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tv   Late Night With Seth Meyers  NBC  February 29, 2024 12:36am-1:35am PST

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[ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers. tonight -- austin butler, actress and comedian jenny slate, music from two door cinema club. featuring the 8g band with fred armisen ♪ [ cheers and applause
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and now, seth meyers >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night. we hope you're doing well. and now if you don't mind, we're going to get to the news well, thanks to the woke left, another confederate statue has been taken down. [ light laughter ] that's right senate minority leader mitch mcconnell announced today that he will step down from his leadership position in november. and then in december he'll be stepping down from his position as krampus [ laughter ] president biden had lunch yesterday with vice president kamala harris. hmm, did he forget his wallet with her, too? [ laughter ] senate intelligence chair mark warner said yesterday that it is cheaper for russia to meddle in u.s. elections than to build military equipment that's true. all they really needed was one drone. [ laughter ]
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three weeks after dropping out, marianne williamson announced today that she is quote, "unsuspending" her presidential campaign apparently she got some good news from her campaign advisor [ laughter ] according to newly released records, a vehicle carrying vice president kamala harris in 2022 became, quote, "momentarily airborne" after it hit a high curb see, trump is still stuck in the 1950s. meanwhile, the biden administration is giving us flying cars. [ laughter ] republican presidential candidate ryan binkley announced he is ending his campaign, which is too bad, because he could have been america's first a.i.-generated president [ laughter ] former finance director at new york university pleaded guilty yesterday to a $3 million fraud scheme a $3 million fraud scheme, or as it's more commonly known, an nyu degree [ audience oohs [ laughter and applause
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they're here because the tickets are free [ laughter ] according to a new study, smoking marijuana is linked to a higher risk of having a heart attack, mostly because you think every noise you hear is the cops [ laughter ] in honor of pancake day, the breakfast food brand eggo is offering guests the chance to stay in a pancake-themed rental house, which features a maple syrup fountain it's the most whimsical place you'll ever be stung to death by bees [ laughter ] and finally, according to a new survey, 26% of cat owners prefer to use natural soap or body wash, while the other 74% opt for neosporin. [ light laughter ] and that was the monologue, everybody. [ cheers and applause we're off and running. we got a great show for you tonight. he's an academy award-nominated and golden globe-winning actor who stars in "dune: part two." which hits theaters this weekend. austin butler is on the show, you guys [ cheers and applause first time
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i'm so excited about it. she's an actress, comedian, author she's one of our favorites here. her new special "jenny slate seasoned professional" is out now on prime video jenny slate is also joining us [ cheers and applause and we will have music from a fantastic band two door cinema club will be here to perform for us [ cheers and applause you guys, we're still celebrating our tenth anniversary week, and today we put up a special new episode of our "late night" podcast that features our cast and crew talking about their favorite stories over the first ten years. it's very special. you can find it wherever you get your podcasts. very happy they all took the time to do that. moving on, president biden announced that the u.s. is working towards a ceasefire in gaza that could come as soon as monday, but he also sent the nation into a full-blown constitutional crisis by eating ice cream with me. [ laughter ] for more on this, it's time for "a closer look." no, wait [ cheers ] "a closer lick." ♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: finally used it so you guys, a weird thing
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happened to me on monday we had president biden on our anniversary show we asked him some questions. we made some jokes it was a nice time then after the show he asked me to go downstairs with him to get ice cream. i said, "sure, why not?" it was our show's anniversary. i was in a celebratory mood. plus, my wife doesn't like it when i have dairy after 5:00 but when the president asks -- [ light laughter ] a few hours later, i get home, sit down on the couch and relax by doing what all americans do to relax, turn on cable news and i was flabbergasted, dumbstruck, one might even say agog, to see this on my television screen. >> seth meyers stepped into an ice cream shop with none other than president biden >> the president and meyers stopped by an ice cream shop >> the president enjoying an ice cream cone there with seth meyers. >> he did grab an ice cream cone with seth meyers >> the president made a spontaneous announcement at an ice cream shop after he had taped a segment with the "late night" host seth meyers, which is why you see him standing by his side >> seth meyers and president biden had ice cream while talking about the war in the middle east. >> the president of the united states answered very serious questions about israel,
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for example, while licking an ice cream cone >> holding an ice cream. i know i was like, "it's melting, this is weird." [ light laughter ] but he got asked the question, he answered the question >> it was really strange, yeah really strange >> seth: you think it was strange for you? [ laughter ] i was standing right next to him. usually i'm the one taking closer looks at the news now i'm in the news, which means it's time to take a closer look at - myself [ laughter ] ♪ [ echoing >> seth: for more on this, for more on this, for more on this - [ light laughter ] shame on me, by the way, for forgetting the first rule of comedy -- when the middle east comes up, put your ice cream cone down. [ laughter ] seriously, cameraman, you didn't want to help a brother out and frame the shot a little tighter? never before in my life has the "curb your enthusiasm" music been louder in my head during this moment. >> we're close we're close, it's not done yet ♪ [ applause ]
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>> seth: by the way, this is not the first time this has happened to me. eagle-eyed students of history will also note that i was eating ice cream next to ronald reagan when he made his "tear down this wall" speech [ laughter ] i was standing next to nikita khrushchev at the u.n. during the cold war. and i was there at the signing of the declaration of independence [ laughter ] i'm the reason for the famous chocolate smudge lhhl seriously, you try exhibiting gravitas next to the president of the united states while licking some honeycomb ice cream surrounded by a group of strangers. you know at least, to my credit, i had a suave, super charming icebreaker for all the customers in the ice cream shop. >> hi, how are you >> hi. >> good to see you guys. you like ice cream too [ laughter ] >> seth: see [ applause ] see? i don't need writers [ laughter ] you know what? fine so what?
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so what? [ laughter ] so i was in the news for solemnly licking some ice cream. at least it wasn't global news >> let's just have a listen to what joe biden had to say -- [ laughter ] -- yesterday while out filming in new york with seth mayer. >> seth: seth mayer? [ laughter ] well, the hits keep on coming. who is seth mayer? you're making me sound like the less cool brother of john mayer. while john mayer shreds on stage, seth mayer stands off to the side eating ice cream. [ laughter ] makes small talk with the audience you guys like music too? [ laughter ] and apparently it's not just the u.k. where i didn't make much of an impression. one pro-trump pundit wrote on twitter, "joe biden eating ice cream while answering reporter questions about serious issues isn't charming, it's super weird. do you know grown men who go get ice cream by themselves? [ laughter ] i don't. it's very strange.
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he's not by himself! [ laughter ] i'm standing right there i'm seth [ bleep ] mayer and i deserve some respect [ cheers and applause of course, the setting was not nearly as significant as the substance of what biden said when a reporter asked him about the possibility of an imminent ceasefire in gaza. >> can you give us a sense of when you think the ceasefire will start, sir? >> well, i hope by the beginning of the weekend i mean, the end of the weekend at least my national security advisor tells me that we're close. we're close. it's not done yet. my hope is by next monday we'll have a ceasefire >> seth: don't frame me up [ laughter ] the worst part of that clip was when the camera panned back to me holding my [ bleep ] ice cream! [ laughter ] there's nowhere to put it! [ light laughter ] the whole time i was watching that i was thinking to myself,
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"please stay on biden, please stay on biden. please stay on biden pl -- goddamn it!" you might say why didn't you look where the camera was pointing i couldn't get caught looking into the lens. i already felt like i was on an episode of "curb" and "veep. i didn't want to do a jim halpert look into the camera too. [ light laughter ] [ applause ] now, i will say, as i was listening in the moment, i was thinking to myself, "i really hope he's right about an imminent ceasefire." in fact, i hope it comes as soon as possible, because as far as i can tell, the only way out of this nightmare is an immediate, lasting ceasefire and the safe return of all hostages in the meantime -- [ cheers and applause axios reports that the biden administration gave israel until mid-march to sign a letter that gives assurances it will abide by international law while using u.s. weapons and allow international aid into gaza. wait why until mid-march? shouldn't we always be abiding by international law i'm no legal scholar, but my understanding of international law is that, much like ice
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cream, it's available all year round. there are no exceptions. it's not alternate side parking. i've never seen a sign that says "no violations of international law except for tuesdays, thursdays and alternate sundays from 9 a.m. to 8 a.m., the previous wednesday except for holidays, not including opposite day, which is not a holiday, meaning the rules do apply except it's opposite, so they don't apply. anyway, who the hell is that standing next to joe biden?" [ laughter ] so agree or disagree, there was plenty of substance to chew over from biden's appearance on our show monday. but the right seemed laser-focused on what was clearly much more important to them -- the ice cream. >> something else that was kind of funny tonight to see president biden at the ice cream shop in new york where he was fundraising and taping a late night comedy show. >> forgive me, brett, but i'm shaking my head at that. consider the optics. a major news announcement nearing a ceasefire while getting ice cream with seth meyers. there's something wrong with that >> that's what he said while he was eating ice cream there, that cream cone which, if that's true, that's a major policy announcement that typically you wouldn't make with ice cream in your right hand
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>> you know who lights up for ice cream? children and the elderly >> you know, in between slurps of his ice cream cone, forrest gump is like starting to exhaust me with all of this -- this -- i personally am sick and tired of hearing about how much he loves ice cream >> seth: okay. first of all, he wasn't slurping, because slurping makes a sound, and all i could hear was my heart pounding and the ice cream slowly dripping onto my cone hand also, biden is not forrest gump in that situation. i am [ laughter ] i'm the one standing next to a world leader not knowing why i'm there and wishing i was just playing ping-pong. he not the gump! i the gump [ light laughter ] it's like my mama always said, "you guys like ice cream, too? [ laughter ] i didn't know! i didn't know if they liked it and i wanted to ask. [ laughter ] they were tourists i wanted to be like, "if you don't, go elsewhere. and i also know biden isn't forrest gump, because unlike
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gump, biden doesn't run. he's more of a shuffler, you know still more than donald trump is capable of that man can't run or shuffle. if we ever invited him on this show, he wouldn't even make it to the couch he'd just wander in circles until he forgot where he was and just give up besides, i would never invite trump on this show because, a, it would be pointless, and, b, what would we eat afterwards there's no kfc in 30 rock. [ laughter ] and if there was, the cnn headline would probably say, "trump discusses windmills while steve mayer watches like a dumbass. [ laughter ] by the way, i agree it's not ideal to make serious announcements while eating crisis cream, but in fairness, he was already eating ice cream and then they asked him the question if the question had been, "do you like sprinkles?" that would have been a [ bleep ] insane answer [ laughter ] so fox was mad about the ice cream, but no one was more upset than fox host jesse watters. >> a grown man, especially the president, should not be licking ice cream in public. >> seth: yeah. grown men shouldn't lick ice cream in public. they should be at the iowa state fair glory-holing a corndog.
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[ laughter and applause adult stuff. you know what? you're right, grown adults should never eat ice cream in public, and fox news would never do something so embarrassing >> it is national ice cream day, and we are celebrating with a sweet setup on fox square. we're joined by president and ceo of friendly's restaurant, craig erlich craig, good morning to you happy national ice cream day >> thank you so much we have our conehead sundae, we have our monster mash sundae, we have our regular sundae, we have our jim dandy sundae everybody loves the jim dandy. and then my favorite are the fribbles and in celebration of our birthday, we're giving away free fribbles >> seth: okay, first of all, in fairness, i only knew about that clip because i was there too i mean, guys, it's - [ laughter ] right across the street. i heard about the free ice cream, and i said, "to hell with politics, i'm going to get myself a fribble." fine that's just "fox & friends." they do stuff like that all the time surely no republican president would ever be caught dead in an ice cream shop >> donald trump makes a visit to
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carvel ice cream in westwood, and his fans are delighted by the sweet surprise [ cheers ] >> trump stopped by a nearby dairy queen following his campaign pitch he was greeted by chants of "usa" as he handed out blizzard ice cream treats >> so everybody wants a blizzard what the hell is a blizzard, huh? [ laughter ] >> seth: you were in a dairy queen and you couldn't wager a guess as to what a blizzard might be at least when they asked biden if he wanted a cup or a cone, he didn't say, "i don't know what either of these [ bleep ] things are! this is the same sort of performative outrage the right-wing media has specialized for years now. they don't care if their hypocrisy is shameless and transparent. maybe next time trump is on fox news, they can ask him a hard hitting question like -- >> do you like ice cream, too? [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> seth: this has been "a closer lick." ♪ [ cheers and applause we'll be right back with austin butler, everybody [ cheers and applause ♪
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>> announcer: for more of seth's "closer looks," be sure to subscribe to "late night" on youtube. the company goes to the first born audrey. the model train set is entrusted to todd. mr. marbles will receive recurring deliveries for all of his needs in perpetuity, thanks to autoship from chewy. i always loved that old man. what's it say about the summer house? yeah, the beach house. the summer residents goes to mr. marbles. plot twist. i'm sorry, what? doesn't make logistical sense? unbelievable. pets aren't just pets. they're more. you got a train set todd. save 35% off your first autoship order. at chewy. you love pizza just as much as we love pizza so we're bringing you our favorite offer yet. for a limited time get a large, one topping pizza for 8.99, only at papa johns. better ingredients, better pizza. new axe black vanilla? ♪♪ ♪he like when i get dressed♪ ♪i live life with no stress♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: give it up for the fantastic 8g band right over there, everybody [ cheers and applause we are so lucky to have fred armisen here with us this week [ cheers ] and fred, i'm always so impressed, because you seem to be a man who always has, like, 20 different projects going on at any given time. you know, our first guest tonight, austin butler, was so wonderful in the elvis film. and i heard you -- you are -- have a biopic coming up. >> fred: that's right. [ light laughter ] so i did a film about the designer of granola? you know, like granola cereal. >> seth: sure, i know what granola was. i wouldn't have thought the person who made it was called a designer [ laughter ] >> fred: yeah, well, just
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because we see granola as sort of like amorphous. there's a design to each one like whenever there's a cluster, there's a team of people who sort of like, you know, put it together and like this is what it's going to be >> seth: each individual cluster is designed? >> fred: yeah. [ laughter ] [ scattered applause ] >> seth: and so what year was this born, this idea of designing granola? >> fred: 1951. >> seth: okay. [ laughter ] and who was the designer what's his name? i would think a lot of us don't know this. >> fred: glenn stevens >> seth: oh. [ laughter ] glenn stevens? >> fred: in 1951 yeah just back then, cereals were just loose it was just corn flakes. it was just all over the place and someone was like "let's kind of, like, organize this a little bit, so that people know what's --" you know and so it just went from there and we celebrate it. >> seth: that's so exciting. and if we're looking for it in cinemas, what's it going to be called >> fred: oh, it's not coming out in cinemas >> seth: is it going to be on streamers? >> fred: in gymnasiums we're going to do it
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[ laughter ] so we're showing it in gymnasiums -- i know but it's just hard to get films out these days so we're just going to do gymnasiums please come out and see it >> seth: oh, great give it up for fred armisen, everybody. so exciting. [ cheers and applause you'll see him next with glenn stevens. our first guest tonight is an academy award-nominated and golden globe award-winning actor you know from films such as "elvis," "once upon a time in hollywood," and "masters of air," which is streaming now on apple tv plus. he stars in the highly anticipated "dune: part two," which is in theaters and imax this friday, march 1st let's take a look. >> but tonight, you're a hero. my gift to you >> i ought to drown you in that tub. >> don't be hasty. i have another gift for you, a bigger one arrakis. ♪ >> what about rabban >> he has failed to protect spice production
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rabban will be reassigned. tame arrakis, feyd free the spice i'll make you emperor. ♪ >> seth: please welcome to the show, everybody, austin butler [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: hi! i'm so happy you're here >> hello i'm so happy to be here. congratulations on ten years >> seth: thank you that's so kind of you to say >> and, fred, i can't wait to see your glenn stevens biopic. i'm really excited about that. [ laughter ] >> seth: i know this is maybe a little bit of a sore subject, because i did hear you were up for that part as well. >> i was, i was. they didn't buy me as a granola designer, for whatever reason. [ laughter ] >> seth: i wouldn't believe it
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either >> i didn't have the brains. >> seth: no. look at fred fred, do your smartest face. >> wow [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah. >> that's amazing. >> seth: it's really something it's really, really something. [ applause ] >> wow >> seth: this is one of the more anticipated movies of the year and i think, you know, obviously the industry was hurt a great deal by the strikes, but some movies like this one, it almost increases the anticipation i think people are so very excited about this movie >> it's been so cool to go around the world and feel the excitement >> seth: and you really have gone around the world. this is an every place movie >> yeah, yeah. >> seth: it's for everyone >> we went to mexico city and korea and all over paris, london it was incredible. >> seth: it must be such a dream. now, you saw the first one >> yeah. >> seth: and when you saw it, you had no sense that you were in the running for the sequel. >> no. >> seth: was it a trip at the time when you first got the idea of, "oh, i might be able to be in the second one of these?" >> yeah. it was a dream come true i would have done catering on
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this film. [ light laughter ] i just -- i loved the first film so much. >> seth: don't make me think about the catering on the "dune" set. it takes me to this fantastical world and there's somebody back there being like, you know, like fred offering granola to everybody. >> yeah, yeah, granola [ laughter ] >> seth: so denis, this incredible director, who really is a visionary in everything he does i heard tell that you didn't audition for this, but you did have a coffee with him >> that's right, yeah. >> seth: and what was the understanding of the meeting did you sort of think when you went in, like, "i might get this part"? >> well, i didn't know i truly didn't know. i didn't know which direction it was going to go. i didn't know him. and "elvis" hadn't come out yet. >> seth: oh wow, so it's a way back >> i had shown him a few scenes and that sort of thing so i really didn't know. and i've never been just offered something. and so i thought, you know, this is probably not going to go my way. but then we had this wonderful meeting. and he's just the loveliest guy. and very quickly we saw that we liked to work in a similar way and then he said, you know, "i'm going to go home and dream on this meeting." [ laughter ]
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and then he went home and he dreamed on it, and he called me and he said, "will you join me on arrakis?" >> seth: how many days later >> i think it was about three days later >> seth: so three dreams >> three dreams. [ laughter ] needed to be sure. >> seth: he needed to be sure. >> they come in threes >> seth: i have to have you in all three dreams >> yeah. >> seth: i think this really speaks to the kind of visionary he is, that he cast you in a film and he was like, "no hair." because let's be honest, austin, you got a great head of hair and then feyd, your character in the film - [ laughter ] a real -- if elvis zigged, this is a real zag right here >> yeah, yeah. i just wanted to go the complete other direction. >> seth: well, he really helped you out. and it's really fantastic. it's one of these movies it's so exciting to see it on a big screen this look, when they first explained the look, and when you first got a glimpse of yourself in the makeup, what was that like >> the first time i saw myself in the makeup, i was in the middle of the "elvis" press tour >> seth: okay. >> we were in london and i took a break from doing the junkets during the day, and then they brought me up to a hotel room and did that to me.
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[ light laughter ] and at first, you know, i'd been in this whole other world. and i thought, "i don't know about this, this is going to be wild." and then once i wrapped my head around it and leaned into that, it became the most fun i have ever had >> seth: it really -- i mean, it's genuinely a transformation. no eyebrows. >> no eyebrows >> seth: black teeth >> yeah. >> seth: the black teeth are real good. >> yeah, yeah. >> seth: was the blacking of the teeth a fun part of this process? i would imagine -- >> yeah. >> seth: oh, it was? all right, yeah. >> i mean, it's freeing not having to show your own teeth. >> seth: you went months without flossing you were like -- >> oh, yeah, completely. granola everywhere [ laughter ] >> seth: i know for -- so, you know, for "elvis," i read that you, you know, to some degree you stayed in character, which i totally understand and watching that film, it certainly -- every choice you made was worth it. this is a very different cat i imagine you don't want to try to get into character in this sociopath and stay there >> yeah. you got to set some boundaries
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>> seth: you got to set some boundaries with feyd, yeah >> exactly >> seth: physically -- certainly what i saw looked physically taxing emotionally taxing as well because, you know, for a sci fi movie, i feel like it's different than the genre films we grew up with. i mean, these are just actual cinema now, and i would imagine it was pretty much an emotional roller coaster >> yeah, yeah. i mean, truly, i remember going to see "star wars" when i was -- before i could read. my uncle read it to me and he took me - >> seth: oh, that -- right when the movie started, you were like, "there's so much reading." >> there's so much reading [ laughter ] so the first time when they rereleased the '70s films in the '90s, i went and watched those and the same feeling that i got going as a child and watching that is the way i felt watching "dune" for the first time. >> seth: it's really great >> yeah, it's really extraordinary. got to see it on imax. >> seth: i highly recommend. and i want to say as well, because you know, this is the first time we're getting a chance to talk, i --
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"elvis" was the first movie i saw in a theater after the pandemic and it was so -- such a reminder of, oh, movies are great when you watch them at home and watching it, though, on a big screen, that performance and that film, it was -- i was like, "i got to start going back to movies again." so it was really something congratulations. >> thank you thank you so much. [ cheers and applause >> seth: and it's just such a delight to have you here congrats on everything you guys, that's austin butler [ cheers and applause "dune: part two" in theaters and imax this friday, march 1st. stick around we'll be right back with jenny slate. [ cheers and applause ♪ see? homequote explorer lets you easily compare home insurance options so you can get what you need without overpaying. yeah, we've spent a lot on this kitchen. oh, yeah, really high-end stuff. -sorry, that's our ghost. -yeah, okay. he's more annoying than anything. too bad there's mold behind the backsplash. [ sniffs ] yep, that's mold. well, then, let's see if we can save you some money with progressive.
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: our next guest is a talented actress, comedian, and best-selling author who you know from her work in movies such as "marcel the shell with shoes on," "everything everywhere all at once," and "obvious child." her new special "jenny slate seasoned professional" is available now on prime video let's take a look. >> so i took an airplane to amsterdam. he came to the airport with flowers, which obviously made me have an orgasm right away. [ light laughter ] and he's like, "ba da da, we'll do this and that and then we'll get on the bikes." and i was like - i'm sorry. [ light laughter ] so sorry i feel like i heard like a w -- like, a weird word [ light laughter ] he's like, "we'll get on the
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bikes. and i was like - oh there's the other [ bleep ] shoe [ laughter ] >> seth: please welcome back to the show our very good friend jenny slate! [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ >> seth: welcome back, jenny >> thanks for having me back >> seth: i love this special so much beautiful venue. >> oh, gorgeous. >> seth: you remark on the venue right off the bat. >> both of our faces when we're even talking about it are like -- because it's ghostly >> seth: it has a spooky vibe. >> i remarked right away, because i like to tell the truth, which is that it reminded me of what i think the play "the phantom of the opera" is about >> seth: gotcha. >> a play that i have not seen
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[ light laughter ] because, a, they made the title too scary, as i say. b, i also admitted right away, much to the offense of many of the theater-goers, that i don't want to see a play >> seth: you don't like going to plays. [ laughter ] >> i don't >> seth: what is your turnoff about going to see a play? >> i'm like, okay, like someone gave you that outfit [ laughter ] right? and literally they're like, "father, but you work at the newspaper!" or whatever it is. you're like, i see you, like your name is elizabeth, you know, like you went to julliard. like, i know you're you. that's how i feel. >> seth: so you feel lied to at a play >> yeah. i'm like, if we're all going to be here, why don't you talk to me [ laughter ] >> seth: like a normal person. >> yeah. i just -- i don't know but yeah, i mean, that said, obviously if like tony kushner is watching this, i would love to be in a play. >> seth: yeah, i think that's -- [ light laughter ] >> like so much, yeah. >> seth: you mentioned you've never seen "phantom of the opera.
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i also haven't seen it what do you think it's about >> okay. can i al -- okay okay, and i'll take the test let me say i saw the movie >> seth: okay. >> it was a while ago, aka, i was stoned and drunk in my home. [ laughter ] >> seth: okay. so this is the recent one. >> gerry butler. >> seth: gerry butler's in it, great. >> and i -- it -- they're on a gondola. they're going, and he's like - [ imitating singing [ laughter ] and so, a little bit of that, right? what i think it's about, he doesn't know where to go he has half a plate on his face. why is he in there she's walking around why is she in there? why are they both in there and then she's like -- ♪ ah ♪ -- when she's alone. and he's like -- christine and then she's like into that? and then he comes out and he's like, "my plate! and then she's -- he, like, teaches her how to sing. and then he's like, but he's like basically a squatter. [ laughter ] and then she like sings so hard that the chandelier falls on them, and that's why love can be beautiful, but a tragedy
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>> seth: oh! i might have to check it out [ cheers and applause i might have to check it out i never heard a movie recap where there's more whys. [ laughter ] why are they there what are they doing? >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> seth: i'm like, i'm asking you. >> right, right. >> seth: you and i -- although you did the hard work, we both talked about the birth of our children in our specials >> yeah. >> seth: i, of course, did not have to give birth to a child. i just got to like stand there and watch and tell jokes >> but yours was so good that i got pregnant so that i could do a special about giving birth yeah [ laughter ] >> seth: when you realize like, "oh, material. [ laughter ] >> yeah. yeah, i'm gnarly i'll just go for it, you know, if there's a joke. >> seth: and now your beautiful daughter is three. >> she's three >> seth: and she wants to do something that she did not inherit from you, the desire to do this. >> this is a super tough one for me bec -- okay so recently, from a distance, because i'm not crazy and doing it up close, we saw a horse, from a distance. >> seth: got you you didn't bring her to see a horse.
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there just was a horse nearby. >> ah, yeah. i would never bring her to see a horse. anyone who knows me knows that i'm like really scared of horses >> seth: okay. >> and i don't like them >> seth: and what don't you like about horses >> uh, they're too big >> seth: uh-huh. [ light laughter ] >> i don't understand why they're not a dog. like - [ light laughter ] the feet, their feet are hammers. [ laughter ] um, the face is as long as like half a door. [ laughter ] it's like, "oh, that's your face?" absolutely no thank you on that. and then, like, i would not explain this to my daughter, but like their [ bleep ] are from hell [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah. >> right >> seth: i mean, that's more than three strikes that's a solid five strikes you're out >> totally, totally. >> seth: but she wants -- does she want to ride one >> that's what she said. >> seth: oh, no. >> yeah. >> seth: so how are you going to explain it to her? >> so she says it. my husband, he like, looks at me, he's like, "oh, oh."
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like, this is jenny's nightmare. and i was like, "we can't. we're not, we can't. and she's three, so she was like, "why?" and i was like - we don't know any. [ light laughter ] yeah like, i just don't like know who to connect you with. [ laughter ] yeah i don't know we don't know. and she was like, "oh, okay. [ laughter ] >> seth: that's great. you weren't honest with her, but you explained it in a way that sounded honest >> yeah. i think that's fair enough >> seth: i think that's a way to deal with kids, yeah "seasoned professional" is the title. this is a title that was gifted to you by a hypnotist? >> that's true i wa -- that's true. [ light laughter ] i don't know do you sometimes, like, watch your personality happen and you're like, "what is it?" [ laughter ] like, how old am i like, am i 90? am i -- what is it i don't know i don't know what i am but anyway, yes.
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i went to a hypnotist, because i suffer from stage fright >> seth: when is this? how far into your --is this before your career started or during >> during. >> seth: okay. >> and i was like, "oh, i can't have this," because i've got to go on the stage. it's like a major part of why i'm here, even on a stage right now. and so i went there, mostly my fears blasted through whatever he told me but the phrase "you're a seasoned professional" stayed in my mind. and like that's why it's called -- the special is called "seasoned professional." but looking back, i'm like, it's so crazy that i did that because you know like when you're in high school maybe a hypnotist comes, and they're like, "who wants to come up here and get hypnotized?" and it's, like, only the popular kids who have never been made fun of >> seth: yeah. [ light laughter ] >> you know, like i remember a hypnotist coming and they'd make you be like "act like a chicken" or "play an invisible violin" and just being like -- like, i would never embarrass myself more than i'm already embarrassed by just being here
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in school. >> seth: yeah. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> seth: the last thing i need to add to my ensemble is an invisible violin >> totally like, just playing a sax or whatever, that's how you nickname becomes, you know, sax or whatever. yeah, yeah >> seth: but you have also, you've dabbled with some other professionals in the mystic field. >> i have. i love the cosmos. [ light laughter ] yeah i'll get help where it exists, you know for my bachelorette party to celebrate my first marriage -- [ light laughter ] what is my personality like, what is it [ laughter ] wine -- it's like wine mom what is this but anyway okay, so my best friend and i got married within a month of each other we were like, "let's have a bachelorette party together," aka, let's go somewhere with a pool and smoke weed with like three other people >> seth: yeah. >> so we went there, we got a psychic to come.
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she was like 45 minutes late she rolls up with a wheeling suitcase with like a broken wheel. she's like, "goddamn it! [ light laughter ] she's so flustered, so harried she's like, "oh, god, sorry girls. all right, okay, all right, okay." and then she had a stage name. we booked her under her real name, you know, whatever and like candice taylor or something. she comes. she's like, "okay, girls, i'm the celestial -- [ burps [ laughter ] -- countess. and we were like - [ laughter ] yo, this lady just burped in between her two names. [ laughter ] first of all she cannot even do this. her suitcase is dead but like we were all partying in the middle of the day, so of course we were like, "tell me my fortune. [ laughter ] yeah, yeah and of course i was wearing like a halloween store bride's veil because i was one of the brides. and she like, lasered into me right away
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and i was like, "here we go. and she was like, "you haven't met the right man yet. when you know, you'll know." and i was like - [ screams [ light laughter ] >> seth: so she actually maybe knew what she was doing. >> i mean, when i was signing my divorce papers, i was like - [ gasps [ laughter ] remember that lady that burped [ cheers and applause >> seth: she was burping the truth. >> she burped the truth. >> seth: before you go, and i really -- i loved your special so much. >> thank you >> seth: and i really do hope everybody watches. you also have another wonderful book of essays "jenny slate lifeform." and check that out as well congratulations on everything. >> thanks, darling >> seth: i'm so happy to have you back >> thank you [ cheers and applause >> seth: jenny slate everyone. "jenny slate: seasoned professional." available now on prime video we'll be right back with music from two door cinema club. [ cheers and applause ♪
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1:22 am
1:23 am
did you know you waste 200 hours a year handwashing dishes? switch to your dishwasher and cascade platinum plus. all you have to do is scrape, load, and you're done! cascade platinum plus. dare to dish differently. alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last longer. say hello to your fairy godmother alice and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain! ♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: their u.s. tour kicked off this month, and tomorrow night, they'll be at terminal 5 here in new york city. performing their latest single, "sure enough," please welcome to the show two door cinema club! [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪
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♪ here's another stor can't believe it's wrong keep it on the t give 'em what they want ♪ ♪ blinded by the sigh we live by candlelight it's not enough ♪ ♪ ♪ won't somebody tell m what's going o well it could be heavy is that what you want ♪ ♪ here's another sire
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ringing up ahead c-c-cylinders are firing what we gonna get ♪ ♪ tell us what you're frightened o just give it u here's the flood ♪ ♪ sure enough sure enoug give me just a little bi of peace instead ♪ ♪ i've got only so much room inside my hea i've got better ways that i could use my time ♪ ♪ think of something else so i don't lose my min i know you're giving what we're asking for ♪ ♪ but nothing good can come from opening that door everything's enoug to keep us wanting more ♪ ♪ and more and more and mor and more and more and more ♪ ♪ ♪ won't somebody tell m
1:26 am
what's going o well it could be heavy is that what you want ♪ ♪ a little bi a little bit 'til there i nothing stopping it ♪ ♪ ♪ it's just a little bi a little bit ♪ now there' nothing stopping it ♪ ♪ stopping it stopping i stop it stop it ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: two door cinema club, everyone for dates, head to we'll be right back with more "late night. [ cheers and applause
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1:28 am
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1:29 am
customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
1:30 am
what do i see in peter dixon? only i see my husband...ed.
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the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. ♪ >> announcer: come join the audience at "late night" live in studio 8g. for tickets, head over to follow us @latenightseth on all social media platforms subscribe to late night seth on youtube. find us online at and subscribe to the "late night podcast," featuring "a closer look," guest interviews, and more available wherever you listen to podcasts ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: i want to thank my guests, austin butler, jenny slate, two door cinema club, everybody! fred armisen and the 8g band thank you for coming we love you. [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ ♪


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