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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 24, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PST

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sy clean. reynolds wrap. another one in the books. sy clean. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente.
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good morning! it is saturday, february 24th. a live look outside. calm and nice! as we look out in san jose on this final saturday of the month. unlikely weather for this weekend of winter, springlike temperatures ahead. thank you so much for starting your saturday morning with us. i'm kira klapper. cinthia pimentel has a quick look at our microclimate forecast and it's a good one. >> good morning, kira. good morning, everyone. start our day off in san francisco. in the low 50s. a very big celebration there this afternoon. it's the chinese lunar new year celebration and those temperatures will go from 50s to mid-60s this afternoon with a lot of sunshine. not only there but across the bay area. i hope you get the chance to go outside, because we have a sunny saturday in store. 60s and 70s for february as we wrap up the month, and that will be short-lived as we look and have a cooler and cloudier
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sunday on the way. also rain chances returning soon in that seven-day forecast. talk about the chinese lunar new year parade and black joy parade in oakland in about 15 minutes. back to you. >> cinthia, thanks. that beautiful springlike forecast will help as tense of thousands of people flock to san francisco for the chinese new year parade. the crown jewel event caps off three weeks of new year celebrations. 2024, you nay have heard by now, is the year of the dragon. the last year of the dragon was 2012. people are hoping for good fortune. "today in the bay" gia vang in union square where the city is ready for today. ♪♪ >> reporter: the year of the dragon is upon us as a flurry of activity in san francisco and if you're michelle chen, part of this lion dancing team. >> today like, eight photos today. yesterday was nine photos.
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>> reporter: they're here to help with chinatown's blue stream wine gallery and a new miss chinatown crowned, too, at the square. ending with a chinese new year's parade and hundreds of thousands expected to fill the bleachers -- and preparations are under way. >> this is what we do here. so you will figure all, everything should be, like a footprint. a blueprint. follow the blueprint. no. >> reporter: treating the parade seriously. police have uniformed and plain-clothed officers throughout the parade route and asking the public to be on alert. it's clear. a lot of excitement this new year. >> dragon is the most powerful sign of chinese zodiac. the only mystical sign. all others zodiac animals. >> reporter: all kind of dragon rests on this pier.
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>> excited to the, the opportunity it provides with sort of a more fantastical creature. >> reporter: gia vang, "today in the bay." a community street fair today from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and parade at 5:15. starts at second and market streets, the financial district. ends at kearny and washington street heart of chinatown. continuing coverage of the chinese new year parade all weekend long. download our free nbc bay area app to find more information about road closures for the parade route as well as the forecast. turning now to an update to a story you first saw on "today in the bay." our kris sanchez reported on a san jose bakery out thousands of dollars after tesla canceled a huge order of 4,000 pies. now elon musk has tweeted that he was made aware of the situation and "will make things good with the bakery."
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"today in the bay's" jocelyn moran is showing how people are supporting the giving pies at willow glen. >> reporter: on friday a long tlin get last of the mini pies for the day. >> i got a cherry. a strawberry, and a pear apple. >> felt i needed to get a bunch of different things. >> reporter: customers showing support after hearing about what happened to owner voahangy rasetarinera. last week an order from tesla for 4,000 mini pies, bought ingredients and supplies and declined at least three other catering jobs. tesla unexpectedly canceled the order via text. >> terrible. doing a nice business way great product and give some away to help people and then tesla comes and orders 4,000 pies and squashes the order. disgusting. >> reporter: the second trip to the giving pies and also first-time customers coming in. >> hard for these non-chain-type places to survive. i thought come over and support
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the pies that look great. >> reporter: voahangy says business tripled receives orders from all over the world. >> people placing orders. like, i live in canada. i just want to support you. place an order. >> reporter: then elon musk's post on x today saying, "just hearing about this. will make thing goods with the bakery. people should always be able to count on tesla trying its best." >> really counting on, you know, his word. like that is good to make good for it. >> reporter: reporting for nbc bay area news. we are learning that two maintenance workers lives were saved by their safety equipment. this after they hit a live power line while mid-air in a boom lift. it happened yesterday at the crescent village apartments in north san jose. firefighters responded to the call for an electrical
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emergency. the men were stuck near the roofline in a bucket lift when one worker touched the power line with his helmet. the jolt knocked him unconscious and badly burned but firefighters moved slowly to rescue him working with pg&e to ensure the electrical wires were no longer alive. >> delaying the rescue, pg&e has a strict protocol for safety making sure additional lines are not producing any power. >> the workers were eventually brought down and taken to the hospital. cal-osha is now investigating. police in one east bay community are actively searching for a woman suspected of using a stolen car to hit a police officer. that officer is recovering this morning. it happened yesterday afternoon. a san pablo police officer spotted a stolen red chevy malibu sedan and tried to pull over the driver, but she sped away. hitting a parked car when the
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officer got out of his car to check on her condition, she suddenly accelerated, hitting the officer. that's when he was forced to shoot. >> at the same time the officer fired, discharged two rounds from his duty firearm, which struck the suspect vehicle's windshield. >> police say they lost sight of that driver in the city of richmond. again, she was in a red 2018 chevy malibu sedan. licence plate on your screen, 8zuh227. anyone with information is asked to call the san pablo police department. a gilroy man under arrest accused of killing a man in a fight in a san jose liquor store. it happened monday as william's liquors on lee avenue year the willow glen neighborhood. that man, a former mma fighter. they say he held the victim in a chokehold until he was
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unconscious. he was pronounced dead at the scene. police are investigating what led to that deadly altercation. this is the eighth homicide in san jose just this year. two cities in the east bay hit by cyber attacks on the same day, and as those cities investigate "today in the bay" says, everyone needs to prepare. >> gaining more popularity especially in the local cities. >> reporter: professor artul, chair of computer sciences at cal state east bay expressing concerns following ransomware attacks on the city of oakland. >> a bit small and lack of resources, and they lack of security planning for their systems. >> reporter: a local state of emergency is in place for the city of oakland while the attack did not impact emergency services, the city says people should expect delays for non-emergency services while services are restored.
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the oakley assistant city manager providing a statement saying the city of oakley continues to perform extensive analysis of the ransomware attack that began yesterday. the city's network remains off-line and they are developing plan to provide services safetily to the city. across the county in pleasant hills deal wig a cyber attack that took place on thursday afternoon. it's not clear if the two are related, but police say the one in pleasant hill also targeted the city's infrastructure telling us spotted quickly and isolated, didn't cause any damage or delay to city services or public safety. as for the future of cyber attacks, artul believes the time is now for cities to get prepared. >> so they have to train people. but most important before anything else, they have to back up their data. okay? they don't have to keep the data in one place.
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>> reporter: pete surwrought toews, "today in the bay." today marks the second anniversary of russia's invasion of ukraine. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy said the fight is very difficult along parts of the eastern frontline where the kremlin's forces captured and important ukrainian city just last week. continued u.s. help worth $60 billion is stalled because of political differences on capitol hill. ukraine military says russia has launched more than 8,000 missiles and more than 4,000 drones since its full-scale invasion began february 24, 2022. moscow controls almost a fifth of ukraine territory. the overall number of ukrainian and russian military casualties has not been made public. 7:11, the your saturday morning. easing impact of menopause ahead on "today in the bay" a new approach many women a nowre
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind.
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for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente.
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welcome back. 7:14 on your saturday morning. a beautiful sunrise as we look over dublin. just a bit of cloud cover but have no fear. sunshine and 70s expected today. cinthia pimentel will be along with your microclimate forecast in just a few minutes. after its historic landing on the moon just a few days ago, odysseus picked over and now on its side according to intuitive
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machines used in the economy that built the six-foot lander. the ceo says the craft's foot caught in the surface of the moon and fell over. it's likely leaning on a rock. some antenna are pointed towards the moon's surface therefore restricting data flow. still, according to the company the lander is just fine. >> the vehicle is stable. near or at our intended landing site. we do have communications with the lander. we will be taking an image, hopefully, this weekend from the lunar reconnaissance forwarder to find the lander and pinpoint its location in the south pole region of the moon. >> odysseus was launched last week from the kennedy space center in florida. women are turning to something non-traditional when it comes to relieving menopause symptoms. we are told some are turning to cannabis. here's "today in the bay's"
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marcus washington with more on the new method. >> reporter: good morning, kira. okay. moving you forward with a new study that shows women are turning to cannabis to treat menopause symptoms. this doctor is behind this soon to be published study, a clinical professor at northwestern university and medical director at mini health. in her study she surveyed 450 women using cannabis to relieve menopause symptoms and found more than 90% used it to help with sleep and about 40% to 46% use it to help with hot flashes and their libido. the doctor says those women are using cannabis because nothing else is helping. >> because what's happening is that even though 80% of women have menopause symptoms, less than 10% of them are actually talking to a health care professor for getting any advice. so they are turning to their own devices to try and get relief from hot flashes, insom 23450eia and other symptoms. seem as natural thing for women to turn to cannabis.
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>> reporter: the doctor says she doesn't recommend women smoke cannabis to relieve menopause symptoms. instead edibles and topics's the healthier option. we start at 5:00 a.m. on-air. watch nbc bay area news anytime you wan we're on roku and other streaming platfarms. kira, back to you. and holding a fanfest today in oakland, the a's. they don't know if this will be the team's last in oakland but decided to hold their own fan fest at jack london square without the a's participation. organizers told us that san elan droe's drake's brewery pulled out as a beer sponsor's they sell beer at the coliseum and insists it didn't back out under pressure. good news, five other local breweries stepped in joining others already onboard.
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the day's event features music, food trucks and former a's players who plan to sign autographs. uc-berkeley held a special event last night. during a panel discussion v harry douglas, dr. john carlos and tommy smith spoke about life contributions to sports and society. the protests on the medal stand in the 1968 olympics in mexico with heads bowed and black gloves and fists in the air is one of the most memorable images in american history. they also talked about olympic projects for human rights. >> but at the time it was these two courageous, inspired, committed young men who thought they could make a statement that ultimately would say america was
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better than churches and presidents and presidential and civil rights leaders being shot down. >> professor edwards, from whom you just heard, conceived of the olympic project for human rights. the goal use international competition like the olympic games to illuminate the plight of those victimized by the power structure. last night's event was held at the alumni house on the cal campus. a new plan is in the works to establish san mateo county's mirrors permanent african american museum. state leaders made the announcement yesterday. the black history and learning center is currently a traveling museum. state senator josh becker secured $2 million in state funding. it's the initial investment needed to help turn the museum's temporary location in redwood city into its permanent home. once the museum is established in its permanent spot it will change from pop-up exhibits to
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events and other interactive learning opportunities. great. all right. time now to check in with cinthia pimentel for your microclimate forecast. a springlike forecast for the final weekend of the month. >> i know. it was, in february a lot of weekends with rain and that mess. now a beautiful final saturday to enjoy. in sports, the beach, whatever you want to do. currently out there waking up to chillier temperatures out in dublin, but beautiful skies. 48 in san jose and start to feel the warm-up take it hour-by-hour for you. notice a few high clouds right around lunchtime. mainly from the south bay. there is a disturbance out to sea but it won't impact us, at least for now as we go throughout the day, going to be beautiful and filled with sunshine for your saturday. let's talk about events going on around the bay area. so you can get outside and soak up all of that sun. santa cruz having their clam chowder cook-off today and tomorrow. look at the temperatures. beautiful out there.
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might not be suit weather, enjoy it while we have it. 69 degrees today. sorm a few more clouds rolling through. a huge weekend in san francisco. not only a street fair in chinatown but the chinese new year parade kicking off later on into the afternoon. headed there, a few high clouds lingering about, but no rain. the good part. going into the start of the parade and 5:00 hour, might want to bring a light jacket, because temperatures will start to cool back down. as far as the rest of the bay area, not only high 60s in san francisco but 70s around parts of napa. wine country's beautiful. dublin, 17 degrees. gets warmer coming down here into parts of los gatos and 75 degrees in san jose today. i mentioned the disturbance off to sea. we see it here on satellite and radar. impacting neighboring to the south. trying to drag in moisture into the bay area going into late tomorrow. i think in the clear for tomorrow. maybe a few more high clouds,
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but there will be disturbances trying to come up into monday morning's commute. could look at light showers and very, very light amounts of rain. i don't think we'll get substantial rain until we go into late week. thursday, friday, saturday. looking at a new system coming in that could bring some more substantial rain and also heavy sierra snow. enjoy this beautiful weather while we have it. wrapping up san francisco nice sunshine today. a chance of evening showers tomorrow, scattered rain definitely monday and look at the inland seven day forecast. from 70s to 60s during the week and rain ahead for next weekend. so we'll look out to that when it comes. >> when it comes. all right. cinthia, thanks. 7:22. much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up a local high school robotics team doing what they can to help even younger students who may follow in their footsteps. that story will me you "bay ak that story will me you "bay ak
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects
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talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. welcome back. thousands of young students are participating in robotics programs doing what they can to advance technology. for one local team, also focused what they did could for the next generation of kids. "today in the bay's" garvin thomas has their story in this morning's "bay area proud." >> reporter: what's happening inside this sunnyvale home -- is not unlike what's happening inside many bay area homes and schools this week.
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robotics teams working around the clock to get their bot ready for this weekend's regional championships. for the wilcox high school team -- it's going well. most of the time. >> that's not good. >> trying to get all of the main assemblies done today, but we'll see how that goes. >> reporter: really what brought us to talk to this group of high schoolers was not the work they're doing on their robot but the work they've been doing to spread their love of the sport with others and inspire the next generation of engineers, makers and problem-solvers. >> we decided we wanted something better. >> reporter: this year jason fischer and the rest of the team decided to custom create robotics kids, develop a learning plan and bring them into their local elementary schools. it's there that the team members work with younger students to introduce them to a sport they love. >> got to talk to a lot of teachers, and just really cool, like, you bring in all of these
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people to make one thing happen. >> we go to like, big lengths. large lengths in order to actually make sure every kid we impact actually gets something out of the program. >> i think what might be happening -- >> reporter: he got later start than many in robotics. just a few years ago but hooked. >> everyone's trying to work towards the common goal. >> reporter: the common goal for this team is even bigger than just winning this weekend. >> we just want to help out and puts a smile on every kid's face as excited as
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good morning. it is saturday, february 24th. a live look outside towards san jose. sun shining. a look from communication hill as we welcome the final weekend of the month, but some unexpected sunshine and warmth for today. thank you so much for starting your day with us. i'm kira klapper. cinthia pimentel has a peek at our microclimate forecast and it's unusual, but we are welcoming it. right, cinthia? >> i know. all of that sunshine is going to bring us joy. wanting to step outside this morning, beautiful look at san jose. sun beaming. even out towards dublin. so beautiful. there are a few high clouds rolling on there, but this will continue to pass as we go throughout the day and it's already busy on 680. people in walnut creek in and
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out of the door as we get ready for this beautiful day. i want you to enjoy the sunshine. go for a walk or enjoy time outside in your garden, whatever you want. we have upper 60s to some 70s inland. 73 in santa rosa. 70 in palo alto and 75 in san jose. now, as we go on and talk about the rest of the weekend, notice there on your screen we do have that kind of cinnamon roll shape taking place nap is going to impact us sunday into monday. talk about those changes in about ten minutes. >> already i heard was "cinnamon roll" now i'm hungry. thanks, cinthia. san francisco is counting down the hours until one of its largest sell braces of the year, the chinese new year parade. biggest of its kind in off the u.s. after violence, though, at an earlier lunar new year event this month, police are on alert. "today in the bay's" reporter has the report. >> reporter: hours from now san francisco celebrating the lunar
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new year with an iconic parade going through this stroots annually. this year there are safety concerns. this after a waymo driver car was vandalized and set on fire in chinatown two weeks ago. it happened on jackson street near the corner of the oldest bar in chinatown, red's place. actually in the neighborhood for years. the arson case disappointed the community and raised concern. viral videos show a group of people who not only vandalized that waymo car but stet on fire when someone threw a firework or fireworks inside of it. sfpd says more uniform and plain-clothed officers will be out during the parade tonight. you see the route on your screens. it starts at 5:15, second and market streets. continue on to geary, around union square, down post street, turn on kearny street and the parade ends at kearny and columbus. the parade route is expected to
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take two and a half hours. it is free. many are welcome to come and celebrate the lunar new year parade and an iconic part of san francisco. aquafina, this year's grand marshal. >> exciting. thank you. continuing coverage of the chinese new year parade and today's community street fair. download our nbc bay area app for updates. road closures your forecast and everything you need for this busy weekend. as we continue to highlight black heritage during this black history month nbc bay area is recognizing three local trail blazers for contribution to the bay area. it happened at the icons among us awards yesterday in oakland. nbc bay area and our parent company comcast partnered with the black joy parade to recognize local activists at this ceremony which began in 2021. every year community members are
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invited to nominate people who work day in and day out for the greater good. this year's icons were announced at this luncheon yesterday featuring black performers, emceed by our own selena jones. >> it's about the community and bringing something beautiful and amazing to celebrate black hopes and the black community contributed really all overt world. in particular in the bay area. >> the three icons honored at the black joy parade. that's tomorrow. they will ride on the comcast float. they each receive a $5,000 contribution from comcast to donate to a charity of their choice. turning now to decision 2024. we want to give you a live look in greenville, south carolina, where today people will cast their vote in the state's republican primary. south carolina played a pivotal role in catapulting president
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joe biden to victory in 2020. this year the state is in play once again as candidates work to win over voters. "today in the bay's" brie jackson in charleston, south carolina who sat down with a group of women voters to have an open conversation about this year's election. >> reporter: charleston, south carolina, known for its rich history, culture, picturesque streets and politics. >> show of hands. who's excited for the 2024 election. >> reporter: we gathered this group of black women voters ahead of the state's republican presidential primary. brackgrounds, ages and political views vary, but we found many of the same issues drive them to the polls. >> women's maternal health. >> my age, might not have the same rights as some reproductive health the generation before meep had. >> reporter: also top of mind, crime. student loan debt.
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also state efforts to ban books. >> african american history is very concerning. >> reporter: concerned about the overall political fight. >> opposition, it's social issues being politicized. >> reporter: despite dividing time between the courtroom and the campaign trail, former president trump leads the state's former governor nikki haley by double digits. >> i am more so dismayed with the fact that in the year 2024 we would even consider someone who is under indictments. >> reporter: at 81 years old, president biden also faces challenges. >> his age is very -- >> reporter: a key voting block, far from models, raising their own views. >> table discussions like this, comfortable and able to speak in
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layman's terms to bring up issues, to get a little messy around the topic. >> reporter: a conversation turning to action this election cycle. >> we got to vote. we have to vote. >> reporter: the league of women voters says that more than two-thirds of registered black women participated in the 2020 presidential election, and exit polls show more than 90% of them voted for president biden. in charleston, south carolina, brie jackson, nbc news. u.s. senate candidates are in the bay area trying to appeal to voters before california's primary next month. representative katie porter will hold a meet-and-greet in emeryville today. co-hosted by the national union of health care workers, which endorsed porter last year. the address for the meet-and-greet will be provided upon rsvp. it starts today at noon. and representative adam schiff will be in san francisco
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today participating in the chinese new year's parade. he will be accompanied by san francisco's supervisor connie chan who endorsed schiff's campaign. this all comes as the top four candidates attempting to fill the late dianne feinstein's senate seat held their final debate before next month's primary. the three democrats adam schiff, katie porter and east bay congresswoman barbara leave and former baseball star steve garvey, the lone republican. it was civil but led to tense exchanges including this one involving schiff and porter. we don't have that right now. here are the latest numbers. schiff leads 24% of likely voters. porter and garvey are in a dead heat with 19 and 18% of the vote respectively. east bay congresswoman barbara lee trails in fourth place with an estimated 10% of the vote. the top two candidates with the
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most votes regardless of party advance to the november general election. and the race for mayor in san jose is just 11 days away. only two candidates running for that seat in the upcoming march primary. incumbent matt mahan and challenging tyrone wade. two years ago voters chose to move the mayoral election to coincide with the presidential race hoping to boost voter turnout. so mahan is actually finishing just a two-year term. running for another four years in office. wade, meanwhile, is a retired marriage family and crisis counselor who says his experience includes running to homeless shelters, and that qualifies him to handle san jose's big issue. >> there are 300 people living on the streets dieing every year. it's a -- it's an epidemic we have to take care of. those are the kinds of things that my experience and training has prepared me to resolve.
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>> i think it's critically important we follow through on the work we're doing to get people into basic dignified shelters out of this tenting camps faster. hire more police officers. >> since there are only two candidates, the winner of the primary will be named san jose's mayor. mail-in ballots for the primary have been sent out. if you prefer to vote in-person, polls close 8:00 p.m. march 5th. still to come on "today in the bay," an inside look at the south bay's newest mini golf location opening any day now, but our bob redell got a sak peekne a
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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42 past the hour looking at all the sunshine beaming behind me in oakland. it's going to about good day out there, and there is a lot happening in the city this weekend. let's start with today's a's fanfest. look at that temperature trend. going to warm up into the upper 60s later on this afternoon with plenty of sun. bring your sunglasses and maybe lather on sunscreen this afternoon. tomorrow, we are talking about a little of a different situation. black joy parade still a good time but a few more clouds roll in and temperatures will drop about five degrees. a little different here for our flavor this weekend but today look at those temperatures in san francisco, down into san mateo, upper 60s. 70s, though, going up into santa rosa, over into concord. fremont 73 degrees and 75 in san jose.
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this will be a beautiful day. temperatures cool tomorrow. more clouds in the mix. temperatures coming back down to low 60s in san francisco. no more 70s on the board. only warming up into those upper 60s out there in the valleys. monday you'll definitely start to feel that cooldown as we get a little bit of a disturbance from out to sea that's trying to make its way into the bay area. looking at very light amounts of rain for monday as we go on into this next workweek and through the middle of the week, going to be calm. getting days here with sunshine allowing the rain to settle down through, but then start to get a little more green on this map right here. talking about the rain returning next weekend. this will be the start of march and not only are we looking at rain returning friday, possibly saturday and sunday. also a chance of sierra snow. show you that graphic in just a second. again, through monday, light amounts of rain. paint on contours, though, going and making plans for next weekend. possibly an inch or two of rain around the bay area.
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and here we go into talking about the sierra snow. this weekend, things are calm. no alerts to warn you of, but not until we forward this on into next weekend, could be what we're calling a miracle march. looking at totals near 90 inches. this will be coming down in feet. enjoy this weekend while we have it. beautiful temperatures. make plans now. enjoy the day. tomorrow still stays fairly dry but a bit more of those clouds. going into the week, monday will see a few scattered chances of rain, but really not until we go into next weekend that we'll talk about another impactful system. >> cinthia, thks. manor
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it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente.
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welcome back. new this morning, downtown san jose getting its own mini golf course. "today in the bay's" bob redell joins us from the new urban putt which opens thursday. >> reporter: good morning, kira. you can see, we are in downtown san jose. in downtown san jose. this is hole one of the urban putt between first and second street. its creator steve fox. hole number one. got the bank of italy. go through it or go around to the side of the airport. when way you going? >> i suggest go through it. >> reporter: i'm going to the side. you go through it. >> didn't go through, and i hit -- the side of that. and -- oh -- oh -- oh! oh. you and i should be on the tour. >> all right. i think so. >> reporter: 18 holes. walk around here.
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hole number two, which is the shoreline amphitheater and using my deductive skills, there's a theme here. >> that theme is san jose. yes. an ode to everything wonderful in san jose. >> ode to history of video gaming as we -- what hole is this? six, seven? >> this is the duck hunt for any of you that remember the old duck hunt. >> nintendo. >> yeah. put in your -- this, the ball and -- you want to hit the duck. >> reporter: try to hit the duck. still comes out and -- we will get one of these. over here, this is still under construction, but this is the observatory over san jose. you've got a tribute to the san jose sharks over here. old electric light tower and, of course, you couldn't not do this without a circuit board. >> the first thing we knew we would build. here we are. in san jose. silicon valley.
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a lot of silicon right here. >> reporter: you want to show us how it's done? you know, talking about this earlier. get it in that hole. talking about this earlier. confident, obviously. built this here in san jose. been successful and san francisco, denver, before, why you think this is going to work here? >> really a perfect environment for the kind of things we do. very elaborate. a lot of technology, but really what it's about is it's a physical experience, and experiences, that's the key thing. people want immersive environment, experience thing. i feel like san jose doesn't have enough of this so here we are. >> reporter: appreciate it. thanks, steve. may i? try one more time here. the orange ball. show you exactly why -- i -- do not belong on the tour. one more. all right. go to third time is a charm. opening a week from thursday.
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next thursday. all right. like you electrons flowing through, a hole in one or are we not? this is going to determine my -- level of confidence for the rest of the weekend. no! the answer is, no. here at the new urban putt, bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> pretty good. a lot of pressure on live tv. thanks. take to you sports. warriors coach steve kerr agreed to a two-year contract extension worth $35 million. making him highest paid coach in nba. current new contract aligns with steph curry's contract, said to expire around the same time. the final guaranteed year of draymond green's contract. things are looking up for the warriors. a few weeks ago team on a losing stream but they've bounced back. take to you last night at chase center. hosting the charlotte hornets. call it a curry family reunion. steph's brother playing guard and father dell commentating for the hornets. warriors raced out to a 13-point
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halftime lead and then cruised until the very end. the final score warriors 97. hornets 84. next game is tomorrow against the nba champions denver nuggets. 7:51. up next a quick look at the top stories we're following including the floats are ready for their show time. we have a sneak peek at today's san francisco chinese new year
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welcome back. before we get to our top stories this morning, what you can expect tomorrow morning on "sunday today" with willie geist. hey, willie. >> good morning, kira. great to see you. tomorrow morning on "sunday today" my conversation with one of the stars of the hit series "abbott elementary" sheryl lee ralph. on the role as a kindergarten teacher that is giving her a well-deserved moment in a long storied career, and an emmy award. >> my gosh. no one will ever forget that speech. you said you blacked out a little bit when your name was called. what are you, looking back, remembering about the way you felt that night when amy poehler called your name? >> i absolutely was in shock. i could not believe that it was me, and i couldn't get my brain to tell my legs to move. >> had you planned to sing? >> i hadn't planned anything. i hadn't planned anything! i hadn't written anything. i had to center myself. because i was about ready to
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lose it and i just sang. >> a sunday sitdown with sheryl lee ralph plus the morn eggs latest headline and now life well lived, 6:00 a.m. in the bay area. not up that hour on the sunday set the dvr and we'll see you whenever you're ready for us. kira? >> thanks, willie. hope you're awake to catch willie and 6:00. it such a a good show. stick here for your local news with us on "today in the bay" at 7:00. a quick look at top stories we're following this saturday morning. two cities in contra costa county investigating separate cyber attacks that happened same day. cybersecurity experts say it's a threat all cities must prepare for. a ransomware attack targeted the city of oakley thursday. a local state of emergency was declared, but the attack did not impact emergency services. that same day a cyber incident impacted pleasant hill's computer infrastructure.
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police say identified quickly and isolated causing no impact to city services nor public safety. today is the long-awaited chinese new year parade in san francisco. biggest in the whole country. this capping off three weeks of celebrations to usher in the year of the dragon. teams start the working on the 19 parade floats back in october. around noon today, they'll carefully transport the floats to the parade starting point at second and market streets in the financial district. hundreds of thousands of people are expected to join and line the city streets. san francisco police will have uniformed and plain-clothed officers deployed throughout the parade route. they are asking paradegoers to be on alert. also a community street fair from 10:00 to 4:30 today. the big parade at 5:15. a map of the route. second and market streets, to kearny and washington streets. in the heart of chinatown. we will have continuing coverage of the chinese new year parade and the street fair all
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weekend long. make sure to download our free nbc bay area app where you can find more information about parade road closures and the forecast. speaking of -- cinthia has one last look at the forecast before we go. >> going to feel like spring out there today and so much to do. i want to take a little tour around the bay area. go to santa cruz. clam chowder cook-off. may not feel like soup weather but the vibes immaculate with sunshine and 69 degrees. tomorrow a little more cloud cover but still i don't think rain will impact the event out there. of course, the forecast for the lunar street fair and the chinese new year parade, one thing going on in the morning to about middle of the afternoon. then the parade kicks off at 5:15. beautiful weather there as we go through the 2:00 hour, 66 degrees. then slowly start to cool down. maybe a light jacket to keep yourself nice and warm out there later on tonight. as far as the rest of the
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seven-day forecast in san francisco, we do have a slight chance of rain as we go on into tomorrow night and early on into monday, but very light amounts. stay dry through the week and then looking at an active pattern returning next weekend. enjoy the sun while we have it. >> oh, yeah. definitely. seize the day. cinthia, thanks. 7:58. we thank you so much for making us a part of your saturday morning. more local news for you tonight more local news for you tonight at 5:00, 6:00 and 11:00 and thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs.
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both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. . narrator: when you see this symbol, you know you're watching television that is educational and informational. the more you know on nbc. dr. rae: today on "mutual of omaha's wild kingdom: protecting the wild", we're flipping out over these amazing marine mammals. i honestly cannot wait to see the otters. megan: i am so excited to show them to you. peter: but their natural habitat along the california coast has been destroyed by a system out of balance.


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