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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  February 16, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm PST

4:30 pm
this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. get ready. the bay area is bracing for more rain.
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a couple of storms heading our way. >> welcome to nbc bay area news. we will have the timeline of the atmospheric river in a minute. other stories on this friday. stunning video of a robbery in san francisco. the thieves seemed to get away while officers look on. we spoke to the business owner in city supervisors who say this is unacceptable. home prices are going up again. scott has been tracking all of this for us and will join us with what one realtor says is the root of the problem. the government expects dozens of transitional housing units in alameda county. we will tell you about the development that is a part of the home key project. let's first take a look outside. it looks pretty gray, but still dry in some areas. the north bay is expected to get hit with wet weather pretty soon. sandbag locations are already set up to prepare for an incoming atmospheric river.
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pg&e preparing for the onslaught of rain. a week ago another storm swept through and took out power for tens of thousands of people. you may have been one of those impacted from that. many people in the dark for days. they say over 1.4 million people across the state lost power. the problem was the wind really, so this time around they say they do not expect that level of disruption and that the crews are prepared and have stockpiled equipment. let's bring our meteorologist now in who has been tracking this for us, so what is the weekend looking like? >> we are already seeing the tap into that series of storms coming in. look at the connection. the first storm will move in initially to the north bay late tonight overnight into saturday. i want to give you a closer
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look at what we are expecting. as of today it looks like right now satellite and radar. you will notice we have some rain developing off of the pacific, but this moisture will continue to use the totals heading into late overnight and early saturday before becoming more widespread. we are already seeing this flood watch through wednesday morning for all of the highlighted areas because of the incoming storms. not only saturday, but the second one lining up as well sunday into monday that will linger into the middle of next week. because of the rainfall we could see a quick rise in the creeks and streams. keeping a close eye on the river. and the possibility for landslides with saturated soil and the gusty conditions. we go to the potential for more downed trees as well. also monitoring the coastline expecting dangerous waves starting tomorrow through sunday and we will see a high surf advisory go into effect.
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something to be mindful of. those folks planning ahead to the sierra unfortunately the window to head up there was yesterday and pretty much today. after that we are seeing these stormy conditions start to ramp up, and there will be a warning in effect through wednesday morning. talking about gusty conditions and low visibility. could cause power issues as well. the closure of roads with chains required. if you have plans to head up there the window will be typed. here is the reason why. i did want to take you all the way through sunday because heading into tonight and tomorrow we will see that through early sunday spreading widespread into saturday into sunday where we will see the storm system slow down a bit and we get the second one ramping up. look at the timestamp. 12:00. it really kicks up in addition to rain. a lot of sierra snow.
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this will bring a lot of impact to the morning commute. still raining into monday. depending on how this moves in and out we could see some of that rain lingering for monday and even into tuesday and wednesday and instability will bring a chance for thunderstorm activity heading into monday. make sure to join us at 5:00. we will have a closer look at the timing of the storms and also potential rain totals and how much we are expecting coming up. do not forget you can keep track of what is going on with the weather on our website and on our free app. the qr code on your screen will take you right to our radar. just put your iphone at the code and it will take you to our weather page, and the app is always free. a video of a robbery in progress at a bar in san francisco. police arrived but did not seem to engage. and then the thieves appear to get away. this is causing a stir among business owners in that area. we are in san francisco today.
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i know you have been getting more information for us. what are you learning?>> reporter: this is an incident that happened in september at the lookout bar in the early morning hours around 3:30. there was nobody in the bar at the time, but the concern is that as police arrived on scene they know this was a robbery call because neighbors called it in as that's. there is video that shows as a police officer shows up with lights and sirens and then parks behind what turns out to be a suspect vehicle. a getaway vehicle. about 15 seconds elapsed between the time the officer stops and then a couple of suspects run and jump into that vehicle. it makes a u-turn and drives off. here are the major concerns and questions. why did the officers not engage in this crime in progress? those are the questions that are being raised by a lot of the people where this video
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seems to pretty clearly illustrate. >> absolutely pure i am sure a lot of people are stunned by it. were you able to speak with city leaders or business owners? >> we were able to talk with his supervisor in the district. this video first made it to his desk because of the concern from a lot of the businesses who over the last year have been complaining about a series of repeated robberies. what they are saying is that they would like to know why there was not a pursuit or any kind of further engagement from the police department. we have also been communicating with the police department trying to give further details as to why something more did not happen. it turns out that after repeated conversations with a spokesperson they reviewed the police officers body camera video today, and they have kind of detailed further about what all happened. including the police officer drawing his weapon and trying to engage with those suspects before that vehicle drove off.
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coming up at 5:30 we will have further details and a more full array of what all happened in this particular incident. >> really looking forward to all of those details. appreciate that preview. we will see you later on. we are going to take you to stanford and over investigation over a shooting threat. police got a call from an unidentified person just before 1:00 this afternoon. the caller said they were on campus at the entrance and intended to commit a shooting. the department issued an emergency notification about this threat and at last check no arrests have been made. anyone with information is urged to call police. you may have heard housing prices are on the rise again. scott has been following the changes for us and he joins us now, so i know you got a chance
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to speak with at least one realtor today, so what are they saying? are the prices going up by a lot? >> they are. it is really scarcity more than anything else. starting to see demand increase. a lot of would be buyers are saying we are okay with this mortgage. we have been waiting with our money and now we want to go in, but the sellers are not ready, so you have not enough demand to fill the supply. you have made noticed anytime there is a house for sale in your neighborhood there are a lot of people lining up. look at these recent prices. that is 21% higher than at this time last year. santa clara over 1.7 million. up 12% from this time last year. both considerably higher than last year. these prices are higher again because the buyers are not ready to part with their low mortgage rates.
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>> let's face it. they did not login their rate, so it might have to come down a little bit more before potential markets, so it creates an imbalance. usually when that happens that pushes up home prices. >> you kind of explained it. more buyers now and people willing to buy. is that really the reason why, and then no one wanting to sell their place? so when do we expect things to maybe shift? >> it is a good question and the reason we know that is i have talked to local realtors. they say that they are hearing from would be buyers. we are interested in buying a house but they cannot find anything for sale. the good news is that we are getting close to spring, and you do see a lot of people moving and want to put their kids in schools and get to a
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new town or start a new job. but usually sees a thaw in the housing process, and they say that perhaps will lead some potential sellers of to pull the trigger and say i am ready to take my profits and i will also go a mortgage rate that is higher than the three or 4%. that will take a while, so even though you money on the sidelines in the stock market is doing well. you have a pretty high employment rate and things are going well. you just have to them be willing to part with their houses and sell, and that is why there is so little supply. >> they are holding onto it. thank you. the governor was in oakland today announcing more housing and help for the homeless. you can see him right there standing in what used to be a quality in with other leaders. the governor announced that the abandoned motel in east oakland will be transformed into 77
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apartments for homeless residents. another 26 units will be used to provide youth with transitional support. all a part of his project that converts former offices and hotels and other buildings into housing for homeless. oakland is one of six cities across the state receiving a part of $99 million to make that transformation happened. >> we are fast tracking the time to delivery and taking existing properties and converting them and doing it at a cost the likes of which we have never been able to advance in our state history, so we want to replicate success. >> the also announced a second $14 million project that will provide another 41 units in downtown oakland. that first property is expected to be up and running in 12 months. i bet you have become familiar with the term atmospheric river by now, and we are expecting another one this weekend. we are going to be joined once
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again after the break to explain what exactly happens during and atmospheric river. the changing the traditional car. people in the bay area will get a sneak peek at the new releases. we will take you inside the autoshow. we want to know what trending story you would like to see later on in this newscast. there is a pull up right now on my instagram. paul mccartney's lost guar found. it
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department...
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we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. turning now to the climate in crisis. most of the western united states reported above average precipitation totals for the month of january, but we also saw a record high temperature in both oregon and california. our meteorologist is joining us
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once again to give been tracking the atmospheric rivers for us. another one is on the way. can you talk about how all of this is connected to our climate in crisis? >> there is a connection, and they have found that the boost in moisture will increase due to rising surface temperatures. that could mean an increase in frequency and also the intensity of not only atmospheric rivers but also extreme weather events like hurricanes. >> howdy scientists exactly monitor this information? >> there are a number of ways. everything from the satellites in outer space down to the information that gets sent directly to our weather models that we use on air here. also they use everything from radars to the classic weather balloon. i did get a chance to check out how the repair for incoming weather. >> there is an atmospheric river in the forecast. we have stations all around the west coast of the u.s..
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california and washington as well. depending where it will make landfall we will go and set up and launch balloons every three hours. >> let's show you a weather balloon and what it does. according to scientists these arrive in small packages that are then inflated with hydrogen or helium like this and use a radio sock to lift it and it contains key instruments. as it rises it measures temperature and humidity and pressure. along with windspeed and also direction. you are going to be hearing the term atmospheric river a lot, so let's give you insight. over the next couple of days will be seeing a scale of. 1 is the weakest and 5 is exceptional. it is keyed on location, strength, and also duration.
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picture this. a long and narrow corridor along 200 to 350 miles wide. transporting water vapor typically associated with a low- level jet. moving it from the subtropics. the pink and purple that you can see shows high moisture content and also the red and orange shows a lack of water vapor of top. typically between 3-7 atmospheric rivers present in the world at any given time. for the state of california can provide 25 to 50% of our state and will precipitation. some of the strongest can carry 7-15 times the flow of the mississippi river. the influence also plays a role with the warming of the pacific and changing climates impacts that can bring elevated threats of severe flooding. for more insight like this and other climate stories make sure to head over to and click on the climate in crisis tab. car enthusiast and buyers looking for new car will be in the south bay this weekend because an old favorite is
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coming back. the autoshow. here is kris sanchez with the behind the scenes look. >> if your dream is to drive something that is good for the planet how about an electric porsche? this is $200,000, but i have a better deal. this is $100,000. also electric. there are also a lot of non- electric vehicles. traditional cars. the nice thing is you can also see vehicles that have not yet been available to the public to look at. this lexus is one of them. you may think that is big and it is a gas guzzler. it has a different engine, so it is much more fuel-efficient. fuel efficiency is still very much in public mind? >> yes. new technology has not only made electric cars have to be more efficient but also gasoline powered cars used to
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get more power from a smaller engine and more efficient. >> we saw of course the dream car. the $200,000 electric car, but there are options for others who want to be more budget friendly? >> of course. if you want an electric car this is probably the best time because prices have come down, and they are not of course all $200,000. >> this is a good time if you are in the market for a car. >> right. prices are down overall, but also manufacturer incentives to consumers are up. >> okay. the supply chain was really crippling things for a while. is that resolved? >> that is basically gone. there is plenty of inventory. the taxpayer-funded tax credits that we all know about for electric cars have changed for 2024. even to the point where you cannot get a tax credit on a used electric car so long as you buy from a dealer. >> thank you very much. auto trader. you cannot come here and buy a car. you can come here though and look at the vehicles and figure
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out what options you want and ask questions without all of the high-pressure sales tactics and then you take that wishlist to your local dealer and hopefully you can get a deal because there are a lot of incentives for new cars and also some financing incentives for certain kinds of cars. the silicon valley autoshow runs through the weekend and you know i always like a deal. here is a good deal. the kids under 12 are free, so a good place to get out of the rain and dream a little dream.>> thank you. big news coming out of russia. you may have heard of an outspoken critic of vladimir putin for many years and in russia that is a dangerous thing to be picky has been imprisoned and poison. reports are today in prison that he died while taking a walk. we are going to hear what president biden and other leaders are saying.
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you have to see it to believe it, and i think that qualifies for this story. a i created video. do not brush this off as another ai story. this stuff is amazing and scary at the same time. >> okay. >> have you seen it yet? >> i have not. >> you will not believe your eyes. >> okay. looking forward to it. still to come. top trending stories voted by you on my instagram poll. the is women's water polo team is heading to the olympics with a leg up on the other teams. newly crowned world champions domited today. domited today. na this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you.
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for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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here is the top trending stories voted on my instagram story. paul mccartney has finally reunited with his long-lost guitar pick it had been missing for decades prickett was stolen from a van in london in 1972.
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it was his first bass guitar which he played on the earliest beatles records. he got a little help from his friends. in this case the lost based project. the search eventually led the investigative team to a family who said they had that base in their attic without even realizing how it ended up there. not clear, but it has since been recovered and returned. i will be posting links to the others. thank you so much for voting. the u.s. women's water polo team is going to the olympics as the reigning world champion after defeating hungary today retrieving the title of world champion after losing in the quarterfinals last summer. that is all thanks in part to bay area native number six. she scored 15 goals during the tournament. the next step is paris olympics
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. the u.s. could become the first nation to take four consecutive olympic water polo titles. a reminder that we are your home for the olympics beginning in july. a quick reminder you n access bay area news whenever you want on all the time on streaming platforms. you can watch live breaking news and repeats of our newscasts. thank you for joining us . we are back in two minutes.
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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right now watching for not one but two storms moving into the bay area. the new timeline for when rain will arrive in your neighborhood and how some are bracing for dealing with
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problems from the last storm. the governor talking cracking down on crime in oakland. the message he is sending. the trying to stop a i keepsakes from influencing the election. packed with some of the top tech companies in the world. thank you so much for joining us. >> we are going to start with the weather for the weekend has arrived and another round of strong storms is coming with it. >> they will bring more rain and gusty winds at times. let's take you outside right now from our network of live cameras. >> our storm ringer parked at the top of the mountain where the radar is tracking the incoming rain. tonight and tomorrow is when we are going to see it coming in. >> that storm is already barren close to the bay area.
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even though the core of the storm which usually has the strongest impacts is moving off to the north and we are on the tail edge of this it is the atmosphere river that is meeting up with it that will help them boost the rainfall totals, and this is a long string of subtropical moisture stretching way past towards hawaii. light showers developing right now offshore. as we take you through the early timeline i think the best chance of rain for tonight's near the coastline and also parts of the north bay and then as we head through mo


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