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tv   Today  NBC  February 19, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PST

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>> that's true. light traffic right now. i don't often say that either, near the maze. the crash cleared. west 580 approaching the maze. this picture shows you why there was a closure. westbound 84 through niles canyon. >> and the "today" show is moments away. but our live local weather coverage continues on today in the bay. the we're on roku or other streaming platforms. also scott has more on the new accusations against the kremlin this morning. join us for our 7:00 a.m. newscast next. >> all right. we'll see you over there. until then, that does it for us here on nbc "today in the bay." have millions of people impacted by severe weather on both coasts. >> and there is more to come it's february 19th this is "today". powerful storms. >> whoa!
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>> torrential rain causing major problems across the west, flooding, mud slides and emergency evacuations. and in the east -- >> just went through a tornado >> florida hit with a punishingl system of its own, even delaying the iconic daytona 500 we'll have your forecast. in mourning. a minnesota community coming together to honor three first responders shot and killed in the line of duty. >> we are all hurting. >> what we're learning this morning about the victims, the emergency call they were responding to and the gunman. brushing it off. >> a freight train is coming in november >> donald trump attempting to move on after his civil fraud trial, fined hundreds of millions of dollars. but his lone republican rival pouncing on that ruling and the former president's views on russia. >> donald trump is going to side with a thug that kills his
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political opponents. >> with the next primary five days away, we'll have the very latest from the campaign trail campus mystery new details on a deadly shooting inside a college dorm room in colorado two people killed. the search for a suspect under way. we'll take you inside the investigation. all that, plus healing pastor joel osteen overcome with emotion during his first sunday service since that deadly shooting inside his houston mega church >> there are some heroes among us >> this morning the message of hope he wants everyone to hear and shining stars. michael j. fox honored during a touching tribute at the bafta awards in london while the year's best in music, movies and tv are celebrated at the people's choice awards. >> hello, ladies and gentlemen my name is adam sandler. >> we'll break down the big
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winners and best moments today, monday, february 19th, 2024. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning and welcome to "today." thank you for joining us on this president's day, monday morning. i'm peter alexander, alongside laura jarrett. both savannah and hoda have the holiday off. we'll talk about why president's day is associated with selling mattresses. >> i have wondered about that. >> that's a whole knotter story. good deals for you. but barbenheimer is back. the competition is on. >> award season reminds me how little i have seen this year. how much i have left to go. we have lots of good movies ahead, including hilary swank here to discuss her film. >> yeah, i'm a girl dad. severe weather on both coasts and impacting travel all across the nation.
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>> in florida, pounding rain caused nascar to postpone the season-opening race. the iconic daytona 500 is now set to happen later this afternoon. >> and out west, a line of storms is leading to evacuations, and new concerns over flooding as well as mud slides, 35 million people under flood watches in california, 15 million under wind alerts. dylan has the full forecast in just a moment. but we want to begin with liz kreutz, who is in santa barbara for us. look at that scene where you are. just a ton of rain they have seen. >> reporter: peter, good morning to you, yeah, california can't # catch a break right now. it is pouring on us here. you can see this fast rising rushing creek here. it goes right through downtown santa barbara and there is concern it could overflow the historic neighborhoods here. that's what happened two weeks ago. during these atmospheric rivers, and now many of those same areas that are still cleaning up from those storms are dealing with
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another round now of heavy rain. >> whoa! >> reporter: overnight whipping winds and heavy rain taking aim out west. officials issuing evacuation warnings in parts of southern california as another atmospheric river dumped up to an inch of rain an hour on the already soaked region. the rain causing massive mud slides to block a rural highway, while uprooted trees toppled power lines. this storm prediction center highlighting a rare tornado risk for the central valley, impacting 3 million people this afternoon. in higher elevations, heavy snow is blanketing the sierra nevada mountains. four feet is expected to pile up with wind gusts reaching 60 miles an hour, making for dangerous driving conditions. in all, 35 million people are under flood alerts with up to eight inches of rain expected. over the next few days. it all adds to the more than 14 inches that soaked southern california just two weeks ago. the back-to-back storm systems causing more than 500 mud
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slides. >> this is wild! >> reporter: officials worry this latest round of rain will lead to more flooding and damage. >> just drove through a tornado! >> reporter: on the east coast, a different storm system spawning a possible tornado in the florida everglades, forcing a temporary ground stop at miami international. while nascar's daytona 500 was postponed for the third time in the race's history, improving conditions should allow the race to get back on track this afternoon. but back out west, this day's long storm system is just getting started. and the heaviest rain seems to be on us right now and the concern is not just flooding from these creeks, but how saturated the soils are here, and whether or not these areas can absorb all of this water, that is leading to more threats of mud slides, landslides, and downed trees. peter? >> be safe out there, liz, appreciate your report, thank you.
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dylan dreyer is in for al. how bad is it going to get? >> it will be bad in california the next couple days. we've got the wind alerts, the flood alerts, and also winter weather alerts in the higher elevations where we could see a couple feet of snow out of this one. we talk about the atmospheric river. that's basically a pipeline for the moisture that's going to make its way on shore. we have flash flood warning in effect right now where this heavier rain is moving in near santa barbara. this is just round one. and then watch what happens as we go through the day. we will start to see the heavier rain shift to central and northern california. that will be the area where we see most of our heavy rain going through the day. into tonight. as we go into tuesday into wednesday that's when we're going to see at round of heavier rain starting to impact l.a., down through san diego and we'll see additional rainfall. today into tonight, 1 to 3 inches. again, the ground is already saturated. this can lead to flooding, mud slides, debris flows. you see the water just kind of push all of that dirt away, along with everything in it
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including the trees and power lines. we're also looking at perhaps as much as three to five inches as we go into tuesday into wednesday across southern california. that flooding concern is a major issue, peter. thank you very much. also ahead this morning, a minnesota community mourning the deaths of two police officers and a first responder shot and killed in the line of duty as they responded to a domestic violence call. adrienne broaddus joins us from burnsville, 20 miles south of minneapolis. >> reporter: the killings of these first responders show the dangers they face not only here in minnesota but across the country when responding to a call. >> we ask for healing. >> reporter: in minnesota, grief and heart ache. >> we are heart broken. >> reporter: after a 911 call for a family in danger led to
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the deaths of three first responders who came to the rescue. >> when officers got to the scene, the individual was barricaded. >> reporter: it all happened just outside minneapolis in burnsville. police say they were negotiating with a shooter when he started shooting. >> we later learned there were seven young children in the home, ranging from ages 2 to 15. >> reporter: outside the home, a s.w.a.t. vehicle riddled with bullet holes. >> they know they have to give up their life sometimes, and they do it anyways. >> reporter: among the victims, police officer paul elmstrand,
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who was 27, matthew ruge was also 27, and was part of the crisis negotiating team. adam finseth, a firefighter and paramedic for five years in burnsville, was 40. >> they go out and do the job to provide us safety, that we have the luxury of not having to think about many times. >> to those who wear the badge, or are even considering and seeing this, and saying i don't want to -- i don't know if i can do that. what do you say to them? >> when it comes to public service and public safety, it is in the hearts and souls of those who do it. >> reporter: fellow officers also remembering the fallen. >> we're hurting. okay? we're hurting. >> reporter: the shooter died, but police have not said how it happened. inside that home the investigators found weapons and ammunition. the seven children who were trapped inside are safe and the officer expected to recover. back to you. >> such a terrible loss. adrienne broaddus from the latest there south of minneapolis, thank you. turning now to the
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presidential race on this president's day morning with south carolina's republican primary coming up on saturday, nikki haley is ramping up attacks on donald trump and president biden. but the gop front runner is eyeing november as his legal woes loom over his campaign. nbc's garrett haake has the latest. hey, garrett. >> reporter: laura, good morning. look, technically this republican primary is far from over, but you wouldn't necessarily know that from watching donald trump's campaign. he spent the weekend partly focused on talking up the general election, but also heavily on that new york court case now set to cost him hundreds of millions of dollars. >> the freight train is coming in november. >> reporter: this morning, donald trump's campaign knocked off track by a new york judge, ordering the billionaire republican presidential front runner on friday to pay more than $355 million in fines, plus interest. >> it's a sham case. there were no victims, no defaults, no damages, no complaints, no nothing. >> reporter: the former
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president vowing to appeal the civil fraud trial that found him liable for fraud, conspiracy and issuing false financial statements and false business records. the judge also banning him from operating a business in new york for three years. the ruling coming one day after a separate judge set a march 25th trial date in the first of four criminal cases against mr. trump, this one over alleged hush man payments to an adult film actress during the 2016 race. his last remaining primarily opponent nikki haley pointing voters to the legal mine field mr. trump faces. >> he, by his own words, said he's going to be spending more time in court than he is on the campaign trail. that's a problem. republicans will not win if donald trump is the nominee. >> reporter: haley also attacking trump after the death of russian opposition leader alexei navalny, calling on trump to condemn vladimir putin. >> donald trump is going to side with a thug who kills his political opponents.
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>> reporter: trump has yet to respond to navalny's death. despite haley's push, polls show the former president leading by a dominant margin in her home state of south carolina, which holds its primary saturday and across the field of super tuesday states early next month. mr. trump even spending part of his day saturday launching a shoe line at a philadelphia sneaker convention, never surrender high tops listed for $399. >> i think it's going to be a big success. >> reporter: even as she hammers donald trump on his legal battles, nikki haley said she would pardon the former president should he be convicted of a crime and she be the next president. she said it would be in the country's best interests to move on from trump and not have an 80-year-old former president sitting around in jail somewhere. that's a decision of great consequence she will only get to make if her political fortunes improve dramatically, starting this weekend in south carolina. laura? >> garrett, busy week, glad you're back. >> thanks. there is growing outrage this morning over the prison
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death of vladimir putin's most vocal critic in russia, alexei navalny. the white house laying blame for navalny's death at feet of putin and weighing next steps. richard engel is inside ukraine this morning with the very latest. richard, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, peter. navalny's family is trying to take possession of his body, but so far they have not had any success. when his mother and lawyer went to the morgue, they asked staff there if navalny's body was at the facility, but they did not receive an answer and they say were pushed out the door. this morning, tensions between the united states and russia are high after the death of alexei navalny. russian president vladimir putin
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has been accused of authorities are promptly removing. activists say around 400 of navalny supporters have been detained. prison officials say the 47-year-old navalny who barely survived a poisoning in 2020 surprised a poisoning in 2020 collapsed and died suddenly last week at a penal colony in siberia one day after looking healthy during a court appearance. russian officials say they have yet to determine the cause of death. as the biden administration condemned the death of yet another russian activist to die under mysterious circumstances, the president had been reassuring ukraine's president zelenskyy that he still has washington's support. russian troops are today in their strongest position since
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invading ukraine, capturing the small ukrainian city this weekend. russia's first significant advance in nearly a year. ukrainian troops tried to hold the city along the front line. but outmanned and outgunned, the government chose a strategic retreat instead. while it awaits fresh supplies of american weapons, blocked by republicans in congress. president biden saying the united states won't abandon the country in its time of need. miro papavich has been fighting troops on the front line. for most of the last two years. i met him at the start of the war and caught up again with him recently. >> we are tired. we are exhausted. but we have to keep fighting until my last breath or until the victory. # >> reporter: which one do you think it will be? >> the victory. >> reporter: president biden has told president volodymyr zelenskyy that he is confident ukraine will get the military
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aid and ammunition and funding. out here in eastern ukraine troops say it can't come soon enough. peter? >> your report highlighting the urgency there. richard, thank you so much. we have a lot more to get to, including an emotional sunday service at pastor joel osteen's mega church after last week's shooting that caused worshippers to flee in fear. nbc's priscilla thompson joins us from lakewood church. priscilla, good morning. >> reporter: laura, good morning. this was an incredibly emotional service that included a standing ovation for law enforcement, prayers for the family of the shooter and a message about faith and fear. tears of gratitude filling the sanctuary at houston's lakewood church sunday. >> a week ago, lord, pushing back forces of darkness. but your angels were here protecting us. >> reporter: one week after the shooter walked into a mega church with her 7-year-old and an assault rifle and opened
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fire. an emotional pastor joel osteen honoring the church's security team. and the two off duty officers who fired back. >> these were heroes. courage rose up in them. they fought fear and they saved us all. >> reporter: and helped congregants feel safe to return. >> it could have been so much worse, but god's protection was there. didn't feel any hesitation coming back. >> reporter: the shooter, a 36-year-old woman, was killed. records show she had a history of mental illness and that authorities had confiscated guns from her several times before. >> that's the problem in our nation. those individuals who are suffering from mental illness, let's get together and let's do common sense legislation on gun laws. >> reporter: police have not given a motive, but said a dispute between the shooter and her ex-husband's family may be related. police say her son was shot in the head and remains hospitalized in critical
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condition. the boy's paternal grandmother writing on social media he's clinging to life after doctors removed a portion of his skull. osteen also encouraging his congregants to remain faithful and fearless. >> this is a time to shine legy a bullet was in attendance at yesterday's services, and we are told that he is walking and doing well. laura? >> thank you. let's switch gears and get a check of the forecast with dylan. it is a holiday, but the weather is working. >> it certainly is. out west that's the big story. look at the rest of the country. back through the midwest, we're
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looking at high temperatures, 15 degrees above average. 60s and 70s above texas. the northeast, still a bit chilly. you go down into the southeast, the sun returns to florida. temperatures today slightly below average in the mid-60s. that's a look at the weather across the country. we'll get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. i! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise]
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and that's and that's your latest forecast. >> dylan, thank you. still ahead, a growing mystery and a college campus on edge after the shooting deaths of two people inside a dorm room. emilie ikeda is following that story for us. >> students at university of colorado colorado springs are returning to campus today for a healing walk after a 24 and 26-year-old were shot and killed in a dorm room what we know about the gunfire that put the campus on lockdown and why people there are still on edge. have you been waiting to book your vacation for spring break? which destinations are the most which destinations are the most affordable and where you can
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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ahead, a closer look at apple's vision pro and why some buyers are eager to return the high-tech device. >> after your local news but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling?
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ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. (singing) ♪ i feel good ♪ ♪ duh na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ♪ i knew that i would ♪ ♪ na na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ooo, yum. hey! ♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ i feel good. mom's gonna love this! alright kids come on. it's time for bed! ( ♪♪ ) good morning, mr. snuggles. make breakfast special with the cocoa and hazelnutty goodness of nutella. ( ♪♪ ) mmm...rainbow sprinkles, jammy filling and frosting?! friends, pop-tarts, pastrymates! lend me your ears! —oh boy. we're going off the crust again.
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wait till i get warmed up. pop-tarts! crazy good. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. you don't have to be a wizard to make delicious iced coffee at home.! that's good! (sfx: thunderclap) never gets old. (woman laughs) -want me to do it again? -no thanks. dunkin' cold. easy to make at home. stands up to ice. a very good morning to you. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. we're moving you forward with our top stories. including our ongoing storm coverage. >> this is new video from windsor. you can see flooding from a crew
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that overflowed about 2:30 this morning along star road and markwest station. at last check, there are closures in place blocking access to the roadway. we're also seeing multiple landslides causing roads to shut down. this video was taken yesterday on highway 128 in geyserville up in the north bay. the road has been reopened. >> and take a look at this. part of niles canyon road is collapsed this morning. this is a photo sent from c hp. this is west of sinole. niles canyon road is closed indefinitely. and san francisco department of emergency management issuing a warning amid the storm that's telling people that walking near trees especially in parks is dangerous. >> let's get a check with carrie hall. >> we started out the morning with a brief break in activity, but we're starting to see the rain ramping back up again. as we go into late morning and afternoon, the risk will be thunderstorms developing. we can see the storm systems spinning off the coastline with
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some lightning strikes just off to our west and as this energy continues to move in today, we'll have that potential of small hail, gusty winds, and farther out toward the east, there's the risk that we can even see some isolated tornadoes today. the risk of that continues to go up for those thunderstorms right at about noon for the north bay. we see those cells popping up and in between, there will be sunshine which may add some more energy to all of the thunderstorms that we're seeing developing and that risk
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable.
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we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. it is presidents' day. and we have a very big crowd out there. >> good crowd today! >> starting the holiday with a visit to our plaza can't wait to get out there to
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say hi they've come to see peter alexander. >> yeah. well, that is unfortunately as good as it gets today. we'll get savannah and hoda back in these chairs tomorrow a serious headline starting this half an hour a deepening mystery on a college campus. >> that's right. classes are canceled today at the university of colorado colorado springs after two people were shot and killed on campus inside a dorm room police now searching for answers. nbc's emilie ikeda is here with the very latest. good morning >> good morning to you this double homicide rocked a tight-knit community the victims just 24 and 26 years old. three days after the terrifying tragedy, there are lingering questions and concern with no insight on who did this and why. this morning students at the university of colorado colorado springs are waking up on edge. >> uccs alpine village for gunshot victims. >> reporter: after police say two people were gunned down inside a campus dorm room, early
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friday morning, sending the school into an hours long lockdown >> i'm not sure if the scene is safe yet. >> police identifying the victims at 26-year-old celie rain montgomery and samuel knopp, a 24-year-old student his mom posting on facebook, before authorities confirmed he was killed, there were reports of an active shooter on campus i haven't heard from sam, adding, this hits way too close to home. >> these deaths are being investigated as a homicide, and this continues to be a very active investigation in its very early stages. >> reporter: authorities have ruled out a murder-suicide, but would not provide detail on any possible suspects who may be on the loose. police describe it as an isolated incident between parties that were known to one another and not a random attack against the school or other students at the university >> we don't really know if they're still out there or still on campus, if they're a student,
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so it's terrifying. >> reporter: knopp was a senior at the university studying music, seen here from a video performing in a recital last year musician. adding saly, although she is not a student, will be mourned by our campus security. students are anxious. >> this is a massive shock for all of us. this is not the campus we really know. >> i still feel really on edge. i feel like a lot of people don't know how they're supposed to be reacting right now. >> and in a statement, the university said safety on campus is their top priority. if at any point it was determined there was a threat to anyone on campus, the lockdown would not have been lifted. classes are canceled today with a healing walk set to take place this afternoon. >> so many questions on this one. >> thanks for following it for us. just ahead, a game changer for millions of adults and children the first drug approved by the fda to reduce the common and
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dangerous food allergies first, christine romans is here with good news if you've waited to book a trip for spring break. >> hi guys, there are still places to go, and deals to be had for you to plan your spring break this year, and there's a really special eclipse that you might want to check out, we've got that right after the break yy - then and now. a story that made your name mean something. a story you're still writing. so discover your heritage. preserve your traditions. represent all that makes you, you. (♪♪) [sfx: chicken clucking] everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny. cause only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. while others may keep trying... [sfx: chicken clucking]
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everyone say, “space pod.” cheese. [door creaks open] [ominous music] (♪♪) [ding] meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals are just for likes, try one you'll actually like. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪)
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(vo) feeding a high-quality dog food doesn't have to cost a whole lot. with 30 grams of protein. for about a dollar a day, you can give your dog the blue buffalo food they deserve. real meat first. healthy ingredients. natural nutrition. try blue life protection formula today. i'm so glad i remembered uber eats has office supplies. but i feel like i'm forgetting something else. oh! shoe's untied! ♪♪ nope. ♪♪ biiiig moment here for charles who ate a big 'ole bowl of raisin bran crunch ...and packed a downright immaculate carry-on. big chuck, you sock rollin son of a... (♪♪)
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nothing comes close to this place in the morning. i'm so glad i can still come here. you see, i was diagnosed with obstructive hcm. and there were some days i was so short of breath. i thought i'd have to settle for never stepping foot on this trail again. i became great at making excuses. but i have people who count on me so i talked to my cardiologist. i said there must be more we can do for my symptoms. he told me about a medication called camzyos. he said camzyos works by targeting what's causing my obstructive hcm. so he prescribed it and i'm really glad he did. camzyos is used to treat adults with symptomatic obstructive hcm. camzyos may improve your symptoms and your ability to be active. camzyos may cause serious side effects, including heart failure that can lead to death. a risk that's increased if you develop
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a serious infection or irregular heartbeat or when taking certain other medicines. so do not stop, start or change medicines or the dose without telling your healthcare provider. you must have echocardiograms before and during treatment. seek help if you experience new or worsening symptoms of heart failure. because of this risk, camzyos is only available through a restricted program. before taking camzyos, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions, including current or planned pregnancy. today with camzyos, i don't lose my breath as often. my symptoms have improved, helping me go from expecting less to experiencing more. my name is mike. and this is my camzyos moment. call your cardiologist today and see if a camzyos moment may be in your future too. hey, look, kids. there's big ben. there's parliament >> there it is there it is! there it is!
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>> i know. i can't seem to get over to the left, honey. i'll try next time sorry. we'll get out of this jam in a minute kids, big ben, parliament again. kids -- >> we know, big ben. >> parliament. >> back now at 7:30. just around and around and around a classic scene from national lampoon's european vacation. a hollywood take on the family vacation >> i love that we played that because i do that with my kids and they have no idea what i'm talking about. now they have a little bit of a clue of course spring break is on the way and if you're itching to get away, there's still time to book and save you better act fast. christine romans is here to help you with some of the very best ideas. good morning to you. >> good morning! >> it is starting to get close, so this is crunch time. >> it is. >> you have to start with airfare. where do you begin and how do you get the best deals
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>> i have such good news on airfare. it's down from last year 11 #% lower than pre-pandemic. this is a cheaper flying vacation this year than before the pandemic, that's good news you want to travel in the middle of the week. this is great if your kids are young and you are not beholden to the school calendar like i am if you start and end on a tuesday and a wednesday, you are 29% to 30% cheaper on those airfares you want to track. at this point, you want to start tracking where the best airfares are. use these airfare trackers google has one hopper, kayak. you can go to airlines sites they will remind you they have a lower price on an airfare. that's the good news here, and you still have time. you should start thinking about it now you still have time. hotels, book them 10 to 14 days before your vacation but airfare, start looking now. but good news less than last year >> okay. what are some other ways to save on vacation? >> check your memberships first. costco has good deals to mexico
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and the caribbean, aaa, aarp, you can use credit card points but be judicious, because different cards and different programs -- >> peter loves the points. >> love the points. >> if you are an active militar. folks, if you are in the military, check all those savings. >> where do we go? give us ideas. >> the spring break crowd, the traditional party on a beach crowd, they like miami beach, siesta key this year, cancun. that's not me. if you are looking for some other places to go, there are really cool deals for montreal if you are a foodie. if you want to have the european kind of flare but you are still in north a lot of folks are booking denver it has a craft beer scene. it's got really good food. you can go up to the mountains the outer banks of north carolina if you want a beach spring break
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without the beach spring breakers, the experts say outer banks is the place to go. >> what about national parks >> this is also very good. yosemite is the big one for families but you have to book ahead $35 to get in, but you must book ahead. you do not want to get there and not have reservations and not know what you are doing. that's a good last-minute one. all of the national parks are very, very good to go to and, you know, i want to talk about this eclipse can we talk about this eclipse april 8th, there is this big eclipse. >> when? april 8th. >> you can go to a national park, maybe. this is where you will see it best they're having a festival. in a lot of these places get married in arkansas if you want to, but it's a total eclipse. and you are going to be able, basically for free, to walk out your front door, maybe plan your vacation around it or maybe you are working that week. >> something for the kids. >> a literal total eclipse of the heart. sing it for us. >> he has a very good voice.
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>> thank you, christine. all right. time for another check of the weather. >> as long as we're talking spring break, let's look at spring-like temperatures across most of the country. 57 degrees for a high today. minneapolis a high of 41 tomorrow gets even warmer. we'll see the high temperatures 15 to 20 degrees speaking of denver, 58 degrees for a high temperature today rapid city 49. tomorrow gets even warmer. we'll see the high temperatures 15 to 20 degrees above average wichita, nearly 70 degrees dallas and san antonio nearly 80 degrees alpina 41 degrees. pittsburgh close to 50 and then as we look in the northeast, we are still going to see milder than average temperatures through pittsburgh. wednesday, thursday in the mid-50s. friday dips down to 46 in new york, we should be close to 50 on friday. so that will feel pretty nice getting warmer temperaratures good monday morning. i'm kari hall. we've had a bit of a break from the rain earlier this morning, but we're starting to see it ramping back up again for the north bay.
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notice there are some lightening strikes that we have seen near the coast in the north bay. the chance of thunderstorms will continue to increase by late afternoon. some of those thunderstorms will produce small hail and gusty winds, may bring down more trees and that's your latest forecast. >> thanks, dylan up next, does apple have a vision pro problem on its hands? why some users are already racing to return it. that story and your morning boost right after this
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covid-19? i'm not waiting. if it's covid, paxlovid. paxlovid is an oral treatment for adults with mild-to-moderate covid-19 and a high-risk factor for it becoming severe. it does not prevent covid-19. my symptoms are mild now, but i'm not risking it. if it's covid, paxlovid. paxlovid must be taken within the first five days of symptoms, and helps stop the virus from multiplying in your body. taking paxlovid with certain medicines can lead to serious or life-threatening side effects or affect how it or other medicines work, including hormonal birth control. it's critical to tell your doctor about all the medicines you take because certain tests or changes in their dosage may be needed. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, hiv-1, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeed. don't take paxlovid if you're allergic to nirmatrelvir, ritonavir, or any of its ingredients. serious side effects can include allergic reactions, some severe like anaphylaxis, and liver problems. these are not all the possible side effects so talk to your doctor. if it's covid, paxlovid. ask your doctor today.
7:46 am
(husband) rock, paper, scissors for who's on dinner duty? (wife) nice try! (husband) i'll get it! (doughboy) hoo-hoo! need some help? delicious two-ingredient weeknight dinners approved! hoo-hoo! leftover chicken, scallions, cheese... what am i gonna make with this? "may-ow" mayo? best foods?? you can talk? and then she says... "may-ow" ...and boom—best foods saves the leftovers. she can't spell. "may-ow" it's mine! and now our keynote speaker... "may-ow" pete... is it serious? you lasted longer than most. "may-ow"
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[♪♪] there's a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50%. try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. it cleans so well, you can replace multiple cleaning products. try dawn powerwash. (ethan) i started smoking menthol cigarettes to be just like the cool guys in the ads. here's my tip. there's nothing cool about smoking and having a stroke. i guess they forgot to mention that in the ads. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. dad, we're gonna be late! ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) can't stop adding stuff to your cart? get the bank of america customized cash rewards card, choose the online shopping category and earn 3% cash back. [traffic noise] [text message] let's ace this thing! ♪ ♪ i got you coffee. oh my god, what? you literally read my mind.
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got you, girl. (qb) this is it. one play. this is when we find out... (luke) hey, quick question. student body math proficiency, would we say it's good? fair? satisfactory? (player 1) what? (luke) like a percentage, if you had to guess. (players) hey, get out of here man. get off the field. (luke) understood. (players) security! grab him! (marci) great student-teacher ratio... (luke) marci! we've got to go! marci! we have got to go! we bring you the real, in-depth school info. (marci) what were you thinking? (luke) i don't know. i. don't know. (vo) ding dong! we are back with apple's vision of the future that will apparently take some time for some customers to get used to. >> yeah.
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the tech giant's virtual reality headset apple vision pro debuted earlier this month while a lot of people have been wowed by the technology, others have been returning them. >> nbc's sam brock is joining us now with a closer look, a literal up close personal lookl at this one. >> reporter: yeah, guys. good morning. a look at the future. look, with any major technology, some returns have been expected. apple is not disclosing the rate of return of its apple vision pro, but there are a lot of videos circulating online at this one. weight of the device to the fact that many people feel like it's just not a replacement one to one for a computer still, there is no denying the fascination with this product. >> i hate to say it, but i'm actually returning apple vision pro. here's why. >> reporter: since the apple vision pro debuted earlier this month -- >> it is not comfortable it does not replace this. >> reporter: some apple fanatics and early adopters are
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explaining why they chose to return the red hot head ware within the 14-day window allowed. >> if i wear this for more than two hours, i get a migraine and my forehead just starts to hurt. >> reporter: even though some are blown away by its immersive features, complaints ranging from lack of comfort to limited options for apps to a price tag that can easily touch north of $4,000 he tells us he'd gladly pay that hefty sum if he wasn't mainly using it to watch videos, especially, he says, if the device can't be worn easily for hours in theater mode. after how long would you say you started to feel physical symptoms just from wearing the device >> there was eye strain after 45 minutes. >> another review of the product -- >> i think part of one of the reasons these returns are happening is people getting to the store and they're like, holy wow! this is amazing. and then they get home and then they realize, i'm not going to use this thing so much and i paid a lot of money. >> reporter: that wow factor
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convinced luke it was a worthwhile investment. >> i think they absolutely knocked it out of the park with just interacting with nonexistent windows that appear to be floating in mid-air.impre his meta quest 3. >> i think the quest is the bigger product, period. >> reporter: as for the users showing up on the subway and even dinners with apple vision pros on. he called this kind of dystopian and likely not useful. why bring it out to dinner with three of your good friends in. >> i mean, it wasn't practical at all, but it was very fun. >> reporter: as for those who are wondering, is it really a good idea to these videos guys, the truth is, these devices are not designed to work in motion, which is to say the features are not as effective when you're moving
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they're meant for home or for office we did, of course, also reach out to apple to find out more information about how many of these devices have actually been returned so far, we have not heard back back to you guys. >> sam, thank you so much. it's one thing when you look at the table next to you and all the families on their phone and now they're all on apple vision at once. >> i don't know, what do you say? we need a morning boost. the key to a good race is a clean handoff of the baton but it doesn't always go as planned. watch what happens during an alumni track meet in san diego when a mom goes to hand off the baton to her 3-year-old daughter >> here she comes. get ready. run, run, run! get the baton! go all the way run! >> so basically, the mom just has to continue the whole race who can blame her when you are 3 years old, and one of your parents is running after you,
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the natural instinct is to scream and run away. as you can see, the mother-daughter team finally got back on track and all was well. >> i love the scream >> i would have just tucked it in the back of her pants and go. in the back of her pants and go. still ahead, the highlights ♪to my astonishment.♪ ♪my doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay.♪ ♪i screened with cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ give every morning a fresh start
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ask your provider for cologuard. with a jimmy dean delights breakfast. they're chock-full of protein and ingredients you want. from wraps to bowls. to sandwiches. you'll never have the same old, same old again. we're delighted and hope you will try. (singing) ♪ i feel good ♪ ♪ duh na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ♪ i knew that i would ♪ ♪ na na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ooo, yum. hey! ♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ i feel good. bro, one more time.
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♪♪ worth of drip, but... ( inaudible rapping ) jif peanut butter. it's that jif'ing good, ludacris changed his flow for it. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... i'm so glad i remembered uber eats has office supplies. but i feel like i'm forgetting something else. oh! shoe's untied! ♪♪ nope. ♪♪ (vo) hi, we're visible.
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we're the wireless company with nothing to hide. seriously. hidden fees? we don't have them. annual contracts? not our thing. great wireless on just one line? now that's more like it. get unlimited 5g data powered by verizon for twenty five dollars a month, taxes and fees included. that's right - twenty five a month means twenty-five a month, every month. sorry, hidden fees. we're just not that into you. sometimes the choice is just... visible. switch today at visible dot com. a very good morning to you. it is 7:56 right now. i'm laura garcia. here is a look at what's happening now. >> i'm in san francisco where we've seen a bit of a break from the rain this morning. the wind has picked up at times, but so far it's been a clear morning. that has not been the case overnight. up north, this is some video up
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in windsor. a road was closed because a nearby creek overflowed along star road and mark west station. we will bring you the latest on the weather throughout the morning and at >> it looks like breaks from this rain will be helpful today, kari. >> yeah. we've had 2 to 3 inches of rain over the weekend. there is more on the way. we have started to see it ramping back up. but we have the potential for thunderstorms today. they may drop some small hail, produce gusty winds and there is a risk for tornadoes. as we go into the evening, that chance still exists as we are going to see those pop-up storms just about anywhere across the bay area. and then for tomorrow, we will see some waves of rain coming in mainly during the afternoon and tapering off on wednesday. we are watching the forecast for that risk of severe weather and we'll have more updates right here on the air. laura? >> thank you. thank you for joining us as
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well. well. join me this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading.
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katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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from last night's people's coming up, severe storms taking aim out west, toppling power lines, causing mud slides and forcing evacuations. florida hit with another dangerous system, even delaying
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the daytona 500. dylan has your full forecast with more severe weather on the way. then first of its kind the fda approving a medication including peanuts and eggs. everything you need to know straight ahead. plus, let's make a deal. we've got the info on the best bargains this president's day. mattresses, furniture, appliances and the items you should wait to buy. vicky nguyen is here with all the tips to save big. and round of applause. the touching tributes and big moments from last night's >> it can change your day. it can change your outlook it can sometimes even change your life. >> while the people's choice award celebrate the best in music, movies and tv. >> hello, ladies and gentlemen,
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my name is adam sandler. >> all the highlights ahead in "popstart," today, monday, february 19th, 2024. ♪ >> spending presidents' day on the plaza. >> from frisco, texas. >> virginia. >> and michigan. >> visiting from the university of georgia. >> it's my first trip to new york. >> from pennsylvania >> on a mom and daughter weekend. >> from franklin, mass. >> our sweet 16 from cleveland, ohio. >> celebrating our birthdays at the "today" show >> celebrating our anniversary. >> hi to my grandparents. >> who watch "today" every day. >> back in kentucky, love you mamaw and papaw. we got all sorts of reasons
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to celebrate on this monday, presidents' day here at the "today" show we're glad you are with us savannah, hoda and craig all have the holiday off, but the crowd is out in force, staying cool. >> it has some good holiday ho energy out there. >> we should mention, savannah has been kicking off her book tour, bringing people together energy out there nice to be with you on a monday for a change. >> i love it, nice to be together anytime we get to do that >> we should mention, savannah has been kicking off her book tour, for mostly what god does, bringing people together for meaningful conversations on faith, a project deeply personal to savannah and she will be sharing much more tomorrow on "today." >> look forward to part of that conversation tomorrow. first, in the west and in the south, millions of americans are facing serious threats from this extreme weather flooding is possible in parts of california where another atmospheric river dumped heavy rain overnight look at some of the pictures there. mud slides, blocked roads, high winds, brought down trees, power lines as well. in florida, violent thunderstorms disrupted air
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travel and also forced nascar to postpone the daytona 500 dylan is in for al with where these storms are headed. the west coast is getting whacked. >> they certainly are. it is basically just a moisture source it is where all that rain is coming from. we have flood alerts for 35 million people up and down california, wind alerts, higher elevations, also some winter weather alerts where we coul see several feet of snow, especially above 7,000 feet. right now the concern is near santa barbara. we have heavy rain at this time. because of that we have flash flood warnings in effect it looks quieter up into the san francisco area, but as we go through the day today, that's where we are going to see the rain make its way on shore through central and northern california, and then as we go into tomorrow night an wednesday, that's when we are looking at the heavy rain to re-enter parts of southern california with as much as four to eight inches across the foothills and the mountains. that includes down into los angeles too. that means mud slides, debris flows. it could be an absolute mess with no more ability for the ground to absorb any of that
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water. if you go up into the higher elevations, especially above 7,000 feet, that's where we could see perhaps three to five feet of snow so that's an area, obviously, used to it, but that's what it's going to amount to up that way. >> dylan, thank you for that americans who are driving this presidents' day weekend have probably notice it had sudden jump in gas prices after months of barely moving, the national average has spiked 11 cents, just one week, to $3.28 a gallon, one big reason, a power outage at the largest oil refinery in the midwest. another is gas stations in some rural areas are switching over to the more expensive summer blends that said, average gas prices are about 14 cent as gallon cheaper than a year ago. to a potential game changer for millions of americans with food allergies, a medication originally used to treat asthma has now been fda approved to reduce allergic reactions to multiple foods, among them
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peanuts and eggs dr. natalie azar is here with more on that this is a first of its kind drug, a big deal for a lot of families tell us about who this is intended for >> you know, it might sound familiar to a lot of people. the medication is called zolare. it was approved 20 years ago to treat asthma and other allergic conditions it binds this protein called ige, a trigger for allergic reactions. it is adults and children 1 and up who have one or more food allergies. it is an injection under the skin that's given every two to four weeks it's for accidental exposure i think this is the key i'd like for people to understand it does not eliminate your allergy. what it does is decreases the likelihood that you are going to have a significant reaction to to the allergen that you might be allergic too. again, this does not eliminate the allergy. it is not a treatment for
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anaphylaxis. >> if you happen to come across peanut dust in school, it could be life-saving. >> exactly. >> it's off a new study, tell us about that >> they took about 168 people and they had them, you know, half of the group was taking the medicine getting placebo. of the individuals who received the medication zolare, about 68% for able to tolerate two and a half peanuts without having a moderate or severe reaction. we also had a pretty good half the group was getting it is not specific to peanuts. it is more general but very, very important 17% had no change in the amount they were able to tolerate again, it is not like you can immediately start exposing yourself to the food. >> it is just a different time when your kids have your friends over you have to ask the kids when they come over their parents say, is there anything you are allergic to and the like are there any major side effects here, especially for young children >> right
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the major side effects as you can imagine, it is an injection, so it could be an injection-site reaction, some fever, some joint pain rash another highlighted point is it can cause any medication can cause anaphylaxis, which is a severe allergic reaction in kids with allergies so the first couple of shots are definitely administered in a health care provider's office so you can be observed. but this is a game changer, right? for all the parents and caregivers out there just knowing your child can go to school or camp and if there is an accidental exposure that you are not always sitting in fear and having that epi pen at the ready, which you should still have, but still calmer. >> that's good news. we're glad you're sharing it with us. thanks for being here. i know you will have more on the 3rd hour as well. >> see you back in a bit. turning to the nba now the league's best and brightest put on a show in the nba's all star game. >> that was a motor speedway flat tire. oh, my goodness. >> you all see this? >> half court! >> did y'all see this?
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>> dame lillard. >> milwaukee's damian lillard with the half court shot if you like a lot of scoring, well, this was the game to see the two teams combined, get this, 397 points. >> oh, my gosh. >> not much for defense here i mean, they're trying to showf. the eastern conference setting the all-time scoring record by becoming the first time to surpass 200 points. the final score here, guys, 211-186. lillard was named the game's mvp. >> that's the kind of basketball you want to watch, right? nobody needs to see the defense here. coming up, could you imagine "when harry met sally" without a happy ending? the sweet reason behind the re-write. but, first, vicky is here with your president's day sales. >> good morning, laura and peter. i know folks are home today observing the birthday of george washington but if you have a little time on your hand and you are wondering where the best deals are, i will tell you plus, what you might want to wait on buying
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that's next on "today. stands up to ice.
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mom's gonna love this! alright kids come on. it's time for bed! ( ♪♪ ) good morning, mr. snuggles. make breakfast special with the cocoa and hazelnutty goodness of nutella. ( ♪♪ ) (vo) with so many choices, how do you pick the right dog food? well, you want real meat to be the first ingredient...ess of nutella. and you probably don't want things like chicken by-product meal, or whole grain corn. that makes the choice pretty easy - blue buffalo. pick up blue wherever you buy pet food. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. fair, freckled, or melanated. we are appreciated. ultra hydrated. glazed and glowing. confidence overflowing. vaseline lotions 90% more moisture for my one-of-a-kind skin. and there's no other skin i want to be in.
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♪yeah, yeah, yeah♪ real fruit... and whole grains. ♪yeah, yeah, yeah♪ doing something good for yourself has never been this easy. just do what's delicious. kellogg's special k.
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(husband) rock, paper, scissors for who's on dinner duty? (wife) just do nice try!licious. (husband) i'll get it! (doughboy) hoo-hoo! need some help? delicious two-ingredient weeknight dinners approved! hoo-hoo! ohhh crap. now we gotta get france something. wait! we can use etsy's new gift mode! alright. done. ♪♪ plateau de fromage! oh la la! don't panic. gift easy with gift mode, new on etsy. (♪♪) there's two things a young man wanna be - a cowboy or a gangster. and a gangster's outta style. i got back to my roots... we come from a long line of cowboys. my grandfather, my great-grandfather, my aunt even rode horses. when i see all of us out here on this ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. (♪♪) i brought in ensure max protein
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with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪♪) others have g >> some men are born great others have greatness thrust upon them. for you, this is the very moment got you, boy >> if you're wondering why this movie, we are back on this presidents' day with the legendary robin williams, as teddy roosevelt in the "night at the museum". >> for many, it is also a day to focus on some big sales. so which items can you save big on and which ones should you maybe wait to buy. here with all the answers, vicky nguyen
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good morning. >> reporting for duty, yes, ma'am. >> okay. mattresses, everybody's favorite presidents' day sale >> yeah. it is the big ticket item, and sleep is the elixir for a hours. if you're elixir.older, if you are waking up cranky or achy, might be time for a new mattress. purple is doing up to $500 off mattress echlts what i like is they will give you 100 nights to sleep the mattress. if you don't like it, they will give you a full refund. sealie is doing sealy has a promotion of a $200 visa gift card a legit gift card. i know how you feel. this is legit. use it right away. and then serta is offering up to
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$1,100, but you have to act, it ends february 26th. >> i like the trial period you are like, i just want to make sure in this mattress let's talk furniture for a second, too. >> furniture is the other big ticket item that goes on sale during presidents' day weekend all the main brick and mortar stores you want to go to, it is nice to see the furniture, sit on it, feel it, touch it but if you are interested in shopping online, front gate, j.c. penney, great deals. also, wayfair and overstock for online deals, for those things that maybe aren't like a couch you can have on the side like a side board to store your extra dishes the crazy coupon lady went on and found some deals for us. $38 for some desks $68 for some dressers. under $100 for side boards you can really get a nice piece of furniture and not spend a ton of money on it. >> what about appliances >> this is big on presidents' day as well. you're going to check your local appliance stores what i like about shopping local, you are supporting moms
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and pops when it comes to repairs or dealing with a warranty issue, you can get someone on the phone right away if you are shopping the big chains, home depot has $800 off things like refrigerators, $500 off washers and driers at best buy, 40% to 50% off. select appliances, and they have deals on lg packages, bishop washer, microwave, a fridge, up to $500 off that package small appliances are also on sale this weekend, so i am a major air fryer convert. i used to live and die by my toaster oven the air fryer has totally earned its place on the counter you guys are looking at me - the one i got is under $50 from costco it is a workhorse. bris bthe hash browns. you can reheat the pizza it all goes in there that's on sale this weekend. air fryer people out there, tweet me, it's a tribe >> what are the things you
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should hold off? >> right so this weekend, you will generally find sales on everything from clothing to foot wear even tires and auto parts. but there are certain things, if you want the rock bottom prices, you want to wait on. this is the time of the end of the season for winter clothes. if you want spring apparel, wait for the end of spring to buy for next year. that's the best prices maybe less selection that's your wait on. the same thing goes for outdoor furniture. the best time to buy that stuff is at the end of the summer, when everyone is done. if you need something for this summer, wait until the end of march or early next april. there is something called spring black friday. a lot of major stores. >> i've never heard that is that a real thing >> well, they're trying to make it a thing, let's say that, because black friday, everybody kind of wants that association >> you want a deal, right? >> absolutely. electronics, we know actual black friday and cyber monday are the best times, but coming up in july is prime day for amazon when more electronics tend to go on sale as well.
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>> thank you very much, vicky. appreciate it. over to dylan. >> well, guys, we have that rain out in california, but we also have really nice temperatures and a lot of sunshine across the rest of the country. that's where we're going to see highs today, about 15 to 20 will see increasing sunshine there. again, nice and quieie good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we have seen a break in the activity, but the rain is coming back and it may be heavy at times with the potential of localized flooding and high winds today, even the threat of severe thunderstorms with damaging winds. as the storm nears the bay area, it's going to turn up the energy and produce the risk of thunderstorms through the morning and afternoon. stil
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all right. dylan, all right, dylan, thanks so much carson is off, so you're pulling double duty. what's popping >> double duty with dylan dreyer first up, the baftas many stars gathered to celebrate the biggest movies of the season chloe melas is here with all the details on that. chloe, good morning. >> good to see you guys. it was an emotional night for many winners once again a total sweep for "oppenheimer". leaving many fans to wonder if we should expect the same at this year's oscars movie royalty an royalty gathering for hollywood's biggest night across the pond but the biggest reaction was for an american movie legend. >> michael j. fox! >> michael j. fox bringing the crowd to an emotional standing ovation. >> there is a reason why they say movies are magic movies can change your day, it
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can change your outlook, sometimes even change your life. >> he presented the award for best film to "oppenheimer". continuing its awards season sweep, including best actor winner cillian murphy. >> i want to thank my fellow nominees and my oppenhomies. >> and robert downy junior who won for best supporting actor, shouting out his director. >> that dude, chris nolan, suggested i attempt an understated approach as a last-ditch effort to perhaps resurrect my dwindling credibility. >> reporter: also in the starry crowd, prince william attending solo as kate middleton recovers from abdominal surgery william supporting the uk's big movie night where "poor things" didn't do so poorly at all winning five awards, including emma stone for best actress. getting a wink from past costar ryan gosling and thanking her dialect coach. >> he did not laugh at me when he taught me how to say water, even though as an american i say it like, water.
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>> and the holdovers winning for best supporting actress, delivering a moving speech about playing the role of mary, a cafeteria manager. >> there had been countless marys throughout history who have never got the chance to wear a beautiful gown and stand on this stage here in london >> now, oscar voting beginning in just four days, and the winners of the baftas could be a good indicator of what's to come there is typically some overlap. between those voters and the academy voters, but it is not a sure bet we could see unexpected surprises. >> i'm sure we will. >> thank you, chloe. now to another star-studded event. this one right here on nbc, the people's choice awards the red carpet was packed here in the states last night to celebrate audiences' favorite pop culture moments of the year. naturally barbie took home six trophies, including movie of the year america if aerer a - taylor swift won four awards,
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including pop artist of the year and concert tour of the year but the biggest award of the evening went to the people's icon and music icon winners. adam sandler and lenny kravitz the comedian thought he was accepting a different award. >> my agent called me and said, i won the people's choice icon award. i was driving, and i had him on speakerphone, and i was also eating frosted flakes. i thought he said, congratulations, adam, you won the people magazine sexiest man alive. so, anyways, i wrote a speech for that embrace your chubbiness, lean into your goofiness and just start hanging out with david spade and rob schneider so you can look handsomer and three feet taller than you actually are. >> good advice there from adam sandler. as for kravitz, he rocked the stage with an incredible medley of his greatest hits and also
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delivered this emotional speech. >> and it's never been about how many records i sell or how many awards i win it is not about trying to write hits or being calculated or formulaic. it is about enjoying and being grateful for the journey and using the gifts that god gave you, and that journey goes how it goes. and it will continue because i'm just doing me. >> congratulations to all the winners there. lenny kravitz is al roker's cousin are you aware of that? >> really? >> really? >> the whole back story there. i figured you might think i'm kidding, no, i'm very serious. next up, "footloose" on friday, we cut loose on the plaza celebrating the film's 40-year anniversary with a flash mob. fancy footwork who can forget that iconic final number at the prom >> let's dance ♪ >> well, the school where that very scene was shot has a special proposal
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they're asking kevin bacon himself to attend their prom students at payson high in utah have started the viral campaign with the #bacontoprom they started this as far back as the 20th anniversary they say this year is his last chance to attend because the school is set to be demolished what do you say, mr. bacon will you take on one last dance? if you go, we'd love to join because, to be honest, we have someone we think that can do it, our very own performance >> if they can't get peter alexander, i guess -- >> that was my halloween costume five years ago the best part is choreographing. and then we got there this morning, the dancers showed up and they were like, no, no, you don't go right you go left. >> we did it backwards. >> that was a big problem. so fun >> you could still be a backup if he can't do it. >> an understudy. >> there is always peter finally, "when harry met sally". who remembers this romantic moment from the final
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scene. >> i love that you get cold when it's 71 degrees out. i love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich >> i love that you get a little wrinkle above your nose. i love after i spend a day with you, i can still smell your perfume on your clothes. i love you are the last person i want to talk to before i go to sleep at night >> well, that famous confession almost never happened. in a new interview, the director revealed his love life almost held back that happy ending. >> i had been married for 10 years. i had been single for 10 years and i couldn't figure out how i was ever going to be with anybody. and th good morning. 8:26. i'm marcus washington. we are tracking microclimate weather alert. a part of niles canyon road collapsed this morning.
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cal trans says the westbound niles canyon road is closed indefinitely. pittsburg police are asking you to avoid harbor street near small world park where a power pole fell on a car. north and southbound lanes are closed between atlantic avenue and east leland road. that closure is expected to remain in place until at least 1:00 this afternoon. we are under a microclimate weather alert that continues as we get a wave of rain starting to come back to the bay area. there was a brief break, but now we're starting to see the rain picking up again in the north bay as well as along the coastline. it's going to be off and on today and even the risk of thunderstorms late morning into the afternoon.
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download the nbc bay area app to download the nbc bay area app to get live
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading.
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katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. someone in the fbi is responsible for the church bombing. >> something happened that night you've been running from ever since. >> who would use a hate crime to cover up a murder? >> the irrational season finale tonight on nbc and peacock
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♪ at that look at that cutie this crowd is fired up whoa! we are back at 8:30 on this monday. it's president's day, a day off from school. and we're here with a lot of our new friends on the plaza. >> we're so glad you >> it's a holiday, i presidents us >> just ahead, a fascinating story honoring the legacy of a trail blazing woman and what she did to become one of the most prominent librarians in american history. >> also a very special treat this monday morning. in studio 1a to tell us about her new movie. it is fantastic. and life at home with her young twins. >> oh, boy and we are going to play a game
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of save versus splurge to stretch your money further when it comes to skin care, makeup and more. >> be sure to join tomorrow, aly in a besser is going to be here to shake u your weekly dinner rotation with some pasta recipes to turn your pantry staples into wow worthy meals. >> i'm into that, sounds good. >> dylan, weather if you would please >> it looks good here in new york city. chilly but it's presidents' day. a lot of sunshine for most of the country, except out west california will get slammed with more rain today. then as we get towards the middle of the week, it shifts to southern california, where landslides and flooding is a certain possibility and it transitions into mountain snow by the middle of the week. record high temperatures across the plains especially down across the southern plains. dallas up around 80 degrees. then we finish off the week with some wet snow across central and northern new england also a little bit of rain along the east coast temperatures on the milder side and above-average high temperatures continue to stand strong back through the plain states with highs in the 50s and 60s. that's the w wea
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good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. just be on the lookout for today for the potential of some severe storms coming in as we get this unsettled weather and a lot of energy near the center of this storm. we will have waves of rain comingl focused on the peninsula and the north bay. the chance of storms increased late morning into the afternoon, packing gusty winds and small hail along wit we've got a job to do out here we need to get this woman a puppy! is your husband watching >> yes, he is. >> did he think you would stand a chance getting on the "today" show >> absolutely not, which is why he agreed to this. >> now what will happen? >> i will get a golden doodle. >> so exciting, golden doodles for you guys >> that's a hard sell when you call out your husband on live television.
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>> he has no choice now. up next, the hidden history of a new york landmark and the remarkable woman behind it how she became one of the most influential voices in the book world. but first, this is "today" on nbc. is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data.
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moaire dida twoo? your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. hey billy, how you doin? with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. thanks. it's happening. get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $1000 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today! democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice...
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as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. we are back now at 8:35 with our special series "discover black heritage" and laura has an inspiring story on a librarian that worked a few blocks from here. >> this was really fun you've probably heard the name jp morgan, but chances are you've never heard of the woman responsible for so much of his success, a trail blazer in the book world we got a tour of the library she helped develop, and talked with
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some there and her family about the journey to the top nestled in the middle of manhattan is a time capsule. part library, part museum. full of treasures amassed by a titan of the finance industry, quest for rare books, a woman with a s his unlikely partner in his quest for rare books, a woman with a story of her own. >> morgan was known for hiring the best people, regardless of their qualifications and he must have just known that she was one of the best people for the job, if not the best person for the job. >> born in 1879, she was raised in washington, d.c her father, richard, was the first black graduate of harvard. when bell was a teenager, her parents separated. leave r -- leaving her mother t raise bell and her siblings under a new name and a new identity, passing for white instead of living as black >> she still had to, you know, navigate a world that told her
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she was less than. >> eventually bell made her way to princeton university, working as a librarian when she met a nephew of j.p. morgan who put in a good word with his uncle. >> clearly she made quite an impression with her knowledge with her personality, with her confidence and the rest is history. >> morgan quickly recognized her talents, elevating bell to his chief negotiator at auctions, at home and overseas. did he like she was trying to get a deal even though she had no budget? >> oh, yeah. morgan always wanted a deal. >> her formidable reputation well-known to this day, even to her descendants. her great grand nephew bob lightener fondly recalling her nickname, aunt bull. how did she get that nickname? >> she was the bull in the room. she did things that women weren't supposed to do, because that's who he was. >> outside of the library's walls, bell was no stiff a fixture of the new york party
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circuit, wearing the latest fashions her hat, a standout. do you think she was having fun? >> oh, yeah. she was having so much fun she was working hard at morgan and playing hard in new york ina the evenings >> but all the while, keeping a big secret with dangerous consequences, like losing her dream job. >> people all have this idea of, well, it was new york city it wouldn't have been so bad it's like, oh, no. unfortunately while we might not have had the kind of institutionalized jim crow laws that the south had, racism was rampant. segregation was rampant. >> as for whether j.p. knew her true identity his family says the jury is still out on that. it is something his great-great grandson wonders about himself >> he may have known. >> they worked so closely
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together, it seems implausible to me. >> speculation aside at its core a bond between two right minds, one the morgan hopes to capture as it turns 100 this year. its cause rye tars now preparing an exhibit wit bell's honor with highlights including one of her paychecks she signed herself. >> you wondered what it would have meant for her at the time. this is the paycheck she would have brought home and her mother got to see that her children were succeeding in this world, despite everything they had to overcome >> and one of her final purchases for the museum, a letter from abolitionist frederick douglas. >> the last paragraph of this letter is frederick douglass calling for equality, for african americans to be seen for their full worth and merit >> you wonder if she was sending everyone else a message by selecting this at the end. >> yeah, exactly >> that message now the essence of her legacy.
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what do you hope people take away from her story? >> that it doesn't matter what gender you are, what race you are. if you are confident and you are a strong enough individual, you can forge ahead and do anything you want and be whatever you yo want. >> bell eventually became the museum's first director and always promoted open access and education. the exhibit honoring her hopes to open want >> bell eventually became the museum's first director and always promoted open access and education. the exhibit honoring her hopes to open later this year at the morgan and, guys, i had never heard about this story before. it is one of those that's lost in the history books, but she is such an incredible woman and our thanks to the producer. >> her story is so incredible. that venue, that library is so beautiful. what a great story to share, thanks for sharing it with us this morning. >> yes up next, the two-time oscar winner hilary swank, a big treat for us she will tell us about her role in a new movie based on an incredible true story. and one that she has a personal connection t
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welcome back we are back with hollywood royalty here, two-time academy award winner hilary swank. >> she stars in the new film "ordinary angels," the story of a hairdresser from kentucky who made it her mission to help the family of a little girl drowning in bills, and in need of a liver transplant take a look. >> virginia, what if it was your daughter forgive me, but i did a little homework and i know you have a beautiful 11-year-old girl what if it was her you were trying to save you would want to find a way, right, for her to have a future, to build branches of her own please there has got to be something we can do here. >> it is a great movie i had a chance to see it, both of us did. we're so glad you are here with us this movie is moving because it
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is both powerful and uplifting it is sort of a larger than life role you play. the character sharon it is based on a true story back from 1994. what was it about this story, her story, and that little girl that really got you so engaged >> first of all, thank you for saying that and thank you for watching the film. i appreciate that very much. like you said, she is larger than life. she is a force of nature, sharon, and she is flawed and imperfect like we all are. she's going through her life and loses her faith and then gets an opportunity to find her truest purpose by helping this family and this young girl. and then gets a chance to regain her faith again through all of that and my father was a recipient of a lung transplant, so organ donation is a big, big thing to me and talking about it. this movie came about three months after my dad passed, so i got this opportunity i feel like it was sent from my
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dad. and to tell a movie about an extraordinary human being and family, and i think it would have been my dad's favorite movie of mine. >> it is so special. as peter said, just so real and so uplifting. >> in a time we need that. >> yeah. and talk to us about the issue of organ donation. obviously, something so close to your heart do you think that's what really drew you to the role >> well, that was one of them. obviously the movie also deals with addiction it deals with debilitating medical debt and how people who, you know, need to save their life and live under this debt and there is this organization called r.i.p. where you can donate $10 and it will give a family $1,000 to help eradicate their medical bills, which is so needed. also the message it is a feel-good movie. you will laugh you will cry i love this movie. i really love it and i'm honored to be a part of telling it it is just fun to make and i love sharon. and i hope that everyone will
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enjoy it as much as i did. >> she was almost engaged in this modern-day crowd sourcing, right, the way that she was drawing on everybody. >> you're right. >> she got the media involved. >> before cell phones. >> before cell phones, it is kind of incredible. >> it is incredible. >> i'm a girl dad, so this fact there were two little girls in this movie really resonated with me. i want to talk to you as the daughter of a wonderful man. you took three years off to be with him after that lung transplant that's time for a hollywood star at the height of her career that no one could imagine someone would walk away. how valuable was that time to be with your dad during that window of time and share it with him? >> it was one of the most important times in my life, i think. you know getting the -- being blessed enough to be able to take time off to care for my dad but also how much our relationship deepened even further. we had a lot of fun as well. there is a lot of trials and tribulations within there, but it was extraordinary and nothing i would ever regret doing.
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>> before we let you go, we know you have 10-month-old twins. >> yes. >> what surprised you the most about being a mom? >> i think every mom i have heard says, oh, get ready to experience the greatest joy of your life. and i'm like, oh, no, i know what great joy feels like. i have five dogs i get it then you have babies and you are like, oh, the love is so expansive. it is so incredible. it is so joyous and every single day you get to wake up and be with them is like my fullest purpose. >> just a couple days ago over valentine's day, you finally revealed their names talk to us about them and where those names come from. >> aya was a syrian refugee we met in lebanon, so she was just this courageous brave young girl full of light going through a really difficult time. i thought -- my husband and i were like, she's so beautiful. what a great name. and ohm is considered the first universal sound and unites all people we thought, oh, that sounds very
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fitting. >> congratulations wonderful. >> we're so glad for you, and glad to help celebrate your father's memory too. >> i appreciate that very much, thank you for having me. angels." it is in theaters nationwide this saturday. up next, which beauty products are worth the extra money? we'll find out with a fun game of save
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo.
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now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. the movie is great we are back with "today's style. beauty products are everywhere we look right now. endless options, range of prices from makeup to hair care which ones are worth the money well, we have someone here to help us decide with save versus splurge. the senior editor of "new beauty." sara, nice to see you this
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morning. before we get started here, walk us through what should we be keeping in mind in terms of what we are supposed to invest our money in? >> absolutely. the thing to keep in mind is the -- when shopping for beauty products first one is cost per use. cost of the product divided by how many times you will use it, that gives the ultimate result of the product lasts longer, cost per use the second thing will be results. if you are liking the results you see with it, is it a positive outcome or you like the experience, it's worth it. third is your area of concern. breakouts, wrinkles, whatever that might be, invest your budget towards those items because that's what you want to see the biggest results in. >> let's put my knowledge to the test. >> okay. moisturizer or eye cream. >> eye cream. >> what do you think >> eye cream, yes, yes you save on eye cream and you splurge on your moisturizer.
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the reason why is it comes to cost per use you are looking for more from your moisturizers. you can buy cerave for a great price. they have a patented complex you have this beautiful cream to help replenish your skin. >> you have so much body area to cover with this, right your moisturizer around your eye area, too. >> all right. i say splurge on the hydration. >> not doing so well, okay. talk me through it. >> save on your serums and splurge on your vitamin cs. these formulations are more complicated. the compounds are difficult to work with. you need to spend your money on these formulations to give you the best results. your hydration serums are still you want to use both use this it is like a sponge. it is a skin friendly ingredients. vitamins are usual for the production and hyper
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pigmentation. >> okay. i want to spend money on my eye pencil. >> yes all right. you are going to splurge on your eye pencils and save an your shadows. if you have a bad pencil, it will tug and cause fine lines and wrinkles you're going to spend more money on botox bills i love this. it lasts 24 hours. it goes nowhere. it blends easily it does everything you need and lasts a long time. because a little bit goes a long way. then you have these l'oréal pallets. wonderful colors dignified colors this is inspired by a makeup artist. >> you can get this at the drugstore. >> yes it is beautiful. it gives you everything you need for a great price. >> okay. lipstick versus lip gloss. i'm going to spend my money on lipstick. >> lipstick, you are correct >> okay. so the reason why is because lipsticks are iconic they will last longer and give you that great color payoff. this is such a beautiful formulation. it is ysl. it is hydrating, but it will
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also give your lips color. you can find a great lip gloss they don't last as long. this is a neutrogena. >> you're going through so much of this. >> that's the problem. you go through so much of it we have 20 lip glosses always changing our lip gloss. lipsticks tend to stay with our >> you definitely want to spend your money on hair tools. >> you ended the game strong. that's exactly it. the less heat exposure, the less damage to your hair. so that's crucial. this t3 is an amazing blow-dryer. >> it is a workhorse. >> this will provide amazing true, iconic colors. also, abeta. this is the og of natural hair care products. their scent is iconic. love it. it's great for the hair. add the enrichment to your hair. you will see great results by using this product. >> okay. i didn't get so bad, right three out of five, we'll take that. >> thank you so much
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for these products and more, check out we are back with our 3rd and 4th hours. including -- but, first, your local news.
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good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are under a microclimate weather alert as we get waves of rain coming in. also looking at the rainbow on the sfo camera. the rain may be heavy at times and may pose localized flooding, also wind advisories. the threat of severe weather and thunderstorms will increase as we get the center of the storm and much more energy coming in. right now we're seeing scattered rain. severe weather will be ramping up late morning into early afternoon with these cells moving through. we'll be watching that and the we'll be watching that and the
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," spring for it. if you haven't booked a spring break get-away, it is not too late to save a couple bucks. plus, vision problems? 'm


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