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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  February 21, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm PST

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president biden has just landed in the bay area. we are following his busy schedule the next few days and where he will be tonight. good afternoon. welcome to nbc bay area news.
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we will have the latest on president biden's visit in a little bit. first let's look at other stories we are tracking on this wednesday. an express tolling could be added to a section of highway 101. that is what san mateo leaders have been talking about. the reason that critics believe it will do more harm than good. a meeting on funding in oakland gets heated. city leaders announced millions were set to go to increase safety, but all unraveled with a clash between people in the crowd and those who want the mayor recalled. the cofounder of google is facing a lawsuit, and it has to do with a deadly plane crash off the coast of half moon bay. we will follow that story and tell you what we have learned today. let's start with president joe biden. he's back here as part of the three-day fundraising swing through the state. he arrived just over an hour ago at sfo after some stops in los angeles.
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he was greeted by mayor london breed and nancy pelosi. nancy pelosi is hosting one of two fundraising events. tomorrow he will be in los altos hills for another fundraiser. tickets for that event range from $6600-$100,000. we will speak with larry gersten about the funds he will bring in from california.>> very little of that money will be used statewide because the state is bluer than blue. so they will take upwards of $10 million, which they expect to bring in from this two-day trip, and send it to places like arizona, nevada, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, maybe georgia. what we call swing states, where money infusions can make all the difference in the world.>> the president and nancy pelosi hopped on a helicopter heading for marina green.
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we will have a live report coming up at 5:00 p.m. a major question in san mateo county. should they add more express toll lanes to highway 101? a new lane was added last spring between redwood city and san mateo. mary in fallbrook has been on this all day. what is the county considering? >> reporter: the transportation authority is looking at three different options. north of san bruno all the way to san francisco. one option is to build a completely new express tolling. the second option is to convert one of the existing lanes into an express lane. a third option is to do nothing. but with the first two options, the goal is to reduce congestion in this area, especially during the morning and afternoon drive times. >> so three different options
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they are looking at right now. you spoke with supporters and critics. what did they tell you? >> reporter: supporters feel it will actually reduce congestion here. critics say it will be bad for the environment because it will have more cars here with an additional lane, and it will create more emissions. they say, look, our goal is to reduce emissions. so if you add a lane, more people will have the incentive to drive to work instead of using mass transit a and the other concern they have is it will create additional pollution , and that could impact neighborhoods that live here along the highway, which are predominantly low income neighborhoods. >> i know they are talking and there are people with concerns and more people with questions. is there a time line for all of this? >> reporter: right now the county is looking at an
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environmental review, and they are looking at traffic reports for this area. come november they are expected to make a decision on which proposal to accept. >> thank you. we will see you later on in the later newscasts. we will stay in san mateo county because they have just put the brakes on waymo. the bit to keep the driverless taxis out of the jurisdiction has been successful. los angeles county also won a 120 day delay. both support in put forward by san jose senator. san mateo county officials say they appreciate the technology, but they want to feel safer before waymo comes to town.>> we cannot stop the technology, but what we can do as the technology advances is to
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provide guardrails, processes, systems, to make the technology operate in a safer manner. >> the supervisor said he hopes that the county and waymo can talk during this delay. we did reach out to waymo but they declined to comment. millions of dollars are heading to oakland in an effort to make the city safer. during the mayor's announcement, a confrontation broke out between her supporters and protesters trying to recall her. $3.5 million is being sent to the community organization family bridges. it will go toward expanding safety ambassador and mediator programs and free up police resources for emergencies and crime prevention. however, those leading a recall effort interrupted the announcement leading to a verbal and physical confrontation.>> this program will promote safer and more
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secure streets while improving outcomes for people in crisis. oakland is aggressively pursuing a comprehensive community safety strategy. and we must have the right tools. >> the recall leader claimed he was assaulted by two people. he also claims the equipment was damaged and plans to sue the city. others involved claim that he was the aggressor in plan to file a police report as well. google cofounder is being sued in a wrongful death lawsuit. the widow of the pilot said that they are preventing her from recovering her husband's body.
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ian cole joins us after his exclusive interview with her. what are they claiming? >> along with not being able to recover the remains, they say that they allowed and unpermitted addition to the plane that they believe caused the crash. the complaint was filed by the pilots widow. she said her husband was a longtime pilot. he and another pilot were flying that plane to hawaii and on to fiji so they could use it there. they said the plane did not have the fuel capacity and they put in illegally installed auxiliary fuel systems in the fuselage. they claimed it malfunctioned and the plane could not use the fuel and they turned it around but ran out of fuel and crashed miles from half moon bay. the widow claims that they decided not to recover the airplane or the pilots that
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died.>> i know my husband is in heaven. these kind of things cannot happen to a person because it is not right. it's not human decency. >> have you heard back from any of the defendants?>> we heard back from sergey brin's family. they said we are saddened by the loss of the crew in our sympathies remain with the families. we are not able to comment on pending legal action and coming up at 5:30 p.m. you will hear more from the widow. in los angeles, a landslide caused the scene. boulders and dirt came down the hillside near malibu. a portion of the canyon road was closed. crews are working to clear that
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road. it will be closed for the rest of the day. southern california has been getting a lot of rain. this is the third straight day of heavy rain. back in the bay area, this is the rain in sausalito. i am joined now with how things are going today. >> we still see some spots with rain. for the most part, look at this. clearing with some cloud cover along with it. we have the 50s and 60s. but people are ready to try out. let's get to the microclimate weather report so i can show you what we are monitoring. here is a close look at the satellite and radar. we mentioned that there were showers moving through the north bay and that is what we see. a couple of cells moving in. aside from that this will continue to clear out and make way for more sunshine and also much better clearing into
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thursday. this is what you can expect into thursday morning. we are expecting to see cloud cover and more fog for tomorrow morning. we have 40s for low temperatures. mill valley 46. and daytime high temperatures will be comfortable. in the 50s and 60s throughout the bay area. in the long run we will be dry. this is through friday. and we are monitoring a second chance of rain moving in this week. it was looking like saturday into sunday, but now it looks like saturday will be good and heading into sunday monday we have a chance of rain with some snow in the sierra. not as strong as what we've seen lately, but we will see some accumulation into monday morning. this is a look at the 7-day forecast. dry tomorrow and friday and
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into saturday. some people were asking about saturday. you will be okay. scattered rain returns sunday and monday inland areas. notice the temperatures on saturday will be in the upper 60s. make sure to join us heading in to the 5:00 p.m. our because we will talk more about the next chance for rain. for now enjoying the sunshine. i know that i am. >> people are happy that they can enjoy their outdoor parties. reports show that winters are warming up faster. that means less now. so how is the seer looking? vianey arana will join us with an update. women are more likely to die from heart attack in men. but they are also likely to be misdiagnosed. we will have more on the lesser- known symptoms you should look out for. we want to know what trending story would like to see later on.
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a lot of you have already voted. one of these stories. pinterest launches the first ever tv show, scientists figure out how we'll sing and garth
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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a group of nurses is preparing to strike in the south bay if santa clara county does not meet their demands for safer conditions. they are members of the registered nurses professional association, which represents more than 3700 nurses. they rallied outside valley medical center in san jose earlier today. they said they've been raising concerns to the county about things like short staffing, violence against nurses, and growing mental health issues among nurses. there also demanding more competitive pay. they say that they reached a standstill with the county, so they voted to authorize a strike
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if negotiations remade at an impasse.>> we've been highlighting issues for years. issues like the rising violence against nurses. 77% of county nurses say they do not feel safe coming to work because they been a victim of violence.>> the county say that patient care and safety is a top priority. they also say the county will continue to work towards a fair and competitive contract that will allow us to maintain essential healthcare services for our community. now turning to our climate in crisis. winter is the fastest warming season. that means less snow. vianey arana has the climate connection for us. where in the u.s. are we seeing less snow? everywhere? >> a large percentage, for the most part.
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climate central looks at some of the stations set up to monitor things like snowfall, and they look across the entire nation. let's start with where we see less snow. the orange dots is representative of less snow. trends between 1970 and 2023. it shows 64% of stations showed less snow during the winter months, which shows proof of warming in our temperatures. in addition to that, what we see is more snow in some areas. this is also between 1970 and 2023. we saw 36% of stations showing more snow. so the impact of this are variable depending on location, timing, frequency and all that. emissions are causing warming
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across the u.s., and it shows up in more snow or less snow, which is impactful to the snowfall in general. the temperatures themselves, whenever we see warmer air will hold more moisture.>> tell us more about what it does? >> if you notice the cloud is representative of precipitation. to give you an idea of why we want to make sure we don't see a warm up, a 1% increase in fahrenheit means 4% more water vapor. it translates to heavier snow or heavy rain, and that can mean a wetter winter season or as we've seen playout is more intensity in the rain storms and hurricanes and extreme weather events. that is the connection between the warmer air in the climate change and snowfall.>> let's go ahead and keep science in mind
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as we look at some of the fresh snow that fell in lake tahoe. hopefully it added to the snowpack. >> certainly a nice boost. when we started in january of 2023, the snowpack was at 20%. after the latest storms, this is what it looks like today. northern sierra is at 100%. central sierra at 84%, and the southern sierra at 79%. it puts us as at the statewide average of 86%. the climate affects the location and amount of snowfall. and we will have to wait and see how april is looking once temperatures begin to warm up to replenish the streams and reservoirs. for more stories like this, head over to and click on the climate crisis
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tab. heart disease affects people all of the world. what women are more likely to be misdiagnosed. more about the common symptoms you should look out for. >> we are moving you forward with more awareness on heart disease. it is the number one killer of men and women. women are more likely to be misdiagnosed and undertreated. according to the cedars-sinai heart institute, women are 60% more likely to be misdiagnosed and twice as likely to die of a heart attack because of that. women of color have a 50% higher chance of disease. while women have some of the same symptoms like chest pain or pressure, women have other symptoms. one specialist said that women should make sure they know the lesser-known symptoms and advocate for themselves.>> women can experience back pain or
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neck pain. they can experience shortness of breath and experience profound fatigue. they might experience nausea and vomiting. and sometimes they can have symptoms that the like indigestion but could really be a sign of a heart attack. ask for an ekg and ask for a blood test so that you make sure you go home knowing you did not have a heart attack. if you think they are not going to listen to you, bring a confidant with you. to avoid heart disease, women should prioritize sleep, eat more fruits and vegetables, and get daily exercise. even if it is just a walk. for more stories like this, join us beginning at 5:00 a.m. on the air. and you can watch the news whenever you want.
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we are on 24/7. prioritizing sleep. still working on that. we are to talk about the most controversial bike lane in san francisco. it is the center bike lane and runs down valencia street in the mission district. we've seen mixed reviews. today we have new data on how the first three months of this project are going in we will break down the report. we will take you to capitol hill. we are few days away from the next republican primary in the race for president. we will go on the campaign trail. still to come, the top trending stories voted by you. and a new name for a very famous falcon. people voted on the names. we will tell you after the break.
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate.
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i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. here are the top trending stories voted by you. scientists may have unlocked the mystery of how humpback whales sing. they are known for their songs, and for a long time they could not figure out how they could sing since they do not have vocal cords. it may not be a mystery anymore. a new study has found that they can actually have a specialized voicebox. they are made of muscle and that that compress. the study is too small to be definitive as it is focused on just three quails. but they will further research into how they communicate. i will post the links to the
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other stories. the beloved falcon has found a new mate. in the clock tower has been her home and they've asked people to vote on what they want his name to be. the name for the new one is archie. it comes from archie williams, an olympic athlete. in a world war ii air force officer. thank you for joining us. thank you for joining us. we are back in two minutes.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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president biden has just arrived in the bay area. what he plans on doing while
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he's here in the news he made before landing in san francisco. a drier day across the bay area. how much longer can we go without rain? we have an updated forecast on what the rest of the week will look like. and set up over a controversial bike lane. white could be replaced after just a few months. the news and 5:00 p.m. starts now. thank you for joining us. president joe biden is in the bay area. the president right now in pacific heights.>> he is expected at a number of fundraisers. he leaves tomorrow. we are learning a little bit more about what the president is doing while he's here. >> reporter: that's right. the president arrived here to
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speaker nancy pelosi who is here to greet him. there are campaign events expected today and tomorrow and we should expect more campaigning between now and november. late afternoon air force 1 touched down. nancy pelosi and mayor london breed were there to greet him. there it was off to san francisco. this is part of a three day campaign swing through california. >> we know california is the great atm and very little of that money will be used in this state because the state is bluer than blue. >> reporter: we spoke with larry gersten about the trip.>> what to buy the team will do is take upwards of $10 million which they expect to bring in and send it to places like arizona and nevada and michigan


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