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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 15, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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for example may not be able to host the olympics by the end of the century. >> she says it all depends on how fast we can reduce trapping the greenhouse gases. to learn more about our climate in crisis and possible solutions, can you go to our website, and click on the climate in crisis tab. now at 6:00, a concerning south bay closure. what nurses are saying about the potential impact on patients. we believe we can and will and are protecting the national security of the united states. house leaders are scheduled to find out more about serious national security threats.
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we are live in washington with the new white house pressure on gop lawmakers to ease the growing tensions with russia. a key meeting for the a's and fans hoping they stay. a new round of talks may extend their tenure in oakland. this is "today in the bay." good thursday morning to you. i am marcus washington. i am kris sanchez. i am in for laura garcia this morning. we are going to check in with mike for a look at the commute, which has been rough so far this morning. first, we want to start with a look at the forecast because we are already getting a little bit of rain and there's more to come. >> yeah, but we are going to have a break in the rain, but let's go to mike first. >> we just got word on the changes on the bay bridge. thank you for making the quick switch. folks, if you are just joining us, there's a deadly crash where two people died on the lower
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deck of the bay bridge this morning, just before 4:00 this morning, and we are looking at the lanes that are still closed. they are cleaning up some sort of fluid as a result of the crash. there are two lanes open now. there was one lane open until a few minutes ago, and two lanes out of san francisco, and much less activity because they are cleaning up the debris and the fluid and that's adding to the way out of san francisco, opposite the commute. and the trailer and degree and the rv here, and we are looking at maybe after 7:00, maybe 7:15, so it's jammed southbound 880 to past highway 92. this is just shy of tennyson.
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we are starting out dry in san francisco. beautiful start to our thursday morning with a brief break in the rain for today and tomorrow. for the weekend we are tracking storms ahead between friday night and tuesday. we will have waves of rain coming in that could bring in gusty winds as well as dangerous surf along the coastline and possible flooding as we get heavy rain. as we look at gilroy for today, we are going to have a very nice afternoon. kind of a cool start with upper 40s at 8:00. then going into later today, we are going to see highs in the mid-60s. we will talk about that incoming rain in just a few minutes. marcus? >> thanks, kari. today congressional leaders will be briefed on what is being referred to as a serious national security threat. the chairman of the house intelligence committee is calling on president joe biden's administration to declassify information. today in the bay's brie jackson
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is joining us from washington. i know the president has said he will ensure the safety of all american people. >> that's right, marcus. national security adviser, jake sullivan, will be here on capitol hill to brief the house's gang of four. this group consists of the speaker of the house, the minority leader as well as the chair and ranking member of the intel committee. according to three sources familiar with the matter, russia is developing a space-based nuclear weapon designed to target u.s. satellites, causing mike turner, the head of the house intelligence committee -- >> the program or the intelligence to which the chairman made members available is consistent with any number of
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threats that we get in the intelligence committee on a weekly basis, so there's no cause for panic. >> u.s. officials say president biden has been tracking the matter and his administration is working to keep americans safe. >> we believe that we can and will and are protecting the national security of the united states. >> from the war against ukraine to election interference, u.s. officials have long been concerned about russia. >> this is one more thing to worry about in terms of vladimir putin and his attack on democracy and freedom. >> this latest threat comes as the house considers a $95 billion foreign aid package that includes efforts to fend off russian aggression, but lacks changes to u.s. border security. >> we are not going to be forced into action by the senate who in the latest product they september does not have one word about the border.
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>> the chair of the house intelligence committee is calling on president biden to declassify details about the threat so congress, the biden administration and america's allies can discuss an appropriate response. marcus? >> brie jackson in washington this morning. thank you. it's 6:05 now. the oakland a's may not be ready to move just yet. happening today, team executives will reportedly meet with east bay leaders to talk about extending that lease at the oakland coliseum. ginger conejero saab is live this morning. ginger, just the thought of this is giving a's fans a little glimmer of hope. >> reporter: a little glimmer of hope that they will be around for a little bit longer. there's a big question that has yet to be answered, kris, and that's where will the a's play? we have watched it all fold out -- or unfold before us, and we have been following how the
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team and city executives have spoke, and the plans for the new stadium in vegas are not yet finalized, which means 2028 is the earliest day for a new ballpark on the strip. the a's are gearing up for what is supposed to be their final season in oakland. city leaders have been kept in the dark about discussions going on with the team. >> the bottom line, oakland needs to be part of it because we own half of the coliseum, and this is an example where the county were not in the negotiating getting millions for the a's, and the city didn't get anything and we didn't know they had done that in that after the fact. >> reporter: while the oakland mayor is taking a bereavement, her office did release a statement saying, keeping the a's in oakland is what is best
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for major league baseball, the a's, oakland and the fans. my door is open to john fisher and to anybody else that has the means and desire to purchase the a's and keep them rooted in the town. team insiders are telling the chronicle's john shea they will sit down with county leaders, and options for next season are still in play as well, including a move to the rivercats ballpark in sacramento, or a new minor league stadium in salt lake city. kris, you mentioned this in the last half hour, or the last hour, i am wearing orange and i am a giants fan, but a lot of fans would like to see them in oracle. >> would not be far for fans to go to see a little bit of action. thank you so much, ginger. new at 6:00a full year now since the firing of armstrong as
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oakland city's police chief. the city of oakland is still searching for the next permanent police chief. the mayor fired armstrong one year ago without cause that stemmed from an independent report alleging his handling of officer misconduct cases. an audit later determined armstrong should not have faced the disciplinary action, and now he's suing the city and his mayor. meanwhile, the mayor recently told "today in the bay" a new list of candidates will be submitted next month. and then a teen in the bay was charged with not only possessing a gun but manufacturing it. a gang crimes task force raided a home, armed with a subpoena naming the 14-year-old boy that
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was not home at the time but in class at montgomery high school. they found a ghost gun in the home, and plain clothes officers then arrested that teen and took him to juvenile hall. one parent told us they want more protections now. >> it's a little concerning, but for me i know the school has been taking a lot of action to make they were safe and they were quick about it today. >> does it make you nervous or make you want to change where you go to school? >> no, not really. >> i am scared for my grandson and the other kids that go to school here. i think it's terrible. the sooner they get an officer on campus, we will feel better about it. >> this is just the latest in a string of incidents at montgomery high school in santa rosa.
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you might remember last march a student died after he was stabbed by another student inside a classroom. a judge later ruled that the suspect was acting in self defense. new concerns in the south bay this morning surrounding the planned closure of one of san josé's two trauma centers. one regional medical hospital closing services due to limited demand, and at the same time some services will expand. nurses tell us they learned the news tuesday through an email. the planned closure date is august 12th and it will leave valley medical and stanford as the two closest trauma centers to east san josé. it's 6:11 now. we want to take a live look outside at san josé. we see clouds and a little bit of blue skies and sheen on the roadways, kari. >> with we had the rain that
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moved through yesterday and it since cleared and we are in for a dry day. cool temperatures to start with upper 40s in dublin. 49 in san francisco. 50 now in oakland. but then as we take a look at santa rosa and what to expect today we are going to see peeks of sunshine, temperatures for the most part here staying in the upper 50s. they may briefly touch the low 60s. we are going to have mild weather for our afternoon with san josé hitting a high of 64 degrees and slightly warmer tomorrow, and even though we will see more clouds coming in as well as the rain not too far behind. as we head over to you, mike, you have two traffic alerts? >> i do have two traffic alerts. the first is this one. it will last for a while, and let's say for an hour right here. three lanes are blocked southbound 880 and this is approaching tennyson in the commute direction. let's look at the maps and see how big the backup is. this could last until 7:00.
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we see more build down towards hayward. this crash is just past 92 approaching tennyson. minor injuries associated with that crash. and then contra costa county, a standard build. the bay bridge, this is the second alert, it's the lower deck eastbound where there's a crash and two people were killed as a result of the crash. we did see they were cleaning up debris and a spill, and we have another five or ten minutes, i believe, and we will double-check on the status. still down to two lanes. coming up on "today in the bay," we will talk about text policy, and i know it's bore but it affects you and i promise to make it interesting. >> thank you. the bay area falcon has
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found herself a new
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. good thursday morning. the time is 6:16. let's head over to berkeley with a look at the day planner. we are start bg out cloudy and will see the sun peeking out with more sunshine into the afternoon. our temperature briefly hitting
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60 degrees but staying in the 50s for the most part. it will be nice to not have to lug around the umbrella, but rain returns for the weekend. we will talk about that in the microclimate forecast coming up. we have our photographer back and jesse relocated to the safe area, and still only two lanes open on the bay bridge, lower deck. i am thinking another 15 minutes for cleanup, i hope. looking for more lanes opening on the lower deck of the bay bridge, and a longer time due to the closure in hayward. the stock market worked its way back into the green after the scare over inflation earlier this week. s&p 500 back over 5,000. japan and the uk both took a look at their economic numbers and determined they were in recession. japan is so bad it went from the
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third biggest economy to the fourth, and america stayed out of the recession and is growing, and historians will look back at this in wonder. was know, we are suffering more in san francisco than the nation as a whole. cisco is a huge company, around 80,000, almost half of whom work overseas, so we are still trying to get a handle on how much the south bay got hit. workers we would think of working at the san josé headquarters could work remotely from other states even. in washington, members of the house of representatives are leaving for an extended period of time, and there's a three-day weekend coming up, so they are taking a longer break. the house blocks bill to increase the salt deductions. the money you pay california in taxes every april is money that went from your employer to the
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state and you can deduct a certain amount of that from your federal tax because you never saw it and it was never yours to spend, and there's a limit to how you can deduct. the trump tax cuts lowered that deduction, and the house considered raising the amount you can deduct, but failed to do so. speaking of paychecks, there was a move years ago to get rid of hiring policies that required a college degree for jobs that did not really require a college degree. ten years in harvard decided to measure how that went. didn't change much. companies got big of the requirements but still hired college graduates anyway. nvidia is now more valuable than google. it's the third most valuable company in the state.
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let me put you on the spot? who is number one? >> google? >> no. >> apple? >> thanks, scott. trending for you this morning, a new love story taking center stage at uc berkeley. >> yeah, one of the lovebirds needed a little help getting a new boyfriend, and this is annie living on the uc berkeley belltower. she lived there since 2016, and now a new falcon has been seen and so there's a contest to name him. they are looking for names that are cal-themed. i am going with let my kid in. it's called acceptance time. >> papa bear.
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>> also, my kid. >> pretty this is a look at the storm system approaching, a look at the wider view. you can see the center of the storm well out into the pacific.
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the moisture being drawn by this system, it's tapping into that deep subtropical moisture making it an atmospheric river. we will see another one coming in, possibly two in our forecast. this first one starts out with rain in much of the bay area by saturday morning continue into the afternoon. there will be a brief break sunday morning, but then we see it picking up again on sunday night, and continuing throughout the day off and on for monday, tuesday, and possibly on wednesday. not much of a break before we see another system developing, and then tomorrow and throughout the weekend and into tuesday, there could be anywhere from two to three inches of rain and it could be higher for the north bay as well as some of our coastal ranges. looking at our 7-day forecast, we see temperatures in the 60s and our morning temperatures in the low 50s. san francisco, also mild as far as our temperatures, but lots of rain coming in starting on
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saturday. mike is still tracking that crash -- two crashes, in fact. yeah, the first one on the bay bridge taking longer than we anticipated. i heard a rumor of five to ten minutes, but you know what, the caltrans crew pulled their brooms out again, and they found debris so they are making sure the lanes are clean and clear before they open them for you. and then the other shot we have, much less activity and fewer vehicles there coming out of the city, but only two lanes east bay 80. and then on southbound 880 jammed from 238 past 92. back to you. >> thank you. next here on "today in the bay," we are discovering black heritage. we look into the impact of
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alzheimer's disease in the black alzheimer's disease in the black community and the new
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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as we celebrate black heritage this month, we want to highlight a study looking at the impacts of alzheimer's disease and dementia on the black community. black americans are two times more likely to develop alzheimer's disease than white
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counterparts, but black americans are 35% less likely to be diagnosed. the nih is funding a new study to see when those symptoms develop. >> they are invited to participate in the study, determining we can prevent the alzheimer's from happening in the participation. >> that study needs people from the black and hispanic community and asian pacific islander communities. antioch leaders looking to build trust between the police
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right now at 6:30, tragedy in kansas city after deadly gunfire up ends a super bowl celebration. we will take you live there this morning for new details about what led to the chaos. plus, rebuilding trust in the community. new oversight for a troubled east bay police department rocked by scandal. this is "today in the bay." thanks for joining us on this thursday morning. i am kris sanchez. i am in for laura garcia. i am marcus washington. first, i want to get you over to mike inouye this morning. he's tracking news for the morning commute. certainly a serious situation
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this morning. >> yeah, let's talk about the tragedy that was the crash on the lower deck of the bay bridge, folks. the cleanup is still going on. two people died as a result of the crash on the deck approaching treasure island. the activity has been cleared as far as the medical procedures. let's get a look there on the left side. we still have two lanes opened and they are getting ready to clear the caltrans crew. they cleaned up the spill and the debris that was there. now, over here in hayward on southbound 880. the trailer is still on the back of the flatbed tow truck and we are not clear why they are waiting to clear that, but they are getting that ready. here's a look at what to
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expect in castro valley as we go throughout the day. partly cloudy and temperatures in the low 50s to start and headed for the low 60s and a really nice afternoon with dublin hitting a high of 62, and 64 in concord and 62 in san francisco. it will be a little milder tomorrow, but we are also going to see more clouds coming in and rain for the weekend. we will talk about the weekend forecast coming up in a few minutes. marcus and kris? >> kari, thank you. now to the developments in kansas city and the aftermath in the kansas city super bowl paw ride ending in gunfire. >> this morning we are learning the woman who died is a local radio deejay and a mother of two. today in the bay's jay gray is live in kansas city. jay, there's a big question everybody is asking in kansas city this morning. >> reporter: yeah, kris and marcus, good morning to you. the biggest of the questions
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right now seems to be who is responsible? how and why this happened, and police are not talking much about the three people they have in custody and nor are they discussing any potential motive here stressing that they are in the very early stages of their investigation. in just seconds the celebration shifts -- >> i could see people jumping the fence right now. >> to panic and chaos as the blast of gunshots echos along the parade route. >> we dropped to the ground, and my daughter tried to climb on top of me to protect me. i tried to hold her so nothing would happen to her. >> reporter: police assigned to the gunfire. fans appeared to tackle and pin
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down a third suspect, while medics help the victim. one person killed and at least 21 wounded. eight of those injuries considered life threatening. at least 11 of the victims are between the ages of 6 and 15. physically, though, all of the children are expected to make full recoveries. >> just a lot of shock, honestly. crazy that this is what the world has come to. >> for kansas city's police chief the shock quickly gives way to frustration. >> i'm angry at what happened today. the people who came to this celebration should expect a safe environment. >> the city's mayor left with lingering concerns. >> and i think that's something that all of us who are parents, and who are just regular people living each day have to decide what we wish to do about it. parades, rallies, schools,
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movies, it seems like almost nothing is safe. >> reporter: a fear shared by so many here right now. several chiefs players post on social media after the shooting including the super bowl mvp, patrick mahomes, simply wrote praying for kansas city. a sentiment we are all sharing this morning. >> it's interesting to hear that terrorism was ruled out right away, and even when we find out, it won't make any sense. thank you, jay. happening today with a plea deal still possible for a state criminal charge, a man convicted for attacking paul pelosi in his own home is expected back in court for a pretrial conference. david depape is facing 50 years in prison for the attack on paul
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pelosi in their san francisco home. that conviction was in federal court, so the state trial is what we are talking about and is on track to start next month. antioch leaders taking a bold step to restore trust between the city and the police department. ginger conejero saab is live. this is a new commission and meant to oversee the department rocked by scandal? >> reporter: that's correct. will that commission work? that's what we will have to wait and see what the answer is. it's long overdue. the city is hoping to take a major step in taking accountability, and addressing accountability in its police department by inaugurating this
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commission. it will consist of seven members that come from a variety of backgrounds ranging from community organizers to lawyers. it will be similar to other police commissions around the bay area serving as a governing body to create that accountability for the police department. the specifics of the commission's duties still need to be decided but community leaders believe it's a step in the right direction, including devin williams. he has been selected as a member of the new commission. >> this is something that the community needs in order to move forward. we need a community citizen commission made up of leaders that are well versed in what the city needs. >> reporter: the next steps for the commission will be to decide on leadership roles before it starts its public meetings. the mayor is hoping the public
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meetings could start soon, as early as next month, marcus. >> ginger, thank you. san francisco transit leaders today will review a recent pilot program generating controversy. last summer they created a protected bike lane through the valencia street median, knocking out the median parking space in the process and the move angers merchants whose businesses relied on those parking spaces, and since then some of those businesses have closed. other options are being considered and the round table starts at 2:00 this afternoon. a winter storm is creating snowy conditions on interstate 880. chains are required in both directions. drivers are trying to push through the sierra before conditions get too treacherous, but some did get there unprepared.
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>> i knew i needed chains. i come up here at the exit and looked at the store here and got the chains. >> $100 for the front two tires. >> caltrans says their goal is to maintain the roads and to keep them open during the storm, but it's advising drivers to avoid driving in these conditions if at all possible. take a look at your screen, if you can. this is a view from space. nasa satellite showing a big increase in the snow in the sierra, and the snowpack was taken here on new year's day, and the one on the right was taken a few days ago and you can see significantly more snow. meteorologist, kari hall, is tracking this. if people are headed to tahoe -- i know a couple people who are, they want to get there soon, right? >> yeah, because there's not much of a window for travel. when those storms come in by the
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end of the weekend, it will continue into much of next week. we are actually seeing light snow come down in palisades for right now, and our temperatures are warming up to the mid-40s. at least there some of the elevations below 6,000 feet will have it changing over to rain, and we will see rain and snow off and on in the forecast throughout the weekend, as we are looking for 8 to 22 inches of snow between the weekend and presidents' day. and the coastline will also be a place you might want to stay away from. a high surf advisory will be in effect as we get breakers from 18 to 22 feet, and we will have that rain coming in on saturday. we are tracking that. mike, what is the status of the bay bridge? >> as we speak, there we go, the last of the lights are cleared from the bay bridge and i believe they are about open in all lanes. we will see more filling in as
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the last of the chp crews clear, and we have our crew cleared from the lower deck. getting out of san francisco just in the last few seconds, even as we speak, we are seeing the big buildup that has been happening over the last 15 minutes, and it will start to see easing out of san francisco. into san francisco, no easing there. and the south bay, slowing around 85 but it's a temporary thing, i believe. over here, this is another half hour. in hayward, our crew has been there since this morning, and you still have the right three lanes blocked approaching tennyson. the trailer smashed up, they are waiting for another truck to clear and the stuff in the trailer was knocked out of the trailer and into the lanes, and that's why they are cleaning up on 880 just past stphra.
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a northern california destination once called the eighth wonder of the world will now be blocked off from visitors. coming up here on "today in the bay," the reason for the closure and how visitors to a popular state park may feel the impact. in washington, congress has critical things to do but are ruing out onnf
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. good thursday morning. the time is 6:44.
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we are looking at the day planner for san ramon. we will be in the upper 40s at 8:00, but as we get more sunshine the temperatures warm up and head for the low 60s here today. enjoy more time outside and take a nice long walk. we will see rain coming back for the weekends. more coming up on that in a few minutes. i showed you this crash scene still blocking three right lanes as you approach southbound 880 near tennyson. it's jammed from 238 down towards tennyson, and approaching that is where the crash is located still. taking a look at the golden gate bridge. traffic is moving smoothly this morning. that was not the case yesterday. pro palestinian protesters shutdown the bridge. this happened around 8:00 in the morning. those protesters drove to the middle of the bridge pulling out their signs. the move was motivated by recent
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air strikes in rafah. chp says the protest took about 30 minutes and no arrests were made. president joe biden will announce hundreds of millions of dollars to approve american airports today. >> scott, sfo one of them? >> yeah, sfo will get around 30 million. the only airport in northern california to get those new funds. it's all part of the bipartisan infrastructure bill, so both republicans and democrats can take credit for that. at least the ones that voted for it. 997 million for airports alone. san francisco will spend the money on heating and air-conditioning in the international terminal. louisville is getting money to speed up their tsa lines. the big winner in fort yates in north dakota, they are building
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a terminal, the first building the dot points out. right now you wait outside. and then the gang of eight is talking about a threat coming out of russia. many say it's some development in space-based weapons. the head of the house and jake sullivan reassuring americans not to worry. >> we just want to assure everyone steady hands are at the wheel and we are working on it and there's no need for alarm. >> i am confident and stand here at this podium and look you in the eye and say with confidence we believe we are, we will and are protecting the united
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states -- donald trump has a hearing in new york city involving hush payments. the judge said it will start in late march, so this is the first of four criminal trials that trump will face. we just got that word into the news room. this will be the first. trump does not have to attend today's hearing but he's there. just down the street from what is happening in new york is the other new york city trial, the civil one, where trump, his sons and their company have already been found culpable of fraud against banks. the question for the judge, what to do about it. that decision expected tomorrow. the other thing going on today, a hearing in georgia over the prosecutor in the trump conspiracy case, fani willis, accused of having a romantic relationship with a prosecutor on her payroll. today is the hearing where we
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could hear the details. the judge will decide if there are conflicts of interest that will disqualify willis from the prosecution. the house is set to adjourn not having dealt with the border bill or money to support israel or ukraine, and they will not return until february 28th. there's a february 29th this year, and that's not normally and that's good because the government runs out of money the next day, march 1st. three days to solve all the problems. >> get them solved. we need that money flowing. thanks, scott. we are getting ready for the pop of the mitt and the crack of the bat. spring training is hear for patchers and catchers. many arrived in scottsdale yesterday. the spring opener for the giants
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is scheduled for march 24th. a popular waterfall north of the bay area, which you might see on all your social feeds will close to visitors because it's getting too popular. crews will be renovating the mile-long trail leading to burney falls. it could lead to major traffic issues for park visitors. luckily we have a lot of really great hiking all around us here in the bay area. >> but because of social media, i have been wanting to go. >> me, too. >> i was just looking it up. >> if you follow any hiking sites, it's like burney falls. we will go in may.
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>> okay. we have a break from the rain and we are going to see sunshine today. temperatures in the upper 40s from san josé over to san francisco as well as dublin and oakland this morning. we are seeing a break from the wet weather even though there are spotty showers to the north, and we may have lingering showers. then we have sunshine. the next storm system coming in here, we can see the moisture being drawn in from the hawaiian islands and that makes it the atmospheric river. we are looking in total of four to eight inches of rainfall for coastal mountains and two to four inches of rainfall for much of the bay area. all of the rainfall could potentially cause problems with
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landslides and flooding. we want to be prepared for all of that as the storm systems come in. if you are going to be anywhere near the coastline there will be dangerously high surf. looking at what to expect, as the rain arrives on saturday morning, it starts out light but then gets heavier as we go throughout the day. into sunday morning, there's a brief break and by sunday night rain is back and that continues through presidents' day off and on. the rain also lingers into tuesday and wednesday, and another storm system behind that potentially for the end of next week into next weekend. we are looking at once again some heavy rainfall. this model with all of the colors shows three to four inches of rainfall for parts of the north bay and even higher for some of our coastal beaches. we are going to see our temperatures in the low 60s. with this being a holiday weekend people may have monday off, unfortunately we are not going to have the weather to go along that with you, so enjoy
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the time outside as we track these storms and get closer, we will keep you up-to-date. one traffic alert is clear and one is clearing. we have another flatbed tow truck that arrived, and they loaded up a bunch of stuff. they are starting to clear some of the vehicles away. and you see the rv, and that was another vehicle involved -- i believe there was three large vehicles involved in the crash at the southbound 880 and tennyson. it's on 238 down 92 where people are getting on the san mateo bridge, and things are clear south of there. outside of the slowdown, it's the normal morning commute. the speed sensors in the south bay showing slowing, and north of 101 there as well. and the bay bridge cleared, the
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earlier alert cleared, but it's still clear from 101 and up to 880 and the bay bridge itself. back to you. >> thank you. novato police are crediting special surveillance to help in reel in a suspected phone scammer. the suspect demanded large sums of cash from an elderly victim to fix a data breach. when the suspect asked the same victim for more money, police were there to arrest him. he's linked to other similar scams across northern california. next here on "today in the bay," discussions about extending the lease at oakland coliseum. plus, new oversight
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bounced from one doctor to the next. does it have to be like this? at kaiser permanente, we have a different kind of healthcare...
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so, how did you like doctor lum? ...where all of us work together for all that is you. you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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welcome back. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories on "today in the bay." the oakland a's may not be ready to move on just yet. >> here's a live look at the oakland coliseum. "the chronicle" is reporting that executives will meet with east bay leaders today to discuss extending the lease. the plans for a new stadium in las vegas are not yet timized. 2028 is the earliest date for a new ballpark on the strip and the a's are considering several options for next year including the rivercats stadium in sacramento playing in a new minor league ballpark in salt lake city, or oracle park. trying to rebuild trust between the community and the
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police department. antioch is inaugurating its first police commission. it will be similar to other police commissions we have across the bay area, serving as a governing board serving as accountability for the police department. we do want to get a look at the forecast. a long weekend ahead, but lots of planning. >> yes, it's all around the weather because we will have two storms coming in. the first one arriving saturday morning. there could be brief breaks between saturday night and sunday morning and then another storm coming in sunday evening that will continue with rain off and on as we go through the middle of next week. we our final moments of clearing this shot. for the time being there are three lanes blocked still, and the map shows the big buildup
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and it should clear in the next few minutes. that was a rough moment. the "today" show is minutes away, but we will continue streaming. the search is still under way for an oakland police chief one year after the last one was fired. watch our 7:00 a.m. newscast, next. >> always great stuff over there. happy single awareness day for all the single folks out there. have a great morning. of celebration, marred by a mass shooting. it is february 15th, this is "today." triumph to tragedy.


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