan. >> perfect timing.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. right now on california live, it's valentine's day. we're celebrating in the best way by sipping on rose.


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