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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  February 19, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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in studio. [ music ] the news starts right now, thank you so much for joining us. >> more range means more damage, and power outages across the bay area. this tree is blocking pinehurst road. they are clearing this area as we speak. in the north bay, multiple storms caused rural roads to flood. this was around santa rosa, in windsor. a lot of that flooding is due to runoff from the last couple days of rain. and some road damage was seen near niles canyon, where it is now closed after part of the roadway fell into the creek. no word on when this is going to reopen. jeff is going to join us in about 10 minutes, with what we can expect over the next few
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days. as for our power outages, not bad at all. let's look at the power outage map, a lot of green dots populated on the screen, those outages affect fewer than 50 customers, relatively speaking, this is good news. that cambria neighborhood is one of the more troubled areas right now. when you download our app, you can track track that rain and snow on the roof. open your camera and pointed to the qr code in the middle of your screen. that will take you directly to the exclusive storm manger doppler radar. for two years, urban alchemy has run the bayview rv triage center, providing resources to get the unhoused back on their feet. a recent federal inspection of the facility did not go well. damian trujillo has more. >> reporter: they say they deal
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with homeless and other social issues with compassion, but those that live here at this bayview facility say they haven't seen it. it sits on the former parking lot of the mystic park, the bayview rv triage center. the center provides 24 seven staffing, security, bathrooms, and shower facilities, it is also where people can get rvs fixed by a mechanic. the goal is to ultimately lead to a permanent exit from homelessness for people. one former resident says jail is better than this. jail is better than this? >> it's nasty, it's nasty. >> it's supposed to be a transitional facility, but marcello lived there for two years. he is back on the streets because of the new rules. there is a strict no visitor policy. last week, and inspector visited the site after getting
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complaints about possible a.d.a. violations. the inspector did not like what was uncovered. >> do you know anyone in the facility who can talk to us? >> there is nobody here right now, i'm sorry.>> reporter: a worker told me no one was available to answer questions today. we left messages with the mayor's office, and with urban alchemy. off-camera they were told the city needs to get its act together with the triage center. marcello says he prefers the streets, and he is back living in an rv. international headlines after months of request from ukraine, the biden administration is working toward providing that country with long-range missiles. that is according to u.s. officials. late last year, the united states began to supply ukraine with tactical missile systems,
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only the older, medium-range kind. now they are working on something longer-range missiles. funding remains uncertain due to republican opposition. larry, president biden may send missiles to ukraine, in the meantime he is waiting for congress to approve a foreign aid package that includes $60 billion for ukraine. what do americans think about this aid package, and sending more foreign aid to ukraine?>> you watch what is going on in congress, there are all different sides of this issue, but a poll was just released yesterday that finds the following. people are concerned about this. 72%, according to our poll. 72%
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say yes they are concerned about what's going in ukraine. then the question of money, what should we do? you look at what you see here, between those who say no concern about anything, and maybe this is some saying keep it going, yes, you got 70% of americans agreeing to continue with or without conditions. you see what's going on in washington.>> mike johnson, house republicans, why are they so opposed to this bill?>> donald trump. donald trump, the former president really has his arms around the republican party. when he was president, donald trump wanted very little to do with any involvement abroad. he got us out of the paris climate accord. he did not go along with the
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transpacific partnership. the world health organization. he took the united states out of them, and because he doesn't believe in having american involvement overseas, that's why mike johnson and a handful of very bright republicans in the house have put a stop on it. >> he's not our current leader, but he has a strong opinion, and people are listening. he has been very vocal about russia and ukraine. what happens moving forward? are they going to keep listening to the man who would like to be president again?>> they now call former president trump the speaker of the house. will that roll continue? when you have public opinion the way it is, when you have a senate that has already said we are going to go along with it, there is tremendous pressure on mike johnson. that's all there is to it. the question is, will that pressure mount? they go back to their districts, are they getting an
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ear full? will there be some sort of change? there is one thing that can be done. it's called discharge petition. anyone can say i'm going to collect 218 signatures to put my issue on the ballot, to have a vote on it. it is comp located, it takes a while. you only have 213 democrats right now, you need five republicans. will they cross the line? will they defy the speaker? that's the tough question, we just don't know. >> the foreign aid package, is it dead? can it be reworked? is there still hope for it? >> it can. either johnson changed his mind, or the democrats get together and get five republicans for that discharge petition. this might be one of those times.>> larry, thank you so much for your insight. two weeks from tomorrow is the california primary. they will decide who takes over the late dianne feinstein
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senate seat. you will see the race for senate on your ballot twice, because of her gavin newsom opted to appoint feinstein's replacement rather than hold eight pricey special election last year. the first race on your ballot will decide who will take over for senator butler, for the remainder of feinstein's term. that's for the general election to january 2025. butler is not running for that seat. the senate race will decide who will serve the next full six- year term january 2025 through january january 2025 through january 2012 - - 2031. tomorrow, the top candidates will be facing off in a debate featuring adam schiff, the lone republican steve garvey, representative katie porter and
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oakland congresswoman barbara lee. this will be the last televised debate before the primary. it will be hosted by our sister station. you can watch it right here, tomorrow, at 6:00 pm. the cdc is contemplating whether to recommend the newest covid booster this spring. here in california, widespread immunity does seem to be helping infections dropped. researchers say costs are down compared to a month ago. illness from the respiratory viruses flu, rsv, and post- covid peaked in january. with just a few weeks left in the season, respiratory infections are way down, and covid hospitalizations are also dropping. health leaders say that is evidence of effective vaccines, and years of exposure to the virus. virtual reality can vastly improve the emotional well-being of senior citizens. researchers studied the impact
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of virtual reality on 245 seniors. participants used the technology to do things like travel the world, go parachuting, even play with puppies. researchers say those experiences created a gateway for sensory stimulation and memory revival, with 80% of participants reporting a more positive attitude, and percent saying they felt a tangible reduction in social isolation. gift cards are meant to be spent, but hers is a dud, and she is stuck in a loop, calling company representatives. nbc bay area responds, next. i'm jeff ranieri. there's that democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice...
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as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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tonight we respond to a
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southbay woman who got a useless gift, a gift card that did not work. >> she contacted our consumer investigator, work your magic, what have we got? let's talk about paula and morgan hill. she received a gift card as a present. she tried to spend it, but hit a snag. the store clerk said she couldn't meet it. she called the customer service line and a representative agreed to send her a new card. one month later, guess what happened? nothing. no new card. paula called back. they told her they couldn't help her. she contacted us, we contacted kohl's, they gave paula a $50 replacement card. we wanted to know what happened here. kohl's only said this issue is resolved directly with the customer, and we are grateful for that, but we are concerned that fraudsters are targeting
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gift cards of all kinds. we have been investigating this scam for months. thursday night we invite you to join us back here, we will show you what we found when we followed the money. we even enlisted the help of the fbi. please join us on thursday night. if you have a gift card problem, we are really interested in hearing your story and adding it to the dozens of others that we've got. scan the qr code on the screen and fill out our consumer complaint form. we really want you to watch on thursday night, because we did find some really fascinating and frustrating stuff when we started digging beneath the surface and following the money. a water spout was spotted moving over florida, it happened yesterday afternoon in the lord at lower florida keys. the water spout blew debris
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into the air, as it made landfall. no injuries were reported. the national weather service says this type of water spout is like a tornado that forms over the water, very common during southern florida's rainy season. how about lake tahoe? a lot of families are heading up to ski this holiday weekend. chain controls for parts of highway 80 or interstate 80 at donner lake, this is a live look now. the roads look clear, which is good. do we come back now? jeff ranieri is here, it's that wait and see game, check the forecast all the time. >> tomorrow we will see three to 6 inches, we will probably be able to manage and get through that, and eventually some dry weather is rolling in as he get through the week. let's take it to the microclimate weather forecast on this monday. you will see the rain season compared to last year, i wanted to show you this, there is actually one spot year that is lining up with more rain than we had last year, and remember all those storms we had?
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they just pummeled us. this season, 28.21 inches in santa rosa, last year 26.79 inches. we are besting last year so far. oakland can't say the same, 11.20, last year this time we had 22.33 inches. we are getting closer in san francisco, with 17.78, not nearly as much in livermore with a .78, but you are close here in san jose, 12.15, last year you had 12.96 inches to date. some areas are doing much better than others, all in all, thankfully, we are getting something here. right now on the radar we have a couple areas we want to track. we will take it down to the north bay. this line of rainfall is sneering into napa tonight. off to the south, heavy rain on 680 and 580, no doubt slowing it down. this is all moving off to the north, keeping that heavy rain
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into antioch. as we head into the evening, off here in the south bay we have some spotty showers in san jose, with rain continuing off into sunnyvale through 6:23 pm. the system that is producing rainfall today just lingers offshore. it's an upper-level area of low pressure. we have scattered rain and thunder some chances as we get into the forecast for tomorrow, but i do not think the coverage of rainfall is going to be nearly as much for tomorrow morning. scattered rain and thunder storms to start in the north bay, we may not have anything at all for the east bay, southbay, and the peninsula. we may have some widespread rain returning by tomorrow afternoon, continuing until about 6:00 pm. that's the last leg of this storm system. this should really be trying to kick out of here tomorrow night.
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rainfall totals tomorrow are lower, trace amounts to about a quarter inch for the southbay, a lot of the east bay and peninsula. around san francisco and the east bay hills could get around half an inch, and a quarter to half an inch in the north bay. rainfall is not as bad tomorrow, wind is also expected to calm down. overall gus will be 30 to 50 coming out of the south. look at this, tomorrow morning, much better, wind at 20 mph. gradually, things should taper off for us tomorrow and into wednesday. we begin tomorrow morning with temperatures in the upper 40s for much of the bay area, 49 here in san francisco, 46 in the north bay. the daytime high is going into the 50s and lower 60s across the bay, 64 in san jose, 59 here in san francisco. on the seven-day forecast, we have sunshine coming in on thursday, then friday, saturday, sunday, we see a system going offshore with some spotty rain chances. right now totals do not look
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high. it is hit or miss activity. we still have a flood watch in place and another update coming up. is this really happening? the panda is back. the panda is back. a famiar face returns li
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to
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make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. big news at giants spring training in arizona, not only was the first full squad
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practice of the spring, we also spotted the panda. assume you love the panda, pablo sandoval. the giants made it official today, announcing they have signed pablo sandoval as a nonroster invitee, the two-time all-star and 2012 world series mvp is now 37 years old. he hasn't played in the majors since 2021. he looks great, probably the best we've seen him physically, in years. last year he briefly played in dubai.>> he has had a big impact on this team over the years. he has an infectious personality. he is experienced. he is motivated. i think there is a lot that can rub off on some of our younger guys.>> look at him giving a wave to the camera. the fans love him. let's manage our expectations. it will probably be a long shot that he makes the squad. it is fun seeing him back in
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the giants uniform. the sharks played a little matinee hockey. the sharks hosted the reigning stanley cup champion vegas golden knights. this one got away early from san jose, they scored two goals in the first five minutes. michael started the scoring with this breakaway goal, vegas shuts up the sharks this afternoon, the final score is 4- 0. nascar season.underway a day later than expected. rain washed out the daytona 500, the rock was the grand marshal for today's 66th running of the great american race. he fired up the crowd and told the drivers to start their engines. the race ended with a wreck, a lot of sparks, and bent metal. william byron made it to the last laugh. nasa is looking for its next
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you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us.
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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>> students in massachusetts are misbehaving so much so that parents have come up with a way to solve the problem. they want to call in the national guard. school committee members say there is a rising fights, drug use, students skipping class, so members are pushing for the national guard to step in at a local high school. a community member said they are looking for the national
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guard to act as substitute teacher, home monitor, and to keep the school safe. the committee chairs is the national guard is not the answer, but still moved forward with the request for the governor's consideration. they expect to have a plan next week. it has been one year since jimmy carter entered hospice care. president carter celebrated his 99th birthday. he lost his wife of 77 years. rosalyn carter died last november after entering hospice care just days prior. former president carter's last public appearance was at his wife's funeral. the carter family share this message with the public, they say they are grateful for the many expressions of love, and pleased the decision has sparked family discussions across the country.>> a new study on exercise finds that women see greater health benefits than men do.
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researchers with the journal of the american college of cardiology found women who did moderate exercise had a 24% lower risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke. that compares with women who did not work out. by contrast, men who exercise regularly were only 15% less likely to die than didn't exercise. many of the women took part in exercises that boosted heart rate. men were more likely to do muscle building activities, like lifting weights. if you like an adventure, here is one, nasa is looking for a new crop of experimental martians to help prepare for human expeditions to the red planet. nasa is seeking applicants for the next simulated one year mars surface mission. the volunteer crew will live and work inside a 3-d printed habitat. that habitat will simulate the
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challenges of a mission to mars, including resource limitations, equipment failures, medication delays, and other environmental stressors.>> no wi-fi? i couldn't handle it. i would like to see you and jessica do it. >> hard pass for me. they don't want me. [ laughing ] >> jessica joins us with what is coming up next. >> we are tracking the new storm moving across the bay area. we look at the places feeling the impact of all this rain and wind, plus jeff is tracking the path of the storm. the east bay could see more headaches and road closures, after a big chunk simply washed away.>> and an update on the story that we've been following, the movement we are seeing after a report of a lot full of abandoned vehicles that were paid for with taxpayer money. [ music ]
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the news at 6:00 pm starts now. thank you for being with us.>> tonight, we are tracking the rain again. all that wind as the bay area gets hit with a new winter storm. that's take a look at the cameras from across the bay area tonight. rain has been on and off all day long, with the impact being felt in different areas across the bay area. we will continue with coverage in that area, a washed out road caused a backup for a lot of drivers today. we will tell you about the closure that is happening with caltrans, so they can repair the road. sergio quintana is going to join us with a look at some of the flooding around of rural santa rosa. we are in the south bay with the impact on customers today. first, let's check on the storm's path, and see where it is right now, where it is moving to. jeff ranieri joins us now. where is it


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