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tv   Today  NBC  February 14, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PST

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we see the low clouds descending around the san mateo bridge. more slowing because of the volume builds. palo alto is seeing low clouds hovering over 101. the "today" show is just ahead. we continue "today in the bay" on roku and other streaming platforms. we'll talk to dr. peter chin-hong about the changing covid guidelines expected from the cdc. watch for that live interview at 7:00 a.m. that newscast is coming up next. >> thank you for making us a part of your morning, your valentine's day. hopefully it is beautiful and loving for you. >> here is a look good wednesday morning. we are following two big political stories overnight. >> good morning. it's february 14th. this is "today".
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decisive victory. democrats flip a key seat in the house, winning the special election to replace ousted congressman george santos and chipping into the slim republican house majority. while that gop-led house impeaches the secretary of homeland security over the border. >> the resolution is adopted. >> we're live on capitol hill to break it all down. one-on-one. nikki haley speaking out in an exclusive interview, taking direct aim at donald trump. >> he is not the same person he was in 2016. he is unhinged. >> this morning, her message to voters. >> there is no way that the american people are going to vote for a convicted criminal. they're not. >> plus, her response to critics who say she's hurting her party by staying in the race. breaking overnight, frightening crash. a car plows into a crowded emergency room at a texas hospital.
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>> it felt like i was watching a movie. >> one person killed, at least five others injured. just ahead, the dramatic video captured by survivors and what may have caused the chaos. the big dig. >> plowing, shoveling, lovely day. the northeast recovering from one of the northeast's biggest storms in years. airlines coping a backlog. the next storm is already on the way. those stories, plus gearing up and cracking down. spring break season set to be one of the busiest yet. what some major hot spots are doing different this year to keep the chaos in check. and hail to the chiefs. one million fans ready to pack the streets of kansas city for a super bowl victory parade. will taylor swift be long them? >> we'll be ready no matter what happens. >> we'll be there live taking in all the excitement, today,
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wednesday, february 14th, 2024. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb,from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hi, everybody. good morning. welcome to "today." nice to have you along with us on a wednesday. >> happy valentine's day. >> do you know where they're feeling the love? kansas city. the fans are definitely feeling it. the super bowl-winning chiefs are getting ready for a massive victory parade. they're already getting ready. there's a live shot. it will be held later today. of course we will take you there. they're up early. >> they're ready for it. and a special vote to replace disgraced new york republican george santos. the democrat won overnight, which makes the paper-thin majority held by house
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republicans even thinner. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. immigration was really a key issue in this case. instead of running away from it, the democrat tom suozzi leaned in, accusing republicans of walking away from a bipartisan victory deal. he cruised to victory on the same night republicans were impeaching the homeland security secretary, a move that even system republicans admit won't have any impact on the border crisis. this morning a major shakeup in congress and possible power shift in washington. democrat tom suozzi flipping a seat vacated by republican george santos. >> we won! >> after the scandal plagued santos left following a federal indictment.
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republicans were already struggling to pass legislation. now they can only afford to lose two votes. >> this race was fought amidst a closely divided electorate. >> the closely-watched race also a preview of how democrats could try to win the house and even the presidency. they pursued his opponent, mazi melesa pilip on abortion, sure to be a touchdown issue this year. and suozzi also focused on immigration, calling for harsher policies at the border as new york deals with an influx of migrants, while attacking republicans for their efforts to impeach mayorkas. >> you want to fix the border? you are not going to fix it by impeaching the secretary. >> the yeahs are 214 and the neahs are 213. >> successfully impeaching mayorkas one night. mike johnson embarrassed one week ago when the vote fell short, taking a victory lap. the gop accusing him of willful refusal to comply with law and a breach of trust over his
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handling of migrant crisis. but some republicans admit it won't do much to change the situation at the border. >> how does that fix the problem at the border? >> who said it was going to fix the problem? >> reporter: saying president biden will not look kindly on house republicans. it will move to the senate. but conviction and removal from office are unlikely, something even republicans like senator kevin cramer concede. >> obviously dead on arrival. this is the dumbest exercise and use of time in a time-constrained environment. >> reporter: the senate will not move on the mayorkas impeachment until the end of the month. it is expected they will dismiss
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the charges immediately, meaning the secretary is at no risk of losing his job. >> thanks, ryan. let's turn now to the presidential race. the next is south carolina's republican primary. early voting already underway this week. nikki haley is busy barn storming her home state. craig had a chance to catch up with her. >> good morning. good morning to you as well. it has been almost a year to the day since nikki haley launched her campaign in charleston. we were her first interview after she joined a then-crowded group of candidates. for the first time, earlier this week she said trump is not qualified to be president again. i asked her what changed after supporting him for years and why she's staying in the race. the former president yesterday endorsed a group of loyalists, including his daughter-in-law, to run the rnc now. the idea, reportedly, to bring the campaign closer to the party. what do you make of that? >> he's just trying to control as much as he can control. but we don't want a king in
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america. that's the problem. >> they heard your criticism earlier, and they responded. trump campaign spokesman said, quote, nikki brain dead bird brain knows she has no shot and is now auditioning for a cable news contract when her 15 men's are over. >> that's a weak response. >> donald trump questioned the whereabouts of nikki haley's husband who is serving a year-long deployment in africa for the national guard. >> where is her husband? he's away. what happened to her husband? what happened to her husband? where is he? he's gone. >> you know, to mock my husband, michael and i can handle that. but you mock one member of the military, you mock all members of the military. >> but the reality is he's talked about the military for
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years now in disparaging ways, suckers, losers, john mccain, gold star families. what's different now? what's different this time? >> before when he did it, it was during the 2016 election and everybody thought, oh, did he have a slip? what did that mean? the problem now is he is not the same person he was in 2016. he is unhinged. he is more diminished than he -- than he was. >> you endorsed him. you were a vocal supporter. you were out on the campaign trail. >> i'm the first person to say i voted for him twice. i was proud to serve america and his administration. but you can go back and look at my book. i cite multiple times that i called him out for things he was doing that were wrong. since i left the administration, i have called him out multiple times, which is why he's upset, because he thinks i'm disloyal. i'm not loyal to anyone. i don't do that. if you're right, you're right. if you're wrong, you're wrong. i'm going to call it out every time. >> after the most recent attack on your husband and other military families, you said,
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quote, he's no longer qualified to be president. how do you square that with raising your hand on that debate stage saying you would support him even if he were a convicted criminal. >> you all signed a pledge to support the eventual republican nominee. if former president trump is convicted in a court of law, would you still support him as your party's choice? please raise your hand if you would. >> i have said any of those 14 would be better than joe biden because everybody sees how diminished joe biden is. i will also tell you there is no way that the american people are going to vote for a convicted criminal. they're not. >> but you said you would. >> they're not. >> but you said you would. >> no, that is not the question.
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every republican nominee signed a pledge, before they could even get on the debate stage, that said if we were not the nominee, would we support the nominee, and i said yes and i standby that, that i would support the republican nominee. >> but you say he is no longer qualified to be president. >> if you don't know the value of our men and women in uniform, if you don't know the sacrifice that they go through, why should i, as a military spouse and all our military families, trust you to know you are going to keep them out of harm's way. the reality is he's never been anywhere near a military uniform. he's never had to sleep on the ground. he's never known how to sacrifice. and the most harm he's had is getting hit by a golf ball when sitting on the course. >> he is clearly head and shoulders above the rest in terms of front runner status now, you can see. what does that say about the party? why has your message not broken through so far?
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>> well, i think my message has broken through. not only are we getting republicans, we're getting reagan democrats. the people that want the anger to stop, the people that want the division to stop and the people who want us to stop having 80-year-old candidates. >> is there one state you can say, we can win there. >> you said 1,215 delegates. he had 32. i had 1. we've got multiple states. after south carolina, within 10 days, we will hit 20 states. let it happen. as long as we keep it competitive -- >> someone suggested you might be hurting the potential gop candidate the longer you stay in. >> how ridiculous is it that you're literally saying i'm hurting him by staying in. >> by herding resources. >> okay, resources.
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from a man who spent $50 million of his own campaign contributions on his personal court cases, where the rnc is broke, i'm the one hurting in resources? i don't think so. i'm the one that saves the republican party. look at every general election poll, look at any of them. trump loses by five, by seven. on a good day he's even, margin of error. i defeat biden by up to 17 points. >> but president biden is not in the primary. >> no, and we're going to continue to work on the primary. don't discount that i defeated a dozen fellas. don't discount that i got 43% in new hampshire. and don't discount me now. >> hypothetically, if your former boss is the nominee again, would you serve in another trump administration? >> i don't want anything. i don't want vice president. i don't want anything. i am running because, yes, while i thought he was the right president at the right time then, i do not think he's the right president at the right time now. i know what the american people want. they want to be heard. they have been through a lot. they don't see enough money in
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their wallets. i'm doing this because we have to do something. we can't just sit back and let it happen. >> that's nikki haley there outside charleston yesterday. that 43% figure she mentioned, that was where she finished in new hampshire. she said she has to improve on that in north carolina. i said if she doesn't, is she going to stay in the race. she said absolutely, through super tuesday she's staying in. meantime, we are following breaking news overnight in texas. a car slamming into the emergency room of an austin hospital. the driver of that car killed. five other people were hurt. nbc's morgan chesky joins us now with details of the story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. crews have been busy all night long trying to repair this massive hole left inside this austin emergency room. you can imagine everyone's shock when patients inside the er
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suddenly faced an entirely different emergency. one witness telling us as he watched this all play out in realtime, he felt like he was standing in a movie. this morning multiple patients are still fighting for their lives. flames and smoke billowing through the halls of a texas hospital after a car crashed into the emergency room at saint david's north austin medical center. >> we will be out checking for patients and injuries right now. >> police say the driver died at the scene and five others were injured, including two children. >> i got a white acura that drove through the entrance to the civilian side of the emergency room. >> reporter: in the aftermath, the austin pd writing on x that this incident does not appear to be an intentional act. but their investigation remains ongoing. >> the austin police department has vehicular homicide detectives on the scene, and they are investigating the cause. >> reporter: hospital officials say patients who were already inside the er when the crash happened were sent to other facilities for care and that no
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other departments at the facility were impacted. >> it felt like i was watching a movie. >> reporter: steven hughes said he met his wife michelle inside the er before she was admitted to the hospital for a surgical procedure. he heard noises and went out into the lobby. he recorded this video to show his wife what he witnessed. >> down there i'm thinking that maybe there was an explosion of some kind. i see a car embedded into the er lobby area, so the tires were spinning, causing tire smoke. and it started to fill up the area pretty quickly. >> reporter: hughes tells us the hospital staff strong into action and began administering first aid. >> it was amazing how quickly
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they responded. i would say they were there within a minute or two after the crash. >> reporter: thank goodness they were so close by. again, authorities say they don't believe this car was driven inside intentionally. this remains an active investigation. meanwhile, two of those five patients injured, hoda, remain in critical condition. >> all right. morgan chesky for us there in austin. thank you. also this morning millions across the northeast are doing something they haven't done in quite a while, digging out from a major winter storm. for some, yesterday's nor'easter was the biggest in years. al is already tracking that, but let's get to emilie ikeda who is in randolph, new jersey, this morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. it is hard to make out, but i'm actually walking in the sidewalk of this randolph neighborhood, buried by nearly a foot of snow, much like the rest of this community. other parts of the northeast saw even more even more snow, leaving millions today digging out from a brutal blast. after a bitter blast of snow shocked the northeast, this morning millions are cleaning up
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and shoveling out. >> plowing, shoveling, lovely day. >> reporter: the wintery mess the first significant snowfall some have seen in years. that all changed tuesday when they all saw over a foot of snow a white blanket also covering new york city, ending a record 744 days since at least two inches of snow hit the ground in the big apple. this winter wallop packed a dangerous and disruptive punch, canceling 1,200 flights nationwide tuesday officials responding to 2,000 accidents across several states. take a look at this car that slid off the roadway into this embankment the nor'easter turning deadly after a 20-year-old man's snow mobile fatally collided with a downed power line. heavy snow and wind knocking down trees, causing major power outages.g major power
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outage. and it's not the only area where wild weather is causing concern. in dana point, it is not the only area where wild weather is causing concern. in california, multi-million dollar houses perched on the edge of a cliff. authorities say the homes aren't in immediate danger. but with much of winter left to go, americans bracing for more damage across the country. and with windchills right now in the teens, another big concern today is that the lingering snow and slush could turn icy while yesterday's storm brought the highest snowfall totals to parts of the northeast region that people have seen in years, newark, boston and new york city are still below snowfall, the average amount they see for the entire season. >> emilie ikeda in new jersey for us, thank you. this one is a quick clipper, so no big deal hey, everybody how are you doing? we're looking at winter weather advisories from the pacific northeast all the way into the
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parts of up of michigan. you can see that clipper through here again, it is not a heavy snow. some sections about 4 to 6 inches back through the dakotas into parts of northern minnesota, wisconsin as we get into the northeast, through friday, again, some heavier areas through watertown, albany, new york, 4 to 6 inches of snow. lighter conditions as you get down to the south. hey, if you are going to that kansas city chiefs' parade, i mean, everything is going their way. it's 64 degrees. it will be 64 degrees for the parade average high 43. sunny and warm if taylor swift sees her shadow, it's another -- it's another super bowl for kansas city. >> yes yes! >> we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.
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and also send them away. rich is living life your way. and having someone who can help you get there. the key to being rich is knowing what counts. good wednesday morning. happy valentine's day. we are going to see rain coming in today with the north bay first seeing the showers late morning into the afternoon, and becoming heavier and more widespread for the afternoon into the evening, and then gradually tapering off tonight. most of us getting about a quarter to half inch of rainfall and then a brief break tomorrow into friday. for the weekend we have not only and that's your latest weather. guys? >> happy valentine's day. >>
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and that's your latest weather. guys >> happy valentine's day. >> valentine's day forecast coming up. >> i like it all right. coming up, with spring break on the way, a growing number of cities are bracing for rowdy behavior they're already cracking down. the big changes you need to know about. then new complaints over shrinkflation. you know when you pay more but get less, an even the white house weighing in but what is actually being done about this costly trend? about this costly trend? we will take aloser look c
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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a fun valentine's day surprise. >> she's a veterinarian. she think she's here for a pet segment, but you're not. her boyfriend carlos just arrived and he will be proposing live in our studio but, first, your local news. >> she doesn't know. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through
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by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc in check and keep it there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. i've always been prone to hair thinning. i'm genetically predisposed. i just gave birth. i was under a lot of stress. i started taking nutrafol. we test our formulations with the highest rigor of clinical trials and we're the number one dermatologist recommended hair growth supplement. i noticed it becoming... stronger and thicker.
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nutrafol has taken me back to the hair i was meant to have. i am back to me. start your hair growth journey at mom's gonna love this! alright kids come on. it's time for bed! ( ♪♪ ) good morning, mr. snuggles. make breakfast special with the cocoa and hazelnutty goodness of nutella. ( ♪♪ ) breathing claritin clear is like... (♪♪) is he? confidently walking 8 long haired dogs and living as if he doesn't have allergies? yeah. fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms, like nasal congestion. good morning. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories. >> first, we're getting the first real proof california's crackdown on crime in oakland is
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working. last week the chp deployed 120 officers to assist in the effort, and now the governor's office is out with the first numbers. the chp made 71 arrests, recovered 145 stolen vehicles and seized four guns linked to crimes. it all took place over a five-day period. for now, that additional staffing is being dialed down. social media companies are being called out after the second death in two weeks, this is after a teenager was killed while surfing atop of a b.a.r.t. train in san francisco. both of those deaths happening along the same stretch between balboa and daly city stations. the latest case, a 15-year-old boy died sunday after falling from that train. city leaders are calling social media outlets to take down all of those videos glorifying train surfing. in another case, a 19-year-old fell to his death last month. b.a.r.t. is looking at ways to make it more difficult to scale the trains' exteriors.
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let's get a look at the forecast for valentine's day with meteorologist kari hall. >> we're starting out cloudy, cool, but we'll see clouds continuing and rain beginning to fall between late morning into the afternoon and working its way from north to south. a brief break in the rainfall tomorrow, as well as friday, but then more storms ahead for the weekend, as we get a look at what to expect for today with the rain picking up between 2:00 and 3:00, as it moves into san francisco, over toward the east bay, and it continues into the evening, eventually tapering off. we are going to see more rain the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable.
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we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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♪♪ >> there we go 7:30 a classic scene from "say
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anything" on this valentine's day morning to make everybody swoon. it make a list of hollywood's greatest romantic comedies of all time what do you think? >> i never saw it. >> i never saw it either. >> looks like it was great. >> i never saw it. >> was that from the '80s? i thought, why did we pick that one? now i know >> guess it's a classic. >> she needs a minute. >> rarely speechless okay you two have a homework assignment for this weekend. next up, it is almost that time of year again, spring break season millions of college kids ready to flock to warm weather cities. >> of course, a little rowdy behavior is expected but in some hot spots, things have gotten so out of hand officials are saying enough is enough. >> sam brock is on historic ocean drive in miami beach good morning. >> reporter: hi, guys. good morning the message is pretty blunt, we're not doing this again
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we will not see 500 plus arrests, 100 firearms impounded, sections of ocean drive stampeded. a commission approving strict new rules primarily geared for the busiest two weekends of march the second and third weekends, as a growing number of cities right now are breaking up with spring break. for generations, it's been a favorite american tradition, from beach blanket bingo in the '60s to mtv's beach house in the '90s to modern day spring break parties with sun, sand and surf, an annual rite of passage, embraced as the ultimate party for college students in recent years, those warm weather vacations have turned into chaos and crime in miami beach. >> the problems we see just a ah handful of weekends. >> reporter: the bad behavior
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prompting major security changes from miami beach's government ahead of the march crush, including 6:00 p.m. beach closures and traffic restrictions, among other things. >> dui checks, license plate readers. we are going to be doing bag checks on the beach. we're increasing the fees for nonresidents to park in our garages, up to $100. >> reporter: there is a potential for curfews with more than 570 arrests and multiple fatal shootings. >> after 16 stampedes last year, i closed mangos. >> reporter: for some business owners, the roughly $50,000 to $70,000 he might lose every day is a fair tradeoff if it means less violence. >> you have to go into a defensive posture. >> reporter: as some locals hold out hope for tranquility >> it hasn't worked out. so anything that they can do to try to make a difference would
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be great. >> reporter: and miami beach is not the only city cracking down. fort lauderdale pulled the plug years ago on all spring break activities myrtle beach in south carolina enacted a noise and foul language ordinance this year, limiting beach hours and banning thongs and g-strings, too. even with all the restrictions, spring break crowds are expected to be up from 2023. >> in fact, with lower prices we're seeing higher bookings initially going into the spring break season. >> reporter: now it remains to be seen if cities can stop the spring break mayhem. that will be implemented this year if a state of emergency is declared first the commissioner is going to be meeting tomorrow to finalize these new rules. back to you guys. >> all right sam brock for us in miami beach. thank you. >> are you going to recover? >> yeah, i'm good. still ahead, everyone lovede
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ben affleck's star-studded super bowl commercial, right guess what, folks? those dunkings are actually releasing a real pop song. but, first, shrinkflation is back in the spotlight. >> i know you guys noticed this. fewer chips in the bag, a smaller number of cookies in the sleeve, maybe a skimpier roll of paper towels it is called shrinkflation it's a by-product of inflation, and i have got what you can do about it after the break he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.
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morning. on your money, shrinkflation. >> americans are getting a lot less of what they paid for. >> the question is what can we all do about it. christine romans is on the case. hey, christine. >> good morning, you guys. you probably noticed this, right, when you go into the grocery store. it's a byproduct of inflation and people are just fed up in aisles all across america, the choices are bigger than ever but the size, not so much. from cereal to chips to detergent. so-called shrinkflation. >> that's the call queso that was $6. >> reporter: same price, smaller amount, and consumers are venting about it. >> either pay more or the samea. but i don't get as much.
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>> this is barely even a half a cup of noodles. >> i'm fed up. no pun amount that it already cost. but i don't get as much. >> this is barely even a half a cup of noodles. >> i'm fed up. no pun intended. >> reporter: even president biden calling shrinkflation a rip-off. >> the american public is tired of being played for sbgers >> food prices rising 2.6% versus last year grocery prices specifically rising a little over 1%. but they're up 25% since 2020. a december report from senate bob casey's office found shrinkflation most common in paper products and snacks. but company costs are also high and consumers have a choice. >> we're dealing with a much higher cost structure and trying to find a way to equitably and responsibly produce products that meet the consumer where they are. >> reporter: so it is too simplistic to say that companies are getting record products by passing all the costs on to consumers?
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>> absolutely. >> reporter: consumer advocate edgar says shrinkflation grows during price pressure. >> i'm waiting for the day when you open that carton of eggs and you only see 11 inside we're just kind of coming off high inflation, so maybe we'll see fewer products shrinking, but it is never going to go down to zero. >> reporter: for american consumers, that's a big bite to swallow. >> speaking of, still paying more at the grocery store. >> the usda forecasted this year grocery prices will actually fall a little bit. you know, so that's a little relief but grocery prices are up 25% over the past four years making money hand over fist.
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>> they are. but they're also managing higher labo this is why people feel so rotten when they have fewer things. >> and companies are making money hand over fist. >> they are. but they're also managing higher labor costs. companies are making money, but people are getting less in the bag. there is a couple things you can do about it. don't look at the price of the item but the unit price. not all companies change their packaging at the same time, so you might get a different kind of cookie. go over and see if it is a better value for a different kind of snack food you have a choice. and the free market works in a way here, too, because at some point we have seen this with the fast food companies as i have reported, people start to vote with their feet. if this is too little, i'm not going to buy this product. these companies are aware of that >> "say anything," a classic movie? >> i don't even know who you people are. >> thank you thank you. the prosecution rests. >> al, have you seen "say anything". >> come on. >> he wasn't a teenage girl in
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the '80s. you were >> how do you know we all have choices. speaking of which, hit the music ♪ ♪ love is in the air ♪ ♪ love is in the air ♪ >> that's right. valentine's day in sweetheart city, wisconsin. 38 degrees partly cloudy skies. loveland, ohio partly cloudy and 38 darling, arizona 50 degrees. bouquet junction, california 61. and rosedale, california some showers. are you going to love those temperatures i don't know do you love 31 degrees in minneapolis? i think you do 11 degrees above average then tomorrow, those temperatures, oh, you are going to love this, down in savannah,
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71 degrees 71 degrees, oh, yeah, baby mississippi, thank you thank you very much. 12 degrees above average and then temperatures actually dip into the weekend happy valentine's day to you. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're starting out cloudy as we take a live look outside in dublin. we are going to see the rain arriving later on this morning into the afternoon. first starting in the north bay and starting out light, but getting heavier around 2:00 to 3:00, and continuing to move across the rest of the bay area through the evening commute. it will eventually taper off later tonight and we'll take a break from the wet weather tomorrow, but there will >> i'm sorry >> is that for debra, your wife? >> all right blanket, sorry, categorical. >> love it still ahead, it is parade
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day for the kansas city chiefs could it feature a special guest? jesse kirsch as a live report from kansas city plus, we have a special morning boost. all of it's coming up right after this [ding] meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals are just for likes, try one you'll actually like. the citi custom cash® card a different kind of card that automatically adjusts
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7:48 am
switch to your dishwasher and cascade platinum plus. all you have to do is scrape, load, and you're done! cascade platinum plus. dare to dish differently. (♪♪) (♪♪) ♪ cause you're free ♪ ♪ to do what you want to do ♪ (♪♪)
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♪ do what you want ♪ ♪ do what you want to do ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ ♪ do what you want to do ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪♪ (luke) so... i hear some of you are concerned about the fact that i'm taking over the company from my great-uncle.t to do ♪ well, rest-assured, company's in great hands. hit the vid', marci. (marci) now? (luke) yeah, now. we're bringing together the nation's agents in a super-comprehensive agent directory. (dave) did you know he bought a helicopter? (luke) gathering up-close, detailed info on neighborhoods. and hiring top experts to get you insider info on local schools. (weezy) what do y'all think... smash or nah? (classroom + luke) nah. (marci) you got weezy for this?! (luke) exciting, right? (weezy) now, who wanna see what one hundred g's looks like? (both lukes) homes-dot-com. we've done your homework. (luke) now, that is worth celebrating!
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(brad) i love it. (luke) thank you. (brad) very clever. (luke) drink up, everybody. (vo) ding dong! carson joins. happy valentine's day. >> happy valentine's day, guys. well, the chiefs fans are lining the streets, you can imagine, of kansas city ahead of today's big super bowl celebration. hey, jesse. how is it going so far. >> reporter: hey, carson, guys, good morning to you. it is already a party out here. we are hours away of finding out if taylor and travis will be together on valentine's day in kansas city. take a look at the crowds already forming out here.
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these people are getting up close to have a chance to see and hear from kansas city chiefs players later today. chiefs kingdom is abuzz. we met people out here since 11:30 last night. the parade doesn't start until 11:00 a.m. local time today. all these people hoping to be a part of something we have not seen in almost 20 years. in kansas city this morning, the new swag has been purchased and the stage is officially set for a one-of-a-kind party. roughly one million people are expected to cram these streets to celebrate the newly crowned back-to-back super bowl champs. and patrick mahomes and travis kelce, some fans are hoping they will catch a glimpse of kelce's girlfriend, who helped make this 11-year-old a big chiefs fan like her mom. could we have a parade on valentine's day without swelce? >> no. it will be the end of the love
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story, right? >> reporter: there is no official word if taylor will be here. mr. mayor, will we see taylor swift at this parade? >> all i can say is we will be ready if it happens. >> reporter: we did find out what she said to travis during that post game embrace. >> you're the best, baby. >> oh, my god. >> the absolute best. was it electric? >> it was unbelievable. >> reporter: and travis' mom donna feeling the love on her way home from las vegas. southwest airlines naming momma kelce mvp, most valuable parent. >> how about those -- >> chiefs! >> reporter: that was the scene after the chiefs won the super bowl last year. this time around coach andy reid said he told his players not to have too much fun. >> that was mentioned a couple times, so it's great to have fun, but, you know, be smart.
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>> reporter: with today's warm forecast and swiftie intrigue, the city is preparing for bigger crowds this time around at a parade that could exceed our wildest dreams. three titles and parades now within five years for the chiefs. what makes this one different, guys, for sure, this is taylor's version. back to you. >> well played. >> jesse, thank you very much. could you imagine being on a southwest flight with momma kelce. >> that's cool. guys, still ahead, look at this shot. priscilla is here. she's a veterinarian. she's here, but not the reason she thinks. she can't hear us right now. we've got her in a room. we can tell you she's about to get engaged. her boyfriend is about to pull off the ultimate valentine's day surprise and we are helping him do it in a fake pet segment that's coming up after your local news we will get to one pet. >> i love it
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whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... mom's gonna love this! alright kids come on. it's time for bed! ( ♪♪ ) good morning, mr. snuggles. make breakfast special with the cocoa and hazelnutty goodness of nutella. ( ♪♪ ) my life is full of questions... how do i clean an aioli stain? use tide. do i need to pretreat guacamole? not with tide. why do we even buy napkins? thankfully, tide's the answer to almost all of them. do crabs have eyebrows? except that one. for all of life's laundry questions, it's got to be tide. (singing) ♪ i feel good ♪
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♪ duh na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ♪ i knew that i would ♪ ♪ na na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ooo, yum. hey! ♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ i feel good. sorry body, for knowing about actives, but giving 100% of them to my face. but fear no more, body. get active serums with hyaluronic acid that quench, vitamin c that brightens, and pro-ceramides that even everywhere. new dove serum body washes. get dove or get foamo. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. -sigh. -come on crust, it's your inner beauty that really counts. wow, rude. i just mean all that matters is what's in here. -you're so self centered. -look! look you're inner beauty is right here. uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. sorry crust.
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good morning to you. it is 7:56 right now. i'm laura garcia. uc berkeley advising students and faculty about a power and systems outage right now. the area around warren hall data center is temporarily closed and various campus systems, including wi-fi, are said to be down. we're observing more services coming back online right now.
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here is what else is happening now. >> reporter: i'm ginger conejero saab at san francisco's flower mart. happy valentine's day. the doors here open to the general public at 8:00 this morning. these start at $35 and you have until 1:00 in the afternoon to grab some special flowers for that someone today. this is the last year that the flower mart is at this location. they move over to potrero hill next year. >> let's get a look at the forecast with meteorologist kari hall. >> we are tracking incoming rain, most likely later on this morning into the afternoon. starting in the north bay and getting heavier as we approach the evening commute and then eventually tapering off later tonight into tomorrow. we're looking at more storms the weekend. we're also getting word that there seems to be some activity on the golden gate bridge this morning, blocking both directions. we're digging into the story in our newsroom right now. we'll have more in a local live
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update in about half an hour. actually, we're going to continue on because we just got these pictures of the golden gate bridge right now. as you can see, traffic is at a standstill at the moment. we're getting some reports that there could be possibly a protest setting up on the span. lanes have been blocked in both directions so far. we hear there are as many as about 50 people that are ascending the bay bridge right now. as you can see, traffic looks like it's moving one direction just barely, though, inching across. no doubt, when we've seen problems like this in the past, the chp have rushed to the scene as well. so we're taking a live look right now at the golden gate bridge, attempting to get more information. this just broke within the last few minutes, just after 7:40, i would say, 7:45 or so, right before we came on air. we were trying to confirm the
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information. you see traffic completely at a standstill right now on the golden gate bridge, and no traffic moving. mike inouye joins me right now. what do you know? i think we've got to get your microphone situated there. we'll check in with mike in just a moment. but as you see, no cars moving, and none allowed on the other side of the span. i think we've got your mic worked out. >> apologies. checking in with the chp report, it does have initial comments saying 50 people were out of their vehicles on the golden gate bridge mid span. that corresponds to what we see. the northbound side is jammed up. at least one vehicle coming down. i think they've just released a few vehicles. whatever is going on mid span, it does involve some people out of their vehicles. we're trying to find the source of what the activity is, what they're trying to do. northbound is jammed up. we'll look at the map. you see we have jammed up traffic in both directions, the
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southbound side coming to the scene. again, the live picture we just saw does show traffic coming southbound. we're going to give it a couple of seconds and watch the taillights go past the south tower to mid span, perhaps onto the north bay side. the speed sensors, as we get back, we're showing northbound, but it releases just before it makes the marin county side and the south bay side. so, again, the speed sensors do indicate activity on the span itself. there are some notes talking about the tunnel, which i believe would be the robin williams tunnel. it is jammed from about that point across the golden gate bridge, onto the southbound side where it also shows that same slowing. so mid span is the activity. we're going to try to find out exactly what's going on. i'm going to go back to the traffic center and find more sources to see what chp and the other authorities can tell us. i'm going to get that live look again. we still see some traffic but
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little traffic. it's possible they stopped the traffic coming off of the golden gate bridge across the bay. and releasing the folks in the back up. again, back to my traffic center and find out more information and i'll be sure to come right back to you. back to you. >> perfect. we'll let you get back to the traffic center to see what information you can gather. we're going to stay on that golden gate bridge shot. go ahead and step out of the way so folks can continue to take a look at that. that's interesting. we see a few cars on the opposite side moving there slowly. not a whole lot of traffic coming from that direction. once again, the golden gate bridge, it looks like traffic has been stopped there. there is some kind of activity going on. this is very reminiscent of the bay bridge being shutdown in mid december when protesters shutdown the bay bridge demanding for a cease fire. we're confirming who is out there right now.
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there's said to be about 50 people that we know at the moment that went on to the span of the golden gate bridge. we're going to try to get you another angle of that at this time. but what we know so far that you see it there. golden gate bridge traffic at a standstill. kris sanchez joins me onset. >> you might remember it wasn't too long after the bay bridge was shutdown by the protestors that they took to the golden gate bridge. they did unfurl a rather large banner along the side of the bridge and tried to make their voices known. they were calling for a cease fire in gaza. and that was the message there. unclear right now what the message is here though we did see some banners out there as well t. last time they took to the golden gate bridge, traffic was not shutdown. mike is tracking how far back the back up is going but we know that the cars are stopped in the
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northbound direction over into marin county. >> exactly. we're seeing it. this just happened. i want to say about 15 minutes ago or so. we saw the cease of activity on the golden gate bridge. there you zoom in a bit and get a look at the further span there where completely traffic at standstill. in the case of the bay bridge when they shut it down, it was interesting. protestors in such a planned type attack of driving their cars out there and at varying places just stopping them. in some cases, jumping out and throwing their keys into the bay itself. this of course makes it so the chp when they're trying to move things along, they can't even move those cars. but tow trucks have to be called out. they have to individually move all these cars. obviously a lot of frustrated drivers. >> we want to show you a couple
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of pictures we're getting on social media closer to where the shutdown is happening. hands off rafah. rafah, of course the site of the increase in conflict in the middle east right now. this one says stop arming israel. we know that a lot of these protests have been not only calling for a cease fire in hamas, in gaza, but also calling for the united states to back off its support. we talked with scott mcgrew yesterday about that funding bill that was to provide aid for israel for their continuing escalation there in gaza. so we expect that this is part of that protest. again, some pushback against that. so that is where the bridge is shutdown. mike is going to talk about that. >> these banners here across the northbound side, cameras have been moved to show us the northbound direction. going to step into the shot as soon as they tell me it's okay
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so i can show you what's going on here. the northbound side is jammed up. this is out of san francisco. no traffic was going on the northbound side, past the south tower. about mid span. the southbound side has released traffic. it sounds like from the chp report, those banners are now going to be clearing as far as the activity indicated just a few seconds ago. they believe, chp says, that there was going to be a clearing for that northbound side. they said they're taking down the banners. the people are taking off the banners. chp has noted they have taken information from the cars involved in what was going on on the span itself. here we go. look at this. i believe the northbound side, a few more seconds here, i think the northbound traffic might be clearing up. but it's hard to tell from this distance. we're in san francisco and i got confirmation from someone closer to this, they said the northbound traffic is starting to move. so i do believe that the northbound lanes are at least
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partially reopened. kris, you mentioned the words regarding rafah and israel. the northbound banners may have been removed. back to my desk now and check out some other sources but right now, the chp report is saying northbound taking down the banner. possibly going to break off soon and that the southbound side is open across the golden gate bridge. i want to show you the maps. this is going to be a problem for folks coming down out of the north bay. folks, in the north bay, novato shows a lot of slowing down. solid into the golden gate bridge. it is a problem and that may send more folks aacross the bay bridge. the lower deck may get more congested. we know the folks from richmond are heading over into the area and down to the golden gate bridge. so hopefully the progress is being made on those lanes. back to you guys.
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thank you very much. back to the traffic center. >> appreciate it. we're going to keep a live look on the golden gate bridge. if you're just joining us right now, there was a protest that was setting up on the span completely halting traffic as mike mentioned there. northbound lanes seem to be partially reopening. at least we're seeing a little activity there. as protestors have gone on the bridge. they've unfurled signs. the chp says they're in the process of taking down some of those signs. in social media, we've been able to see people out on the bridge itself unfurling signs. the chp quickly trying to get on the scene there to try to keep traffic moving this morning. >> so here we are. as mike pointed out the shutdown happened toward mid span there. this is one of the signs that was unfurled there. large ban r. hands off rafah. a reference to the conflict in hamas right now. stop arming israel. a message to our lawmakers who
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just approved a funding bill for israel among other countries as well. >> we want to go back live to the golden gate bridge and what a difference just a few, seconds make. >> 30 seconds. >> exactly. traffic is now moving along the golden gate bridge. that's pretty remarkable. how quick they were able to open this up. mike's been monitoring in the traffic center. >> chp indicating they're removing the banners but the lanes are moving away from san francisco. as we get a look at the map systems, i wanted to show the back up. both directions are still jammed up but instead of solid red, we're shifting to orange then to yellow then green. the side that opened first to traffic is the commute direction. both directions right here are
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now back to the orange flow. we did again see from the san francisco side, things are still jammed up but the cameras right about here, live camera showing traffic is really quickly recovered. you guys referenced about 30 seconds, 45 seconds. everything moving better into the city and out. i'm sure there's more activity because chp did make comment about getting information they needed regarding what happened and the stoppage on if golden gate bridge. when these activities happen on these public thoroughfares, there are repercussions. for now, it looks like all lanes are open and i say looks like because the chp does not yet say all lanes cleared so i'm going to continue to monitor that. but clearly a better view on the bridge. >> very much so. >> it's interesting to see that perhaps both sides have learned from the shutdown of the bay bridge. the chp able to clear things faster and perhaps the protesters cooperating. some protesters from the bay
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bridge incident are going through the court process and facing prosecution. these are the banners that were unfurled mid span that shutdown traffic in the northbound direction. those are gone. the traffic moving smoothly. >> we'll continue to follow this story. stay with us. we'll have another local news cut-in about 8:25 this morning as we continue to monitor what is going on at the golden gate bridge. protestors storming the mid span. also more on our midday news at 11:00. also turn to for your latest information as well. your latest information as well. we'll we were torn apart at birth. that's dramatic. this is the story of the best part of the sandwich. and his crust.
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director: is it hard to be a lunch icon? icon? no, it comes naturally. that's it. ugh lunch icon. uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. my name's brian hoeflinger, and because of tiktok, i have the power to educate people and hopefully save lives. when my son brian died in a drunk driving accident, i put out a video about it and try to stop young people from drinking and driving. no other family has to go through what we did. tiktok has the power to change society, and i think that's where the power of tiktok lies. if you save one person, that's one more person that can change the world too. right? ♪♪ only unitedhealthcare medicare advantage plans come with the ucard — one simple member card that opens doors for what matters. what if we need to see a doctor away from home? we got you — with medicare advantage's largest national provider network. only from unitedhealthcare. nature's bounty hair growth. clinically shown to help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex.
8:12 am
conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal;
8:13 am
cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. >> sure did. ♪ and they called it puppy love ♪ >> sure did. 8:13 our special series "today celebrates love. on this valentine's day, why not pay tributes to some of our greatest loves, our pets. >> i love this here to talk to us about it is priscilla diaz >> good morning. >> we're happy you're here should we bring our first pet out. >> we have a bunch of viewer
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questions. this is -- who is this >> jen. >> she asked this question what is the best way to keep our pets active in the wintertime, which is a good question. >> that's a great question there are many different ways. really getting your pet outdoors is the most beneficial be sure to have the right gear, like booties to protect their paws from the snow and the ice for small breeds or short hair coated breeds, you know, a nice coat or sweater, something to keep them warm. >> that's cute, too. little stanley would get cute with that. >> let's get our next pet owner. we have carlos. >> do you know carlos? >> yeah. >> it's mommy. it's mommy. >> carlos, do you have a question >> hi! >> oh, my god.
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this is my dog >> since the moment i told you i loved you, when we slow danced in the theater backyard, i waited for this moment three, almost three and a half years long distance and now you're home and i wanted to make you my forever valentine and ask you to marry me. will you marry me, babe? >> absolutely, yes oh, my gosh! >> yeah! >> oh, my gosh oh, my gosh. >> congratulations, priscilla! . oh, my gosh. >> oh, my goodness i love you >> congratulations, priscilla. >> oh, my goodness that was a "today show" producer with your dog.
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>> who is this >> that's teddy. >> oh, my gosh okay. >> we're not done with surprises for you. are you ready? >> are you freaking out, by the way? >> yes. >> you didn't suspect, right >> no, nothing oh, my gosh. this is crazy. >> we'll have you back for a pet segment because you were doing great. kleinfeld bridal will give you a gift certificate for your wedding dress. a special vip appointment at a diamond wedding band a $200 gift certificate from zale's and men's warehouse will give
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was covid 2020, and i was away at vet school during that time. you the choice of your suit for your wedding day. >> you guys have been together for years but you lived separately >> yes when we first started dating it was covid 2020, and i was away at vet school during that time so it's been -- we've been together three and a half years now. and i'm back home, and it's just been great. >> this was bold this was bold, yes. >> the ring was in my safe for months she graduated last may, and i have been waiting for the right moment little hiccups here and there. we caught covid. she burned her ring finger i was planning multiple dates. >> i burned this exact finger. >> and we waited until 2024. then this kind of happened. >> and by the way, you got wrangled into this a friend of yours kind of told us about you, so we created an entire pet segment so you would come here so we could have this moment >> oh, my goodness.
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>> what a friend. >> yeah. >> thank you. >> congratulations i'm glad your pooch was here to witness it as well. >> teddy, great job. >> well, thank you congrats i'm sure it is overwhelming. by the way, we will do a special valentine's cooking day segment in a bit will you guys come and cook for >> absolutely! >> you don't have to cook, just be there. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you to men's warehouse and of course to kleinfeld. >> oh, that is special love that. heavy rain into the pacific northwest. we have a little clipper coming across but, really, the rest of the country looking lovely mild, maybe a few snow showers in thehe easte . happy valentine's day to you. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are going to see rain coming
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in today as this storm system quickly approaching. not expecting major problems but it will be breezy and also quite cool with our temperatures in the north bay in the upper 50s and low 60s from fremont to san jose. and also low 60s in san matteo. we'll see the rain spreading from north to south and really having a big impact on the evening commute. plan on it taking a from popping the question to from popping the question to the best time of the morning, it's "popstart". >> that was so sweet. >> and we're also upset we didn't get to see more dogs come out. more dogs. i was looking forward to the dog house segment. >> you are in the dog house now. >> happy valentine's day variety releasing its official list of the 50 greatest romantic
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movies of all time beloved classics, modern hits, including this '04 tear jerker starring ryan gosling and rachel mcadams. >> 365 letters i wrote you every day of the year. >> you wrote me? >> yes we were not over still not over >> even uncle al cried during that. >> craig and i both haven't seen it. >> you should go watch it together. >> i'm aware no one stands in the rain better than ryan and rachel in "the notebook. how about this one tom cruise, renée zellweger. >> i love you. you complete me. and i'm just -- >> shut up just shut up you had me at, hello >> that, of course, is "jerry q that's a good one there.
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yeah. let's take a look at which film snagged the top spot on variety's list. >> where i'm going, you can't maguire. speaking of famous quotes, that's a good one there. yeah let's take a look at which film snagged the top spot on variety's list >> where i'm going, you can't follow what i've got to do, you can't be any part of i'm no good at being noble, but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. some day you'll understand that. no, no here's looking at you, kid. >> that reminds me of my dad my dad would watch it, a classic, "casa blanca". >> it's not a com. >> just a rom. >> best writing, directing, outstanding motion picture next up, from our favorite chefs. the barefoot contessa sharing a play list of a romantic dinner saying good music helps, of course, make the whole evening
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come together. here are some of our favorites from her list of 70 songs. just try not to sing along to this one ♪ ♪ this will be ♪ ♪ you and me ♪ ♪ yes, sir ♪ ♪ internally ♪ ♪ >> natalie king cole the song has been featured. >> it's natalie coal, not king cole -- >> okay. >> including "while we were sleeping." here is another one from ina's list, guys ♪ james. roll it
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♪♪ at last ♪ when a man loves a woman ♪ ♪ >> yeah. "when a man loves a woman. all right. who doesn't love a little etta king james roll it! ♪ ♪ at last ♪ ♪ my love has come along ♪ >> oh, that's a good one on valentine's day. you can get that full list on now, apple music and spotify do you know what else is on that list "i want to make love in this club" by usher. it is? it is really >> usher king cole. >> amy poehler is up next. she made galantine's day an official holiday in this episode of "parks and rec". >> what's galantine's day? >> every february 13th, we come and kick it breakfast style. ladies celebrating ladies. it is like lilith fair minus the angst, plus fritatas >> yesterday, amy checked in on the gals sharing this sweet
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message on tiktok. >> friendships are the most important thing in your life the best thing about your friends is they know you better than anyone, and they still want to hang out with you happy galantine's day. super bowl commercial is the gift that keeps on giving. >> the >> hope all the ladies had a lovely day. ben affleck's epic super bowl commercial is the gift that keeps on giving. >> the dunkings. tommy on them keys play it coach. >> got it. >> and needs no introduction, my partner. >> sometimes it is so hard to be your friend. >> you said you would support me >> well, you thought that song was a joke, you would be dead wrong. they are dropping that song officially it is called "don't dunk away a"
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♪♪ don't dunk away my heart ♪♪ why are you dunking me, my heart." here at "popstart" we have an exclusive sneak peek -- ♪ ♪ don't dunk away my heart ♪ ♪ why you dunking me, girl ♪ ♪ >> it's actually pretty catchy. >> okay. >> "don't dunk away my heart" streaming 9:00 a.m. eastern. you can find the 3:10 track. over 3:00 of that, guys, on spotify. three minutes of that. >> yeah. hollywood heavy weight, our friend, tyler perry. >> yeah! >> a professional is in the building >> dunking >> hi! >> hello, hello. how are you, sir good morning, man. >> you got a steamy new thriller. >> yeah, yeah. >> we have kelly rowland we will talk about it a bunch
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when we come back. but, first, your local news. good morning. i'm marcus washington. want to give you a live look at the golden gate bridge this morning. you can see right here, traffic is flowing in both directions but that wasn't the case a few
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moments ago. traffic came to a complete standstill in both directions. this started after 8:00 this morning and within a short time, chp released southbound traffic while cars northbound were held. here's the reason why. palestinian supporters briefly unfurled banners protesting israel's war with gaza. a short time after we broke into our coverage at the top of the hour, both directions were cleared. we'll have more of this during our midday newscast as well as online. let's get a look at that forecast for you. kari hall is tracking the income k rain. >> we're starting out cloudy, cool temperatures, but soon, we'll see the rain coming in. first starting in the north bay around 10:00 to 11:00 and continuing to move across the bay area. the evening commute is going to be very slow and heavy rain moving in but we will have a break tomorrow with more storms ahead for the weekend. we'll be tracking that for you. >> thanks, kari. we'll have another update in 30 minutes. see you back here then.
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate.
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i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
8:30 am
♪ welcome back, you guys it is 8:30 we're back. and can i tell you something?
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look closely at this crowd we are so happy to be on the plaza. yesterday we had a snow day. we're back and can i tell you something look closely at this crowd because there is a lot of love. >> a lot of love on valentine's day. >> yes, indeed. >> we had head bands look at it, it is so cute. >> they understood the assignment by the way, lots of stars inside, including one of the biggest names in all of hollywood. we, of course, are talking about tyler perry. he will tell us about his new movie and what the future holds for madea as well. also ahead, another icon is in our kitchen cooking up a valentine's day dessert. >> cannot wait for that. and on this day of love, we have great ideas for your next vacation, all inspired by your favorite rom-coms. >> it's the voice. it really is the voice. >> i like to love your momma, but i love your momma better. >> okay. so we have a lot of love on the
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plaza. where am i beginning, kevin? right here good morning so how long have you guys been together. >> four years. >> and you're getting married when >> october 4th. >> all right how many years have you been married? >> for a month. >> how many years have you been married? >> one year. >> four years. >> how many years have you been married. >> 10 years! >> 20 years. >> how many years have you been married? >> 23. >> how many years have you been married? >> 25. >> how about you guys? >> 36. >> how about you guys? >> 45. >> whoa! >> and how about you guys? >> 48 years. >> whoa! ding, ding, ding, ding we have cindy and steve. all these people want to know what is the secret for being married for 48 years why does it work >> forgiveness forgive yourself and the person you love. >> oh, how about you
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>> a great mate that you love. >> awe. >> a great mate that you love and forgiveness. y'all, that was beautiful. happy valentine's day to all of you guys so happy isn't it the sweetest? >> that's so awesome that's going to make him break out into that voice again, isn't it >> i don't know. >> all right, mr. roker. >> you actually had a shirt made what is your name? >> grusha. >> sweet. >> on valentine's day. >> and it's her birthday and valentine's day. what is your name? >> rebecca. >> all right thank you very much. let's show you what you have got for your weather for the weekend. fast-moving storm bringing snow through the upper midwest. a nice day along the east coast. rain down through texas. saturday a little light snow in the northeast. plenty of sun for the plains down into texas. another pacific coast storm comes in and then sunday, sunday more snow showers around the great lakes. mountain snows in the rockies.
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good valentine's day to you. we are going to see rain coming in for the afternoon. mostly cloudy day and temperatures in the inland valleys in the low 60s. tonight, we'll see the rain tapering off and we are back to sunshine tomorrow. only slight rain chances through friday but then another storm system arriving on late friday night into saturday then another brief break on sunday morning. we are going to have an active storm wednesday today. >> yes, indeed all right. coming up next, the one, the only tyler perry he has never new projects, including a steamy new thriller. he will tell us about that and what's next for madea. but, first, this is "today" on
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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welcome back. welcome back we love tyler perry. we love when he stops by we love when he has a new project. he can make us laugh he can make us cry in the case of his latest movie, he could have us sitting on the edge of his seats. it's a thriller starring kelly rowland, a powerful defense attorney who may be in over her heads and sparks start to fly with her new client. take a look. >> i did not kill my girlfriend. this is my life, and they're trying to ruin me. >> and who would they be >> the da. he hates me. >> why would he hate you >> i don't know. can you rep me my friend says you're the best
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if he says you're the one, you're the one. >> by the way, you chose kelly rowland. she is the one. >> yeah, yeah. >> she is the one you wanted from the jump. it is not like she has a ton of acting experience. >> i have been a huge fan for a very long time every time i see her do something, i think, there is so much more. her coming in, trusting me, putting herself in my hands. as a producer on the movie, she elevated so much of it. >> this is not your normal genera what is happening here this is a thriller you don't know what's going to happen. >> listen, don't sit with the kids through netflix and chill on this one. this is for the older adults my mother used to love these shows. remember all these thrillers from sharon stone. >> "the perfect murder" and all those. >> yes, i wanted to play in that area just remembering those. >> you brought up your mom, who
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>> well, her birthday was two days ago. she is such a motivation in your life it is your purpose and why you did so many things in your life. i wonder now what is it that is propelling you because i feel like every time you come, there is a new project. there is more. so what's motivating you these days >> well, her birthday was two days ago she would have been 79 what's motivating me now is just having the opportunity, getting an opportunity for them to see themselves in ways they never have, had it not been for me having this opportunity. so that motivates me. >> i have to ask you about madea. >> oh, lord. oh, lord. >> you know i had to. >> yes, i know what i said what is you asking me? yes, yes, yes. yeah. >> thought it was put to bed but here she comes she's roaring back what's going to happen >> there is so much going on in the world, there is so much anger and vitriol and division every time i see that, i want to make people laugh. we'll see what happens with it. >> you have something going with kerry washington, which is a project that, first of all, i hadn't heard this story.
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it is from world war ii. how did you find it and tell me about kerry's role in this. >> it is the 855 women of color who actually went over to europe in world war ii that nobody talked about for a long time al did a great special on them, a segment on it i thought was wonderful. but nicole avon brought me this story and said, we should do this now we get to honor these women and the whole world and see what their contribution is. >> i want to talk about your life for a second because i just watched your commencement address at emery university before i started the day i woke up in a funk, and this kind of elevated me. you told a story about how you were going to work at a car salesman place and you got overlooked you did not get that job what did the owner of that place tell you, and what did it teach you. >> he didn't interview it was one of the salesman he looked at my application and said, you didn't finish thiscol.
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you're not a finisher. so you're mad at this guy. >> i'm offended by it. racism picking on me. and i leave. but that sat with me. so everything i do i make sure i finish it now over and over again. so that bad moment you don't finish anything. table. >> you're a finisher now. >> that made me think of the very first project you put out there into the world for people at home saying maybe something is not meant for me, it took you seven years for that to succeed why wasn't that god saying to you, look, this isn't the right thing as opposed to finish it? >> because it wouldn't let me rest if you have a dream and you're trying to walk away and it keeps needling you, you can do this. i feel like that's the god voice saying, go, do it, do it that's the thing that wouldn't let me rest. i'm glad i followed it all the way through because i'm sitting here talking to you guys. >> so your mom's birthday was two days ago what did you do on that day? >> you know what i learned to do it's only been 15 of them since she died
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get out of bed that i was happy about, i was able to get out of bed and start my day. >> do you think about her every day? >> every day, every moment, yeah. >> wow, that's beautiful. >> yeah, yeah. >> she must be so proud of you i know she was before she passed and i'm sure she's watching. well, we love you. this is a great -- you're right. keep the kids out of the room. get ready to be a little scared, all the good things. >> super sexy, super steamy. >> you know how you do all right. you will come back on the 4th hour and visit with me and jenna. >> it will hit netflix - >> friday. it will be on there friday y'all watch it friday. it be on there friday. hoda kotb will be right back after this commercial break from my valentine's day special just ahead, a valentine's day >> chef is here, yeah.d it, read
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thank you, it. >> the chef is here, yes thank you, t.p we have an incredible, incredible dessert it's coming up, but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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i wanted to make you my forever valentine and ask you to marry me will you marry me, babe? >> absolutely, yes oh, my god. >> even the dog was barking yes. the surprise wedding proposal we just helped pull off here. they are back with a special valentine's day edition of "today food". >> nice to have you guys this holiday is probably defined by chocolate more than any other. americans buy nearly 58 million pounds of chocolate.
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well, we have a michelin star chef to help us make a treat. >> we have to say all the great restaurants all around the world and his latest passion project reopening here in new york great to have it reopening congratulations. >> thank you. >> after the pandemic, it closed. >> absolutely. celebrating its 25th anniversary this year on park avenue and 63rd street. >> what are we making? >> we are making chocolate mousse we serve it at brunch on sunday, saturday/sunday. so i like to flavor it with cardamom and coffee. it is tiny little seeds. >> are those easy to get, chef >> yeah, you can get it in powder as well so i'm crushing that also coffee beans.cardamom seed
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inside. that will boil and then let infuse a little i put a little bit of cream and milk and the cardamom seed inside that will boil and then let infuse a little bit. i have some infused here and i have some egg yolk for the chocolate mousse, you have egg yolk. you will stir those egg yolk yeah, absolutely voila. stir it up stir it up stir it up voila. >> stir. al, stir ♪ stir it up. >> what is the history of chocolate mousse >> it looked brown. >> it must have been someone that wanted to make someone very happy and melted the chocolate and put some whipped cream to it the idea is we have this base. and through the base, we mix the chocolate now. >> is this dark chocolate? >> the best of the west. >> it's good.
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>> because i need somebody to whisk this egg white here. >> uncle al, you do that one i will do this one keep the stuff moving. >> mix these two here. so i'm mixing the eggs, the eggs and the milk, the infused milk into a chocolate that had been melted a bit not too hot. >> how does it taste, guys >> real good. >> great job on the whisking. >> you have to go faster, al. >> faster, al! >> faster! faster. >> whip it whip it good. >> show me show me, chef. >> oh! come on! >> what are we living in the dark ages for? >> yeah, maybe you can do that. >> i got you, chef i got you, chef. >> i have an official valentine's day apron for you today. >> wow look at that >> perfect okay so the chocolate mousse.
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now we have the chocolate melted i'm using 50/50 chocolate and dark chocolate >> what did you say, chef? i couldn't hear you! >> it's okay i've got some ready. the magic of television. >> like "i love lucy". >> now we put a little inside there. physically you lose a little bit of egg white with egg white. >> this is why nobody makes eggs at home. this is a lot of work. >> incorporate the first egg white into the chocolate mousse. then after you pour this inside. >> one of the greatest chefs on earth making it on valentine's day. >> how are the love birds? how is it? >> so rich and creamy. >> a little chocolate mousse there. look at this one it is 24 karat gold, this one. so now i am folding the egg white gently into the chocolate
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mousse and it is quite an easy process. and you can do that a little bit in advance and let it rest in the fridge so it sits. voila. do you know danielle the restaurant not me, but i wish we celebrated our third anniversary last year. absolutely it is a very special place, and there will be a lot of lovers tonight. you know, it is valentine's. so we're looking forward to welcome all of them. yes, absolutely. so voila so the mousse is ready like this so now it will go in a glass depends how many you are around the tables but to do a small individual one and to choose different toppings, it's always nice some of them have raspberry. i even have freeze-dried raspberries. you can find that sometimes. >> yeah. >> and by the way, chef, thank you so much here let me give you this so that we can toast.
8:51 am but the che >> thank you. >> we have the recipes at but priscilla and carlos, one more surprise for you. the chef personally wants you to come have dinner tonight at restaurant daniel. >> wow >> gosh! >> you are going to have the best time. >> oh, my gosh. >> congratulations let me congratulate them and see you tonight. >> yes >> thank you >> how lucky you are. >> can their dog come? >> no. no dogs. i will be your maître d' >> no dogs, yeah. >> i'll watch the dog outside. what a day for you two what a valentine's day. >> where are you from? >> i'm from queens, new york. >> i'm from the lower east side. >> beautiful >> chef. >> out on the plaza in 40 years
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to be part of the show chef, merci beaucoup. >> thank you, al >> bacin a moment.k
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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♪ all right. we're back you guys are like part of the team now. >> there you go. >> yeah. >> birthdays >> absolutely. let's show you who we've got to celebrate on this valentine's day. first up, a happy 100th birthday to sarah densen who lives by the philosophy make someone life's better sherry stahl 100 she has been a faithful "today" viewer since it went on the air in 1952 and a big springsteen fan.
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and dudley happy birthday, sherry and happy 100th birthday to dudley he loves growing and selling veggies in his community i love this name, bunny moon of state college, pennsylvania is 100. a great grand mom who self-published her first book of poetry last year at the age of 99 and she is fine. robley bernard is from houston, texas, a world war ii vet. celebrating 100 years. loves cheering on lsu at their football games and we salute you for your service, sir. jean adkins keeps busy by crafting, baking and most importantly, enjoying that 5:00 p.m. cocktail. p.m. cocktail. cheers, jean all right. al, thank you. coming up on the 4th hour, we have a celebrity chef in the house. >> ah! coming up first on the 3rd hour, we will catch up with the stars of that new bio pic. >> dying to see that movie. >> looks fantastic the icon's son ziggy will join us.
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>> my first concert ever i can't wait to see that movie, too. >> we will do it all after your local news and weather. >> congratulations, guys. >> happy valentine's. >> best of luck!
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good morning. it is 8:26. i'm marcus washington. an update to some breaking news this morning. want to give you a live look at the golden gate bridge. you can see there traffic is moving smoothly now, but that wasn't the case a little more than an hour ago. traffic there coming to a complete standstill. this started after 8:00 morning when the chp released southbound traffic while cars northbound were held. palestinian supporters briefly unfurled banners protesting israel's war with gaza. short time after, we broke into the coverage, those directions, everything was cleared. of course, we'll have more for you you
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8:59 am
this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter.
9:00 am
i'm katie porter and i approve this message. tho morning on the 3rd hour of "today," super celebration. more than a million people expected to pack downtown kansas city to cheer on the chfs


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