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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  March 1, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PST

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right now at 5:00, the biggest snowstorm of the season taking aim at the sierra. ahead we have team coverage on blizzard warnings now in effect, along with a warning against driving into the mountains. also, moving the city by the bay forward. a fresh start to the downtown area. how city leaders are planning to
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revive san francisco's half-empty shopping center. this is "today in the bay." and this is also friday morning, 5:00 right now. thanks for starting your day with us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. we begin with our top story, the record-breaking snowfall in the sierra. >> our mike inouye is tracking driving conditions, cinthia pimentel has a closer look at the amount of snowfall affected. >> first let's start with meteorologist kari hall, because you're tracking the current temps in the sierra. >> it is starting out with quite a bit of snow coming down and very chilly temperatures, but rain also for the bay area. as of now, we're starting to get some lightning strikes as we get a closer look at the satellite radar with the storm that's moving on the coast farther to the north of the bay area. but we'll also have a chance of thunderstorms for today. a look at stormranger shows that we are seeing some waves of rain, most of it light to moderate, but definitely having an impact on the drive this morning as you head out.
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we're going to continue to see spotty rain and gusty winds today that may reach 25 to possibly 40 miles per hour near the coastline, and rain and cooler temperatures continue into the weekend, as well as next week. but the blizzard warning is what we're all talking about, as that continues through sunday. so cinthia pimentel, our forecaster, has been tracking the impact of all of this heavy snow for the sierra. >> it's possibly a historic weekend. thank you, kari. first things first, the storm will continue to ramp up today, midday on into saturday. we are under a blizzard warning through sunday, and that's really emphasizing the strong winds, all of these areas shaded in red, that could limit advisability. there's an avalanche watch until sunday night, so all of these factors could be life-threatening. as far as records, the central sierra snow lab released this graphic of the top ten snowiest days at the lab back to 1970s.
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they're located at about 6,900 feet. february 3rd, 1989, takes the lead with the most recent on there being back in december of 2004. with 7 to 9 feet forecasted this weekend, we could be looking at one or two days being included in the snowiest days at the lab just this weekend. >> if we want to get that number one spot, we would have to have close to 4 1/2 feet, but even if we get past about 39 inches, that will get us into the top ten. >> andrew adds that as much as we all want to see what mother nature can do, it's really just best to stay away for now. i want to talk about something else that could devastate snow communities as we deal with our climate in crisis. a future with little to no snow, and it's not too far away. winter is the fastest warming season in the u.s. and the longer it takes for us to shift away from greenhouse gases, the
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more impact it could have. they are estimating 2057 as a time where they see little to no snow. >> not quite the long period into the future that we once had. and that doesn't necessarily mean that every year is going to be low to no snow, but we're going to have emergence of those years, and after that point it's going to become a lot more common. >> now, advocates say it's important to get yourself educated on this and speak up about it, especially in the outdoor recreation community. let's check in with mike for the latest on roads leading to the sierra. >> behind me, this is departing from the sierra. yesterday morning, look at the snow falling and we have snow on the side of the road. this is before everything happened, eastbound 80 was shut down by an overturned big rig. so even these conditions were tough for the rig. we're talking about what conditions there are now, chain controls in place across 80, 50.
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when you see these signs, if you're traveling around sacramento, you're going to see road signs talking about r-1, r-2, r-3. r-1, they're required for most vehicles, but not all-wheel drives. r-2, all vehicles have to have change. r-3, you may not see because conditions will be so bad they'll be shutting down. if you're going to travel in the area, which we advise you don't do today, remember those codes. on the roadways, we have wet roads, but we're not getting reports of flooding right now. active flooding happens during the rainy parts. we're getting a lot of wind advisories from chp across the bridges. the advise for the sierra, i gave you the codes, but really the biggest advisory is don't drive through the sierra. back to you. >> good advice. thank you. track this storm and others with our free nbc bay area app. the qr code will take you
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straight to our radar. point your phone's camera at that code and it will take you to our weather page. san francisco's biggest mall, formerly known as san francisco westfield centre is getting a rebrand, at the same time macy's announced its union square store will close. >> ginger, people in the city will hoping this could be the start of a comeback for the downtown area with this big throwback. >> reporter: it is a big throwback, and that really is the hope, laura and marcus, that this rebranding will bring some good energy moving forward from what san francisco has been going through, especially because of the history there. what has been known as san francisco shopping centre will now be known as emporium centre san francisco. does it sound familiar? it does a little bit to me. i remember those rooftop christmas days. now, the name is a nod to the mall's history. it opened in 1896 as the emporium. the facade of that building was
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the only part of it that survived the 1906 earthquake, and it was seen as a symbol of courage during the city's rebuilding. new management hopes it can evoke that as they focus on improving security and bringing in tenants in the entertainment and culinary sectors. they want to work with existing retailers and restaurants and attract more tenants, improve security, and add events with music and performances. san francisco supervisor matt dorsey, whose district includes the mall, says he thinks the city's comeback is under way, but addressing the needs to ensure public safety is key. >> right now san francisco is facing an historic crisis in police understaffing. about one-third of the police department that's supposed to be there isn't there. >> reporter: now, updates to signage, the website, and even social media handles will be coming soon.
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i checked out their instagram page this morning. the handle is still san francisco centre, but the name under it has already been changed to emporium centre san francisco. so that's an easy fix. some of the harder fixes, we'll have to wait and see. just hearing the emporium rebrand, marcus and laura, i had to pull out possibly some of those christmas bears. >> it brought back so many memories hearing emporium, all the names there. so old time bay area folks will remember, definitely. thanks, ginger. >> new memories ahead. 5:08 right now. new this morning, the oakland police commission is expected to submit the finalists for the city's next police chief to mayor sheng thao. last night those candidates participated virtually in a public forum. the candidates taking part in last night's forum at city hall were louis molina, the current assistant deputy mayor for public safety for the city of new york, former lubbock, texas,
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police chief floyd mitchell, cincinnati assistant police chief lisa morris. each candidate described their first 100 days as oakland police chief before asking more specific questions like the type of culture they would create at the police department. >> everything we do and every encounter, the way we treat people, matters. >> i'm fair, i'm honest and i'm just, and that's what i want my employees to do when they interact with people inside the department and outside the department. >> treating our internal stakeholders with just and fundamental fairness, i believe that translates as to how we treat other folks. >> as chief, i will be leaning into those situations and i will be transparent. >> mayor sheng thao did not attend last night's forum, saying that it unnecessarily put candidates at risk with their current employers and that several potential candidates declined to apply when they
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found out their names would be released publicly. more shaking in contra costa county last night. there was another small quake in discovery bay. the 3.0 magnitude quake hit just before 10:00 last night. no reports of any injuries or damage. this week, a 3.5 magnitude earthquake hit around the same area. let's take a live look outside in downtown san jose. meteorologist kari hall is tracking the wet start to the morning. off and on rain on my drive. >> the system is drawing in moisture and we're going to see it coming in off and on once again, not just seeing solid rainfall. we will have also the possibility of some thunderstorms as we go throughout the day. so we are starting out with a very soggy morning commute for you, and then as we go into the afternoon, we're going to see this continuing to work its way across the bay area. as we track this, you can do so at home on your smart device if you have the nbc bay area app. you can see the stormranger
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showing some of the rain moving through, and our hour-by-hour forecast is showing the rain continues through tomorrow, as well as the next couple of days. we'll be watching out for that. let's head over to mike with a look at where we can find lower gas prices. >> we're going to keep our reference station in hayward, r stores on hesperian boulevard, still the best in the state at $3.73. but it's the only bay area station on the ten best list. everything else is gone. the prices are changing. south bay, price points continue to climb. quick stop in san jose is now at $3.88 a gallon, about a dime or two higher. nothing listed before $4 in san francisco county. the lowest is $4.17 at gulf on mission street. but you share those prices and those changes on on the roadways, we share the wet roads. that's the biggest deal here. wind advisories from chp across the bridges and we're looking at highway 24 at telegraph, there's
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some roadway flooding, mostly on telegraph avenue itself. you'll find other spots like on the upper right, there's puddling and ponding in the blue sections. back to you. another insurance company reportedly leaving the golden state. coming up next, the thousands of homeowners being left without coverage and when that change will go into effect. plus, some cutting-edge technology that will actually help you cut your lawn. and how about a million dollar getaway? well, the swanky mansion that can be yours for an entire month.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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happy friday to you. the time is 5:14. let's get a look at our day planner in brentwood. we have some light rain, but there may be a brief break between 8:00 to 10:00, and then off and on showers throughout the day with temperatures remaining steady, in the 50s into the afternoon. cool and rainy day. we'll talk about how to prepare for the weekend coming up. this is what some of you are preparing for. a wet lens, berkeley curve is moving smoothly. but slick conditions could be a factor. you might expect a lighter friday flow of traffic, but you'll want to slow the speeds. we have something new going on near the maze, highway 24, i believe, coming up. good morning. happy friday to you. it's march 1st. we wrapped up february with an overall win on the markets. that's four months in a month.
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the nasdaq up 6% last month alone, closed at a record high. shares in the data company snowflake fell hard after the ceo announced he was leaving. it was founded in san mateo, but its entire workforce is remote, so i can't really say where it's located now. tesla opened up its chargers to ford owners thursday. tesla already had a deal with general motors. it means if you're a tesla owner, you may have to wait longer for a spot, but if you drive a ford, there are more places to charge, and tesla makes money off of it. this being the first friday of the month, normally we would have the big jobs report today, but there are exceptions to that rule and this is one of them. it's not just the first friday of the month, it's the first day of the month. so we'll get that data next week. this is fun. a san francisco company called electric sheep is showing off a new robot called verdie that edges and trims, it has a leaf
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blower for an arm. it can spray for weeds because it understands the difference between a rose bush and a dandelion. >> outdoor service industry is a huge industry and it's heavily labor constrained. so you can't find enough people to do the work. landscapers are struggling and automation is much needed in the industry. >> they're short on staff, they could use a robot. >> it seems a little dangerous with kids playing in the yard, toys around. >> i asked the ceo about that, in fact. >> so as of now, it doesn't use saws. it's just got a little trimmer on it. it's also got a blower. it's got weed spraying and things like that. the robot is very safe around humans. >> it still is a robot in your front yard. the robot lawnmower has been around for some time. this can edge and trim. >> a roomba with an edge.
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>> cutting-edge technology. >> literally. the marketing team wants to talk to you. another home insurance company reportedly leaving california, meaning thousands of homeowners may be left without coverage. according to the "chronicle," american national has notified the state of its plans to withdraw later this fall. the insurer covers more than 36,000 policies in california, but the company says it's unprofitable because of inflation driving up costs and increasing claims. american national is planning to withdraw from eight other states. the exact timing has not been announced. at least seven of california's property insurers have limited or completely paused new home insurance applications. trending this morning, a huge rental with a pretty big price tag as well. a whopping $1 million a month. >> a lot of money there. so this is in massachusetts,
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it's a town on martha's vineyard and it has just about everything you can dream of, 11 bedrooms, 11 full bathrooms. it's located on around five acres. there's two kitchens, a home theatre and an indoor basketball court, and a six-car garage, all with a great view. >> wow, two kitchens. >> finally found a place for your whole family. >> that's perfect. price tag, i don't know. >> we'll have to work on that. we may want to stay in. >> people may want to escape this, but it's really hard because all across the country we're dealing with some crazy weather. we've had storms out east and really warm weather, with now another storm moving into the bay area that's going to make its way across the country. we're going to see waves of rain today. it's not a steady widespread rain, but it's very hit or miss, and that will definitely be the nature of the kind of activity we'll see throughout today. a closer look with stormranger,
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shows we're not seeing it all over the bay area, but where we are seeing it, it's enough to make the roads wet and it makes the commute sloppy, and much of the peninsula seeing a wave of rain coming in, with off and on showers for the inner bay, the inner east bay down to the hills over the tri-valley as well. we are seeing showers moving through. so this is what we're seeing right now, once again, this kind of activity continues throughout today as we see on our models. but there may also be some thunderstorms in the mix as well and some brief heavy downpours through late morning for the north bay. it looks like the north bay will be the focus for some of the heavier waves of rain. tonight and throughout the day tomorrow, it's still raining and at times gusty winds will be in the mix. as we continue to get this rain throughout the weekend, then we start to see the impacts of all of that, the potential of some rising creeks, as well as some street flooding, and just this weekend we may see anywhere from about three-quarters of an inch of rain for san jose and los
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gatos, up to closer to an inch and three-quarters and possibly two inches for some spots. if you're looking forward to colder temperatures, it's going to be a while. this blast of cold weather, we have march 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th, it still looks cold for the bay area. we are going into the next at least week or so with very chilly temperatures and an active storm pattern that will continue. we've been talking a lot about the heavy sierra snow that will eventually wind down on monday, but then we have another storm system that's coming in on tuesday, bringing the bay area more rain and the sierra more snow before we get another brief break. so we're going to have a lot going on here, and our temperatures in the mid-50s, low 50s for the weekend. and then we gradually start to see those temperatures coming up to 60. it's going to be so cold these next few days. so keep the umbrella, the heavier coat, all of that, and be prepared for quickly changing
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weather that will continue into the middle of next week. mike, you're seeing a couple of issues for highway 24. >> we're seeing wet roadways and obviously we have some slowing, that's typical around highway 13. i think it's a sensor reset we typically see. this is a traffic break going on for westbound 24, heading toward the area just approaching warren freeway itself. there are reports of some debris in the roadway and they have to move some stuff to the shoulder. where it's blue, there's puddling and ponding. we're looking at contra costa county with a light drive. but there's a disabled vehicle along highway 121 just before highway 37. they're concerned because folks are flying past them. when you see the flashing lights, do everyone a favor and slow your speeds and give them extra space. plenty of space at the bay bridge, but a slick roadway. conditions may be rough. back to you. coming up next, nbc bay area responds. >> a paint brush-up, her car's
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top coat is peeling fast, and the company's customer service is fading even faster. i'm consumer investigator chris chmura chmura nbc bay choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel
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for any traveler you want to be. like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm, i... added the garnish. stay twice and get a free night when you book direct. take a moment, to unwind...
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like moxie. [dog sighs] milk-bone comfort chews. 6:25 right now. so every day our consumer teams, they rescue viewers who are swimming in sloppy customer service. >> we throw out safety lines in english and spanish.
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consumer investigator chris chmura joins us to share some recent results. >> happy friday. we delivered good news for two san jose viewers, matt called our nbc bay area responds team after he traded in his old cell phone with the promise of a $600 credit. well, he says two months later, no credit, and his carrier stopped responding to him. so he enlisted our help and we responded. we contacted the cell phone company and matt is now getting his $600 credit over the next two years. next, all smiles for mari who called our telemundo 48 responde colleagues. late in 2023, she shared video of her car's paint peeling while still under warranty. take a look now, her ride is repainted for free, but only thanks to consumer investigator arlen fernandez' team, who stepped in when the manufacturer initially declined to cover the $1,000 paint job. if you have a case for our team, scan the qr code on screen right
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now to fill out our consumer complaint form online. you can also attach video. have a great weekend. and i'm thom jensen in fairfield along i-80 right now. coming up in a live report, we'll show you how bad the conditions are getting in the sierra. we have brand new video of some very snowy and
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right now at 5:30, we're tracking blizzard conditions in the sierra. live team coverage on what you need to know, including why you shouldn't travel to tahoe this weekend. back here in silicon valley, elon musk is suing one of the companies he helped found. we'll tell you why. this is "today in the bay." good friday morning to you. thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. we want to get you started with that forecast. meteorologist kari hall is tracking those conditions, as we've been talking about it, up in the sierra, a lot of snow. >> it's already coming down. the window to get there has closed. we are going to have very heavy snow, almost no visibility. but even though we're just seeing some spotty showers here in the bay area, once again, it's really coming down as you go up in elevation. so we can see the system that's moving in and the snow that's affecting the sierra with some off and on rain for parts of the bay area. and we're seeing some breezy
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winds as we get started, what to expect as we have a wet weekend and gusty wind that could reach 25 to 50 miles per hour, heavy sierra snow, and then for the bay a system will tail off with some light snow on some of our bay area hills and mountains. the cool weather continues into next week. so we're going to continue to see some waves of rain here, as well as some gusty winds, also watching out for the slight chance of thunderstorms. we may start to see this activity picking up later on tonight. so we'll have more on that and what to expect throughout the weekend in a few minutes. >> we'll check back with you. our team coverage continues with "today in the bay"'s thom jensen. the storm is causing extremely dangerous driving conditions in the sierra, and it only is expected to get worse through the weekend as the snowpack up there, we're talking about feet of snow, not inches, thom. >> reporter: that's for sure. good morning, marcus and laura. much milder here along i-80 in
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fairfield this morning, just a little bit of rain like kari was talking about. really scattered as we drove in this morning. but you just start seeing those reader boards east of here as you drive towards the sierra, the chain restriction warnings and driving restrictions. we have brand new video from the sierra this morning from our affiliate kcra, and you can see the conditions are already starting to get bad. as the driver goes past that semi truck there, snow is already falling on the road, but the conditions are only expected to worsen as that snow strengthens, and then the winds that kari was talking about, with gusts that could reach up to 100 miles per hour on the ridge line. the blizzards are expected to reduce visibility down to just about zero. people are being warned to stay away. and we talked to bay area residents who are heeding those warnings and staying home, even
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canceling trips they had already planned. >> we're supposed to leave tomorrow and come back sunday, so friday through sunday. my friend is there now, and was saying, hey, i just drove to the grocery store, it's super slippery, i wouldn't recommend coming. >> reporter: now, some destinations are planning to close, anyway. sierra-at-tahoe tweeted thursday it was closing at noon and will remain closed today, and palisades tahoe said the alpine side will close today and they'll decide about whether the palisades side will open later this morning. with winds and snow stacking up so fast, avalanche danger is also a concern for anybody who wants to go up there. again, transportation officials, high patrol are telling people just to stay home, like kari said, the window has closed. it's really going to get bad in the sierra today. back to you guys in the studio. >> a lot of people want to go up there, but really this is not the time. when i say a lot of people, i
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mean laura. tahoe will be there later. >> he's been telling me that all morning. you missed your window. i did miss my window. a lot of the resorts that i would want to go to most likely are going to be closed anyway. thank you very much, thom. we also won't be going to yosemite because they're bracing for a major winter storm hitting that area. yesterday rangers, in fact, urged all visitors to leave as soon as possible. the national park is closing because of heavy snow, strong winds in the forecast. this was the view earlier. it is beautiful from a distance. this is from the park's high sierra webcam. the park will be closed at least through sunday. the popular badger pass is expected to get dumped with more than 7 feet of snow. >> you can keep track of this storm and find out when the rain is heading to your neighborhood and get those alerts on your phone by downloading our free nbc bay area app. if you don't have it, pull out your phone right now. you see the qr code to the left of your screen.
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point your phone camera to that and click on that link. it's going to take you straight to our weather radar. elon musk is suing one of the companies he's invested in. >> scott mcgrew, musk not happy with the way openai does business. >> yeah, he doesn't really want openai doing business at all, laura. it was set up, after all, as a nonprofit. but musk says a lot has changed since he first put his money in. in a lawsuit filed last night, musk says he's unhappy with openai's multibillion exclusive deal with microsoft, doesn't like the new board put together after a major leadership shakeup, and the whole idea of openai, he says, was to create a transparent organization that did good for humanity, not a private company that helps microsoft, he says. now, that's not the only worry about openai this morning. earlier this month, the company introduced sora, artificial intelligence that can make video out of anything you type. if you type, show me a woman
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walking in the rain in tokyo, it does. we showed this to you a couple weeks ago. remember, nothing in this video is real. but this morning that has election watchdogs exceptionally worried because anyone can create anything, and it's all fake. the group public citizen calling for openai to suspend its video until after the election. >> you are specifically saying, hold off on text-to-video, releasing it to the public, until after the election? >> that's right. i mean, i think one of the problems and one of the reasons we all are nervous about generative ai is that it's been kind of an arms race. companies are flooding the zone, putting out technology as soon as it's ready and not really thinking through all the ramifications. >> we'll talk more about openai's effect on the upcoming elections, as well as elon musk this sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. right here on nbc bay area on press here, right after "meet the press." >> it's perfect because it's
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rainy and we'll stay in and watch. thank you. happening today, the man convicted of brutally beating paul pelosi inside his san francisco home is due in court for a hearing in his pending state trial. david depape is awaiting sentencing in the federal case scheduled for april 24th. he's already facing up to 50 years for the hammer attack in october of 2022 that critically injured house lawmaker nancy pelosi's husband. it is still possible depape could reach a plea deal on the state charges. the actual start date for the state trial is still uncertain. to a follow-up, police are searching for a person accused of setting a fire inside a target store. this happened around 3:00 saturday afternoon in vallejo. now, they're hoping to talk to this person that they're calling a person of interest. it took firefighters about ten minutes to knock out the fire. alarms were set off and people were forced to evacuate.
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it caused at least $3 million in damage to the store and merchandise. anyone with information is asked to contact vallejo police. let's take a live look outside at the golden gate bridge. you can see the roadways are slick out there. be careful as you head out the door. meteorologist kari hall has been tracking the weekend forecast. >> yeah, i know a lot of people are not going to be heading very far, as we see this storm system continuing to impact the region. and we're also going to see it pushing to the south as well. if you're looking for something indoors to do, you might want to check out the san jose lunar new year celebration at history park. now, there will be some outdoor setups, and hopefully we can enjoy that in between the waves of rain. but there also will be some indoor activities as well, and the heavier jacket needed as we only make it up to about 53 degrees. if you are along the coastline, it is going to be very cool, only in the mid-50s for today, and upper 40s tomorrow, with off and on showers. you may see some peeks of sunshine here and there, especially for sunday afternoon, but also the heads-up that if
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you will be anywhere near the coast, there is a high surf advisory in effect. we're currently seeing waves of about 9 to 13 feet, but they could build as high as 15 to 20 feet. stay well away from the water. at any point we could see bigger waves. if you're heading to paso robles, it's going to be in the upper 50s, off and on rain, and mid-50s for saturday. we should see some clearing by sunday as it will still be a cool day. l.a. is also getting pretty much the same weather with the rain moving in later on this evening, and then off and on rain throughout the day tomorrow, highs in the upper 50s, and then getting a bit of a break on sunday with a high of only 60 degrees. we're tracking everything for you and helping you make weekend plans, but you might want to head out early. mike, you're seeing a second crash on 24. >> i am. maybe a positive change for one of them. slicker roadways, kari is talking about all the weather, the changes in conditions.
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you need to lower the speeds. they had a traffic break westbound, the good news is the westbound crash, i believe, has cleared from the roadway. the slowing spreads past wilder as you're coming out of the caldecott tunnel. the second crash is eastbound, opposite your main commute. no slowing shows up. we're looking at a little bit of a distraction, no major injuries, no major slowing. we'll track both on highway 24. the rest of the bay looks just fine with slicker roadways. do be careful, allow a little extra time. watch for the crowds. looking ahead toward the indoor events, at chase we have a concert tonight, bad bunny. in oakland, we also have about the same time, nicki minaj performing. in san jose, we have s.a.p. center with the comedy jam and cedric the entertainer will be there. eastbound 92 shows slowing. the water is kicking up. >> sure is. thanks, mike. coming up next, a midair scare for superstar carole g,
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here private plane forced to make an emergency landing. the reason and the video into our newsroom. and hope for women battling the deadliest kind of ovarian cancer. we'll show you a treatment that's increasing survival in preclinical trials. enhancing one's life. it is a space in which we learn how to be human. >> how do you feel your work moves the community forward? >> dr. king said when black folks are lifting, everyone is lifted. it's important to have a place where children across the class divides, across race and gender can come together to grow and be creative and the oakland public conservatory of music is that kind of institution. sydney sweeney is set to host an all new "saturday night
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live" this present. a lot more news ahead. stick around.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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good friday morning. right now as we take a look at our day planner for san ramon, we're starting with soggy conditions, off and on rain throughout the morning, and it's only in the low 50s. we're headed for the low 50s. keep the umbrella close by.
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we'll talk about what to expect throughout the weekend coming up. over here, the golden gate bridge, damp roadways. not a major issue. but the slicker conditions. and you see the cars driving away, there's spray on the tires and that will get on your windshield, even if it's not actively raining. we'll show you where things are slowing coming up. >> thank you so much. 5:44 right now, new this morning, scary moments for grammy winning singer carole g and her team. this is video of her private jet making an emergency landing last night at a southern california airport. the plane left the hollywood-burbank airport, but turned around when the pilot reported smoke in the cockpit. the cause of the malfunction is currently unknown. no injuries were reported. a quarter until 6:00 right now. both president biden and former president trump were in texas on thursday. >> scott mcgrew, we know there's a huge fire in texas right now, like over a million acres burning. they weren't there, far away over at the mexico border.
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>> right, where there's a different problem. good morning. we had kind of a split screen chance to see how the two men, both with experience in the white house, approached the exact same problem in almost the exact same place. split screen opportunity. trump in eagle pass, texas, president biden in brownsville. president trump talked about murderers and military-aged men and criticized biden. >> this is a biden invasion over the past three years. i call him crooked joe because he's crooked, he's a terrible president, the worst president our country has ever had, and probably the most incompetent president. >> biden pointed out that republicans had a plan, a border bill that one of their members helped write, the strongest in decades, that would have given presidents actual legal power to close the border. senate republicans helped pass that bill with a yes vote in the senate, but house republicans refused to bring the bill to a
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vote in the house. >> here is what i would say to mr. trump, set a plan and instead of telling members of congress to block this legislation, join me, or i'll join you in telling the congress to pass this bipartisan border security bill. we can do it together. you know and i know it's the toughest, most efficient, most effective border security bill this country has ever seen. >> now, congress has not accomplished a lot recently, but it did keep the government open. there's that. passing yet another continuing resolution to fund the government past midnight tonight. the next deadline is next week. a fair amount of legal stuff going on in the world. in florida, a judge in the trump classified documents case will hold a hearing to determine the start of that trial. there's a hearing in georgia as well over whether prosecutor fani willis should remain in her role. so prosecuting trump and others in a plan to overthrow georgia's
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election. a witness that everyone expected to deliver rock solid evidence, showing she had an inappropriate relationship with a fellow prosecutor, did not deliver that evidence, hemming and hawing about the timeline. legal insiders say they would not be surprised if the judge in the case actually allows willis to remain on the job, prosecuting the case. but the case itself may be permanently damaged. you'll recall back when willis' case seemed a lot stronger, she got several trump associates to plead guilty without trial. it seems a lot less likely she'll be able to get more guilty pleas, marcus, any time in the future. >> thanks so much, scott. well, a new study shows a promising way to treat ovarian cancer without making the patient more sick. scientists at cornell university and sloan kettering institute used nuclear medicine to target
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the ovarian cancer in mice. this means scientists attach radiation to molecule to target the cancer rather than using radiation that affects more of the body. at the end of this trial, 83% of the mice treated this way were still alive compared to just 30% of the mice. that did not get the nuclear treatment. now, a nuclear medicine expert says nuclear treatment is already in use for prostate and thyroid cancers, which are effective with fewer side effects. >> a significant difference in ability to survive the cancer when you do targeted specific treatment of nuclear medicine, like in this case. >> out of the 87 women in the u.s., one in 87, will develop ovarian cancer and half are 63
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and older. the rate has decreased since the 1970s because of better treatment. trending this morning, she is one of the most talked about actresses in hollywood right now. >> and now she's hosting "saturday night live" this weekend. >> i have never, ever been happier. >> she should be happy. we're talking about sydney sweeney. she's known for her role in the hbo series "euphoria" and most recently has taken her talents to the big screen. she starred in the romantic comedy "anyone but you" with glenn powell. she's getting ready to never be happier, hosting "saturday night live." she says she's excited for the challenge. >> it's live, it puts me outside of my comfort zone, which is a good thing. >> she's never been happier. sweeney will soon play the role of a nun in her upcoming film.
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wow, i was educated by nuns and they didn't look like that when i was in grammar school. that is actually for the anticipated horror film "immaculate" so we'll see. let's talk about the weather. a lot going on. >> a lot going on. it's going to one minute be raining, the next sunny. the wind is picking up. we have a mixed bag of weather coming our way as the storm system rolls its way down into the bay area. and where we can see that steady line of clouds, that's also where we're getting more energy and the possibility of thunderstorms that will be with us as we go throughout today. also seeing the showers that are moving through the bay area right now, as you head out the door for your morning commute. if you have our nbc bay area app, you'll be able to use the smart radar tool on there. that's our stormranger, a mobile doppler radar that's able to give you better detail of exactly where it's raining.
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so we're seeing off and on showers, and we're going to see some waves of rain through sunday. now, our winds at times will gust 25 to 50 miles per hour, and overall we're looking at valley rainfall totals at about 1 to 2 inches and the coastal and hill areas seeing the rainfall totals at about 4 to 5 inches. and then by saturday evening into sunday, we'll see snow levels dropping in the bay area, and elevations at about 1,000 to 2,000 feet will get a coating of snow. in the sierra, we've been talking about heavy amounts of snow, possibly 8 feet of snow or more for those upper elevations. hour-by-hour, we're going to see waves of rain coming in. it's hit or miss at any point throughout the day. it looks like this evening we see it picking up in intensity and coverage and then it just continues in waves throughout the day tomorrow, and on sunday, with a few more breaks for the afternoon. we're looking at rainfall totals for most of us, about an inch,
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it could be an inch and three-quarters, possibly two inches, depending on where the heavier waves of rain move through. we're going to see an active pattern continue through next week, not many breaks in the rain. by next tuesday into wednesday, we're seeing another system dropping in. you may have heard the saying in like a lion, out like a lamb. we know with the first day of march, it's definitely in like a lamb. the proverb comes from constellations long ago of leo and aries, leo is the lion, aries is the lamb, and eventually over time it just evolved into weather lore when they described how march began and how it ends. it's that transitional month of march where we can see the extreme weather, and so with it coming in like a lion, hopefully there's a quiet end to our month. we can see as we look at our
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temperatures, the blasts of cold air will continue through at least mid-march. we're seeing an active storm pattern and some very cold temperatures. we are going to be tracking this hour-by-hour as we see the roaring lion with us at least for the next few days. mike, you're starting with a crash in the south bay. >> i am. it's not a new crash. in fact, i saw this crash as it was getting its first crews on scene, north 101 at the lawrence expressway off-ramp. those familiar know the off-ramp goes up and then makes a curve. i want that the highway speed, as well as some slick conditions, might have played a part. the car went off the roadway. no major injuries, but still there almost an hour and a half later. watch those conditions for the light commute. you can go at freeway speed, but go as fast as it's safe. we still have one-way traffic control and you'll be delayed, but we'll see if the continued changing in weather over the weekend has any more impact on niles canyon, highway 84.
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avoid that area, use mission boulevard and 680, if you can. the rest of the bay shows an easy drive, recovery for west 24 at telegraph, and a little build at the bay bridge toll plaza. >> thanks, mike. happening now, another candidate may be ready to throw his hat into the ring in the race for san francisco mayor. several media outlets are reporting supervisor president aaron peskin intends to run. a recent "chronicle" poll found mayor breed is trailing. candidates have until june 11th to declare. we have much more on the blizzard-like conditions hitting the sierra. plus, a new name for the mall? san francisco. w they hophoe
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welcome back. so daily our consumer team, they actually rescue viewers from swimming in some sloppy customer service. >> we threw out safety lines in english and spanish. consumer investigator chris chmura joins us to share some recent results.
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>> happy friday. we delivered good news for two san jose viewers, matt called our nbc bay area responds team after he traded in his old cell phone with the promise of a $600 credit. well, he says two months later, no credit, and his carrier stopped responding to him. so he enlisted our help and we responded. we contacted the cell phone company and matt is now getting his $600 credit over the next two years. next, all smiles for mari who called our telemundo 48 responde colleagues. late in 2023, she shared video of her car's paint peeling while still under warranty. take a look now, her ride is repainted for free, but only thanks to consumer investigator arlen fernandez' team, who stepped in when the manufacturer initially declined to cover the $1,000 paint job. if you have a case for our team, scan the qr code on screen right now to fill out our consumer complaint form online. you can also attach video. have a great weekend.
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>> you, too, chris. a reminder, nbc bay area streams 24/7. you can watch us whenever you like on roku or all of our streaming platforms. right now at 6:00, the biggest snowstorm of the season rolling through the sierra. it's already causing issues for drivers. we have team coverage on the blizzard warning now in effect. right now, i think san francisco's comeback is under way. >> trying to move forward in the city by the bay. we're live this morning with the brand new plan to revive a half-empty shopping mall in struggling downtown san francisco. this is "today in the bay." good friday morning to you. 6:00 right now. thanks for starting your day with us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. we begin with a record-breaking snowfall expected in the sierra. our mike inouye is tracking driving conditions this morning. cinthia pimentel has a closer look at the amo


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