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tv   Today  NBC  February 20, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PST

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possibility for gusty winds. use that as a note when you're driving. >> i bet a lot of people are headed back to work today after the extended weekend. it looks like a monday out there. at least it's tuesday. you know the "today" show is coming up next, but we actually continue "today in the bay" on roku and other streaming platforms. we will have another live report from the scene of that fatal south bay shooting this morning, plus our scott mcgrew is breaking down the response from tesla over complaints of cybertrucks rusting and what they're doing about it. watch our 7:00 a.m. newscast coming up next. you know what today is in national love your pet day. >> which is every day in my house. >> those of you who have pets, hug them a little tighter today and give them a treat. hi there. good tuesday morning. new storms causing new problems.
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>> yeah. tens of millions back on alert this morning. it is february the 20th. good morning. this is "today." torrential downpour. another day of heavy rain out west. one airport forced to close. nearly the entire state of california now under flood alert. >> every single night i wake up wondering, is the mud going to come down into the house again? >> al will have our full forecast. on the attack. nikki haley going after donald trump in the wake of that mysterious death of russian opposition leader alexei navalny. >> i don't know why he keeps getting weak in the knees when it comes to russia. >> where the presidential race with the primary just days away. major merger. capital one set to buy discover. a $35 billion deal combining two of the nation's largest credit card companies and leaving customers with even fewer options. what it means for your wallet just ahead.
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show of support. >> kansas city chiefs, we love you guys. we're with you guys. >> the kelce brothers speaking out for the first time since that mass shooting at the super bowl victory party. what they're doing to help the survivors. those stories, plus, in stitches. as spring training kicks off, major league baseball's new jerseys are striking out. this morning, a closer look at why they are not a hit with players and fans. and wild finish. >> they can't get around -- oh! >> chaos in the last laps of the daytona 500. not one, but two major pile-ups ending in an historic victory for one of nascar's rising stars. today, tuesday, february 20th, 2024. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller
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plaza. good morning. good to see you. welcome to "today." it is a tuesday morning. happy you're with us after a long weekend. >> yes, nice to have you along with us. our top story, that severe weather affecting millions of americans. >> yeah, look at this. here is the scene in california this morning. heavy rain is bringing floods, mud slides even tornado warnings to a region that's already saturated. >> 35 million under flood watches again today, the heaviest rain and highest risk in the southern part of the state. that, of course, including los angeles. >> two rounds of heavy rain is set to hit the region. consider this. l.a. is fast-approaching its annual average rainfall amount. this is just the 51st day of the year. >> wow. we got it all covered. including al's full forecast. but we'll start out in l.a. with liz kreutz. >> reporter: it continues to rain down on us. you guys said it, just for some
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perspective, l.a., los angeles has seen 75% of its average annual rainfall just this month, in february, the month not even over yet. heavy rainfall is leading to major infrastructure problems. i'm here in hollywood hills, outside the mulholland drive, part of this road is now closed because of a massive landslide. another blast of wet winter weather threatening california homes, roads and lives. the storm sending torrents of water and mud rushing down hillsides and closing major thoroughfares across the state. what's been the impact of storm after storm after storm the past few weeks? >> what we're seeing is that the ground is saturated. there is a lot of water coming off the hillside. >> reporter: officials say many drivers underestimate the force of moving water, leading to trapped and submerged vehicles, near sacramento and santa barbara county, where the local airport was closed from flooding. this picturesque state park also now closed to the public after
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these once majestic palm trees came crashing down. the soil is so saturated, many of these trees are now at risk of collapsing, like these just uprooted, collapsed into the ocean. in sonoma co >> every single night i wake up wondering, is the mud going to come down again into the house again? cliffside homes with more rain still on the horizon. you saw the dramatic images over head of the landslide here. just an indication of how powerful these storms, these back-to-back storms have been here in california. even as the conditions here start to ease up, the worst of this storm moves out, the risk
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of more mudslides, more landslides in the coming days. hoda? >> unrelenting. liz, thank you. >> al has his eye on the storm and where they're headed. >> that's right, guys. good morning. this plume of moisture extends from the pacific into southern california. and the rain is just going to keep coming, as you just heard from liz. it's going to be at least another 24 hours. we have flood alerts, flood watches, flood warnings. 35 million people, almost the entire coastline of california and about 300 miles inland as well. we really have the severest risk of flooding from los angeles, desert hot springs, temecula even down into san diego. we could be seeing rainfall rates up to 1 inch per hour as this system continues to drench the area. that renewed risk of flooding and mudslides will continue right through tomorrow. heavy snow will start to develop into the great basin and the rockies as well. the heaviest rain going to really be concentrated from santa barbara into san diego,
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another 1 to 3 inches of rain. and as you get into the rockies, another 6 to 12 inches of snow in some of the higher elevations. guys, at least another 24 hours of heavy rain. but those mud slides and those landslides will exthose le threat of that, right into next week >> all right, al, thank you so much let's go to the presidential race now four days to go until the next republican primary in south carolina nikki haley is sharpening her attacks, hammering donald trump over his first public comments on the death of russian opposition leader alexei navalny. nbc's garrett haake joins us >> reporter: good morning to you. with time running short, haley is blasting her former boss on russia saying he's weak in the knees when it comes to putin as she tries to make the case that president trump cannot win a general election rematch with president biden with four days to go, nikki
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haley is fighting an uphill battle against former president trump on her home turf, arguing republicans will be doomed in november if they hand mr. trump the party's nomination >> donald trump can't win. everything he touches we lose. how many more times do we have to lose before we say maybe he's the problem? >> reporter: haley is seizing on mr. trump's first public comments about the death of russian opposition leade alexei navalny >> i don't know why he keeps getting weak in the knees when it comes to russia >> reporter: with the former president on his social media site comparing navalny's sudden death to his own legal problems and making no mention of russian president vladimir putin who western leaders are widely blaming for navalny's death in russian custody also in the spotlight, mr. trump's recent remarks that he would encourage russia to attack nato allies unwilling to meet defense spending goals. >> i would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. you got to pay you got to pay your bills. >> reporter: haley slamming those comments >> he sided with a dictator who
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kills his political opponents. >> reporter: echoed by president biden's campaign in a new digital ad >> every president since truman has been a rock solid supporter of nato except for donald trump. >> reporter: targeting some veteran who immigrated from poland as a child and finds mr. trump's nato remarks disqualifying. >> i was appalled. for someone like the former president of the united states to say something like that is beyond the 900,000 michigan voters with today in the republican primary is all in south carolina where former president trump holds a fund-raiser and haley give what her campaign is billing as a major speech on the state of the race that speech coming as polls show her trailing trump badly there ahead of saturday's primary. hoda >> garrett, thank you. there are new developments
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in the case against hunter biden. the informant charged last week with lying to the fbi is set to appear in federal court in las vegas today. president and his son, hunter. the doj says smirnoff lied to the fbi about financial ties between the two men. a source familiar with the matter told nbc news that hunter biden does not know smirnoff if convicted, he faces up to 25 years in prison. in the meantime, house republicans are pushing forward with their investigation into the president and his son. meantime, there is more fall-out on the world stage over the death of vladimir putin's most vocal opponent. alexei navalny's widow is speaking out, vowing to carry out her husband's legacy richard engel is in ukraine. he has that story for us hey, richard, good morning >> reporter: good morning, hoda. and now we are hearing a direct response from vladimir putin's spokesman to those comments from alexei navalny's widow, specifically her allegation that
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her late husband was assassinated by the kremlin. putin's spokesman called that charge unfounded and, quote, obnoxious. accusations are growing this president biden has said president putin is responsible for navalny's death and says the u.s. may impose more penalties on russia. >> we are considering additional sanctions, yes. >> reporter: this morning, navalny's mother urging president putin to release her son's body for burial. his widow adding, we will find out exactly how this crime was carried out. navalny's allies in the russian opposition working to uncover more are already releasing their more are already releasing their own narrative about russia's actions. a human rights group says russian intelligence officers visited the prison two days before navalny's death to
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disconnect cameras and listening devices and that a medical examiner was instructed to list bruises on navalny's body as coming after death the russian opposition newspaper novaya gazeta europe reports that prisoners were locked in their cells the night before navalny died, followed by a surprise inspection the next morning. nbc news cannot confirm those allegations, which were attributed to anonymous sources. across the border, ukraine's president zelenskyy visited the front line and urgently called for more weapons to stop russia's advance in eastern ukraine. much of the east now looks right out of world war ii with ukrainian villages smashed by russian artillery and largely abandoned except for military vehicles and troops at one of the only schools we found still operating, this 10-year-old tells us she's hearing more explosions now than before are the russians getting closer? "when i go outside, i hear the explosions are coming closer, so
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it means they are coming closer and closer," she says. and russian troops are advancing. and ukrainian commanders out here in the east tell us if more weapons and ammunitions don't arrive soon, specifically from the united states where they continue to be held up by congress, they won't be able to stop this russian advance. hoda >> all right, richard engel for us there in ukraine, thank you. today's start of a make or break hearing in julian assange's long-running legal saga lawyers for embattle founder of wikileaks launching what could be his final bid to extradition to the u.s keir simmons joins us from london this morning. keir, what's at stake here >> reporter: savannah, nothing less than free speech, according to the people outside court here as you can see, hundreds of protesters outside the historic high court here in london holding banners saying free
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julian assange inside court, savannah, incredible claims of a cia plot against julian assange and his legal team arguing that he was pursuing journalism and that this would be a politically motivated extradition. julian assange, not in court his team say he is too sick to appear his story extraordinary, beginning, of course, with the release of that classified information that changed many people's view of the wars in iraq and afghanistan, then seven years holed up in the ecuadorian embassy here in london five years if a high-security prison in that time, he's had two children and got married the u.s. government says that he should be extradited because what he did was risk lives and that he used illegal hacking, not responsible journalism, the u.s. government says >> keir, any idea when the court might rule on this >> the u.s. gets a chance to
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make an argument the argument here is whether he has the right to appear at all, whether he has a case that should be heard. if the court turns him down, he does have some other legal avenues, but his extradition hi. savannah, his wife said he is so sick that she fears he could die if he's extradited to a prison in the u.s. >> thank you, keir could come quickly savannah, his wife who is here, said he is so sick that she fears he could die if he's extradited to a prison in the u.s. >> thank you, keir let's move now to a major bank deal that's turning heads capital one announcing yesterday it will buy discover for $35 billion. it's a deal that will brin together two of the nation's largest credit card companies. under the terms of the all stock transaction, discover shareholders will receive capital one shares valued at nearly $140. but it is unclear whether the deal will pass regulatory scrutiny consumer groups are expected to put heavy pressure on the biden administration to make sure that that deal is good for consumers as well as shareholder the merger would form the sixth largest bank in the united
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states all right, a quarter after let's turn back to the weather al, what do you have your eye on there? >> it is kind of chilly for our friends in the southeast frost advisories, freeze warnings for about a million people stretching from central georgia all the way down into central florida. right now 29 degrees in albany savannah, 36 daytona beach, 42. cross city 30 degrees. orlando, a rather chilly 46 degrees. temperatures will struggle to get a little back to normal as we get into the day today. the northeast chill for us we're looking at plenty of sunshine from the plains all the way down into texas with more warmth we're going to look at tha coming up in the next half hour and more flooding back through southern california. we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. of a ginormous pack of dogs. rescue dogs to be exact... a second act made possible by the career reskilling courses lisa's already taking now, with aarp. to help make sure her income lives as long as she does.
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so, she can finally run with the big dogs... and the small dogs who just think they're big dogs. that's why the younger you are, the more you need aarp. good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're still seeing a lot of rain across the region and a chance of showers at any point today. some of those downpours may also produce some thunder and lightning and some gusty winds. for parts of the east bay, we're seeing a break for now, as well as the south bay. but expect the chance of rain to continue as our temperatures reach into the low 60s. we'll see about the same temperatures tomorrow as it trends a little bit dryer. but we will have additional and that is your latest and that is your latest weather. guys >> al, thank you still to come this morning, travis kelce and his brother using their platform and popularity to support victims of the super bowl parade shooting kaylee hartung has the story
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this morning >> hey, good morning, guys travis and jason kelce say they have built a beautiful community with their very popular podcast. as donations are pouring in to help the victims and the families involved in that shooting, we'll tell you how the brothers are encouraging others to help, too >> kaylee, thank you plus, a new debate tied to those wildly popular weight loss drugs. how young is too young to start using them we'll take a closer look at that we'll take a closer look at that growing debate and what all
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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coming up, a very personal look at the power of faith in our everyday lives we're celebrating savannah's book release here it is it's a new book. i love this. can i have this copy "mostly what god does. >> mostly what god does is love you. i'm excited for that and hillary scott from lady a is here for this moment to sing an absolutely beautiful song that will touch your heart.
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but, first, a check of your local news and weather ♪ on it. did you see my tail when that chewy box showed up? oh, i saw it. sorry about the vase. can we just say vase like normal people? fine. i always wonder what it would be like to have a tail. maybe you did one time. maybe a thousand years from now, i'll be tailless using that chewy app to get you great prices on treats. i'm pretty sure it takes more than a thousand years ... vase ... pets aren't just pets. they're more. ... vase ... shop and get a $30 egift card through february 25th, at chewy. whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we...
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speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you. learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®. a very good morning to you. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. we're moving you forward with a look at our top stories. >> we start with breaking news out of the south bay, a deadly overnight shooting under investigation in santa clara. this is a live look at the scene, police confirming one person was shot and killed. it's happening at an apartment
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complex near poinciana drive and white oak lane. it happened at about 2:25 this morning. police also confirm one man was arrested in connection to the homicide. we'll be monitoring this breaking news throughout the day. make sure to download our app to have updates sent straight to your phone. scan the qr code you see on your screen. it is free to download. a cyclist is dead after a crash in palo alto, this happened around 10:45 last night on embarcadero road near newell. the road was closed for a short time during the investigation but it is now back open. at this time no other details are being released. let's get a look at our forecast for this tuesday morning with meteorologist kari hall. >> we're still getting waves of rain and there will be a chance of rain into tonight and even the potential of some thunderstorms. a lot of this continues to stream in as we go throughout today, and it may be sunny and then the next few minutes it's raining very heavily. that's the kind of activity that we've seen as we get a closer look with stormranger. looking at our seven-day
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forecast, we are trending dryer for the end of the week into the weekend, and our temperatures warming up slightly headed for the mid-60s. there will be some slight rain chances ahead on sunday, and possibly some colder temperatures for the beginning of next week. our main focus will be on today as we continue with the impacts of the atmospheric river that is moving across the region, off and on showers for today. and get live looks of stormrange demor crats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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one lap to go, sponsored by credit one bank. and away they go. into chastain. and up into traffic. >> i believe they saw the white flag. >> i think it's william byron. >> i think so, too. >> well, what do we think? a lot of drama at the racetrack.
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william byron, yes, wins his first-ever daytona 500. the final group run under caution. after that big crash. took a minute to clear it all up. ultimately, officials determine that, yes, byron was the big winner. >> congratulations, pretty cool. >> yeah. >> sheinelle is here. >> first up in this half hour, a touching show of support for the kansas city community following that mass shooting at the chiefs' victory parade. >> in a post, travis kelce and his brother are speaking out, pledging support for the victims and asking others to do the same. nbc's kaylee hartung is here in studio with more on this. >> good morning, guys. a day of celebration last week turned to devastation. we have seen an outpouring of support for the victims. now the kelce brothers are adding their voices with a commitment to help the community heal. >> we love you guys. we're with you guys. >> reporter: chiefs star travis kelce and his brother jason speaking out in the wake of the deadly super bowl parade
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shooting. >> our hearts go out to all of the victims, their families, chiefs kingdom. >> reporter: the brothers thanking first responders and expressing their heartfelt appreciation for all who have stepped up to support the victims. >> one thing that's evert, kansas city is coming together and rallying around the people affected by this. >> reporter: as approximately a million people crowded downtown kansas city to celebrate the chiefs back-to-back super bowl victories, chaos ensued as gunshots came out. two unidentified juveniles have been charged with the shooting that killed a 43-year-old mother of two. her family receiving $100,000 donation from travis' girlfriend taylor swift, writing, sending my deepest condolences in the wake of your devastating loss. authorities say at least 22 others injured.
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among them, the reyes sisters, who were both shot in the leg. chiefs quarterback patrick mahomes and his wife brittany visited the girls in the hospital as travis' charity covered their medical bills. the chiefs raised over $660,000 supporting victims and their families, violence prevention and mental health services and the first responders. >> clearly so many people want to help. they've already raised about $700,000 there. what else do they have planned? >> so, with those efforts you heard travis outline, the chiefs emergency response fund is asking the community to turn its outrage into action. chiefs fans so proudly wear their colors, the red and gold.
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now they have a really meaningful way to show their support. they just launched the sale of this t-shirt with all proceeds going to the kansas city strong fund as they are. you can learn more at about how to learn how to help. >> kaylee, thank you so much. coming up, new details about a mysterious dorm room shooting in colorado. what we're learning about the student who was just arrested and his connection to the victims. and should teenagers be taking those weight loss drugs like ozempic? vicky nguyen with the story this morning. >> good morning, ladies. we heard a lot about these drugs. used to help people lose weight. but are they safe and effective for young people? and what are the effects long-term. we dive into the weight debate. that's next right here on "today." ihop has tons of omelettes, so you can have omelettes for breakfast, brunch, brinner, or even a briddle of the night snack. try the new meaty cheesy 'n crispy mega omelette and add cinnamon dippers for a $1. only at ihop. [ tense music ] one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic.
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(vo) visit to find a ted eye specialist and to see bridget's before and after photos. we're back at 7:37 this morning. on /* the growing popularity of drugs for weight loss and the fight against childhood obesity. >> a lot of adults are taking them now, but how safe are they for younger parents? vicky nguyen is here with more on that. >> good morning, ladies. we talk with obesity experts who work with children. they say these meds can work preventively in young children. the idea is to knock out obesity before it leads to other things. like heart disease. they say these medicines could raise a generation of children that are tougher not just physically but mentally, too. >> wegovy helped us lose weight. >> mounjaro can decrease how much food you eat.
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>> reporter: drugs for weight loss now being prescribed for kids as young as 12. last year, at least 4,000 prescriptions of the active ingredient in ozempic and wegovy were dispensed to patients under 17. that number expected to grow. >> i gained 20 pounds that summer. >> reporter: this 16-year-old never thought about her weight until she hit puberty. the constant reminders of her size came from school and even friends. >> any time i went over to her house, she would make me weigh ourselves and constantly compare our sizes. >> this is a friend? >> yeah. >> reporter: her mom knows what it's like to wage war with her weight. she underwent bariatric surgery 20 years ago. >> even though i lost over 100 pounds, i still struggled up here with the food issues. >> reporter: dina started weekly injections of mounjaro last year. >> it shut it off completely up
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here i'm not thinking about the food. >> what convinced you this would help your daughter >> what convinced me was i lost 133 pounds >> reporter: demi lost 58 pounds after starting wegovy over a year ago the drug suppresses appetite >> what do you think >> about the meds? >> yeah, the medicine and what it's done for your confidenc and self-esteem. >> i have always been dependent on antidepressantsmand being on this medicine, i feel like i don't need to be on them. >> dr. amanda velazquez is the director and a paid consultant for drug makers. when a patient and their parent come to you and say how does this work on an adolescent body, what do you say? >> there's a lot of mechanisms that works through it is also working to change the way that your brain and your gut interact >> velazquez's data on these drugs dates back roughly 10
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years. she believes using them early to treat obesity, means lowe rates of diabetes, high blood pressure, but there are possibl they're worried this might resu side effects researchers at uc irvine say they're worried these drugs might result in kids under eating and abuse of these drugs for those with eating disorders or in sports like wrestling or gymnastics >> do you worry 10, 20, 30 years from now we'll look back on this and see it is a mistake? >> i don't think that forthcoming. >> reporter: in a statement, novo nordisk said, the decision to prescribe an anti-obesity medication is at the discretion of the physician demi reached her goal weight and she's looking forward to prom this spring. >> if it is going to make you feel better, then do it. >> now, as for whether kids are
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covered by insurance for these drugs, it depends on your plan and what your child is diagnosed with if it is type one diabetes, you will be covered for it without insurance, these meds run about $1,000 a month >> i'm sure there are some parents who are wondering if they could do it for a short-term, just for a boost and not necessarily for the rest of their lives. >> the doctor said that she's asked about it all the time. she's been working with kids for 10 years she says that's not how it works. when you start at 12, you go on it long-term other doctors are wondering if you get to the goal weight, perhaps you can taper off. that's what actually demi will try to do. they will monitor her. if the weight starts to come back on, she's go back on the medicine >> it is interesting you went into it skeptically. and by the time it was finished, you saw the other side of the coin
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>> it is not just the physical transformation it's really mental health. it is how you feel about who you are and the body you are this isn't a magic bullet. this is in conjunction with eating well, in conjunction with exercising, which these kids were doing before the medicine >> right >> interesting >> thank you >> thank you very much all right, 7:42. let's go to mr. roker and check the weather. >> good morning. good morning to you. it is a lot of warm weather from the gulf all the way up into the plains chicago today 20 degrees above average with a high of 57. amarillo, 20 degrees warmer at 77 cincinnati, you're at double nickels, that's 9 degrees above average. tomorrow that warmth spreads to the eastthat's what's going on the coununtry. good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are going to see off and on rain throughout today, and also some times of sunshine, times of
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thunderstorms. that's all in the forecast today. our temperatures head for the low 60s. we should be dryer tomorrow and definitely seeing the rain staying away for thursday into friday, as well as saturday, but there will be a slight chance in our sunday forecast. for san francisco, it's going and that's your latest weather. guys >> all right, al coming up next, early talk of spring training. newly designed jerseys that are really striking out with players and fans what is behind the complaints and what happens next. we'll have that and we'll get to your "morning boost" coming up after this we'll have that and we'll (luke) this will be a gold mine of local intel. just you wait. (marci) right. so, tell us about this corn festival? (stylist 1) oooh you got your corn pudding... you got your corn chowder... (marci) so... is it safe around here? (stylist 2) sometimes. (luke) if a family of eight were to need a cold plunge, where would they find it? (stylist 1) ...and then they dip it in butter, then bam, it goes right in. (stylist 2) ...really cute vampire bar. (stylist 1) the reverend does like a blessing on the corn. (luke) donut shops. how far from here?
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(marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we've got to run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. dad, we're gonna be late! ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) can't stop adding stuff to your cart? get the bank of america customized cash rewards card, choose the online shopping category and earn 3% cash back. with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back. don't let symptoms define you. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. tremfya® is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness and swelling it's just 6 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to.
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we are back with carson. and carson, we got a big headline out of spring training. >> good morning, guys. that's right, baseball is back with players sporting new redesigned jerseys the problem, some people think they're great. others are complaining about their quality and their fit. nbc's sam brock is down in miami in the middle of it all. sam, walk us through it. >> reporter: carson, good morning. guys, good morning look, any time you are talking about changes in sports, there typically is going to be pushback these mlb jerseys are certainly no exception with rumblings from some players that aren't used to the design or the fabric you be the judgeull
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swing, baseball is not only buzzing and megastar shohei ohtani switching jerseys to join the los angeles dodgers, but they're also talking about his actual jersey after the league debuted a new fabric and technology. >> somehow this feels more authentic than the ones we have been wearing. >> reporter: some players like jason heyward speaking up as negative comments surfaced about the new apparel. from the athletic, saying they look like a orioles veteran saying i think the performance wear might feel nice, but the look of it looks like a knockoff jersey from tjmaxx baseball's commissioner, though, brushing back the criticism. >> they're designed to be performance wear, as opposed to what has traditional by been worn, so they are going to be different.
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but they have been tested more extensively than any jersey in any sport. >> reporter: while this might feel like something out of a "seinfeld" satire, nike has been developing it for more than a half decade and fanatics manufactures it. while both companies did not provide a formal statement, nike does say the new fabric provides 25% more stretch, allows the jersey to dry 28% faster and that they even body scanned more than 300 players to get the right fit. >> i think the players will see the amount of thought and care that's been put into this. when it fits really well on a hot day in kansas city in august >> reporter: and indeed, some of the sport's biggest names gave largely rave reviews >> it feels more fit on your body >> reporter: but with the does costing $200, $300 or $400, will fans notice the changes? >> yeah, there is a difference >> reporter: do you like the wa?
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>> they look the same. >> reporter: no comment? and, so, some of the concerns here, guys are sheerly aesthetic. the idea that the letters look compressed or not sized properly. it is difficult to hav one looks more than the other? >> they look the same. >> reporter: no comment? and, so, some of the concerns here, guys, are sheerly aesthetic. the idea that the letters look compressed or not sized properly it is difficult to have weighty stitching or emblems if you have a thinner fabric here and the conversations are ongoing to this day with managers and players in spring training it is my understanding there will not be any input from george costanza. but we'll have to see. back too you >> well, if your favorite player is performing better in the new jersey, you are more likely to buy the new jersey and the players seem to look it. hoda >> let's cleanse our palates. >> a 92-year-old woman is a lifelong fan of the nottingham forest, but she had to give up her season tickets about 15 years ago because she started losing her eye sight the team invited her this week to fulfill her biggest wish, to
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hear the crowd sing their anthem one more time. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ >> that song, by the way, you hear, that's by paul mccartney in wings the soccer club adopted that tune as their own way back in 1978 when the team won the division they have been singing that song on match day ever since. >> yeah. >> wow >> good stuff, hoda, thank you guys, coming up -- by the way, thanks to sam brock in miami for the jersey story, too. we appreciate you. we are talking about the very best picture oscar winners of the last quarter century. rolling stone weighing in and breaking it all down we'll have a full report on "popstart. but, first, a local check of your local news, weather and these messages wn ♪everything i do that's for my health is an accomplishment.♪
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and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way. and having someone who can help you get there. the key to being rich is knowing what counts. (husband) rock, paper, scissors for who's on dinner duty? (wife) nice try! (husband) i'll get it! (doughboy) hoo-hoo! need some help? delicious two-ingredient weeknight dinners approved! hoo-hoo! i'm so glad i remembered uber eats has office supplies. but i feel like i'm forgetting something else. oh! shoe's untied! ♪♪ nope. ♪♪
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good morning to you. it is 7:56 right now. i'm laura garcia. here is a look at what's happening right now. >> reporter: i'm bob redell in santa clara with a person has been shot and killed overnight in this apartment complex near poinciana drive just off the lawrence expressway. it happened around 2:25 this morning. santa clara police tell us that shortly after they did arrest a man nearby in connection with this tragic event. we've also seen a number of people coming up, either family and/or friends, who have been receiving the news and leaving very distraught and upset about what happened here. time now to get a look at our forecast with meteorologist kari hall. >> we're starting out with some
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clouds over the south bay, but it's been raining off and on for areas farther to the north. you can see what's happening here, as we see the heavy rain across southern california with the atmospheric river and off and on showers moving into the bay area with a potential of thunderstorms. we've seen lightning strikes off the coast. as of now, things are quiet with just some rain in parts of the north bay and into san francisco, but we will be watching out for that chance of thunderstorms as we go throughout today. it does trend dryer for the end of the week, it's looking nice for thursday, friday, into saturday. there will be a chance of rain on sunday, and our temperatures warming up just slightly. we'll be in the upper 50s and low 60s for san francisco with rain continuing today. >> thank you, kari. thank you for joining us as well. well. anher local newsot this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter.
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taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo.
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now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. it's 8:00 on "today. coming up, relentless. more wet weather delivering floods and mud slides with even more rain on the way al has got your full forecast. then, in custody a student at the university of colorado, colorado springs, arrested in that deadly shooting on the college campus. students still on edge >> we don't know anything, so it is just like i feel -- personally don't feel safe with so little information. >> amid new questions about the
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motive the details straight ahead plus, back in action >> welcome to "the daily show. i'm your host, jon stewart >> jon stewart's return to "the daily show" bringing in some big numbers and some backlash. >> quite frankly, the response to the first show last monday was universally glowing. okay maybe not universal. >> how he's taking on the comedy controversy. and spiritual journey. >> for most of my life, actually, faith has always been so important to me >> an inspiring conversation with savannah on the power of faith in everyday life >> i remember one day sitting there on my bed crying and saying, rescue me, god rescue me. and i remember hearing deep inside me, i am rescuing you >> and we celebrate the release
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of her new book. >> mostly what god dose is love you. >> along with a musical performance by hillary scott, today, tuesday, february 20th, 2024 ♪ >> hi to our girls kendall and harper >> in taylor, michigan >> on a mother-daughter trip from pennsylvania. >> it is our 25th anniversary today. >> from georgia. >> family trip to new york city. >> hello from illinois >> rhode island. >> new market, minnesota >> nashville, tennessee. >> and kentucky. >> good morning to my mom and little sister jojo in high point, north carolina. >> hey to our friends and family back in louisiana. >> here to celebrate my birthday >> from midland, texas >> what a happy group!
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we will be launching a big which welcome back we appreciate you're being with us on a tuesday morning. craig has the morning off. we will be launching a book which we will talk about later don't want to jump the gun, but i can't help it because you know i do >> you know hoda can move some books. >> but let's get started with our news at 8:00 we'll start with the severe weather out west flood alerts now cover almost the entire state of california the latest rounds of storms caused massive mud slides, even tornado warnings l.a. has already had almost an entire year's worth of rain in less than two months cars, vineyards, even the airport under water. so let's turn to al roker and find out how long is that going to stick around and is there more on the way? >> yes, there is 2,100 miles taking aim on southern california. you can see already the still rain coming in in waves. we do have flood watches for 35 million people for just about the entire california coast at about 300 miles inland as well there is a slight risk of flooding up and down the
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california coast but the bull's-eye right now with hourly rain fall rates of up to an inch or so just to the west of los angeles, temecula all the way down to san diego. we're really watching this very closely rainfall amounts, the heaviest again, concentrated from santa barbara all the way to san diego. another 1 to 3 inches. could probably mean that even though the heaviest rain will come to an end in the next 24 hours, runoff and the like will probably keep that mud slide landslide threat for at least into the latter part of this week guys >> all right, al, thank you. >> thank you in a first of its kind decision, the alabama supreme court has ruled that frozen embryos are children and that a person can be held liable for destroying them. the case involves couples whose embryos were destroyed when a patient removed them from a freezer and accidentally dropped them the court held that the patient could be held liable in a wrongful death lawsuit treatmens
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ivf and the hundreds of thousands of patients that seek them every year. police have a suspect in custody as their attention n reproductive rights advocates that the case could have implications for fertility treatments such as ivf and the hundreds of thousands of patients that seek them every year police have a suspect in custody as their attention now turns to a motive for the killings nbc's emilie ikeda has been following this one for us. good morning. >> good morning. for the students and the community in colorado springs, the arrest finally puts an end to the mystery surrounding this double murder. police say it took the three days to track down the suspect who was a student at the school and we learned a roommate to one of the victims. colorado springs has been on edge for days after an unsolved double murder at the university of colorado's campus there >> we don't know anything. so it is just like i feel -- personally don't feel safe with so little information. >> reporter: but this morning, police say they have a suspect behind bars. the accused killer facing two counts of first degree murder. investigators took the detroit
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native into custody monday morning, just a few miles from the university of colorado, colorado springs, where authorities say he was not only a student but a roommate of one of the victims was there any concern that he might try to flee the area >> absolutely. we weren't sure exactly where he was at, so we spent a lot of time we had teams out constantly scouring >> reporter: police say they've been searching for jordan sinc friday when gunfire erupted, sending the campus into lockdown >> uccs alpine village gunshot victims. >> reporter: those victims, 24-year-old samuel knopp, senior at the school, and celie who did not attend the school. they believe the shooting was an isolated incident between individuals who were known to one another and not a random attack >> i don't think anyone could ever imagine something like this happening, you know. >> reporter: this senior will na
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passion for music. >> he was probably the most talented guitarist i have ever met. the talent was definitely taken from us too soon. >> reporter: now as students remember the lives lost, university officials say they're hopeful this longer graduate alongside his rebuilding the trust and safety of our campus will take time but we are in this together. >> reporter: and jail records show the suspect is being held on a $1 million bond and is expected in court later today. we could not find an attorney listed for the suspect >> emilie, thank you nasa is looking for a few good martians. the space agency is recruiting four volunteers to spend a year inside a simulated mars habita one such experiment is already under way. the volunteers will do mars chores like growing crops, working with robots and taking
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simulated space walks. applicants must speak english. you have to be between 25 and 50 advanced degrees in engineering or science preferred, but pilots and veterans welcome as well the application deadline is april 2nd. >> you didn't do your mars chores, you won't get your mars allowance. >> do you have to stay >> seems like you have to stay >> we'll see what happens. coming up, carson has a packed "popstart" today. with news on beyonce, the oscars and more how about this an inspiring conversation on the power and place of faith in our daily lives as we mark today's release of savannah's book it is called "mostly what god does," and it's a beauty we'll be right back. ♪♪ who are you texting? your boyfriend?? no, i'm shopping for a car on carmax. oh, a car?! are you sure you can afford this? let me see... alright. that's a big purchase! relax! i got pre-qualified and shopped by my monthly budget so i know it's a good decision. unlike jenny's new piercing...
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yeah i'm doing it. probiotics by the billions, i'm not new to it. activia. your gut is where it all begins. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms with vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults. proven full-spectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. sleepiness and stomach
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issues are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] we're back at 8:11 on a very special and meaningful day for our friend, savannah guthrie. her new book "mostly what god
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does" is out, we're proud to say right now. congrats >> we know this is a very personal project for you, one that you were reluctant to take, a journey you were a little scared of, but we are happy to hear about it from the author herself. we're proud of you, by the way >> i think my sister has the best line in the whole book, which is that god was the sixth member of our family there were five of us, but as my sister annie says it, god is the sixth. even as a little girl, i was always in a consideration with god. and more most of my life, actually, faith has always been so fortunate me. when i was 16, my father passed away unexpectedly. i came home on a friday night, having been out with friends as a teenager, walked in the door and learned that my father had died and it was earth shattering.
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i can divide my life into two parts, like before my dad died and after. there is this line of demarcation. my dad was a man of deep faith and conviction i remember being asked by friends, how can you stillememb. this is when i need him the most. i can't lose my dad and lose god at the same time. believe? and i remember saying, oh, no. this is when i need him the most i can't lose my dad and lose god at the same time during one of hardest times of my life, i was really, really struggling and i felt so alone and kind of forgotten. i remember one day sitting there on my bed crying and saying, rescue me, god rescue me. and i remember hearing, deep inside me, i am rescuing you and it actually took me years to really understand what god was saying what he was really saying is this hard time, this pain, this is your path so you won't stay here forever as part as it is, this is the way out.
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this is my rescue. >> savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza >> i had my first day at "the today show" in main anchor job, and i was so nervous and terrified and excited and thrilled but mostly afraid and terrified. in case you need any proof of that when you are stressed out, it will manifest in your body. i came down with a blinding migraine not only did my head hurt, but when i have a migraine i can't see. part of my vision was cut out. i had no idea how on earth i was going to get out there and say good morning in 20 minutes so i laid down in my office with the lights all turned off. and this verse popped into my head, a verse i had memorized years and years before the verse was, i look to the hills. where does my help come from it comes from the lord, the maker of heaven and earth. and i thought, i cannot help myself here. i need help from beyond and help
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is coming. it's coming from god that was such a comforting thought for me and somehow i came out and did the show the biggest blessing of my life is getting to be a mom >> hi. are you new here >> it is something i always wanted i actually wanted to be a mom more than i wanted any other thing in life and i found it really, really hard in my 20s and 30s when i so wanted a family so when in my 40s i got married and i got to have my two kids, it was the most exquisite joy i could ever imagine i came to understand that parenthood is god's greatest metaphor i look at my kids and i think about how i love them and how they delight me and how much i enjoy them and when i clue in to the way i feel about my kids is how god
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feels about me and how god feels about us, that was transformative the thing is, once you really grasp that love, once you really let it in, you can't hold it inside i think we're meant to feel god's love and then share it watch what god does, and you do it, too. mostly what god does is love you. now you do it, too >> and share it. and that's what you did. you were so scared to do this, weren't you? >> yes, i was. it is a good thing i had hoda telling me every day, you are doing it you were so amazing and supportive for me. i was scared i am scared. but i also felt like i just had something good to say about god, and i wanted to say it people ask me, did you feel like you had to do it or you should do it or maybe you owed god something because you have had so many blessings in your life it is like, no, i did it because
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i wanted to do it because god made me want to do it. >> and there are so many beautiful things about this book because i've had the opportunity of reading it a couple of times. it is for everybody. >> yeah. >> often people say that's them, and this is us this book is right in that sweet-spot where i think no matter what you think or believe the book will touch you in a very profound way. >> i really hope so. you know, i obviously come from a certain point of view. i grew up in the church, and that's where i come from but i think these themes of god's love, kindness, compassion, grace and mercy are universally appealing, and i have been so thankful because i have had a few people read it now. people of different faiths or no faith at all and they found something in there that resonates with them i hope so because i think that message of love is so, so needed >> i think it is one of those things where it takes a certain amount of bravery to talk about your faith publicly. but that once you start, people
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are so open to it and want to share it >> it's amazing. i mean, i have deepened friendships because of this. people who i had no idea gave another thought to faith at all said, oh, i'm so glad you are doing this and then wanted to share. it's opened up conversation. i think that's -- for all of us, if you read the book and you talk to your friend that it really makes conversation happen because i think we all want connection >> i'm not going to cry, but you are such a rock. savannah is such a rock. if you need somebody, if you are having a hard time, call savannah she's there. now you can be there for people. you never know what somebody is going through and they can open up a page. >> i love you guys thanks so much thanks to everybody on the show for being so, so supportive. also saint thomas church, where al roker got married, gave us that beautiful backdrop. >> we all sat down in that beautiful church >> are you going to edit it out?
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>> you know what, we have to give it a lot of extra time. faith means something different to everyone. and i think everyone here has a different relationship we had a really good talk. we sat down and had a really good talk, and that airs tomorrow stages. does that mean, hoda then i go t the manuscript. then i got the hard book. >> once was enough. >> by the way, there is a great picture of you on the front. i know we haven't been showing it. but it's you. it really is. >> well, i didn't want to be on the cover. >> >> well, first, i got it early >> it makes for a really good bookmark, too. >> it's a bookmark >> we have an amazing performance coming up. one of my favorite singers, hillary scott from lady a. she's a huge superstar she also has a beautiful gospel group with her family. i have loved her song "beautiful
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messes" for many years and she is doing me the great honor of coming here and playing it live for us >> we love our hillary there she is indeed >> hillary has read the book five times >> don't forget, you will come back with me and jenna later >> y'all are going to be sick of me i'm sick of myself >> can i ask, do you read the audiobook? >> i did, yes. which is out today, too. yes. >> go to or get them wherever you get your books. mr. roker? >> let's show you your weather for today. a bit of a northeast chill but, look at this. with the exception of really the west coast and some of the rockies, we've got gorgeous weather across the country, beautifully warm weather from texas all the way up into the plains a little on the chilly side down through florida. mid-atlantic l looking good as
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dryer weather for the end of the week, more sunshine and slightly if you are heading out the door, don't forget to check us out on sirius if you are heading out the door, don't forget to check us out on sirius xm channel 108 best time of the morning "popstart. >> lots to start with. we will kick off with jon stewart. after nearly nine years on hiatus, last week the comedian made his big return to "the daily show." the show was big it averaged more than 3 million viewers. it was also number one across cable at 11:00 p.m. and the show's biggest premiere since august of 2017 not all the reviews were positive and last night jon stewart returned to give his thoughts on some of the backlash >> not only is stewart's both sides are the same rhetoric not
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funny, it is a potential disaster for democracy >> it was one show it was 20 minutes! i did 20 minutes of one [ bleep ] show but i guess, as the famous saying goes, democracy dies in discussion it was never my intention to say out loud what i saw with my eyes and then brain >> very funny. jon is back in a big way every monday night through the election can't wait to see more of those. >> oh, good. >> yeah, refreshing. yeah, big numbers there. next up, savannah, this is for you. we're talking roger federer here it's been over a year since the tennis legend played his final match. it is set to be showcased in a prime video documentary. it follows roger over the course of 12 days as he wrapped up his career in professional tennis.
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sharing, initially the idea was to capture the final moments of my tennis career so i could have it later on to show my family and friends. i shied away from having cameras around me and my family. but i didn't see the harm of shooting this. it was never intended for the public personal journey. instead of the final moments on the court, we get the last 12 days and a lot of inside action. >> have you seen it? >> i haven't seen it, but i have heard about it. i think it will be really emotional because i think he had a lot of ups and downs. you know, it was time to go because his body told him to, but his heart was still in tennis. >> no word yet on when we can expect the doc on prime video, but savannah will keep you posted. next up, the oscars in full swing. less than a month away. we're less than a month away until big show we're celebrating some of the greatest movies of all time. "rolling stone" releasing its ranking of the best picture winners of the century so far. here are the top five.
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"no country for old men. it earned eight nominations. jaif year bardem his first oscar win. then we go to 2015's "spotlight" at number 4. the investigative journalism of local news featured. moving into the top three. these are the best, best films of all time. "12 years a slave," a historical drama collected 9 nominations. second place, 2020's history making "parasite," a korean thriller becoming the first non-english language movie to take home the grand prize. and the peek at the best, best picture of the century, according to "rolling stone. >> at some point you got to decide for yourself who you want to be can't let nobody make that decision for you >> "moonlight. who can forget
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it earned eight nominations and a win for best supporting actor for ali. and finally, beyoncé, we have some time for queen bey news, getting candid about this dramatic haircut her pixie chop instagram, leaving fans wondering what the motivation was behind the drastic change. now we have answers. beyoncé saying it was a big emotional transformation, a metamorphosis i was going through. back i rebelling against being this woman that society thinks i'm supposed to be i was a new mother and something about the liberation of becoming a mother made me just want to shed all of that it was a physical representation of me shedding the expectations put upon me. >> i like it >> that was perfect. >> end quote >> just ahead, lady a's hillary scott is here with a special live performance, one that's very fitting for savannah's book
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launch but, first, a check of your local news and weather ♪ good morning. it is 8:26. i'm marcus washington. antioch public library reopens today with added security. the library was closed over the weekend citing crime concerns, including recent fires, threats
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and drug and sexual activity. through the closure, teams repaired outside fencing and updating the security camera system. starting today a new armed security guard will be added and will monitor the surrounding area with a patrol car. the library is scheduled to open at noon. we're getting some rain off and on and at times even some sunshine. there's going to be a mixed bag of weather today. watching out for the potential of thunderstorms as well late morning into the afternoon. we are trending dryer in the rest of the forecast with temperatures in the mid 60s for our inland valleys. we're also going to be seeing some rain in the forecast for sunday but as of now it looks light. we'll have another local news update in 30 minutes.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to
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make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. >> oh! welcome back, guys it is 8:30, and it is a fun day on the plaza you know what's happening right now? i see a bunch of books
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i see a bunch. i see a mini book signing going on outside savannah has her books, and it's called "mostly what god does." it is a big one already. everyone on the plaza has one. savannah, it will take you a minute to sign them all. >> i had a big box of books that they sent me to give away to family and friends, but i just decided to bring them out here >> your new family and friends >> sorry, aunt debby you will have to purchase one. >> by the way, in addition to this great book, we will listen to hillary scott inside. she's got a song that is incredible by the way, she's a nine-time grammy winner. she's, of course, a member of the group lady a she's got a performance that's beautiful. >> it is a beautiful song. it means so much to me i don't think there will be a dry eye. it is kind of her to bring it to us >> also coming up, we will be in the kitchen, turning up the dial on some pantry staples, putting
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her spin on a beloved weeknight pasta dish >> coming up in the third hour, catching up with two stars, teaming up in a new nbc sitcom they're live to tell us all about a show called "extended family." tomorrow, get ready to eat because we are hosting our very own "today" show burg battle that's right from traditional patties to patty melts to smash burgers i just got excited i said, can we do this and, yes, we're doing the burger battle you just might want to be inspired to fire up the grill for a winter cookout >> love it mr. roker, it is chilly out here. how is the weather looking >> it is brisk, baby chilly would be good now, but that's another deal. sunshine all the way out to the west we've got heavy rain thursday showers and storms in the upper great lakes, drying out out west thankfully for our friends there. like spring down through texas and as we move on in to saturday, breezy and colder in the northeast, great lakes and
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good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're seeing quite a bit of rain in the north bay and along the coastline. some of that will work its way inland over the next couple of hours. we're still watching for a chance of thunderstorms late morning into the afternoon and also brief heavy downpours. it eventually will start to trend a little bit drier and eventually we'll see this rain coming out of the area for the end of the week and temperatures warping up slightly. >> and that's your latest weather. hoda we got a book signing going on >> i did sign three of savannah's books >> by the way, people are asking me to sign it. >> as we go around the horn because there are some people over here that got books but have not been on tv yet.
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let's show them all. come on. let's show them all. let's show them all. extra credit right here for these kids, all the way to the end. all right, coming up next, hillary scott from lady a has a beautiful performance in store for us but, first, this is "today" on nbc. this is "today" on nbc. the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. ♪♪ when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch.
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because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent.
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the citi music series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> we are back with nine-time grammy winner hillary scott from the hit making band, one of my favorites, lady a. >> by the way, you ladies had the pleasure of spending time together this weekend in nashville. it was a stop on the book tour hillary is here. it is a special performance. can i tell you what i love the most about what's happening here this is a real thing that happened on our show
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you guys became connected. tell us that story >> i'll never forget it. we were here debuting our single back in september. and we saw each other just in a break and you told me you were writing this book, and i just felt -- just when those feelings wash over you of i want to pray. so the next month plus, i was praying for for you. this is a big deal so the next month plus, i was praying for savannah and this process every single day and then ended up back in the city a month later playing a show here at the beacon theater with lady a. and our friend paula faris gave me your cell number and i was like, hey, if i can ever show up for you in this, i'm praying for you always, but i would love to. here we are. >> i want to say for hillary, that is someone who is walking the walk of true friendship. i have been telling her for years i love this song that you're about to perform for us, called "beautiful messes." it is so beautiful it is at the heart of what we believe and what we want to share with the world
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you know, when someone says, oh, let me know what i can do for you, of course i believed her but i would have never followed up and said, could you do this or that. she found me and said, what can i do how can i help you being here right now is hoda's idea. >> by the way, i said from the beginning, please have hillary come i'm so happy that this moment is here >> do you know what my text response was don't tempt me with a good time. >> tell me because we all know about lady a, of course. but you have a whole gospel group with your family, hillary scott and the scott family, which has won grammys. including the album with this song will you continue to do that kind of music an what does it mean to you to be able to sing these songs >> to be able to not only make an album that is about my faith but with my mom, my dad, my little sister, my husband chris played drums on the album. this album is eight years old this summer. i mean, and just to think about how much life that's been lived since then my twin girls have been born these songs are so special to me
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i would absolutely love to continue making music that just really talks about just what i believe and what i hope brings hope and comfort to those that listen >> i hope people listen to the lyrics, listen to this beautifu let you take it away in "beautiful messes". >> okay, music that you wrote, and we'll let you take it away in "beautiful messes. >> okay, thanks! ♪ ♪ note are you spinning in a lie that keeps on telling you that you're not good enough ♪ ♪ and when you're looking in th mirror, do you see someone
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impossible to love? ♪ ♪ full of fragile broken pieces ♪ ♪ we're all rough around the edges ♪ ♪ we ain't perfect, no ♪ ♪ we ain't even close ♪ ♪ we got holes in our hearts ♪ ♪ we got scars we don't show ♪ ♪ but all that baggage we keep on dragging around ♪ ♪ ain't it time we start laying it down ♪ ♪ lay it down at the foot of th cross ♪ ♪ give it to the one who can carry it all ♪ ♪ even at our worst, to him we ain't lost causes ♪ ♪ just beautiful messes ♪
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♪ we're all demons, we're all marys ♪ ♪ we've been liars and everything in between ♪ ♪ but don't forge god used the misfits just like us to do the most amazing your flaws, your secrets ♪♪ and watch him use those broken pieces ♪♪ we ain't perfect, no things ♪ ♪ we got holes in our hearts ♪ ♪ we got scars that we don't show ♪ ♪ but all that baggage we keeping on dragging around ♪ ♪ ain't it time we start laying it down ♪ ♪ lay it down at the foot of th cross ♪ ♪ give it to the one who can
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carry it all ♪ ♪ even alt our worst, to him we ain't lost causes ♪ ♪ just beautiful messes ♪ ♪ no matter where you are right now ♪ ♪ let that grace come pouring down ♪ ♪ it won't run out ♪ ♪ it won't run out ♪ ♪ we ain't perfect, no ♪ ♪ we ain't even close ♪ ♪ we got holes in our hearts ♪ ♪ we've got scars we don't show ♪ ♪ but all that baggage we keep on dragging around ♪ ♪ ain't it time we start laying it down ♪ ♪ lay it down at the foot of th cross ♪ ♪ give it to the one we can carry it all ♪
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♪ even at our worst, to him we ain't lost causes ♪ ♪ just beautiful messes ♪ ♪ we're all beautiful messes, yes ♪ [ applause ] >> hillary scott, lady afan, to you mrs. scott. want to say hello? thank you so much. i brought my daughter. she's a big fan, to get to meet you mrs. scott want to say hello? >> hi. so good to see you >> thank you so much it is such a beautiful song. it's playing in my house all the time thank you for being a true friend i love you >> you are an amazing human being. i love you, honey bunch. and this is vale's friend. >> that's my neighbor, charlotte. all right, carson, over to you. >> wow, that was beautiful that was a tough act to follow there. i mean, gorgeous song, gorgeous meal we will make this delicious pasta. she's taking it to a new level with a nice twist on the bolognese that you can make tonight. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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>> y bienvenidos de nuevo a esta morning on "today table," we're taking a classic pantry stable -- staple and turning it into a wow-worthy meal. showing us how to make what she calls a lighter version of everybody's favorite sauce you can get all the ingredients you need by scanning that qr code chef, good to see you as always. so we bought pasta at costco, so we have two pounds of pasta. i was starting to think we could do more than just put marinara sauce and give it to my kids >> i have the answer for you, my friend >> this is a fun one this is cauliflower bolognese. so you're taking your favorite meat sauce and instead using no meat i will take a full head of cauliflower and break it down, pull the fleurettes apart. in batches you'll pop it into a food processor and this whole
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thing happens within the food processor. chop your carrots and onion in there. pop it on and pulse it until it is similar to the consistency of rice. we've all had rice cauliflower before take on that meat bally consistency. >> that's exactly correct. in here we have some carrots we have been sauteing up with butter and olive oil. why, thank >> it doesn't take on that i will ask you for the garlic first. should have informed you in advance. we have some sliced garlic, which is just adding more flavor to the pot these are all the normal -- actually, no, we're doing this first. come on. >> and then i know -- okay anchovies.
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>> oh, really? >> do you like caesar salad. >> i had my first there when i was opening up would open up the sardines. >> it just kind of dissolves a little umami >> it is in the seasoned dressing >> i always say to you oh, mommy. >> umami, we should have ordered in >> it's the best thing umami is the best. >> umami, call dominos >> yes, feel free to grate a little nutmeg because that's the classic situation in bolognese nice, cozy nutmegaexperience i like freshly grated. that is perfect. look at the dusting. love it. and then we're taking the tomato paste. this is concentrated tomatoes. this is tomatoes that have been cooked down for so long they give you this robust flavor. we want to cook this down until it gets nice and dark. then we finally add in our cauliflower. this whole thing continues to
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cook until it looks and tastes like a meat sauce. >> right >> so over here, we have our pasta. i went with bucatinie feel. it absorbs the sauce, and it it is like the straw pasta it is absolutely fabulous. >> why >> it has a nice feel. it absorbs the sauce, and it feels like spaghetti, but a little bit more elevated we just take that directly from the pot into the sauce >> is this your maneuver of choice >> it is, exactly, always. always add the pasta to the sauce and pull it out of the water so that you can keep the water because the water is a foundational element in making sure that the sauce sticks to the pasta. so we like taking that pasta water -- >> do you never strain your pasta? >> i do not. occasionally i will because this is the gold stuff. this is the unicorn juice, if you will we take it and mix it on up.
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you are doing a great job. thank you. i appreciate it. great sous-chef over here. then we are going to add in our butter, which, you know, you want to just emulsify it, make it nice and cold butter, so it ends up being a silky sauce. we will add in a little parmesan we'll keep mixing it then, because there's so much rich flavor going on here, i like adding a limit bit of lemon to it. and all you got to do is plate it up when you are done having everything emulsify beautifully. >> really good >> love it >> what is the crunchy stuff >> the crunchy stuff are panko breadcrumbs, sauteed them with a little bit of olive oil and put some chili flakes in it. make a plate and start reading savannah's book. >> way to work it in, chef is that essentially your
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bolognese recipe minus the meat just add the cauliflower >> you don't taste it. >> it is disintegrated great job. we appreciate it you're back making another pasta. >> yes we're doing an orecchiette with goat cheese and pork sausage >> sounds really good. >> for the ingredients, scan the qr code there or head to so you know, today earns a commission through purchases on the links. we're back in a little bit we're back in a little bit but, first, this is "today" on
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other.
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while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. we are book -- back. that's all i can think about >> thinking about savannah's book >> "mostly what god does." >> you have to have hoda on your side god is great to have on your side and then right below that, hoda
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>> that's right. he spins those smuckers jars for us he gets our folks to 100 or plus that's what he does. >> all right first up, alice wimpfheimer of new york city. that's fantastic gertrude harris 100, helped establish the first kindergarten for african american children in her hometown of salem, virginia. senior center there is named for her. thank you so much. happy 100th birthday to tom munson of dover, new hampshire. his secret to longevity, ice cream and chocolate chip cookies while cheering on the boston celtics and patriots keijchi is 107 that's right, 107. he loves good food, gardening and karaoke. i wonder what his song is. happy 105th birthday to harold
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shellum. from altadena, california. he forecasted the weather during world war ii and the korean war. we thank you for your service, sir. and happy 100th birthday to the he's an avid bird watcher. loves building birdhouses for his friends and family. happy birthday. >> how old did you say the book was? >> 100 minutes old. that's what it looks like. >> 100 times mentioned already today. >> i will stay for the 3rd and 4th hour today and go across the street to "morning joe," to the "drew barry mor show". >> number one best seller on amazon, baby. >> so s.g. is >> yes >> so s.g. is coming back 3rd and 4th hour with the book "mostly what god does". >> apparently it is love your pet day, too but, first, your local news. congratulations. >> way to go, girl
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision?
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garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. ♪♪ this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," swing and a miss? some baseball fans and players are crying foul over new jerseys. why they're not happy and how the league is pushing back. then later, it's fun family


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