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tv   Today  NBC  February 24, 2024 5:30am-7:01am PST

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good morning. thanks for starting your weekend with us. the polls are now open in the south carolina republican primary. >> donald trump is slated to beat nikki haley in her home state. it's february 24th. this is "today." going south. nikki haley hoping to defy the polls as republican voters in
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her state vote in the crucial primary. former president trump enjoying a big advantage as she vows to stay in the race. is haley the party's plan b? we'll ask her live. ivf outrage. the alabama state supreme court ruling declaring frozen embryos as children is fueling a political firestorm. mr. trump now calling for new legislation to protect ivf even as president biden says the former president is to blame. alabama lawmakers now on defense looking to solve the crisis. what happens next? somber anniversary. a grim milestone as ukraine marks two years after the invasion from russia with congress yet to approve aid to the nation, forces are looking to capitalize on the plight. breaking overnight. under arrest. police in georgia take a 26-year-old man into custody accused in the death of the
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college student killed on a run. >> he did not know her at all. i think this was a crime of opportunity. all that plus basket-brawl. multiple fights break out on the hardwood. >> oh, no. >> in the middle of the match up with the miami heat and the new orleans pelicans. jimmer butler ejected with other players and you bet suspensions are coming, "today" saturday, february 24th, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with peter alexander and laura jarrett. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today." we thank you for joining us this saturday morning. the hardwood looks like the hockey rink. that was ugly. another brawl in south carolina today. we have a lot to get to this
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morning, including the two-year anniversary of the russian invasion of ukraine. president volodymyr zelenskyy speaking out overnight vowing ukrainians will win the war now it is in its third war, but the situation is not the greatest. we will have the latest live. we have the republican primary with the polls just opened and former president trump appears to have a big win in nikki haley's home state. we have garrett haake with more on primary day. good morning. >> reporter: peter, good morning. they opened the doors of the polling place here in columbia. the time for talk and persuasion is over. it is time for the voters in south carolina to have their say. nikki haley and donald trump have ever lost a race in south carolina. by the end of the day, the palmetto state voters will deal
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a blow to one of the aspirations. donald trump this morning is looking to close out a fourth straight primary victory. >> a gigantic victory in south carolina. we will show the radical left democrats that we are coming like a freight train in november. >> reporter: the former president leading the palmetto state's former governor, nikki haley, by 28 points in a recent poll. >> i need you to get out and vote. i need you to take five people with you. >> reporter: haley ramping up her attacks. >> donald trump cannot win a general election. look at every single poll. >> reporter: as haley vows to fight on through super tuesday next month, the trump campaign pivoting to the general election and looking for inroads for democratic supporters. black voters.
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92% backed biden in 2020. >> he has to make a genuine appeal to the black community and sell himself as a better alternative than joe biden. >> reporter: that hinges on ivana ramsay. >> i have seen the benefits of being under trump and i see the benefits of being under biden. i like trump. >> reporter: as part of the outreach to the african american voters, trump spoke at a gala for black voters in columbia. he said the appeal is black voters see the indictments against him as a similar form of discrimination to what they faced historically. the biden campaign responding that by calling donald trump a poster boy.
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>> garrett, thank you. we will speak live to nikki haley about the primary and the race against donald trump coming up. reproductive rights are a key issue in the general election and the alabama supreme court ruling on the frozen embryos now has republicans scrambling to distance from it. among them is former president trump who is calling on lawmakers to protect ivf as democrats say he is to blame. we have more from alabama. >> reporter: after a week of confusion and frustration, alabama's attorney general now saying he has no intention to prosecute ivf families or providers. last week, the state supreme court ruled that frozen embryos are children. that sent many to explain positions. including donald trump. >> i strongly support ivf for couples trying to have a precious baby. i support it.
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>> reporter: the senate gop campaign arm urging candidates to quote clearly reject efforts by the government to restrict ivf. the white house hitting back. >> this is the chaos that has come out of getting rid of roe. >> reporter: the chief justice tom parker shared his view that christians should reshape society based on their believes. >> god created government and the fact that we have let it go into the possession of others is heartbreaking. >> reporter: in montgomery, rebecca has one frozen embryo left after three rounds of ivf. >> they are pushing us into a corner and punishing us for something we can't control. >> how concerned are you if you decide not to use this one embryo that you are criminally
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or civilly libel? >> very. the thought this would land me in jail is something i can't imagine. >> reporter: the same concerns led three clinics in alabama to stop ivf treatment. ivf fertiity is one of them. the clinic is too concerned over ivf right now. >> the conveations are the heart-wrenching. i feel powerless. >> reporter: she hopes leaders turn it around. >> i hope the leaders turn support to provide ivf care in alabama. >> reporter: kelly is preparing for her second round of ivf. so far, her clinic is operating, but she is terrified that could change. >> if ivf were to be stopped across the state, what would you be doing? >> honestly, it would be over for us. we had to pull from our 401(k)
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to pay for what we have already done. >> reporter: the 38-year-old feels likes she running out of home. >> the white house is now responding to the ivf dlim dilemma. we have allie raffa with more at the white house. allie, the white house is trying to frame the issue. >> reporter: the white house is brainstorming to the alabama decision and framing it as a family and not a women's issue. thinking how to use vice president kamala harris who is the face of the white house to protect reproductive rights. officials telling me the white house is in fact-finding mode working with the departments of justice and abortion rights
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groups on options to respond to the ruling with the confusion. a source familiar with the talks says the embryos decision was not unexpected, but there was no plan in place to deal with it. despite pressure to protect ivf access, the president's power to do so through executive action is limited. forcing much of the battle to be fought politically. we have seen the biden team makes abortion access central to the election campaign and blaming the fallout on former president donald trump and his picks and the presidency would strip more rights from americans. officials say president biden will dedicate the state of the union address, two weeks away, to share the personal stories of people impacted by the roe reversal. all part to keep this issue atop of voters minds. peter. >> no doubt. capitalizing on the reproductive
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rights. allie raffa, thank you. let's turn to the war in ukraine entering the third year today. fighters have been able to hold back the russian troops for the last two years, but struggling to keep up the fight as congress bickers over a new aid package. we have chief correspondent richard engel in kyiv with more. >> reporter: good morning. it is a big day here in kyiv and across ukraine. it was exactly two years ago today when russian forces invade ed the country launching the biggest ground war since world war two. it looked like russian troops were going to come and capture the city where i am in kyiv and take over the country. they didn't. ukrainian forces rallied and pushed them back from kyiv and pushed them back to where they are right now and along the
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frontlines in the south and far east. ukraine right now is facing a difficult moment. sanctions against russia have not been working. supplies of western weapons are running low and u.s. support now appears very fragile and unreliable. despite that, president zelenskyy is using this moment to try and rally support and say stay with ukraine two years on and going into the next year and beyond. today, president zelenskyy went to an area outside kyiv where the war actually began around the capital where there was an air assault and russian forces tried land with helicopters and take the city. they were unable to do so and instead of going there today to remember that battle, president zelenskyy went with other leaders to mark the moment.
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it is a tough time. i can say that ukrainians aren't defeated. morale is high. they know why they are in the fight. they know what's at stake and what happens if they lose. vladimir putin continues to say ukraine is not a country and does not exist and long, lost part of russia and wants to bring under russian control and his control. two years on, he has not been able to do it and ukrainians hope to get the u.s. back on board. >> richard, thank you. breaking news from overnight in georgia. the 26-year-old man arrested in connection with the death of the college student killed on a run was booked into jail. the authorities say it appears it was a crime of opportunity. nbc's blayne alexander has the latest. >> reporter: after the 24 hours
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in the college town of athens, georgia, police announced a suspect is in custody in what university officials say is the murder of 22-year-old laiken real i. >> jose riveira. he has been charged with malice murder and felony murder and an aggravated battery. >> reporter: riley went for a mong run and never came back. officers searched the area and within minutes found her body in an area around the lake near the fields. >> he did not know her at all. i think this was a crime of opportunity. >> reporter: here in athens, the homicide rocked two campuses. she was a junior at the college of nursing where she was on the dean's list. she transferred from the
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university of georgia. she remained active with the sorority. classes were canceled on friday. >> everybody thinks they are safe. you never know. >> reporter: the uga senior lives right by the fields where she was found. >> that is concerning and scary just because that did happen close by. >> reporter: police say this is the first homicide on uga's campus in at least 20 years. classes are set to resume on monday. peter and laura. >> blayne, thank you. two national guard members are dead after a military helicopter crash in mississippi yesterday. officials say the two seat apache crashed near booneville. the victims have not been identified. the national weather service reported high wind gusts in the area. investigators are trying to figure out what went wrong. another high altitude balloon is flying over the united states. officials in the u.s. say this
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is not a security threat. norad scrambled jets to get to the balloon at 45,000 feet over utah. no word on who it belongs to. two officials say they don't believe it is from say foreign government. this latest shows the heightened concern of the chinese spy balloon last year before fighter jets took it down off the east coast. >> so many questions. in the nba, miami's jimmy butler and others were ejected after the fourth quarter brawl in new orleans last night. it all started after zion williamson stole the ball. tempers began to flare. you can see the pelicans protested the way williamson was fouled.
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officials separated the teams and fists started flying again. likely players will be suspended. >> good news peace inside the studio. everybody gets along fine. watch the sharp elbows. what is going on with the forecast? we have plenty of sunshine on tap for folks in the middle of the country and out west is drying out. a quick system moving through the ohio valley and it will work out toward the mid-atlantic through the day today. you are waking up to snow in indianapolis and cincinnati and places like charleston. here is the system today. one thing to know with this quick mover, we could see thunderstorms pop up across the carolinas. heads up there this afternoon. sunday and monday across the east, it looks nice. we will have to jump to tuesday to see more impactful weather. it will be impactful. 29 million people under the
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potential for strong storms for the afternoon hours. michigan down to arkansas. wind and hail is the main threat. we cannot rule out tornadoes. the threat is not over on wednesday. we see impacts across the tennessee good morning. 5:47. waking up to the final saturday in february. mostly clear skies with 50 degrees down here in san jose. we go over to the tri-valley now where temperatures there are a little cooler in the 40s to start in dublin. over on in oakland starting off, again, 50 degrees and mostly career skies. this afternoon, spectacular. hope you get outside. look at numbers. 70 that's the look at the forecast. guys, it feels good when i give
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you mostly good news. >> not raining on a saturday. >> we don't ask much. thank you. still to come, marissa parra is live in florida with the latest on the measles outbreak. >> reporter: it was a week ago with the first case which was a half a dozen elementary students here. we have learned of a new case in the county. all of this with decisions made what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton
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in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever,
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chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. we are back on saturday morning with the weekly download. >> joe fryer is off this morning. another friend is stepping in. vicky nguyen.
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>> good morning, peter and laura. among the headlines this week, the nationwide cellular outage that left millions unable to make or receive phone calls for hours. at&t's network hit with outages across the country knocking out cell and inter net service and impacted 911 calls. at&t says the 12-hour issue was caused by a technical glitch. >> technical outages with the power company or telecommunications company or bank tend to be technical operation. >> verizon and t-mobile experienced outages on the same stay. a dual u.s.-russian citizen was detained for donating money to ukraine. >> she is not safe there. if we do not help her, she will
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spend the rest of her life in jail. kansas city chiefs, we love you. we're with you. >> our hearts go out to all of the victims and families and chiefs kingdom. >> travis and jason kelce spoke out in the wake of the deadly super bowl parade shooting. the chiefs launched an emergency response fund. >> your donations go to the support of victims and families and violence prevention and mental health services and first responders. a robotic moon lander named odysseus touched down on the moon on thursday. nasa hopes this will return astronauts back to the surface. the florida state legislate you are passed a ban on social
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media. lawmakers say the bill needs the state's governor to approve the law. china announces it will send a new pair of pandas to the san diego zoo. the move comes after the recall of the bears on loan to the u.s. the plan is to have the bears arrive this summer. this video is going viral this week. a group of friends in australia made a bet that he could not get off the train at one stop and run all the way to the next stop to board the train again. >> yah! >> he did it. he did it. >> g'day, mate. >> that was aggressive. i need to stop for a water break taking my kids up to bed at night.
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that's impressive. still to come, we have jacob soboroff with more in south carolina. >> good morning, peter. we are talking to voters, but we went inside the sprawling bmw plant here in south carolina to understand the economic impact and how it will impact the race. that is coming up. thank you. later in "popstart,"
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. good morning. thanks for joining us on this saturday february 24th. i'm kira klapper. searching for a woman accused of using a stolen car to hit a police officer. the officer is recovering this morning. it happened yesterday afternoon. a san pablo police officer spot
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add stolen red chevy sedan trying to pull over the driver but she sped away hitting a parked car. when the officer got out of his car to check on the driver condition she suddenly accelerated hitting the officer. >> at the same time the officer discharged two rounds from his duty firearm, which struck the suspect vehicle's windshield. >> police lost sight's that driver in the city of richmond. again in a red 2018 chevy malibu sedan. anyone with information is asked to call the san pablo police department. a former maa fighter is accused of killing a man at a liquor store. it happened on monday at william liquors near willow glen in san jose. police say leonardo is a former mma fighter from gilroy, attacked the man for month
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apparent reason putting him in a chokehold until he died. this is the eighth homicide in san jose already this year putting the city on pace to reach 48 homicides this year. by comparison, for each of the past six years, the homicide rate has been 30. going to take a big turn now to beautiful weather, and cinthia pimentel with a quick look at the forecast. >> hey, kira. clouds about but with the sight of the moon, beautiful to start the final weekend in february. 48 in san jose. and we're seeing sunshine trying to come through into parts of dub lik. 42, a business cooler in the valleys. 47 starts the day in oakland. speaking of oakland, an a's fanfest. look at temperature trend and icons on your screen. sunny, beautiful in oakland and throughout the bay area. even as we go on into san francisco. temperatures into the mid-60s this afternoon as we celebrate the lunar new year, but you also want to bring a jacket. as we go into start of the parade it will get a touch cooler.
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talk about the rest of the weekend coming up at 7:00 ale. keepa, back to you. see you at 7:00. also coming up at 7:00, two east bay cities scrambling after being hit by cyber attacks. we'll tell you what they're doing to protect themselves, and what it could mean for you. we'll have that, plus all your top stories coming up at 7:00. we hope you join us. in the meantime, we take you back to the "today" show.
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♪♪ no introduction. >> sometimes it is really hard to be your friend. >> you said you would support me. ♪ why you dunking me ♪ ♪ >> we are back on a saturday
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morning, february 24, 2024. it is a gift that keeps on giving. >> how about the doughnuts? i'm sorry. how about them doughnuts? i'm so sorry. >> the super bowl commercial gives us more goods. how you can create your piece of dunking history. let's start in florida where a new case of measles has been discovered. it comes amid the controversial decision of the surgeon general leading the decision if children should attend elementary school where there was an outbreak this week up to the parents. this goes against medical guidelines. marissa parra is outside the school with more. >> reporter: good morning, laura. measles is contagious and isolation is helped to stop the spread. with a new case spread to a child outside the school, it is raising questions of guidance.
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as measles cases rise in south florida, so, too, does concern from parents. >> i'm not sending my 10-year-old to school. >> reporter: after six cases at manatee bay elementary. we heard of a seventh case in the county. the first who is not a student. the district will continue with preventative measures with cleanings, but the decision to keep the school open is putting florida at odds with the medical community. years after ron desantis railed against covid prevention measures, the surgeon general writing in a letter that the state department of health is deferring to parents or guardians over attendance. citing the cost of children missing school and high immunity rate in the community. >> guidance given in florida is not guidance you hear from cdc.
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>> reporter: the cdc recommends unvaccinated children stay home from school for three weeks after expexposure. 90% of floridian kindergartners are immunized against measles. >> you need to be vaccinated to create or establish herd immunity. >> reporter: 58 measles cases in total nationwide. so far, there has been 35 cases in the first eight weeks of 2024. one factor? record-breaking travel. >> you couple that with the vaccine hesitancy in the country and you create the recipe for the outbreaks here. >> reporter: it is not just here in florida, but michigan now reporting its first case of measles since 2019 as well. laura. >> thank you, marissa. let's get a check of the
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forecast with angie. >> we have a couple of alerts to show you. we are not done with winter out west. we are going to see a cool of systems. the first is going to happen on sunday which is focused across the northwest. oregon and washington will see rain working in. notice what is in store for california. a low inching closer to the coast. it is not what we have seen the past couple weeks. we are not expecting a lot of rain, but it will impact you on monday. notice what happens with this system on monday. we are starting to see the snow get in on the action across the rockies. that is additional heavy snow for you there. as we get to tuesday, we see scattered showers across california and arizona. nothing impressive. more snow in the rockies. as far as the rain is good saturday morning at 6:04 ap a look at planner in
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walnut creek. look at all the sunshine icons on the screen and temperatures warming up to about 68 degrees this afternoon. it's going to be beautiful throughout the bay year. 60s and even some 70s. 73 in santa rosa. 71 dublin an 75 down here in san jose. enjoy it while it lasts, because we are tracking changes as early as tomorrow with even and that's the look at the forecast. >> angie, thank you. just ahead, jacob soboroff is in south carolina talking to voters as today's republican primary gets under way. jacob, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, peter. i have talked to a lot of voters over the years covering elections. i have never included a$200,000 car in a report about election car in a report about election day. when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler
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heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. we are back on saturday morning with more on the crucial south carolina republican primary. >> voters are concerned about the state of the economy and growing wealth gap. >> we have nbc's jacob soboroff with the firsthand look at the divide in greenville, south carolina. good morning. >> reporter: laura, good morning. greenville is ground zero for republican politics in south
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carolina. it is also ground zero for the economic growth. if you want to understand the growth and impacting the elect electorate, there is one place to start. it was the sprawling bmw plant where we saw the latest car that is $200,000. how long have you worked here? >> 28 years. >> can i push this in? with a mallett. >> that's it. >> reporter: this car is one of 1,500 manufactured at the plant every day and sold around the world. it is the connection to south carolina who runs human resources seems to value most. >> i started as an engineer 31 years ago and we started with this area in a 1.2 million square foot. now we are sitting at 10 million square feet. >> how many employees?
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>> 300. >> and now over 11,000? >> yes. >> reporter: 11,000 jobs are 43 43,000 when you factor in other businesses that do business with bmw. >> is there how much money you can put on the state? >> the number of $27 billion. >> with a "b"? >> yes. >> reporter: the rest of the employees living nearby and stimulaing the economy. not everyone is benefitting. we met professor ken cole who is studying the downside at the unity park in greenville. >> who wouldn't want to live here? >> it is a shame that people who grew up here and waiting for the park to come, their kids will not afford to live here. >> reporter: activists inez morris says the housing prices mean neighbors are being
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squeezed out. >> if you look at the houses on your left and houses on the right, you can tell there is a difference in the housing. the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. it represents a community that needs to continue to work toward affordable housing. >> reporter: morris vote in the democratic primary in support of president biden. if she could have a say in today's republican contest, she knows who she would pick. >> could either one make a difference? >> nikki haley. i think she did a good job in handling a number of crises such as the shooting and taking down the confederate flag. if anyone can continue to do that, i think she can. >> reporter: a changing economy and electorate that is decisive in picking the next president.
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what does all this change look like demographically? the population has soared over the last couple decades, but the black population has steadily declined over 40 years. those changes are impacting the electorate in south carolina and the president for generations to come. guys. >> jacob soboroff, thank you. >> jacob, that was interesting. i was afraid he was walking around with that mallett all day. i appreciate you sharing that. coming up, we will speak to the republican presidential candidate nikki haley. she is going to join us live in the next half hour. what do you have in "popstart," vicky? >> taylor swift in the middle of >> taylor swift in the middle of the judge beauty is back. beauty fades. dumb is forever. his boss was overspending on beauty. she is wasting company funds. $92 on foundation!
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my name is sister monica claire. because of tiktok, i've created a community where people can feel safe asking questions about spirituality. i try to provide a really accessible way of them learning about religion and spirituality, that's not intimidating. somebody in the comments said, i have no idea how i got on nun talk, but i'm not mad about it. i'm going to teach you how to pray. i'm going to teach you how to meditate, how to connect with a higher power, because we need that. we need strength and comfort.
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increased liver blood test values may occur. your doctor will check them before and during treatment. most common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, and back pain. (♪♪) ask your doctor about hormone—free veozah... and enjoy more not flashes. we are back this saturday with "popstart." vicky? >> i'm excited to fill in for joe. we have wendy williams who is speaking out after her diagnosis with frontotemporal dementia and aphasia. it can impact speech and personality. williams saying i have immense gratitude for the lovely words i
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received. she went on to say i continue to need personal space and peace to thrive. know your positivity and encouragement are appreciated. williams speaking out hours before the documentary titled "where is wendy williams" set to air on lifetime. she filed a lawsuit against a e. next up, taylor swift. the star is on stage for a second night in sydney, australia in front of 80,000 fans. on her first night, she announced a new bonus track on the album. it will be on the new edition of the 17-song album "the tortured poet's department." rita ora went on the tour friday night along with katy perry.
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it is a song rumored to be inspired by their complicated friendship. ♪ bad blood ♪ ♪ mad ♪ ♪ we go ♪ ♪ if you got bad blood ♪♪ >> taylor's boyfriend, i like that. he is just taylor's boyfriend. travis kelce was there that night. we wonder who will show up tonight. there is always something fun there. we are all talking about ben affleck's super bowl commercial. along with matt damon and tom brady are a pretend boy band dunkings. not only did this commercial -- i feel we have a fourth here. we need to get that track suit
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on peter. this track went on spotify and the track suits have been selling out. there's more. now if you are a fan, peter, you can order a limited edition funko pop track suit and coffee accessories. these are 4.5 inch toys and cost $30. if you are thinking of getting something for peter alexander, this may be the gift. >> what are you doing with that? >> i don't need a figure. that would be a good way to roll. >> we'll manifest it. >> he wants in. thank you for that. nice job. still to come, our "saturday morning boost" and this dance party that will warm your heart. we're back after this.
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ah, you're adorable. oww! violence makes our tummies tingle. violence. violence. violence.
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still to come here on "saturday today," we will talk to nikki haley in her home state as voters go to the polls in the primary. will she stay in the race if she loses to donald trump. i'll introduce you to one of i'll introduce you to one of the most influential librarians rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions.
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sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪♪) ♪♪ when my patients experience very dry skin, i recommend la roche-posay lipikar body cream. one application a day keeps very dry skin away. ♪♪ la roche-posay lipikar body cream provides 48-hour hydration and helps repair the skin barrier. ♪♪
6:26 am
suitable for ages 2 weeks to 100 years old. ♪♪ la roche-posay. recommended by 90,000 dermatologists worldwide. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium.
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good morning. thanks for joining us on this saturday february 24th. i'm kira klapper. today is the long-awaited chinese new year parade in san francisco. the biggest in the country. this caps off three weeks of celebrations to usher in the year of the dragon. the teams started working on the parade back in october. around noon today they'll carefully transport the 19 floats to the parade's starting point second and market streets. hundreds of thousands are expected to join and line city streets, as sf p will have officers and plain-clothed officers throughout the parade and asking paradegoers to be on alert. because of the year of dragon, hasn't happened since 2012, a lot of excitement. >> dragon most powerful sign for
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the chinese. only mystical sign. all the other animals. >> the parade starts around 5:15 secretary and marketed ends at kearney and washington. seats sold out. continuing coverage of the chinese new year's parade all weekend long. download our free app where you can find more information about parade road closures and the forecast. speaking of it, a beautiful one. cinthia pimentel has a quick look at our microclimate forecast. >> beautiful this afternoon. already off to a beautiful start. look at the sunrise over dublin and temperatures not bad. tri-valley 49 danville. 40s and 50s on the board waking up to the final saturday of the month. mother lunar new year celebration going on this one in redwood city at the courthouse square starts at 11:00. look at the temperature trend.
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climbing into upper 60s, plenty of sunshine. not only there but around the bay area. so i want to get out there and joan it. soak all of it in, because we've been having a couple of rainy and cloudy weekends this month, but not today. going to see temperatures in the upper 60s in san francisco. martinez and over on in livermore and a lot of 70s through santa rosa, over into wine country and napa and 75 degrees down here in san jose. sure everybody's going to love it. going to be in for a mild afternoon, but changes ahead as soon as tomorrow. walk you through all the details coming up at 7:00 a.m. kira, back to you. >> cinthia, thanks. see you as seven. also coming up at 7:00 on "today in the bay" in san jose the mayor is looking to be re-elected, but he does have one competitor. we'll introduce to you the man who wants to be mayor and look at what the incumbent hopes to do with another term. we'll have that, plus all top stories at 7:00 and hope you join us. right now, back to "today."
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good morning. primary day. south carolina republicans voting today with polls showing former president trump holding a commanding lead against nikki haley in her home state. haley vowing to stay in the race no matter what happens today. we will talk to her live about
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the path she sees to the nomination. and farewell, flaco. the celebrity owl which was a mascot last year after escaping from the central park zoo has died following a year flying high above the big apple. heating up. record temperatures this week from texas all the way to new york with some people seeing 90 degrees in the middle of winter. we'll have the forecast that will have you leaving the puffy coats at home. today, saturday, february 24th, 2024. ♪♪ good morning. welcome back to "today" on a saturday morning. we are enjoying the warm weather. >> it is saturday morning in new york city. nothing to complain about. let's get to the news. voting in the south carolina republican poll. donald trump is expected to win the state easily, but that is not stopping former ambassador
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nikki haley. we will talk to her live. let's get the latest in garrett haake in columbia. >> reporter: polls have been open for about an hour in columbia. the time for persuasion is basically over. it is time for the voters to have a. say. the voters have never dealt nikki haley or donald trump a loss when they appeared on the ballots in the state. at the end of the day, that will be different for one of the candidates. polls show haley trailing here and she sharpened her attacks on the candidate claiming he cannot win in the general election and drawing on the pro-russian comments in the last couple days. trump is focusing on knocking haley out of the primary and trying to pivot to the general election. he is suggesting part of the appeal in the african american community is the indictments
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against him make him a target of discrimination. similar to the discrimination african americans have received in the country. laura. >> garrett, thank you so much. >> we are now joined live by republican presidential candidate nikki haley in south carolina this morning. ambassador haley, good morning. >> good morning. it's a great day in south carolina. >> no doubt. a day for voters to get out with the primary in your home state as you know. the polls show you are trailing by 2-to-1 to donald trump and mostly across the board. in the interview this week, you said you were not certain that donald trump would stay in the race if he is convicted. aren't you banking on the fact he will be convicted and you are the last candidate standing? >> what i'm banking on the fact is hecannot win a general election. you look at the poll that came out this week. the margin of error with biden.
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i beat biden by 18 points. if we want to see a change in the country, we have to win. we can't win with someone who is not able to win a general election. you look at 70% of americans don't want joe biden or donald trump. 60% of americans think joe biden is too old and donald trump's too old to be president. the american people need a voice and a different option. >> you can't win a general election if you don't win the primary. have you had conversations with party leaders assuring you they would support you if donald trump is convicted? >> no, i haven't had any conversations about that. this is not about conviction. this is about chaos. there is chaos all around him. republicans lost with him in 2018 and lost with him in 2020 and lost with him in 2022. you look at a couple of weeks
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ago. republicans lost in israel. the rnc lost the position. everything he touches is chaos that leads to a loss. how many more times do republicans have to lose before they realize maybe he is the one that is the problem? >> let's turn to what is going on in alabama right now. you have your opponent calling on lawmakers to pass new legislation to shore up protection for ivf. is that something you will do right now with us? >> it's personal for me because both of my children were through fertility process. i know how personal and sensitive it is. i would say where government doesn't need to get into something this sensitive. this should be between the doctor and the parents period. i want to make sure we don't have anything that hampers the idea that parents and a doctor can decide the fertility
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treatments. i want there to be as many ivf processes and treatment centers as we can. i want a conversation with the parents and doctor on what will happen and how they are protected and what their rights are here. >> you know the court has stopped the conversations from happening because of that decision. patients and doctors cannot have the decision. ivf clinics are pausing procedures. what are you doing about the legislation? >> if they need to do legislation to fix it, that's fine. i don't want states to have knee-jerk reactions to insert government into the conversations with doctors and parents. let me make it clear. we want more ivf centers. we want these parents to have these options. we want government to have the conversation with the parents and doctor without the government getting in the way about decisions made about them and what happens with the
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embryos. the goal is fix whatever you need to fix to keep government out of it. >> let me ask about ukraine if i can right now. today marks two years since the start of the brutal war there. nine days have passed since the death of vladimir putin's chief domestic critic alexi navalny. donald trump has yet to condemn him. you served as donald trump's ambassador. simply put, what is the risk to america's national security by refusing to condemn putin and russia? >> you know, he said it wasn't that he refused to condemn. he went further than that. in south carolina, he gave a speech and said he would actually encourage putin to invade our allies. think about that. that means he is siding with a dictator who kills his political opponents. he is siding with a tyrant. he is siding with a thug who made no bones about the fact he wants to destroy america.
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here you have ukraine. the fact that half a million people have died or been wounded because putin invaded ukraine. this is the time to understand that putin, onces he takes ukraine, poland and the baltics are next. if that happens, that puts america at war. we are trying to prevent war. when he said he wanted putin to invade our allies, that made our allies vulnerable. he is putting troops around president baltic countries and put our military at risk. >> let me follow-up on that quickly. you know the $60 billion of additional aid to ukraine is held up. the house republican speaker mike johnson has not allowed for a vote on that. many people on both sides of the aisle think could pass because donald trump doesn't want this to be supported. should there be a vote on that aid for ukraine immediately? >> there should be a vote for
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aid on ukraine. we should give them the equipment and ammunition we need to win. you should acknowledge where the fault lies. it lies in the fact that trump is retreating and weak in the knees against putin, but it should follow on the fact that joe biden needs to tell the american people why they need to care about ukraine. there is a lack of communication from the president. >> wouldn't that money go to ukraine? the president made the case. >> joe biden needs to explain to people why ukraine matters. the same way he needs to explain why israel matters. the same way why he needs to explain why america can never been so arrogant we don't need friends. it should have a vote on israel and the border. it should not in any way lie to the american people to think they have to pick either ukraine or israel or the border. that is less than 20% of biden's green subsidy. we need to tell the american
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people the truth. >> ambassador nikki haley, we appreciate your time. safe travels on the trail. >> get out and vote today. in the general election, you have a choice. in the primary, you make the choice. >> ambassador haley, thank you. now to other headlines. a new york civil jury ruled that the nra, including former leader wayne lapierre is libel for misspent funds. he must pay $4.5 million he used for the lifestyle like get aways and trips on private planes and yachts. jurors said nra failed to manage the assets and violating the new york law. to a bit of a sad note here in new york this morning. faous owl that flew open after
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someone cut off the cage has died. flaco struck a building on friday. flaco was born in captivity and he captured the hearts of so many. flaco would have turned 14 next month. >> that was the news and sad news. we need a boost. vicky. great interview with the ambassador. we need a boost. we have a heartwarming scene from children's hospital in atlanta where a girl preparing for scoliosis surgery got a big surprise from her nurses. ♪ when you wake up ♪ ♪ and find what you are ♪ ♪ looking for ♪ ♪ if you could see ♪♪ >> a taylor swift disco dance party. nurses swirling her around. she is part of the dance celebration. "you belong to me" and the hospital wrote she has a smile that can light up the whole
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town. that was cool. those frontline responders who work with children are the best. >> heroes. oh, my goodness. let's check in with angie lassman who is keeping an eye on the forecast. it is cold for folks. >>country. the rest of the country is in for spring. teens for cleveland and buffalo and chicago at 37 degrees. look at temperatures tomorrow. places like the dallas is into the 80s. 70s for kansas city. lexington at 60. the real warm air that settles in will happen monday. we will have 11 states with the potential to see record-breaking highs. dallas is set to hit 90 degrees on monday. you should be in the low 60s and maybe mid-60s. you are running 20 or 30 degrees above normal across the southern plains. it is not just the southern
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plains, but northern plains. omaha is heading into the 70s. these are spring good morning. 6: 6:42. a few high clouds rolling into san jose. temperature 48. slightly cooler morning in walnut creek at 43 degrees with a few high clouds. waking up in oakland to 47 degrees. don't worry. those clouds won't be here for long, you because more sunshine son the way. 60s, 70s making our way into the valleys. walk you through all events in that is a look at the toasty forecast. guys. we'll take it. still ahead, a trail blazing librarian w librarian w it i know what it's like to perform through pain. if you're like me, one of the millions suffering from pain caused by migraine,
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nurtec odt may help. it's the only medication that can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks. treat and prevent, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. relief is possible. talk to a doctor about nurtec odt. dry skin is sensitive skin, too. and it's natural. treat it that way. aveeno® daily moisture with prebiotic oat is proven to moisturize dry skin all day. you'll love our formula for face, too. aveeno® nothing brings us together like eggland's best eggs. always so fresh and delicious. plus, superior nutrition. for us, it's eggs any style. as long as they're the best. eggland's best. since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category...
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(speaker 1) huh... (speaker 2) why, what's in beneful? (speaker 1) chicken, whole grain corn, chicken by-product meal, barley, whole grain wheat. okay louie! we'll switch to blue! next! ♪♪ smiling first can help -next! someone find the courage to do the same. when you shop wayfair, you get big deals for s your home - every day. so big, we'll have you saying... am i a big deal? yeah you are, because it's a big deal, when you get a big deal. wayfair deals so big that you might get a big head. because with savings so real - you can get your dream sofa for half the price. wayfair. it's always a big deal. ♪ wayfair you've got just what i need ♪
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special series "discover black heritage." >> the morgan library here in new york started more than a century ago. >> what you may not know morgan relied on one woman to grow the collection. i got an inside look at some of her really important work. nestled in the middle of manhattan is a time capsule. part library and part museum. full of treasures amassed by the titan of finance. j.p. morgan. the woman with a story of her own behind it. >> morgan was known for hiring the best people regardless of qualifications. he must have just known that belle green was one of the best.
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>> born in 1879, she was raised in washington, d.c. her father, richard, was the first black graduate of harvard. when belle was a teenager, her parents separated leaving her mother to raise her and her siblings under a new name and identity. passing for white instead of living as black. >> she still had to, you know, navigate a world that told her she was less than. >> eventually belle made her way to princeton working as a librarian where she met the nephew of j.p. morgan. >> she made an impression clearly with her knowledge and personality and her confidence. >> morgan quickly recognized her talents. elevated her to the auctions at home and overseas. >> did he like she had that
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talent? >> yeah. >> outside of the library walls, belle was no stiff. a fixture on the new york party circuit wearing the latest fashions. hats are a standout. >> do you think she was having fun? >> yeah. she was having fun. >> all the while keeping a big secret with dangerous consequences like losing her dream job. >> people have the idea it was new york city. it would not have been bad. oh, no. while we might not have had the kind of institutionalized jim crow laws the south had, racism was rampant. >> as if j.p. morgan knew her true identity, the family is still is unknown about. >> i'm not sure. he may have known. >> what gives you pause?
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>> they worked closely together. it seems implausible. >> one bond that morgan hopes to capture as it turns 100 this year. the curators are creates an exhibit with a paycheck she signed herself and one of her final purchases for the museum is a letter from abolitionist frederick douglass. >> it is calling for equality to be seen. >> you wonder if she was sending everyone a message by selecting this at the end. >> exactly. >> that message now the essence of her legacy. she eventually became the museum's director.
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the museum opens later this fall. >> you said they did pay her a pretty hefty salary? >> she was making over $200,000 a year. i was nervous to hold her paycheck. >> that is an inspirational story. you didn't realize the history. we're going to be right back.
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6:53 am
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that's going to do it for us on this last saturday of february. thanks to the outside. i called you allie earlier. you have been here how long? >> it is great to be with you, paul. >> he knew he would not be able to do that.
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good morning. i'm kira klapper. coming up next on "today in the bay," two east bay cities are scrambling after being hit by cyber attack. what they're doing now and what it could mean for you. and the floats are ready for their show time. a sneak peek at san francisco's chinese new year's parade and hopes for the year of the dragon. and an unlikely forecast for
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this final saturday of february. springlike temperatures and sunshine. cinthia pimentel has your microclimate forecast next.
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