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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  February 28, 2024 11:34pm-12:37am PST

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right now, oh, it don't look that bad right now but that is really going to change. this is i-80 in the sierra tonight. you can see tomorrow, a different story. dangerous conditions. sea resorts already preparing tahoe announcing it is proactively closing this friday for everyone so really there's no . in pulling up if you're not going to be able to ski. >> not overly see how caltrans will be able to even keep the roads open with how much snow we are expecting up there and how quickly it is going to be coming down. because it is not, it is just three and three days we are seeing that 7+ feet of snow. back here in the bay area will get the chance of rain returning tomorrow and the possibility of some scattered thunderstorms and much colder in the 50s, we will keep it with them on and off rain chances into saturday with that storm and we will see it taper off sunday with some spotty rain and we are dry as we head
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through monday. the other thing here on saturday morning, can hover between one to 2000 feet at time [ cheers and applause ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests - kate winslet robin wright musical guest, maya hawke. and featuring the legendary roots crew >> questlove: 1929 >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause >> jimmy: come on. that's a hot crowd that's a great crowd out there welcome. thank you for being here enjoy yourself welcome, everybody welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show. you're here. you made it. thank you for watching [ cheers and applause well, guys, today in washington, president biden had his annual physical exam [ laughter ] or as my writers call it, christmas. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: that's right that's right this morning, biden went to walter reed medical center for his yearly physical. the good news is biden is doing great. however, the doctor who examined him hasn't blinked in seven hours. [ laughter ] yeah, the exam was important although, bringing biden in for a physical is kind of like bringing your iphone 3 to the genius bar [ laughter ] "i guess we can look at it there's not much we can do with this thing." [ laughter ]
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but things got off to a bit of a rough start when biden took off his pants and the nurse said, "sir, this is the waiting room [ laughter ] i mean, wait till you get inside." once biden made it in, the doctor was like, "who gave him anesthesia?" the nurses said, "no, that's just how he is." [ laughter ] but the president is actually in fantastic shape apparently he wanders 10,000 steps a day which is nice to hear. [ laughter ] 10,000 a day [ applause ] isn't that amazing [ cheers and applause it wasn't all great news for biden. unfortunately, they gave him a a colonoscopy and found several more classified documents. [ laughter ] that's unfortunate that's right biden had his physical, and while i'm sure his doctors were very thorough, i wanted to ask some follow-up questions myself so if you don't mind, we're going to talk to him right now mr. president, thank you for doing this to begin, can you please turn and cough. [ cough [ laughter ]
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all right. thank you very much. let's do a quick vision test okay can you read these letters top to bottom? >> i can't quite see what -- i can't -- >> jimmy: you know what, forget it forget it. it's fine. don't worry about that real quick, what is your typical resting heart rate >> two [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay, that's pretty low. that's pretty low. moving on, what did the doctor say when he finished your colonoscopy? >> that tunnel is 150 years old. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right, well, that's interesting i don't know if that's - >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: well, now, how many hours of sleep are you getting a night? >> eight hours >> jimmy: okay, that's good. and how many hours of sleep are you getting during the day >> eight hours [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay, now, what have you been wearing to bed to avoid those frequent trips to the bathroom >> depends [ laughter ] >> jimmy: now, sometimes a a doctor will say someone's as strong as an ox. what did yours compares to you >> a 5'2", little irish lady
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>> jimmy: okay, that's - [ laughter ] finally mr. president we're going to do a stress test. okay can you start running some stairs [ laughter ] all right. you know what, hey, never mind, never mind thank you very much. sorry to bother you, sir thank you. [ applause ] well, some more big news from washington today mitch mcconnell announced he's stepping down as the senate republican leader this november [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: when the news broke, my writers were like, "oh my god, it's double christmas." [ laughter ] yep, after nearly two decades as the republican leader of the senate, mcconnell is stepping down mcconnell just turned 82, so that can only mean one thing he's running for president [ laughter ] that's right mcconnell actually joined the senate in 1985 can we see him back then oh, he looked cool [ laughter ]
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mcconnell said that it's time for the next generation of leadership then he looked around the senate and realized the next generation is 75 [ laughter ] well, guys we're a few days away from a potential government shutdown. it's unclear if congress can pass a spending bill on time, and now several members of congress are speaking up about it for example, senator rand paul said, "we need to get this done already. the constant fighting is getting old, man." then congressman jack bergman said, "did someone say 'old man' sorry, i thought you were talking about me anyway, we need people on both sides of the aisle to lend an ear. then senator ted budd said, "did someone say 'lend an ear' sorry, i thought you were talking about me anyway, our approval rating is low and we need to get it up." then congresswoman frederica wilson said, "did someone say giddy up anyway, this whole thing makes me feel like i'm about to cry. and congressman max miller said, "did someone say about to cry?
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anyway, i think all of us are feeling stretched thin." then congressman david kustoff said, "did someone say stretched thin anyway, we're already dealing with so much, let's not throw more chaos on top. then congressman shri thanedar said, did someone say chaos on top? anyway, the threats from republicans are totally toothless. then congressman bob latta said, "did someone say totally toothless? anyway, when it comes to our position, we need to be bold, frank and stern. then senator john fetterman said, "did someone say bald frankenstein [ laughter ] anyway, we need to get this done, or we'll regret it and bicker." then congressman patrick mchenry said, "did someone say 'orville redenbacher' anyway, look, we really need to be in sync here. and finally senator rand paul said, "did someone say 'nsync hair?" [ laughter ] it's just interesting. they just need to talk to each
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other. [ cheers and applause the whole thing. the whole thing. ♪ wow. wow. some business news elon musk said that the new tesla roadster will be able to go 0 to 60 in less than a second [ audience oohs i guess this is good i'm not sure i need to break the sound barrier just going to walgreens. [ laughter ] but it's fun, when you step out of the car, you just look like biden's doctor you go - [ light laughter ] well, guys, everyone loves tiktok but sometimes you just want to skip the boring parts of the video and get right to the good part. am i right for instance, if you're watching the video you can skip this part. yeah, and you go right to this part >> hello, sir. [ screams and laughter ] >> jimmy: see what i mean? see what i'm saying? "hello there." here's another example you can skip this part yeah, and go right to this part >> steve: oh, yeah
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: next, you can skip this part. ♪ no, you have no idea [ laughter ] you think you have an idea, but you don't. you can skip that part and go right to this. ♪ [ laughter ] what come on. what >> steve: come on. come on. they're rented pants >> jimmy: oh my god. oh you can also skip this part. and go right to this part. [ audience ohs ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "sorry, mom. and finally, you can skip this part ♪ >> oh, my god. look at this [ bleep ], baby
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>> jimmy: and go right to this ♪ >> easy. easy [ audience ohs ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: that stings. well, switching gears. today, netflix released new episodes of "love is blind." [ cheers ] i love it. one of the most dramatic scenes was a big confrontation between chelsea and jimmy. now, if you missed it, don't worry, because here to re-enact that scene with actual lines from the show are the roots' own, tariq and questlove ♪ [ cheers and applause >> tariq: thanks, jimmy. tonight i'll be playing the role of chelsea, a 30-year-old flight attendant from north carolina, who is confronting jimmy for going out too much >> questlove: and i'll be playing jimmy, a 27-year-old software salesman from north carolina, who is getting confronted by chelsea for going out too much >> jimmy: all right. whenever you're ready. ♪
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>> tariq: girls from the pods said, "hey, your mans is out where were you?" they saw you out mackenzie saw you. >> questlove: why are you hammering me on that >> tariq: because, like, i don't want to be with someone who wants to go out and party. >> questlove: baby, i drove there, i had one drink, i came home >> tariq: but is that something i want to deal with? [ laughter ] >> questlove: i like to go out and have drinks, socially. >> tariq: who were you with last night who were you with last night [ laughter ] >> questlove: oh, my god, i'm not going to sit here and talk to you about this. >> tariq: who were you with last night [ laughter ] >> questlove: i was with eight fraternity brothers and two of their girlfriends. >> tariq: well, i heard from other people that you were not with just fraternity brothers. i heard you were with jess >> questlove: i was not with jess i swear to god i was not with jess i think you're insecure about the whole jess thing
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>> tariq: really >> questlove: you're bringing up jess and mackenzie. and i didn't see mackenzie and i damn sure didn't see jess i don't have a physical relationship with either of them >> tariq: you do, though you effing do. you told me you effed her. i don't give an eff. but, i know you effed her, and you told me that [ laughter ] >> questlove: because i want you to trust me. >> tariq: and i do but you're not single jimmy anymore. you're not [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: questlove and tariq, everyone, right there. questlove and tariq. [ cheers and applause ♪ that was acting at its finest. that's it. thank you, questlove, tariq. thank you very much. thank you. ♪ [ applause ] thank you very much. thank you very much.
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and finally -- and finally, a woman in california allegedly stole an idling amazon delivery van because she was in a rush to get home. and now she's expected to arrive in prison in one to two business days. we have a great show give it up for the roots, everybody. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: thank you, guys. hey, guys, we had some sad news today. we just found out that richard lewis passed away. [ audience aws ] and he was a good friend of the show, a great guest. i think that he was one of the greatest comedians to ever do it if you get a chance, go on youtube and watch some of his stuff. he was unbelievable. i used to impersonate him all the time he was a good friend would send me things his hbo specials, his whole character and walking and "i'm doomed." did you ever see the hbo
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special, "i'm doomed?" >> steve: yeah >> jimmy: he would be a hypochondriac. he'd be just so upset about everything the special he did was great that he went to the hospital because he had a -- thought he had a heart attack or something. he didn't, you know. and he was like, "this is terrible, doctor," he's complaining. and the nurse goes, "i'm sorry mr. lewis, someone is here to visit you, your biggest fan. and he goes, "i don't really --" she goes, "it's your biggest fan. and a contortionist walks in [ laughter ] it's so funny. yeah, and you might know him also from "curb your enthusiasm." he was fantastic i just think he's -- [ applause ] one of the greatest to ever do it our thoughts are with his family and friends we're going to miss you, richard lewis. [ applause ] guys, we have a great show tonight. she's an oscar, emmy, grammy and golden globe winner who stars in the new hbo series, "the regime," which premieres this sunday at 9:00 p.m. kate winslet is here tonight [ cheers and applause she is a talented actor and director who stars in the new movie "damsel," which starts streaming next friday on
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netflix. robin wright is here [ cheers and applause and we got great music tonight from maya hawke. [ cheers and applause stick around we'll be right back with more "tonight show" everybody come on back [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: for instance, there was that one guy who was having a pretty crazy 24 hours. he moved out of his childhood bedroom at his parent's house, and directly into his parent's basement i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty.
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how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ [traffic noise] [text message] let's ace this thing! ♪ ♪ i got you coffee. oh my god, what? you literally read my mind. got you, girl. this looks like an actual farm. it looks cute on the app. [farm animal sounds] ♪♪
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meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals aren't what they're cracked up to be, try one where you know what you'll get. you love pizza just as much as we love pizza so we're bringing you our favorite offer yet. for a limited time get a large, one topping pizza for 8.99, only at papa johns. better ingredients, better pizza.
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when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad.
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: welcome back to "the tonight show," everybody thanks for being here tonight. guys, i'm obsessed with documentaries. do you love documentaries? aren't they great? [ cheers and applause i love true crime, i love history, sports, i love them all. and that's why i'm excited to share some big news. a documentary has been made about this show. [ applause ] no, i'm not talking about "the tonight show." i'm talking about tonight's show [ light laughter ] specifically, all of you, the audience there's so many --
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[ cheers and applause there's so many notable people here tonight they made a a documentary about it here, check out "the tonight show audience: a look behind the laughs." ♪ [ applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: from the moment the show started, i knew something felt different i mean, you got to remember, to get so many memorable people in one audience is unheard of but this was hands down the greatest crowd to ever be assembled. [ cheers and applause >> tariq: i mean, you got the 2003 new england patriots. you got the original lineup from menudo. and then you've got that audience [ cheers and applause >> steve: it was a real who's who, you know? i'll never forget 'em.
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>> jimmy: for instance, there was that one guy who was having a pretty crazy 24 hours. yesterday he took a huge - [ light laughter ] -- took a huge life step he moved out of his childhood bedroom at his parent's house, and directly into his parent's basement [ cheers and applause >> tariq: and there was that one guy in the corner, so inspiring. he figured out one of the greatest life hacks of all time he couldn't grow an actual mustache, so he just taped some dust and barbie hair to his upper lip and no one can tell. [ applause ] >> steve: and then there was that one couple, they met on "love is blind." [ light laughter ] and they could not have been happier. they were super, super happy >> jimmy: yeah [ cheers and applause then there was that -- there was that one group not only were they college besties, but they could choreograph a dance routine to any beat on the fly.
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like, any beat ♪ [ cheers and applause they even stood up and did it again. ♪ [ cheers and applause yeah >> steve: there was that one guy, he was a medical mystery. doctors can't figure out why, but he smoked a joint three years ago that made him permanently high [ laughter and applause >> jimmy: and then there was that one guy, he was just classic. he's a national hero [ cheers and applause he -- he started the movement for free guac at chipotle. [ cheers and applause when the audience found out they gave him a standing ovation. [ cheers and applause
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he even gave himself a standing ovation. and eventually everyone sat back down. [ light laughter ] but they were so impressed he gave himself a standing ovation that they stood up, and gave another standing ovation [ cheers and applause i'll never forget that audience the greatest that there ever was. [ cheers and applause wow, really powerful stuff we'll be right back with kate winslet, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: i was talking about you a couple months ago. i was -- where i was talking to howard stern with robert downey jr., and we were talking about how we auditioned for your beloved film, "the holiday." >> correct this is a really real story, which i remember extremely well >> jimmy: do you remember it >> i really do so - [cars honking] i'm a guy who lost a bet. and my dignity.
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get out of the way! as if watching my team lose wasn't punishment enough. what are you looking at huh... it's a one speed. hahaha. hahaha. and if you have cut rate car insurance, odds are you'll be paying for that yourself. so, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem... like me. hey, i'm walking here! mom's gonna love this! alright kids come on. it's time for bed! ( ♪♪ )
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good morning, mr. snuggles. make breakfast special with the cocoa and hazelnutty goodness of nutella. ( ♪♪ ) ugh. nothing works on this acne. hi! who.? i'm a licensed dermatology provider from curology. oh. answer a few questions, i'll look at your skin, and prescribe you a personalized cream. wow! curology. skincare with a face. [traffic noise] [text message] let's ace this thing! ♪ ♪ i got you coffee. oh my god, what? you literally read my mind. got you, girl. (luke) so... i hear some of you are concerned about the fact yothat i'm taking over the. company. well, rest assured, company's in great hands. marci, hit the vid'. (both lukes) homes-dot-com. we've done your home work. (luke) now, that is worth celebrating!
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(brad) i love it. (luke) thank you. (brad) very clever. (vo) ding dong! (luke vo) homes-dot-com.
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost
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to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our first guest is an oscar, emmy, grammy, and golden globe winner starring in the new limited series, "the regime. it premieres this sunday at 9:00 p.m. on hbo, and will be available to stream on max please welcome kate winslet! [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause >> jimmy: they love you, come on [ cheers and applause we love you. ♪ kate winslet, welcome back thank you. >> that is very kind can we just tell audiences at home they just all stood up when i came in >> jimmy: no, yeah, that - >> and that made me feel really good about myself. thank you! >> jimmy: yeah, that's what we want [ cheers and applause >> thank you >> jimmy: i'm so happy you're back >> well, because of covid. >> jimmy: yeah >> and then various, you know, life things, i don't think i've actually done u.s. talk shows until today for about seven years. >> jimmy: wow. >> i know that seems crazy >> jimmy: welcome back to the game >> i think -- i think i was last here 2017, something like that >> jimmy: i was talking about you -- >> hi, guys. >> jimmy: yeah, there's the roots, right there >> brilliant band. so amazing [ scattered cheers ] so, so amazing [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: i was talking about you a couple months ago. i was -- where i was talking to howard stern with robert downey jr., and we were talking about how we auditioned for your beloved film, "the holiday." and i remember being in a room
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with you, and robert downey jr., and cameron diaz yeah, and -- >> i -- i -- >> jimmy: the role did not go to me, obviously went to jack black - >> that's right. >> jimmy: -- and jude law. >> correct this is a really real story, which i remember extremely well >> jimmy: you do remember it >> i really do so -- so, we were sort of told that you were coming in to do -- well, i thought it was just, like, a reading, we were just going to, like, have a fun read of the script i didn't realize you were auditioning for the part i'm so sorry you didn't get it [ laughter ] and i'm -- and i'm also sorry -- i'm sorry if i happened to have been mean to you in any way or rude i don't think i was, i'm just checking >> jimmy: no, you -- no, yeah. no, you were so nice >> okay, good. and you were sick, i remember. you were very sick, and you were obsessively hand sanitizing, and i thought, "okay, he's one of those people." >> jimmy: what >> and then covid happened, and i was like, "i'm gonna be one of those people. >> jimmy: no, wait, that's not -- wait, i was doing that? i never -- >> you were. you were very sick, i remember >> jimmy: i think i was sick >> yeah. >> jimmy: but i was like, "this is an opportunity of a lifetime to -- to act with you guys." were we in, like, a hotel room or something >> it was a hotel room somewhere. i don't remember -- somewhere on the upper east side and robert downey did an english accent, but i thought
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he was doing australian. >> jimmy: he was doing - [ laughter ] >> and i thought - >> jimmy: i think he - >> -- "that's bad. that's not gonna work, and who's gonna tell him that that sounds dreadful? >> jimmy: i think it was an australian accent, and i think it -- it sounded great [ laughter ] and i go, "this is perfect, but i don't think the character is supposed to be australian. >> it wasn't actually that great, but that's really sweet -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, my god >> -- to have said that. >> jimmy: that's so funny. [ laughter ] that is so funny >> that's funny. >> jimmy: but i'll never forget it you were so nice to me, by the way. >> okay, good, phew. >> jimmy: and -- and cameron was nice and robert downey, and now here he is - >> what a hoot here he is winning everything, my goodness. it makes me so happy >> jimmy: yeah, he's fantastic well, we're so happy that you're here. and i want to talk about your new project, "the regime." >> yes >> jimmy: and i also want to talk to you, because i heard somewhere that you actually wanted to get out of this. you -- you signed up for it, and then you're like, "i don't want to do this. >> i was so scared because i had never -- i -- i mean, it's an incredibly brilliant script it's so sharply written. i just want you all to know it is a comedy. it is hilariously funny. and something i always avoid doing, is saying to people, "i'm in this thing, and it's really, really good, and you should watch it. i don't say that i'm in this thing.
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it's really, really good - [ laughter ] -- and you should all watch it >> jimmy: really >> yeah. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: you are saying it. >> it is honestly -- i just think it's a show that is gonna surprise people it's going to give everyone a good, unexpected laugh it is a satirical drama set in an imagined country in -- in middle europe somewhere. >> jimmy: yeah >> and i play a female dictator who's grappling for power and gradually losing control and she has all kinds of issues she doesn't like to go out of the house anymore. she's -- she's a hypochondriac and she has an unlikely love affair with an ex-soldier who she believes is gonna basically save her from all the other humans around her. it's absolutely bonkers. but i was terrified of playing this part. i just -- "i can't do it, can't do it, can't do it." i kept saying to my husband, "just phone them up and just say, 'no, she's not gonna do it here's a list of excellent alternatives.' and i'd actually made a list of people i was like, "they would be so much better than me. >> jimmy: no, you're so fantastic in this. but also, the -- you sing a little bit in this as well and can you --
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[ laughter ] >> that's not -- >> jimmy: what >> this is just such an evil setup. [ laughter ] because it's not - >> jimmy: no >> i don't - >> jimmy: no, in a -- i mean, well, you -- right >> so -- so -- [ light laughter ] it's really very funny so, in -- in episode one, my character, the chancellor, chancellor elena vernham, she speaks like this and she is celebrating being seven years in power by having this huge banquet. and she sings. she sings a song - ♪ if you leave me now ♪ okay we recorded the song at abbey road and i had, like, practiced it well, and was confident. and i, you know, i thought, "okay, i'm going to do a fine job. it's gonna be okay." i get there, and the director, stephen frears, he just looks at me and goes - [ laughter ] and he's up in this little recording booth. i can see him. and i can see a whole bunch of them there's alexandre desplat, the composer, and all the sound technicians, these brilliant - i'm standing on the sound stage where they recorded the beatles album. so, i'm like, this is a huge moment in my life. and i'm singing this song terrified.
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and stephen frears just goes - and i think, "oh, my god, it's really bad he hates it. and he comes out of the little hatch, and he looks down at me, he says, "no, it doesn't make any sense to do it well. and i'm like, "uh -- oh, oh, okay what shall i do? "sing it badly." [ laughter ] and i thought, "my god, that's brilliant. because it happens in episode one -- >> jimmy: your character would think that she's great >> well, she -- this is it it's the delusion. and of course, she's totally and utterly convinced that she's singing immaculately well and they stand up and she's, "look, they're standing up aw, that's sweet." [ laughter ] "how sweet, they love me." >> jimmy: so, you do your take - >> it's completely crackers. >> jimmy: so, you did your take >> did the take really badly and he said, "that's it. that's what we're doing. i thought, "that is so genius," because it lets the audience know right off the bat, that this is -- this is irresistibly disgraceful and absurdist. >> jimmy: yeah >> and it sort of welcomes you into that world, right off the bat. so - >> jimmy: well, congrats on the series i want to show a clip. here is kate winslet in "the regime. take a look at this.
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>> black radish from the homeland let me see >> ah. >> mm, your spleen's a little muddy. >> hm. >> this mustard will help. >> go on then. slap me up like a sandwich >> i'm sure you know, corporal, that both elena and i have medical degrees. i must admit i'm not familiar with your techniques >> they are from my mother >> oh, right country medicine, is it? >> the only medicine that works. uh-huh one might argue aspirin and chemo occasionally do the trick, but, sure [ humming [ slapping ] [ deep inhale [ humming >> jimmy: come on. come on! [ cheers and applause kate winslet, everybody. "the regime" premieres this sunday at 9:00 p.m. on hbo [ cheers and applause more "tonight show," after the break. stick around, everybody. please come back more often. [ cheers and applause
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12:11 am
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12:12 am
try new savory chili wcdonald's sauce. only at wcdonald's! ba da ba ba ba! go! it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. everyday, more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪♪
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what do i see in peter dixon? it's an idea i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our next guest is a talented actor and director who stars in the movie "damsel," which begins streaming on netflix next friday please welcome robin wright! [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause >> jimmy: so happy to see you. oh, welcome back >> hi. >> jimmy: thank you for being here i appreciate this. >> last time it was ten years ago. >> jimmy: no >> they just told me in the back >> jimmy: this is our tenth anniversary? >> why do you look ten years younger? [ laughter ] what's going on? >> jimmy: so we'll make it a a thing, okay? every ten years, you'll come visit us i'm so happy you here. >> oh, thank you very much >> jimmy: i love you, and obviously, i think i -- i feel like you were just here last year we were talking about you dancing. you started a career as a dancer, right? and then -- and then i just found out that you actually -- your dancing got you into a doritos commercial >> it did. >> jimmy: this is -- so how did your dancing get into a doritos commercial what was the commercial? >> well, you had to do like a pirouette. and, like, had the doritos in the hand, and then, boom to the -- can you just do it [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you want me to do a pirouette while i'm -- >> yeah, i mean, i'll direct you. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause
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>> jimmy: so am i -- am i holding chips? >> you're holding chips. >> jimmy: i'm holding chips. this is what a person does i'm holding doritos. >> camera's there, and then just give me, like, a spin, like a michael jackson spin, 360. >> jimmy: where am i looking at two >> yeah. >> jimmy: can i get a little - ♪ no, no, no, no [ laughter ] i thought like, something more peppy, right >> yeah. >> jimmy: that felt dramatic ♪ oh, here you go. ♪ [ cheers and applause was that -- was that something like that? >> yeah. we got it, moving on yeah >> jimmy: did you -- did you start off in new york? did you ever live in new york city? >> i did when i was on "house of cards" i had a place here >> jimmy: oh, really what was your favorite part about central park >> the squirrels >> jimmy: oh, yeah i do love the squirrels. you know what i wanted to ask you, when you audition, do you just go in and you go, "yeah, i nailed it," and every time you just go, "yeah, i'm robin wright that's it. i'm good." >> are you out of your mind? never. >> jimmy: you never felt that way? >> never one time, one time >> jimmy: which one?
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>> in the 4,000 auditions. it was "forrest gump" actually [ cheers and applause yeah >> jimmy: you just knew it you knew it? >> i don't know. i think it was - i think i was seven, eight months pregnant with my second child. and you know, you just felt like mom, and felt grounded. and tom and i just had a great connection >> jimmy: wow, you just -- >> and i walked out and then i went, "not only do i really want to do this movie, i hope i get it but i think i got it." >> jimmy: yeah, you did. you felt that good you go, "i think i got this one. you didn't feel that way on "princess bride? >> well, didn't you feel that when you were on "snl? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i was so lucky that i didn't get fired from that show [ laughter ] i was just so happy to be there. yeah, i was just so happy to be there. >> why >> jimmy: like, don't break character. >> what kind of things were you doing? >> jimmy: i would break character. i would start laughing in the middle of sketches >> oh, that's not good >> jimmy: it was not good at all. but i was such a fan of the show and these people that i was like, "that's so funny." and they go, "yeah, i know, but you're in the sketch you can't laugh. [ laughter ]
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you can think it's funny but you got to be professional, buddy. grow up. but on "princess bride" you didn't go, like, "oh, i nailed that one"? i mean, you were iconic in that >> yeah, but that was -- [ cheers and applause i'll tell you the truth, i think the reason i got that part is because they auditioned 500 other actresses, and i was 501. and i think rob reiner was like, "i'm exhausted, just cast her. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: really >> just like, "i'm done. >> jimmy: he's like, "i just gotta do this movie. >> yeah, just get it over with >> jimmy: "just get this going. you were just perfect in it. >> oh. >> jimmy: and the accent, everything, really just great. >> it's a sweet movie. >> jimmy: oh, yeah i have a picture of you and andre the giant. >> oh. >> jimmy: look at -- i mean, what do you -- [ cheers and applause what do you remember about working with - i mean, how would you even describe him >> he was such a gentle giant. >> jimmy: he was >> we were so cold shooting outside. england, raining, constantly and i was freezing and i was shivering, and he just came
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over to me and palmed my head like a basketball. [ light laughter ] and it was so hot, because he was always sweating. he was hot all the time, because he's such a big man. >> jimmy: yeah >> and he -- it was like having a sauna on my head [ laughter ] it was fantastic, it was great >> jimmy: like wearing a ski hat? >> yeah. it was very nice of him. >> jimmy: yeah, just andre the giant hand on your head that's so good you're -- also, you're a great director i and know you directed "house of cards." you directed some great episodes of "ozark." and now you're getting ready to do a new project on amazon, a series called "the girlfriend." >> yes >> jimmy: what is that one about? how do you --? >> i was going to cast you as a girlfriend >> jimmy: thank you. [ laughter ] i'm not good at auditions so - yeah, you can tell >> you're good with wigs >> jimmy: when you're directing, though, do you find it easier, because you're an actor, to direct other actors? >> i think so. um, i don't know, how'd you feel about --? >> jimmy: i feel -- i would get directed by robin wright any time, any day of the week. are you kidding me i'm honored. but i mean, like, you -- i
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mean, do -- you know the ropes you know what to do, and where to stand, and where to look. or - >> yeah, but every actor is different. you have to read the room, you know some actors like line readings, and other times they'll slap you in the face and say, "don't ever do that again." >> jimmy: "don't ever give me a line reading," yeah. that's wild. but you -- you love it though? >> i love it i love seeing what they can do >> jimmy: yeah, it's kind of amazing. >> you know, how it comes to life when you just tell a little story and all of a sudden you're like, "whoa, that's amazing. >> jimmy: yeah >> those thespians >> jimmy: how about millie bobby brown and angela bassett >> aw, good girls. >> jimmy: have you worked with them before? >> no, i've never met either of them they were both amazing that millie is a little powerhouse >> jimmy: she is, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, she's good [ cheers and applause she's very cool. >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah and it's "damsel," so you know a little about fantasy films but now you're not playing the princess you're playing queen isabelle, which is maybe the evil queen? >> yeah. you could say that >> jimmy: can say that
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>> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah that's interesting >> a little bit. >> jimmy: yeah, is it fun playing an evil character? >> well, yes, it is. >> jimmy: it is. [ light laughter ] >> yes it is >> jimmy: i feel like it would be rewarding, right? >> it really is. because you just get to go, "oh. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah >> no, but somebody asked me recently, they were like, "would you consider queen isabelle being the older princess bride?" and i was like, "that's blasphemy. you can't do that to princess buttercup. >> jimmy: yeah >> and i said, "well, or maybe she just grew up and became hormonal and angry." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i don't think so you nailed it, and you're fantastic. and you -- yeah, and you worked great with millie too. i want to show everyone a clip here's robin wright in "damsel. take a look. ♪ ♪ >> welcome, princess for generations it has been our task, our duty, to protect our people
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the price is dear, but so too the reward so, tonight, you join a long line of women who have helped to build this kingdom. >> jimmy: come on. that's robin wright! [ cheers and applause you're the best. "damsel" begins streaming on netflix next friday. we'll be right back with a a performance from maya hawke. stick around, everybody! [ cheers and applause ♪ to help protect from hiv. i prep without pills. with apretude, a prescription medicine used to reduce the risk of hiv without daily prep pills. with one shot every other month, just 6 times a year. in studies, apretude was proven superior to a daily prep pill in reducing the risk of hiv.
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[traffic noise] [text message] let's ace this thing! ♪ ♪ i got you coffee. oh my god, what? you literally read my mind. got you, girl.
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. you literally read my mind. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: performing "missing out," from her upcoming album, "chaos angel," please welcome, maya hawke [ cheers and applause
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>> coyote, squirrel, squirrel, squirrel ♪ ♪ lucy wants to write the next great america novel ♪ ♪ she can't even read the bottle she says i might be a genius ♪ ♪ well she could be a model didn't think i'd get i so i didn't apply ♪ ♪ now i'm a drunk hanger-on hittin' on the younger guy ♪ ♪ i buy booze for the ivy league with my television salary ♪ ♪ they thin they look up to me ha ♪ ♪ well i was left like coals in leaves and i sparked up in winter's breeze ♪ ♪ and now i kno it's me who's missin' ou missin' out missin' ou missin' out missin' out ♪ ♪ missin' out missin' out missin' out missin' ou missin' out ♪
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♪ now i kno it's me who's missin' ou but i was born with my foot in the door ♪ ♪ and my mind in the gutter and my guts on the floor holdin' the party line embarrassed all the time ♪ ♪ i remember my potential before i skipped the fundamentals ♪ ♪ before i ran from safet hopin' someone would chase me ♪ ♪ well i was left like coals in leaves and i sparked up in winter's breeze ♪ ♪ and now i kno it's me who's missin' ou missin' out missin' ou missin' out missin' out ♪ ♪ missin' out missin' out missin' out missin' ou missin' out ♪ ♪ now i kno it's me who's missin' ou missin' out missin' ou missin' out missin' out ♪ ♪ missin' out missin' out missin' out missin' ou
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now i know it's me who's missin' out ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i've been someone to talk abou i wanna be someone to talk to ♪ ♪ i've bitten off way mor than i can spit ou missin' out missin' ou missin' out missin' out ♪ ♪ missin' out missin' out missin' out missin' ou missin' ou now i know ♪ ♪ it's me who's missin' out missin' out missin' ou missin' out missin' ou
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missin' out missin' out ♪ ♪ missin' out missin' out now i know it's me who's missin' ou i'm missin' out out ♪ ♪ i'm missin' out out i'm missin' ou na na na na na n na na na na na na ♪ ♪ na na na na out out ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: maya hawke "chaos angel" is out may 31st. we'll be right back, everybody [ cheers and applause ♪
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get tickets! ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: my thanks to kate winslet, robin wright, maya hawke, once again [ cheers and applause and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania thank you for watching stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers. goodnight, everybody [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers. tonight -- austin butler, actress and comedian jenny slate, music from two door cinema club. featuring the 8g band with fred armisen ♪[


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