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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  February 27, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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good evening, developing at this hour, the new batch of candidates for oakland police chief. >> this has been a long and controversial process between the mayor and police commission. the comes after mayor thao protected the first pool of candidates. the latest batch, cincinnati assistant police chief, lisa davis, luis molina from new york, former san leandro police chief abdul pridgen, and former texas police chief, lloyd missile. noticeably absent is former oakland police chief, armstrong, who was fired a year ago. that is how long it has been since oakland has had a chief. let's bring in jocelyn moran with the late details. >>, and to do right now, this has been a long process with a lot of drama. the next chief of police will be walking into this just as the city is facing a number of issues. come thursday, residents will be able to weigh in and hear from the candidates. also important to note, all four are not from the city of
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oakland. it has been a year since oakland mayor, sheng thao, fired former police chief, laurent armstrong. drama has surrounded the search for the next chief. anne kirkpatrick is the chief of police in new orleans and also former oakland police chief. she says one of the first thing she noticed from the list of candidates is that they are all outsiders. >> they're going to have to be very intentional about how they go about building relationships. >> adult prison was chief of police in san leandro after allegations he violated department policy. floyd mitchell is a former lubbock police chief in texas. he resigned in september of last year, the department was criticized over abandoned 911 calls. lisa davis is dissident police chief in cincinnati. and luis molina is currently deputy mayor for public safety of the city of new york. according to the new york times he has been criticized for failing to improve conditions of the city's jails. the list of candidates had
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already been presented to mayor thao in december, she rejected all candidates on the list and requested a new list from the police commission. a spokesperson for the mayor says the office has seen the official list yet but a quote, mayor thao look forward to receiving the list of finalists and conducting do doodle diligence. the next chief of police will have to build relationships internally. >> the challenge is going to be handling the politics of the city, which are very difficult. able are going to be assessing the new chief on their credentials, if you will, their credibility, their legitimacy. city council member says he was a police chief that will be on the streets of oakland. >> how do we maintain and grow our businesses back? and secondly, how do i create a setting where grandma and grandpa can walk freely in the afternoon or in the thing here in our business corridors. we okay, so thursday is when residents get the chance to weigh in. the meeting starts at 6:30 in
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oakland city hall, jessica. we thank you, jocelyn. >> there is another new top cop in antioch the swearing in ceremony for a second interim police chief since just last summer. >> the duties. >> upon which. >> i'm about to enter. >> congratulations. >> reporter: retired from the pittsburgh police department back in 2022, he was chief there for 10 years. he has been working as a law- enforcement consultant until now, that he took this post with the embattled antioch pd. if you remember last july, did retired after that ongoing scandal over racist and homophobic texting. in august, chief joseph vigil took his place says the department needs to increase staffing and that there will be a renewed focus on serving the public. >> are other headlights tonight, the end of an era in san francisco. macy's and union square will be closing. for some, it
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is a heartbreaking end of a golden era. for others, it is a golden opportunity to reimagine the heart of san francisco. nbc's terry mcsweeney has the latest. >> that is going to be a loss to the community. that is terrible. >> it is a big loss. sometimes good price, good deals, sometimes it is so expensive. >> reaction this evening to the announcement that it is will sell its iconic store and union square sometime after this year. the locations future, very much up in the air. >> it is a beautiful building. next to it is an iconic holding, the old imac in a building that will still be the bottom will be retail, the middle level will be office space and the top level will be housing and i think the possibilities are endless for this macy's location. >> reporter: macy's says it is closing 150 stores nationwide and crime was not a factor in the closing of this store but a long time macy's employee who did not want to be identified tells a very different story
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>> i see the homeless, i see the crime. people who are coming into the store just stealing, stealing like nothing. the past two hours , they closed. >> there is a win-win-win here if they think big about it. >> reporter: christopher thornburg of economics consulting firm says a shift in brick and mortar retail has been going on for decades, as evidenced by the demise of sears, kmart, and jc penny's. he is imagining a union square makeover. >> next year's residential light office and retail. heavy orientation on entertainment. a little feeder or someplace to the music. again, lots of restaurants. i walkable kind of community. >> reporter: long-term plans for this thing are uncertain but president, he has been assured
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that the sale won't happen until next year which means one more christmas here at macy's. intent san francisco, terry mcsweeney. plan to make a splash with your family and friends this summer in san jose city leaders have passed a deal to keep a beloved waterpark up and running the company announced it was closing raging waters in east san jose. the new deal keeps the waterpark open under a new operator. the operator will run the park until next march with an option to extend that lease. in the interim, the city will continue to look for a long- term operator. let's take you outside on this tuesday night. our clear and sunny weather is about to come to a crashing end. another storm is headed our way, let's bring in our chief meteorologist jeff ranieri with the timeline. how we looking? >> the rainfall starts to return as we head into thursday. we have one more day to enjoy some sunshine here. right now
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in storm range, doppler radar, we are dry but let's take it to that next storm system. we can see it on the satellite radar developing out here in the gulf of alaska. that will start to bring some showers here by thursday morning. nothing overly heavy and then we start to get in on some moderate rain by thursday afternoon. as you are trying to plan ahead for the rest of the week i wanted to make sure that you see this list here of some stuff that i am watching we will get into on and off rain into saturday. wind gusts, maximum to about 50 miles per hour. there's only a slight chance we could get into some isolated street lighting with the storm system but overall the totals spread out over three days. i think the top headlines, when you look at the storm system, will be the sierra snow, could go seven feet, maybe even higher. winds up to 100 miles per hour, also some low snow between one to 3000 feet. we will take a real close look at that sierra snow and of course, those bay area totals, back with that in 10 minutes. >> thank you, jeff. they veered for their safety, that is what some jewish students said.
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that event shut down by pro- palestinian demonstrators last night local jewish leaders are calling on the university to do more to keep students safe. here is pete's arose. >> i spoke with one of the student organizers and she believes that that incident is a culmination of the anti- semitism she has seen on campus since the october 7th attacks she also believes that it is creating a culture of intimidation towards jewish students. >> what they claim to be a, quote, peaceful protest, was them banging on the windows so hard to the . that they shattered the glass >> uc berkeley student described the chaotic scene last night on campus, with hundreds of pro-palestinian demonstrators, breaking windows at zeller brock hall where a private event, organized by jewish student groups was set to take place sharon claims traders became violent towards
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attendees try to go inside. >> i get it, but behind me a girl is grabbed by the neck and shoved by the crowd. >> reporter: the person speaking at the event was a former israeli soldier. due to safety concerns, the university canceled the event, with campus police even escorting attendees through an underground exit to safety >> is is 1938 or 1939 germany? nazi germany ? or i have to hide because my safety is at risk? >> the university is strongly condemning the incident. a statement saying we share your concern, i understand that we must do all that we can to prevent anything like this from happening again. tyler gregory with the jewish community relations council feels the university must divide a tangible plan to make jewish students feel safe. >> i don't know what sophomore, junior in high school is looking is what is happening if they are jewish and wanted to apply to uc berkeley.
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>> reporter: jewish student groups will continue to make sure their voices are heard. >> we are not going to be scared, we're going to continue being openly and roundly pro- israel. >> in berkeley, nbc bay area news. new at 11:00, marin county prosecutors are charting a suspected drug dealer with manslaughter after two women he allegedly sold fentanyl to overdosed. one woman died, the other survived after doctors put her in a medically induced coma. santa rosa suspect also faces charges of selling the drugs this comes as more california prosecutors are going after fentanyl dealers by charging them with murder. san francisco plans to join that move this year. the hope is that the threat of harsher criminal penalties will help reduce the growing numbers of opioid deaths. a convicted killer may soon walk free after 17 years in prison. the victim's family is fighting against it, saying they were blindsided by the ruling. maxina danner was 17 and 2004 when she was killed . royce miller was convicted of her
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murder , and of dumping her body in mclaren park. he was sentenced to 15 years to life, last year, miller came up for parole. maxine's family said they were caught off guard. the district attorney spoke in favor of miller's parole, which the board then granted. >> the reaction was one of complete and utter shock. we have, to be honest, no idea that the d.a.s office could take a position that they were in support of april. >> miller could be released as soon as next week. the family pleading with the only person that could overturn it now, the governor. mean while, the d.a.s office says it was surprised by the decision and is conducting another review of the case. accused of selling drugs in san francisco and then going back to honduras to live a life of luxury now, three honduran men are back in the bay area to face the charges. photo show the men just or they
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were extradited here to the united states. authorities arrested them in a rural area north of the capital of honduras. american authorities shared photos from a ranch where one of the men were arrested. so san francisco sports teams logos on a branding iron. a window and several articles of clothing, the dea described it as a tribute to san francisco. please they are selling narcotics to make a profit, right? they are coming back down to honduras and making lavish mansions, homes, cattle ranches in order to create the lifestyle down there. >> honduran authorities say four more people are in custody awaiting extradition. it is all part of the latest effort by the feds to pack -- crack down on crime in the tenderloin. the a is beginning to uproot from oakland and head to vegas. the groups accusing the team upholding the coliseum hostage. what they are asking county leaders to do. faulty fridge cases just
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flooded our inbox and in an odd twist, we are taking a much closer look at refrigerator boxes. i am consumer investigator, chris scamurra, we will explain why, next. a big month here when it a big month here when it comes to our my french toast sticks are back starting at $2.50. now with a sweet new twist - cinnamon sugar churro. dunk, bite and savor them any time of day. or all day! it's totally up to you. only for a limited time. welcome to jack in the box!
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oh hey, jack. going up? actually, no, justine... my famous 2 tacos are still just 99¢ when you order on the jack app or online. could you press 6, please? i'm going up. get my famous 2 tacos for just 99¢. only on the jack app or online. ♪ our consumer team recently hit a nerve. they filed a report focusing on faulty refrigerators, and then our viewers responded resoundingly about your own refrigerator problems. >> consumer the theater chris scamurra watching a huge coast- to-coast response. he also has an unusual request to find refrigerated boxes to answer a legal question. >> said you know, that's it, i guess this is the final word. >> reporter: frank says he has been dealing with a difficult
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lg fridge since 2021. >> this one cost me $2000, it has been a nightmare. >> reporter: is not freezing well, frank has asked for a placement or refund but no >> i was ready to give us into sr. program >> our program was my recent report about a lawsuit involving some algae and can more refrigerators. the part lg makes called the linear compressor. many viewers and the lawsuit claimed it frequently dies before the 10 year warranty or 20 year lifespan that lg advertises. on youtube, more than 1,300,000 people watched our story, focusing on betsy in redwood city. she had two fridges die in just five years for yakama two. >> exactly the same lg freezer that i have and so when i saw that i said oh, i will contact chris. >> reporter: says his fridge has acquired five compressors.
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while people like sue neil and frank were contacting us, the phone was ringing off the hook of the lawyer. >> so we received thousands of calls >> reporter: accuses lg of fraud, he says the, and he has known for years that refrigerators with a linear compressor regularly die young but it is sold regularly. a trial would force lg to make public any internal communication that might reveal what it knows. lg is not yet directly responded to the allegations in court. instead, it is trying to take the dispute behind closed doors . and it is pointing to the box. >> i have never seen the box. >> reporter: lg says it put an arbitration notice on the box, it is asking a federal judge to require individual fridge owners to move their case to arbitration in private. but owners we interviewed say they
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never saw the box, because delivery people unboxed their fridge. please the box in the truck. >> the same for sunil. >> i did not even see the box. clean it when we talked to ever saw the box. besides the arbitration notice on the box, lg says it puts notices two other places. one, taped inside the refrigerator. in another, in the owners manual. >> they put them into everything. >> reporter: anna hahn. >> professor of law at santa clara university. i've been teaching here for 35 years. >> reporter: professor hahn says these days you agree to mandatory arbitration all the time. click here, sign their, hahn says proper notice is key. both times must agree not to sue. arbitration notices printed on a box, steve taped inside a product or included in a manual that you don't see until after you buy gives shoppers sufficient notice. hahn noted parallels to a case in which
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samsung tried to force arbitration with a notice in a smart phone box. >> in that case, the court said exactly what you just asked, which is was there sufficient notice to the consumer about this clause? was there actual consent? if you don't know something, how would you ever agree to it, right? please hahn says the courts nullify the arbitration agreement in the smart phone box. the judge has not ruled whether lg owners boxes boxed them into arbitration. the legal maneuvering does nothing to repair people's problem fridges. >> instead of fixing the issue, lg decided to allocate those resources into a arbitration provision on a box. >> lg told us it does not comment on pending litigation. a spokesman said our focus on customer satisfaction is paramount. the company noted its appliances are used in tens of millions of homes across america every day. lg encouraged customers to contact them for help people like sue neil.
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please so many times. >> frank. >> i want a good refrigerator. >> and others say they have asked for help. lg has repeatedly sent them repairmen, what they want is a replacement fridge or a refund check. >> it is just eating away at me. cleaver asked lg to review frank and sunil's concerns. the court case currently has more than 100 . is , and the judge is weighing whether it should be certified as a class action. our tip line is also open for fridge issues. scan the qr code on screen right now to fill out our consumer complaint form online. you never think a relatively new fridge would give you so many headaches and problems. >> no, not at all. let's bring in jeff ranieri, not only will we get rain, we will get some frigid temperatures, as well. >> we will be in the freezer so to speak with the storm system compared all the other ones that we have had over the past several weeks we have all those warm atmospheric rivers moving in from the south that this one
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is dropping down from alaska so a big bunch of cold air and also that rainfall. but here's the thing: tomorrow dry weather. let's show you more details with that climate forecasts, and we will begin with tomorrow morning and it is pretty simple here. he will start with lots of 40s and mostly sunny skies with no issues as you head off to work or get those kids off to school .44 three, one spot where we can still have some, 30s would be the north day with an average of 39. daytime highs were tomorrow, that sunshine through the afternoon, i think the best weather, no doubt, will be down here across the south bay. 67 in san jose, 65 in martinez, 64 in santa rosa, upper 50s and low 60s half moon bay to san francisco. that rainfall and that storm system dropping down from alaska, we'll start to see some of that rain arrive by thursday morning into thursday evening. and we will undergo these on and off periods of rainfall on friday and right into saturday's forecast. overall totals for three days,
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three quarters to two inches. because it is spread out over three days we should be okay. i do not see any major major flooding for us. wind gust up to about 50 miles per hour. no doubt, the sierra snow totals could get up or seven feet. so on those rain totals here for the bay area, let's get you a thursday look. according to about a half inch on friday we add on another quarter to three quarters of an inch. and on saturday a quarter to three quarters. sierra snow, look at these numbers. we have blizzard warnings in effect, up to 100-mile-per-hour winds, road closures likely, avalanche warnings could happen, as well .91 inches in kingvale, 51 tahoe, 81 in kirkwood. are there to pleasantville, thursday into saturday, not advised to be traveling during that timeframe. right here in san francisco we will dry it out on sunday and
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monday and a few showers next tuesday and through the inland valleys. here's the thing on saturday. snow levels between one to 2000 feet so i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder
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to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. as the a's begin to uproot
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from oakland, community groups are claiming that the athletics are holding the colosseum hostage from development. they want alameda county to step in and take action. oakland united coalition said the a's are preventing development, not allowing others to take place say. the a's bought 50% of the colosseum from the county back in 2019 the city of oakland owns the other half but the group once the county to take
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress
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and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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okay, things are getting interesting for the warriors. they have now won 11 of their last 14 games, and they're slowly climbing in the standings which is such a turn of events, right? >> things have turned around. they're also getting healthy. one of their star players back in the lineup. was taken to washington d.c., every city he visits, that is steph curry, he has been in the lineup heading with the fans pregame. warriors and wizards from washington, third. will pick it up, brandon with the block, klay thompson will finish this sequence. he ends up with this three, 25 points off the bench. here is the big star back in the lineup. he ready for cp three? chris paul mixed 21 games with
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that fractured hand, jonathan kuminga there, were his win 123- 112. they are now the ninth seed in the western conference. so rings are looking up slowly but surely. go to the shark tank now, those cool new california fin jerseys pretty sharp there. sharks, and new jersey doubles. things started out well. the crowd was loving it in the shark tank, 1-0 sharks but then the wheels fell off, the double scored seven straight goals, sharks end up losing 7-2. let's end with a smile, spring training baseball. giants and mariners, the giants new korean star, his first at- bat as a giant, slaps that base hit into right field. a few batters later, patrick bailey with a grand slam this game ends in a 10-10 tie
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge."
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katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. okay, let's bring in jeff.
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beautiful shot of the bridge. >> gorgeous. >> nice and clear but we will see that with a lot of rain. >> starting here on thursday, how about we get you to tomorrow's forecast first. we get some sunshine, may become the outside tomorrow. the patio furniture. >> oh, i like that. >> i know you well. we had temperatures in the upper 60s, san jose, 67. right into napa, 65. we start to see that rainfall returning as we head into thursday, i know, friday and saturday over three quarters of an inch to two inches and spread out so hopefully it will to avoid any major flooding issues, i think the big headline is the sierra. we are looking at 7+ feet of snow over the passes, up to 100- mile-per-hour winds. thursday you will meet be able to get up there as it is starting but friday and saturday i wouldn't be trying to travel up there in the middle of that. we that is a lot of snow coming. thank you, jeff, our next newscast is tomorrow morning at 5:


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