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tv   Today  NBC  February 21, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PST

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now we do have to be careful with changes in visibility. >> you can't even see the bridge. the "today" show is moments away, but we continue "today in the bay" on roku and other streaming platforms. ahead, bracing for the big one. we'll have a live interview with more on how you can get money for free to retrofit your home for earthquakes. join us for our 7:00 a.m. newscast next. >> thanks so much for making us a part of your morning. the "today" show is coming up next. good wednesday morning an american citize good wednesday morning an american citizen taken into custody in russia. >> adding to tensions already high good morning this is "today." behind bars. an american ballerina detained
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in russia, accused by putin's government of treason. her family speaking out this morning. >> she will spent the rest of her life in jail. >> the white house warning all americans to leave russia immediately and promising to hit moscow with new sanctions over the death of alexei navalny. the latest ahead. showdown donald trump and nikki haley barn storming north carolina haley vowing to stay in the race win or lose. >> i'm not going anywhere. >> the latest from the campaign trail and the new legal blow to house republicans pushing to impeach president biden. florida beach tragedy. a little girl killed and her brother injured. a hole they were digging suddenly collapsed inside that frantic rescue effort and what we're learning about the boy's condition this morning. in court
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the first trial in that deadly "rust" movie set shooting gets underway today we'll have the latest and the potential impact on the case against alec baldwin. all that, plus going up. a major airline increasing baggage fees ahead of the spring break season what it means for your vacation and if other airlines will do the same. and philadelphia freedom yes, that is a horse the wild video and how they finally corralled him, today, wednesday, february 21st, 2024. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb, from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hi, everybody. welcome to "today. that was odd. just outside phiy
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appears to b >> that was very strange to see that horse galloping down i-95. >> yeah, just outside philly appears to be in the hov lane. we'll tell you how that all ended. it is a happy ending but, first, to the american detained in russia. e raised fus to support ukraine >> well, this has prompted a top u.s. official to tell americans in russia, quote, you ought to leave right now. and if follows plans b >> she's a 33-year-old ballerina. she became a dual u.s./russian citizen in 2021. this morning she's being held in russia on suspicion of treason after she raised funds to help ukraine. >> the white house telling americans in russian, quote, you ought to leave right now a death has quickly become a focal point in the 2024 presidential race. we've got it covered this morning. we'll start with richard engel richard, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah russia appears to be very confident these days, accused of executing alexei navalny, now arresting this american dual national and here in ukraine,
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intensifying its military offensive. this morning, another american citizen is in custody in russia. ksenia karelina, a 33-year-old ballerina who lived in los angeles, is a russian-american dual national. she was detained on suspicion of treason for allegedly donating money to support ukraine the white house now issuing a warning to all americans in russia. >> if you are a u.s. citizen, including a dual national, residing in or traveling in russia, you ought to leave right now. >> reporter: russia's federal security service released this video, apparently showing karelina being led into a courtroom where a judge denied her bail. >> she is not safe there, and if we do not help her, so she will spend the rest of her life in jail. >> reporter: as the u.s. works to respond, president biden says he will bring new sanctions against russia after the death of vladimir putin's most outspoken critic, alexei
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navalny. >> i told you we would be announcing sanctions against russia. we will be announcing a major package on friday. >> reporter: but russia is already under sanctions, which also designed to hold russia so far had little impact as russia is shielded by china, continues to sell oil internationally and is resupplied by weapons by iran and north korea. the u.s. says the sanctions are designed to hold russia accountable for the war in ukraine where russian troops are flattening villages across the east when they advance russia launched new attacks overnight as ukrainians are stalled as they await weapons and ammunition blocked by congress as the russians advanced, ukrainian troops broke rank into chaos. a military spokesperson this morning said some ukrainians were captured or went missing.
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and the biden administration isn't acting alone with sanctions. the eu just this morning announced new sanctions on nearly 200 russian entities and individuals accused of helping moscow procure weapons and kidnap ukrainian children. and the uk just sanctioned more individuals, several key leaders at that penal colony where navalny died last week. >> thank you, richard. let's move now to the race to the white house the latest polls show nikki haley trailing donald trump in her home state by nearly 30 points but win or lose, she is vowing to stay in the race. garrett haake has it covered for us. >> reporter: good morning to you. look, the political map for nikki haley locks bad in south
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carolina and even worse in the states that follow but yesterday she made clear that she's going to keep fighting she says she has to warn her party that while donald trump may win this party, he will lose to president biden again with south carolina's republican primary looming, nikki haley is vowing to fight on, even if she loses to former president donald trump on saturday. >> i'm not going anywhere. i'm campaigning every day until the last person votes. >> reporter: the former un ambassador is running 28 points mind mr. trump in her home state, according to a new poll of likely south carolina voters. haley says mr. trump is the only candidate president biden can defeat, pointing to unnamed republicans who, she says, publicly embrace mr. trump even as they privately dread him. >> i feel no need to kiss the ring i have no fear of trump's retribution. >> reporter: haley growing emotional speaking about her
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husband, michael, and a recent target of mr. trump's mockery. >> what happened to her husband? where is he? he's gone. >> i wish michael was here today, and i wish our children and i could see him tonight, but we can't >> reporter: the former president on fox news overnight attacking haley. >> she's down by 30, 35 points, and everybody knows her. you're not supposed to lose your home state shouldn't happen anyway, and she's losing it big. really, i said bigly i don't think she knows how to get out. >> reporter: both haley and president biden have assailed mr. trump for his refusal to condemn vladimir putin after the death of alexei navalny in custody. the former president is evoking his death to score political points, eluding to his own legal
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problems >> navalny is a sad situation. it is a horrible thing, but it's happening in our country, too. we are turning into a communist country in many ways. ek r ramaswamy. but with a lion share of his praise for south carolina senator tim scott. scott appointed to his post by nikki haley has seen his star rise in trump world accordingly. >> garret haake in d.c., thank you. this morning >> reporter: rather face >> oh, i don't care. >> reporter: in that same town hall last night, mr. trump was asked who might be on his vice presidential short list. ron desantis and vivek ramaswamy. but with the lion's share of his praise for tim scott, who was first appointed to his post by nikki haley, has been a key voice for trump in the last few weeks and has seen his star rise in trump world accordingly. >> garrett, thank you. all right. this morning we're also learning more about the arrest of that fbi informant tied to the hunter biden case prosecutors revealing that
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informant was in contact with russian intelligence officials capitol hill correspondent ryan nobles joins us with more. ryan, good morning what's the latest? >> reporter: yeah, good morning. alexander smirnoff appeared yesterday to face charges of lying to the fbi particularly claiming that joe biden accepted bribes to benefit hunter's businesses. it is a claim central to the impeachment probe and one repeated by republicans. but the bombshell came when david weiss, that same special counsel lied and that he admitted to working with russian intelligence officials involved in passing on a story with hunter biden prosecutors were, quote, extensive and extremely recent and that he's, quote, actively peddling new lies that could impact elections hunter biden's attorney filing new motions to dismiss the tax related charges he's missing, arguing that they are improper and that the prosecutors bowed to political pressure. we reached out to the special counsel's office but at this point have not heard back. >> this informant was key to the
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house impeachment inquiry. joe biden's brother is set to testify behind closed doors today. >> reporter: that's right. we focused a lot of our attention on hunter biden. but house republicans are equally interested in james biden's business dealings, the president's brother. contracts would not otherwise have won if he were not related to joe biden. but they have yet to show any hard evidence that joe biden's role as a public official directly benefitted james biden's work or that the president was enriched by that work and that's why republicans are hoping that this interview will give their they believe james traded on his informant being charged with lying. joe biden himself is expected to sit down with the committee as well for a transcribed interview. >> thank you. and now a satellite is expected to crash back to earth today. it is closely tracking the 5,000-pound satellite called
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ers-2. the agency said that some fragments could reach the planet's surface, but they will not contain any harmful substances and most likely will fall into the ocean. the exact time of the satellite's re-entry remains unclear because of the unpredictability of the solar activity. two children were digs in the sand when it suddenly collapsed around them. a young girl was killed and her brother injured, and with spring breakfast -- spring break approaching fast, this is raising some serious alarms. sam brock in lauderdale with the story this morning. sam, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. emergency officials this morning describing this as an
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unfathomable accident. as you said, two kids under the age of eight playing in the sand, digging a hole about 5 to 6 feet deep. it collapsed and trapped them inside. what appears to be dozens of bystanders trying to help. still, they couldn't save that little girl's life. this morning, aerial images show a cavernous home where a and again collapsing under the surface. bystanders jumping in to help. >> reporter: there is about 20 people digging trying to find the child. this cell phone video shows efforts to save the young boy and girl before paramedics arrived, and furiously began digging. the two kids were both under the age of eight.
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the boy was rescued chest deep in sand and is in stable condition. his younger sister buried beneath him wasn't breathing when they reached her and their efforts to resuscitate her failed. sand holes are by nature unstable with walls that could easily collapse. a similar incident happened on the jersey shore only days ago when parents say their two-year-old was playing. >> it could have been way worse. way worse. >> reporter: life guards issues this warning. >> i had no idea how dangerous the holes could be until i started life guarding. >> reporter: ideally, you do not want to be digging holes in the sand. but if you do, experts say, guys, they should only go as deep as the smallest person in your group. overnight the american life guard association advocated to prevent more tragedies like this one.
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>> sam brock, thank you. also this morning, it is still raining in parts of california. another atmospheric river moving across the state leading to more fears of more floods, more mud slides. it is one of the storms al is watching for us. first liz kreutz is on the coast outside of l.a. >> reporter: it is still raining right now. l.a. has seen more than a foot of rain just this month. and the structural and the damage from this storm could be felt for days or in some cases where we are for years. this is a famous wedding venue. it's been featured in wedding videos like 90210 and the o.c. it is closed because of structural damage from shifting land. with another wave of heavy rain drenching california, this morning emergency crews working to repair damage from the storm.
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this funnel cloud seen over the foothills of nearby santo paula. overnight officials confirming flash floods killed a second person. from the sky, rescue crews have been working to save multiple people trapped in high waters. while ground teams across the state are accessing roadways and clearing debris that's crossing traffic. some communities are on the drink of disaster as foundations collapse entirely. in this neighborhood near l.a., the storm is accelerating erosion. >> it started with a crack and then it started to sink. >> at this historic chapel near l.a., a slow-moving landslide is ripping the building apart, forcing church leaders to shut their doors indefinitely. even creating an unlikely oasis in the desert. this lake forming at death valley, which has seen double the annual rain fall in the past
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six months. kayaking is now possible in the driest place in north america. still residents living near landslides fear the most devastating impact is yet to come. is the storm making all this worse? >> of course. it is not helping. >> reporter: inside this chapel now, we're told these beautiful glass windows are at risk of shattering. come over here. i want to show you how much the ground has moved. you can see the massive cracks in the foundation. 175 weddings that are scheduled here have been canceled. they are hoping to rebuild and restore, but there is no guarantee. >> liz, thank you so much. 7:16. mr. roker, is the worst over there? >> well, we are just about seeing the tail end of the worse. right now we have flash flood warnings in effect much around los angeles county until 9:00 pacific standard time. again, you can see this next round of rain coming in. hopefully that's toward the end
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of it. now, we have another system tomorrow tracking out of the midwest. it will bring rain and storms into the ohio river valley. light snow into the northeast into new england. friday we look at this just moving out. showers will dampen the mid atlantic. we look for a little snow in northern new england and the great lakes. rain fall amounts not that heavy, anywhere from a quarter of an inch to about an inch in the upper ohio river valley. we will get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds.
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good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we can see the low clouds flowing across san francisco, but it's been really foggy in the north bay, and we're still watching out for the chance of some spotty showers. a look at the wide view, you can see all of the heavy rain that's still moving through southern california, and clouds that are well out into the pacific will be staying off the coast. we're going to have one more day of rain chances, with the north bay seeing the highest chance, and then we'll head toward some dryer weather over t weather. guys. still ahead, jury selection set to begin today in the first trial tied to that fatal shooting on the "rust" movie set. chloe has been following that for us >> investigators will try to prove that hannah gutierrez reed is responsible for what happened onset.
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plus, your spring break and summer vacation is about to get more expensive, possibly more expensive, possibly the airlines are
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largest national provider network. only from unitedhealthcare. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ good wednesday morning. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories. >> first, a disturbing moment during last night's walnut creek city council meeting. a man wearing a shirt with a swastika and anti-semitic language launched into an attack of city council member kevin
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wilk. he proceeded to berate jewish people, ending his rant with a nazi salute. the council member wilk is jewish and says the man is not from walnut creek. there were similar anti-semitic rants launched last year. the actions eventually led to the end of virtual public comment. 21 east bay teachers unions will picket today, including dublin. dublin and pittsburg teachers are closest to walking off the job. the other chapters are lending their voices to call for better pay, better working conditions for teachers, which they say are better learning conditions for students. president joe biden is set to arrive in the bay area today with a live look at sfo where air force one is expected to arrive a little after 3:00 this afternoon. he's expected to attend two campaign events in san francisco, one co-hosted by nancy pelosi, tomorrow he'll be in los altos hills for another fundraiser. the president met with better weather conditions, kari. >> certainly compared to yesterday, where we had the very
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heavy rainfall moving through. we're waking up to some parts of the bay area seeing sunshine, but fog in other areas. so we're dealing with that, also one more chance of showers, mainly in the north bay today, and then we go into some dryer weather going into the weekend, and a warming trend. by sunday we'll start to see more clouds coming in and a chance of showers and cooler temperatures expected through the beginning of next week. a slight chance of showers in san francisco as well today, but a mix of sun and clouds and low 60s for the weekend.
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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♪ there we go. 7:30 here is something you don't see every day. a horse running down your old neighborhood i95 in philly. >> are we in philly here >> yes
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alongside morning commuters. turns out somehow that horse escaped from the stable. wanted to go for a jog eventually, that horse took an exit good. >> glad all is well. >> we're happy to have you here this morning. >> busy half hour ahead. >> the first trial tied to the death of the film's cinematographer will get underway this morning. chloe melas has been following the police worked with good morning. jury selection begins toda in hannah gutierrez reed's trial. and prosecutors have to prove she was responsible for the bullets in the prop gun. more than two years after the fatal shooting on the set of
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"rust," the case settles on how a round of live ammunition found its way on to the set. the bullet killing cinematographer halyna hutchins and wounding the director. >> i can't believe alec baldwin was holding the gun. >> reporter: reed is charged with involuntary manslaughter were allegedly handing off a bag of cocaine to a friend after the shooting she faces three years in prison if convicted on both counts. her attorneys speaking to savannah in 2021 >> everything that she saw she's heart broken, and she's just a statement, ms. gutierrez reed is ready for her day in court. she is not guilty of the crimes charged her. >> every individual who touches a firearm has a responsibility for gun safety.
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>> reporter: alex devastated by what's happening. >> reporter: alex baldwin is set to stand trial at some point as well last month a grand jury indicted baldwin on one count of involuntary manslaughter his attorney saying after he was charged, we look forward to our day in court baldwin repeatedly maintained we did not pull the trigger, but i >> someone is responsible for what happened. i can't say who it is, but i know it's not me. >> reporter: a prosecutors are not buying it. >> i didn't pull the trigger someone is responsible for what happened i can't say who it is, but i know it's not me. >> reporter: a forensics expert found the gun had not been modified and baldwin would have had to pull the trigger. it is unclear what evidence will be presented in court. but video obtained exclusively by nbc news in november could be played for the jury. prosecutors are also expected to introduce text messages they show gutierrez reed was using drugs and alcohol after work, including the night before the fatal shooting the first member of the "rust"
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crew to stand trial. her lawyer would not say if she is going to take the stand in her own defense, but we know the trial is expected to take two weeks with several witnesses being called, including first responders that responded to the shooting baldwin's trial is likely to begin some time this summer. >> thank you that sets us up for laura jarett >> hi, guys. the case is compelling primarily because the reason she was onset was to ensure gun safety plus, prosecutors allege in this case that there was drug use before the night of the shooting, so they are saying she was essentially hungover they get to say she only had one job in this case, and she didn't do it. >> well, it seems like we're interested in this case a lot because of alec baldwin. >> sure. >> let's say she gets convicted in this case, how would that
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impact alex baldwin's case >> her attorneys have a strategic advantage by her going first. now, there will be different juries, different cases, different charges, but they at least get to see the strategy of where she's going. if she's not convicted, it is could be convicted. you could see how she's convicted, not him. >> do you expect her to take the stand? >> i think hard to imagine how baldwin could be convicted you could see how she's convicted, not him. >> do you expect her to take the stand? >> i think it is risky for her to take the stand and cross examine her on all her behavior before the shooting. there are not that many times where taking the stand works in someone's favor. but it is always her right and she could do it if she wants to. >> the question is how the live rounds get on to the set. >> we still don't know the answer to that if baldwin can point to anybody else, it was not him, obviously, i think that really helps his case, that he can say i was told
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there was no live round. i was told somebody was checking and somebody else was responsible for bringing the live rounds, not me. >> it is criminal negligence. >> exactly and voluntary manslaughter doesn't require intent. >> thank you. we'll meet a young man that says the keto diet changed his life not for the weight loss, but it has helped with his mental health his story and what doctors are revealing between our minds and what we eat. >> but, first, your spring break trip could be getting more expensive thanks to airline fees tom costello has that one for us. >> please don't shoot the messenger. but, yes, your baggage fees will go up. it will start with american airlines others will fall suit. we'll have that story when we come back. that helps heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems
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such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. ihop has tons of omelettes, so you can have omelettes for breakfast, brunch, brinner, or even a briddle of the night snack. try the new meaty cheesy 'n crispy mega omelette and add cinnamon dippers for a $1. only at ihop. (vo) oh look, glorious progresso soup. and add cinnamon dippers for a $1. so delicious. ooh, tender chicken. the anticipation is killing me. just pour it in something already. progresso soup. you simply must taste it. try it with flaky pillsbury crescents. ♪everything i do that's for my health is an accomplishment.♪
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mmm...rainbow sprinkles, jammy filling and frosting?! friends, pop-tarts, pastrymates! lend me your ears! —oh boy. we're going off the crust again. wait till i get warmed up. pop-tarts! crazy good. sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression.
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and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at we are back at 7:40. this morning consumer travel alert. guess what getting more expensive to fly. >> that's right. american airlines increased how much it charges for your luggage and it's not alone. >> yeah, nbc's tom costello, who
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covers aviation for us is here with us. tom, the timing here not great. >> reporter: not great this is no coincidence airfare dropped in over the last 12 months. but guess what american airlines alone made a billion dollars just on luggage fees last year so now they're raising fees. that is just in time as families start booking and boarding thei goes round-trip. just in time for spring break and effective immediately, american airlines is charging more to check luggage. $35 for the first bag. $40 if trips for spring break, which $40 if paying at the airport, up from the current $30 baggage fee. a second checked back will cost $45, a $5 increase american is charges more for checked bags from canada and mexico but passengers can avoid the luggage fees if they hold elite
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status, buy a premium class ticket or use an american branded credit card. >> so this definitely can impact not only just the average consumer wallet, but it really hits home for families traveling with multiple bags. >> and there is another change starting on may 1st, american says customers will only earn frequent flier points if they buy tickets directly from american or a preferred online travel agency. in an e-mail to customers, american says when you book directly with american, you enjoy the best possible travel experience to check or not to check has been the debate for years. >> we'd now like to welcome any travelers with carry-ons that have no chance of fitting in the overhead compartment >> it fits oh, it will fit. >> reporter: with many passengers packing everything into carry-ons will other airlines follow american
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delta charges $30 for the first bag. alaska and jet blue just raised air prices to $35. at spirit, $44 is the cheapest fee while bags still fly free on southwest. >> it is the copy cat industry when you see one airline change thing. airlines are really raking it in in terms of baggage fees and other fees. >> you mentioned if you buy the more expensive ticket, you get the bags thrown in. is that ever an option for people? >> reporter: listen, i think everybody has to do the numbers and decide if it makes sense. airlines can and do charge you more for a window seat, of course for food, for your luggage, for wifi, all of food and drinks. you have to decide at the end of the day, is it better to get a more expensive ticket where all of that is included or do you want to go with the cheapest and
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keep adding on all the fees. a lot of people on a budget, they struggle with that. >> i was concerned about the frequent flier miles you don't get them if you look through another agency >> reporter: that is what american is going to do effective may 1st. they want you to book their ticket on their website. otherwise, you won't get the frequent flier points. now, they are going to announce some specified favorable or preferred travel outlets you can book through but for the most part, they want you to book on their website and if you don't, they're not going to give you the points. >> sometimes the other ones are cheaper. go for the cheapest flight. >> this makes me grouchy. >> reporter: don't shoot the messenger. >> they will start charging like, do you want a smile from the flight attendant $4.99.
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>> i had to use apple pay to get into the bathroom in one of the planes it's terrible. going just too far too far. my gosh. anyway, unfortunately fire season now getting started strong winds, low relative humidity with gusts of 50 miles an hour and low humidity. we could be looking at record highs today. look at three people from the four corners all the way into texas we are looking at the fire threat critical risk from roswell all the way down to presidio with gusts up to 50 miles per hour and low humidity we could be looking at record highs today. look at this dallas 80 degrees today. st. louis up to 72 chicago, you're 25 degrees warmer than usual today with a high of 62 buffalo at 48. tomorrow that warmth moves to the east syracuse 11 degrees warmer than average. tulsa 6. we take a bit of a dip over the weekend. chicago by saturday you are down to 47. look at sunday, near 60 degrees. cleveland, near 60 degrees on sunday st. louis, you are looking at 70
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degrees on sunday. that is toasty that's what's going on around good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're starting out with some dense fog in parts of the valleys and we're headed for a partly cloudy day. but we're still also going to see a chance of showers, especially in the north bay as we go into late morning, into the afternoon. tomorrow more sunshine and slightly warmer temperatures, and that will be the trend going into saturday. but then sunday clouds roll right back in and we'll have rain chances increasing between >> and that's your latest weather. guys in. >> thank you, al the music history beyoncé is making with her brand-new sound. we will have that on "popstart". and we'll get to hoda's boost right after this emerge as you.
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with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. tremfya® is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness and swelling it's just 6 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. ♪♪ who are you texting? your boyfriend?? no, i'm shopping for a car on carmax. oh, a car?! are you sure you can afford this? let me see... alright. that's a big purchase! relax! i got pre-qualified and shopped by my monthly budget so i know it's a good decision. unlike jenny's new piercing... [gasps]
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get pre-qualified. shop within your budget. carmax. lay's wavy potato chips are made for dipping. so, you'll spill less dip and break fewer chips. which almost everyone will love. ♪(“don't you forget about me”)♪ sorry, frank. made for dipping. lay's wavy. stay golden. (luke) so... i hear some of you are concerned about the fact made for dipping. that i'm taking over the company from my great-uncle. well, rest-assured, company's in great hands. hit the vid', marci. (marci) now? (luke) yeah, now. we're bringing together the nation's agents in a super-comprehensive agent directory. (dave) did you know he bought a helicopter? (luke) gathering up-close, detailed info on neighborhoods. and hiring top experts to get you insider info on local schools. (weezy) what do y'all think... smash or nah? (classroom + luke) nah. (marci) you got weezy for this?! (luke) exciting, right? (weezy) now, who wanna see what one hundred g's looks like? (both lukes) homes-dot-com. we've done your homework.
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(luke) now, that is worth celebrating! (brad) i love it. (luke) thank you. (brad) very clever. (luke) drink up, everybody. (vo) ding dong! life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. i've always been prone to hair thinning. i was getting older. i was under a lot of stress. i started taking nutrafol. nutrafol is the number one, dermatologist recommended hair growth supplement. i am back to me. start your hair growth journey at [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets.
7:50 am
but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. we are back with our morning boost, and we get to say good
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morning to carson. here we go an incredible display of sportsmanship that led to an unforgettable moment at a grade school basketball game in new york watch as a player on the blue team gives the ball to his opponent as the game clock ticked down. here's what happened, the crowd went wild. the boy who made that buzzer beater, his name is jacobi. ticked down. here's what happened, the crowd went wild. the boy who made that buzzer beater, his name is jacobi he has down syndrome his mom says he brings so much joy in school and to everyone that's in his life the player on the blue team that passed him the ball, he just said he wanted jacobi's dream to come true. he said, here you go, jacobi. >> congratulations to the parents. they raised a good, young man. good stuff coming up, the story behind taylor swift's -- this is the
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youngest fan you could imagine we'll have that story and more coming up in "popstart." first, if you don't mind, a quick check of your news and weather. i was so addicted to nicotine that it was hard for me to quit. my tip is, love yourself and get the help you need to quit smoking. you are worth it. (announcer) tobacco companies aggressively market to lgbtq+ communities. you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. [traffic noise] [text message] let's ace this thing! ♪ ♪ i got you coffee. oh my god, what? you literally read my mind. got you, girl. (avo) kate made progress with her mental health... ...but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td.
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good wednesday morning to you. it is 7:56 right now. i'm laura garcia. here is a look at what's happening now. >> reporter: i'm bob redell outside walnut creek city hall where last night during the public comments section of last night's city council meeting, a member of the public went on an anti-semitic rant, wearing a swastika shirt. this was directed at kevin wilk, one of the council members.
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council member wilk says the hate speech needs to be called out and we as a society cannot become numb to this. let's get a look at the forecast with meteorologist kari hall. >> we started with fog in parts of the bay area, but we're also seeing clouds as we take a look at the golden gate bridge. we'll see a mix of sun and clouds, but still watching storm ranger for a chance of spotty rain. the best chance will be in the north bay. we'll continue to monitor that even into the afternoon. after today, we'll see a lot more sunshine and temperatures starting to warm up. we're headed for the mid to upper 60s. we're up to 70 degrees on saturday, with rain for the end of the weekend. >> thank you. and thank you for joining us as well. another local news update in half an hour. join us for our midday show at 11:00 a.m.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter.
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taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. it's 8:00 it's 8:00 on "today. coming up, south carolina countdown. nikki haley vowing to stay in the race, win or lose. >> i'm not going anywhere. >> despite a major gap in the polls and tough talk from donald
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trump. >> i don't think she knows how to get out, actually. >> we're live with the latest. then, diet discovery a look at how the popular keto diet could help boost mentalial plus, fab four film fest. big news for beatles fans. all getting their own bio health when you switched your diet, what happened? >> an inside look at the potential treatment plan. plus, fab four film fest big news for beatles fans. all getting their own bio pics the details that will make you twist and shout coming up in "popstart". with the release of "mostly what god does," our family gets together to talk about our own spiritual journeys. >> i feel like my path to faith has been evolving throughout my life. >> and the special role faith plays in our lives. >> the closest i have been to god has been when i have struggled mightily. >> join us for a beautiful
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discussion, today, wednesday, february 21st, 2024. girls' trip from massachusetts! >> back in fairfax station, virginia. >> here is one of your youngest fans. >> brittney loves "today". >> shout-out to our alma mater. >> from macon, georgia. >> happy 46th anniversary! >> shout-out from buffalo, new york. >> celebrating terry's birthday. >> hello, seattle! >> hi, savannah and hoda. >> we're here from west bloomfield, michigan. >> because david is turning 70 and good morning, everybody. welcome back to "today." it is wednesday morning. nice to have you along with us
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craig is enjoying some time off. >> we're lucky to have sheinelle jones at the table. the race for the white house. just three days until voters in south carolina cast their ballots in the republican primary. nikki haley is forming president trump by double digits but says she will not drop out of the conversation any time soon conversation any time soon. garrett haake follows the race for us. >> reporter: the political map looks bad for nikki haley in north carolina and even worse for the states that follow. she argues that as strong as donald trump might look in a republican primary right now, she is the only republican who garrett haake follows the race message with republican voters around the country >> south carolina will vote on saturday but on sunday, i'll still be running for president. i'm not going anywhere
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>> she's down by 30, 35 points and everybody knows her. you are not supposed to lose to your home state. >> reporter: for his part, donald trump continued to attack haley at that town hall overnight where he compared the death of alexei navalny to his own legal challenges here in the u.s. and he tipped his hand about who might be on his vice presidential short list. you see some of the names there, confirming he's looking at three formal rivals for the job, most notably tim scott, who has been a key supporter ahead of this week's primary. president biden announced this morning his administration is canceling another $1.2 billion student loans this latest round of loan forgiveness affects more than 150,000 borrowers who have small loans and already made payments for ten years. so far the biden administration approved $140 billion for about 4 million people the current student loan forgiveness plan was crafted after the supreme court struck down the president's original
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measure. this week marks two years since russia invaded ukraine, causing many ukrainian families to flee the country. but tens of thousands stayed and voluntarily joined the army to fight the invasion, including a historic number of women, many who have children. richard engel is in ukraine wit. >> reporter: good morning. this is a country where before very few women served in the military. but once russia invaded it was all hands on deck. now women can be found throughout the ranks. when russia invaded ukraine two years ago, it was a call to arms for ukrainian men and women. in the capitol kyiv, she made the hardest decision a mother can face. along with her husband front li
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along with her husband. ukraine was expected to lose the war, so it could have been a forever good-bye but she was determined that her son not live under russian occupation. >> between death and freedom for my son, i choose death. >> reporter: many other ukrainian women made the same choice and now ukraine has more women deployed in combat than any other nation 43,000 women in service. 18,000 of them with young children it is all the more remarkable because women are not drafted in ukraine, but must volunteer. a soldier has faced intense combat and some sexism from male soldiers, which they say only motivates them. >> i will show them that i can do even better than people around me. and now i teach them
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>> reporter: she is a sniper and drone operator she is a combat medic. what is it like now two years into this war? >> you know, we are really tired. but then you understand why you are like fighting. it is important for us. >> reporter: what would you say to our viewers, particularly women? >> i think it is unfair that we have such a neighbor, and we need your help, guys we need your help. >> reporter: she was injured when her vehicle rolled over a land mine, but returned to the front line and is still fighting today in the special forces. >> if we will not have a victory, our children or grandchildren will fight again for their independence and freedom. >> reporter: the ukrainian
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ministry of defense has dropped all restrictions on the jobs that women can do in the military, including tank commander, machine gunner and sniper savannah. >> all right, richard. thank you. a scare for passengers onboard a united flight from san francisco to boston this week after one of its wings was damaged. the airline says the boeing 737 was diverted to center after an issue with a slat on the wing. this video you are seeing there was taken by a passenger he told nbc boston that he heard an incredibly loud vibration as the plane was taking off the flight landed safely, and now the faa is investigating. this morning, the mega millions jackpot is more than a half billion dollars the top prize claimed to $525 million. there were no big winners in last night's drawing the next drawing, by the way, friday night this is the largest mega millions jackpot since august. you can buy tickets in 45 states, plus washington, d.c. >> $525 million.
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>> i know. >> just ahead, a can't-miss "popstart. and we're revealing "time's" women of the year. first, savannah shares deeply personal stories on the evolving role of faith in our lives. we'll talk about that right after this [ tense music ] one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic. just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve. who do you take it for? and for fast topical pain relief, try alevex. bro, one more time. who do you take it for? ♪♪ worth of drip, but... ( inaudible rapping ) jif peanut butter. it's that jif'ing good, ludacris changed his flow for it. ohhh crap.
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now we gotta get france something. wait! we can use etsy's new gift mode! alright. done. ♪♪ plateau de fromage! oh la la! don't panic. gift easy with gift mode, new on etsy. (singing) ♪ i feel good ♪ ♪ duh na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ♪ i knew that i would ♪ ♪ na na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ooo, yum. hey! ♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ i feel good. sorry body, for knowing about actives, but giving 100% of them to my face. but fear no more, body. get active serums with hyaluronic acid that quench, vitamin c that brightens, and pro-ceramides that even everywhere. new dove serum body washes. get dove or get foamo. ok, someone just did laundry... no, i add downy light so the freshness really lasts. yeah, most scented stuff gives me a headache, but this is just right. and i don't like anything. but i like this. get a light scent that lasts with no heavy perfumes or dyes. ( ♪ ♪ ) look at that sweet frosting and filling.
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that's what makes pop-tarts such a great snack! i sure hope we get eaten soon. we will. i made a sign. [vending machine buzzs] it's working! pop-tarts! crazy good. covid-19? i'm not waiting. if it's covid, paxlovid. paxlovid is an oral treatment for adults with mild-to-moderate covid-19 and a high-risk factor for it becoming severe. it does not prevent covid-19. my symptoms are mild now, but i'm not risking it. if it's covid, paxlovid. paxlovid must be taken within the first five days of symptoms, and helps stop the virus from multiplying in your body. taking paxlovid with certain medicines can lead to serious or life-threatening side effects or affect how it or other medicines work, including hormonal birth control. it's critical to tell your doctor about all the medicines you take because certain tests or changes in their dosage may be needed. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, hiv-1, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeed. don't take paxlovid if you're allergic to nirmatrelvir, ritonavir, or any of its ingredients. serious side effects can include allergic reactions,
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some severe like anaphylaxis, and liver problems. these are not all the possible side effects so talk to your doctor. if it's covid, paxlovid. ask your doctor today. welcome back, guys yesterday, we celebrated the release of savannah's new book called "mostly what god does." savannah, you talked candidly about the impact of faith in your life. >> one of the most beautiful aspects of this experience is getting to talk to people about faith. i feel like people just want to have a deep conversation it is something we all talk about it a lot everybody comes at it from a different point of view. but in our "today" family, faith and friendship is very strong. you know, i know faith means something different to all of you. and maybe that's a good place to
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start, you know. hoda, when you think about faith, your higher power, god, what do you think about? >> i feel like my path to faith has been evolving throughout my life each day i have a little journal where i write, dear god, thank ever before. he used to be someone i was mad at. like when my dad died i was mad at him. all of a sudden, in due time, here i sit with two kids and i think to myself god has been present sitting here. i asked him on bende you for this precious day. inherit their faith from their parents. i lost my dad when i was young my mom remarried when i was 7 or 8. he led by example. i wanted to be like him so bad he was such a great guy. faith was at the epicenter of his life, so i started to go to see what was there that this
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dude liked so much and i discovered my own faith that way. >> i think my faith evolved. but it really did when those children come. that's when it really -- i always remember my mother going, god give me strength, you know and, yes, i hear those words but it's important to give them that foundation. my sonic is one of the most faithful people i know and leila is looking at her faith. and courtney now has had maybe baby sky, and she and her husband are looking for a church okay, i think we did okay. >> in our jobs, we're so lucky because we get to meet people in all kinds of moments in their lives. but i see faith everywhere where do you see god >> the closest i have been with god has been when i have struggled mightily
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you were there when i got a call one morning before the show that my brother had slipped away. we sort of knew it was coming, but i convinced myself that maybe this wasn't going to be it there i am in my dressing room . and we prayed. and it was in that moment, precisely when i needed. i didn't kw needed it. but i knew i had to pick myself up. >> i also think that faith and a belief in god is how we hold hands with whoever is in the next life. see, god is our connection. >> my parents died six weeks hands with whoever is in the next life. see, god is our connection. >> my parents died six weeks apart.
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it was a very difficult time my mother died suddenly. you can either be mad at god in that moment or you can recognize there is no way i could have survived without his strength. >> i was blessed in a sense. i was by my dad's side when he passed away. my sister was like, god is going to heal daddy. and he took that last breath and i thought, god just healed daddy. >> wow. >> this is where -- this is the ultimate healing and it's at those moments, you know, look, it is no secret. i went through hell last year. and you guys were god's gifts, you know every one of you coming to see me and supporting deborah and leila, the family, and strangers just coming up, how are you? we're praying for you. sometimes you hear people say that they meant it. oh, they do. >> hoda, to me you just exude such joy and love. how do you hang on to hope
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>> that's a tiful question i see it every day when i seek it i seek it. i feel like god gives us that ability to decide. and i feel like every day i make choices that i hope would be in" and the rest of the sentence, mostly what god does is love you. and the idea is you could really feel god's love, not only would it transform us but it could be contagious and we would want to share that love everywhere. and i love having this conversation with you. thank you his favor. conversation with you. thank you for being so caring and tender with me as we head out on this journey together it means so much to me. >> it's a really beautiful book. >> i love you, guys. >> we love you. >> we love you, s.g. ♪ ♪ >> that was the easiest shoot we have ever done we just sat down and started talking.
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>> it was so fun it was like the kind of conversation we would have anywhere at any time. >> minus the wine. >> i really do think this will spark that conversation with people just i think people are looking for permission to have this conversation. >> can i point out if people are looking for the book and this may be frustrating in this moment, you're clacking online and it's sold out, they're bringing more books in i think the way it was phrased was it kind of broke the internet or something like that. don't be discouraged if you are trying to get the book and it's not available on amazon. it will be available. >> the neatest thing is how it's deepened friendships i have been so scared, as you guys know, and how you have been there. you have been there for me, everyone and it's so beautiful. it's lovely. and i am just so glad a conversation has started because
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i think we all want something deeper. >> a couple things you need to know about the book. non-denomination, like everybody can pick this up do you have to have faith? you don't. that's one thing so the book really is for everybody. but also it is a book you don't have to read from page 1 so it is not a chapter book.ity this is what people like. >> it is great to have this conversation right it is a great book to leave by your bed that you can pick up at any time it reads that way, too a couple good reasons to get it. >> and everybody knows you i think even our viewers your faith journey is something you lead with. so i think the authenticity of this is what people like. >> it is great to have this conversation right now people want to be rooted in something. >> we want hope, you know. >> that church is beautiful. >> by the way, beautiful church. saint thomas church. >> al got married there. >> yeah, so cool. >> i had a lot of jokes in there that didn't make the final cut. >> carson was like a stand-up comedian with one-liners. >> i was waiting for lightening to strike me in that beautiful place. you can go to >> we need an uncut carson version because he was
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hilarious. >> not to brag, but savannah will be my guest on "making space. it drops today you will find it this morning. search the qr code it is a beautiful conversation wherever you get your podcast. >> there will be tears hoda and i were like -- the microphones were like soaked, in tears in a good way. speaking of the weather. >> start making space on your bookshelf. >> let's show you what we've got. it will be mild for february lots of sunshine mild temperatures, some record highs down through the southern plains morning rains still hanging on in southern california, but that will be coming to an end that's w good wednesday morning. i'm kari hall. still dealing with dense fog in the trivalley as well as in parts of north bay but we are going to have much improved weather for the afternoon. still watching out for off and
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on showers mainly in the north bay and the rest of the forecast, we are going to see temperatures warming up through the end of the week into saturday. highs up to 70 degrees saturday afternoon. we'll see more clouds moving best time of the morning. >> "mostly what god does" is make the angels be quiet during "popstart". that's what he does right now. >> every time you hear "popstart," an angel gets it wings. >> might lose its wings. beyoncé, get in formation queen bee is making history. yesterday, her new single "texas hold em" went number one that makes beyoncé the first black woman to ever hold that position it also debuted at number two on the hot 100. the only other solo woman's top country chart is by taylor swift, who achieved that feat
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with the re-recordings of "love story" and "all too well." maybe there is a collaboration in the works for beyoncé's next album. that is set to be released next month. congrats >> that will break the internet. >> yes. next up, the beatles getting the hollywood bio pic treatment. sony announcin four separate beatles films in the works. each story will tell their story from a different band member's perspective. this marks the first time that the families have granted full life story and music rights for a scripted film. sam mendez will direct all four movies will be released in 2027. that's interesting kind of staggering them. with a to be announced dating cadence that's, quote,ov ing. >> ringo reacted on x. have you heard the news? we all support the movie project. yes, indeed, peace and love. sounds like we are entering the
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beatle-verse in 2027 can't wait to hear more on that one. let's talk more taylor swift. why not? she kicked off the australian leg of her tour and one swiftie was not going to miss it she attended the show two days passed her due date. she said she felt contractions on the way to the stadium, but she powered through to catch the grammy winner, ultimately going to labor during the concert. she dashed quickly and baby sloan was born happy and healthy and, of course, a lifelong swifty. sloan's middle name, by the she powered through to catch the it's tayla. >> taylor with an australian accent. >> i like that name. all right. speaking of swifties, jason kelce is next up he went viral last week for the super bowl after party last week
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now his wife kylie is sharing her opinion on jon's big night out. >> am i surprised that you fully committed to wearing a nacho libre mask for the entire after party? no you displayed your dance moves. >> have you ever seen my belly takeover, the chunk? >> jason -- jason -- >> the only reason that took over, you were really hip thrusting. >> i was hip thrusting, but then my belly took over. >> he reminds me so much of so many friends i have. he found that mask on the floor. do you know that travis asked him, did you wash it he was like, no, i just put it on, man. come on. finally, time this morning the publication announced women of the year honorees extraordinary leaders working
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towards a more equal world among the 12 honorees, the cover star greta gerwig had quite a fo groundbreaking year. also featured on the list, taraji p. henson hunter day and beautifully lift every song and sing voice she did at the super bowl. and our buddy, u.s. open champion, coco gauff congrats to all the "time" women of the year honorees >> yes, indeed very good. just ahead, get ready for celebrating an american classic, the hamburger with a special burger battle live in studio 1a. but, first, your local news and weather. gentlemen, get your prongs ready. okay
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shhh... [ achoo ] [ flatulence ] good morning. 8:26. east bay teachers are planning to picket later today. they make up 21 different union chapters. some of which now are close to calling strike votes. the union says dublin and pittsburgh teachers are the closest to walking off the job. today's protests are not
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expected to impact learning in the classroom. teachers are organizing events starting at 3:30 this afternoon. let's get a look at the forecast. >> we're starting out with fog and watching out for a chance of spotty rain. the north bay will have the best chance of seeing those showers an tomorrow, much more sunshine and we're going to start a warming trend that will continue through saturday. it's going to be a great one. but then rain chances will be back on sunday as we take a look at our hour by hour forecast showing some hit or miss rain. not pretty widespread like yesterday, then going into the rest of the forecast, it is looking much drier as our temperatures warm up into the low 70s on saturday. sunday, it cools down and we have cool weather and rain for early next week and san francisco will be in the upper 50s. just keep that umbrella handy. >> thanks, kari. we'll have another local news update in 30 minutes. see you back here then.
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? your data, too.
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there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. hey billy, how you doin? with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. thanks. it's happening. get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $1000 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today! oh >> hey, everybody. welcome back it is 8:30 it is a wednesday morning, 21st day of february, 2024.
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so glad that our crowd is here on this beautiful plaza. >> oh! look, it's your birthday. >> wait a second can i just say something >> sure. >> can i just say something? it is that young lady's birthday hold on real quick what is your name? >> her name is terry. >> i walked over and said, happy birthday. and she said, but then i brought you something. you said that's customary? >> yes. >> she said it's customary in her culture to give a gift. oh, but thank you. i'm just going to show everybody what it is. is that okay? look at these beautiful earrings. >> t >> i walked over and said, happy her culture to give a gift oh, but thank you. i'm just going to show everybody what it is is that okay look at these beautiful earrings. >> that's lovely. >> beautiful. >> where are you from? >> you're syracuse thank you so much, terry is that the most beautiful thing
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in the world >> absolutely. >> i got you i got you. >> happy birthday. >> she needs a gift. you guys, coming up, we will sink our teeth into a challenge. it is the big burger bash. we are celebrating the great and mighty american hamburger. the chefs are firing up the grill. it is a competition, guys. smack burgers versus patty melts and then the classic with cheese we will be voting on our favorite. >> i think it is an appreciation. >> that's the david and goliath. >> in the meantime, take a look at who is out here with us we're so thrilled. the great, the og, sam waterston. played jack mccoy on "law and order" for 40 years. his final episode. he will take a walk down memory lane with us yes. >> that was sam. we got him great to have you here looking ahead quickly to
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tomorrow, one of our favorite country duos will be here. they are a part of "the voice" family now we built a true double wide, and they are two people, one coach. >> so it spins at the same time. >> yeah. they have to make an audition together one button, two chairs, but it all works as one. mr. roker, how about a check of your weather? >> and a couple 70-year-old birthdays here. who is 70 here >> i'm david. yes. >> what is your name >> from oswego there you go we have more oswego folks as well what is your name? >> clara. >> c.c. >> william. >> there you go. >> christine >> craig >> got them all. all right. whoo
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let's show you what we've got as far as your weekend. wet weather along the east coast. mild highs in the plains plenty of sun out west they need it warm down through texas. and then sunday, sunday near record highs in the center of the country. we're looking at rain and snow mostly sunny along the east coast. nice and warm, especially in orlando where a good buddy of mine has gone. and it is the first time in new york. >> first time! we're from mapleton, georgia. >> hold on i'm being pulled over this way hold on. hold on. hold on. we're walking. oh, look a little hoda head and then a little baby over here who is this? >> i hope brantley didn't have a bottle you might want to stop shaking him. good morning, i'm kari hall. today, you just want to keep the
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umbrella close by in case you get caught in another one of those pop-up showers. we have that chance today, but otherwise, we see a mix of clouds in the forecast for the afternoon and temperatures in the low 60s. tomorrow, it's mostly sunny and mid-60s for the inland valleys. upper 60s from friday into saturday. we continue that warming trend and by sunday, we'll see more clouds coming in and r and that is your latest weather. i will sashay over this way. by law i am not allowed to sashay, but i decided, what the heck >> guys, coming up, could the keto diet help people for more than weight loss for one young man, it had a huge impact on his mental health.w hg story, but first this is "today" on nbc mental health. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer
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back now at 8:37 with your health when most people hear the word keto, they think of that fad diet used for weight loss. >> i think we have all done it here, right? there is also scientific evidence that shows it can treat type two diabetes and epilepsy. >> some doctors suggest it can even be used as a mental health tool. >> it's been around a long time. the medical version of keto has been around for 100 years, guys. it involves health care professionals working with patients to create a food regimen to treat serious conditions well, now, this diet is being explored as part of a potential treatment plan for mental illness for people that haven't responded to medication. for one young man i met, it is a game changer.
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it has been nearly eight years since he has experienced his last manic episode >> going, going, going, spending, talking fast, not sleeping, doing all this wild, impulsive behavior. >> reporter: that wild behavior landed him in the hospital freshman year in college he was diagnosed with bipolar depression. in matt's case, disorder, a serious mental illness, from extreme highs called mania to extreme lows, called depression. in matt's case, he had psychotic breaks as well what are you thinking during this period of your life >> i was not thinking because i was so manic. >> reporter: her son became unrecognizable. >> it was almost as if he was kidnapped from us from himself by his own brain malfunctioning. >> reporter: matt's illness was a challenge for the entire family, including his three younger sisters and his dad, founder and ceo of the popular online gaming platform roblox.
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during one of his worst episodes, matt cut off contact with his family and wandered the streets of california, even spending the night behind a dumpster >> really didn't know if he was still alive. >> reporter: you said you were sitting on the floor crying. >> it was like 3:00 in the morning. i was curled in a ball on the floor, just in despair. >> reporter: they have resources. matt saw more than 40 clinicians, tried 29 different medications, but was eventually told his bipolar was treatment-resistant. >> i was taking all the medications prescribed and i was still sick >> what did the doctor say >> it's treatment resistant so he's just going to suffer the rest of his life i just couldn't believe it. i just felt like we had to keep trying >> in 2020, january reached ou to assistant professor of psychiatry at harvard medical school his suggestion for matt, a ketogenic diet. >> so people are eating very low carbo hydrates, a moderate amount of protein and they eat a lot of fat. >> reporter: though the exact
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cause of bipolar disorder is unclear, it is associated with a chemical imbalance in the brain. standard treatment includes medication like mood stabilizers and antipsychotics dr. palmer makes another, somewhat controversial, argument >> i believe that mental >> reporter: so the things we eat? >> things we eat play a role. but metabolism and metabolic health are more than that. they include exercise and sleep and toxic substance use. >> reporter: in january 2021, matt started a medical keto diet with the disorders are actually metabolic by then, he stopped using alcohol and drugs recreationally. >> when you switched your diet, what happened? >> it was life changing. i had to take 20 milligrams of this medication or more just to keep myself stable i went on the diet march of 2021, i sailed through
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5 milligrams of this medication. didn't increase it didn't have to do anything no symptoms of hypo mania, zero. >> i kept saying to my husband, could this really be keto? >> reporter: at 27, matt has been on the diet for three years and says he has not experienced any mania or depression. >> this is a staple. >> reporter: the family is funding millions of dollars of research and creating a nonprofit called metabolic mind. matt is determined to share his story to help others, recently speaking at a metabolic health summit in florida. still, there are many that say it is too good to be true. critics using keto for mental health point to a lack of research, the challenges of following a restrictive diet and various health risks, including
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a possible link to heart disease. >> there are a lot of skeptics. >> for good reason snake oil salesmen have been around for a millennia. >> reporter: are you a snake oil spokesman? >> i'm not but when i talk about this diet as a treatment for a serious crippling mental disorder, people think i am a snake oil salesman >> reporter: is it a fix for bipolar disorder >> absolutely not. dietary inte but the powerful news today is that dietary interventions can, in fact, be a powerful treatment. >> reporter: today matt is thriving he's still on low doses of medication, but trying to slowly taper off of it. he lives on his own and works full-time at roblox. >> what i see in matt now is a full-blown adult managing his own life it's really been a beautiful healing for our family >> wow >> yeah. it is important to note that this field is in its infancy there are some early clinical trials that are underway now, including one they are funding at mclean hospital where dr. palmer works bottom line, people should not stop their medication and change their diet if they are
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responding well to those drugs and patients should always work with a mental health clinician to figure out what works best for them it is not necessarily a one size fits all. >> it is a powerful example. it will be interesting to see if there are other examples. >> if it was treatment resistant, there might be a correlation between that group of people and this. >> i feel like nutrition, exercise, all those things is sort of left out of med school it gets a small tiny percentage. there are so many of these illnesses that could be helped if you had the right nutrition >> right. >> wow, kate thank you. >> thanks, kate. guys, coming up -- by the way, read more about matt's journey at uncle al >> if you are on the keto diet, you might want to look away. up next, the ultimate burger battle with three talented chefs. the classic. you could take the bread off, but why would you?
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we have the classic, the patty we have the classic, the patty this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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♪classic. wecome back. the american favorite always in style. before we meet our guests and the contenders, take a bite out of this. from the golden ♪ it is really having a moment right now. the contenders, take a bite out of this. from the golden arches to the king, america is love with a burger. >> hey where's the beef >> in the 1950s, national fast food chains helped drive the popularity of the burger. >> made it accessible, made it quick. made it affordable. >> but where did the burger begin? the host of history channel's "the food that built america" takes us back in time. >> so the burger obviously hasit
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with a hamburger steak it was brought to this country by waves of integration. introduce the hamburger sandwich as you know it in the early parts of the 20th century. >> and the rest is hamburger heaven restaurants creating traditions we have come to expect like the classic cheeseburger. >> in 1924, a man was working at his dad's restaurant called the right spot and famously put cheese on a highly popular hamburger sandwich. >> and the cheeseburger would take on other forms like the patty melt. >> it supposedly originated in california in the late '30s, early '40s when a man put it on the menu of his restaurant. >> it's smash burger time. >> today, thanks in part to tiktok, the smash burger is front and center on burger's big
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came out the '50s or '60s in ashland, kentucky. the owner called this in, smashing patties it would make them faster to cookd. okay. let's get to the burger battle. here with a classic burger is our chef who is the executive chef in brooklyn showcasing the patty melt. chef and partner here in new york and making the smash they have this wonderful flavor. guys, good morning. >> good morning. >> let's get started what's the beauty of the classic? why do you think this has been throughout the ages? >> i think it is just the approachability of it. it is so simple. and it is just like, you know, ground beef with bread, some cheese and onion
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the simplicity of it just makes it really good. >> are you okay over there >> my kids making ketchup noises, sorry. >> the ketchup bottle was making noises what is the secret that people need to know about making the classic? >> we do it with dry aged beef as well as regular beef in the blend. >> 80/20 >> it is actually 50/50. 50/50 dry age. but it is like an $80/20. >> let me take a chunk out of this let me taste the dry age beef mixed in. >> it took us eight months to really come up with this blend and really work with our butcher. the temperature and everything. >> it has a steak sort of feel to it. >> yeah. >> now, david, the patty melt, i
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remember, you know, getting the patty melt why don't you think the patty melt has more respect? like savannah was dissing me all morning. >> i was, but i take it back all of that goes in the same i thought we were talking about a tuna melt. >> the patty melt is on griddled sour dough bread you have the onions cooked with the beef and the bread all of that goes in the same sandwich >> what is it about this that has such nostalgia >> i remember eating them with my father. >> what do we think about the patty melt >> this is phenomenal. >> if you haven't had one in a while, have one because it is delicious. it brings you back >> just repetition. >> it is like a grilled cheese. >> very good. >> stan the man. smash burger is having a moment. why is the smash burger the
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burger of the moment >> in my opinion, the burger of the moment is the smash burger because, one, the portions are amazing. super small portion. nothing too big. you will be satisfied, not super filled up. the simplicity in the ingredients, like the gentleman over here was stating, super simple and in my opinion, the secret is in the sauce you know, the sauce is amazing. >> the sauce is killer. >> people come in just to buy sauce. >> the thing is i was one of those people that because you smash it down, you don't do it you don't smash down a burger. but this is because it's on a griddle in a pan so it cooks in its own fat. and it cooks much more quickly than a regular burger. >> yes >> that sauce. >> it is easy to eat it is like a slider. "the
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today show" segment. >> who says what? >> i mean, these are all amazing. >> i don't know. >> i think it's a tie. >> i will say little bit of crunch there. >> look at you, mr. science. >> these are all wow >> is it heaven or is it "the today show" segment. >> who says what >> i mean, these are all amazing. >> i don't know. >> i think it's a tie. >> i will say the patty melt i owe patty an apology it's delicious. >> i think i will go with the i. >> i got to tell you, thank you very much. we really appreciate it. you know why it's big? tom mazarelli actually came out of the cave of the control room smash burger because that sauce that's unbelievable. my god. >> he's like the pilot of your airplane going back to get a meal on the plane. >> put it on autopilot, all right. thank you so very much we're back in a moment this is "today" on nbc
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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>> esto es una revelación. revelation >> cheers. by the way, delicious. >> thank you >> could we do a battle like this every week? french fries -- wings -- >> yeah, pastrami versus corned beef >> no! >> we are coming up on st. patrick's day. >> let's get on it >> thank you so much >> great job ahead on the third hour, recipes for slow-cooker dinners. >> time for a nap! performance that will keep
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good morning. it is 8:56. i'm marcus washington. well, a new state program is set to help homeowners shore up their hopes for earthquakes. it's called earthquake brace plus bolt and it's offering thousands of dollars, but the deadline to apply is today. people who live if 15 zip codes may apply. people can get up to $15,000 in grants. for more, if you qualify, and how to apply, join us for our midday newscast. we're also hosting information on our website. happening now, hazmat crews will be working to clean up an oil spill in oakland. crews have placed a boom around that to contain it. they expec t what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo.
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i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. tho morning on the 3rd hour of "today," fees taking off. a sglnchtsds a mamg airline raising prices we have some strategies to avoid paying up. then food for thought, a california restaurant celebrated an incredible milestone.


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