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tv   Early Today  NBC  February 14, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PST

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on and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. a first in nearly 150 years. house republicans voting to impeach a sitting cabinet member, alejandro mayorkas, but what will happen to their effort once it reaches the democrat-controlled senate in new york, voters have picked a replacement for ousted
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congressman santos tom suozzi heads to capitol hill crashing down on reckless driverless cars, the push for a new law in california to make sure autonomous cars follow the rules of the road. and don't throw out that old lego set a teen has found a use for all those old used legos and helping others at the same time. and why you may be in for sticker shock when you pick up that valentine's day box of chocolates today it's wednesday, february 14. "early today" starts right now hi there i'm glad you're with us. i'm frances rivera we begin with the historic showdown on capitol hill homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas has become the second cabinet secretary to ever be impeached. this as the speaker requests another meeting with the president before any movement is made on a new aid package.
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>> reporter: for the first time in nearl150 years, the house has voted to impeach a homeland security secretary >> the yays are 214, the nays are 213. the resolution is adopted. >> reporter: house republicans claiming victory on a razor thin margin they blame him for the record number of crossings at the u.s. southern border. the effort is destined to die in the democrat-controlled senate, where early this morning, a bipartisan majority passed a $95 billion aid package for u.s. allies president biden making the urgent case for the house to take up the measure. >> pass this bill immediately.
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>> /* >> reporter: the bulk of it goes to ukraine with some to israel >> to see if we had stand up for our values, stand up to bullies like putin and do the right thing. >> reporter: house speaker mike johnson reaffirming that the house will not consider national security legislation without new border policy. >> national security begins with border security, we have said that all along >> reporter: the speaker saying the previous bill didn't go far enough republicans are under pressure from former president trump to reject the new senate foreign aid package. high drama in the house, as congress struggles to break through gridlock on several fronts in washington, alice barr, nbc news >> the republicans republicansz majority has just gotten smaller. tom suozzi has flipped a seat
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from red to blue republicans will only be able to afford to lose two house votes he says he is ready to tackle the biggest issues in congress right now. >> it's time to get to work on immigration! >> yes >> on israel >> yes >> on combating putin. >> suozzi's victory speech was interrupted with protesters waving palestinian flags accusing him of supporting genocide he acknowledged the protests as an example of division in the country. the israeli military has released footage that they say shows yaya sthya sinwar undergrd it was recently discovered by the israeli army in gaza according to the military, the most wanted man is seen here in a tunnel in khan yunis along with his children and one his wives. for the latest, let's go live to chapman bell
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hi, chapman, good morning. how sure are we that this in fact is the hamas leader >> reporter: good morning, frances. yeah, israel's defense forces releasing this footage, they say, was taken from the hamas security camera, and shows the leader of hamas in gaza, sinwar, in a tunnel with heis family in khan yunis taken october 10th, just days after the hamas attack on israel. and while nbc news can't verify the location of the video and gives no information on sen war's w sinwar's current status, an analyst has no doubt it's him based on the way he walks and the shape of his ears. another agrees with this assessment sinwar a big target for israel he spent more than 20 years in israeli prison for murder.
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he was released, along with more than a thousand other palestinian prisoners in exchange for an idf soldier in 2011, who had been kidnapped and this prisoner exchange could explain israel's reluctance to release thousands of prisoners in exchange for hostages remaining, as he of course rose to the leadership of hamas but israel officials and other senior advisors have said they would consider some sort of exile, similar to that of yasser arafat and members of the plo some 40 years ago, in exchange for the hostages, as these negotiations continue with no update but many countries in the international community came to bring some civilian respite to those in gaza as well as releasing those hostages in at least pausing the fighting >> another vital aspect. chapman bell for us, thank you now to austin, texas, where
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a car crashed into the lobby of a hospital police say the driver of the sedan who plowed into the emergency room area was pronounced dead after being pulled from the car. five other people were hurt, including a child and adult in critical condition austin police say this does not appear to be an intentional act by the driver, but the incident is still being investigated. lloyd austin has resumed his duties as secretary of defense after he was released from the hospital yesterday the d.o.d. says he will be working from home while recovering but is expected to return to work in person later this week. austin's interests sadoctors sa quote, good condition after undergoing treatment for a bladder issue. they say it is unrelated to his prostate diagnosis which is quite, excellent winter snow leaves one person dead in pennsylvania. the snow created dangerous travel conditions for many but some areas, including new
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york city, got much less snow than predicted >> reporter: in new york state, officials tell me that the state has emerged relatively unscathed from the storm no major impacts reported. the storm, they say, was not as bad as expected. originally forecasted, new york city was to receive 6 to 8 inches of snow it only received about 3 to 4 inches everything according to the state emergency official went pretty smoothly. there were some glitches here in new york city in terms of the online remote learning the plan had been that kids in public schools here, more than a million of them across 1600 schools, would stay home and learn online, but, when everyone logged on in the morning, the system wouldn't let them hundreds of thousands of kids were unable to learn remotely, at least for part of the morning. the situation, though, we understand from officials was rectified later in the day nevertheless, that disappointment, also disappointing from local businesses i was speaking to a florist not
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far from here. she was saying that she was trying to be optimistic about it, but this kind of weather, that really puts a damper on her business aaron erin mclaughlin, nbc news, new york city. >> i can imagine the kids were happy for the snow just as that moves out, there's another snowmaker on the way, aimed for the mountains. we track when the rock eyes could see snow >> good morning, frances it's much quieter than it was yesterday. the next system is going to develop over the rockies and work through parts of the northern plains. all had see a light accumulation of snow as we go through the day today and move into tomorrow by the time we do get into the later parts of the day tomorrow, a little bit of rain, a little bit of snow had impact folks across the northeast this doesn't look to be large amounts of snow by any means, but we'll be keeping an eye on it nonetheless another system does eventually work in here on friday into the
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midwest as well. snowfall totals not all that impressive maybe an inch for the widespread area we look to the new england area. a couple spots could see 4 to 6 inches, but overall a overall at accumulight accumulation darling, arizona heads to a51 degrees, and up at 37 degrees with plenty of sunshine. mid-40s on tap for washington, d.c. later today and that's a look at your forecast, frances, back to you >> angie, thank you so much. here's a question for you. what happens when a driverless car doesn't follow the rules of the road we'll tell but the push for a
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new law. next h for a new law. next. ugh, i'll deal with this tomorrow. you won't. it's ripe in here. my eyes are watering. i'm a busy man. look how crusty this is. shameful. ugh, it's just too much. not with this. tide. tide can tackle any pile. that a tackle pun? just clean the pile, ron. okay. this too. that was easy. when stains and odors pile up, it's got to be tide. ♪♪ this is not just a pharmacist. ♪♪ this is not just a refill. ♪♪ ♪♪ this is not just a delivery. ♪♪ this is being independent, together. ♪♪ walgreens
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driverless cars in california could be forced to follow a new set of laws after a nbc news investigation exposed a lack of penalties when they violate the rules of the road. nbc bay area's bigad shaban has a closer look, as new safety concerns come to light >> reporter: close call in the crosswalk. as these adults in san francisco rush two kids out of the way to avoid be hit and then do a double take, as they watch the car cruise by with no driver the so-called robo taxi is operated by cruise the embattled autonomous car company owned largely by general motors, that's the subject of five separate government probes. 7-year-old luke says the same thing happened to him and his parents across town. >> i started, to, like, go a little faster. >> reporter: because it was heading towards you?
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>> yeah, and then it swerved this way >> reporter: did you worry it was going to hit you >> yeah f i didn't run it would have hit me, possibly. >> reporter: so this is where you crossed that day >> exactly >> reporter: sasha is luke's dad. you thought it was safe to cross here because you saw the cruise car stop at the stop sign. >> fully stopped fully stopped. and it started when we had got and third of the way or halfway across the intersection and started to accelerate. >> reporter: documents we obtained show the california dmv is investigating company says none of their cars were in that vicinity. they say they are committed to operating with safety and transparency and continue to investigate the incident sasha says there's no mistaking the logo he saw. >> and i was just angry, super angry that my kid could have
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been hurt or killed by this cruise vehicle >> reporter: critics argue driverless cars lack oversight late last year we reported on a loophole that's been allowing some of the nation's driverless cars to avoid penalties when they break the rules of the road here in california, we discovered traffic tickets have to be issued to an actual person drive driverless cars have pretty much been immune to those fines >> it's really been a very glaring hole in the law. >> reporter: phil ting wants companies held liable and traffic tickets sent to them so he's pushing for a new state law following our investigation. >> really appreciate that story for come out and highlighting, frankly, the need for the legislation that i'm introducing. >> reporter: the autonomous vehicle industry association says it's open to change jeff is the group's ceo. >> if there is clarification that needs to be made in california, we are committed to sitting down and working that through with the appropriate policymakers >> reporter: but even fort bill
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gets the green light, driverless cars will likely be able to continue steering clear of the traffic fines until the new law goes into effect next year bigad shaban, nbc news, san francisco. still to come, the hunt for oscar gold is taking jim pea kimmel to pretty weird places. we'll explain and show you next. . we'll explain and show you next. wanna know how i get this glow?! i get ready with new olay indulgent moisture body wash. it smells amazing and gives my skin over the top moisture! from dull to visibly glowing in 14 days! ♪♪ see the difference with olay. ♪ zyrtec! ♪ works hard at hour 1 and twice as hard when you take it again the next day. so betty can be the... barcode beat conductor. ♪♪ let's be more than our allergies! and for fast allergy relief with a powerful decongestant,
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try zyrtec-d. to give your teeth a dentist clean feeling. start with a round brush head. add power. and you've got oral-b. round cleans better by surrounding each tooth to remove 100% more plaque. for a superior clean. oral-b. brush like a pro. (singing) ♪ i feel good ♪ ♪ duh na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ♪ i knew that i would ♪ ♪ na na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ooo, yum. hey! ♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ i feel good. ma, ma, ma— ( clears throat ) for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops. with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain. vicks vapocool drops. vaporize sore throat pain. ♪♪ my doctor recommends all free clear for my laundry. it's free of dyes and perfumes. and doesn't leave behind irritating residue. for a clean that's gentle on skin,
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all you need is all free clear. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. ♪ ♪
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♪ this is how you get to oscars land. okay, it's a pretty straight shot through the zone, over anatomy, and all the way to carnegie hall. >> how do you get to carnegie hall >> you practice, jimmy >> you sigh theee the parallel ? jimmy kimmel enlists the help of weird barbie to prepare to be host ryan gosling reprising his role,
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and it ends with a ken trademark reaction the oscars air on march 10th and i love it when they do these little things, and the self-deprecation >> we know how big of a deal that greta wasn't nominated. it was fun to see it integrated into that. >> staying on the whole barbie corps. >> and speaking of jimmy kimmel, ka katy perry revealed that her seventh season on "american idol" had likely be her last there are conflicts with her schedule as a reason for the departure. she has been a fixture alongside luke bryan and lionel richie my favorite part was when jimmy
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asked, what do luke and lionel think?
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think? and she a she said they'll findt tomorrow >> she wants to feel the pulse of her own beat. that was so well put good luck to her
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now to disney revealing that a brand-new attraction is almost there. the company announced that tiana's bayou adventure based on frin princess and a frog will open in florida. it keeps the flume design of splash mountain. it comes after the announcement in 2021 that the ride would be rye vamped to more inclusive concept. you're not going to hear songs like the song of the south and "zip-a-dee-doo-dah." >> this looks so real. i can't believe it >> so cool another reason to get back to disney >> yeah. when we come back, why your valentines gifts may be pricier this year. may be pricier this year. me? [door bell] [dog barking] (♪♪)
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there's an easier way to get things smelling just the way you want. try air wick vibrant. infused with 2x more natural essential oils, to get up to 120 days of amazing full room fragrance per dual pack. now that's a breath of fresh air wick. i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort in as little as 14 days. now i can help again. feel the difference with nervive. skin-carving next level hydration? new neutrogena hydro boost water cream. a vital boost of nine times more hydration* to boost your skin's barrier for quenched, dewy skin that's full of life. neutrogena. hydro boost.
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need to know "early today. thousands of flight attendants from three separate unions held rallies at airports. just added or revised words and phrases. some of them include barbiecore and girl dinner. if you haven't already purchased chocolates for valentines day, you may be in for sticker shock. and disease challenges impacted ghana and the ivory coast impacting sugar crops. scaffolding shrouding the notre dame cathedral is being removed. the new spire with a golden rooster and cross has been revealed for the first time. the cathedral is on track to reopen on december 8 "early today" will be receipt
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back e receipt back. ceipt back ceeipt back ipt back eipt t back ipt back. gt . t back gt back. ht back. this is 2 results in 1 test, in just 30 minutes. i'm so glad you're here. me too. this is helping keep everyone safe. walgreens. [♪♪] did you know, many moisturizers only hydrate your skin? for advanced science that visibly repairs signs of aging... try olay regenerist micro-sculpting cream. it delivers 10 benefits in every jar for younger-looking skin, visibly firming, lifting, and smoothing wrinkles. olay regenerist penetrates the skin's surface, to boost regeneration at the surface cellular level for continuous improvement. to visibly repair signs of aging,
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try olay regenerist. this has been medifacts for olay. ri there's one california teen with a bright idea giving new life to a beloved childhood toy. and with his nonprofit he is inspiring equality and creativity through legos here's steve patterson with the story. >> reporter: like all 17-year-olds, charlie jeffsers s trying to make all the pieces fit together charlie is laying a larger foundation, and no, i don't just mean building legos. charlie is the head of his very own non-profit, pass the bricks,
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taking discarded lego sets and rebuilding them for donations to local charities. >> avenuevery brick has an opportunity to get like another life and that every person who wants lego has access to that. >> reporter: he came up with the idea after noticing so many of those beloved tiny pieces end up in a landfill. >> might as well use what we have instead of making more. >> reporter: for charlie -- >> these are all the donated bricks >> reporter: that means collecting hundreds of donations, sanitizing the legos, designing new sets and delivering them to children in need >> that's cool >> reporter: what started as a small way to give back to his community is being built out more than he ever imagined he now has volunteers in 38 cities around the world, collecting 1500 pounds of bricks and donating over 3500 sets. did you think it would be so
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big? >> i hoped, but i didn't know. it's been, he mean, awesome. >> reporter: but for charlie, it's simple. >> i definitely always feel that same joy when i build, you know, if even one kid gets one of these sets can feel that same thing, that's all i need that's awesome >> reporter: one teen's repurposed passion, bridging the gap, brick by brick. steve patterson, nbc news, marin county, california >> just make sure you're careful you don't step on them when they drop them around there today of course is valentine's day, february 14th and one miami sky skrascraper is taking the theme to new heights, lighting the world's sky with the tallest digital valentine, featuring kissing lips and floating hearts, it is the length of two football fields. it took three years and $3 million to build well worth it. how cool is that to look at? there are more valentine
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celebrations on the way. and here's al roker with a look at what's ahead. >> this morning on the third hour of "today", we're all about love, breaking down valentine's day by the numbers, plus, travel ideas inspired by your favorite rom-coms and the stars of the movie "one
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at 5:00, ready to strike. in just a few hours thousands of ride share drivers across the runt are preparing to strike. also, the


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