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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 14, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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right now at 6:00, ready to strike on valentine's day. rideshares across the country, including here in the bay area, shutting certain services down in a matter of hours. their demands and the response from uber and lyft. he's noefr known how to sacrifice and the most harm he's had is getting hit by a golf ball. >> nikki haley takes aim at donald trump as her own presidential campaign falters. her revealing comments in an exclusive sit-down interview. all new this morning, how about extra innings? the a's may be ready to rethink their move from oakland at the end of the season. new word about a possible lease extension that may keep them a bit longer at the coliseum. this is "today in the bay." good valentine's day to you all out there this morning. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. love is certainly in the air.
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we've got the colors to prove it. all pink and red. should be a nice day ahead. at least for the morning. >> for the morning it's good. you want to head out and pick up those gifts and run some errands, get things done before that rain comes in. it's going to be a soggy evening for those dinner reservations. we're going to see rain coming back with the possibility of about a quarter of an inch of rain to an inch. the higher rainfall totals will be near the coastline and santa cruz mountains. there will be a brief break tomorrow into friday. by friday night, the next storm system comes in, continues throughout the weekend with higher rainfall totals and gusty winds. for cupertino, you don't want to forget the umbrella because the rain will start to move in around noon and picking up for the evening. the evening commute will be soggy. you also have a little more time to check those windshield wipers, check the tires. we're headed for the low 60s today. mike, you're seeing the commute building out of the east bay rchl if you're thinking about gift ideas, windshield
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wipers are not romantic. richmond, building the volume. the clouds are coming in. the roadways are okay. you may find some damp roadways. mist and drizzle throughout the north bay. over here off the bay bridge toll plaza, still flashing lights. there was an earlier fire, not affecting structures or vehicles. there's still activity, a mild distraction as folks approach the bay bridge. no problem as far as the speed sensors. highway 4 did show more slowing on 242 southbound toward walnut creek, but now things are clearing up. back to you. >> thanks, mike. happening today, thousands of rideshare drivers are expected to go on strike in a push for better pay. "today in the bay"'s bob redell is live for us in the east bay. what kind of impact are we talking about here? >> reporter: not clear yet. good morning to you, marcus. one of the coalitions organizing the strikes says drivers will not provide rides from airports between 11:00 a.m. this morning until 1:00 p.m. this afternoon,
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however none of those cities they mentioned are here in the bay area. all are on the east coast, in the midwest or texas. the coalition tells us it is possible some bay area drivers could go on strike. the justice for app workers coalition, which represents about 130,000 drivers for uber, lyft and doordash, says they're asking today by striking for more pay from the respective companies. according to gridwise, which analyzes gig mobility data, uber drivers monthly average gross earnings fell around 17% in 2023, while lyft drivers saw an increase of 2.5%. in a statement, uber said in part, quote, these types of events have rarely had any impact on trips, prices or driver availability, and we expect the same today. that's because the vast majority of drivers are satisfied, earnings remain strong, and as of last quarter, drivers in the u.s. were making about $33 per
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utilized hour. we also continue to act on driver feedback, adding new safety features to the app and improving our account deactivation process. lyft said in part, quote, we are constantly working to improve the driver experience, which is why just this month we released a series of new offers and commitments aimed at increasing driver pay and transparency. this clouds an proved deactivation appeals process. drivers make at least 70% of weekly rider fares after external fees. it's part of our customer obsessed focus. as independent contractors, drivers don't have the same protection as full-time employees, including federal and state protections around organizing a union and work stoppages. it's also common for gig workers to have their accounts deactivated without explanation. reporting live, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> bob, thank you. 6:05.
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turning to decision 2024, in a sitdown interview you'll only see on nbc, gop presidential contender nikki haley sitting down for an exclusive interview with the "today" show. polls show former president donald trump will clinch the gop nomination, but with the south carolina primary just ten days away, haley, the state's former governor, is looking to gain some ground. "today in the bay"'s brie jackson joins us live. what's haley saying about her campaign? >> reporter: good morning. so nikki haley says her campaign is getting through to independents, republicans, reagan democrats and voters who, quote, want the anger to stop. a key point of this one-on-one with "today" show's craig melvin were recent remarks by trump over a rally over the weekend where the former president questioned the whereabouts of haley's husband in a mocking way. michael haley is an officer in the national guard and is in the middle of a year-long deployment in africa. in that sit-down with craig
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melvin, the former u.n. ambassador says trump is no longer qualified to be president. >> if you don't know the value of our men and women in uniform, if you don't know the sacrifice that they go through, why should i as a military spouse and all our military families trust you to know you're going to keep them out of harm's way? the reality is, he's never been anywhere near a military uniform, he's never had to sleep on the ground, he's never known how to sacrifice. the most harm he's had is getting hit by a golf ball in a golf cart. that's the truth. >> reporter: melvin questioned haley about her willingness to support trump if he becomes the eventual gop nominee. even if he is convicted of crimes. she says that america will not elect a convicted criminal. haley admits she has to do better than the 43% gop voter support she received in the new hampshire primary when it comes
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to the south carolina primary later this month. she says even if she does not, she still does not plan to drop out of the race. >> she's being very vocal. interesting to see that. thank you very much. >> you can watch the full interview with former u.n. ambassador and gop presidential candidate nikki haley. it's coming up after the "today" show, straight ahead at 7:00 this morning, right after "today in the bay." 6:07 right now. moving you forward this morning, the cdc may be looking to scale back on covid guidelines starting this spring. the agency is expected to recommend people no longer need to isolate once they have been fever free for 24 hours and their symptoms are mild or improving. currently, the cdc says people should isolate for at least five days if they test positive. the potential change was first reported by the "washington post." now, ahead in our streaming newscast at 7:00 this morning, we're going to speak with dr. peter chin-hong and talk about covid restrictions, where cases stand, and what
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researchers are now learning about long covid. new at 6:00, new hope this morning for a's fans. the team may be ready to extend its lease with the coliseum. right now the a's are planning to leave oakland at season's end, despite the fact their las vegas stadium won't be ready until 2028 at the earliest. the "chronicle" reports the team plans to meet with oakland leaders tomorrow. the team is already considering option to say play from 2025 to 2028 at the river cats ballpark in sacramento or a new minor league stadium in salt lake city. but if the a's relocate early, it would obviously impact their local bay area television revenues as well. ahead of the next storm, you can once again walk down the pacifica pier. here is a live look this morning. some folks out there fishing early this morning. now, the city will reopen half of the main deck later today. the pier has been shut down since late december after being pounded by those strong waves from storms. now, closure has been impacting
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a lot of the business in that area. they rely on visitors there. we want to check in with meteorologist kari hall this morning. we know the storm is making its way in today, the first part of it. are we looking at heavy rain like we've seen in the past? >> it's going to be heavy rain for a little while, not the entire day. we are not expecting any major problems. the fishermen know to get up and out early before the storm comes in. we're going to see temperatures today back to what we've seen recently, upper 50s to low 60s. the timeline of that rain will first start out in the north bay at 9:00 to 10:00 this morning, getting heavier as we go into late morning into the early afternoon. the evening commute is going to be very slow and soggy for most, and then later tonight the rain will gradually start to taper off. so once again, not expecting any major issues out of this. we do have two more storms coming in this weekend. i'll have more details on that. mike has been checking around to find some lower gas prices. >> yesterday it was vallejo that
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dominated. today it's concord dominating the best in the bay area. $3.65 at a number of stations. we're calling out valero on willow pass road. middle number here, south bay, sunnyvale is good with $3.77 at great gas on north matilda. larkspur, $3.99 for cash payers. on the roadways, a smooth flow of traffic. no big surprises. the tri-valley, easy drive through the dublin interchange. southbound 880 does show slowing through hayward and past the san mateo bridge. both bridges are moving smoothly. fremont, south of there, light traffic with headlights into the south bay without any problem. back to you. >> thanks, mike. 6:11. a flower flop on the most important day of the year for your love is not ideal. ahead, at 6:25 on "today in the bay," our consumer team responds
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to some viewers whose flower purchases turned a little thorny. if you're still looking for a valentine, maybe your phone can help, a virtual valentine. let's take you to the futures and see what's
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good wednesday morning. it is 6:14.
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let's get a live look outside in dublin. a few breaks in the clouds early but rain will be coming in for the afternoon. at 3:00 it's really starting to pick up in the evening commute. we'll have some widespread heavy rain and gusty winds. i'm watching out for this system and two more behind it. more coming up in the microclimate forecast. and not rain, but enough mist that the pavement is damp heading south across the golden gate bridge into san francisco. i've got something on 101 heading into san francisco on the peninsula coming up. well, good morning. very happy valentine's day to you. wall street with a lot of valentine's day red, a big sell-off after the latest read on cpi. inflation rates have investors worried that the fed will keep interest rates higher for longer, thus all the red. i don't really have anything to say about southwest airlines, but their stock symbol is love. it seems like an appropriate symbol to put on the board. i looked for hugs or kisses.
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no symbols on the american markets. we do have to talk about cisco. that company reports profits after the market closes this afternoon. predictions have been thousands of jobs are on the line. a reuters report responsible for that. cisco based in san jose. we expect a lot of cuts would come in the south bay. though it's hard to say where the actual workers actually are, so many of them work remotely these days. on a much smaller scale, instacart laying off 250 employees. it's also buying back a half a billion worth of stock, which i'm sure many of those employees wonder maybe could have been better spent on keeping them. look at these faces. see anybody you might be interested in dating? you can date all of them if you want to, because they're not real. they're created by ai, a company called nomi. they make artificial companions you can text with and interact with on your phone like they're
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a real person. there have been a couple other companies that have tried this, one called replica. but nomi says it's better because your companion you choose will remember everything about you. so, for instance, if you tell your companion you're going on a hike today, you mentioned a week ago you had a dog, he or she might suggest take sparky with you. >> memory is just such a critical part of any sort of human relationship and it's no different on the companion side of things. building a relationship is in many ways building shared values. >> here it is in action. the app picked a friend for me, and i can see laura's disapproving gaze. she's far too young. i did not choose her. we had a conversation about industrial ai. i kept it unromantic. if you want to be romantic, the company says that's kind of the point. your relationship is anything you want it to be. whatever you want it to be.
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>> companionship should cover everything, a censored ai is one that you can't fully open up to. so what you do in the privacy of your home is your business and we're not here to interfere with that in any way. >> i think we're all getting the message as to what that's about. now, this is one more thing for parents to watch out for. who knew that that little ai app could be spicy? >> that's interesting. remember january brady had to make up a boyfriend? >> george glass. >> george glass. >> how many people at home instantly went, george glass! >> this would be very helpful. >> she would be able to show marcia actual texts from george. >> what if marcia says, invite him to dinner with the family? >> marcia, marcia, marcia. don't throw a ball in the house,
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either. let's take a live look across the bay area this morning. still pretty dry at this hour, but that rain is going to be rolling in pretty soon. kari is keeping tabs on the radar for us. >> we do have a nice morning commute. the evening commute is going to be a mess. so plan on it being a long day. and don't forget the umbrella, because even though we are starting out mostly dry for now, the rain comes back around noon and we'll have gusty winds. tomorrow there will be a brief break in the wet weather. still a few spotty showers may linger, but overall we'll have a time to prep for an atmospheric river set to arrive this weekend, possibly two of these storms with some gusty winds and flooding that will be possible. so here is a look at the system that we have coming in, with some rain approaching far northern california and the coastline. as we get a closer look, we're only getting very spotty sprinkles at this point. the rain picking up later this morning. at 11:00, it's starting to rain in parts of the north bay, approaching santa rosa, light showers once again out ahead of
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that. but the radar continues to fill in as we go into the evening, and once again, it's going to be very wet later today, and then gradually tapering off tonight. we are going to see the waves of rain coming in, not expecting any major issues. most of us will get about a quarter to possibly a half inch of rainfall. could be up to an inch for ben lomond and parts of the santa cruz mountains, as well as farther to the north. so most of us getting just enough rainfall to make the ground even more soggy, ahead of these storms systems for the weekend. the next comes in late friday night into saturday, widespread rain, gusty winds. there will be a brief break between later saturday night and sunday, and then sunday evening we're seeing the next atmospheric river coming in with heavy rain that will linger into the middle of next week. we're expecting some pretty decent rainfall totals and the sierra is going to get a lot of snow. with the cold front we're seeing today, we're looking at about 7 to 20 inches of snow.
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heads up if you're going for the weekend that it's going to be really difficult to travel because there will be additional snowfall coming down. in total, we may see anywhere from about a foot to possibly three feet of snow just between now and next tuesday. we do have a lot of rain coming in, but once again, there will be those opportunities to get out there, clean up, assess, see what's going on, and also prep for the next round of rain coming in. with this being a long holiday weekend, if you do have travel plans, make sure you're planning accordingly with this kind of weather that we're going to see moving in. mike, you were tracking an issue in san francisco? >> yeah, overall the commute is pretty good right now. we do have this issue in san francisco, reports of a muni bus blocking the silver avenue off-ramp from southbound 101. we see slowing, at least a distraction as the off-ramp will have to be closed for a short period of time to remove that muni bus. no word on whether or not that was an operational bus with
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passengers. i'm going to say there aren't passengers, otherwise they would have made a big deal about it, oakland, a live shot shows you southbound with headlights, northbound, taillights, a smooth drive. no rain here now. kari is talking about the timing. she'll remind us as the morning goes along, things will get wet throughout the bay. over here, vasco road we had that disabled vehicle, and i think that has cleared. it's at least to the shoulder. only 21 minutes. it's actually an improvement over the last few as you head out of contra costa county and toward 580. and a mild build for highway 4. a couple of new icons popped up. there may be a crash as you head into concord. 6:22. next on "today in the bay," nbc bay area responds. >> millions of flowers are in transit to lovebirds, which means some flower complaints are probably en route to our responds team. i'm consumer instigatorve c
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love is in the air today. often expressed in the form of flowers. >> what if your flowers are a flop? consumer investigator chris chmura and his team want to help. good morning. we've been taking your complaints almost eight years now, and i'm happy to report we don't hear from many heartbroken viewers with flower problems, even though flowers are the number three valentine's day gift behind candy and cards.
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still, folks like diana and victor and karen, all told us about flower failures. the most memorable, jennifer in san jose. a florist advertised that bouquet and then delivered that limp arrangement. we helped jennifer get a $70 refund. what if your flowers aren't lovely? speak up. flowers are expensive. refunds and redeliveries are on the table. we found some florists guaranteeing 100% quality and satisfaction. your satisfaction with your cut roses, by the way, should extend longer than a week after delivery. the agriculture pros at uc davis say when roses are properly handled, most commercially cut roses will easily last in the vase ten days. so what does properly handled mean? pro flowers and 1-800 flowers recommend you cut an inch or so off the stems at a 45-degree angle, remove wilting buds or leaves and place them in a clean vase with luke warm water and
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swap the water every day or so, or asap if the water is cloudy. if you're away from home longer than a day, pro flowers says you can put your flowers in the refrigerator, like many florists do, to extend their life. we hope your flowers are beautiful. if not, let us know. scan the qr code to fill out our consumer complaint form online. >> thanks, chris. so much more valentine's day coverage ahead. including a bittersweet valentine's day in san francisco. isn't that right, ginger? >> reporter: that is, laura. this year will be the last valentine's day here at san francisco's flower mart. but don't you worry, they're just moving. they'll stick around. we'll have all the details
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right now at 6:30, the first hard numbers showing the chp's huge boost to oakland's crime fighting efforts. more than 100 additional officers started helping last week, and for now most are gone. we break down the impact from the operation and where things go from here. a deadly stunt in san francisco. two teenagers dead, this is after surfing b.a.r.t. trains. the desperate message some hope social media companies will hear. and the first of three storms roll into the bay area this morning. meteorologist kari hall has an
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updated timeline on what could be a wet valentine's day forecast. this is "today in the bay." good wednesday morning to you. happy valentine's day. thanks for joining us. 6:30 right now. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. not wet with tears, but wet with rain. >> we hope that's not the case for people out there on valentine's day. >> and don't forget to grab those flowers today. just ahead, we're going to take you live to the flower mart in san francisco. this is where some changes are coming as well to the longstanding mart out there. so beautiful. i love flowers. that's coming up in just a couple of minutes. ginger conejero saab is live out there this morning. >> things will look different next year. we'll check in with ginger in a bit. let's check in with kari. >> the forecast will be changing hour-by-hour, starting out dry but then rain arriving late morning into the afternoon. we're going to see this wave
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coming in quickly with rainfall totals at about a quarter of an inch of rainfall, up to an inch, most likely long the coastline and santa cruz mountains. there will be a brief break tomorrow and friday, and then friday night two more storms coming our way. we take a look at stormranger, some light showers now. you can track this at home with your smart device. we start out with clouds, breaks in the clouds, with a look in dublin where we are going to see rain developing later today. we'll be tracking that and talking about how you should plan the weekend based on the weather that we're going to see. more on that coming up a little later. >> we'll check back with you. thank you. 6:31 right now. we are following breaking news right now in washington, d.c. so this is a camera that is live, a cameraman needs to pick it up and show us the scene. we want to show you three officers there in washington, d.c. have been shot. it's a chaotic scene right now. this has happened in the southeast part of the city.
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we do know that officers were responding to a barricade situation. you can see a shot of all the officers at the scene. sources tell our nbc affiliate that multiple rounds could be heard on surveillance video nearby. we'll continue to follow developments on this breaking news story, both on air and online. back here at home, just into our newsroom, positive news out of oakland when it comes to cracking down on crime. the california highway patrol releasing new numbers for its action in the city. this is following the governor's deployment of more than 100 of those officers. >> "today in the bay"'s kris sanchez joins us now. the good news is really tampered by the draw-down of responders, resources. >> reporter: you might remember that a frustrated governor newsom put more law enforcement officers on the streets of oakland and look at what happened in just one week.
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according to the governor's office, chp made 71 arrests, recovered 145 stolen vehicles, and seized four guns linked to crimes. this is just between february 5th and february 9th, so five weekdays, not even a full week. 120 chp officers hit the streets of oakland and alameda county in what was dubbed a surge operation. now, it seems they were very effective, but this surge is not permanent. going forward, the chp will have an expanded presence in oakland and alameda county, and periodic surges. oakland has been under the spotlight because of a 21% increase in violent crime, 38% spike in robberies, and a 45% rise in car thefts last year, according to the preliminary numbers. at the same time, communities around california were seeing the same kinds of crimes trending down. chp is just one part of this increased resource deployment in
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oakland. the state also investing in additional attorneys to make sure the suspects who are busted are then prosecuted. we have a lot of questions and we are asking, of course, it's 6:30, so when we get the answers, we'll bring them to you in the midday news. 6:34 right now. social media companies are being called out after the second death in two weeks tied to an alarming stunt going on in san francisco. it's the second time in two weeks a teenager has been killed while surfing on top of a b.a.r.t. train. both deaths happened along the same stretch between the balboa and daly city stations. this latest case involved a 15-year-old boy. he died sunday after falling from a train. the video includes footage he actually posted prior to his death. some are now calling for social media outlets to take down all videos glorifying train surfing. a san francisco supervisor --
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>> kids are doing this and it is very dangerous. the move follows two recent incidents in phoenix when two waymo robotaxis crashed into the same tow truck. software is said to better predict the motion of a towed vehicle and it marks waymo's first ever recall. self-driving cars are facing intense scrutiny. just yesterday san mateo county supervisors took their own step to try to limit expansion. supervisors approved a resolution supporting a new state measure authorized by
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south bay state senator dave cortese. this would give local jurisdictions a say in allowing robotaxis to operate. the cpuc currently has sole authority. the final rush in what many call the super bowl for the flower industry. >> in case you forgot, today is valentine's day. "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab is live for us over at the flower mart in san francisco. ginger, i know we hear some of the bittersweet news this morning, the flower shop is leaving that location. >> reporter: it is. this will be the last year that san francisco flower mart is at this location. it is bittersweet for the growers, the sellers. the woman we are about to talk to has been involved in the flower industry and at the mart for many years, i'm going to bring in the coo. happy valentine's day to you. this is a bittersweet one for you. >> it is. we have been at this current
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location since 1956. we've been in the city for 124 years. but we are moving to our new location mid year, probably in june. we're going to 16th and mississippi. so it is a little bittersweet. we all love this place very much. we love our customers and the people that we work with here. we'll need san francisco's love when we move. >> reporter: we'll make sure to be there when that move happens. i know one way to celebrate valentine's day is to make sure all of the sellers and growers are having a good one, a busy one, i should say. it's been busy leading up to today, which is typically how it happens. today you were telling us is one of the slower days, slowest days. >> correct. so our market is busy leading up to the actual holiday. so we're hoping most of the product is already at the retailers and they're getting ready to deliver it out.
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we service most of the greater bay area florists, most of the product comes through here. so we offer a huge variety of products, domestic products and international products. >> reporter: if you are a member of the general public and you're saying, goodness, it's february 14th, it's valentine's day, can they come in and buy some of these flowers, and what should they get and what is it going to mean for their pockets? >> i always say that there's a price point for everyone and there's a flower for everyone. so all you procrastinators that were watching the super bowl and you put it off and went, wow, it's the 14th, i better get something, there are flowers everywhere. every flower can make somebody happy. if you don't like the red roses, go with someone's favorite color or favorite flower. walk into a retailer and say, my
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budget is x, is there something you can create, because they put the magic in our products. >> reporter: you've got some beautiful flowers here. these were hand selected by your expertise, by yourself. talk to us about some of the ones you chose. they're all pink. >> we were talking about one trend we've seen in our market is there is a lot of pink this year for valentine's day. it possibly could be influenced by the barbie movie. we're not sure. but there are a whole variety of shades of pink and different flowers, different varieties of flowers. these are spray roses, which spray roses give you a great bang for your buck because the blooms are a little smaller, but there's more per stem. we've got some lillies in here and a different variety of pink roses. >> reporter: wonderful. great suggestions. bang for your buck, that's always a bit of good news for those who want to be price conscious. one last thing, what's the
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favorite flower? >> the renunculas. >> have you heard of this? they're gorgeous. >> reporter: you grow them, laura? >> i have in the past. now i know your favorite. >> reporter: yeah. thank you. well, it is going to be a lot of -- again, like bittersweet memories here at flower mart, but it is not ending. they're just moving. important to note. back to you. >> thanks so much, ginger. kari, how is that weather looking on this valentine's day? >> it looks great to start. if you're going to the flower mart or heading out to pick up some gifts, try to do that early before the rain comes down. after that, you'll probably be like, oh, i don't feel like going anywhere. we're going to see the rain arriving later this morning into the afternoon, first starting in the north bay, while we may see some light showers ahead of the main line of rain. we'll see it picking up around
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2:00 to 3:00 and continuing to get heavier as we go into 4:00 to 6:00 this evening. the commute later today will be quite sloppy. we're looking at about a quarter to half inch of rainfall, maybe higher for the santa cruz mountains. we'll talk about what's ahead for the weekend coming up. mike says so far it looks pretty smooth. >> smooth on the golden gate bridge. we've been noticing damp pavement, mist, drizzle is possible because there's fog in the area, heavier at times. you can't see the robin williams tunnel from this shot because of low clouds. outside of the tunnel, reports of a disabled vehicle. use caution if you're heading through this area in the next few minutes. richmond bridge, bay bridge, highway 37 all showing more traffic and a little more slowing. a gentle build and typical pattern. we're watching for damp pavement through areas on highway 4. we're looking at no major issues. there is a warriors game. if you're heading to the city, that will be there tonight. back to you.
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new fallout from the south bay racist text scandal. one san jose police officer lost his job. now multiple criminal cases are being dismissed. still ahead on "today in the bay," the new message to police from the county's top law enforcement leader. and chaos continues in the capitol, and nikki haley speaks out against donald trump. and here comes the bride. there's bound to be weddings everywhere on valentine's day. we're going to take you inside an east bay museum hoping to be your venue. and we'll clue you in on official events for the bay are siang
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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in an aboutface from santa clara county's district attorney, now planning to dismiss multiple criminal cases he believes have been taint bid an ongoing investigation involving a former police officer. nbc bay area's robert handa broke the story last fall. mark mcnamara was terminated when racist and hope phobic texts were found. 54 cases mcnamara was listed as an involved officer through testimony or evidence. prosecutors previously dismissed 13 cases prior to the review. now another five are expected to be dismissed, all involving
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misdemeanor drug convictions. the other 36 cases will remain active. in a letter to the public defender's office, the d.a. rosen concludes while the investigation is ongoing concerning further potential text messages, we have learned enough already to conclude that he is a bigoted man, a disgrace to public service, and we do not trust him. 6:46 this morning. history made. the house has impeached one of president biden's cabinet members. >> scott mcgrew, alejandro mayorkas becomes the second cabinet member in u.s. history. >> second time. so 1876 was the last. the big difference between now and then is then congress levelled specific accusations of crimes against president grant's secretary of war. mayorkas, a much thinner set of accusations. it was the second time republican-led house tried to impeach mayorkas on vague charges of not carrying out policy. the yeses won by a single vote
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thanks to republican steve scalise, showing up from his cancer treatments, and two democrats mia, including one from california. now, remember, when somebody is impeached, that means they're accused. it's the senate that decides their guilt, and it's unlikely the senate will even hold a vote. so mayorkas' job is secure. the irony, while republican leadership in the house is accusing mayorkas of dithering on border security, that same leadership told the senate it would not consider a brand new border bill that solved many of the problems it's complaining about. a bill written by fellow republicans. leadership has also indicated it won't introduce a bill to fund israel, ukraine and taiwan that was passed by the senate. it would likely pass the house if members of the house were allowed to vote on it, leaving biden calling the whole thing dumb and shameful. >> no other president in our
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history has ever bowed down to a russian dictator. let me say this as clearly as i can. i never will. for god's sake, it's dumb, it's shameful, dangerous, un-american. >> you may recall over the weekend donald trump made fun of nikki haley's husband asking where he was as his wife campaigned. he was missing, he said, where is he? well, nikki haley's husband is deployed in the horn of africa. this morning on "today" nikki haley is calling trump out. >> you said he's no longer qualified to be president. >> if you don't know the value of our men and women in uniform, if you don't know the sacrifice that they go through, why should i as a military spouse and all our military families trust you to know you're going to keep them out of harm's way? if you're saying you're going to side with putin, then i know it's going to cause a war, not stop a war. why would any military family
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feel like you could go and keep our men and women protected? because you can't. >> haley will be on the "today" show coming up at 7:00. craig will challenge her on her promise to support trump if he's the nominee. >> we will see. well, it is 6:49 right now. today is valentine's day and some bay area couples will tie the knot. >> destination weddings are offered at the cobra experience museum which displays classic cars. couples must purchase a marriage license for the ceremony and we want to offer congratulations to the newlyweds. a one-of-a-kind tradition returning to embarcadero plaza. feathers will be flying for the 15th annual valentine's day pillow fight which started as a flash mob event and continues to this day without any real
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organization. whatever the case, it's your best chance of the year to grab a pillow and smack a stranger or two. maybe even meet someone in the process. oh, my gosh, hello, how are you? it can happen just like that. typically hundreds of people show up. it all starts at 6:00 p.m. across from the ferry building. >> if you get one of those tempur-pedic pillows, you could knock somebody out. >> memory foam. >> exactly. >> wet feathers by this afternoon. that's going to be kind of a mess today when the heavy rain comes in. it's right at about that time, so we are starting out with mostly dry conditions for now. we do have some light showers as you get a live look at the golden gate bridge. and then with the rain coming back, most of us will get rainfall totals about a quarter of an inch of rain, up to an inch near the coastline. there will be a brief break tomorrow into friday, and then friday night the next storm comes in and continues through
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the weekend with higher rainfall totals as well as gusty winds. we're looking at the storm system coming in and it's going to be in and out fairly quickly. we're not expecting this to cause any major problems. but with light rain initially, we know the ground is wet, and as this rain comes in most likely you'll see those puddles forming fairly quickly and then the rain in the north bay at about noon to about 2:00 in the afternoon, it ramps up in san francisco, moving over toward oakland. that's the heavier rain that we'll see through the evening commute for the tri-valley, into the south bay, and then it gradually will start to taper off for the north bay, while still giving us lingering showers into tonight. once again, light rainfall for today. heavier rainfall for the weekend with the next storm system potentially an atmospheric river as it gets some higher rainfall totals coming in all the way from hawaii, across the pacific. we're going to see not only one, but possibly two of these storms coming in. the next one on sunday evening, continuing into monday. and while we get some heavy
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amounts of rainfall and the possibility of flooding, the sierra is going to have some snow. if you do plan to go for the presidents' day holiday weekend, it is potentially going to be very difficult to get there, with anywhere from 15 to 44 inches of snow expected into next week. so we're going to see some very active weather here, but there will be some breaks. we'll see most likely dry weather tomorrow into friday, and then early on sunday. but other than that, rain will be in the forecast. mike, you were starting with a look for the south bay commute? >> yeah, san jose, of course, has the build. here is 101, our typical spot. more slowing coming into the area. there was a crash at great america parkway for west 237. i believe it's cleared. speeds are improving through that area. one lane will be closed from 9:30 to 4:00 p.m., north 17 to redwood estates. the rain might cause them to wave it off.
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they have waved this off, no closure for southbound 680 over the weekend. you see a typical build there as well as 880. back to you. >> thank you very much. happening now, valentine's day this year is intersecting with an important day in the catholic faith. today is ash wednesday. the first day of lent. it's a 40-day season of prayer, fasting and sacrificing leading up to easter sunday. over that time many observing catholics will choose maybe something to give up. oftentimes it may be meat, smoking, alcohol, candy, cookies. some catholics may also fast today or have an ash mark cross on their forehead. a quick look at our top stories. still ahead, the breaking news out of washington, d.c., where multiple officers have been shot. plus, chp sent into oakland to help crack down on crime. well, the new numbers just coming into our newsroom showing the impact of that operatio
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welcome back. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories here on "today in the bay," including an update on that breaking news out of washington, d.c. >> we are learning four police officers have been shot and we know that just an additional one injured. this is a live look at the scene in the southeastern part of washington, d.c. we know officers were responding to a barricade-type situation. sources tell our nbc affiliate the suspect continues to fire shots at officers. very dangerous situation under way. schools and the neighborhood are on lockdown. we'll continue to follow. we are getting the first real proof california's crackdown on oakland crime is working. last week chp deployed 120 officers to assist in the effort, and now the governor's office is out with its first numbers. the chp made 71 arrests,
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recovered 145 stolen vehicles and seized four guns linked to crimes, and this all took place over a five-day period. for now, that additional staffing is being dialed down. thousands of rideshare drivers are expected to go on strike today in a push for better pay. the coalition behind the strike says drivers won't provide rides to and from airports between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. in ten u.s. cities. none are in the bay area. the coalition tells us it is possible some bay area drivers could also go on strike. uber and lyft said in statements they don't expect customers will be impacted. let's take a look at that forecast today. the rain heading our way. >> we're going to see rain coming in later on this morning into the afternoon. valentine's day evening plans look pretty soggy and it's going to be windy. all of it clears out by tomorrow, but we do have more storms ahead for the weekend. right now we are seeing transition.
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the bay bridge is moving slowly. we see the low clouds descending around the san mateo bridge. more slowing because of the volume builds. palo alto is seeing low clouds hovering over 101. the "today" show is just ahead. we continue "today in the bay" on roku and other streaming platforms. we'll talk to dr. peter chin-hong about the changing covid guidelines expected from the cdc. watch for that live interview at 7:00 a.m. that newscast is coming up next. >> thank you for making us a part of your morning, your valentine's day. hopefully it is beautiful and loving for you. >> here is a look good wednesday morning. we are following two big political stories overnight. >> good morning. it's february 14th. this is od


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