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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  March 1, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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>> you, too, chris. a reminder, nbc bay area streams 24/7. you can watch us whenever you like on roku or all of our streaming platforms. right now at 6:00, the biggest snowstorm of the season rolling through the sierra. it's already causing issues for drivers. we have team coverage on the blizzard warning now in effect. right now, i think san francisco's comeback is under way. >> trying to move forward in the city by the bay. we're live this morning with the brand new plan to revive a half-empty shopping mall in struggling downtown san francisco. this is "today in the bay." good friday morning to you. 6:00 right now. thanks for starting your day with us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. we begin with a record-breaking snowfall expected in the sierra. our mike inouye is tracking driving conditions this morning. cinthia pimentel has a closer look at the amount of snowfall.
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>> let's start with meteorologist kari hall, tracking the current conditions in the sierra. a lot of snow. >> it's already coming down. even though we're not seeing a lot of really heavy rain in the bay area, as you go up in elevation that snow is dumping down. so we're also seeing some thunderstorms developing just to our north, and we will have that chance as we go throughout today, with the waves of rain coming in and making that morning commute very soggy. here is a look at our stormranger, our mobile doppler radar, where we are seeing the off and on showers moving through the north bay, parts of the peninsula, and right now into the tri-valley as well as the south bay. what we can expect throughout the day is some spotty rain, some gusty winds, and a chance of thunderstorms, but ahead for the weekend it's going to get even colder, and we'll have some of the showers continuing through at least sunday, and then, also, the heavy snow, with a blizzard warning now in effect through sunday, with near zero visibility. this possible historic weekend in the sierra, nearly a dozen
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feet of snow possible through sunday. i mean, that's even hard to imagine. officials are warning everyone to just stay away. so "today in the bay"'s cinthia pimentel joins us with a timeline of the heaviest snow. can you tell us what experts are warning that we could see with seasons with little to no snow soon, accelerating climate change? >> good morning, everyone. first things first, let's start with this weekend. the storm will continue to ramp up through today and into saturday. we are under the blizzard warning through sunday morning, and that's really emphasizing on the strong winds over the ridges that could limit visibility. there is also an avalanche watch for tahoe back country until sunday night. so all of these factors combined could be life-threatening. and as far as records, the central sierra snow lab released this graphic of the top ten snowiest days at the lab dating back to 1970s. they're located at about 6,900 feet. february 3rd, 1989, takes the lead, with the most recent in
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december of 2004. with 7 to 9 feet plus forecasted, we could be looking at one or two days being included in the snowiest days at the lab just this weekend. >> if we want to get that number one spot, we would have to have close to 4 1/2 feet. but even if we get past about 39 inches, that will get us into the top ten. >> andrew adds that as much as we all want to see what mother nature can do, it's just best to stay away for now. i want to transition to talk about something that we could also be looking as, devastating snow communities up there, as we deal with our climate in crisis. a future with little to no snow. it's not too far away. winter is the fastest warming season in the u.s. and the longer it takes from us to shift away from heat-trapping greenhouse gases, the more impacts it could have. they are estimating 2057 as the time when the sierra snowpack sees little to no snow.
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>> not quite the long period into the future we once had. that doesn't necessarily mean that every year is going to be low to no snow, but we're going to have the emergence of those years. and after that point, it's going to become a lot more common. >> advocates say it's really important to get yourself educated on this and speak up about it, especially in the outdoor recreation community. there's a lot to keep tabs on this weekend. for now, i want to send it to mike with the latest on the roads. good morning. we have video right here behind me. obviously i'm not in the snow, but this truck is. since 3:30 in the morning it's been blocking eastbound 80 at kingvale. folks are familiar with this. there was an overturned truck yesterday morning at about 8:00 in the same area. look at how much snow, look at all those conditions here. what we're dealing with is severe conditions. we're saying don't drive through the sierra. this will continue. we're looking at the issues, closing all but one lane because of this truck across eastbound 80. westbound, the conditions are
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not favorable to travel. as we look at the local conditions, we're dealing with mostly wet roads, but also chp talks about the wind and flooding like on telegraph in oakland. we've seen a couple of spinouts and a car that couldn't make the turn on the off-ramp at 101 at lawrence. >> thanks, mike. and tracking that storm whenever you need to know what's going on, all you have to do is download our free nbc bay area app. the qr code to the left side of the screen, you can take your camera, click on that, and it's going to point you to what's going on on our weather page. new developments this morning for san francisco's largest shopping mall. the former westfield san francisco centre is getting a throwback rebrand. "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab joins us live in san francisco this morning. ginger, this may be the hopeful news that people really want to hear after learning this week macy's is closing its union square store. >> reporter: hopefully we're ending the week on a more
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positive note, right, laura? the hope is really that this rebranding for the mall and possibly the downtown area can move that area forward, what has been known as san francisco shopping centre will now be known as emporium centre san francisco. for those who have been in the bay area, maybe san francisco for a long time, it may sound familiar. the name is a nod to the mall's history, which opened in 1896 as the emporium. now, the facade of that building was the only part of it that survived the 1906 earthquake, and it was seen as a symbol of courage and vigor during the city's rebuilding. new management hopes it can evoke some of that as they focus on improving security and bringing in tenants in the entertainment and culinary sectors. they want to work with existing retailers and restaurants, attract tenants, improve security, and add events with music and performances. now, san francisco supervisor matt dorsey, whose district includes the mall, says he
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thinks the city's comeback is under way, but addressing the needs to ensure public safety is still key. >> right now san francisco is facing an historic crisis in police understaffing. about one-third of the police department that's supposed to be there isn't there. >> reporter: now, we'll see some changes to the signage, to the website, and to social media in the coming weeks or months, but i did check out their instagram this morning and it's already been changed to emporium centre san francisco, although the handle is still san francisco shopping centre or san francisco centre. some small changes we'll start to see. but the bigger changes, i think that's what people are really looking out for and really hoping that positive change can come soon. back to you. >> most definitely. when i heard that name, emporium, emporium capwell, remember those days? i don't go back to 1872, but i do go back to the '90s.
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>> we can go back to christmas on the rooftop. >> exactly, fond memories. let's hope we see a turnaround in the city. thank you. 6:07 right now. this morning the oakland police commission is expected to submit the finalists for the city's next police chief to mayor sheng thao. so last night those candidates participated in a public forum virtually. the candidates taking part in last night's forum at city hall were louis molina, currently the assistant deputy mayor for public safety for the city of new york, former texas police chief floyd mitchell, cincinnati assistant police chief, lisa davis, and former san leandro police chief, abdul pridgen. the commission gave each candidate a chance to describe their first 100 days as oakland police chief before asking more specific questions, like the type of culture they would create as police chief. >> everything we do and every encounter, the way we treat people, matters. >> i'm fair, i'm honest, and i'm just. and that's what i want my
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employees to do when they interact with people inside the department and outside the department. >> treating our internal stakeholders with just and fundamental fairness, i believe that translates as to how we treat other folks. >> as chief, i will be leaning into those situations and i will be transparent. >> oakland mayor sheng thao did not attend last night's forum, saying it unnecessarily put candidates at risk with their current employers, and that several potential candidates declined to apply when they found out their names would be released publicly. 6:09. and new at 6:00, the city of sonoma is taking an extra step starting tonight to keep people safe from the storm. between tonight and monday, the city is opening its emergency warming center, depending on conditions for other sonoma county warming centers may open as well. the sonoma center is located in the parking lot of the haven support home on 1st street and will be open from 7:00 p.m. to
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7:00 a.m. every night. >> meteorologist kari hall, of course, is monitoring all the rain we're expecting to get. how much are we thinking we're going to get tonight? >> it looks like it will be fairly significant, not only just tonight, but the next several days, and it's coming with cold temperatures. hopefully we do get more shelters opening around the bay area. we're seeing the cold front dropping in and you can see the long line of clouds and rain that's being pulled in across the bay, and also looking at a couple of lightning strikes farther to the north. we're seeing waves of rain for now, but as we see this coming in throughout the weekend, it will add up on the impacts we're seeing. the north bay will have the heaviest rain moving through throughout the morning and then it continues to develop for the rest of the bay area later on this afternoon into the evening. as far as how much rain we could see, the rainfall totals throughout the weekend are expected to reach anywhere from three-quarters of an inch of rain in some of the lower areas in santa clara valley, up to possibly about 2 inches of rain in oakland, and over an inch of
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rainfall for much of the north bay. we'll talk about how much sierra snow, and what we're expecting here. more in the forecast. mike is tracking lower gas prices. >> we're trying to find the lowest ones but we have, overall, things going up as far as price points go. we keep our reference station, hayward, r stores on hesperian boulevard still at $3.73 and still the best in the state. it's the only bay area station on the ten best list on we have south bay, we have price points that continue to climb, quick stop in san jose, now at $3.88 a gallon. and nothing is listed below 4 bucks in san francisco county, the lowest is $4.17 at gulf, the bottom price on mission street. on the roadways, we're looking at lighter traffic, but we're telling folks don't drive through the sierra. locally we have wet roadways, windy bridge crossings, and we have some slowing that continues, light traffic overall. recovery for the arrow on the
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right, still slow on west 24. there's a disabled vehicle on the shoulder at wilder. slowing toward carlson, i took a look at our camera, benny took a look, and he said there's nothing going on. the bay bridge toll plaza metering lights are active. >> good old benny that works behind the scenes. we've got a great crew. governor newsom is pushing back. coming up, a new twist in the controversy involving panera. his team's response to allegations he exempted the chain from a new state mandated wage hike. plus, cutting-edge technology, and i do mean that literally. stick around for that. let's go to the futures, for the very first day of march, it looks like a mixed market. ♪♪ get ready for bad bunny. we've got everything you need to
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know about his weekend shows and how much you could drop if you want to get some last-minute tickets. keep it right here. you're watching "t od
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a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more. happy friday to you. right now at 6:15, as we take a look at our day planner for gilroy, we're starting out with spotty showers and a cloudy morning, temperatures in the low 50s. we only make it to the upper 50s
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as the rain becomes heavier between 4:00 and 6:00 this evening. we will see this off and on throughout the weekend. we'll talk about the impacts and what to expect coming up in a few minutes. right now this is westbound 80, the commute direction. it's the one with all the headlights coming toward us. it's moving smoothly at university. at gillman, just outside of our camera's range, there may be an issue with a car that ran over a ladder. we'll see how the rest of that -- we'll show you how the rest of the bay is doing. good morning. happy friday. it's march 1st. we wrapped up february with another overall win for the markets, that is four in a row. nasdaq up 6% last month alone, closing at a record high. shares in the data company snowflake fell hard, i mean look at this, after the ceo announced he was leaving. the company founded in san mateo, but its entire workforce is remote, so i can't really say
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where it's located. tesla opened up its chargers to ford owners thursday. tesla had already gotten a deal with general motors. it means if you're a tesla owner, you may have to wait longer for a spot. but if you drive a ford, there are more places to charge and tesla makes money off of it. this being the first friday of the month, normally we would have the big jobs report today, but there are exceptions to that rule. this is one of them. it's not just the first friday of the month, it's the first day of the month right now, so we'll get that data next week. this is fun, a san francisco company called electric sheep is showing off its new robot called verdie, that edges and trims. as you can see, it has a leaf blower, it can spray for weeds because it understands the difference between a rose bush and dandelion. its creator says it will help humans. >> outdoor service industry is a huge industry and it's heavily labor constrained. so you can't find enough people
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to do the work and landscapers are struggling. so automation is much needed in the industry. >> the company electric sheep, named after that short story that became "blade runner" which this guy is a blade runner. he's got a little blade out there. >> doing its thing. is it like a weed whacker? >> how adorable is that? i think if he had artificial intelligence, he would probably start up the minute you had a nap. >> how much would it cost? >> they're going to rent them to lawn companies. so it is basically robots as a service. this would be something you would look up, if you had a gardening company. >> they could put that out. >> apparently staffing is a real issue. there's not enough people. >> thankful for them. 6:18 right now. governor newsom this morning is pushing back against the rising criticism surrounding his cozy ties with billionaire panera
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franchise owner. this comes in the wake of a bloomberg record on a minimum wage hike coming in april when wages will reach $20. the law includes an exemption for chains that bake or sell their own bread and panera is led by greg flynn, a long-time newsom donor. now the newsom camp is calling that report absurd, saying that panera doesn't even receive the exemption. panera did not issue a response. the warriors trying to continue their role on the road when they take on toronto tonight. last night in madison square garden they got off to a fast start versus the knicks, but things tightened up in the fourth quarter, steph curry hit another gear and scored 31 points. they went on to win 110-99. they've won 12 of their last 15 games. happening tonight, puerto
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rican mega star bad bunny in the bay area. >> he's performing back-to-back shows at chase center in san francisco. ♪♪ >> don't you just love a song that you don't know what they're saying? that's me with this song. the shows are tonight and saturday night. his tour is called the most wanted tour. tickets are still available if you're looking. we actually looked at the cheapest tickets on ticketmaster and they are $165. so this is the thing, i do this all the time when it comes to tours. you have to go by yourself. me and my friends want to sit together. one ticket, you look a few hours before. typically there's one sitting here, i always get floor tickets at pretty market value. >> i've been to the movies by myself, restaurants, but i've never been to a concert. >> i did a concert, i sat tenth
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row back and i was sitting by myself. >> you are vip. marcus washington. >> roll out the red carpet. >> everybody does this, could you sit down a little bit? >> i've had that happen before. what do you want me to do? i'm not switching with you. >> exactly. >> you want to sit behind me. >> very true. we're looking for things to do inside this weekend, concerts, movies, all of that stuff. it's going to be raining off and on. and we're going to see these waves of showers coming through. it's a cloudy start as we take a live look at walnut creek this morning. and at times we're seeing the rain coming through, but as we take a look at the regional view of what's happening, we have the line of the clouds, the cold front dipping in, and you can see the thunderstorms that we've seen, a couple of lightning strikes farther to the north. we will have that chance today of some thunderstorms as well.
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as we get a closer look with stormranger, our mobile doppler radar, we can see the spotty showers moving through, and as of now it's not that heavy. but we are going to continue to see this impacting your drive, and just going about your daily activities today as we get a closer look at the discovery bay area, livermore seeing a wave of showers. overall we're getting some breaks. as we take a look at san francisco, let's talk about what to expect here. it's going to be stormy throughout the weekend, off and on showers, and that continues through sunday. at times our winds may gust as well with some of the heavier downpours moving through. we could see gusts 25 to 50 miles per hour, and some of our valleys, some of our north bay valleys, about 1 to 2 inches of rainfall possible. for the coast and the hills and half moon bay, as well as the santa cruz mountains and some of our north bay mountains, about 4 to 5 inches of rain in total. and then we end the weekend with a little bit of some light snow, capping spots like mount diablo
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and mount hamilton, parts of our north bay mountains, while the sierra is getting heavy snow. we're going to see the rain moving through through about noon, but there will be some breaks in the activity. and it looks like it picks up later this evening when you see the oranges and reds. that's some heavy rain and that's going to just move through in waves all weekend long. so there's really not a big break here. and we could once again see some decent rainfall totals, about 1 to 2 inches of rain for most of us, and the active storm pattern continues through next week w heavy sierra snow and only a break on monday, before the next storm systems comes in on tuesday, into wednesday. we talk about on this first day of march, you've heard the saying, march, in like a lion, out like a lamb. it actually began with leo, the lion, the constellation, and aries, and we saw that eventually over time evolve into weather lore in the northern mem
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-- hemisphere. if it's a rough start to march, the saying is it will ease up and be a nice ending to the month. as we look at our models, it shows more and more blasts of cold air through at least mid-march. it's going to be cold and at times stormy as we're seeing now with our temperatures in the upper 30s, low 40s, and highs in the 50s. mike, you continue to warn about slick roads. the traffic volume is a lamb right now, but don't hit the roads like a lion. someone took this off-ramp at north 101 at lawrence a little too quickly. didn't make that turn. there's still activity there. use fair oaks if that off-ramp is not open. slick roads around the bay, but remember, niles canyon is still one-way traffic control. may be closed down over the course of the next few storms. >> thank you. well, putting an end to when peter dickson led my platoon into combat well, putting an end to season
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in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it
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has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. what do i see in peter dixon? next generation veteran fund i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy.
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because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. welcome back. 6:26 this morning. new technology is helping give bay area crabbers new hope future seasons will not be hit with such lengthy delays. in recent years, delays have been actually a fact of life for dungeness crab season. the reason, concerns about endangering migrating whales getting trapped in the netting. now the state's ocean protection council is authorizing new funding for ropeless fishing gear unique to crabbing that pops up from the ocean floor when fishermen tend to trap the
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crabs. it also removes the vertical fishing lines that actually span hundreds of feet and often lead to potential entanglements for whales and sea turtles. ahead, the search for a possible arsonist after a fire possible arsonist after a fire breaks out at a val
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole.
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ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. if you don't have to travel,
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do not. skiing, snowboarding, sledding, is not that important. >> right now at 6:30, a historic storm taking aim at the sierra. look at the cditions out there this morning. >> and it's only beginning. we are tracking blizzard conditions. we have live team coverage on what you need to know, including risks on the roadways all weekend long. here in silicon valley, elon musk is suing a company he helped create. this is "today in the bay." >> good friday morning to yo 6:30 right now. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. we want to get to the powerful storm a lievg. our thom jensen is live with a warning for bay area residents hoping to hit the slopes. >> let's head over to meteorologist kari hall, leading our coverage this morning. how is it looking in the sierra right now? >> well, we are seeing showers and also the snow coming down in the sierra. as we get a look at this big view of the storm system coming
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in, and we've seen lightning strikes to our north as we get a closer look with storm ranger, our mobile doppler radar, for the bay area it's off and on light rain. we are expecting the intensity to pick up. as we take a look at our weekend forecast, we are going to see at times some gusty winds, and a chance of thunderstorms, and then looking ahead, we are also looking at more of the colder temperatures. that will continue into next week. for the sierra, a blizzard warning in effect through sunday, and that means zero visibility, extremely high winds, and heavy snow coming down. in fact, some of our models are putting down feet of snow, and the biggest snowstorm we've had definitely this year, but it may be the strongest one we've had in years as we get all of this coming over a short period of time. so we want to continue to follow this. i'll send it over to you, laura, and marcus for more on what's expected in the sierra. our team coverage continues this morning with "today in the
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bay"'s thom jensen. the storm causing extremely dangerous driving conditions in the sierra right now. and it is only expected to get worse through the weekend, as this snow is stacking up by feet, not inches, thom. >> reporter: good morning. it certainly is. i've heard estimations of 10 to 12 feet over the weekend, unbelievable amounts of snow. as kari was talking about, the winds. lots of travel restrictions, travel warnings about driving in the sierra along 80. it's pretty mild where we are right now, but we have brand new video this morning up on 80 in the sierra. you can see the conditions are already starting to get pretty bad. but the snow is going to come down a lot heavier than you're seeing even this morning. highway patrol and transportation officials are warning people not to travel in the sierra, as you heard just a few minutes ago. it's more than just traction
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concerns, blizzards are expected, like kari was talking about, and reduced visibility is expected to be considerable as the wind gusts could reach 100 miles per hour on the ridge tops. we talked about bay area residents who are heeding the warnings and staying home, even canceling trips they had already planned. >> i went last weekend and it was great, and i was thinking about going again this weekend. but we decided to not go. >> i'm super bummed, but it's definitely not worth it to me. >> reporter: some destinations are planning to close, sierra-at-tahoe tweeted it was closing at noon and will remain closed and palisades tahoe said the alpine side will close today and they'll decide whether the palisades side will open or remain closed. with the winds and snow stacking up, avalanche danger is also a major concern, so lots of reasons for people to stay home
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and maybe just weather the storms here. the rain is supposed to intensify. the silver lining from this, guys, at least the snowpack is building up. we were below average before, after this storm comes through, expected to be at 100% snowpack in the sierra. so some silver lining at least. >> there we go. >> glass half full. >> we've got to look for it. maybe some spring break skiing in april. thank you, thom. and not only the sierra, but yosemite is bracing for a major winter storm. yesterday rangers urged all visitors to leave as soon as possible. the national park closed because of heavy snow and strong winds in the forecast. this was the view earlier from the park's high sierra webcam. the park will be closed through at least sunday. the popular badger pass is expected to get dumped with more than 7 feet of snow. don't forget, you can track the storm while you're on the go by downloading our free nbc bay
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area app. just point your phone to the qr code on your screen. it will take you straight to our weather radar. a follow-up on a recent fire at a vallejo target store. police are searching for a person of interest. this happened on saturday afternoon. no one was injured, but authorities now say it was caused -- or at least caused $3 million in damage. investigators are now hoping to speak with this man you see on your screen, who was caught on surveillance, the image was caught on surveillance cameras. if you know who this is, you're asked to contact vallejo police. elon musk is suing one of the companies he's actually invested in. >> scott mcgrew, musk not happy with the way openai does business. >> that's right. he really doesn't want openai doing business at all. it was set up, after all, as a nonprofit. but musk says a lot has changed since he first put his money in. in a lawsuit filed last night, musk says he's unhappy with
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openai's multibillion dollar exclusive deal with microsoft, and he doesn't like the board put together recently after a shakeup, and he said the whole idea of openai was to create a transparent organization that helped humanity, not a private company that helps microsoft. that's not the only worry about openai. the company introduced artificial intelligence that can make video out of anything you type a couple weeks ago. if you type, show me a woman walking in the rain in tokyo, it will. we showed this to you a couple weeks ago. remember, everything you're seeing on your screen right now is entirely made by computer. that has election watchdogs this morning exceptionally worried, because anybody can create anything, but it's fake. the group public citizen calling for openai to suspend its video system until after the election. >> you are specifically saying, hold off on text-to-video,
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releasing it to the public, until after the election? >> that's right. i mean, i think one of the problems and one of the reasons we all are nervous about generative ai is that it's been kind of an arms race. companies are flooding the zone, putting out technology as soon as it's ready and not really thinking through all the ramifications. >> we're going to talk more about openai's effect on the upcoming elections and a lot more about elon musk as well this sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. on "press here" right after "meet the press" on nbc bay area. 6:37. let's take a live look in san francisco. the city by the bay. clear at least in that shot. kind of soggy days ahead for us. let's take a look at the weekend forecast with kari. >> we are going to continue to see this storm system impacting our weekend plans, whether you're in san francisco or traveling across the region. we are going to continue to see the waves of rain coming in, and so we're kind of looking for some indoor things to do. we have the san jose lunar new year celebration at history park in san jose, and although some
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of it will be outside and hopefully we'll have some breaks to enjoy it, there also will be indoor activities as well. the temperatures only make it into the low 50s tomorrow. if you're thinking of riding down the pacific coast highway and enjoying some of the views there, it's going to be kind of hard to see because we are going to see the waves of rain coming in. look at the temperature tomorrow, the high of only 49 degrees. but there may be some more breaks on sunday. if you are going to be anywhere near the coastline, there is a high surf advisory in effect. we're already seeing waves up to about 13 feet farther to the north. and we could see them getting as high as some of the breakers up to 20 feet as the storm system pushes some of those swells onshore. that creates some very dangerous conditions. if you're heading down to paso robles, enjoying some of the vineyards, it's going to be raining off and on, temperatures in the upper 50s today. cool on saturday as the rain continues, but there may be some breaks on sunday, with highs in the mid-50s, and even l.a. will
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get in on some of the wet weather starting late this evening, and then rain throughout the day tomorrow with a high of 58. it looks like it does clear out as you're heading back to the bay area. mike, you're thinking about some of the roads ahead of you. >> we're looking at wet roads and the changing conditions kari has been talking about. lower those speeds and don't travel as much as you might tend to if you're just sort of zipping around town. watch that forecast, check our app. over here we have green showing where the roadways are at least damp and probably wet and those conditions will continue to change with the waves of rain coming in that kari has been talking about. highway 84 is open through niles canyon, one-way traffic control because of the damage last week. with more rain coming through, we'll watch the conditions. you might consider mission boulevard and 680 as your option around the area. looking ahead to indoor entertainment, s.a.p. center, a comedy jam that starts at 7:00, so there will be a crowd.
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if the rain comes in, watch those crosswalks. same thing at the arena, nicki minaj has a concert, so watch the off-ramps near the arena. frightening moments for a global superstar that happened after her plane book off from southern california. ahead, the midair scare that forced an emergency landing. and as the race for president heats up on this side of the border, a bay area when peter dickson led my platoon into combat of the border, a bay area graduate hopes to become in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women,
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and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. what do i see in peter dixon? next generation veteran fund i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver...
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who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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good friday morning. right now at 6:43, we take a live look outside at the clouds over san jose. we're going to continue to see a cloudy morning, and at times waves of rain coming through. the rain for the south bay will be very light at times, kind of off and on. we're watching other parts of the bay area for the bigger impact and what to expect as we head throughout the weekend. more on that coming up in a few minutes. i think we have more clouds than crowds. the bay bridge, the biggest backup we've seen all morning. we're about mid parking lot. the volume of traffic, we'll show you issues coming up. 6:44 right now. scary moments for grammy winning pop star carole g and her team. we have video of her private jet making an emergency landing last night in southern california. it had just taken off from hollywood-burbank airport, but suddenly turned around when the
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pilot reported smoke in the cockpit. 16 people were onboard, but no one was injured. the cause of the maljunction is not yet known. new at 6:00, two candidates, including one with bay area ties, vying to become mexico's first woman president. campaigning window officially opened at the stroke of midnight for the june 2nd election, and claudia sheinbaum is far and away leading the candidates to replace outgoing president lopez obrador. he's a renowned engineer who received her doctorate at berkeley. she's up against leader galvez. a tense political environment is expected to overshadow the race. both president biden and former president trump were in texas on thursday. >> far from the fires, they were dealing with the problem at the border. >> a whole different problem. good morning, to you. we had sort of a split screen chance to see how the two men,
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both with experience in the white house, approached the exact same problem in almost the exact same place. split screen opportunity, there's your split screen. trump in eagle pass, texas, president biden in brownsville. president trump talked about murderers and military age men and criticized biden. >> this is a biden invasion over the past three years. i call him crooked joe because he's crooked, he's a terrible president. the worst president our country has ever had, probably the most incompetent president. >> president biden, meantime, pointed out that republicans had a plan, a border bill that one of their members helped write, the strongest in decades, that would have given presidents actual legal power to close the border. senate republicans helped pass that bill with a yes vote in the senate, but house republicans refused to bring the bill to a vote in the house. >> here is what i would say to mr. trump, set a plan issue, and instead of telling members of
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congress to block the legislation, join me or i'll join you, in telling the congress to pass this bipartisan border security bill. we can do it together. you know and i know it's the toughest, most efficient, most effective border security bill this country has ever seen. >> now, congress has not accomplished a lot recently, but they did keep the government open, passing yet another continuing resolution to keep the government funded past midnight tonight. so that means the new deadline is next week. a fair amount going on in the legal world. in florida, the judge in the trump classified documents case will hold a hearing to determine a date to start that trial. there's a hearing in georgia as well over whether prosecutor fani willis should remain in her role prosecuting trump and others over a plan to overthrow georgia's election. a witness seen here that everyone expected to deliver rock solid evidence showing that she had an inappropriate
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relationship with a fellow prosecutor did not deliver that evidence, hemming and hawing about the timeline. now, legal insiders say they would not be surprised if the judge in the case allows willis to remain on the job prosecuting the case, but the case itself may be permanently damaged. remember, back when willis' case was seen so much stronger, she got several trump associates to plead guilty without trial. it seems less likely she'll get more guilty pleas any time in the future. >> interesting. thank you very much, scott. 6:48 right now. a new study shows a promising way to treat ovarian cancer with less impact to the rest of the body. scientists at cornell university and sloan kettering institute used nuclear medicine to target metastatic ovarian cancer in mice by attaching radiation to specific molecules. treatment was targeted specifically to cancer cells. at the end of the trial, 83% were still alive, compared with
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30% of mice not receiving the nuclear treatment. one expert says nuclear treatments are already used for prostate and thyroid cancers, which are effective with fewer side effects. >> a significant difference in ability to survive the cancer, when you do targeted specific treatment of nuclear medicine, like in this case. >> in the u.s., one out of every 87 women will develop ovarian cancer in her lifetime, more than half of the diagnoses are women over 63. the death rate has decreased by 40% since the 1970s due to improved treatments and fewer cases. 6:49 right now. trending this morning, one of the most talked about actresses in hollywood right now is hosting "saturday night live" this weekend. >> i have never, ever been happier. >> many of you know who she is. we're talking about sydney sweeney, best known for her role
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on "euphoria," but most recently taking her talents to the big screen in the role of madame web. tomorrow night she's hosting snl, alongside musical guest kacey musgraves. >> and she's never, ever been happier. i hope she brings the laughs and not just the drama. >> i'm sure she will. bringing the rain, bringing the umbrella everywhere these days. >> bringing the snow. we've been talking about how big of a snowstorm this is going to be for the sierra. i wanted to give you a look at our palisades camera. that's the only way you'll be able to see the center. you can't even see the mountains in the background. they've just announced at palisades and alpine meadows they're closed. we're seeing really heavy snow continuing that will continue to move through throughout the weekend. we're seeing a steady stream of moisture. we're going to have much colder temperatures as we go into the
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weekend, and we're going to see the showers passing by with some breaks here and there. but we're getting a bit of a break right now in san francisco. let's talk about what we're expecting throughout the weekend. it's going to be raining at times through sunday, some of our wind gusts could pick up 25 to 50 miles per hour, and some of our valleys like the tri-valley, santa clara valley, some of our north bay valleys, it's most likely looking about 1 to 2 inches of rainfall throughout the weekend. the coastal areas and our hills will see rainfall totals at 4 to 5 inches, and then by saturday evening into sunday, as the colder weather continues to descend into the bay area, we could see elevations at about 1,000 to 2,000 feet getting a light coating of snow. the sierra, 8 plus feet of snow throughout the weekend. we're not going to see as much of a big impact here as the rain does give us some breaks. but it does look like it picks up in intensity later this evening, with a lot of oranges and yellows, and that's where we
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could also see some thunderstorms moving through late this evening and off and on throughout the day tomorrow as well as sunday, as we continue to see not many breaks here, a lot of waves of rain coming in. and then looking at the bigger picture and what's ahead, it still shows the storm system impacting our region through at least early on sunday, and then there's still a chance of rain for the north bay on monday, and then another cold front moving through with heavier rainfall between tuesday and wednesday. on this first day of march, we talk about the old saying, march in like a lion, out like a lamb, and we know with this big storm system coming in, it's definitely coming in like a lion. it soms from a proverb from the constellations leo, a lion, and aries, a ram or lamb. eventually it evolved into weather lore for the northern hemisphere. it's such a transitional month where we have extreme weather, and hopefully now that we're seeing it come in like a lion,
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the end will be like a lamb. it does show a lot of cold air continuing to blast into the bay area through at least the middle of march. and so our temperatures are remaining chilly, we're seeing these storm systems coming in. it looks like that continues for quite a while. so of course we're going to keep you updated day by day as we see these changes happening every few minutes. mike, what are you seeing on the roads? >> kari, we're actually seeing i-80 not looking so bad. easier flow through berkeley. of course, i-80 through the sierra, we have chain controls on. we were saying don't drive there because there's a potential for whiteout continues. crashes, we've seen two already that shut down 80 over yesterday and today. kingvale is a problem. locally, the wet roads are the issue. slowing through berkeley. light traffic through the rest of the contra costa county drive. highway 4 and 37 starting to show slowing, a typical pattern for a friday. vasco road now only at 20 minutes and the rest of the bay. just watch those slicker roads.
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back to you. 6:53 right now. and happening now, another candidate may be ready to throw his hat into the ring in the race for san francisco mayor. several media outlets are reporting supervisor president aaron peskin intends to run. a recent "chronicle" poll found mayor breed is trailing in her re-election bid. the ranked choice vote happens in november. candidates have until june 11th to declare. up next, the top stories we're following, including the blizzard conditions in the sierra. not only is driving treacherous, but we're just learning about a new round of ski resort closures. we're going to break that down when we come back. plus, new old name for san francisco's westfield shopping center. ahead on "today in the bay," how the mall hopes to conjure up fond memories for shoppers and hopeful news
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california.
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but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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welcome back. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories here on "today in the bay," including a massive snowstorm now in the sierra. >> conditions are already bad and it is expected to get worse.
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we've got brand new video on interstate 80 this morning heading to the sierra. drivers are being told to avoid the roads through the weekend, as the snowfall continues and those winds are strengthening. we're just learning about more closures at ski resorts. palisades tahoe and alpine meadows completely closed today. wind in some places could reach 100 miles per hour. elon musk launching a new lawsuit against one of the companies he helped create. openai, musk claims, it was designed to be open and transparent and avoid private deals with companies like microsoft. musk alleging breach of contract here and he's calling for the change in company leadership as well as structural overhaul. openai and microsoft have not yet issued a response. san francisco's biggest mall is getting a throwback rebrand. what's been known as westfield san francisco shopping centre will now be emporium centre san francisco. the name is a nod to when it
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opened in 1896 as the emporium. new management says it's focusing on improving security and adding events with music and performances. westfield announced plans to pull out of its downtown san francisco location in june of last year, citing significant decreases in sales, traffic and occupancy. let's get another look at that forecast, what we can expect today. a lot of rain. >> rain off and on today, and i always say we see rainbows, too. >> you've got to look for them. >> we're going to have a mixed bag of weather, watching for a chance of thunderstorms. you can track the storms throughout the day with your smart device, download the nbc bay area app and you'll be able to zoom in on your location and see what's happening there. a pot of gold. look how light it is here. i think a lot of folks are heeding the warning about weather. it's 80 through the sierra. across the bay is all right right now, damp roadways.
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no major issues. you've seen kari's forecast and you've heard the warnings. be prepared for inclement weather. >> we continue to roku and other streaming platforms. you can catch our 7:00 a.m. newscast next and see it online at, or take your smartphone app. we're going to leave you this friday morning with a look at the sierra. we can't be there, but we can be there through pictures. this is 80 at donner summit. look at the snowplows already hard at work. one of the hig good friday morning to you. we're following breaking news out of russia. >> yeah, tensions high as crowds gather at the funeral of vladimir putin's most vocal critic. it is march 1st. this is "today." laid to rest. family, friends and more than a th


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