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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  February 20, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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another is grabbing the purses and bags and everything they have. another person stays outside with a gun. they got away with about $50,000 worth of gucci store. bags, sunglasses, luggage. so far they are still on the loose. >> is not just a san francisco problem. it is a nationwide problem. don't forget you can use roku and other streaming platforms. there is a lot happening in the next hour. it's debate night on nbc. who will be california's next senator. the top candidates vying for diane feinstein senate seat will face off. this is a final debate before the california primary, which is exactly 2 weeks from tonight. two questions continue to flow about a homicide in the south bay. we are getting new details from investigators past to us a short time ago.
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intense moments in the sky after a united flight takes off. it had to make an emergency landing. welcome back to the news at 5:30, and starts now. thanks for joining us. two of you have not looked at your ballot and you are undecided about who to vote for, the top four candidates in the race to succeed senator feinstein are on the stage. it's happening at the hollywood lot at universal. they have 27 in the race for only the top four are on the stage. adam schiff leads in current point. the republican, steve garvey, the former baseball star is pulling in second place. the top two finishers from the march 5th primary will advance to be. katie porter and barbara
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lee are also in the mix. the debate hosted by our sister station, nbc los angeles. let's bring robert on the debate stage. it looks like you are outdoors. that evening. >> reporter: i am. i wanted to greet you all from sunny southern california. you have weather, we have weather here, as rain continues to come down. we are here on universal studios lot, outside of what once was the kelly clarkson studio. if you were with us for the last hour, i showed audrey the beautiful set that we have waiting for our candidates in the debate that starts at seven 6:00 to. they kick me out, and i know you think because of bad behavior, it is not. they have rehearsals they have to do right now because all four of the contenders you mentioned have now arrived. let show you the video of how they arrived. we have katie porter and also
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had steve garvey. the lone republican in the race. a former dodger. barbara lee. followed by, congressman, adam schiff. what's happening right now, they are all going into a rehearsal. they find out where to stand at the podium. they get comfortable. when they take the stage and the lights go on and the moderators, they will be able to get this underway and get us started. we have a lot of ground to cover. understanding that there are issues in a very big state. issues in northern california might be different than southern california. and in central california. we are going to be covering it all. i can promise you that i have heard some of the questions. questions you have not heard
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before. i want to give you a little bit of insight. we have been talking about the gravitas of this moment and the importance of this moment. to decide who will replace the late senator dianne feinstein. a race will be difficult for an incumbent to ever be unseated. i have to tell you, i just spoke with every single one of the candidates, they understand what is at stake and they understand that the primary is two weeks from today. they also understand that this is the last time they will really get a chance to shine before the voters across the state of california. with that, i will get out of the rain at universal studios and go inside. that begins at 6:00. let's go back to. >> they are not starting with
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value. we will see you at 7:00. this is the first time we have an open set. hour-long debate begins at 6:00. less than 30 minutes from now operate exclusively on nbc bay area. you will have the host debate at 7:00. it will re-air at 9:00 tonight on the nbc bay area streaming channel or wherever you stream your shows. jerrica seems like a late is a political epicenter type president biden is in southern california right now to build up his war chest before his rematch with former president trump. landed at lax this afternoon. he will attend a fundraiser in southern california this evening. he will then fly to san francisco tomorrow for two more. one is cohosted by nancy pelosi. on thursday he will be at a fundraiser. ticket for that is up to $100,000 for before he took off,
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he confirmed major sanctions are planned against russia. the details of his death have not been revealed. he was an outspoken critic of vladimir putin. the family is accusing russia of murdering him. his death sparked outrage within russia and around the world. >> i told you we would announce sanctions on russia. i will be happy for you to join us. >> the sanctions will come as we approach two years since the beginning of russia's invasion of ukraine. white house is urging congress for more funding to support ukraine, that's one of the strongest ways to challenge put in. nikki haley has a message about her presidential campaign. she said she is not going anywhere. she made those comments today while speaking at her alma mater, clemson university. she challenged former president trump by a wide margin.
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she intends to keep her campaign going. >> what does it say about an incumbent who is losing nearly half of his party? his spells disaster in november. we should not silence those voters like he wants. they deserve a real choice. not where there is only one candidate and he gets 99% of the vote. >> it's a big few days for republicans for the south carolina primary is this coming saturday. at home, santa clara police are investigating a staggering crime today. the mother of a three-year-old child, have an overnight at an apartment complex and the suspect has been arrested. we have more from santa clara. in the police weird. new details released this evening say the person who called said her live in boyfriend shot and killed her three-year-old son. the police say they found the suspect nearby in --
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>> i was just walking by. it was to: 30 a.m. a lady came out crying. after a few minutes, cops came. >> reporter: people gathered outfront distraught about what happened. we believe they are family and friends of the victim. they do not want to speak with us. people who live in the complex say they are shaken. >> is very alarming. i was really surprised. >> reporter: the suspect is 24- year-old, sergio gomez of santa clara. he's expected to be booked for murder. the police say the investigation is ongoing and they do not yet have a motor. a san jose teenager is accused of making ghost guns and selling them. they received a tip last month that 18-year-old francisco sanchez jr. was using a 3-d printer to make the guns at his
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home. in the evergreen neighborhood. he was arrested last thursday. officers say they seized two months. manufacturing materials and a printer. they're asking anyone with information about this case or similar cases to contact sj pd. we have an update on the story we brought you last week. a center in chinatown is being dropped. that just came from the mayor. the city wanted to convert the north beach hotel into a permanent housing facility for people in recovery from alcohol and drugs. is at the corner of kearny and columbus. there are shops and restaurants in chinatown. safety concerns from locals and business owners, the mayor's office said they are looking for a new location after opposition to this project became clear. drama get ready for the big party, even bigger than pastors.
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the annual chinese new year's parade is this weekend. it will include dragon dancers, marching bands, and a variety of performers. it is always a good time. the event is considered the largest outside of asia. last year more than 1 million people visited chinatown during the festival. this year they are aiming at projecting for about 2 million people. right now there is only one thing in their way, a slight chance of rain. >> i want to make a special request of all of the dragons out there. use your powerful breath, i do not meet bad breath, use your powerful breath to blow away and evaporate the rain clouds so that on saturday we have a beautiful starry night, that is warm, dry, and will be comfortable for everybody. that will get us the 2 million number.
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>> organizers say they have concerns after some vandals set a car on fire in chinatown about a week ago. as i pd and the sheriffs department will be beefing up their presence at this parade. some scary moments on a flight out of san francisco after one of the wings started to fall apart. the plane had to make an emergency landing. everybody was okay. we have a passenger video showing what happened. >> the flight was averted and landed in denver instead of boston. >> we were about to land in denver. >> reporter: that is kevin clark filming out of his window as the flight was about to make an emergency landing in denver.
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the flight from san francisco to boston was diverted when the crew discarded a wing was damaged. clark started to record when he heard loud noises. >> i heard a violent vibration. it did not last for very long. it was very loud. i was like, that is not normal. >> reporter: he noticed the pilot looking at the wings. >> it goes behind me and i was not paying much attention. he goes back to the cockpit and he goes on the pa. he says that we have discovered we have some damage on one of the front flaps. we are going to divert to denver to put you on a different plane. >> reporter: like what karen says that answers about exactly what happened will come soon. he notes that pilots trained for this type of thing. >> is disconcerting to look out your window and see part of the
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wing falling apart. >> reporter: for clark and 163 other passengers, after a few scary minutes it was a safe landing in denver. from denver, the passengers took another flight to boston. they got in safely last night. the faa says they plan to investigate. back to you. producing a lot more energy than he can use. why didn't he get paid for? i am chris camara. nbc bay area responds next. i am chief meteorologist, jeff. 99% normal for the snowpack. central sierra, anyone. i will talk more about rain i will talk more about rain chances
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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tonight we respond to a southbay who says he did not get the payment he was promised for his solar energy. >> chris stepped in to break this standstill. >> reporter: keith in san jose has solar panels on his house. each year san jose clean energy pays him for the extra energy he made, but did not use. the past year, he was told he would be getting $224. he did not. despite calls he made for six months. keith asked us to put our energy behind his case. we contacted san jose clean energy and they sent him a check for $224 and told us a partner company did not share metering details in time. sj ce says billing processes some things manually. they are working to automate and speed up in 2024.
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they believe that the new protocol will eliminate delays like those that keith experience. do you have an issue you can't resolve even after talking to utilities customer service reps? we have a qr code. scanned that to file a complaint at california's public utilities commission. a complaint might cause them to order a utility into action. you can also let us know about your issues. scanned this qr code to fill out our complaint form online. a dramatic rescue from people trapped from a flood. take a look at the rescues from inside the rescue chopper. the chp working to rescue after a car got stuck in the floodwaters. they hoisted two people into a net. rescue boat picked up a third. everybody is okay. they're asking people to stay away from running rivers.
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we have been pummeled in the bay area. i know the central coast got a beating the last couple of days. >> it's all from the same store system. these storms have been wide, reaching. the last leg of the storm system is starting to get out of here. we will get dry weather coming in that forecast. i want to take you to what we are tracking now. our doppler radar, the heaviest rainfall we had from noon to 3:00 p.m. it's now moving into the central valley, away from us. that was producing rates for about an inch per hour. that's why the drains could not keep up and water was coming up out of those drains. real dangerous situation in san francisco. now the snowfall is heavy throughout this era. moving down with a closer view of the doppler radar right now. what we are looking at here is the rainfall that is continuing to move up against the coastline and picking up speed pretty quickly with moderate rain at the current moment.
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as we go through tonight, we are expecting the rain to move off to the north and also to the east. keeping the wet weather through the coastal areas and also moving into the north bay and the east bay. a closer view here, the rainfall is going to be moving off by 6:30. then out there toward the east bay and the southbay as we go into the next 20 to 30 minutes. a storm timeline, by 8:00 p.m., most of the rain is off toward the east and to the southbay. we will stay with the dry picture until 11:35. as we go through tomorrow morning, a spotty shower chanced toward the north bay. we will hang with that until about 9:00 a.m. then we will see some spotty rain chances for tomorrow afternoon. overall nothing is expected to be too heavy the way things are
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shaping up right now. tomorrow morning's forecast, we begin with 40s across the bay area. 46 in the southbay and 45 for the trivalent. coming in with 49 in surfaces go. daytime highs there tomorrow, 60s across the bay area. 61 in concord. 63 in san jose. still some spotty rain in the forecast or tomorrow. we are looking at dry weather as we go into thursday's forecast and also on friday. the next thing we are following is the storm offshore this weekend. is going to stay in the pacific. right now it is only a glancing hit here throughout california. and the bay area. spotty rain and thunder storm chance coming our way. as you roll through freddy's forecast, the storm as well offshore. were not looking at rain on friday. by saturday, it is real close, so a slight chance for a shower. sunday, you get into some scattered shower chances. it doesn't look overly heavy. the totals on saturday, trace
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amounts across the higher revelation. most of us should be dry on saturday. as a go to sunday, trace amounts to about a quarter of an inch. nothing close to what we have had just been through here throughout the bay area. look at the seven-day forecast, dry on thursday and friday. shower chances on saturday and sunday. with the storm system offshore, we could get into a few spotty thunderstorm chances as we go into sunday and on monday. we will continue to watch that because the storm system, if it was more inland it would change the forecast. it does not look like a big deal as we go into the upcoming we can. we have more looks at the radar and we will have full updates coming up after the debate tonight in our 7:00 show. we have the radar up and scanning. another new member of the broadcasting. comes from a family of famous broadcasters. that will be next.
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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last week made history as denny became the play-by-play announcer. the first woman in the major leagues in that position. in another announcer who comes from a legendary family of announcers. nbc sports california hired, chris carey.
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his great-grandfather was legendary, harry carey. his grandfather was longtime announcer, skip carey. his dad is the current cardinals announcer, chip kerry. he's a fourth-generation announcer. >> my name is chris carey, i'm one of your new tv play-by-play voices for the oakland a's on nbc sports california. i'm really excited to get going with the franchise that is historic. i'm equally excited to work with pros like the entire crew. it will be a lot of fun. i am 24 years old. i went to the university of georgia. for the last two seasons, i have went in aa with my identical twin brother. we are fourth-generation of a baseball broadcasting from it. the bay area is beautiful and i'm ready to check that out. i have heard that the oakland a's fans are passionate and a lot of fun.
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i can't wait to see that at the coliseum in a couple weeks. i will see you then. >> he is smooth. >> has great energy. >> 24 years old. welcome to the bay area, you will love it here. he will share time in the broadcast booth with jenny and the analyst, dallas. one final push to stop the extradition. julian assange. he was charged with leaking u.s. military records of diplomatic cables. he has spent seven years hiding in britain. five years in a british prison. last year, the uk agreed to extradite him to the u.s. to face buying charges for his supporters say he is being punished for exposing u.s. criminal acts. today he opened a final legal challenge from getting him extradited to the u.s. he is
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expected to be announced in the coming weeks. the eiffel tower is a top tourist attraction and it remains closed for the second day. the workers are on strike and they are calling for the city of paris to review the financing of this monument. they're looking for a pay increase. the strike may go on until tomorrow. it's the second strike within two months for the same reason. by the way, the olympics are in paris this july. the stage is set. we are minutes away from california final u.s. senate debate. democratic house representative, adam schiff, katie porter, barbara lee, and republican candidate, steve garvey. they take the stage at 6:00 for their running for dianne feinstein's seat. our sister station in los angeles is hosting the debate at universal studios hollywood lot. we will error that debate live on nbc bay area.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.


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