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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  February 21, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PST

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just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. i'm raj ma thigh. next own nbc bay area news tonight, president biden is here as part of a three-day fundraising trip in california. we're live in san francisco at his event. also a scuffle breaks out during a news conference for oakland mayor, shane powell. the clash between her supporters and those who want to recall her. plus reinvestigate a potentially new problem, at san
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francisco's problem riddled tower. it appears to be sinking in a new spot. and we'll take you on the tour of the late senator dianne feinstein's home in washington, d.c., up for sale for 8.5 mill. good evening. this is nbc bay area news tonight. i'm raj mathai. a lot happening on this wednesday. we'll get to the new problem at the millennium tower and the driver res car update. first, the president, mr. biden back in the bay area raising money for his re-election bid. he walked down the steps of "air force one" greeted by nancy pelosi, peninsula congressman kevin mullin, and san francisco mayor london breed. he came in from l.a.x. after landing, the president
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boarded "marine one" with congresswoman pelosi and headed for the marina green is san francisco. pelosi is cohosting one of two campaign events the president is attending tonight. at marina green, the presidential motorcade was waiting to drive him to his various events. a lot of temporary rolling street closures in the path of that motorcade. the first fund-raiser in pacific heights cohosted by the getty family as well. police were prepping the streets throughout the day, putting up barriers and extra security, with protests planned for the president's arrival. [ crowd chanting ] >> this protest demanding mr. biden take action over the conflict in gaza, at least more action. protesters are on the move now to pacific heights. nbc tara mcsweeney is following the president and joins us now. terry, i can hear a lot of activity behind you. what's happening?
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>> reporter: we've got several hundred demonstrators. they started this rally at 5:00 at alta vista park. they meandered through pacific heights. right now we're at baker and pacific streets, and you can see and hear what they are chanting. the signs say stop bombing hospitals, hands off rafah. there's also signs, biden stop arming israel, some derogatory signs about the president himself. it's been very energetic. it's been very loud. but it has been very peaceful. at this moment, you can see all those san francisco police officers out here, barricades up. they are out in force. they have drawn the line. the demonstrators are not going to be allowed to go down pacific. they can stop where they are, or they can go back the direction they came, or head south down baker. but they cannot come down pacific street, at least that's the intention of the san francisco police officers.
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a few moments ago, maybe five minutes now, ten minutes, i did see what certainly appeared to be the president's motorcade one block down and going away from all this. it is possible if what i saw is exactly what i think it is that joe biden is no longer around here to hear about this or to see any inconvenience as a result of these demonstrators. but they are still being loud, even though it appears the president is long gone from the scene. the chanting continues. what of course they want is they're calling for a ceasefire. they're calling, again, for the river to the sea, which suggests an end to the jewish state, an end to israel. and some speakers were aggressive. and long lived -- is another sign out here. i'll send it back to you. there are some people taunting the police officers. there's been no reaction from the cops so far. >> terry, you said it appears to be peaceful at this point. you've been to so many of these.
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how many people are there with you, those protesters? >> reporter: maybe between 3 and 450, something like that. i'd today 3 to 400 would be a pretty good guess how many demonstrators are out here. i know some of them, i remember them from seeing them monday when they shut down the central freeway for the same reason. they were shutting it down in favor of a free palestine and an end to the jewish state, in the opinion of some. but i recognized some and talked to them. again, to this point, there has been a lot of screaming. there has been no violence. >> an estimation there, about 3 to 400. that's a sizable group. we believe, terry says, the president is now out of that neighborhood, right on the edge of pacific heights and presidio heights. so, what's the plan now for tomorrow? president biden will head down to the peninsula for a fund-raiser in los altos hills.
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tickets there range from 6,600 bucks to $100,000. then it's back onto "air force one" to fly back to the white house. some other headlines tonight, a shouting match and confrontation during a news conference for oakland mayer shane tow. at one point a fight broke out between the mayor's supporters and the people trying to recall her. >> stop provoking, please, please. stop provoking. >> the mayor had trouble being heard above the chants of the protesters. it escalated with punches being thrown between the two sides. police were called out, but no arrests were made. the mayor was announcing a $3.5 million in state grants to a community-based organization to expand its safety ambassador program operating in downtown and chinatown. >> this program will promote safer and more secure streets, while improving outcomes for
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people in crisis. oakland is aggressively pursuing a comprehensive -- a comprehensive and community safe strategy. -- community safety strategy, and we must have the right tools. it's about love. it's about grace. it's about compassion. it's about humanity. we love everyone. >> you can hear just everything happening behind her, in many ways emblematic of the political climate in oakland right now. one recall leader says he was punched in the face and plans to sue the city. some of the mayor's supporters say the recall leader was the aggressor, and they plan to file a police complaint against him. we have a follow-up now to a horrific crime in the south bay. authorities have identified that 3-year-old boy who was shot and killed by his mother's
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boyfriend. it happened in the 2:00 a.m. hour yesterday at an apartment complex in santa clara. police say the boy, ivan martinez alvarado, was shot by 24-year-old sergio gomez. gomez was the mother's live-in boyfriend, was not related to the child. he was arrested for murder. this is the first homicide in santa clara in four years. another headline tonight, more potential trouble for the troubled millennium tower. the sinking on the side of the building has stopped, but we've now discovered the luxury high-rise is sinking in the middle. they've been trying to fix the millennium tower for three years now. six months ago, construction crews stabilized the building on the two problem sides. engineers predicted the work would help shift the tower's weight onto the other side and eventually righting the tower by as much as 4 inches. but now engineers say the soil under the building isn't acting as predicted, and the tower appears to be sinking right in the middle.
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>> with all tall buildings, there is a tendency, even though the foundation may be quite thick, there is a tendency for the center to settle more than the edges. >> it's just been fascinating to watch all of this. investigative reporter jackson van der beck has been tracking this for years. it's been sinking and leaning, and now sinking in the middle. what does that mean? >> experts call that dising. what you have is the building is supported now on two sides. so, the question is, is it going to send its weight to the opposite corners inside of the building. and so far, those sides seem to be rather stubborn and they haven't moved. so, it looks like, based on the data, that the building is, kind of, centering the sinking towards the middle of the core, the very heavy core of the building. >> and how problematic is this? it doesn't sound good, but what
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does this mean in terms of engineering? >> the concern is that could cause cracking underneath the building. there could be water that gets in underneath. there's a lot of water around. we know that. and water can get in under the foundation and expose the steel to potential rust. and that could trigger still more damage. so, it's a long-term phenomenon, but it's something that, you know, people think need to be -- needs to be monitored. >> we talk about the integrity and the engineering of this high-priced tower. there's a lot of people that live in the millennium tower. what consequences are they facing now because of what you're reporting? >> nobody knows what's going on underneath that building really. so, for the moment, people are able to now fully access the front, the scaffold, and all the other acute mon of their construction is gone. they have basically left the building, so to speak. there's no sign really that they spent $120 million in fixing it.
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so, right now the people in the building, you know, they're kind of in limbo. they're hoping for the best, and they don't really know, you know, the details here. the monitoring data is not easy to interpret. >> final question for you. if i wanted to sell, if i'm a condo owner at millennium tower and i wanted to sell, is there still no major bank or small bank that will finance a sale for a buyer? >> there has been trouble in that regard. the building has been difficult. people have had to sell their units for cash. and the hope is, whether it's happened so far, is that once stabilized, that the banks would begin to loan. they've definitely had problems there in the past. >> okay. it continues. jaxon van derbeken. appreciate the reporting. let's move on now. also tonight you can see more express lanes on 101. right now the 101 express lane spans from the san mateo/santa
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clara line in mountain view to san francisco. the transportation authority is considering adding even more. starting north of 380 and going into san francisco. the goal is to reduce the congestion on the stretch of 101 just past sfo. critics say the new express lane will create more problems than it will solve. >> we're opposed to the widening option, as we think it's terrible for the climate, terrible for air pollution and equity priority neighborhoods. >> county leaders are also considering two other options for the seven-mile stretch, converting an existing lane into an hov express lane or just making no changes at all. a decision is expected this coming november. up next, a delay in the plan to bring those driverless taxis to the peninsula. what's behind the temporary halt. but first -- >> these kind of things cannot happen to my husband or any person because that's not right. >> google's cofounder being sued
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over a deadly plane crash. our exclusive interview with the woman behind the lawsuit, which is the pilot's widow. you're watchin the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future.
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this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. here's your biggie bag. all that food for 5 bucks. -that's my go to. -oooh - that's my ride or die. hah.... just like you and me....
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(singing) ♪ bag boys ♪ ♪ bag boys, whatcha gonna do ♪ don't... -♪ whatcha gonna do ♪ -don't... -♪ when we bring your food ♪ - it... go biggie and get all this with the jbc for just 5 bucks. b. welcome back s. google's cofounder is being sued after a plane crash. the widow of the pilot says he
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and others are preventing her from recovering her husband's body from the bottom of the sea. he was transporting the plane to hawaii and then to fiji, but the plane was not equipped to carry enough fuel to get there. brin had an unauthorized fuel system installed into the plane. the lawsuit claimed the extra fuel system malfunctioned. both pilots inside -- >> i know my husband is in heaven. i know my husband is in a good place. but this kind of thing cannot happen to my husband or any person because that's not right. >> we reached out to google and heard back from sergey brim's family office. they sent us a statement saying, quote, we are deeply saddened by the loss of the crew piloting
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the twin otter airplane. we are not able to comment on pending legal action at this time. at this time, waymo is on hold in san mateo county. the company wanted to start driverless taxi service, but state regulators have put a stop to it for now. the taxis only operate in san francisco. here's where waymo wanted to go. the list includes sfo and peninsula city. in the red, they operate in san francisco. but they wanted to go down the peninsula all the way down to sunnyvale and mountain view. right now that's not happening. the pcu says waymo's expansion is not going to happen for at least four months. san mateo county leaders wanted a say in whether driverless cars could hit the streets. right now that decision is made on the state level. >> i'm not against the technology. not against the technology.
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but the technology isn't ready. and i don't want san mateo county or any other county to be a beaker for waymo. let's bring in our business and tech reporter, scott budman. county leaders, specifically san mateo county, said they're not against it. what's the problem? why aren't they allowing it? >> the problem is people have said what they think about these driverless cars and it's not positive. largely because it's not so much waymo but cruise that got into several accidents. waymo itself has seen some of the backlash. recently someone lit one of the cars on fire. while everyone is excited about artificial intelligence and what it might do, we are not seeing the embracing of driverless cars. >> that's the video you're referring to in chinatown a few
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weeks ago. >> san mateo down at the and los angeles county concerned about the incidents and the backlash. >> waymo reputation with city leaders and county leaders, is it above board and positive? >> it is positive. they've had few incidents. they've been positive. they had a much slower rollout. again, very few problems. and waymo is owned by google, which has a good relationship, for the most part, with all the bay area could beties. we get it, this technology is interesting. it's someday going to be helpful. but right now people just aren't ready for it. we hit the street in redwood city today, raj, and most people said, we love technology. we work in the field. we don't want to see those things rolling around just yet. >> what's the next milestone? what happens in four months from now? >> ideally what happens before four months is that all five start to talk. and the waymos or the world need to assure the san mateo and los angeles counties of the world they can be incident free and
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helpful to commuters in their town. and the counties of these bay area and l.a. cities need to say, hey, we're concerned, and this is what we're concerned about. there just hasn't been enough communication yet. >> we're going to talk in 10, 15 years from now and chuckle at these conversations. >> right. the supervisor took pains to say, eventually we realize these will be rolling through town. we're just not ready for them yet. >> just like we talked about google and yahoo exploding on the scene. >> and how quaint that was. now google rules the world. there's a home for sale in washington, d.c. which has a direct link to the bay area. the list price, 8.5 mill for the home of the late senator dianne feinstein. the gated property is in the exclusive spring valley neighborhood about four miles from the white house. the price is called willow oaks. we got a tour. >> a lot of people drive by here and they don't know what's behind here. once you get to come in through the gate, it's really special.
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my name is ben roth from washington fine properties, and we'd like to welcome you to willow oaks. three bedrooms in the main house, an additional bedroom above the carriage house, which is a three-car garage. you have an additional pool cabana as well as two changing rooms in the rear garden with a very oversized pool, which is fantastic. one of the favorite rooms that we've been told of the late senator's was the breakfast room off of the kitchen, where she enjoyed sitting having her breakfast there, overlooking the two willow oaks, which the estate is named after, as well as seeing the birds chirping. the red room i believe is where the senator worked out of a lot of times when she was here. we call this the gray room with the beautiful wood burning fireplace. it also leads into this beautiful garden room. it's very special. >> that is a special place. we'll take you outside back in san francisco. you're looking at the bay
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bridge, a break in the rain. we're getting some sunshine in the days aad we thehi
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular
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unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. welcome back. don't get me wrong, i love the rain. i appreciate the rain, but are we good for a little while? >> i'm with you on that. we're not going to totally get rid of the rain in the 7-day forecast, but sun is on the way. we'll start it off with tomorrow morning. and i do see us beginning with a
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dry picture. but the thing we'll have to get over is the chance of patchy fog and low clouds. we'll start it off in the 40s. then through the afternoon, mostly sunny to partly cloudy. that's going to help those numbers to warm up, and i think it'll be a better day for us. 65 in san jose, low 60s towards napa and santa rosa. beyond this, that next storm system, that's going to line up by sunday and monday. everything i see right now has the storm system, heaviest rainfall staying offshore. because of that southerly path, it will bring in a chance of rain starting as we head through sunday afternoon and evening. that will continue into monday. overall totals right now, a quarter to half inch sunday and also on monday. big headline, yes, dry weather here thursday, friday, and saturday. and then those spotty rain chances sunday, monday. maybe more sun next tuesday and wednesday. raj, looks like exactly what you want and everybody at home. it's going to be coming our way.
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>> it's perfect. thanks jeff. as we wrap up, mario lopez just getting started with "access hollywood." tonight "access" dives right into the "rust" trials. alec baldwin and "rust" armorer anna gutierrez-reed have been charged in the on set shooting death of halyna hutchins. today jury selection began in hannah's trial. the trial attorney lays out what's in store. >> prosecutors have said that they are confident they can prove that hannah gutierrez read reed was responsible for bringing the live bullets to the set. we don't know what prosecutors have up their sleeve at this point, but this will be a big reveal at trial. >> gutierrez-reed has pleaded not guilty to all charges. if convicted of the involuntary
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manslaughter charge, she faces an 18-month prison sentence. on a much lighter note, we break down taylor swift's upcoming new album and the breakup song that's said to be about exjoe allwyn. back to you. coming up on prime time, chicago night, chicago med at 8:00, chicago fire at 9:00. and our 11:00 news live and local. that's going to do it at 7:00. for everyone here at nbc bay area, including our editor, daryl lawson, that's for joining us. we hope you enjoy your week.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. tonight on "access hollywood" -- ♪ "vanity fair" goes hollywood, and we're taking you behind the scenes. you're not going to believe who went naked for the cover. >> how did a live bullet get in the gun? that is going to be a huge part of alec baldwin's


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