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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  February 14, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm PST

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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. breaking right now, a deadly shooting in kansas city as tens of thousands were celebrating their super bowl champions. the shooting began after the
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parade started to wrap up. here is what we know at this hour. at least one person is dead, 22 people are wounded with gunshots, 9 of those victims are children. we don't know the age of the person that was killed. no one from the team was hurt. the chiefs put out a statement saying their hearts go out to the victims. all right, let's go and take you outside to union station now where you can see the aftermath of that panic. we are awaiting more details about this tragedy, the police quickly ruled out terrorism, we still don't know yet what led up to the shooting but three people have been detained. back in our area, also at 4:30, this cloudy afternoon is just a taste of what is to come. we are bracing for an atmospheric river coming this way in the next few days. good afternoon, welcome to nbc bay area news at 4:30. our meteorologist is taking a
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look at that system moving in. first, here is another story we are tracking today including a new approach to tackle retail crime in san jose. the mayor says he is focused on helping small business owners by giving free surveillance cameras. we will be having more on that. plus, uber and lyft drivers say they have had enough. gig workers launched a strike calling for better pay. we spoke with them today saying they can not afford to strike. and love is in the air on this valentine's day. we are taking a look at the animal couples under the sea and what they have to do with our climate in crisis. all right, let's take a live look outside across the bay area. oh. you can see, it is pretty gray out there. some areas are getting hit by some rain. let's go ahead and check out this video from emeryville, one of our photographers caught
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this while working on another story a few hours ago, water pooling in a parking lot. looking pretty slick for drivers out there where it is already raining. we have been tracking it, what can we expect? >> this initial system that is moving through right now it is more of a beneficial system. then the other two systems we are monitoring that are lining up and packing more of a punch when it comes to rain totals. even then i want to make sure everyone is prepared out and about celebrating a loved one, friend, gal pal, neighbor, whatever it is, the day of love will include rain. let's get to the four cast and we are also seeing this kind of extended image, zoom out of satellite radar you can see a lot of the emphasis out of this system is pretty far north. we are talking up to eureka. even this it is bringing sierra snow. i will give to the warnings and advisories in just a second. i want to use our mobile radar. it is a fantastic tool, gives us a closer look where the
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heavier pockets are. zoom it into the north bay. you can see it here, yellow, orange colors light up through mill valley. that means a moderate downpour to come down. aside from that and richmond getting a soaking there. hayward, fremont, pushing us further out. check out the south bay. if you are driving anywhere in the peninsula, in the next half- hour or so, expect to keep the rain pushing through all of the santa cruz mountains as well. notice, here it is, right now, san jose it is a bit of a rain total here that i mentioned. not the biggest rainmaker. we are talking most areas less than half an inch with areas to the north. here is what is lining up. in addition to rain we have a stormy sierra. there will be winter storm warnings and advisories in effect all of the way until 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. we are talking about snow and gusty winds. in the next storm system that is lining up, it is setting up right now with scattered activity through thursday. look at this, friday, another
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storm system lining up into saturday, then, behind that you can see another series right here. the third system heading into sunday and monday. make sure to join us once again at 5:00. our chief meteorologist will give us a closer look at the next storm system and what to expect. you want to stick with us, back to you. >> i am looking forward to that, thank you, see you later. >> don't forget, keep track of what is going on with the weather on our website and free nbc bay area app. the qr code on the left side of the screen will take you right to the radar. if you have an iphone just point it at the code to get the weather page. as always the app is free to download. a new program to catch criminals was unveiled in the south bay today. giving the businesses free security cameras. they do have to register them with the police department. nbc bayhow does it work? >> reporter: they launched this
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capture crime pilot program today. it gives small businesses full surveillance systems that they can install in those businesses or slightly outside of them. they are asking businesses to reach out to the sjpd crime prevention to get one. there are only 50 of them. each one comes with two cameras, a monitor and a hard drive. the owner of this cafe is the first one to participate. they are looking forward to using it after recent crime in the area. >> with these cameras installed it is going to be be helping us a lot. >> people can see that we have the video and that would help if somebody comes and commits a crime and the police can have access to the videos. >> it sounds like it would be helpful for so many businesses, so i have two questions for you, how much does this cost and what areas of the city would be candidates for this? >> reporter: it will go to small businesses, they are
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targeting, really, the areas that are high crime areas, as for what it costs, it cost the city, the city is spending $75,000 on the 50 units, the mayor says the cameras allow the city to supplement of the overstretched police department while supporting struggling small businesses. there is also a requirement to register the cameras with the police department. now, sjpd says that does not give them full time access to those cameras, rather, if there was a crime committed in the area officers would know if there is a nor by contact to reach out to them and ask for that footage. >> many small businesses, if it is proven, can't afford to invest in a camera system, others can not. our role is to make sure there is access for everybody getting 50 systems onut to small businesses for $75,000 is a pretty good deal. >> the program will run for two years and could expand in the
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future. we will tell you more about it in the next part of our story at 5:30. >> thank you for that preview, appreciate it. take a look at this. a rescue this morning, san jose firefighters pulled three people out of an apartment building that caught fire. the fire started at 10:00 on oakmont drive. firecrews broke through several windows on the second floor. you see it right there. pulling three people out on to the roof. those who live inside of that complex say that the fire seemed to have started suddenly. >> i smelled smoke. i look out. next thing you know i am telling my husband you got to go out there, it is on fire. >> crews tell us three people suffered minor injuries, no one needed to go to the hospital. several people and pets saw their apartments ruined. they are now getting help from the red cross. east bay leaders and local law enforcement are joining forces to get a handle on crime. this comes in the wake of the
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chp ending its surge of officers helping the police in oakland. in a press conference today, city leaders from berkeley, oakland, san leandro announced their joint partnership. the goal is to work together to outsmart criminals. they plan to do this by enhancing communication beyond city limits, coordinating the use of technology and data to address crime trends and to catch criminals in the act. oakland has been under the spotlight lately as you may know because of a 21% increase in violent crime last year according to the numbers. this while crime was trending down in other communities across the state. city leaders believe the partnership will lead to improving safety throughout the east bay. >> the perpetrators are crime are constrained by jurisdictional lines, they don't stop when they get to a city's borders. that means we have to work across jurisdictions to enhance public safety for the entire east bay community.
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>> the state has been stepping in to help 120chp officers, hitting the streets of oakland and alameda county in a five day surge operation, according to the governor's office, they made 71 arrests, recovered 145 stolen vehicles and seized four guns linked to crimes. the surge in officers is not permanent. according to oakland police the patrols are going back to their previous presence of only 8 members twice a week. the state also investing in additional attorneys to make sure suspects who are arrested are prosecuted. well, if you requested an uber this afternoon it might of taken longer than usual. thousands of drivers and gig workers alike went on strike today. i know you got a chance to speak with workers today marianne, can you tell us why exactly they are on strike? >> reporter: the big issue is pay.
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the drivers feel as they should be earning more and they are frustrated because they feel uber is taking an increasingly larger amount of every fare. the other concern they feel that both uber and lyft should be more transparent to the drivers. >> you know, for me, i know a lot of people like to take uber or lyft when they are headed to and from the airport, i know you were out at fjc this afternoon, anyone impacted there and if so what did they tell you? >> reporter: we talked to a lot of passengers arriving here at sjc today, many told us they were concerned because they heard about the impending strike. when it came to it, they got their luggage, they came out, they were able to get uber and lyft rides within three minutes, some less than that. it did not appear to have an impact on the passengers here
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today. >> sounds good. >> okay with everyone trying to get to their destinations, all right, thank you for that update. appreciate it. we will see you later on this evening. this week marked 20 years since the first same sex couple officially tied the knot in california. on this holiday of love, city leaders are looking back at the monumental step toward equality. plus, a new survey is shedding light on the needs of transgender people, including the way the community can create a more welcoming environment. before we head to break we want to know what trending story would you like to see later on, i have a poll up right now on my instagram, you have a little more time to vote for one of the stories you see right here. dinosaur-like snapping turtle found. >> moon's origin? or warriors reportedly tried trading for lebron. we will tell you about
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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. today, san francisco celebrated a historic milestone. marking 20 years since then mayor gavin newsom decided to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples. the mayor and members of the lbgtq community gathered at city hall to mark what many call the winter of love. two decades ago former mayor newsom wrote to the county clerk to update marriage licenses to accommodate same sex couples, for about a month, february 12th, 2004, san francisco issued more than 4,000 licenses to same sex couples before the state supreme court stepped in and stopped it. that led to the city's legal battles for marriage equality. >> we have been together 37 years. in the last 20 years since the words "i do" first rang out here for same sex couples, so much has happened. we truly have been together for better or for worse. we are legal coast to coast and i could not be happier.
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>> today mayor breed led vow renewal ceremonies. in 2004 same sex marriage was not allowed under state and federal law. the legalization across the country followed 11 years later. it is a day to show a little extra love and appreciation for all. so, in a changing climate, that is putting our precious marine life at risk. we are highlighting the affection of marine creatures. >> i could not resist. noaa provides education through fun facts, so, let's start with an animal that has a really big heart. in fact, one of the biggest on the planet. talking about the blue whale, it has a heart that weighs more than 1,000 pounds, a creature with such a big heart must be protected at all costs. as of today blue whales are
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listed as endangered. now, let's talk about the octopus, now, getting the oxygen it needed and the third heart circulates oxygenated blood through the body. they are not endangered but threatened by pollution and microplastics and loss of habitat. for the next one, traveling the distance. in the next one, how far? average of 3,700 miles, the leather back trouterel traveling for love. -- traveled for love. >> i think you know it is true love when you can make that long distance stuff work. >> yes. >> long distance is no joke. it is a lot of hard work. what i love are love songs, especially today. and i hear there is an animal
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that has mastered the art of the mating call. >> oh, you will like this one. let's talk about an ocean hit. here it is. [ocean sounds ] . >> you might not understand if it was dory from "finding nemo" you might of recognized it but what you heard was a humpback whale song to attract a mate. in the north pacific whales migrate from alaska to hawaii to mate and raise their babies. they listed all humpback whales as of today as endangered. we got to take care of our marine life. >> for sure. i am wondering can we find a list of all of the endangered animals somewhere? how can we help? >> let's share the love in a way that will take care of our eco-systems and protecting and restoring our wildlife. we have a follow-up fact, a list included in this story in our comment and crisis tab so check it out on ways you can
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help, but i could not resist. we did marine life, the ocean, depth of the ocean, let's take it to the universe. now, have you heard someone say i love you to the moon and back? >> i say it to my kids all of the time >> throw in a fun fact and tell you how far the moon and back is. distance there and back is the average of 477,710 miles, that is a lot of love. >> that is a lot of love. yes. if you say it you need to mean it >> it shows them how much you love them. >> thank you for all of the important facts, too >> absolutely. >> check out the story as well. love was in the air on the peninsula. san mateo county helping tie the knot. holding a procession of new marriages inside of the county. the day had an extra special meaning for the newlyweds that we caught up with.
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>> we are going to get married. >> then we just decided, hey, it is a good day. this is one of the last few days that are available. let's just do it. >> congratulations to them. if you missed your chance to get married on valentine's day the county is extending the hours several other days in the coming months >> we have an update now to a story we have been following, the pacifica pier officially reopened. at least part of it. this is new video from this morning, a lot of people out there fishing today. the city reopened half of the pier. it had been closed since december, you might remember, after it was hit by powerful waves the back half is closed off until at least march. city officials are waiting for the weather to calm down to get a better idea of the damage there. new survey is revealing the major problems of equity that thousands of transgender people
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face across the u.s. we have a little more on the needs of the trans community. >> reporter: the national center for transgender equality is releasing the largest ever survey of its kind. examining the experiences and challenges faced by 92,000 transpeople. experiencing poverty when the survey was conducted in 2022. that is when national average for poverty was lower, 10%. they have unemployment at 18% as opposed to less than 8% nationally. with new legislation working against transpeople the numbers have some very important takeaways. >> we should start listening to transpeople's stories, learning from their experiences and lifting up their voices. transpeople are people. they want nothing more and deserve nog less than to be treated with compassion,
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kindness and love. >> that study does have some hopeful findings, nearly everyone, 94% said they became more satisfied with life after transitioning their gender and only 3% said they were less satisfied. for more stories like there join me and the today team. and watch nbc bay area wherever you want we are on 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms >> thank you. still to come, the top trending story as voted by you. also, tony bennett saying i left my heart in san francisco and now he will be forever remembered you want to see who we are as americans?
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i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. this ad? typical.
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politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. . here it is. top trending story. a dinosaur-like creature has been discovered a long way from
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home. here it is, meet fluffy. this alligator snapping turtle was found in new england last week, thousands of miles away from its natural habitat in the u.s. a woman scooped fluffy out of the water using three pairs of gloves before taking her, the girl, to a vet. a local vet surgeon said that the turtle was in extremely surprising find. also, don't let fluffy's name fool you. the snap can be 1,000 pounds of force. strong enough to snap through human bones. as always, i will post links to the other stories you voted for on our instagram. thank you for voting. no better day than valentine's day, maybe, to leave your heart in san francisco. today, the city is honoring the man who did just that. next time you hop on a cable car, look for car 53 which is now officially dedicated to tony bennett.
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he died last july at age 96. today, bennett's wife joined the player and city leaders for the official dedication at the fairmont hotel. that is where he performed the song in 1961. the tune became the official song of san francisco 8 years later, later in the '80s he helped rebuild the cable car system. the front pays tribute to the song where little cable cars travel halfway to the stars. cool. you can access bay area news wherever you wa, on all of the time on roku and other streaming platforms, watch live breaking news, news conferences and replays of our newscast. >> we are back in two minutes
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. right now at 5:00, get those umbrellas out, rain is back in the forecast. we look at how the extra rain is going to impact our reservoirs. a day of celebration in kansas city quickly turns into tragedy. gunfire erupts at the chief's championship parade, leaving one person dead. the latest details we are learning. we continue into our racist text scandal. tonight, cases that are being dismissed because of the scandal. good afternoon, the newsa the 5:00 starts right now. thank you for joining us. the rain, it is back. the dry weather we enjoyed for the past few days official low gone. >> we have a string of new storms bringing rain off and on for the next five days, be prepared. today's storm moving in this
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morning, starting enveloping the bay area as the day went on. this video in marin county. >> let's take a live look outside at some of our cameras, cloudy, raindrops on the dublin camera, socked in san francisco and overcast skies in san jose. look at the sky in the san bruno mountains, withy don't see it right now but let's bring in our chief meteorologist. it started on time and it will be on and off? >> yes. it will be moving in and out quickly here as we continue through tonight. that is the good thing about the storm. it does not look like it will linger long. the storm system is over us right now. widespread of coverage of rain past couple of hours if you have been out in it. bringing up the water on the roadways. heavier rain that i want to track in san francisco. this is moving off towards the north and the east. picking up the rain back


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