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tv   Today  NBC  February 17, 2024 5:30am-7:01am PST

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thanks for starting your weekend with us. former president trump's empire in jeopardy. >> mr. trump losing control of the namesake company after the judge handed down a crushing penalty. it's february 17th. this is "today." >> staggering sum.
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a judge ordering donald trump to pay $350 million plus interest and barring him from personally running his real estate company in new york for three years. saying he lied about his net worth to get more favorable loans. mr. trump vowing to appeal. >> there was no fraud. the banks got their money. >> does he have the cash? we're live with the latest. breaking overnight. deadly explosion. one firefighter killed and nearly a dozen others injured when a house they were checking on for a gas leak suddenly exploded. >> under heavy debris. i'm unable to make my way out. >> what went wrong? international outcry. questions overnight about the circumstances surrounding the sudden death of alexi navalny. one of russian president vladimir putin's fiercest critics. how the white house and other world leaders are responding. wet weekend. the northeast waking up to a blanket of snow and the south
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prepares for up to 2 inches of rain and 25 million people out west are under flood watches. angie is tracking it all. all that plus mission to mars. sort of. nasa is looking for a few good applicants to live for a year as if they were on the red planet. although it sounds like "the martian" there will be no going to space. how you can apply today, saturday, february 17th, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with peter alexander and laura jarrett. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today." thank you for joining us on this saturday morning. did you want to go to space as a kid? you don't have to now. >> everybody has wanted to go to space. this is going to houston. you will be living in a 1,700
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square foot habitat with three others. i hope you like your roommates. >> i would go with you. >> it could be a long year. we could bring friends and make it a good trip. we'll have more on that in a moment. you are waking up to snow after the blast of cold overnight. the northeast seeing anywhere from a dusting in places to more than a foot in western new york. we are going to check in with angie to see if this is the last of it. we begin with the huge legal and financial setback for the former president. a new york city judge ordering him to pay more than $350 million and likely much more with interest for lying about his finances. mr. trump and his sons are also barred from running any businesses in the state for the next few years. >> a staggering blow to the trump business empire. >> no one is above the law. no matter how rich, powerful. judge a judge in new york
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handing down a civil penalty against donald trump for duping banks into loaning him money. the judgement totaling more than $350 million plus a significant amount in additional interest. >> donald trump falsely, knowingly inflated his net worth by billions of dollars to unjustly enrich himself and family and to cheat the system. >> the former president blasting the suit brought by the new york democratic attorney general. >> there was no fraud. the banks got their ridiculous. a fine of $350 million for dogging a per effect job for having paid back a loan with no default. >> reporter: the ruling is a product of the 11-week bench trial overseen by judge arthur goran who decide the the heart of the fraud state months ago.
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on financial statements to receive better deals on bank loans. the trial, largely focused on sorting out the penalty. mr. trump and his adult children took the stand with hopes of fending off the consequences for the bottom line and family brand. mr. trump's team tried to argue the banks were always paid. imploing the judge to not apply the penalty. the judge was unswayed. this does not extinguish the warm on the marketplace. donald trump is not bernie madoff. >> you have been watching the story closely over the week. will he have to pay this money right away? >> the case is going to be caught up on appeal for a long time. remember, if he wants to appeal,
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he will have to put up some money or get a bond. who will loan him money if he has been accused of trying to swindle the banks by getting better loans. that is the trick box he is in and he could try to sell something to payoff the judgment. this is the thing that propelled him to the white house and fame was the family fortune. >> it goes to the heart of that. you have mr. trump and his sons who cannot run the trump organization here in new york city. who runs the company now? >> right. they could try to perhaps get iv anka trump or bring in an outsider. they have the independent monitor that is overseeing the entire thing. taking a family run business and reshaping it in ways that they are obviously not pleased with. >> the first of many legal challenges the former president is facing. laura, thank you. we want to get to breaking news from overnight as well. a sudden explosion killed one firefighter and injured several others checking out a home for
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an apparent gas leak. we have allie raffa with more. >> reporter: peter, good morning. total devastation in virginia. that is how the assistant fire chief is describing the explosion. firefighters reporting to a gas smell at 7:40 p.m. in sterling, virginia outside of washington, d.c. after arriving on the scene, while the firefighters were still inside, the house exploded. listen to the response from the firefighters. >> we had a house explosion. significant damage. the house is levelled. >> in basement under heavy debris. i'm unable to make my way out. >> reporter: one firefighter died. two civilians were hurt. the extent of injuries ranging from moon minor to severe.
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several neighbors were saying their homes were damaged by the blast as well saying debris was quote falling from the sky. officials say they believe this was an isolated incident and there is no longer a threat to the community. the county sheriff's office has closed off roads in the area as crews continue to investigate the cause of the explosion. peter. >> allie, thank you. now to the major international news with the sudden death of alexi navalny. an outspoken critic of russian president vladimir putin. we have richard engel in kyiv with what we are learning about his death. richard, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. all we had as of yesterday was this official explanation that many are doubting from russian prison authorities that alexi navalny suddenly and mysteriously dropped dead in jail. now his spokesperson is confirming that alexi navalny
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died in this penal colony in russia yesterday. the spokesperson is calling it a murder. she did not offer any specific evidence to back up that claim because navalny's body is still being held by russian authorities and now his family is demanding the body be handed >> reporter: 47-year-old alexei navalny was look healthy and joking with the judge via video link from his arctic prison two days ago. his mother saw him monday and said he was in good spirits, but yet, somehow, the most fiercest critic of president putin dropped dead suddenly. prison officials said he went for a walk and then fell and could not be revived. president biden blames president
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putin. >> make no mistake, it is president putin responsible for navalny's death. >> reporter: and protests would not be allowed. when a woman unfurled a sign, she was taken away by authorities. navalny started out as a blogger and criticizing putin and his inner circle, and started massive protest against putin in 2012. he was jailed and harass and attacked with a green dye. it damaged his right eye. in 2020 while on a flight in russia, navalny suddenly fell ill. he was poisoned by a nerve agent and flown to germany to recover. he blamed putin for assassination attempt and he blamed kremlin and then the most crucial decision of his life.
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navalny returned to russia after the assassination attempt. he put the principals at risk. yulia went to munich after his death and called on the world to say, we must not allow this to happen. president biden called can on consequences if navalny should die in custody. peter alexander pressed him on this. >> what type of consequences should we expect? >> we have already done quite a lot. >> reporter: and now, according to a human rights group, more than 200 people have already been detained.
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>> thank you, peter. andrea mitchell is there where navalny's wife spoke, and andrea, you know that there is no country experiencing more brutality from president putin than ukraine, and what did president volodymyr zelenskyy say? >> yes, peter, because of the war in ukraine, all of the speakers are blaming putin for the death of navalny, and including today's speaker president zelenskyy. >> putin does what he wants whether it is a position leader or anyone else who seems to be a target exactly to him.
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and he maintains power through corruption and violence. >> reporter: and of course, zelenskyy now is going to be also pleading for ukraine aid, and he is going to be meeting with the congressional delegation today and of course, the vice president kamala harris who is also talking about putin who is responsible for navalny's death. >> and andrea, were the ukraine forces there rationing the munitions on the front line in case the u.s. does not approve the aid, and how grey is that concern? >> it is the biggest concern until navalny's death, and the biggest concern has been the lack of the american support, and the fact that the house has not approved measure, and the senate did, and there is a huge bipartisan delegation here, and zelenskyy is going to be pleading with them for the money, and very concerned about
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the american politics, and they are concerned about donald trump, and no two ways about it, and the concern that donald trump is against that bill, and also praising vladimir putin and the comments. peter. >> and grave concern there on the conference. and now, senator joe manchin has made an announcement in his home state of west virginia friday. the senator said it is not the right time for a third-party run, because he said that democracy is at stake right now. his possible entry into the rac sparked concern among democrats he would pull votes away from biden and boost trump's chances of winning back the white house. the fda approved a groundbreaking treatment for melanoma and how tumors are treated for many types of candor
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cancers. the treatment involves using a patient's own immune cells. in trials, 30% saw the tumors shrink or disappear. it is time for the first check of the forecast with meteorologist angie lassman for that. >> i think a lot of people are waking up to the winter wonderland across the northeast and midwest picked up some snow. we have alerts in effect. the ones in upstate new york will stick with us through the day. the ones you see across the mid-atlantic and pennsylvania and new york, those will peel off as we get into the second half of the day. 23 million people included in those. some snow still falling. we will continue to see this exiting system move on out. the center of it is offshore. mostly it will take the snow with it.
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the only thing that we will watch for is the lake-effect snow in upstate new york east of the lakes. we are likely going to pick up more for folks there. it will be gusty across the region. as far as additional snow, maybe another 1 inch or so across the northeast. new york to hartford. it is downwind of the lakes with another foot. we had a foot of snow across the region and more on the way. ing moving now to florida. we have the system working slowly. that means prolonged heavy rain is in the picture here today and tomorrow. we will see it start to cross into the southern portion of the state as we get into tomorrow. notice how much rain we are expecting. likely to see flooding from melbourne to miami. the space coast as you see picking up 2 to 3 inches over the next couple days. we will look at west palm and miami with 1 inch or so.
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either way, saturated ground will 5:46. weekend is here and so is a series of storms we've been warning you about all week. light 0 to moderate rainfall in parts of the sonoma county, verness and point reyes, higher returns of rainfall part of an atmospheric river a and that's the look at the forecast. >> angie, thank you. still to come, ever wondered what it might be like to live on mars? well, now you might be able to and get paid for it. our newest correspondent has more on that. priya? >> laura, if doing a spacewalk
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is your dream job, listen up. is your dream job, listen up. i'll have
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom.
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be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. we are back on saturday morning with the "weekly download." >> joe is here with that. >> good morning. good to see you. two juveniles arrested in the rally that left kansas city fans running. >> what started as a super bowl victory rally turned tragic when gunfire rang out. people attacked an individual in the aftermath. >> this appeared to be a dispute
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with people that ended in gunfire. >> authorities say more than 20 were wounded and 11 children with one person killed. local radio dee jay lisa lopez. >> she was a wholesome individual. >> the resolution is adopted. >> house republicans impeached alejandro mayorkas accusing him of a brief of public trust over his handling of the migrant crisis. president biden wrote history will not look kindly on house republicans. >> a car slammed into the emergency room at the austin, texas hospital injuring five people and killing the driver. >> we are out checking for patients. >> i see a car embedded into the er lobby area. the tires were spinning causing tire smoke. >> police say they believe the
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crash was not intentional. >> two passengers traded blows on the southwest flight from california to hawaii. police tell nbc news officers responded to assist after the plane landed and no arrests were made. >> let me be clear. the faa has zero tolerance to unruly behavior. >> i am one with the lunar lander. >> if the craft touches down successfully, it would be the first since the apollo 17 mission. the goal is to pave the way for a manned mission to the moon. >> how will clark go for history? there it is. >> iowa's caitlin clark is the highest scoring college women's basketball player in history. >> i'm grateful to be able to be here and make my dreams come true.
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>> she went on to score 49 points against michigan. a career high for clark and iowa record for a single game scored. >> finally, this video is going viral this week. a baby taking charge of reading time with dad. >> mama isn't coming. >> a wonderful reading of "llama llama red pajama." >> that's what i sound like reading the teleprompter sometimes. >> that is a classic in our house. >> llama is a tough word. caitlin clark. she could keep scoring until the end of time. very cool. still to come here on
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"today," is cash becoming king? why retailers are giving discounts. and mystery solved with jason kelce with the mask during the super bowl after party and who it belongs to and how he plans to get it back to the rightful owner. >> but first these messages.
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good morning. thanks for joining us on this saturday february 17th. i'm kira klapper. police in the east bay continuing a search for a man who they shea shot and killed his estranged girlfriend. this man, jeffrey kendall committed the crime around 8:45
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yesterday morning at a home on summit drive in pinole. he lived at the residence with his girlfriend and they say, her son. it shows kendall running away from the scene wearing a camouflage jacket, dark pants and a baseball hat and say kendall frequents numerous locations around that part of contra costa county and has family and friends in the area. he was last seen driving a gray 2013 hyundai elantra with an oxmore hyundai detail on the right side of the trunk lid and believed to be armed and dangerous. if you have any information call pinole police. new overnight, a shooting in san francisco. officers responding to a call just after 9:00 p.m. last night to connecticut street in potrero hills where police saw a man with life-threatening injuries. paramedics took him to the hospital. no update on his condition. officers are still investigating
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this scene. turn now to the microclimate forecast and cinthia pimentel. hey, cinthia. a series of storms talking about all week finally are here. today's storm light to moderate. already seeing it starting up in through parts of the north bay approaching san francisco and this will be around one of the weekend storm. heading through the rest of the weekend, we're going to have not one atmospheric river right there, but two. that impacts us most going into late tomorrow afternoon. a lot of watching and warnings i need you to be careful about. especially out toward the coast. a day to stay away from there and maybe stay at home this weekend. going to see large breakers this morning as all of that wind and all of that rain start to push along the coastline. just localized flooding could be possible if you live along the bay waters and those breaker waves a possibility. stay clear of that. talk about the rest of the timeline and the heaviest rain,
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when it hits coming up at 7:00 a.m. back to you. >> thanks. see you at 7:00 and also coming up on "today in the bay," winter weather advisory. cinthia talked about, a new round of snow black itting the sierra. what you need to know to keep in mind if headed there for this presidents' day weekend. that, plus all your top stories coming up at 7:00 and hope you join us. meantime, we take you back to the "today" show.
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oh, baby! >> wow. >> with the exclamation point. >> we are back on saturday morning, february 17th, 2024. that is the l.a. lambss -- l.a.
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rams at the celebrity game. a lot of football players getting in on the hoops action along with other celebrities last night. >> a lot of time on the hands with the season over. this is nba all-star weekend which ends with the best players in the league, including the lambs, facing off on the hard court. >> that looks like a lot of fun. we begin with the check of the headlines. israel appears to move forward with the preparation for the military offenive in the gaza border town despite growing international concerns. the defense minister said his military is planning an offensive in the southern gaza town of rafah. president biden has urged israel not to move forward without a credible plan to protect palestinian civilians there. it is estimated 1.5 million
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civilians have crammed into rafah after displaced. many living in tent camps. more drama in the hearing on friday whether fani willis should be rmoved from prosecuting donald trump there. her father took the stand in her defense. he talked about the timeline with nathan wade saying she hired him after the trump case. if willis is disqualified here, a new d.a. would not be appointed until after november. a college baseball player made history to be the first with a prosthetic leg to play in the division i game. parker bird drew a walk in the game. he was injured in a boating accident two years ago.
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now a sophomore and his freshman year dedicated to recovery which included 22 surgeries. his coach said seeing byrd take the field was the proudest moment of his career. if you count martian" as your favorite movie, nasa is looking for a few good men and women. we have priya with more on this. >> reporter: peter, good morning. how is this for a job de description like spacewalk. >> i have to grow water and food. >> reporter: humans getting to mars has been possible in movies. today, nasa says martians wanted.
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they are looking for four people to live in a 1700 square foot 3d printed habitat at the johnson space center in houston. >> mars is the next place within reach. >> reporter: to qualify, you need to be between ages of 30 and 55 with the background in s.t.e.m., engineering or computer science or math or have 1,000 hours experiencing piloting an aircraft. on this mission, you won't be making the 140 million mle trek to the red planet. >> we need to support human life there, but to explore there, we he would learn a lot about the formation. >> reporter: the experience will come with realistic challenges with limited resources and the fun stuff like simulated
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spacewalks and exercise and growing crop are crops like matt damon. >> we know a lot about growing crops and food in space and soil similar to on mars. >> reporter: but mike massamino, he says mars is no replacement for earth. >> we don't have the place to go. we have to make our planet work. i think by going to mars, i think it will improve earth. >> reporter: this program would be the second of three-year long simulations and as far as compensation, nasa says this is a volunteer position. they are willing to consider a stipend. you should have a degree in a s.t.e.m. field or military
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training. >> priya, welcome. we are thrilled to have you here. formerly at the station in san diego. we are sending you off to mars for a year. welcome to "today." >> thank you. i'm excited to be here. >> no doubt. excited to get started with you here. let's turn to angie for another check of the weather. >> i do have a background in s.t.e.m. if you are interested in a meteorologist, i check all of the boxes. >> see you next year. >> we have to talk about the cold temperatures in place for this weekend. dallas hitting 46 degrees for the high temperature today. we have 30s in cincinnati to st. louis. birmingham is 46 degrees this afternoon. we head to better territory tomorrow with 50s for new orleans and the gulf coast. notice the warm up we will see next week. we would see a 30-degree warm up in birmingham between now and wednesday. 66 degrees for st. louis.
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we will see milder conditions and we could see 70s on tap good saturday morning at 6:06. looking at storm ranger on mobile dobbler radar, scanning rain in parts of marin county especially towards point reyes approaching san francisco and the bay area as the morning goes on. looking at dangerous waves this weekend with the incoming series of storms. just stay way from the coastline today. we are going to talk about all of the rain timeline and the impacts coming up at 7:00 a.m. guys, they should send all four of us. >> as long as you do all the math. >> we will take care of the west rest. rest. jus when you have chronic kidney disease...
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6:10 am
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we are back with "today's money." have you noticed when you checkout at the coffee shop or restaurant, there are two totals on the receipt. >> one is the credit card price and the other is cash. the cash amount is less with businesses hoping to cash in on you using real dollars. >> we have senior business correspondent christine romans with more. >> reporter: on this restaurant, there is a 10% discount if you pay for cash. >> we came up with the idea to push sales to give incentive to guests to come back and spend more. >> reporter: the owner started offering it during the pandemic and it has been so successful, she kept it. at the pizza pub in north
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carolina, a 3% discount for cash payments. >> we put it in place to reduce fees and incentivize the customers to pay in cash which will help me increase the pay of employees. >> reporter: for businesses like kathy's, fees can add up. she paid over $30,000 to credit card companies. the discount has been common at gas stations and plumber or electrician will offer a better cash deal, too. americans are finding ways to cash in on the deals. the amount of cash purchases with the discount soared 66% from 2015 to 2022. andrew has been only using cash for two years and saves $50 a month. >> if i can get a discount, why not? >> reporter: you can find cash deals in places you would not think of. dealerships and furniture stores. if you are getting married, wedding vendors will give you a
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deal if you pay in cash from the venue to photographer and to the dress. for her? bowling. >> i would say some of the places i'm seeing the cash discount is useful is in gas and entertainment and also with service-based work. >> reporter: we are not talking chump change. it can range from 3% to 10%. most transactions are put on credit cards, so cash may not be king yet. it won't build your credit score, but offers one benefit. >> when you use cash, there is no interest rate on it if you can't pay it off. >> correct. once you use it, it is paid and done. up don't have to worry about it. >> christine is here with us. when do you want to use cash and when is it best for credit card? >> more people are using cash when they know they can get a discount in particular. a lot of young people are using cash because they feel they have more control over spending.
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if you overspend on a credit card, you are talking about a 25% or 30% interest rate depending on the card. suddenly that little purchase is very expensive. a lot of the young people i talk to say they feel more secure using cash. it reminded me of my grandfather who would save up something to buy something. it is not an older generation, it is the younger generation. if you are trying to build credit, you should use a credit card and maybe doing automatic payments in full every month of certain things on the credit card. you can get good discounts on cash. >> it makes you feel more in control. >> exactly. >> you can spend with your phone. you can use buy now and pay later. that has been broken into four payments out of the bank account. a lot of people feel like it is just so easy. there is no friction.
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itis easy to spend. cash makes them thoughtful of spending. if you are planning a wedding, that is a big place for cash with discounts. they can pay less and have more control and they are able to really budget better. again, the rising cost of living is part of this and inflation is part of this. people feel nickelled and dimed. there is no interest on the payment. it is one and done. pay for it and it is out of your life. >> christine with all of the news you can use and tips. thank you so much for coming on. coming up in "popstart," coming up in "popstart," what happens ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪
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♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ (speaker 1) oh! ♪(speaker 2) pill ♪ blue buffalo, huh? (speaker 1) yeah. purina one... (speaker 2) yeah. (speaker 1) i used to feed purina one, but then i read the ingredients. (speaker 2) oh, yeah? (speaker 1) yeah, it's right there.
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(speaker 2) chicken, rice flour, corn gluten meal, whole grain corn, chicken byproduct meal. what's in blue? (speaker 1) deboned chicken, chicken meal, brown rice, barley, oatmeal. (speaker 2) yeah, but those ingredients cost a lot more. (speaker 1) blue is only about 50 cents more a day. that's not too much for my chester. nature's bounty hair growth. clinically shown to help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. [customer service rep] discover customer service, this is maya. jennifer: oh, hi maya. you robots are sounding more human every day! [customer service rep] at discover, everyone can talk to a human representative. jennifer: alright, prove it. [customer service rep] wait, are you a robot? 24/7 u.s.-based customer service. jennifer: how would i prove that i'm not? ma, ma, ma— ( clears throat ) for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops. with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain.
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we are back with today's "popstart." joe? >> you can't go wrong with this. billy joel is back with the first music video in decades. ♪ i'm late ♪ ♪ but i'm here right now ♪ ♪ i'm trying to find ♪ ♪ the magic ♪ ♪ that we lost ♪ ♪ somehow ♪♪ >> that's joel taking us down memory lane with the help of a.i. as he performs his song. the technology is to show joel in his eras. this is the first new song in 17 years. it took two years to put together. we are five months away from joel wrapping up the record-breaking madison square garden residency with the 150th show on july 25th. jason kelce partying up with his brother travis after the
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chiefs won the super bowl. they took social media by storm. jason vibing in the mask which he said he found on the floor at one of the afterparties. turns out the mask belongs to an eighth grader from dallas who is a chiefs fan. he gave kelce the mask and got a picture with him at the post-game event. before he could get it back, kelce disappeared into the crowd. kelce wrote operation get elijah his mask back. i look forward to uniting him with his mask. your mask brings great fortune. sorry. it was commandeered.
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>> i love on the podcast. travis asked did you clean it before you put it on? >> now it will never been washed again. >> jason has big gourd. a
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still to come on "today," he could not just let it be. how sir paul mccartney was able how sir paul mccartney was able too get back his beloved covid-19? i'm not waiting. if it's covid, paxlovid. paxlovid is an oral treatment for adults with mild-to-moderate covid-19 and a high-risk factor for it becoming severe. it does not prevent covid-19. my symptoms are mild now, but i'm not risking it. if it's covid, paxlovid. paxlovid must be taken within the first five days of symptoms, and helps stop the virus from multiplying in your body.
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taking paxlovid with certain medicines can lead to serious or life-threatening side effects or affect how it or other medicines work, including hormonal birth control. it's critical to tell your doctor about all the medicines you take because certain tests or changes in their dosage may be needed. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, hiv-1, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeed. don't take paxlovid if you're allergic to nirmatrelvir, ritonavir, or any of its ingredients. serious side effects can include allergic reactions, some severe like anaphylaxis, and liver problems. these are not all the possible side effects so talk to your doctor. if it's covid, paxlovid. ask your doctor today. the citi custom cash® card a different kind of card that automatically adjusts to your spending earn 5% cash back on your top eligible spend category up to $500 spent each billing cycle learn more at okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals,
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nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) ♪ ♪ when you shop wayfair'srams president's day clearance,n. you get deals so big, we'll have you saying... am i a... big deal? because it's a big deal when you get a big deal. wayfair deals so big that you might get a big head. because with a sale this big, you can get your dream sofa for half the price. shop wayfair's president's day clearance now through february 20th! ♪ wayfair, you've got just what i need ♪ [radio commentator]: so, a 2-2 tie. there is a high fly ball deep to right! [sfx: heartbeat] crazy, just crazy! bayer aspirin. official sponsor of fans' hearts. (♪♪) a tiny pinch of knorr chicken bouillon will save you more gas than driving down hill.
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because just one sip of this delectable, silky, chicken ramen noodle soup, will put an end to your drive-thru dinner rituals. it's time to bring out the cook in you and tell them to throw that knorr bouillon. in that tasty, silky combo of delightful carrots... yummy! ...luscious mushrooms and a touch of bok choy. good call. make your own knorr taste combo. it's not fast food, but it's so good. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ make your own knorr taste combo. ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ what causes a curve down there? is it peyronie's disease? will it get worse? how common is it? who can i talk to? can this be treated? stop typing. start talking to a specialized urologist. because it could be peyronie's disease, or pd. ce in the erection, caused by a formation of scar tissue. and an estimated 1 in 10 men may have it. but pd can be treated even without surgery. say goodbye to searching online.
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find a specialized urologist who can diagnose pd and build a treatment plan with you. thanks for joining us on this saturday february 17th. i'm kira klapper. this weekend marks an emotional anniversary for a historic church in the east bay. one year ago a three-alarm fire gutted oakland's first african methodist episcopal church and this is what it looked like one year ago. ever since the community helped rebuild the building dating back to the 1920s. celebrating its resurrection, the church is inviting the community to celebrate today at an elementary school ten minutes from the church. music, food trucks and family-friendly activities that starts at 11:00 this morning. tomorrow a special worship service will be held. in antioch, closure of the
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library. sign on the door says "closed until further notice" this after contra costa officials say there were repeated dangerous incidents at the library. events that threatened safety and security of patrons and staff. during this closure library staff will be updating security measures. their goal, reopen as soon as possible. we are expecting a rainy saturday, if you're not seeing it already. cinthia pimentel is here with the microclimate weather alert. >> coming in waves going throughout the day. already seeing those light to moderate amounts popping up in parts of marin county towards the coastline. around point reyes, seeing highest returns. everybody else, should be wet and windy on this saturday. looking at by noontime, everybody in under that light to moderate rainfall amounts. going through the afternoon, most of that rain will stay focused in parts of the northern bay. we do get a little break on sunday morning, but then another
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atmospheric river is behind that. could be the strongest system that we see this weekend. that will continue on into monday morning's commute. don't let your guard down as you see some of the breaks this weekend. we are going to track not only the rain but the wind impact from this, too. we have a saturated ground and a good chance now to power up all of your electronics, maybe sure they're working and charged for what's ahead. talking about dangerous surf along the coastline. flood watch, and the wind watch. all of these possibilities with certainly rounds of rain coming in the seven-day forecast. kira, back to you. >> good to you have with all the warpings, cinthia. also coming up on "today in the bay," understanding the struggles of the trans community. a closer look at the difficulties some face, and the hurdles keeping many from prospering. that, plus all your top stories coming up at 7:00 and hope you join us. in the meantime, we'll take you back to the "today" show.
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good morning. massive penalty. a new york judge orders donald trump to pay more than $350 million plus interest and bars him from running his real estate company in new york for three years saying he lied about his
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net worth to get favorable loans. >> there was no fraud. >> will he be able to pay up? breaking overnight. total devastation. one firefighter is killed and nine others injured after a house explosion while they were investigating a gas leak. >> trapped under heavy debris. >> what we're learning about the tragedy. it's all about the bass. after more than 50 years, paul mccartney is reunited with his stolen guitar. how they were able to help him track it down. today, saturday, february 17th, 2024. ♪♪ >> good morning. welcome back to "today" on saturday morning. i'm sure paul mccartney was happy with the bass. >> after 50 years. the internet can be used for
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good. >> exactly. we have a lot of news to get to this morning with the staggering fine hanging over the head of former president trump after the new york judge handed down the historic ruling on friday. >> it is a huge legal and financial setback for the former president ordered to pay more than $350 million. mr. trump and his sons also barred from running any businesses in new york state for the next few years. >> reporter: a staggering blow to the trump business empire. >> no one is above the law. no matter how rich, powerful. >> reporter: the judge in new york handing down a civil penalty against donald trump for duping banks into loaning him money. the judgment totaling more than $350 million plus a significant amount in additional interest. >> donald trump falsely,
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knowingly inflated his net worth to unjustly enrich himself and family and cheat the system. >> reporter: the former president blasting the suit. >> there was no fraud. the banks got their money. a fine of $350 million for doing a perfect job for having paid back a loan with no defaults and no problems. >> reporter: the ruling is a product of an 11-week bench trial overseen by arthur goran who decided the heart of the case months ago. the trumps exaggerated the net worth. mr. trump and his children took the stand in hopes of fending off the decision with serious consequences for the bottom line
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and family brand. >> i became president because of the brand. >> reporter: his defense team tried to argue the banks were always rrepaid. imploring the fine akin equal to the death penalty. this does not extinguish the harm on the marketplace. donald trump is not bernie madoff, but defendants are incapable of admitting the error of their ways. mr. trump said he will appeal the decision. the number could balloon with all of the interest accrued and also a real question for the company will it be forced to sell off the assets to pay for the judgment? to breaking news overnight. a deadly house explosion outside of washington, d.c. one firefighter was killed and nine other firefighters injured as well as two civilians. a fire chief in sterling,
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virginia described it as total devastation. they were responding on to a call when the explosion occurred. this morning, two juveniles are facing charges with the deadly shooting at the kansas city chiefs super bowl victory celebration earlier this week. nbc's maggie vespa has the latest from there. >> reporter: this morning, three days after the mass shooting at the super bowl celebration, two unnamed teenagers are facing gun related and resisting arrest charges. court officials say dditional charges are expected. the shooting started with a fight which left one woman dead and 22 injured. most children including 10-year-old samuel arellano. >> wearing going for the three -- >> reporter: the kansas city child went to the parade.
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samuel went behind a trash can and raising his arm and felt a sharp pain. >> what did it feel like? >> something burned. a knife burn with the lighter. like a stab. >> did you know? >> yeah. >> reporter: he ran in the crowd and leaving a shoe print on his jersey inches from where the bullet grazed his ribs. the doctors were on-site treating wounded kids. >> how are you responding? >> not well. it's been a couple of nights since i slept. >> reporter: a community pain shared by the championship team. patrick mahomes and his wife seen visiting kids in the hospital. for samuel, who wants to play for the chiefs some day, a message for his role models. >> anything you would say to
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them? >> big fan. stay safe. >> reporter: the girls in the photo with patrick mahomes, their mom is the cousin of lisa lopez, the woman who died in the shooting. four members total of the family were shot. the same family that taylor swift, who is dating travis kelce, donated $100,000 to writing my deepestsympathies. laura and joe. >> thank you. one girl flew all the way to italy to surprise her on her birthday. the daughter was in on the surprise and they just bumped into mom. she got over it quickly as she and mom did exploring of italy and trying out the famous dessert. gelato. can you imagine walking through the country and say is that mom?
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>> a genuine reaction. lots of good food. >> nice family reunion. a long lost reunion for sir paul mccartney with the bass that went missing 50 years ago. (man) what if all i do for my type 2 diabetes isn't enough? or what if... (vo) once-weekly mounjaro could help. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar and can help you eat less food. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, vision changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis and gallbladder problems.
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taking mounjaro with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. tell your doctor if you're nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can cause dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. (man) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (vo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro. what makes l'oréal paris? hyaluronic acid serum loved by so many? our highest concentration of pure hyaluronic acid. wrinkles are less visible by up to 47%. validated by dermatologists. revitalift hyaluronic acid serum. by l'oréal.
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scout is protected by simparica trio and he's in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! (♪♪) intestinal worms! whoa! heartworm disease! no problem with simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection— go with simparica trio. you see, i get discounts for my safe driving use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. with snapshot from progressive. i even got a discount for signing up. [ alarm ringing ] great. can we go now? while i'm holding my phone? [ laughs ] no, sirree. we can hit the road as soon as i see some seatbelts. [ sirens wailing ] -we're going to jail. when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems.
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it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. we are back on saturday morning with "today's talker." this is a special one about the reunion five decades in the making. >> sir paul mccartney has been trying to track down a stolen
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bass. >> we have george solis with more on how the bass was able to get back to the rightful owner. >> so many puns. good morning. the long and winding road to find the first bass known as the beatle bass happened last year after decades of tips that led to across the universe search found the instrument to help kickoff beatlemania was found in an attic. the guitar used to write "she loves you" and "all my loving" now back in the hands of the rightful owner after stolen more than 50 years ago. the story of the recovery full of twists that led to shouts
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that led to solving the mystery. >> that's the bass that kicked off beatlemania. >> reporter: nick watts was part of the search team to recover. >> the first bass when he bought at age 19. >> reporter: it wasn't his favorite instrument. with a little help from his friends, a pair of journalists learned who stole the bass back in 1972, but generated buzz about effort to reunite it with the former beatle. it paid off last year when it was found in hastings, england. >> it is like a jigsaw. >> reporter: the trio learning the thief sold it to a bar landlord who was asked to hide it. >> the most important bass in the history of music changed hands in the london pub for a couple of quid and beer. >> we expected it to go around the world. it stayed in england eight miles
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away from mccartney. >> reporter: now no longer weeping for his bass said he was grateful for all those involved. >> not many people get to have a moment like that. >> it was a very surreal moment. i can't begin to explain it. >> who stole the bass? the public may never know as the lost bass project promised to keep it confidential. we are told it is in decent shape. it has cracks and dings that need to be repaired. we could see him play that bass live once more. >> wow. george, thank you. that's incredible. >> all those years. >> yes. we need one more check of the forecast from angie. >> a full-circle moment that was. let's see what is going on. it is going to be a soggy couple of days. one storm moving onshore today and tomorrow, a secondary system
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moves on shore and flooding is an issue. 25 million people under flood watches in california. we will get through monday early next week dealing with the system. rainfall rates are .50 inch per hour. it has been a super soggy season out west. they don't need all of the rain but, they will get it. this is the first system which works through the day today. it will ramp up here later in the morning hours. by the time we get into tomorrow, the second storm works in, but notice we see snow across the rockies and picking up additional snow across the sierra range. we will see thing wrap up by the time we get into tuesday. monday will be another soggy one. folks have to deal with that. we could likely see flash flooding concerns and the landslides and the same things the past couple months with all of the really soggy events they had to deal with. amounts anywhere from 1 to 3 to
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5 inches. we could see 8 inches of rain by the time we get through next week. this is something we have to good saturday morningalit 6:45. angie said, focus on the weekend. gusty winds following behind that too. storm ranger scanning light to moderate rain through parts of the north bay approaching san francisco and the san mateo coastline. as the morning goes on moderate to heavy downpours into this afternoon. as well going to keep things, a flood watch sunday morning that's the look at the forecast. >> angie, thank you. just ahead, our conversation with eddie izzard. taking on hamlet in the one-of-a-kin
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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♪♪ on medicare? have diabetes? when enjoying life's special moments, are you left guessing which foods are right for you? with the freestyle libre 3 system, you'll know your glucose and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. freestyle libre 3. manage your diabetes with more confidence... and lower your a1c. so you can focus on those special moments. now covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. talk to your provider or visit ♪♪
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we are back on this saturday morning with a well known comedian who is now tackling a serious role. >> eddie izzard is starring in hamlet with a twist. >> he has no costars. this is a one person production. izzard says this helps portray many ro roles and something she relishing. to be or not to be in eddie izzard's one-person show is the answer. >> i believe a number of people around the world, particularly in new york, say this is different. >> izzard rose to fame
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with stand-up specials like "dressed to kill." >> not tomorrow. >> in the movies, "oceans 12 and 13." >> i like you. >> i always wanted to be here in new york. when i come back, it is like coming home. >> now izzard who uses she/her pronouns is in the one-man show. it comes a year after the solo run of the "great expectations. >> hamlet is, i believe, 29,559 words. i guess you shortened that a bit. >> it is about 15,000 words. >> shakespearean words.
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how do you memorize that? >> it is hard work. it is intense. >> izzard is no stranger to the challenge. whether it is in spanish or german or french or running 27 marathons in 27 days in south africa honoring the 27 years nelson mandela spent in prison. izzard says there is a method to her madness. >> you better do something different and dark and twisted out of the box. i'm trying to do things that grab people's attentions whether i run multiple marathons, i raise money. >> she made two bids for british parliament, falling short, but promiing to keep trying. >> something is rotten in the state of denmark. >> now the focus is on hamlet
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which means sword fighting herself and trying to make shakespeare accessible. >> they wanted the audience to go away and be moved by it rather than saying i don't know what that was about. we had some spinach. >> an ambitious task with the theater version of a marathon. >> the revival was adapted by her brother mark. it has been extended twice and now running through march 16th. the marathon thing with more than 130 marathons run since 2009. >> each performance is like a marathon. it is only you up on stage. >> two and a half hours and one intermission. incredible. >> what is the secret to remembering all that? i could use help. >> i can't do 15 seconds sometimes. sometimes. >> we're rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy.
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arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. [customer service rep] discover customer service, this is maya. jennifer: oh, hi maya. you robots are sounding more human every day! [customer service rep] at discover, everyone can talk to a human representative.
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jennifer: alright, prove it. [customer service rep] wait, are you a robot? 24/7 u.s.-based customer service. jennifer: how would i prove that i'm not? sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ two brothers cut from the same loaf. one is everybody's favorite part of the sandwich. oh, hey! the other... freezer burned. again. uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. sorry crust. (♪♪) (♪♪)
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♪ cause you're free ♪ ♪ to do what you want to do ♪ (♪♪) ♪ do what you want ♪ ♪ do what you want to do ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ ♪ do what you want to do ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪♪ ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in
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the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ that's going to do it for us on a saturday morning. we need to get out there for a snowball fight. >> right? >> a little snowball fight. >> you just wait to see what i have. >> thank you for joining us on the plaza today.
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i'm kira klapper. coming up next on "today in the bay" -- understanding the struggles of the trans community. we have a closer look at the difficulties some face and the hurdles keeping many from prospering. a winter weather advisory. a new round of snow blanketing the sierra. what you need to know if you're
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headed there for this presidents' day weekend. and a wet weekend in the bay with some breaks. cinthia pimentel has your microclimate weather alert coming up next.
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