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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  February 26, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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of the crowd attacked beating him and his truck and looting the truck before setting it on fire. the driver tried to find safety inside a nearby 711. after calling 911 the victim went back outside to check on his truck only to be chased back inside the store where video appears to show someone stabbing him. however, vallejo pd says he was shot at least once. numerous people can be seen looting the store stealing everything from chips and beer, to lottery tickets from the cash register. >> it's crazy. residents say they don't feel safe anymore. >> we need more cops here. it's lawless it's terrible you can't go anywhere without something happening. >> reporter: as mother of two asks that we don't give her name or show her face.
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she tells us how her cousin recently was shot at a park and it took forever for police to respond. managers at the 711 and a nearby quickserve say they are frustrated after being robbed and looted several times. they only know one solution. >> more cops. a spokesman said the department is doing its best to fill the ranks but it's very difficult in this highly competitive market for new recruits. tom jensen, nbc bay area news. we are learning more about a couple of deadly stabbings pick the first one happened that an expressway about a month ago. officers found a man suffering from a stab wound who later died. arrested him on suspicion of that murder. we want to show you to other people behind bars for a second fatal stabbing in san jose. facing charges for stabbing a
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man near taylor street. someone dropped that man off at the hospital but he died of his wounds it's unclear how the stabbings are all connected. an all day standoff finally coming to an end 90 minutes ago. an armed man firing at police as he barricaded himself inside a home. live in san pablo. residents were on edge all day today. >> reporter: absolutely. sheriff's deputies finally reopened this road into the neighborhood at 4:00 this afternoon and neighbors were so relieved many of them had been waiting more than 10 hours to get back into their homes. this video shows sheriff's deputies with guns drawn approaching a home in san pablo. the sheriff's office will only confirm they responded to an armed person barricaded inside a home near rachel road.
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in this video you can hear what sounds like seven shots fired neighbors say they heard gunfire around 1:00 this morning and then again a few hours later. >> i heard gunshots. my nose -- my neighbor also text me someone's been shooting since 1:00 a.m. be careful. >> reporter: the sheriff's office ordered neighbors to shelter in place in their home. >> at 3:00 everyone was saying it's locked down. >> reporter: parents received this notice this morning alerting them that classes had been canceled. he just had dental surgery and has been waiting more than 10 hours to get back into his home. >> it's puffing up because i can't get in and get my medication.
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>> reporter: the armed man barricaded in the home lived with his mother and they are trying to find out if she was injured. neighbors also tell us that sheriff's deputies have gone to the same home in the past to respond for family conflict. that suspect is in custody tonight but so far sheriff's deputies are not releasing his name. reporting live in san pablo, nbc bay area news. >> thank you for that update. deputies say the life of a woman in russian river. deputies say the received a call yesterday afternoon about someone being swept down the river. it turned out to be a woman named macy. two deputies jumped in to help her but she kept trying to fight them off even pushing one of them underwater. the water was too fast so firefighters had to come by boat and save the deputies. everyone is okay but taken to a nearby hospital she is expected
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to be arrested on several charges no word yet on what those charges will be. the sheriff's department says both deputies came close to losing their lives to save her. let's get a checkup on microclimate weather. some blue skies. earlier, a few showers in different parts of the bay area chief meteorologist joining us now. more rain on the way. >> it looks like we will get more rainfall later on this week. drying over the next two days. we only have a few showers appear towards the north bay and look at our rain season so far right now in santa rosa over five inches a surplus of 2.78 2.9 inches above san jose. we have a frost advisory 33-39 degrees.
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we will get you out to the pacific. we've got our next storm system already lining up. we are going to see what we can expect in the rainfall. we will be coming out of this storm system when it hit thursday into sunday for the sierra the totals for the mountains. we could be looking at 79 inches and over six feet of snow as we had from thursday right into this weekend 66 south late tahoe at 51 inches and low snow that could go down between 1000-3000 feet. got more look at the rain to. >> thank you, jeff. if you can download the app you can have access to the radar. it's free to download our app.
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moving on even though she lost the primary in her home state of south carolina over the weekend. turning his sights to super tuesday. nbc is tracking the candidates from washington, d.c. ahead of the primary nikki haley continuing her longshot for the republican nomination fresh off of a 20 point loss in her home state of south carolina. >> we are giving them that voice as long as americans want me to be the voice i will continue to fight for them. >> facing a push from activists urging voters that are undecided and the handling. michigan's democratic governor asking voters to stick with the president. it doesn't boil down to one or two.
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they start when it comes to the presidency. has attend to support haley. >> we need to bring them together. nikki haley might've been there with biden or trump. despite reporting she raised $1 million in the 24 hours after that south carolina loss they took a blow with the industrious support. >> we have tremendous success there. he shapes the republican national committee. have criticized announcing she's stepping inside -- stepping down including his daughter-in-law to take over leadership.
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dueling visits on thursday. from the campaign trail back to capitol hill where lawmakers have much to do this week president biden is set to meet with congressional leaders as they push out a spending plan to avoid a partial government shutdown on friday. nbc news washington. intel sent shockwaves through congress. the former fbi informant in ukraine he's back in jail. they have been charged with lying to the fbi and obstructing an investigation he is also being investigated for his ties to russian intelligence. today a judge ruled that he is a potential flight risk. remaining in custody.
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we have to try to get him out. we can assist in his defense. >> claiming joe biden of five million-dollar bribes from the ukraine his allegations played a role in the current republican-led impeachment inquiry. not democrats are calling that inquiry. still ahead trying to prevent -- parts of the city were crippled. coming to an end sooner as expected. what a weekend with all of that sunshine we got up to 73 on saturday. here comes cooler air today just 63 we will talk more about
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the rain and the cold air on the way. coming up in about eight minutes. >> everything we touch and interact with has been designed by somebody in some form or fashion what i'm trying to teach my kids is that perspective matters. >> how is it moving the community forward? >> one door step at a time.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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it is a steal curtain for safety now it's taking shape . massive steal walls hoping to prevent the threatening of lives in 2018. coming along the banks of the creek portions of that wall are already in place. this huge retaining wall is scheduled to be completed by the end of this year.
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it's expected to make a huge difference. >> the images of 2018 still haunts people both in and out of local government. they are voted out of their homes after quickly overflowed its bank. >> i was following my parents orders. i was waiting. >> another official has to not have her face on camera. >> it's over the creek to williams street park. >> it was. they are going up in different locations along coyote creek area is more prone to flooding a huge steal wall from a few feet to 15 feet high depending on the area of vulnerability. they provide flood protection of the 2017 flood event and
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there is the second phase of this project. they will run along the creek at the freeway. the wall walls flood up to the owner's property line. the homeowners have been keyed into the project the agency said they are doing all they can to minimize disruptions. >> we need technology in the flood walls. there are steal flood walls in the ground. this is neat because we have a lot of residence in close proximity. >> they minimize the noise and vibration on projects like this one. they are glad something is being done. >> it's something beneficial. a little help for a safer future for a community that has already seen some of the worst
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that water can throw at them. nbc bay area news. >> they can be returning to the city streets but not the streets of san francisco at one point there was hundred of self driving cars in san francisco you may remember seeing them on the road. they have decide on other things. dallas potential locations. the first priority is to regain trust with regulators. they are celebrating the legacy of firefighters and it happened today at the elementary school. the celebration is called chief of my belief featuring a presentation about prominent black firefighters from the bay area and beyond. fire and police chiefs with
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leaders and teaching future leaders about the legacy of the firefighters all while inspiring young people to remember their history. that spacecraft built by a private u.s. company is expected to stop working tomorrow. having its mission cut short after landing on its side on the south poll of the moon it will collect data until it no longer shines on that lander. that should be tomorrow morning which should be 2-3 days earlier than what nasa expected. backing some new photos of the moon. built by the company touchdown last thursday. and marked the first commercial craft to reach the moon and the first u.s. ship on the moon in more than 50 years. unfortunately upon landing and fell onto its side.
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that some really cool leadership and images. the weekend was glorious. i was outside the entire week and we even had a picnic in the backyard. >> i soaked up every single second of this knowing we have all those details in the forecast we will get you outside right now. some on-again off-again rain nothing big. some of the roadways turned windshield wipers on for a little bit some of those clouds hanging out in san jose 52 degrees not too windy we will be down here as we continue through tonight in san jose. it really looked threatening if you're heading out coming down in the south bay throughout the bay area for that matter we are going to get in on -- that will stay with us all the way through wednesdays forecast
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thankfully we got the area of high pressure coming in it's going to bring back that sunshine. slightly colder air and you want to enjoy that the next one will already be in the specific satellite. not only in cold blast of air but quite a bit of rainfall headed towards california. what i'm seeing with that next storm system coming up in about a minute and a half. let's throw it into tomorrow morning's forecast that should make it easy to get going on your tuesday forecast mostly sunny skies and we will keep that sunshine for the afternoon that will bring our temperatures tomorrow morning and some colder levels you have to level up tomorrow. you will be dipping down to 39 degrees in the south bay also coming in with a chilly 40 for the east bay and the northbay 836 with our frost advisory in effect temperatures tomorrow
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afternoon will warm up not quite 70s like we had this past weekend you go to 64 is going to be a nice day with that sunshine over the east bay 62 in the lay health. 61 in oakland the peninsula at 62 in redwood city san francisco 57 down at 61. my forecast is right back towards napa. dry weather staying with us through wednesday and by thursday that's when the storm system is moving back into the bay area i want to show you this wider view of the storm this one is going to be dropping in from the north. a lot of the storms we've seen have been coming in from the south a little bit warmer but look at all of this snow. showing up in pink that's wrapped up in the storm system it's going to get a lot colder throughout california. thursday morning that will continue into friday. more chances into saturday's forecast three days total. thankfully it's spread out over three days.
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25-45. 2-6 feet snow levels between one and 3000 seat. some very low snow levels. the highest of the coast in the northbay mountain anywhere from 2-3 inches there. three quarters to about 1 1/2. after 70s it's going to be a much better weekend ahead. we have more luxe this year. that's coming up tonight at 5:30. >> still to come.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us.
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i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. a shakeup today on wall street. amazon joined amazon jumped. over the last year amazon helped push the 500 to new highs. now they are making a switch. amazon is in place for the lowest price stock. the hope is that by adding amazon they reflect the u.s. economy which is now largely driven by technology companies. an inch lower today after both had record highs. they are helped by the artificial intelligence company in the bay area which they reported earnings last week. the s&p at 19. down 20 points.
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a tuneup google is giving us a few weeks to fix the controversial generator tool. they pulled it last thursday it came after users found historical inaccuracies and questionable responses. the most -- the tool allows them to create an image. pope francis is battling
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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pope francis is under the weather again he had come down with another case of the flu the vatican says he skipped meetings on saturday yesterday he felt well enough deliver his weekly message and today he canceled his appointments again. health scares including a canceled trip to dubai after coming down with the flu last month he caught a case of bronchitis. the vatican is describing this latest bout as a mild case with fever. don't forget you can watch our newscast 24/7 on roku and other
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streaming platforms. right now people in an apartment compline say they are fed up and want something done. what they are asking from the apartment manager that management company. two major supermarket chains want to merge and take -- there trying to block it from happening. there's another effort to recall governor newsom what are the chances it will be successful? our political analyst larry is live in studio. the news at 5:36 right now thank you for joining us. let's start in san jose were people say they are fed up. their cars are getting broken into. it's happening weekly and they


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