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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  February 13, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm PST

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good afternoon.
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welcome to nbc bay area at 4:30. one step closer to cleaner air in the east bay. a settlement reached between refineries and the air-quality district. what the refineries have to do over the next two years. people voting whether to ban self driving cars in san mateo company. and it's time to clear out their lockers. ian cole heads to levi stadium to get reaction from the 49ers after the heartbreaking super bowl loss.
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first we start with the tree fight in lafayette. pg&e want to chop down trees on a private driveway. the property owner says her trees are staying. jodi, we saw this a couple of weeks ago, today was the day that pg&e was supposed to be taking the trees down but we are talking about tree blocking here, right? >> reporter: that's right, well what happened jessica, is when pg&e arrived this morning, they were met with this, a chain- link fence and no trust -- trespassing signs. nearly all the trees inside the fenced off area have been marked with a red x. that is signaling that they are slated for removal and today was the day they were supposed to be removed. but the couple not only have the fence out here, when pg&e arrived, they also parked their
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truck in the middle of their private driveway and they have their attorney here as well, to square off with pg&e, it was quite a scene this morning. >> does pg&e have a legal right to access the trees? what does pg&e say? >> reporter: well, pg&e says they have every right to be out here because there is actually an easement on the property. the couple does acknowledge that they do have the right to be out here, but the couple says that these trees aren't a danger. pg&e obviously says they are a danger. they are risking the overhead transmission lines. we just saw a bunch of trees coming down, causing power outages, just last week in these horrible storms and they say the trees are also a danger. what pg&e did was back off today. the couple believes that they
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will be back. so, stay tuned. >> that really is a tree fight. thank you very much. east bay leaders are celebrating a major step toward cleaner air. the management district and contra costa announced settlements with the chevron and the martinez refineries. both companies agreed to drop a lawsuit over the districts rule, the rule was adopted a few years ago when i called for chevron to cut emissions by 70 and 80%. officials say both refineries are working to meet the new standard by 2026. >> today is really about improving public health for residents who live near refineries. everyone, no matter where they live, deserves or has the right to breathe clean air. >> chevron agreed to pay $20 million for past violations. chevron was much of the focus today. officials noted that mrc faces fines and legal actions for
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recent violations as well. let's give you a live look at san francisco. it's dry but boy, will that change. rain, headed back to the bay area. so we got the break and now we are going to get slammed again, it looks like. >> we are, and the thing is tomorrow will be the beginning of an active weather pattern that looks to extend even into the weekend. so planning will start today, if you haven't checked your tires, cleaning the gutters, i think the way that these patterns are setting up his it's not just one storm, it's an additional set up heading into friday and saturday and if component, into sunday night. that alone with the lack of breaks can make anything more intense. right now satellite radar, we
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are dry for the most part but notice to our north, we do have some rain already starting to pop up out there and the development of the system will likely start to move in for areas in the north bay, initially, i want to take you through the timing, this is all the way through wednesday morning around 6:00 a.m., follow along. for the morning commute you should be mostly dry unless you live in areas north of the golden gate bridge. advance this forward to 11:30, 12:00 and by the time we get to 3:00, notice, it starts to become more widespread. but still, staying primarily north, that's where the heaviest stuff will be. a little bit further north, but by the evening, the intensity of this stuff picks up and we're talking around 7:00 and this becomes an area through fremont, extending all the way to santa cruz. this initial storm is it going to be a huge rainmaker but as we mentioned, this is just the
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beginning. here's the rain total estimate of what we can expect. thursday morning will be more of an on-again off-again pattern, but if you look, the highest totals will be to our north. and of course the coastal mountain areas, less than half an inch. we won't be too cold, we will be in the 40s and 50s, so far, no advisories or warnings but as we inch toward friday, this is when we are seeing our second system, notice right here, and this looks like it's a big rainmaker spreading out not just in california but from seattle all the way down to southern california. the timing of this, friday night into saturday morning looks intense but also, right behind this, coverage here, not only for us but for the sierra. that will make a big impact for
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the commute to the sierra range. you may want to hold off on the plans to tahoe because getting back will be an issue. sunday night, we have this other system heading into sunday, into monday, that sets us up for an active work week ahead. make sure to join us once again at 5:00. jeff will have more on the potential impact, coming up. the florida man accused of stealing an airplane from the peninsula and landing on the beach at half moon bay had surprises up his sleeve. we were inside the courtroom and 50-year-old luis made his appearance. he told the court he prefers to be called son rock and then he confidently requested to represent himself. san mateo county commissioner denied his request and determined that he is not qualified to represent himself. he pled not guilty and was given a private defender. he allegedly stole the airplane from the palo alto airport and
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then crash landed near poplar beach thursday evening. luckily, no one on the ground was hurt. he walked away from the landing, why he took the plane, still a mystery. a bay area county, the board of supervisors passed a resolution that supports a bill that would give counties local control over whether or not a time as vehicles like waymo or cruise, could operate there. currently, the decision is made by the california public utilities commission. officials say that the driverless cars are not ready or safe to be on the road. >> my grave concern was that we would move forward and experience what san francisco has experienced around those vehicles. you remember the most recent problem involved the driverless
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vehicle it involved a waymo car going up in flames after vandals lit it on fire. no passengers luckily, were in the car at the time. 49ers officially ending their season. the players going their separate ways also the last time the players and coaches talk to the media before heading into the off-season. it had to be a bummer, and so hard to be there. they have to feel so, they were so close. >> so close and a lot of them saying that they are still processing this. many of them said they haven't looked at the game film yet. it was pretty solemn though, i cover the same thing last year but the players say this time obviously was the super bowl and it hurts. the fullback says he keeps going to the game and his mind and they should have scored
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more points adding that he wishes he could slap -- snap his fingers. many giving each other final hugs and they share the disappointment of losing the last game of the year. >> this one is real tough. >> we fell short. it sucks. we gave our all this year. i have the opportunity to do it with some really good people. >> we will find a way to channel it or use it or flush it and move on. >> i mean, he said it sucks, you know, oh, but it just happens, can you even look forward at this point yet? i mean, you are just still feeling it. >> i think the organization is always looking, the general manager said they are always evolving, and innovating, building their team. he added, after the loss in 2019, he said they needed players who are quote, finishers and now he said the
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niners have a lot of them but it still wasn't quite good enough. the coach was also asked about the perception of talk since that loss, to hear that the niners can't win the big one. >> i would love to win one, i did everything i had to do which isn't fix perception, it's win a super bowl. but i also know, you've got to win a bunch of big games to get to the super bowl. we have won a lot of big games here. >> i agree, they won a lot of big games. >> they certainly have, especially talking the fans, so much fun to watch and coming up, you will hear more from players as they process this loss. before they head home to wherever their families are. >> i think they did great. >> a heck of a game. all right, the letter a is
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making history. for the first time, a woman will be the primary voice of a major-league baseball team, and it's happening in oakland. they are gearing up for the upcoming baseball season, julie cavnar will be the new announcer. they named julie cavnar as the primary announcer for the live broadcast, she has 17 years of experience in baseball most recently as a backup play-by- play announcer for the colorado rockies. she steps into her new position and she said it's a job she never even dreamt she would have. >> it was not a lifelong dream, i always wanted to be a sports broadcaster but i never really see women doing play-by-play in baseball. i think the idea of representation becomes so important in this story. >> is not the first time she's made history, she was the first woman in the quarter century to call at mlb game back in 2018.
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three years earlier she was the first to provide analysis for the national league series on radio. the letter a is kick off the regular season march 28th. tax season, it's almost here. we want to tell you about the adjustments you need to watch out for. the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs,
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union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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you served as interim mayor in san francisco for six months, now former district supervisor mark farrell is the latest candidate to try and unseat london breed.
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he pledged to introduce tax incentives to help attract businesses back to downtown, suggested reopening market street to private cars, promised to audit all nonprofits to get city funding and he said, he would adopt a zero tolerance policy for crime in the city. surprisingly he also said that he would fire current police chief scott. he wants a tougher stance on open-air drug use in the city and earlier action against homeless encampment. >> number 1, clear out all large tent homeless and comments in my first year of office. >> a spokesperson for the police chief issued a lengthy response detailing several improvements to public safety and reform during the tenure. have you registered to vote? if not, you have until february 20th. we have some experts from the national association of the tino elected and appointed officials right now ready to answer questions.
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both in english and spanish. the lines are open until 6:30, you can see the number on your screen. give them a call. turning to our climate in crisis, this is a little bit of a head scratcher. remember the plan to reduce waste, now it's creating more. a decade ago california became the first state in the nation to ban single-use plastic bags, remember those, but that led to a loophole that actually is now getting us away from a green future. i want to bring back vianey, we are talking about the density of the bag but these bags that you get at the grocery store now , they are super thick. >> the loophole essentially is that they created a bag that was quote unquote, reusable but by making it reusable, the increase the weight and the amount of plastic. >> your spouses pay the $.10 and bring it back to the grocery store and keep reusing it and you may not notice but a lot of these bags, have
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disclaimers, this one said it's reusable and can be used 125 times but we didn't want or durable plastic bags. we didn't want plastic. it turns out, that there was a section of the law that let grocery stores and large retailers charge not only a dime for the plastic but also, because they were thicker and heavier, and actually created more plastic pollution in some cases so even though they were intended for customers, to use them over and over again, you can think yourself well i use those trash bags again like in my bins but it still plastic that's ending up in landfills, so it's really defeating the purpose, even if you are reusing it. the goal is to have less plastic, and ideally, the aspect of a canvas bag is what we were aiming for. i spoke to a director of cal purge and they recently released in a port -- a report
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and they said that it's got to be done right. >> we found that well-designed plastic bags are effective at reducing letter and are expected to reduce the number of plastic tags used in the state by 300 per person, per year. the key is the well-designed, so we want to make sure that the bands are actually banning single use plastic bags, which we've learned that california, is not necessarily the case here. so in california, the problem is that the plastics industry has circumvented the laws by mass-producing these thicker plastic bags that they claim are exempt from the law because they technically meet the requirement for a reusable bag and so because of that, there are these plastic bags out there that don't look like
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reusable bags, they look like they are designed to be single- use and people are just throwing them away are trying to recycle them but they are not really recycling them. >> we try and steer away from single-use anything. if we don't make a change, there will be more plastic than fish by the year 2050, this is according to the united nations. 5 trillion bags are used every where around the world but the average time that the bags are used, is only 12 minutes. so the new bill, would close the loophole banning plastic bags altogether, only making the option of paper or bringing your own reusable bag, this is a nice canvas tote that i have. and these are reusable bags. >> just keep them in your car at all times. at ready for a little love on the water.
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pacifico was hit hard by recent storms but part of their scenic peer will be open for valentine's day. it's been shut down since last december after being pounded by waves. the city plans to open half of the main deck, the rest will remain closed until the city gets a break in the storm. new inflation adjustments could mean changes to your tax filing. >> this year's tax deadline is now just two months away, the irs made inflation adjustments, raising tax brackets by 7%, clean energy credits were expanded and the lifetime limit is now gone. used electric cars now qualify for a credit, not just the new ones, and a turbotax cpx expert tells us why you should not wait to wait. >> file now. we don't know what's going to happen yet, and the irs commissioner did state if changes are made, that they would make adjustments automatically to people's tax
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returns. >> a reminder, the child tax credit did not go away, they were just reset to pre-pandemic levels. the average refund is around $1960 compared with about 2200, the same time last you. the deadline to file taxes is of course, april 15th. for more stories like this, join me and the team starting at 5:00 in the morning. you can also watch nbc news wherever you want. all right, you saw this, kelsey and taylor sharing their love story after the win. we will share you the real the peninsula man, who was big on that moment. peninsula man, who was big on that moment. inw he is gett
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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no way you could have missed the taylor swift and
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travis kelty dance, but forget that, focus on the guy in the rolling stones teacher, he's coming up right there, he knows all the words. is he a swifty? maybe. that's peter ashley shaking off the minor loss and sharing the spotlight with the enchanted couple. his, look what you made me do moment is going viral. he works in ai and he assures me that really was him dancing the night away with taylor swift. that'll do it for us, thanks for joining me, we are back
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right now on 5:00, developing news on the peninsula. the investigation continues
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after a family of four was found dead inside their home. we have new details, just provided by police, roughly 30 minutes ago. also, more rain is on the way. three storms are headed to the bay area. we have the hour by hour timeline. and making history, we will speak with the new play-by-play announcer that is set to do something never done before in major-league baseball. the news at 5:00 starts right now. good tuesday, everyone and thanks for joining us. we have new information just in about the family of four found dead inside their san mateo home. it includes how the parents died, but the biggest question, why, that remains a mystery. marianne? >> reporter: police just told
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us, both the man and the woman inside the home, were found with gunshot wounds, but they say they still don't know how the twins inside the home died. police were called to the home on alameda yesterday, after receiving a call for a welfare check on monday morning. that's from the family's nanny. when they went inside, officers found twin four-year-old boys dead in our bedroom and a man and woman both shot to death in a bathroom. sources with direct knowledge of the investigation say police believe the boys were smothered, strangled, or given a lethal overdose because there was no sign of trauma on their bodies. and they had no gunshot wounds. >> it's being investigated as a murder suicide with the evidence we found so far


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