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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  February 23, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm PST

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a rescue operation this afternoon to get to workers back to the ground after they were burned by a live power line. good afternoon, i am audrey asistio, welcome to nbc bay area news at 4:30, we will get to that developing story.
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tracking other stories, including a lawsuit against mark zuckerberg accused of getting kids addicted to social media our scott budman will join us with what went down in this case. and raj mathai spent the afternoon with mayor london breed, she spoke about the city everything from crime to city government and her hopes for the future. plus, have you planned your next vacation, it seems like a lot of americans have. people are planning to leave the country a lot more we will tell you how much more, we are all spending this year. let's go ahead and start with the 10 state in a san jose neighborhood . a work crew on a work grain made contact with a power line and had to be rescued. firefighters rushed to the emergency on zanker road around 11:00 this morning. the two-man crew, of
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subcontractors, were using what was called a boom lift, to do cleanup and maintenance near the roof. according to the fire department one worker touched a high-voltage power line with his helmet, which knocked him unconscious and bird his upper body. rescuers had to move slowly and cautiously. >> what delayed the process of the rescue was that pg&e has a very strict protocol for safety, in order to go through and make sure that the additional lines are not producing any power. >> after firefighters grounded the lines as an extra safety precaution, the search and rescue team went up and brought those workers down. one went to the hospital with severe burns in the other worker escaped with minor injury and at this point, cal osha is investigating this incident. the latest in what san jose calls a surgeon crime, a former mma fighter accused of killing a man during a fight at a liquor store. this happened at williams liquor store around noon on monday. that is where police say that
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the former mma fighter leonardo so let, attacked a man for no apparent reason, and put him in a choke hold until the man died. this is the eighth homicide in san jose, registered so far, to put her on pace to reach about 48 homicides and by comparison, each of the past six years has registered in the low 30s and experts say that the homicides so far this year i worry some but not enough to sound the alarm. >> when you do the analysis, you have to take a look at any emerging patterns, for example with homicides, is it simply a matter of there's been a number of domestic violence cases, are they robbery cases, or are they random? >> san jose says it already arrested suspects in seven of the eight homicides this year, and assaults from every other homicide in the past two years. mark zuckerberg's legal team was in the court today. the founder accused of getting kids addicted to social media,
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many that we are watching closely right now as decisions out of this case would that a president because generally, executives have and shielded from personal responsibility. our scott budman has been following this closely for us. scott, what happened in court today? >> reporter: good afternoon, earlier today in the courthouse in oakland, lawyers from both sides met to discuss weather zuckerberg could be tried, now this goes to a number of lawsuits, that have been filed lately. by people accusing social media companies, like meta of using their products like instagram and facebook to get young people addicted, and as we know, parents have stepped forward to say that their kids have been damaged in some ways at some time, or killed or have taken their own lives because of their addiction to social media. so we know that these companies are on trial. but, what is happening now is that some lawsuits specifically named ceo mark zuckerberg, and his lawyers were trying to get
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him removed from those lawsuits. not to remove the lawsuits as a whole but to remove him from the actual litigation. >> so i know you got a chance to speak with the attorney suing zuckerberg, what do they tell you today? >> reporter: they are saying, that they feel, that as the head of this operation, as the ceo of meta, zuckerberg has liability, facebook responded and says, that is not the case, that the legal precedent has been set, so that the ceo does not have liability, so that is why this case is watched closely, i think, because again, companies are going to be on trial and the question is, does the ceo also go on trial, and will that set precedent to see it in other cases in the future? >> that truly is a big question. scott, thank you so much for keeping us updated on that.
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we will see you later. the state of the city, our own raj mathai, sat down with mayor london breed, to talk about san francisco. >> my goal is to try to spend the majority of my time, doing everything i can, to do this job, and to hopefully do it well enough that people start to see and feel a difference and start to feel better about san francisco, that is my goal. but i don't shy away from a fight. >> coming up at 5:30, mayor london breed will talk about her plans for downtown san francisco. under two weeks away from the california primaries and there are a number of issues that voters will decide on . all of you that you will decide on. and the races where the top two candidates will continue want to be general election. but one that will be decided on march 5th is the race for san jose mayor. ian cole spoke with both candidates today. ian, i guess let's start with the challenger. >> reporter: not necessarily known in political circles, and he's not held office before but longtime san jose resident,
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tyrone wade says he's the man for the job, he's a retired marriage and family and crisis counselor and worked in several different governments in the bay area, on his agenda, he wants to reform the police department believes counselors should be the ones responding to domestic violence, not officers. wade also ran to homeless shelters and is qualified to handle the issue. >> there are 300 people were living on the streets, dying every year. it is an epidemic that we have to take care of. those are the kinds of things, that my experience and training has prepared me to resolve. >> okay, so wade is taking on the current mayor, matt mayhem. >> reporter: so matt mayhem is finishing up a two-year term. voters chose to move the mayoral election in line with the presidential years, that increases voter turnout, so his first term was two years, now
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seeking another four years at city hall. he believes that he has made progress on his agenda but says there is plenty more work to do. >> i think it's critically important that we follow through on the work that we are doing, to get people into basic dignified shelters and out of these tenting camps and hire more police officers and make our city safer. cleanup the city and expand economic opportunity for all residents. >> the mail-in ballots have been sent out, you can vote in person up until 8:00 p.m. on election day, march 5th. do not forget that, audrey. we will keep reminding you. so you can vote up until then, many people have their ballots in, and of course, we have a lot of info on the races and the issues that are important here in the bay area online and on the website, >> ian, thank you so much. santa cruz winery is the start of a new documentary, and it is set to premiere at san jose's film festival, it is a touching story about the family behind mount eden vineyards, the filmmaker got a grant to get a film about four different
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wineries, so he started to document the winemaking process and wine eden vineyards, it is a more important story to tell, the legacy, of the business. the owners don't know what is going to happen to the vineyard when they retire, and their children aren't sure if they want to run the family business. the documentary will premiere in two weeks at the film festival. the latest climate report from noah highlighting california's wet weather, good for reservoirs, but it is also revealing a bigger issue, more after the break. expecting a travel ban this year, millions of people expecting to travel overseas.
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marcus washington will join is with how much travelers are willing to spend this year. before we had to break we want to know what trending story would you like to see later on in the newscast? as usual i do have a poll
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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as we finally catch a break from the rain, let's get caught up on how the winter season is going because we have seen record temperatures and rainfall across the u.s. n.o.a.a. came out with its latest climate summary for the month of january. meteorologist vienna is here. >> there is a lot to discuss and breakdown, they do this every month to give us an idea of what we have seen when it comes to the climate trends, for relief the entire u.s. and so far, we do have a couple of things that have caught my eye. >> tell us about it. >> there is the first one, which is the warming obviously
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across all of the oceans, and that impacts hurricane season. also the melting of the ice sheets in antarctica as well, in addition to that, i've also started to look into how california is going to figure out what the transition of the el nino pattern, what you are seeing, it has a lot of information. but this is what n.o.a.a.'s report card looks like and if you notice it will break down everything from the first blizzard warning in over 11 years for seattle, after a bomb cyclone brought heavy snowfall you can see it highlighted, down through puerto rico where dryness continues as drug coverage expands to nearly 54%, so this is a fantastic breakdown and remember, these are not traced by models, these are actual events that have happened with trends over the years, we will included with the story as well. a lot to highlight but the warm weather means no melting of the
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ice will send us into a movement, heading into the next coming months. and what that is going to mean for us is that as that appears to fade, we will see a shift in the weather pattern and what you are looking at right here on your screen is how the conditions look like for el nino as the waters begin to form in the south pacific the tropical pacific in june 2023, and el nino is most strongly correlated to how weather conditions will play out, and according to the climate prediction center, there is a 79% chance that el nino will transition to neutral conditions by the midyear, we spoke with the chief of the monitoring section at the national center for environmental information but with the transition out of el nino will look like for california. >> where i would pay attention would be if and or when, and how we transition, if we do transition to those conditions, going into winter. and a strong one could mean dry conditions, for southern california, and where
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conditions will be across the pacific northwest. >> she does go on to say audrey that despite the influence of el nino, which do play a role, the trend is very clear when it comes down to the science, that is the overall warming of global temperatures, we definitely want to keep those down and continue to make those efforts and i will make sure to link this breakdown on our climate and crisis tab on . >> everything counts and it's all connected. >> thank you. >> we might not have any snow on the ground in the bay area, but you will have a chance to see a different type of snow by looking up. talking about the full moon, some native cultures called a full moon, the snowman, because heavy snowfall typically happens in february and it will be a micromini, which means, it will be at its farthest point from earth, making it look a bit smaller than other full moon's, and the best time to view but will be tomorrow evening and will reach its highest point around midnight and it will set around 7:30,
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sunday morning, and just a few hours, the warriors will be celebrating black heritage month, and it will feature black-owned businesses and community groups as the warriors take on the charlotte. and the wires are honor roll, last night they blew out the lakers at chase center, and steph curry, finished the game, with 32 points, the warriors won 128-110, they now won nine of their last 11 games, that's sweet. in honor of black history month, bay area students and state leaders announced plans to establish san mateo county's first permanent african- american museum, the dominy hoskins black history and learning center is currently a traveling museum, and now, state senator josh becker has secured $2 million in state funding, it is the initial investment needed to help turn the museums temporary location in redwood city to its permanent home. >> this is a collection that
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doesn't exist anywhere in the bay area. it tells a story of african- american inventors, and of culture, and of athletes, and of activists, and of local officials, people who have served, and incredible representation. once the museum has established its permanent spot, it will shift from pop-up exhibits to events and interactive learning opportunities. more people hitting the skies this year, you might be one of them, that is at least what experts are predicting, more people expected to leave home and go abroad, and as our marcus washington reports, this year's numbers are expected to break records. >> reporter: travel experts already calling 2024 the revenge travel year, following some down years, due to the economy and the pandemic. and yet more people are seemingly saying bon voyage, so the travel website, says that
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more people are booking those flights with more than half of users planning more international trips. and despite recent inflation, 57% are expected to pay more for travel and more than six in 10 choose their destination based on deals for airfare, a spokesperson says, that this year, they even broke some records. >> now that we are in 2024, coming up 2023, we've actually seen more people travel and select dates over 2023, and we are anticipating more than 2023, that we could see numerous days, hitting the 3 million mark, when it comes to the amount of people, going through tsa. >> reporter: the vast majority of people said they planned to take at least two domestic into international trips, in 2024. all right for more stories like this, join me and the rest of the today in the bay team, starting at 5:00 a.m., on air, you cannot watch nbc bay area
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news, whenever you want, on roku and other streaming platforms. i am marcus washington, back to you. >> marcus, thank you so much. back at the anchor desk now. >> something unusual is happening at csu schools in california, enrollment has been dropping, around 6%, decline over the past few years, but at one bay area school, it is down 20%, what is the reason and why it might be turning around. and the race for california senate seat has a clear front runner, with the number two spot it is neck and neck, after the march primary election only the top to advance to the november election and we will have the latest of numbers, all that and more coming up at 5:00. >> thank you, jenelle. the top trending story voted by you on my instagram poll. also, nursery shopping remanded, a new shopping cart in san mateo is changing the game. no longer needing to check out, the
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here it is, the top trending story, as voted by you on my instagram poll, tom cruise taking a break from his usual role as the star as the auction blockbuster, deadline reports that he's teaming up with director alonzo gonzales. for a new movie. he is behind oscar-winning movies, like the revenant and bert van. we don't know much yet about this movie, but much of the project is top-secret but what we do know is the original script meeting this will likely be a dramatic departure from the usual action films. they have taken meetings with a select few act errors, and tom cruise is the first to signed on so far. we will keep you posted. >> is always a will keep you posted for other stories on my instagram. this is pretty cool. it is like grocery stores, offering you a chance to skip checkout. all you need is the shopping cart, it is called the amazon
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dash card, the whole foods in san mateo unveiled it, you sign in by scanning a qr code in the amazon or whole foods app and then you just start shopping, you can scan items or enter them on the screen, sensors in the cart keep track of what is exactly there. the screen on the card shows you a receipt of everything you are buying in real time. >> because you are bagging as you go, you can just walk out when you are done, and not wait in line, to pay. it is already connected your amazon account, and you receive your receipt, shortly after you leave the store. >> amazon says that customers have responded well to the new card. no word on when they might expand throughout the bay area. i'm going to have to visit that. i'm curious, does it work with your own bags or the whole foods bags? -- >> yes, i'm curious -- [ laughter ] great question we
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have to figure that out. >> i figure we would start with something different here, what about a live look at the sierra. we have a lot of brush powder here, going to have a chance to enjoy it without having to worry about any winter weather advisories. let's get your microclimate forecast, let's talk about what is to come. i live like right now in downtown san jose, it has been lovely, we will get to see those great conditions, leading us to the weekend. amateur wise in the upper 60s for morgan hill. dublin, 62. napa, 67. oakland, 63. san francisco, 65. i want to show you the temperature change because of you are feeling warmer, we are going to be a few degrees warmer, including oakland. but also down through the south bay as well in morgan hill. we will continue to see this high-pressure dominating into your saturday. is what the satellite and radar looks like, some high clouds that will be dry, here's what we are monitoring, you can see the system in the pacific. good news, the most influence we will see out of the system into the weekend is going to be some cloud cover and yes we are monitoring a chance for some rain.
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right now, the satellite radar, a couple of clouds to the north bay. here it is, talking about the chance for rain. saturday is going to stay dry. sunday, mostly sunday drive. it isn't until sunday or monday that we are forecasting shower activity. so far, ring totals are looking lower. nowhere where we saw in the past two storms. the next big store maker that can set us up for more rain and snow, it will move in on friday, we will keep a close eye, still in the long range outlook and in the temperature wise and your saturday because of the high pressure. we will feel a lot warmer. 70s tomorrow, go out and enjoy the sunshine, sunshine will be sticking around through most of your sunday. but we will see a cooldown, as the system approaches, here's a closer look at your seven-day forecast, we will see spotty rain chances, into monday, we will have a break once again into tuesday and wednesday, join us once again at 5:00 chief meteorologist jeff ranieri will have details on the latest incoming chance of
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rain but also the friday system that is starting to line up. audrey? >> i can't believe we are reaching e 70s tomorrow. a quick reminder you cannot access nbc bay area news whenever you want, we are on all the time, on roku and other streaming platforms, you can watch live breaking news, news conferences and repeats. thank you so much for joining thank you so much for joining us at 4:30, jess and "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options.
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porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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right now at 5:00, scary moments high above the ground in san jose. two workers injured after running into a power line. the details we're learning about how what happened and how they were rescued. you heard it, during his visit, president joe biden promised new sanctions against russia, today he delivered on that promise. president joe biden's plan to hurt vladimir putin and
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questions about weather it will work. enrollment continues to drop at cal state university. especially in the bay area. the reason behind the dip and why some good news can be on the way. good friday, the news at 5:00 starts now. thank you so much for joining us. i am janelle wang. >> i am jessica aguirre. it was dicey, firefighters rescuing, after one worker accidentally made contact with a power line. >> a serious and tense situation as the worker had to wait some time for crews to cut the power and make it safe for rescuers, nbc bay area news's robert handa has more with the drama, the rescue and what went wrong. >> reporter: it was a hectic scene when san jose firefighters responded to a call around 11:00 a.m. for an electrical emergency at the crescent village apartment complex on zanker road, the two- man crew, subcontractors were
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using what is called a boom lift to do cleanup and maintenance near the roof. according to the fire department, one worker touched a high-voltage power line with his helmet, which knocked him unconscious and burned his upper body. people nearby heard a loud pop and saw some smoke. this young woman's family called 911. >> i was very scared. i didn't know what was happening. i heard that there was somebody that got electrocuted. and i was super scared. >> reporter: san jose firefighters responded fast proceeded cautiously, there were two sets of transmission lines, one was disabled when the worker made contact and the other was not. >> pg&e has a strict protocol for safety, in order to go through and make sure that the additional lines are not producing any power, and there is also a fear of induction from power traveling from one line to another. >> reporter: after the fire department and its urban search and rescue team, grounded the power lines, gh


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