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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 17, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PST

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good morning. it is saturday, february 17th. a live look outside from emeryville. cloudy over san francisco as we wait for a rainy morning. some of you might be experiencing it already. thank you so much for starting your weekend with us. i'm kira klapper. cinthia pimentel has a quick look at our microclimate forecast. oh, wow. very busy radar behind you t. is a busy radar and a busy weekend here as we get ready for not one but two atmospheric rivers that will sweep through parts of the bay area. stormranger picking up on light to moderate amounts throughout the morning in santa rosa, petaluma, san rafael approaching parts of the city already. i mentioned not one but two atmosphere rivers. a plume of moisture is hitting the bay area now. storm one for today. the more impactful one comes tomorrow afternoon. we can see it intensifying there in the pacific. we are picking up on dangerous surf as we go through this
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morning and tomorrow. just avoid the coastline. the rain starts to push through for just about everybody going into lunchtime and continue with heavier pockets of rain through the north bay. talk about the rest of this timeline and potential impacts coming up in about 15 minutes. back to you. >> see you soon. thanks. to this live look across the bay area. oakland, san jose, san francisco and fremont, as cinthia mentioned, the rain started for some areas. it will pick up throughout date for others. a live look at the pg&e outage map right now. we aren't seeing any bad outages. green indicates that there be fewer than 50 outages right now, and those are just in certain areas. we will continue to keep you posted as the storms move in. and more rain on the way means people in need of more sandbags. we spoke with folks from the north bay to the south bay and they aren't taking any chances.
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especially after the storm earlier this month that knocked out trees and power lines and left people in the dark for days. "today in the bay's" jocelyn moran continues our coverage. >> reporter: many in san jose know what it's like to not have power a few days and just lived it. may not be ale to charge your phone or use your fridge. many hope that's not the case with these next storm. people out and about in willow glen. just two weeks ago the same area, pitch black because of widespread power outages from the storm. >> we lost primmers, fish, meat. >> reporter: closing for two days because he had no power. loss of business and food it cost him. >> maybes 3ds,000, $4,000. >> reporter: before the weekend storms roll in he's ordered less in case he loses power again and has to throw it all out. >> never be able to handle that. we don't have generators.
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>> reporter: with the next storms pg&e doesn't expect the impact to be as widespread and keeping aen eye on the peninsula and coast with equipment there just in case. >> set up right there and can move quickly to restring pyres wires or replace a pole. >> rescue team likely one of three teams staffed around the county that can respond to water rescue incidents within our own jurisdictions or around the county and region. >> reporter: tonight people aren't taking chances filling sandbags to protect their homes. >> cement, around the ground, just once those land above the water, ground gets saturated nowhere to go. we don't have any drainage. >> our concern soil saturation as well as the trees already weakened as a result of that last storm. >> reporter: jocelyn moran, nbc bay area news. it's easy to stay on top of
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the rain in your neighborhood with our nbc bay area app. just open your phone's camera, point it at that red and white qr code on your screen. it will take you to our exclusive radar. as always, the app is free. in other news now, if you can take a look at your screen, police need your help with tips that will lead them to this man. jeffrey kendall. police say he's on the run after murdering his estranged girlfriend yesterday morning. "today in the bay" reports from pinole where the manhunt has neighbors stunned. >> reporter: this happens less than a half a mile from pinole police department. neighbors called 911 to report a man breaking into a home where a woman lived with her 4-year-old son. this is owner of the home where it happened in the 5 hp block of summit drive and this is that man's son leaving the area just before 9:00 this morning according to police. >> on the run. considered armed. >> reporter: police say the
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36-year-old jeffrey kendall shot and killed his estranged girlfriend and got into a gray 2013 hyundai elantra with california licence plates 8 blm 036. a hyundai oxmohr decal on the back. >> contact us if you know his whereabouts. >> reporter: kendall frequented various locations and has many family and friends in the area. neighbors are reeling after learning what happened and are now concerned about the victim's son and the whereabouts of the suspect jeffrey kendall. >> having children involved, young people involved is a completely different level of horrifying news to get, and like i said, i just texted my neighbor. i don't know if i'm supposed to be shocked. >> just shocked at it, because they never seemed to be a couple
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that that would happen. >> reporter: kendal's father confirmed his son is a suspect and declined request for an interview. jeffrey kendall is wanted for murder and believe he still has the gun they say he used. do not the approach him. instead, call police immediately. thom jensen, "today in the bay." new overnight, a shooting in san francisco. officers responded to a call just after 9:00 on connecticut street in the pa troy oh hill. a man with life-threatens injuries. no update on his condition. he was taken to the hospital. officers are still investigating the scene. in antioch crime forces a closure of the library. sign on the door says "closed until further notice" this after a contra costa official says there were repeated dangerous incidents at the library over the last few months. events that threaten the safety and security of patrons and
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staff. durings closure library staff will be updating security measures. the goal is to reopen as soon as possible. a judge ruling against former president donald trump dealing him yet another legal blow. it stems from his business fraud trial in new york. the state's lawsuit accused trump of misrepresenting his finances to get better loans. the judge ruled against trump, not only barring him from running a business in new york for three years, but also issuing a hefty $350 million fine. during his remarks from mar-a-lago, the former president says he plans to appeal. president biden is headed back to the bay area. he'll be here next week for a campaign and fund-raising swing throughout our state. the white house confirmed the president will be in california beginning tuesday. this video from his last visit here in september. he also was here in november for the apec summit.
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as for next week, biden has stops in san francisco, los angeles and one more place. co-hosted by former speaker nancy pelosi. the fundraiser in los al coase hills is thursday, february 22nd hosted by bob klein. tickets rain from $6,600 to $100,000. this weekend marks an emotional anniversary for a historic church in the east bay. one year ago a three-alarm fire gutted oakland's first african methodist episcopal church. what it looked like last year. ever since the community has helped rebuild the building, which dates back to the 1920s. to celebrate its resurrection the church is inviting the community to celebrate. today at prescott elementary school, about ten minutes from the church. there will be music, food trucks, family-friendly events, and activities. it starts at 11:00 this morning.
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tomorrow the church will hold a special worship service. the search of chp officers in oakland is gone for now. that's according to governor gavin newsom who is committed to addressing crime in the city. this after 120 chp officers hit the street in the east bay making more than 70 arrests and recovering 145 stolen vehicles. not everyone is happy about the state's reinforcements. an advocacy groups says all the governor is doing is increasing mass incarceration and racial injustice without actually making the city safer. he responded that the state is tackling root causes to crime in other ways, but says he has no plans to end those patrols. >> they'll be doing unannounce the searches, marky word. worked on dates and times but not making that public until after the fact. you saw the fruits of this first
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effort and with respect i don't have a lot of respect for someone that smashes and grabs, runs into a store -- i don't care if it's apple or a neighboring store. >> the governor will be back in oakland in the next two weeks offering more help from the state. 7:10 on your saturday morning. much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, understooding the struggles of the trans community. we have a closer look at the difficulties some are facing, and hurdles keeping many fr
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welcome back. 7:13 on your saturday morning. glim as we look over the golden gate bridge. cinthia pimentel will be detailing a mike climate weather alert with rain coming and going throughout the day today, and an atmospheric river moving in tore. she'll be along in a few minutes. new overnight, total devastation. this is the aftermath of a firefighter that is dead and 12 others seriously injured following this house explosion in virginia last night. authorities say there was a gas leak from a large underground propane tank near the house. the explosion happened an hour later. out of the 12 injuries, 10 of firefighters. the fda approved a groundbreaking new treatment for advanced melanoma. it uses the patient's own immune
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cells taken from inside the tumor. doctors multiply the cells and give them back to the patient. in clinical trials, 30% to 40% of patients saw their cancer shrink or totally disappear. scientists believe this therapy could be used to treat lung, colon and bladder cancers but it could take years. a new survey is revealing major problems of equity thousands of transgender people face across the country. >> reporter: good morning. national center for transgender equality is releasings largest-ever svey of its kind, experiences faced by 92,000 transgender people. more than 1,000 experienced poverty when the survey was conducted in 2022, when the national average for poverty was much lower. about 11%. trans people experienced unemployment a rate of 18% at that point and that was opposed
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to less than 8% nationally. survey director saying with legislation specifically working against trans people, the numbers have some very important takeaways. >> we should start listening to trans people's stories. learning from their experiences and lifting up their voices. trans people are people, like all human beings. trans people want nothing more, and deserve nothing less, than to be treated with compassion, kindness and love. >> that study has some more hopeful finding there's. nearly everyone, about 94% say they became more satisfied with life after transitioning their gender. just 3% said they were less satisfied. for more stories like this join the "today in the bay" team monday through friday. on 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. i'm marcus washington, back to
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you. >> good to see you. mike inouye has ideas at this weekend of "calendar." >> reporter: good morning, kira. you know, i glor any diversity of the bay area and the laurel district of oakland boasts that city's most diverse business ownership, pride, tastes and experiences. today marks return of the tastes and experiences of the laurel lunar new year celebration. traditional line dances, home-grown talent show, firecrackers and procession, or parade, led by the kung fu 5kd academy and observance of black history month as well. farmer's market there, celebrate black-owned businesses with crafts and community. south plaza in front of the ferry building become as pop-up featuring black area entrepreneur it's with goods for skin care, clothing, accessories and more. a partnership with the san francisco human rights
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commission's dreamkeeper initiative. finally, your dream to be a performer? initiate the process today? santa clara. this year the "peanuts" celebration. auditions this morning, also for meet and greet follow this afternoon. in fact, check out c.a. greet america on instagram for a bunch of opportunities you can find employment there this season. oh. remember, i'll be here to help you through the commute to your current employment weekdays right here on "today in the bay." >> thanks. cinthia is here with a microclimate alert. >> yes. seeing round of rain. eyes to the forecast and listenup for impacts. already tracking rain with stormranger, mobile doppler radar through parts of the north bay, approaching san francisco. the cell you see in yellow. just about everybody will see rain this weekend coming and going. this is part one. atmospheric river number one, funneling all of that moisture
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to the bay area. the stronger one is right behind it. already intensifying and that will come later on tomorrow afternoon. so as we take this timeline for you here, by noon, just about everybody seeing light to moderate rainfall, picking up into the dinnertime hour especially north day seeing pockets of yellows, dark oranges and chances of thunderstorms as the day progresses. get a brief break, i mean brief. going into sunday morning. seeing all of the damage possibly, just assessing everything getting ready for storm number two. starts to pick up as we go on into noontime tomorrow and continuing with heavy downpours for just about everybody going into sunday afternoon. that's one of the gusty wind, that will start to pick up and continue to stay with us as we go on into monday. luckily, monday is a holiday. you get that chance to possibly stay at home. if you have to travel, be careful of those gusty winds. we do see those totals at least for round number one.
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heavier through parts of the north bay. about an inch, but really painting on that contour as we go on take you through monday's rain and notice some colors starting to turn into those whites on your screen in the north bay coastal mountains down into the santa cruz mountains. about four to possibly eight inches of rain. all of that moisture is going to come and put us under a flood watch as we go into sunday morning through wednesday. this is a very big timeline. possibility of seeing flooding, even downed trees getting under this wind advisory around the bay area, also in that similar time frame, gusty winds, 45 to 50 miles an hour. felt the winds before. prepare for what's ahead. charge up your stuff. make sure all of those tree limbs and gutters are clear because this unsettled weather stays with us even as we go into monday, tuesday, wednesday. it's about five days of very wet weather, and heavy snow in the sierra. you have been warned about all of these impact and i will be here to guide you through that timeline in case you have any weekend events, but for now,
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stay away from san francisco, wet and windy there. stronger storm tomorrow that continues on into presidents' day. we have a chance also seeing thunderstorms develop as we go on into monday and tuesday. not really a break until thursday of the upcoming week. >> wow. thanks for the warning, cinthia. 67:20. much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, kris sanchez reports on the sill kong valley auto on the sill kong valley auto sh.ow diabetes can serve up a lot of questions, like... what is your glucose, and can you have more carbs? before you decide... with the freestyle libre 3 system... know your glucose and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. now the world's smallest and thinnest sensor... sends your glucose levels directly to your smartphone.
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manage your diabetes with more confidence, and lower your a1c. the number one cgm prescribed in the us. try it for free at ♪♪
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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welcome back. happening this presidents' day weekend the silicon valley auto show. "today in the bay's" kris sanchez is there with what cars are turning heads this year. >> reporter: good morning, kira. i think i found a very good mommobile not so mom-ish. look at this lexus. looks big and boxy but a new engine. not a gas gussaler. so nice inside. fit all your little monkeys in there and their friends driving around to practices and whatnot. this is one of the vehicles you can see first time at the silicon valley auto show. a lot of new models and new features on display. brian moody from autotrader. what do people want these days? >> people want suvs. why you see brands bringing a lot more of those types of vehicles to market. >> reporter: we want fuel efficiency. one showing here good on gas?
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>> yes. interesting thing about the lexus gx-550. a big off-roadie-type three-row suv. people have a need for that. the new version, by the way, completely new, now has a turbo charge six cylinder versus verse the 8 cylinder before. and curiously gets more power but is more efficient. >> reporter: take a walk. we love our electric cars in the bay area. 25% of cars on the road are electric and a lot of options. >> yes. the thing is. everyone thinks of teslas when they think of electric cars. of course, those are perfectly fine, but there are many other electric cars from hyundai, kia, nissan. lots of choices. what that has done, brought the prices down. haven't looked at one in a while, thought too expensive, maybe reconsider. >> reporter: this is one of the new electric cars you'll see first time? >> yes. nissan arya, a new
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family-friendly perfectly electric car. the thing about this car, it doesn't function like anything other than just a normal family car. when you drive it, doesn't require anything special. of course, got to plug it in. battery electric. you get inside a normal, everyday suv. >> reporter: other vehicles here. we have fancy vehicles, pick-up trucks. there are dreamy aspirational cars and practical cars as well. the thing that people might want to know is, is this a good time to buy? you were saying there are a lot of incentives out there? >> there are a lot of incentives. i say "incentives" i don't mean cash back or $500 back. sometimes i mean financing. interest rates are high, but do your research and find that specific model from that specific brand that offers 1.9, 2.9 or 0% financing that's a significant savings over the life of your car. >> reporter: thank you very much. brian moody. the other good thing too, supply
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chain issues kind of resolved themselves. if you come out and you want to buy a red pick-up truck, probably going to be able to get a red pick-up truck, because there are enough vehicles to go around. maybe some of the luxury items you might have to wait. silicon valley auto show runs through the weekend and a really good deal for moms, dads and families, kira. kids under 12 are free. you can bring them out, let them tinker around, take a look at the cars. get in out of the rain. fun for everybody. >> oh, kris, my kids would love it if i got that lexus you showed me. thanks for sharing. 7:27 right now. much more ahead for you on "today in the bay." coming up, widespread rain returning. a look from stormranger atop san bruno mountain. "the" most accurate radar in the area currently tracking the skies. tracking the timeline before you head out this weekend. plus a winter weather advisory if you're presidents'
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day weekend has you heading to the sierra. what you need to know, when we turn. re
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good morning. it is saturday february 17th. a live look outside. cloudy skies and gloomy over oakland. if you're not seeing rain yet this morning, it is well on its way. thank you so much for starting your presidents' day weekend with us. i'm kira klapper. cinthia pimentel has a peek at our microclimate forecast, or
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microclimate weather alert. a lot to get to. >> a lot to get to, a lot people should listen up to with this long holiday weekend. already seeing rain sticking through this morning through parts of the north bay. along santa rosa, returns heavier at this time. into san francisco and peninsula seeing some of that action. yet to arrive in majority of the east bay and down through the south bay, but the santa cruz mountains are seeing some light amounts for now. everybody should get into this moisture by about noontime with heavier downpours later this afternoon. especially the north bay. around 1:00. we have round two later on into sunday evening. staying with us into presidents' day monday. what you need to watch out for is a soggy rain today. stronger storm later on tomorrow afternoon. talk about what's going on in the sierra, winter storm warning is ahead. kira, back to you. >> all right, cinthia. thanks. stick with the forecast and just, for just a few minutes
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here. giving you a live look outside across the bay area. dreary out there. still dry in some areas. the north bay getting hit with the wet weather first. we know sandbag locations already are set up across the bay area to prepare folks for that incoming atmospheric river tomorrow. we have a live look at the pg&e outage map for you. we're not seeing anything too damaging right now. green, which is the majority of the outages there. that means that fewer than 50 customers are impacted. we will continue to follow those updates for you as the storms move in. just a week ago another storm swept through and took out power for tens of thousands of people across the bay area. many in the dark for days. pg&e says that more than 1.4 million people across california lost power. the major problem was the wind. this time around, pg&e says it does not expect that level of disruption. it does say its crews are
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prepared and have equipment stockpiled and ready. people in the south bay, though, were among the thousands without power during that last round of damaging storms. last night we found people out and about before the weather hit. this is in willow glen. just two weeks ago, that same block was pitch black, because of widespread power outages. another big concern for folks is flooding. more rain on top of what we've already had. some people in the north bay tell us they're not taking any chances. they filled sandbags in advance. >> garage on level ground. cement. you know? so it's -- it just -- once the land, the water, ground gets saturated, got nowhere to go. we don't have any drainage. >> our concern is soil saturation as well as the trees already weakened as a result of that last storm. >> firefighters from the north bay told us also they're upping their staff this weekend. in preparation for any emergencies.
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the sierra is under a winter weather advisory today add heavy snow will come down. many skiers and snowboarder want to capitalize on the three-day presidents' day weekend and known for many as "ski week." a live look what looks like along interstate 80 at donner summit. chain controls on and off this weekend as the rain and the snow showers push through. the tahoe area is expected to get nearly a foot of snow at lake level. about two to four feet on higher elevations as we move a timeline through wednesday. a winter storm warning will go into effect tomorrow afternoon through wednesday morning. small windows to get up there this weekend. should be prepared. might get stuck there a couple extra days. spoke with a resort worker for tips. >> two storms coming in impacting the highways. i-80, highway 50.
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state route 88. state route 104, 168 and highway 4. give yourself plenty of time. leave the bay as early as possible to come on up. >> he says it's going to be windy this weekend. might be delays getting on and off the slopes. wear extra layers. pack up your car with emergency supplies and food just in case. caltrans recommends checking road conditions before you go. be sure to stay on tom of the weather with our nbc bay area app. point your iphone at that code on the scene taking you straight to our exclusive doppler radar. as always, the app is free. we continue to track a developing story where police in the east bay continue to search for the man they say shot and killed his estranged girlfriend. police say this man, jeffrey kendall, committed the crime around 8:45 yesterday morning at a home on summit drive in pinole and say at some point he lived
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at the home with his girlfriend and her 4-year-old son. investigators say that this surveillance video shows kendall running away from the scene. police say he was wearing a camouflaged jacket, dark pants and a baseball hat. they say they frequents numerous locations across contra costa county and has family and friends in the area and last seen driving a gray 2013 hyundai elantra with an osmoore hyundai decal on the right side of the trunk lid. he is believed to be armed and dangerous. do not approach him, but if you have any information please call pinole p.d. continuing coverage this morning in the death of the leading russian opposition figure alexei navalny. his team has confirmed his death this morning and his family demanding immediate return of his body. people across the globe are mourning his death. in san francisco, people gathered overnight to honor
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navalny and his legacy of activism. since yesterday, 273 people were detained at memorial rallies in 29 cities across russia. the russian prison service said navalny died after collapsing and losing consciousness at the penal colony north of the arctic circle where he was serving a long jail sentence. >> hopeless for sometimes, felt hopeless then remember he wouldn't be, wouldn't support that, that mood. he was always cheerful and happy and always finding something funny, and supporting, even in this event, but today we, we're sad. tomorrow we'll keep fighting. >> back here locally in sacramento, hundreds of people gathered at the state capitol yesterday holding pictures of navalny and signs that read "he was the hero of our time."
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hard to forget this video. two men charged in connection with several apple store robberies across the east bay. this video went viral of the thief smashing iphones at the emeryville apple store. alameda county d.a. pamela price announced yesterday that two men say combined 24 counts. there is a new push to help get more people off the streets and into permanent housing. governor gavin newsom made that announcement yesterday in oakland saying the state could give $99 million to six cities, and that includes oakland, to combat a homelessness crisis. he said the abandoned quality inn in east oakland will be transformed into 77 apartments for the homeless. another 26 units will be used to provide youth with transitional support. it's part of newsom's "project home key" converting former
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offices, hotels and other buildings into housing for the unhoused. just shy of 7:39 on your saturday morning. still to come on "today in the bay" continuing our month-long series discovering black heritage. this morning we focus on a bay area purpose decidin it wasg
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at 41 past the hour, everything you need for the next four to five days in the bay area. we have rounds of storms coming
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and once this is said and done through tuesday-wednesday, miscould be up to four to eight inches of rain coming down. everybody else around the bay area, about two to four. a strong event that will bring about gusty winds as well. 40 to 45 mile-an-hour-plus. especially along the coast. this could bring a possibility of downed trees and power issues. make sure you're taking a chance to clear everything out and charge up your electronics. flooding, landslides and thunderstorms possible, too, as we look at stormranger, tracking rain through parts of san francisco, south city, up towards mill valley, east bay getting in on light amounts right now. pet lumina, no rain yesterday. hour-by-hour timeline making holiday weekend plans. a chance to stay inside and
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bring everybody indoors. widespread to lunchtime today. heavier downpours, though, expected going on into the afternoon for the north bay. we will be drying out briefly as we go on into late tonight into early parts of sunday morning. right behind that is advertise advertise -- atmospheric river number two into sunday evening and monday morning's commute. felt the strong wind gusts with previous storm a couple weeks ago. that's also going to bring gusty winds back in the shape of purple, 30 to 50 mile-an-hour wind gusts and, again, on sunday afternoon. be prepared with that and the possibility of losing power over the next couple of days, because this storm will be felt as we go on into sunday and monday. rounds of rain. sierra snow also coming down in feet as we take you through the holiday weekend. and this weather continues at least through about wednesday. we do get a chance of drying out thursday and friday, but tracking where this next storm
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system heads, could be further on into southern california as we go on into the following weekend. sierra snow for you. be prepared to stay there through wednesday and thursday, seeing snow coming down in feet, i mentioned. inland seven-day forecast shows unsettled weather possibly seeing thunderstorms out there as we go on into about tuesday and wednesday. san francisco will also be wet and soggy over the next couple days. windy there, and a possibility of seeing dangerous surf. we don't clear out until we get into about thursday. now, all of this morning and the week prior, you may have heard the term atmospheric river. our meteorologist. >> caller: -- kari hall is here to explain. >> think of atmospheric river as a river in the sky. bringing moisture as the mississippi river sometimes 15 times more. so as we see this common satellite imagery we have when we talk about storms coming our way, an area of low pressure, and it's drawing again,
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tropical moisture across the equator intoed west coast. visualize this. a plume of moisture coming across the ocean and a narrow band. only at about 250 to 375 miles wide. but as we take a look at the height of that it flows low across the ocean. only about 10,000 feet high. for reference, airplanes fly at 30,000 feet. as that low-moving band of moisture moves across the ocean and into our coastline, it meets up with the mountains that wrings a lot of moisture out of it and it's forced to rides. see heaviest rainfall happening along the coastline. as it moves over towards the valleys, a lot of that rainfall is not as heavy. this is really important to california's water supply. it brings about half of our yearly rainfall. but in the process, can cause flooding as well as mudslides and that's why we talk a lot about them.
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>> all right, kari, thanks. 7:45. coming up on "today in the bay," warriors don't play until thursday hosting the lakers. that doesn't mean steph curry isn't working.
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welcome back. we continue to celebrate black history here at nbc bay area. we're highlighting some of the people who contribute to the rich fabric of our region.
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"today in the bay's" reporter introduces us to a local musician proving it's never too late to follow your dreams. >> my dad in the navy. we were stationed in chicago. my mother put the radio on and we hear this menagerie of music from the beatles -- ♪♪ to johnny taylor. >> reporter: there are some who find their calling right out of the gate. >> wow! this music is just, aww! >> reporter: some take the scenic route. >> it's the long way around. >> reporter: and the kid, the long way around, took destiny muhammad from the bay area to the gritty southern california city of compton where one day in the most unlikely of places she got a glimpse of her future. >> i look to the den and there is an episode of ei love lucy" on television with harpo marx. harpo is doing a beautiful
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rendition of "take me out to the ball game." that's what i want to do when i grow up. >> reporter: but life had other plans for muhammad. >> living in the projects looking at it, like, i don't know what's going to happen to my folks if i leave. my mother talked me into becoming a barber. i go to school -- >> reporter: in pursuit of the practical, muhammad spent the next 14 years cutting and styling men's hair. eventually opening her own barber shop at the age of 21. >> a little part of me said, i said i was going to do something, but what was it? >> reporter: then that little thing called "fate" stepped in to pull strings and remind her -- >> cutting hair thinking going to be that and start dating a man who play as harp. first harp age of 30 in may of 1992. ♪♪ when i got my first harp and brought it home, the minute i plukd a string in the house it brought tears to my eyes.
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>> reporter: the harp and music lessons filled the space between haircuts. she dreamed of a career in music, eve an friend was skeptical. >> she said, girl, you are old. you are black. and we don't do that. ♪♪ >> reporter: then muhammad doubled down. she moved to the east bay in 1994 and started playing her harp as farmer's markets for tips. >> literally for about ten years. ♪♪ >> reporter: as her skills grew so did the audience and the venue. >> i went from playing at the farmer's market to playing at ss jazz and theaters. >> reporter: she played with symphoies and her own jazz trio in a nod to roots calling herself the harpest from the hood viewing each of life's challenges as the notes in the scale. >> i'm grateful for every one,
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because each one has catapulted me to the next evolution of what you see here. ♪♪ i don't care how old you are. if you are still alive and breathing, and some level of mobility. go dig up that dream. >> reporter: like harpo marx who would transform himself from a comic to a musicianing when he sat down at the harp, the harp transformed muhammad's life into the one she dreamed of, even if it did take a while. >> it's a confirmation that the delay was not a denial. ♪♪ >> reporter: reporting for nbc bay area news. >> what a beautiful story. thanks to joe for that. 7:52 right now. a historic moment tonight at the nba all-star weekend at indianapolis. the first-ever nba versus wnba three-point contest.
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ten-time all-star steph curry taking on wnba star in a long distance shoot-out. she is a new york liberty all-star guard born in walnut creek and looked up to curry since a kid. curry won the nba's three-point contest twice, but yunesku earned 40 points in the wnba three-point contest. a wnba and nba record. challenging steph to a three-point shoot-out tonight. another atmospheric river moving in to the bay area. this is a live look in pacifica. tracking the timeline and the impact on your presidents' day weekend plans right after this.
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welcome back. tracking the weather. stormranger hard awork atop the left there and north bay already hit with wet weather this morning. sandbag locations set up across the bay area to prepare for tomorrow's atmospheric river. pg&e has staff preemped and stockpiled equipment. people in the south bay among the ones without power in the last round of storms just two weeks ago. willow glen pitch black because
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of widespread outages. another big concern is flooding. people are saying they aren't taking chances and pro actively filling sandbags to protect their homes. firefighters ups staff levels in case of emergencies. take you to the sierra. a live look along interstate 80 nicely plowed at donder summit. heavy snow expected to come down. chains on and off this weekend as rain and snow showers push through. tomorrow tahoe bracing for nearly a foot of snow and two to four feet tomorrow through wednesday as higher elevations. a winter storm warning in effect tomorrow afternoon through wednesday. there are only a few small windows to get up there this weekend. forecasters say be prepared to possibly have to stay a few extra days. it's always recommended to check road conditions before you go. and you can keep track of what's going on through our app.
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our free nbc bay area app. that qr code on your screen takes you right to our radar. the app is always free. and our own hand-held app sitting right here! cinthia pimentel has a look at the forecast. >> i love stormranger. a chance to see when it's going to rain down here in the south bay so i can have a chance to take the dogs out really quickly. >> yeah! >> a good tool. san francisco, over the next couple days, wet and windy for your saturday plans. we do have a stronger storm that's going to arrive tomorrow afternoon. so two atmospheric rivers impacting the bay area. that's going to continue through holiday, a day on monday. so a good chance to stay home. we could also develop enough instability to hear a few claps of thunder out there. at least through about tuesday and wednesday. our inland valleys, temperatures not a problem. 60s throughout the week. it's really those heavy rounds of rain especially felt through parts of the north bay and the santa cruz mountains. that stronger storm arrives
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tomorrow afternoon. that big break where i'm out and everybody just about out walking the dog briefly sunday morning before we hunker down for the next couple days. >> good news for my son. does not want to do his baseball and football in the rain. >> i hear you. all right, cinthia, thanks for that. thanks to all of you for making us a part of your morning. more local news tonight at 5:00, 6:00 and 11:00. always on at we leave you with a last look in pacifica. we hope you have a safe saturday. we'd love to s you right back ee
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