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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  February 21, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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oakland is aggressively pursuing a comprehensive -- a comprehensive -- >> reporter: as she announced $3.5 billion to go toward expanding the safety ambassador and mediator program, protesters looking to recall her disrupt the event. >> i want to say i love every single one of you. you standing here behind us. this is our democracy. >> reporter: video shows the confrontations that followed. shouting continued throughout the event. it eventually lead to a physical confrontation. the leader of the recall effort
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plans to sue the city claiming he was assaulted by two different people, including being punched in the face. meanwhile a group of safety activists are filing charges claiming scott is the one who assaulted one of their members.>> they got aggressive from the moment we showed up. including escalating to the point where i was physically attacked. i never struck back. >> that is just false. it never happened. you won't find one person that said anything that i physically touched that man. >> reporter: it did not stop the announcement of the billions giving to family bridges. and an effort to prevent crime and free up police resources. >> we addressed to the needs of people as incidents may arise.
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we are proactively building relationships as a way to provide additional safety. >> reporter: the three-year grant will allow for expansion of the program to add more ambassadors throughout the city . this is an effort that business owners believe will make a difference.>> grants like this will help bring healing. a fresh start for the antioch police department. there welcoming a new interim police chief after a troubling year. police officers accused of exchanging racist text messages. now they police department is beginning a new chapter with new leadership. the new chief is no stranger to the east bay law enforcement. he served as the pittsburgh police chief. his first day is on monday. one of the biggest names in silicon valley history is facing a legal battle.
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sergey brin is being sued for wrongful death. this is from a plane crash near half moon bay last year. the widow of the pilot said he and others are preventing her from recovering her husband's body. ian cole has the exclusive interviews. >> reporter: on may 20th, 2023, a twin-engine plane crashed trying to get back to half moon bay. it turns out it was sergey brin's plane. the people on board, both pilots, died. in this month a wrongful death suit was filed.>> we've been together for everything. >> reporter: she said she's devastated by the death of her husband. she said he was a navy pilot with experience flying all over the world and was one of sergey brin's pilots for years. they were flying the plane to hawaii and then to fiji. the complaint said the airplane
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did not have the fuel capacity for the trip so they had a mechanic put in illegally installed auxiliary fuel systems. the suit claims that it malfunctioned hours into the flight to the airplane could not use the fuel. he immediately turned the plane around and try to get back to california, but it ran out of fuel and crashed a few miles short of half moon bay.>> i think of every moment when they were looking for my husband and they did not say one single word to me. >> reporter: she said she wants her husband's remains. the suit says they decided to leave them at the bottom of the ocean along with evidence that would establish that the defendants were responsible for the crash that killed the pilots.>> i know my husband is in heaven and in a good place, but these kind of things cannot happen to any person.
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it is not right. it is not human decency. >> reporter: the lawsuit was filed in the south bay. a spokesperson said we are deeply saddened by the loss of the crew piloting the airplane, and our sympathies remain with the families. we are not able to comment on pending legal action at this time. the irs is cracking down on corporate jet usage. today they announced dozens of audits after increased scrutiny. they believe some companies have been overstating tax deductions when using private jets for business and personal travel. people may not be reporting personal trips in corporate jets as income. this is part of a broader effort to collect unpaid taxes by reversing low audit rates on those highest earners. judges at the high court in
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london announced they will not make a decision on julian assange and his extradition to the u.s. protesters were lining the streets today. his legal battles began in 2010 . u.s. prosecutors are trying to put him on trial for 18 counts related to the release of confidential u.s. military records. he spent seven years detained in the embassy in london before he was taken to jail in 2019. he has been held in a maximum security jail in london ever since. britain approved the extradition to the u.s. in 2022 , but his legal team is fighting that. they say it is politically motivated and meant to punish and silence them for exposing u.s. state-level crimes. his wife said her husband is a political prisoner. >> he's very appreciative of all the concerned by the press and the community support.
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he is a political prisoner and has to be released. >> the u.s. said that his legal team is distorting this case. two justices in london will deliver the verdict in march at the latest. if the ruling is in his favor, a full appeal hearing will be held to consider his challenge again. doordash is dishing out money to the state for selling customers personal information. it is part of a settlement that they violated the california consumer privacy act. the doj said they sold personal information including names and addresses. and they did not provide disclosure or an opportunity to opt out. the information was so to a marketing cooperative. and a civil penalty the company will also have to provide annual reports to the state attorney general. you only have a handful of hours to apply for new state
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program offering thousands of dollars to strengthen your home for a big earthquake. to qualify your home must've been built before 1980, have a wood frame, and a raised foundation. homeowners get up to $3000. eligible homeowners may qualify for an additional $7000 grant. not having the right protection for your home can be dangerous and costly. today is the final day to apply. several east bay teachers unions at the picket lines. there are 21 california chapters including dublin and pleasanton. both on the verge of a strike. there were protests at several intersections and grocery stores. they want improved working conditions and smaller class sizes, which will help students.
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coming up, our month-long celebration of black heritage continues. this woman found an exciting second career after reaching retirement age. look at these snowpack numbers. 99% for the northern sierra. we will talk more about the rainfall numbers for this weekend
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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we are celebrating black heritage here. we are focusing on some of the people that make the bay area a unique place. >> usually when people hit retirement age they take up golf for travel. but here's a story of a woman who is finding a second career in front of the camera. >> reporter: in the world of high fashion the models on the
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runway are tall, thin, and young. apparently, carolyn doelling did not get the memo. >> i am a model at the age of 77. this was from a shoot. it's almost a miracle because i never had any aspirations to be a model. i've been really lucky to worked for lots of big name companies. >> reporter: she only found her true calling about seven years ago following a career in corporate marketing and customer service. >> then i retired and reinvented myself. this is a designer from new york. when i retired, i realized i would be underestimated, people kind of kicked me to the curb. >> reporter: at age 70 she made it a goal to address snazzier.
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>> one day i was in the shop and a woman said what are your aspirations? and i said i'm concerned that women my age have given up. so she said, why don't you come in and do some photos with us. it was a different look in a different idea. was not a 23-year-old size 0. >> reporter: than the close the phone started ringing. she goes between the bay area and new york. >> it's unusual when i am on the set to have anyone who is over 40 and certainly not over 70. >> reporter: it's possible that the seas revolution came from her childhood.>> iraq in rural north carolina. our family
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reads like black history books. my great-grandfather was a slave, my uncles were sharecroppers. there was jim crow. civil rights was a big part of our lives. >> reporter: her modeling work is an extension of the fight. >> i wish is that other women will see this in say, i can do that too. i've always wanted to be a writer or a painter. >> she is such an inspiration to so many women. she shows that style and grace have no age. >> i want to be on one of those marquise in times square and i want to do the runway in new york or paris. >> reporter: age is just a number. >> i'd like to think perhaps
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i'm continuing to make black history. >> stylish and beautiful. we have a great sunset. >> did you get just a little bit of sunshine? i looked out and could not wait for tomorrow to get here. we will have more sunshine. let's take a look at the microclimate the weather. there are just a few clouds in the background. right now 57 degrees. we have low 50s later on tonight, and we are on the dry side of the storm system. goodbye to the rainfall. we've had so much and it will be nice to get a break. through tonight through 10:00 p.m. the one thing we are looking at is some patchy areas of fog
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that you want to watch out for if you are traveling this evening. it looks like it will get thicker tomorrow morning and some high clouds mixing in. fog is possible for the morning. disability could be down to a half-mile or less. just be careful if you are up at around six ping tomorrow morning. as we head through the afternoon , we should be clearing out to mostly sunny to partly cloudy skies. some cloud cover will be lingering. and right around the east bay. all in all sunny skies coming back. it will be the most sunshine we've seen in over a week. we will begin the morning at 45 and the south bay. san francisco down to 47 in for the east bay 43. daytime high temperatures it will feel good outside. 62 degrees and concord. low 60s in santa rosa and half
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moon bay we will be in the 50s. through this weekend we see a new system dropping down. at the core of the storm it looks like it will be offshore with the heaviest rainfall. the way that the timing is playing out with this, we won't see rain until sunday or monday and it will be scattered rain and thunderstorms moving in as it moves down the coast. this is a better view of this. this is saturday morning at 9:30 a.m. this storm system is out in the pacific and it will be dry through saturday evening. them by sunday morning or afternoon we have scattered rain that will linger into monday. rainfall totals about a quarter inch to a half inch. we will continue to monitor that forecast. the big headline, if you're doing anything on saturday including the chinese new year parade, dry weather with a mix of sunshine and clouds.
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temperatures in the upper 50s and low 60s. the weekend forecast dry on saturday. scattered rain sunday and monday, but more sunshine coming in next tuesday and wednesday. this will be a really nice change. we will look at how much rain we picked up over the past few days. i will have that coming up at 6:00 p.m. i know everyone is looking at saturday saying, thank you. >> in the control room just switched this. they want to show the fantastic view. >> that never gets old. ready for kickoff? ready for kickoff? we will tell you what to wathis ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter.
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taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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opening day coming up. but opening day for the earthquakes is this weekend.>> hopefully a playoff run this season. >> reporter: the park crossing quiet when the soccer season kicks off. the earthquakes open on the road in dallas. san jose hopes to build off last year success as gonzalez enters his second season as coach. defense was the strength of them last week.
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>> we will won gold away from hosting the playoffs. we are proud of our ability to defend the goal. we want to get better defensively and we want to keep getting better offensively. i think the pieces we've signed add to that. >> reporter: the top two goal scorers from last are are returning. the earthquakes added one of the top goal scorers. the norwegian player of the year. >> we are doing good precision and to get the first game in good shape. we are ready to go. >> reporter: they clinched a >> in the playoffs in the final day of the regular season last year. it was the first postseason appearance since 2020. the experience has fueled the
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team for the upcoming season. >> we made the playoffs last are and that was positive. we want more and it's about making the playoffs and playing at home. that pathway can lead to something greater. that is the ambition for this year. >> reporter: they begin when they open saturday in dallas. coming up, a major shakeup at boeing. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money.
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get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us.
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boeing is bringing in new leadership. the man in charge of the 737 max program is leaving. this was after panel blew off a jet during alaska airlines flight last month. the faa grounded all of those airplanes and have put boeing under close watch. regulators made big changes. the ceo said a number of changes are coming all with the goal of ensuring that every airplane is safe. while we await the trial of alec baldwin, the trial of the weapons handler began today. it began in santa fe. she was on the set. on the date of the shooting she was
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practicing. a live report it the cinematographer. the trial focuses on negligence. the question is who brought live rounds on the set and mixed them with the dummy rounds. this is a precursor to baldwin's trial. he faces a charge of involuntary manslaughter. she could face up to three years in prison if she's convicted. new evidence and witnesses are coming to light in the assassination of malcolm x. this is on the 59th anniversary of his death. the attorney held a news conference today new york city. in 1965 he was assassinated there. several men shot him 21 times during a speech at a rally. the judge charged and convicted them. three years ago two were pretty innocent. the family and attorney of malcolm x have filed a lawsuit against the fbi and cia.
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they accuse the agencies of conspiring in the assassination. today to members of malcolm x the security team came out in support of the lawsuit. they said they were arrested a week before the assassination. >> i believe i was detained in this conspiracy by the nypd and fbi in order to ensure his planned assassination would be successful. >> the two witnesses have never spoken publicly until now. nbc reached out to the three agencies but we've not received a comment. we have a lot more news ahead. driving on one-to-one could be pricier. a proposal to add express lanes. and adding tolls.
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why officials say will ease traffic. and it will take longer for self driving cars to be on the peninsula. president biden is here for some high profile fundraising events. we will show you where he is tonight. good evening, and thank you for being with us. >> we will talk about the president's visit. we will start with this first. you may need your wallet on the peninsula. more express lanes on one-to-one could soon be a reality. san mateo county leaders are considering adding a tolling. marianne favro has a look at what it might cost you. >> reporter: one of the most controversial proposals is to build a brand-new express lane on highway 101 between san bruno and san francisco.
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the idea is to reduce congestion on this highway. critics say building a new express lane will create more problems than it will solve. >> we believe that this is a terrible option. it's bad for the climate, low income neighborhoods living next to it, and it will also negatively impact caltrain. >> reporter: he said adding a lane would only encourage more people to use their cars instead of taking public transportation. drivers were skeptical about adding an express lane that could help the commute. >> it would cause a lot more traffic because everyone will not want to pay for the fee and someone like myself, it would not be a benefit to me as a commuter. >> reporter:


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