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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 15, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PST

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right now at 5:00, a controversial closure. a south bay hospital announcing it's shutting down it's trauma unit. plus -- it's a little concerning. >> an alarming discovery. a north bay teenager arrested at
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school for making 3d printed guns. discussions expected to get under way about extending the lease at the oakland coliseum. i am kris sanchez. laura garcia is off. i am marcus washington. we will get a look at the forecast in just a moment, but first we want to start with mike inouye and the traffic. >> two major accidents and two alerts. we have a deadly crash reported on the bay bridge. you are looking at this from our camera in san francisco. the lower deck is down to just one lane as best we can tell from the live look. chp reported two lanes were opened, though. east bay out of san francisco, on the lower deck before you get to treasure island, you are
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restricted to just one lane. from about fremont street over towards just about midway along the incline there. doesn't look like a lot but it will be a big problem as there are a number of vehicles are involved, and it's a deadly crash and the coroner has been called and could be another hour before they clear it. bart is always a great option, and so is the san mateo bridge on 82. the second crash is southbound 880 approaching 92, and that will be jammed up because past 92 will be where that second accident is. there's a trailer there, center scene there as chp has the lanes blocked off. your carpool lane or toll lane can get by and it's a slow approach. there's this trailer as well as
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a couple other vehicles and a larger tow truck that arrived. there's a lot to clear from this portion of southbound 880 in hayward. kari, that's enough to start. we will hand it over to you. we have a busy start in traffic but a calmer morning in the weather department. we will see temperatures in the 50s and 60s. tomorrow we will see an increasing cloud cover with breezy winds and in the north bay we will see rain earlier than the rest of the bay area as we get ready for a series of storms that could come in. once again, it's nice to see a break in the activity as our temperatures today head for the low to mid-60s. we will talk about this and the weekend coming up in a few minutes. today congressional leaders will be briefed as what is being referred to as a secret national security event.
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today in the bay's prejackson is in washington and said he will ensure the safety of the american people. >> according to three sources familiar with the matter, russia is developing a space-based nuclear weapon designed to target u.s. satellites, causing a lawmaker to look into it. >> it's consistent of any other threats we get, so there's no cause for panic. >> president biden has been tracking the matter and his administration is working to keep americans safe. >> we believe that we can and will and are protecting the national security of the united
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states. from the war against ukraine to election interference, u.s. officials have long been concerned about russia. >> this is one more thing to worry about in terms of vladimir putin and his attack on democracy and freedom. >> the house considers a aid package. >> we are not going to be forced into action by the senate, who in the latest bill does not have one word about u.s. security. >> they are working with congress to protect the homeland and allies oversees. brie jackson, nbc news. 5:05. the oakland a's may not be ready to move just yet. happening today team executives will reportedly meet with east bay leaders to discuss extending the lease at the oakland
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coliseum. ginger conejero saab live this morning. ginger, just the thought of it is giving so many people in oakland some hope. >> reporter: well, it's such a big question and so many fans are wanting the a's to stick around a little longer. the big question today and in the coming days and weeks, probably, where will the a's play. we have watched this all unfold, kris, between the city and team executives. the push to keep the a's in oakland, along with the mlb owners to move the team to vegas. right now the a's are gearing up to play what is supposed to be their final season in oakland. city leaders have been kept in the dark about the discussions about the team. >> we need to be part of it
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because we own half of the coliseum, and we negotiated getting millions for the a's and we didn't get anything. >> reporter: the oakland mayor said keeping the a's in oakland for the a's, oakland and the fans. my door is open. "the chronicle" is reporting the owner of the a's will sit down with city and county leaders, and other options are in play for a new minor league stadium in salt lake city, and some giants fans and bay area fans are asking about oracle park. kris, you will see us continuing
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to monitor this developing story. >> maybe oracle park, maybe making a case for them with your orange scarf. thanks, ginger. thank you. a north bay 14-year-old is in custody this morning charged with not only possessing a gun but manufacturing it. a gangs crime team raided a home in santa rosa, and they were armed with a subpoena naming the 14-year-old boy who was not present but instead in class at montgomery high school. inside that home police officers found a ghost gun handgun, ammunitions and a 3d printer and he was arrested and taken to juvenile hall. students we spoke with were alarmed by this, and one parent told us more protections are needed. >> it's a little concerning, but for me i know that the school
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has been taking a lot of action to make sure we are safe, and they were quick about it today. >> change where you think about going to school? >> i wouldn't say so, not really. >> i am scared for my grandson and the other kids that go to the school. i think it's terrible. the sooner they get an officer on campus, we will feel better about it. >> this is the latest in a string of recent incidents at montgomery high school. last march a student died after being stabbed by another student in the classroom, and the judge later ruled the stabber acted in self defense. one hospital is confirming plans to close services because of limited demands, and at the same time emergency room services will be expanded.
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nurses tell us they found out about that news on tuesday through an email. it will leave valley medical and stanford as the two closest trauma centers in east san josé. kari hall is tracking the weather for us today. going to be a dry one out there for us, kari? >> it will be dry. a chance to enjoy sunshine and not have to worry about rain coming in. our temperatures are starting out mild with upper 40s from san josé to dublin. it's 50 degrees right now in san francisco. we can see there's still some lingering showers across the region, but a lot of that will be missing us and heading off towards the east while our temperatures reach into the low and mid-60s. dublin, you are headed for 62 degrees. 62 in napa and novato as well as san francisco. tomorrow we are also going to see mild weather, even slightly warmer in parts of the inland
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east bay. we will be watching this as well as the rain coming in for the weekend. mike, you are tracking two breaking news situations? yeah, this is the most severe here on the lower deck of the bay bridge. this view is east bay as the cars are jammed up getting out of san francisco approaching what looks like just one lane all the way over on the left. all these folks have to shift and merge. there must be another lane, and on our side of the screen where from the photographer is there's one lane, and there is a van there and perhaps that's the coroner. as we zoom in towards the city, looks like no problem getting into san francisco. it's out of san francisco, and the lower deck is where the deadly crash happened, and there's a mini cooper involved in this and a few other vehicles. our view from the san francisco camera is showing all the
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activity. as we move into the shot i will show you, this is where we saw the activity. the camera we shot is over here behind all of these vehicles, and there were other vehicles pulling up. looks like there's more service going on and more teams in the area, and we could have a change to the situation over the next half hour. we are watching, and so far i don't anticipate anything shorter than half an hour. you see all the vehicles getting out of san francisco, and that's the big problem, the very serious crash getting out of san francisco. then south of 238 we are heading towards hayward. this is approaching tennyson. this is down towards the san mateo bridge. the backup extends to this scene shy of tennyson.
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i am hearing about a box truck and rv or some sort of mobile home. we had two larger tow trucks. the second one is still there, and there's progress but there's a lot of debris. you are down to the hov and one lane, so that's slow as well. back to you. >> thank you, mike. spring breakers, we have good news for you. ahead on "today in the bay," a sweet deal one airline is offering for travel. grab ather cupno o
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good thursday morning. as we get started right now at 5:15, heading out the door in brentwood, you can expect it to be a milder start. we will be at 50 degrees by 8:00. as we go through today, a mix of sun and clouds and temperatures in the 60s. we will have a break before two more storms head our way. i will have more on that and the full microclimate coming up. lots of fire, an ambulance and the coroner will arrive on the scene. we have one lane getting by on the eastbound lower deck into san francisco. southbound 880, another crash
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and we will talk about both scenes coming up. the stock market worked its way back into the green on wednesday after the scare about inflation earlier this week. the s&p 500 back over 5,000. japan and the uk took a look to see they were in a recession. america stayed out of recession and is growing, and historians will look back at this in wonder. in the bay area we are suffering more than the nation as a whole. cisco systems laid off about 5% of its staff, and that's about 4,200 people. cisco is a huge company, around 80,000, almost half of whom work overseas. and we are getting a handle on how bad the south bay got work.
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and in washington members of the house of representatives are leaving for an extended period of time. there's a three-day weekend, so almost taking two weeks off. the house blocked the bill to increase salt deductions. it was money that went from your employer to the state and you can deduct a certain amount of that money from your federal tax and you never saw it and it was not yours to spend, but there's a limit you can deduct. the trump tax cuts lowered that deduction, increasing some households' costs. speaking of paychecks, there was a move a few years ago by thousands of american companies to get rid of hiring policies
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that required a college degree for jobs that didn't need a college degree. about ten years in, harvard decided to measure how that went, and the answer is it didn't change much. big companies got rid of their requirements, but still hired just mostly college graduates anyway. they attracted more than 10,000 workers that did not have college degrees. they said we will open jobs to all kinds of people that we would have overlooked in the past, and hiring managers when faced with a bunch of candidates so i will take the lady with the college degree. >> it says something about people, i think. >> yeah, and when you have 1,000 resumes in front of you, you
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start to just pick randomly. if you are thinking about booking a flight for spring break, and who isn't, southwest airlines is offering a deal almost too good to pass up. $49 one-way flights. seats and markets are limited. we know that. the airline has a low fare finder tool so you don't eat up too much of your time. buy by february 27th, and those deals are only available for flights on tuesdays and wednesday. all of the flights do include free checked bags. >> i did that. i got the email and i was looking through and i was, like, i can't find any cities or dates, so is it really a sale? >> if you have a flexible
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schedule. >> you go on tuesday and then come back on wednesday. >> well, if you stay until the next week. >> my kids would say, that's a deal, two weeks off from school. >> yeah, want to get away, dad? you can see the clouds reaching further to the north, so we are once again going to have a dry day. here's a look at the large view of the storm system approaching and you can see the center of the storm well to the west of us, but it's also pulling in all of the moisture coming from hawaii. that would classify it as an atmospheric river, so it will enhance the rainfall from saturday to tuesday with two storm systems coming our way. we could see four to eight inches of rainfall for the coastal mountains, and much of the inland parts of the bay
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could have two to four inches of rainfall, and gusty winds that could bring down trees and cause power issues a possibility, and flooding and landslides at the coastlines and the burn scarred areas. and it will taper off sunday morning and sunday night is when the next wave of heavy rain moves in. that continues off and on through monday into tuesday, and possibly into wednesday before we get another brief break with another storm approaching the weekend after. we have a lot going on here. a very busy storm pattern. the sierra is going to get quite a bit of snow with the potential of getting up to 31 inches in some of the resorts. looking at the 7-day forecast, you can see that after today there's not a lot of sunshine here, and we will see more clouds coming in tomorrow even as the rain holds off, and then we will see the rain throughout
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the weekend into our president's day, and continue as we head back to work. we have two major crashes here, kari. the first one we are looking at is from the street level on the bay bridge lower deck. you see emergency crews there, lots of fire and ambulances. there was more equipment. they moved some of the vehicles involved in the deadly crash. only the far left lane has been opened for this issue here, and we will see another angle looking at the lower deck getting out of the city. one lane open, but fewer emergency vehicles. the coroner i believe had already arrived on the scene, but we will look to chp to get an update on that. most of the bay is moving smoothly, and the only other slow spot is southbound 880 heading through hayward. we have a camera crew there as
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well. the trailer is still there and still have an rv hooked up to the tow truck there, and a lot of debris and
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine.
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i approved this message because this is who we are. good morning. yeah, i do the nagging around here, and here's your reminder.
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today is your last day to apply for your full homeowners exemption on your property taxes. it will save 70 to 80 bucks off a year, and it's not a huge amount of money but it's your money so why not apply. you must apply with your assessors by the end of the day. a lot of people are not taking advantage. >> we are very interested in making sure people know about this, and a lot of people think the government doesn't want you to know the benefits you got, well, not in this office. >> if you want to apply for it, scan your qr code for a county by county look. when you add or remove somebody from a title, or you move your
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home to a trust. remember, it's close of business today. back to you. antioch leaders are looking to rebuild trust between the community and its police department, but what will it take? we will have more up ahead.
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right now at 5:30, you probably saw this celebration
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ending in gunfire in kansas city at the rally celebrating the chief's super bowl victory. new information this morning from the authorities. and then police department oversight rocked by scandal. good morning. this is "today in the bay." i am marcus washington. i am kris sanchez. laura has the morning off. we want to get right to mike who is tracking traffic. we have a deadly crash on the bay bridge, and that's blocking all but one lane getting out of san francisco. while we are concerned about all those involved, we are here to track the traffic.
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chp, fire crews and -- there's the red mini cooper, which is barely visible there, and that was the one involved in the deadly crash as well. let's get a look back out to the maps. a fewer vehicles than we saw before, but still only one lane. the far left lane is open out of san francisco. it's jamming up traffic on the lower deck but it's shy of treasure island and it's opposite your main commute. that's the first alert we have. the second one is in the east bay traveling southbound 880 towards continue to tennyson. this vehicle or trailer on the left, kari, it's the shell of a trailer that was hit so there's a lot of debris. one more lane as well as the hov lane available there and that's causing a big backup, and that's the part of hayward that has the
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early slowing as you approach the san mateo bridge. >> it's a busy morning. the weather is quiet for now. we are going to have a stormy weekend ahead starting late friday night and continuing through tuesday. we are also going to see the potential of some gusty winds, dangerous surf and flooding will be possible. we are starting out mild and headed to the low to mid-60s. we are starting out with sunshine, and we will talk about the weekend and events around the bay area coming up in a few minutes. >> thanks, kari. antioch leaders are taking a bold new step to try and rebuild the trust between the community and the police department. they are taking a page from the same playbook larger cities are already using. >> ginger conejero saab is live this morning. this is a new commission meant to oversee the department rocked
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by scandal. >> reporter: yes, and will the new commission work? that's the question. there's a new police commission has been long overdue, but it's the recent racist text scandal that got many city leaders onboard. >> these investigations related to racist text messages that decimated our police numbers. >> reporter: the city is hoping to take a major step by inaugurating the commission. the commission will have a variety of backgrounds, and it will be similar to other commissions around the bay area. while the specifics of the
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commission's duties still need to be decided, community leaders believe it's a step in the right direction. the next steps for the commission is to decide on leadership before holding public meetings, and the mayor says he hopes the commission is up and running with the meetings as early as next month. we have learned among the group selected for this commission is long-time community member. we will hear from him in the next hour and it will be interesting to hear why he does think this has potential to make changes. >> definitely we need change, no matter how it happens. thank you, ginger. happening today, a plea deal still possible for the man attacking of paul pelosi. he's scheduled to be back in court for a pretrial conference. david depape is facing prison time for the hammer attack in which nancy pelosi's husband was
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injured in their own san francisco home. the conviction came in federal court, and for now the state trial is still on track to start as early as next month. developing this morning in kansas city, authorities now identifying the woman killed in the mass shooting that rocked yesterday's super bowl victory celebration. ly lisa, a mother of two was killed. 21 others injured in the gunfire, many of them children. this is near downtown, near union station, and it sent thousands of people running for cover. police say three suspects have now been detained, and the mayor becoming emotional talking about his own family, how they got caught up in all the chaos. >> i was there with my wife and mother. we never would have thought,
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that we along with chiefs players and fans and hundreds of thousands of people would be forced to run for our safety today. >> the chiefs later tweeted a statement saying no player, staff or family members were injured, adding their hearts go out to the victims. the police believe it's not terrorism but started with a confrontation. that investigation is ongoing. today with oakland a's pitchers and catchers reporting to spring training. the a's are gearing up in what is supposed to be their final oakland season, and the plans in the vegas stadium is not quite finalized. the chronicle reports the a's president will sit down with county and city leaders, and
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other options are still in play, and that includes a temporary move to the desert cats or in salt lake city. and then a program generating controversial in the mission district. there was a protected bike lane. it knocked out the median parking spaces in the process, and that move angered many merchants, and some businesses have closed. today's round table starts at 2:00 this afternoon. and then chain controls are in effect this morning in both directions on i-80 following yesterday's wet weather. drivers are trying to make it through the sierra before conditions get even more
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treacherous. however, some of the folks we talked to say they were a little unprepared. >> i knew i needed chains, and i came at the exit and looked at the store and got chains. >> $100 for the front two tires. >> probably cheaper if you buy them ahead of time, just saying. the advise for drivers is avoid driving in these conditions if possible. a look at this, this view from space. the satellite showing a big increase of snow in the sierra. one was taken on new year's day. the picture on the right was captured february 11th. you can see a significant amount of snow that is greater. as of yesterday, 74% of the historic average. we turn to meteorologist, kari hall. we know a lot of folks have a long holiday weekend.
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a lot of folks heading up to tahoe. what do they need to know? >> it's going to be difficult getting there because we are going to see off and on snow and rain showers. we will still see warm temperatures in the mid-40s, so we will see it change back and forth from rain to snow. this weekend into presidents' day, we are looking in total of six to possibly 20 inches of snow. if you are staying local and heading to the coastline, there are breakers that could reach 18 to 22 feet. a high surf advisory will be in effect throughout the weekend. before that storm comes in on saturday, saturday will be the best day to go to the coastline. only seeing temperatures up to about 60 degrees.
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you may be wrapping up the weekend celebrating for the san francisco earthquakes with that block party. it's one of the events you might want to check out that will have you indoors. mike is still tracking breaking news for two parts of the bay. >> yeah, you see caltrans crews are on scene. this pickup truck in the foreground was crashed into the mini cooper, and there were two people that died in the crash. two more people were taken from the scene with injuries. the tow truck is getting ready to hookup to the vehicles we saw here on the lower deck of the bay bridge. it's not too far on the bridge, so there's a slowdown. it's backing up. coming up, approaching 4th and getting over on to the bay bridge itself.
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on the span, it's down to one lane for traffic flow. it's in the opposite direction, and those folks are not seeing this crash at all and on the upper deck. bart is moving smoothly throughout the system right now. as we get over to san francisco, that's the delay as you are traveling on eastbound 80. the other major backup is here getting down to the san mateo bridge southbound 880. there are minor injuries reported for this crash in hayward. the live shot there, we have our photographer there and it shows the trailer is still blocking the middle lanes there. debris is getting cleaned up as well. we have the rv on the right side, and you are down to one lane of normal traffic as well as the hov lane -- sorry, the toll lane through that area as well. that's your second slow spot. everything else is on a normal morning build. back to you. >> thank you, mike. encouraging news for
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expected mothers that received covid vaccinations. we are going to move you forward with new findings on the impact for their newborns and the added benefit researchers say the covid vaccine can provide. congress is running out of congress is running out of time to get a
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this van just hit me out of nowhere. i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to get an attorney because i could not work. i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team for every need, every area. they took care of me like a queen. i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me.
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good thursday morning to you. as we get started taking a look at menlo park right now.
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temperatures are in the upper 40s and we are starting out cloudy. we will see gradual warming temperatures with a mild day. we are enjoying a break from rain but it's not far behind. we will talk about when it arrives, coming up. more crews arrived at the lower deck of the bay bridge. i saw folks spreading out absorbant, indicating there was some kind of spill. the mini cooper and a truck are being separated right now. they will then clear the lanes. we will talk about the big crash in hayward, coming up. moving you forward this morning, a new study shows that covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy helps protect babies for up to six months after they are born. that's according to the national institutes of health.
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researchers analyzed data from 475 infants at nine different sites and the newborns with high antibody levels at birth had greater protection from covid infection during their first six months. currently there's no vaccine available for infants under the age of six months. and then scott has more. >> all part of the bipartisan infrastructure bill, so both republicans and democrats can take credit for that. in fact, it's so popular with american voters many of those in congress who voted against it still take credit for it. $970 million for airports alone. the u.s. national security
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adviser will meet today with members of the so-called gang of eight over new intelligence about some sort of threat coming out of rerba. many reports say it's some kind of new development in space-base the weapons. the head of the house, mike johnson, and jake sullivan, reassuring americans there's nothing to worry about. >> i am not at liberty to disclose classified information and can't say much more, but we want to assure everybody steady hands are at the wheel and we are on it and there's no need for alarm. >> i will stand here at this podium and look you in the eye with confidence and say we believe we can, will and are protecting the national security of the united states. trump has a hearing in new york city in the fraud trial
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involving the hush-money payments. trump doesn't have to attend the hearing in person, but we believe he will. and then down the street there's a civil case where trump has been found culpable, and now what to do about it will be decided tomorrow. and then there's a hearing for the prosecutor in the conspiracy case. fani willis is accused of having a romantic relationship with the prosecutor on her payroll. today is when we will hear the details, and the judge will decide if there's conflicts of interest that will disqualify willis as being prosecution.
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and then the lawmakers are not returning until february 28th, and the government runs out of money on march 1st, so three days to solve all the problems, marcus. >> thanks so much. >> one more day of bills, i think, too. traffic is flowing smoothly on the golden gate bridge. but that was not the case. pro palestinian protesters shutdown the bridge around 8:00 in the morning. protesters drove to the middle of the bridge pulling out their signs. they say that move was motivated by recent air strikes in rafta. that's where many palestinians have fled for safety during the war in israel. it took about 30 minutes to clear and nobody was arrested and no injuries happened there
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as well. a skier is safe this morning after getting lost near kirkwood ski resort and spending the night in the snow. the man was skiing at kirkwood on saturday when he went out-of-bounds on the backside of the mountain. a short time later he fell in deep snow and couldn't get out. he actually -- there, he was hiking through several feet of snow. this is before he was able to send a message to his friends. search and rescue crews found him east of silver lake but could not get to him before the following morning, and had to use a helicopter to get him to safety. >> people have this false sense of security because we have cell phones, but they don't reach everywhere. >> they don't. we want to start with you. yeah, two crashes and one is a deadly crash on the bridge. this tow truck is hooking up to
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the white house pickup truck. i just saw the red mini cooper, and they were forcefully separated, and they were pulling the two vehicles apart from each other forcefully, and now they are moving that tow truck. much less activity in the wider shot, but it's down to one lane as you leave san francisco on the lower deck of the bay bridge. the commute is normal on the upper deck and they can't even see the activity here, but the activity out of san francisco down to one lane as the folks are leaving the city on the lower deck of east bay 80. and then well short of treasure island, and anybody entering treasure island and heading to the east bay, you are doing just fine. we don't see significant slowing outside the normal pattern, and in hayward we continue with another crash. let's get a look with our crew out there as well, and there's activity and a lot of debris to be cleared from the middle of the roadway. the trailer in the middle is
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getting hooked up to the flatbed tow truck. we are down to one lane of normal traffic, and your commuter lane, kari, and that's a slow drive from 238. the weather is quiet as we get a break from any rain, but there will be more clouds coming in. the north bay will see rain in the afternoon hours. we have a storm coming, but we are between the systems, the one that moved through yesterday evening, and there are showers to the north of us that will continue to move east. we will watch this storm system approaching over the next couple of days. there's another one behind that. temperatures wise, though, with the sunshine that we are getting today will be really nice with temperatures in the mid-60s for the south bay up to 65 in danville, and oakland looking at a high of 62. our northbound temperatures up
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to 62 in santa rosa. we are looking at some pretty even temperatures all around the bay area with a break in the activity. on saturday morning our next storm system comes in, and most likely an atmospheric river that will enhance the rainfall we see, and that will linger into sunday morning. by sunday night, rain comes back and that will be with us off and on from monday into tuesday and possibly into wednesday as well. these areas in the dark purple show two to three inches of rainfall and could be higher further north, while much of the east bay and south bay will see anywhere from half an inch of rain to an inch and inch and a half. you might want to spend tomorrow preparing things around the house and getting prepared for a potential of a power outage, and we saw that in the last storm and that could be a possibility
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with more rain coming in over the next few days. >> thank you. the novato police are crediting special surveillance to help reel in a suspected phone scammer. the suspects demanded large sums of cash from a elderly person. rising winter temperatures are having a year-round impact on the climate in crisis. next on "today in the bay," some are concerned winter sports could dwindle if we don't do something. and a teen bngei
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welcome back. you're watching "today in the bay." turning to our climate in crisis, if you feel like winters have not been as cold as you remember as a kid, you're right. winter is the fastest warming
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season in the u.s., and this could have year-round affects on things like allergies, food and water and winter sports, and less snow packs not only mean fewer activities for skiers but bigger impacts on economies that rely on those sports. many experiencing below-average temperatures in the last couple of years, and we spoke with the researchers at the university of new hampshire said the odds of seeing a low to no snow in the future -- >> they are seeing the changes in how they can train in the nonwinter season, and are seeing more unsafe conditions. and venues hosting the olympics are also at risk, and like tahoe
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for example may not be able to host the olympics by the end of the century. >> she says it all depends on how fast we can reduce trapping the greenhouse gases. to learn more about our climate in crisis and possible solutions, can you go to our website, and click on the climate in crisis tab. now at 6:00, a concerning south bay closure. what nurses are saying about the potential impact on patients. we believe we can and will and are protecting the national security of the united states. house leaders are scheduled to find out more about serious


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