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tv   Early Today  NBC  February 28, 2024 4:00am-4:31am PST

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who's the chameleon? the most powerful, shape- shifting, sorceress. nothing like anyone you've ever faced. [ evil laughter ] i eat powerful sorceresses for breakfast. what is it you're holding? a cookie. ah! one last dragon warrior smackdown. oh! ah! we're not so different, you and i. skadoosh. stand back. i'm gonna kick my butt. violence, violence. next stop, super tuesday president biden and donald trump skate through michigan, ever closer to an election day rematch, but are cracks starting to show in their campaigns?
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a state of emergency in the lonestar state a wildfire raging in the texas panhandle. it's already the fuifth largest in the state's history the dangers of deep fakes. the very role eal threat of artificial intelligence setting off alarms in schools across the country. while apple is slamming the brakes on the plans for a ln electric car and stay with me, and you'll see a world of poor fabrication. families thinking they scored a golden ticket to willy wonka's chocolate factory wind up with something closer to the fyre festival good morning, glad you're with me. i'm frances rivera we begin with the latest results coming out of michigan nbc news projects that president
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biden and former president trump are the winners in their race. president biden is facing a new challenge on the campaign trail. >> reporter: the president is facing backlash over his stance on the war in israel and hamas more than 10% of the votes went to the group uncommitted they are calling for a lasting cease-fire in the war. they say activists in other states have reached out hoping to launch similar campaigns. in a statement, mr. biden tha thanked michiganders the president touted investments made for the auto industry and his support of the auto workers union. meanwhile, donald trump celebrated his win by calling in to a watch party
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>> it's going to be fantastic. we win michigan, we win the whole thing. the auto workers are with us we have so many people with us they've destroyed the auto working business november, i can tell you this. november 5th cannot come fast enough, because our country's in serious trouble. >> reporter: trump's remain challenger, nikki haley, is not backing down she campaigned in colorado yesterday. as she focuses on super tuesday. more than a dozen primaries will be held next week with over 800 republican delegates up for grabs. new this morning, president biden's son hunter will sit for a deposition with the house oversight committee. for over a year, house republicans have sought the testimony as part of their impeachment investigation into the president and his son. the gop's case against president biden came into question two weeks ago when their key source was charged with lying to the fbi about the biden family new this morning, the u.s.
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army says it is reducing its force by about 24,000 or 5% of its combat personnel most of the posts are already vacant and have been for a while. so those cuts would not lead to actual soldiers being taken offer the battlefield. a ukraine-funding meeting at the white house between president biden, vice president harris and congressional leaders got heated at times. chuck schumer said it was one of the most quinnintense i've ever encountered. the democrat says he urged republican speaker johnson to quote, get it done, telling repo rep reporters that history would judge republicans harshly if ukraine falls to russia.
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meanwhile, nato has caused a stir on its own turf through startling suggestions that western countries could send ground troops into ukraine good morning, claudio, tell us what happened. >> reporter: on monday, the french president, emmanuel macron suggested that western officials were considering or discussing the possibility of sending ground troops into ukraine, which of course means nato troops now. he did say there was no consensus yet, but also that such an option shouldn't be ruled out. even that suggestion, as predictable, enraged russia, with dmitry peskov saying it will make a conflict between nato and russia inevitable and warns nato countries to consider the consequences of such an action and some nato countries did
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clearly consider the consequences because for instance germany down-played the comments by macron spain and the uk made it very clear that they reject that outright and they prefer to continue helping ukraine by keep sending weapons and funds. as for nato itself, the secretary-general, jens stoltenberg said there is currently no plan to send nato troops into ukraine. frances? >> thank you for the update. new york city's mayor is calling for chainges to be made in the city's sanctuary laws he believes the city should work with immigration officials to deport migrants suspected of violent crimes a reporter asked if this would remove due process >> they didn't give due process to the person that they shot or punched or killed, you know. there's just a philosophical
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disagreement here. >> any changes to the sanctuary laws would need the support of the city council, and the council's speaker made it clear they have no intention of making such a move. >> reporter: two men are facial 20 years to life in prison after they were found guilty of killing a run-d.m.c. legend. they were convicted of shooting the legend at his queens recording studio in 2002 prosecutors argued that it was driven by a potentially lucrative drug deal. both have maintained their innocence. turning to texas where the governor has issued a disaster declaration. the wildfires have prompted evacuations including at the country's main nuclear weapons facility a spokesperson says it has suspended operations an on-site fire department is
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standing by in case the blaze reaches the plant site high winds are making for tough conditions for firefighters. but there may be some relief on the way. farther north, colorado drivers battled whiteout conditions. there were 24 snow squall warnings, the most in the 25 years those warnings have been used multiple cars crashed. luckily luckily, there were no major injuries hi, angie. >> we had some wicked weather overnight for some folks across the midwest. we've just seen the thunderstorm watch come down in parts of michigan notice this tornado watch is going to last until 6:00 a.m we have thunderstorm warnings across the tennessee and ohio valley this system is going to work its way through the east and that means more thunderstorms from parts of the midwest to the northeast, mid atlantic included in this as
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well it would mean that we'll have delays alon those roads. commute won't be great on i-95 much of the east included this this with these wind gusts anywhere 3 30, 40 miles per hour. meanwhile, chilly temperatures behind the system. we're going to stay warm alon the east coast look at chicago. 28 degrees, the gh temperature fohim jackson to montgomery. 46 degrees and mostly sunny skies for oklahoma city. and that's a look at your forecast, frances, back to you >> thanks for doing that, angie. up next, discord on tiktok
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and the cruel reality of deep fakes why the inappropriate use of a.i. is raising alarm at schools across the country '6 schools across the country. '6 because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. while others may keep trying... (clucking) nobunny knows easter better than cadbury. ♪♪ vicks vapostick provides soothing, non-medicated vicks vapors. easy to apply for the whole family. vicks vapostick. and try vicks vaposhower for steamy vicks vapors. alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last longer. . say hello to your fairy godmother alice and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain! [stomach growling] it's nothing... sounds like something. ♪when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion♪ ♪upset stomach, diarrhea♪
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pepto bismol coats and soothes for fast relief when you need it most. tiktok is hitting mute on more songs, but first, apple is hitting the brakes on the long-time planned electric vehicle. arabile is here to break it all down for us. good morning, arabile. >> good morning, frances one thing's for sure the question marks had been around apple whether they would be focussing on a.i. and what e exactly the a.i. play would be this vehicle project or the special project that they put forward. project titan as it were with some quarters, big question marks had been put forward that had first been talked about in 2014. nothing substantial had come of that all you had seen was an apple
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autonomous car cruising around san francisco bay a few years ago. that was the last year you pretty much heard of it. now they've decided to do away with it completely and ensure that all those engineers are now moving toward their arges i. business and the push toward artificial intelligence. what that really means, though, nobody knows for sure. more question marks will be asked of apple as to what happens from here. on the other side of the scale, you've been talking about tiktok and universal music group, earlier this month, universal music group said they'd be doing away, taking out all the songs that they currently own on tiktok so the license for their use would no longer be permitted on tiktok now they're saying it's not just the music that they own, now they're extending it to songs that are even published by the company. that means tiktok will not have
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quit a wide range of songs is this the death knell for tiktok >> we'll be watching thank you. now to one of the more alarming developments from the a.i. revolution. the rise of deep fake images they ware making their way into the nation 's schools >> reporter: it's the latest incident of a new and insidious form of bullying a group of students creating deep fake pornographic images of their fellow students. beverly hills police are assisting in the investigation >> this is a new, uncharted territory when it comes to information that's being created and disseminated >> reporter: the disturbing
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incident happening just weeks after images of taylor swift appeared online. >> i do believe that played a big part in our students becoming aware of what's possible with the technology >> reporter: this technology is easy to use and so easily accessible, they can get it right on their phones, instantaneously create content and send it anywhere a.i. still so new this falls into a legal gray area it's unclear if the fake images are even child pornography why are there not more protections to prevent this from happening right now? >> this is one of the situations where law is often chasing after technology >> reporter: a federal bill aims to criminalize sharing sexually explicit deep fate photos. the images can last forever. >> if the image is already flawed at this young age, it can have an impact on their mental
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health >> reporter: parents tell us it's an issue that cannot wait still to come, netflix jumps from screen to stage emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. bladder leak underwear has one job. i just want to feel protected! especially for those sudden gush moments. always discreet protects like no other. with a rapid dry core that locks in your heaviest gush quickly for up to zero leaks. always discreet- the protection we deserve! wanna know a secret?
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more than just my armpits stink. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant... everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant, which gives you 72 hour odor protection from your pits to your- (sfx: deoderant being sprayed) secret whole body deodorant. when i have pain from arthritis i grab biofreeze. unlike voltaren, biofreeze provides fast-acting relief i can apply it to more areas of my body. and it's nsaid-free. cool the pain so i can get back on the court. can the flavor of a slow cooked smoked sausage be so gloriously deliciousin that the sight of its sizzling makes your tastebuds weep? if it's hillshire farm, oh, hill yeah.™ jordan's sore nose let out a fiery sneeze, so dad grabbed puffs plus lotion to soothe her with ease. puffs plus lotion is gentle on sensitive skin and locks in moisture to provide soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. my frequent heartburn had me
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taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn.
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you're canadian, has that been a burden? >> no, no, it has not been a burden >> and you understand everything i'm saying i don't need to speak slower >> we have the same language >> where do canadians go with they need to get away? >> you recognize them? two of canada's greatest comedic talents reuniting for a murder mystery. eugene levy is set to join only
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murders in the building. i'm so excited to talk about season four. molly shannon, who i love. y y eva longoria we don't know when we always see them shooting around the city. there's always buzz about the film locations, nothing yet. >> the characters are so good. and eugene levy wasn't the only casting information. the casting for the jackson five the actors hail from stage and screen and jermaine's real-life son will take on the role of his kick of pop uncle, the movie hits theaters next april we also are seeing some
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crossover from mj the musical with some of the actors. people who have a lot of experience are doing this. and i can't wait to see what happens with it. >> already they're internalizing the role of michael jackson. will netflix revolutionize the stage like it did television they have joined on "patriots. the play from peter morgan, the creator of "the crown", key pickets the life of vladimir putin. netflix is developing a screen adaptation of the play patriots opens on broadway on april 22nd more and more, we are seeing the kress cross. especially when it comes to strang stranger things. a pringles favorite is back
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by demand. we're talking about major changes to come after the break. changes to come after the break. . you see, i was diagnosed with obstructive hcm. and there were some days i was so short of breath. i thought i'd have to settle for never stepping foot on this trail again. i became great at making excuses. but i have people who count on me so i talked to my cardiologist. i said there must be more we can do for my symptoms. he told me about a medication called camzyos. he said camzyos works by targeting what's causing my obstructive hcm. so he prescribed it and i'm really glad he did. camzyos is used to treat adults with symptomatic obstructive hcm. camzyos may improve your symptoms and your ability to be active. camzyos may cause serious side effects, including heart failure that can lead to death. a risk that's increased if you develop a serious infection or irregular heartbeat or when taking certain other medicines. so do not stop, start or change medicines or the dose without telling your healthcare provider. you must have echocardiograms before and during treatment.
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you said “joking” three times, that's why i'm here. uh, anyway, so this muffin— well i was just excited about my new car. -new car? oh, you don't need a joke, you need a jake. [singing] like a good neighbor, state farm is there. your state farm agent can help you choose the coverage you need. alright, i've got a show, so— you forgot your toothbrush, jimmy fallon! like a good neighbor, state farm is there. breathing claritin clear is like... (♪♪) is he? confidently walking 8 long haired dogs and living as if he doesn't have allergies? yeah. fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms, like nasal congestion. looking for a smarter way to mop? try the swiffer powermop. an all-in-one cleaning tool with a 360-degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can't. ♪♪ now save $8 on powermop. [♪♪] how you feel can be affected by the bacteria in your gut. ♪♪ try new align probiotic bloating relief plus food digestion. it contains a probiotic to help relieve occasional bloating,
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plus vitamin b12 to aid digestion. try align probiotic. now for a look at what you need to know "early today. sony is laying off 900 employees across its playstation unit, the gaming giant just cut its sales forecast on the playstation 5 console earlier this month and warned of lower demand macy's reporting another drop in quarterly sales. it plans to remodel its roughly 350 remaining namesake stores and is also pivoting toward luxury starbucks at unionized locations will receive pay hikes thnsr non-union workers first collected in may of 2022 it's a good sign towards workers
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united they will provide those cafes with credit card tipping pringles' honey mustard collection has returned. they were discontinued in 2022 and after two long years, they are back ter two long years, the are back. how do i clean an aioli stain? thankfully, tide's the answer to almost all of them. why do we even buy napkins? use tide. can cold water clean white socks? it can with tide. do i need to pretreat guacamole? not with tide. this is chocolate, right? -just use... -tide...yeah. no matter who's doing it, on what cycle, or in what temperature, tide works. so i can focus on all the other questions. do crabs have eyebrows? ahh... for all of life's laundry questions, it's got to be tide. (singing) ♪ i feel good ♪ ♪ duh na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ♪ i knew that i would ♪ ♪ na na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ooo, yum. hey!
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♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ i feel good. life doesn't stop for a cold. honey... honey... dayquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu symptom relief with a honey-licious taste. dayquil honey, the honey-licious, daytime, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, power through your day, medicine. dumps inside washington, puts it in two seconds left, the cavs are out of timeout oh do you believe -- >> the cleveland cavaliers snatched victory from the jaws
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of defeat after the dallas mavericks took a lead with 2.6 seconds on the clock a satisfying swish the 59-foot buzzer beater propelled the cavs over the mavs 121-119. now to furious parents in scotland who thought they had scored a ticket to an amazing willy wonka experience but wound up with something closer to the fyre festival. our brian chung tells us what went wrong >> boys and girls -- >> reporter: a world of pure imagination gone wrong >> my name is willy wonka. >> reporter: riding the popularity of the hit movie "wonka "wonka." all for about 45 bucks, an experience but instead, a near-many at this warehouse.
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some props of candy, reports of kids crying. >> we paid money there's children here. >> reporter: one actor described the event as a place where dreams went to die scottish police even got called to the scene the company apologizing and claiming that they were refunded more than 800 people but numerous people in a facebook group say they haven't gotten their money back. the event host, they say, quote either have no regard for the families and children they have disappointed or are too embarrassed to comment all of it with shades of fyre festival >> and our thanks to brian chung for that report. people in one north texas
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neighborhood woke up to a rare sight. >> it's a mess >> they're kind of cute. >> go, goats, go >> can you tell me how you escaped? how did you get out of here? >> it was all part of a project by the city. the goats were meant to din on dense vegetation in nearby lots, part of an effort to decrease fire danger around that area police say all the goats that escaped are accounted for, and none were hurt what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us.
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i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. story," stay right there, more news on the way. news on the way. joe biden and donald trump easily winning their party's primaries in michigan. devastation and danger in texas. the governor declaring disasters


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