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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  February 14, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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gilroy, continuing over the next two to three hours, we will see the rainfall for you down in the south bay. across 680 and the 580 corridor, wet tonight, even though it is a moderate rain there is so much water coming up. you will want to be careful out here through the east bay. 7:00 tonight, we are looking at scattered areas of rainfall. and even though the storm will move out quickly, later tonight. we got two more storms behind it. totals coming up in 15 minutes. >> okay, see you then, thank you, jeff. banding together to stop the bad guys. a new push for oakland, berkeley, to make people and business owners in alameda county feel safe. here is more on how they plan to pull it off >> perpetrators of crime are constraint, they don't stop when they get to a city's border. that means we have to work across jurisdictions to enhance public safety. >> reporter: that is the goal
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of the new partnership that says berkeley, oakland, san leandro leaders try to reduce crime in their areas, working together to track crimes, help prevent them, and catch criminals in the act. the joint effort relies on technology sharing data, and working on policies to better prevent crime. they also want to create a realtime crime center using cameras throughout the county. >> we are able to share information more rapidly, we are able to deploy resources in a smarter manner, we are able to have a better effect on crime. >> last year oakland saw a 21% increase in violent crime. some of the hardest hit area are in i-80 corridor near the airport, an area that opd has been focused on in the last six months >> we have seen over a 50% reduction where we are seeing 30 break ins occurring a day. it is still too much. i want to continue to drive that number down. >> this region is an economic engine not just for oakland but
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for this entire east bay area. we are all invested in protecting how we support our businesses, how we support our communities >> it is a welcomed effort for east bay business owner. he said he lost people because they did not feel safe in the area. >> to be able to solve it and to know everyone is on the same page it is what is required to get things done. >> the state brought in 120chp officers to oakland and alameda county in a five day surge operation making 71 arrests and recovering over 100 stolen vehicles. chp says they will continue to add extra patrol officers when needed unannounced. >> the reality is, we have an emergency and i need the national guard to be here. that is what i got to do is have them on our streets that is what other cities are doing. >> reporter: in oakland, back to you. in the south bay now, san jose cop who resigned over a
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text message scandal is still having an impact on the criminal justice system. some people he arrested will no longer go to york. >> 54 cases likely will not be prosecuted because of officer's involvement. the officer, who was a seven year veteran. sent dozens of text messages with many of them using "n" word, one stating he hated black people. the district attorney says people on the list who were already convicted of misdemeanors will get their records cleared. five cases will be dismissed all together and the rest of being reviewed. the county public defender's office says the list should be longer. >> our review shows that are at least 19 open cases with mark involved they are not in a list of dismissals >> one thing we want to be careful about is situations that, say, an officer took a
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statement from a witness in a domestic violence kay. well, we are not relying on him for that. we have body cam usage. >> they said they invifted the public defenders office and other attorneys to discuss the cases and to determine if any other cases should be added. the city is headed in the wrong direction. it can prove to be a problem for the mayor as she seeks re- election. measures that the mayor is backing do have strong support. [ applause ] >> reporter: new poll results were released in san francisco. mayor's keynote address she said the city is rebounding despite the negative headlines plaguing san francisco. >> now we are on the pathing to
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somewhere. our population is growing, new ideas are being born. >> the drop in crime she referred to comes from new data released by sfpd last month showing crime dropped, overall, 7% last year. the chamber of commerce survey took the pulse of voters, 72% of those polled said the city is headed in the wrong track. but, looking at polling data over two years, fewer people survey share that this time of the year. >> the sentiment is not going the right direction. however, we are disart starting to see we are optimistic about an san francisco. they released polling on what the voters feel about several local issues involving the city. that including three measures that the mayor put on the ballot. 53% support proposition c, making it easier to convert officer space to other uses.
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61% support prop e., reducing police reports and access to cameras and drones, and prop f., requiring drug screen for people wanting tax assistant. >> they want a clean sit. there is organized opposition. the aclu came out against prop e. saying say. some f, says wants a drug test before state funding. a grizzly discovery in the east bay. the body of a man was found this morning near the docks in the oakland area. close to 5th heavy arena and the embarcadero. his family is being notified. if you have information call
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the oakland police. >> it was a dizzy day for those selling on uber. they went on a -- it was a busy day for those using uber. they went on strike today. along with lyft or door dash.. >> reporter: many were concerned about getting a ride but most got a ride in a few minutes. holding signs and honking horns. >> reporter: striking uber drivers picketed in front of the company's headquarters on 3rd street in san francisco. >> i am protesting for fair wages, we are tying of the exploitation. >> some ub oh r and lyft drivers decided not to pick up rides today, many still were. we talked to an eber driver who says he supports the strike but needs to make money so he is
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working today. >> i need to pay my bills. i need to work right now. >> over all it would have little impact. foster-cook just arrived from las vegas. >> i was concerned. luckily it looks like it will be okay. >> reporter: she only had to wait a couple minutes to get a ride. other passengers told us they had no problem getting an app based ride. >> we are in san francisco. we had no problem getting an uber. it was nine minutes, they are saying uber is taking a bigger cut out of fares. uber said these types of events have rarely had any impact on trip prices and driver availability. earnings remain strong and drivers in the u.s. last
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quarter were making about $33 perutilized hour. >> they say we get paid $33, no we don't, it is $20 before taxes. it is exploitation. >> food delivery drivers for grub hub and door dash were expected to join in the strike today. we steeked with several including ring stop. they told us so far all of their food deliveries were on schedule. reporting live in san jose, back to you. >> got to eat on this valentine's day, thank you, marrianne. new reports that the fbi is looking into wineries in napa. what they all have in common. >> how long should you stay inside with qvid, we have the new rules the cdc is about to roll out. we will show you how much rain is coming, see you back
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here in 10 minutes. what we learned about a national security threat that members of congress have been briefed
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs,
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union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. . a dramatic rescue in an apartment fire. we show you how firecrews pulled people from the roof of the building and those flames just kept spreading. >> a roof rescue after an apartment complex catches fire. the fire near anderson elementary school surprised people living inside getting ready to start their day. >> i smelt smoke, i am looking out there. next thing you know i am telling my husband, you got to go out there, it is so fire. >> reporter: firecrews say they broke the windows helping three people to safety via the roof.
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>> there were several residents on the roof there, there was one still inside. they threw ladders there and rescue got them down >> and a couple gentleman came out of their windows and they had ladders for them to come down. >> reporter: after coming down the people who was rescued were cared for but did not need to go to the hospital. everything was cleared within 90 minutes. >> life is number one priority. life first and then extinguish the fire. moving you forward, new covid isolation guideline, the federal health agency plans to drop the five day isolation requirement for americans who test period for covid. the cdc is expected to recommend those infected no longer need to stay away from others once they have been fever free for 24 hours and have mild or improving conditions. infectious disease experts believe the change may be because most people have
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developed an immunity to the virus due to prior infection or vaccination. early therapies like paxlovid will reduce illness and keep people out of the hospital. they still recommend you wear a mask if you test positive. a new study shows pregnant woman that get vaccinated for covid can protect their babies from the disease. the american academy of pediatrics found infants of boosted mothers had significantly higher protection from covid symptoms in the first six months of birth. researchers say the findings highlight how much a mother's vaccination can benefit newborns who are too young to receive the vaccination. they say even healthy babies are vulnerable to covid and at risk for severe disease. new at 6:00 tonight, they are looking into napa's famous
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wineries, they subpoenaed the county for businesses. at this point it is unclear why federal investigators issued the subpoenas and being named in the subpoena is not an indication of wrongdoing, but, they all have links to or donated money to napa county supervisor pedroza. he has been at the center of a development controversy. turning to wall street, the parent company of google was overlapped. today, nvidia took alphabet's spot. their value is $1.8 trillion. trillion. barely edging out alphabet. plenty rallied to record highs and nvidia is bringing in the lion shares of the gains because it controls 80% of high end computer chips that are needed for artificial intelligence i. update now to a story we have been following, the pacifica pier officially reopened. at least part of it. a lot of people out there today
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fishing and hanging out. it had been closed since december after it was hit hard by powerful waves. the back half of the pier still closed off until march. let's take you outside right now on this valentine's night. a live look in downtown san jose. hopefully lovers are out there >> yes. love in the air >> yes. nice dinner >> yes. the rain is romantic. >> yes. >> let's spin it that way >>esout there. >> i think there are so many movies where the romance is happening and it is raining. >> exactly. >> we set the table for that [ laughter ] it is all up to you at home for the rest of it. our weather forecast has rain tonight and we do have two other storms on the way behind it. let's get you into the storm system right now. the thing about this storm, the center of it, the core of the storm with some of the heaviest rain and strongest wind, that is all moving to the north. that center of low pressure. that is where you will find the strongest conditions with storm system, we are on the bottom
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edge of it. yes, rainfall, not the strongest storm in recent memory. right now, we have some light to moderate rain that is falling, putting a track on this. i think the rain over the peninsula will continue here all of the way through pleasanton and down here for the south bay. on and off rain in san jose. we have more that is starting to fill into the valley. we do anticipate the rain here to pick up 6:40 tonight. now, overall with the storm system, it will continue to move to the south and the east as we head through 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 tonight, we are on the tail end of this as we head through 10:00 and 11:00 p.m. check it out for tomorrow morning, we will start it off dry. not only dry but there will be the chance of patchy fog. you need to watch out for it with the commute. without rainfall it should help you get where you are going easier for tomorrow morning, look at this, tomorrow afternoon, we should be into a window of sunshine right around
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1:00 p.m. lunch outside tomorrow and just wait until you see the temperatures we are going to see as we head into your thursday forecast. now, it will start off chilly to begin. we are used to this. 48 for the peninsula. south bay, 46, the 40s over the east bay, san francisco and the north bay. what you have to see is the day time highs with the sunshine tomorrow afternoon. check it out down in the south bay. i have it up to 64 cuppertino the east bay, 50s as well. 64 in concord and 64 in oakland. light winds at 4. peninsula, 60 in half moon bay. san francisco, 62 in the mission, you are getting in on slightly warmer weather. through the north bay, 61 here in sonoma. thankfully we will get rays of sun. a window of that through early tomorrow afternoon. as i have been mentioning there is more rainfall on the way. the next storm getting here on saturday. then, what looks to be that
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third one overall here by late sunday and into monday. so, let me show you more on that saturday storm system. the way things are really positioning themselves for the storm and the atmospheric river. i think at this point it will be north bay focused for some of the heaviest rain. starting to arrive saturday morning and continue into the afternoon. but, a big range on the rain. half to two inches, so, you will see the contrast here up to the north bay. that is 1-2 inches, san francisco southward, anywhere from a half to 1 inch. any impact will be up towards the north bay. right there on the seven-day forecast we get the other storm late on sunday and into monday. scattered thunderstorms on tuesday. so, i think at this point on the weekend, sunday, during the day, it will be a break for us. that will be good. >> that will be nice >> yes. it would be. >> thank you, jeff. >> up next, done with diamonds.
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thebringing back a different gem. stream us any time you want, watch live breaking news, we have news conferences and allyun, because i know u want to see us again, repeats of our newscast
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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. san francisco celebrated a historic milestone. marking the anniversary of when the city began issues same sex marriage licenses. i remember that day clearly >> it is a big deal. the mayor, city leaders, members of the community celebrated the occasion and the progress that the city has made in the marriage equality movement. player newsom began issuing same sex licenses. it was not allowed under state or federal law. february 12th and march 11th san francisco issued more than 4,000 licenses, remember that? to same sex couples. what is known as the winter of love. >> 20 years ago, almost to this day, we came into city hall and we got married. it was truly transformative. it was the first time in our lives that we felt that we were
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being treated as equal human beings at lbgtq people >> it changing lives and continues to do so. the state ordered san francisco to halt the marriages though. the legal fight continued to open the door for all couples to get married across the country. >> okay. jewelry popular gift on valentine's day. the content of the ring box may look different. a fine jewelry company says more people are buying rings with colored gemstones, emeralds, yellow diamonds or pink sapphires. the company says about 15% of engagement rings sold over the last year had gemstones that were not diamonds. up from only 5% a decade ago. customers want different rings. he left his heart in san francisco for good. the next time you jump on an iconic cable car look for car 53 that is now officially
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dedicated, that is so cool, to tony bennett. he died last july at the age of 96. today, his wife joined city leaders for the official dedication right there at the hotel where bennett first performed "i left my heart in san francisco" back in 1961. the tune became the official song of the city in 1969. and in the '80s he helped promote the rebuilding of the cable car system. >> i left my heart in san francisco is not just the city's anthem it was tony's too. when he had the opportunity to sing about the city it changed his life forever. he became a world citizen. he just loved visiting the city and the people of this city. >> the front of the car pays tribute to the line in the song where little cable cars climb halfway to the stars. up next, hot rod nuptials, a museum that turned into a wedding venue on this valentine's day.
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>> let's take a look inside 30 rock at the control room. lester holt getting ready, the first car-free community in the united states. yep, no cars, it is a neighborhood built from scratch and it changing the way people get around. lester joins us in about four minutes is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. hey billy, how you doin? with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. thanks. it's happening. get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $1000 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today!
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate.
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stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. . a lot of people getting
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married today in contra costa county. the county made a change >> yes, couples invited to tie the night at the cobra experience museum. in martinez, classic cars produced by shelby american. they offered destination weddings, they ventured out to other locations. >> it is also a great opportunity for us to just offer a different venue that someone might not otherwise be able to afford. it is at no extra cost. >> they hosted weddings last valentine's day. keep an eye on out for next year if you are interested. tonight at 7:00, we follow the tragedy unfolding in kansas city tonight after the chiefs victory parade. also, did the extra forces work? the governor tauting a chp crack down on crime in the east bay. is it going to last? those stories and more coming up on our 7:00 news. up next on nightly news, kansas city, up-to-the-minute details on the super bowl parade shooting and how the
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chiefs are responding, lester holt is next tonight, the celebration for super bowl champs, the kansas city chiefs, marred by a deadly shooting chiefs fans running for safety after shots are fired at the super bowl victory rally one person dead. as many as 22 people shot and injured among those, 11 children police snipers standing at the ready. three suspects now in custody just moments before travis kelce, patrick mahomes, and their teammates celebrating with a crowd of an estimated 1 million people our team at the scene. also tonight, the standoff in washington, d.c. three police officers shot the suspect barricaded for hours still firing shots. police escorting children to safety the troubling rise in crime in the nation's capital. the top republican warning of a serious national security threat and urging president biden to declassify information


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