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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  March 1, 2024 11:00am-11:31am PST

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we are seeing the storm system dumping heavy amounts of snow for the sierra, before the bay area, the rain has been very spotty, and that's the activity that we are expecting. as we take a look at one of our live pallisades cameras. of course, we've gotten notes that they have closed the resort but we're seeing very low visibility and we are expecting the conditions to continue to get worse, over the next several hours. and we can see the cold front, that long line of clouds, that we can see extending across the region, and moving closer to the
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bay area, so once that gets here, we are going to see the possibility of a few more thunderstorms, as that energy rolls right over the bay. and also transports a huge amount of moisture, not only across the bay area, but also through the sierra, where we are seeing the heavy snow coming down. for us, once again, we are not seeing anything in the way of any real extreme activity but staying spotty and gusty winds, and pick up as we track a chance of thunderstorms. the rain and cooler temperatures continue in the forecast, with a blizzard warning in effect for the sierra, as we go into the weekend. through sunday. now, caltrans has chain controls in effect. on both highways, heading east into tahoe, and so nbc bay
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area's thom jensen has more about heading east or stay home. >> either head east or stay home, or head north on 680 here up to 80 and then 80 all the way into tahoe. or split off at the 580 junction here east to stockton and then eventually up u.s. 50 into tahoe. but the warning coming from transportation, and emergency service officials, don't do either. this storm is so ferocious, and this is just the tip of the iceberg, as you might say, that video that we're seeing this morning, that is coming in, from the summit, carrying enough snow to bury homes in one weekend, that's what we're going to get this weekend, and winds that could reach up to 100 miles an hour in the ridgetops, so if you don't take my word for, it listen to the folks who make their living on chaining up and unchaining the tires of bay area travelers in the sierra area who are saying stay home, if you know what's safe, don't go to tahoe. >> this is how we make our
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living but you know, it is no fun up here for anybody up here, you can't sleigh ride, you can't ski, you're wasting your time, the roads are pretty bad, and caltrans, their priority is safety first, and the safety h-safest thing is to stay home where it's warm. >> thanks to our friends at kcra for grabbing that video and sound for us, if you're thinking about highway 50 as a get-around, forget about it. the latest video we got in just before 9:00 on highway 50. several more inches of snow have fallen since then and there are already chain restrictions in effect at 9:00. and also, the sky resorts are closed as this video from pallisades tahoe shows, and as we were talking about, the resorts designed to close both after announcing thursday, the trickier alpine side would be closed and sierra ha ta hoe made a decision of a full closure, and breaking news in a tweet. no need to test the elements in
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either direction. the word from transportation and public officials is to stay home, this storm is one of those historic storms that you're not going to want to challenge. we're live in livermore, thom jensen, nbc bay area news. >> thanks. to the time line for the heaviest snowfall. >> looking at the long term picture, snow in the sierra. >> that's correct, let's look at first things first. the snow will continue to ramp up today, into saturday, and the blizzard warning is up until saturday morning, emphasizing the strong winds over the ridges that could limit visibility. there is also an avalanche watch, for the tahoe back country until sunday night. so all of these factors combined could be life-threatening. as far as records, the central sierra snow lab released this graphic of the top 10 snowiest dafrts lab dating back to the 1970s and the lab is located at
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6900 feet. february 3,1989 takes the lead and the most recent is back in december of 2004. with a lot of snow, 7-9 feet plus forecasted this weekend, we could be looking at one or two days being included in the snowiest days at the lab. >> if we want to get that number one spot, we have to have close to four and a half feet, but even if we get past, you know, about 39 inches, that's, that will get us into the top 10. >> and andrew adds as much as we all want to see what mother nature can do, it's just best to stay away for now. now, i also want to talk about something else that could devastate snow communities, as we deal with our excitement in crisis. a future with little to know snow and it is not too far away. winter is the fastest-warming season in the u.s. and the longer it takes to shift away from heat trapping greenhouse gas, the more impact this could v the central sierra snow lab is estimating the year 2057 as the time where the sierra snowpack
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sees little to no snow. >> not quite the long period into the future that we once had. and that doesn't necessarily mean that every year is going to be low to no snow but we will have the emergence of those years and after those points, after that point, it will become a lot more common. >> advocates say it is important to get educated about it and speak about it, especially in the recreation community. back to you. >> thank you. the city of sonoma is taking an extra step to keep people safe from the storm. the emergency warming center will be opened, depending how bad it gets, four other sonoma warming centers may be open as well. it is at the haven support home on first street from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. each night. you can track this storm and others, with our free nbc bay area app, that qr code on the screen there, to the left, if
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you scan it, with your cell phone, it will take you right to our radar, on our weather page. this morning, the oakland police commission is expected to submit the finalist for the city's next police chief, to may the mayor, last night the candidates participated in a virtual public forum, taking part is louis mollina, the assistant deputy mayor for the city of new york, and former lubbock, texas, police chief, floyd mitchell, and cincinnati assistant police chief lisa davis, and former san leandro police chief abdul pigeon. the commission gave each of the candidates a chance to describe their first 100 days in office as oakland police chief before asking specific questions like the type of culture they would create as police chief. >> and everything we do, everything we do in treating people matters. >> i'm fair and i'm honest and just and that's what i want my
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employees to do when they interact with people inside the department and outside the department. >> treating our internal stakeholders with perceivebly just and fundamental fairness, i believe that translates how we treat other folks. >> as chief, i will be leaning into those situations and i will be transparent. >> oakland mayor did not attend last night's forum, saying that it unnecessarily put those candidates at risk with their current employers and that several potential candidates didn't apply. this is after finding out that their names would be released publicly. this is an interesting one here. elon musk is suing one of the companies he's invested in. >> scott mcgrew says that musk is not so happy with the aopen ai does business. >> in a way, he doesn't want open ai doing business at all. it was set up, after all, as a nonprofit. but musk says a lot has changed since he first put his money in. in a lawsuit filed last night, musk says he is unhappy with open ai's billion dollar
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exclusive deal with microsoft, he doesn't like the new board, put together after a major leadership shakeup. the whole idea of open ai, he says, was to create a transparent organization that did good for humanity, not a private company that helps microsoft. now, that's not the only worry about open ai. earlier this month, the company introduced sora, an artificial intelligence that can make video out of anything you type, so if you type show me a woman walking in the rain in tokyo, it will, and now, we first demonstrated this to you a few weeks ago, and remember, nothing in this video is real. that has election watchdogs exceptionally worried because anybody can create anything and it is going to be fake. the group public citizens today, called for open ai to suspend the video system, until after the election. >> you are specifically saying,
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hold off on text to video, releasing it to the public, until after the election? >> that's right. i mean i think one of the problems, and one of the reasons we all are nervous about generative ai, it has been an arms race, companies are flooding the zone and putting out technology as soon as it is ready, and not really thinking through all of the ramifications. >> now, we will talk more about ai's effect on the upcoming elections, as well as lots about elon musk, this sunday at 9:00 a.m., right after "meet the press." back to you. >> thanks, scott. california's primary just four days away. and a brand new poll reveals some surprising numbers in the race for the u.s. senate seat. also ahead at midday, trying to move forward in the city by the bay. the new plan to revive a half empty shopping mall, now struggling in downtown san francisco. who's the chameleon? the most powerful, shape- shifting, sorceress. nothing like anyone you've ever faced. [ evil laughter ]
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i eat powerful sorceresses for breakfast. what is it you're holding? a cookie. ah! one last dragon warrior smackdown. oh! ah! we're not so different, you and i. skadoosh. stand back. i'm gonna kick my butt. violence, violence. thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain,
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cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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take a look at this video. this is new for us this midday. a dramatic rescue in louisville, kentucky, over the ohio river. teams successfully saved this driver dangling from the cab of the big rig, they had to lower someone down to secure that driver, he suffered only minor injuries. no word on what caused that big rig to break through the bridge's safety railing. also this midday, a gathering of thousands in moscow, this is for the funeral of russian opposition leader alexei navalny, the outspoken critic of russian leader vladimir putin died suddenly in prison two weeks ago. his cause of death is still unclear as russian authorities say it was from natural causes. and while his mother was at the funeral, his widow was not, over fears of being arrested. mourners at the time, chanted slogans including no to war and love is more powerful than fear. to decision 2024. brand new polling numbers show
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republican steve gar by -- garvey shooting ahead in the race to fill dianne feinstein's senate seat. leading from 27% of support from likely voters. california representative adam schiff is second with 25%. followed by katie porter and barbara lee far behind. the top two candidates to get all of those votes in next tuesday's primary will square off this fall. san francisco's largest shopping mall looking from the past to the future. the former san francisco center is getting a throwback rebrand. >> we have more on the new changes after macy's announced this week it is closing its iconic beauty scare store. >> well, the hope is that the rebranding can help move that downtown area forward. what has been known as san francisco's shopping center, will now be known as emporium center of san francisco. and if the name sounds familiar, that's because it is. it is a nod to the city, or to
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the mall's history, having opened in 1896, as the emporium. the facade of the building was the only part of it that survived the 1906 earthquake and was seen as a symbol of courage and vigor during the city's rebuilding. new management hopes it can invoke some of that as it focuses on improving security and bringing in tenants from the entertainment and culinary sectors. they still want to work with existing retailers and restaurants, but add events with music and performances as well. sfrn supervisor matt dorsey whose district includes the mall says he thinks the city's comeback is under way, but addressing the needs to address public safety is still key. >> right now, san francisco is facing an historic crisis in police understaffing about. one-third of the police department that is supposed to be here isn't there. >> reporter: management says there will be changes to a logo, to the website, as well as the social media channels and if you check out the instagram page already, they have changed the
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name of san francisco center, now it is being called emporium center san francisco. and those are small changes, but people will be looking out for the bigger changes to that area in the months ahead. in san francisco, ginger conejero saab, nbc bay area news. >> thanks, ginger. we have new information on the recent fire at a vallejo target store. police are now searching for a person of interest. now the fire happened saturday afternoon at the target on admirable hall din lane. no one was hurt but it caused at least $3 million worth of damages. here is you what need to look at, investigators are hoping to talk to this man on your screen. his image was caught on surveillance cameras. if you know who this man is, you're asked to call vallejo police. governor newsom this morning pushing back against the rising criticisms surrounding his cozy ties to billionaire panera franchise owner, it comes in the wake of a bloomberg report on the state's minimum wage hike, coming in april, for fast food
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workers. that's when the wages will reach $20 an hour. now, the law includes an exemption for chains that bake or sell their own bread and panera is lead in part by a long-time donor in part. and now the newsom camp is calling this report absurd. saying that panera doesn't each receive the exemption. panera has not yet responded. and scary moments for a game winning pop star, karolg and her team. this is video of her private jet making an emergency landing around 9:00 last night in southern california. that jet taken off from hollywood burbank airport but suddenly turned around when the pilot reported smoke in the cockpit. 16 people were on board. but no one was injured. the cause of the malfunction is not yet known. new technology is helping give some bay area crabbers some new hope. future seasons won't be hit by such long delays. now in recent years, the delays have been just a part of
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dungeonous crab season and the reason and concerns was about endangered migrating whales getting trapped in the netting but the council is offering new funding for fishing gear that is unique to cracking, the netting pops up from the ocean floor when fishermen tend to the traps and it also removes the vertical fishing lines that may span hundreds of feet and lead to whales and sea turtles getting entangled. outside right now, you probably want to get inside because of all of the rain. >> it has been raining off and on it. hasn't been too bad but it has been cloudy and just kind of cool. and this is what we're going to see throughout the weekend. we've been talking about how this is going to be so much more of a bigger deal for the sierra. and i know this picture is grainy, but we will tell you where it is. i think you'll know where, we are seeing the echo summit, that curve, as you go around on highway 50, right before you can clearly see lake tahoe. well, it is just covered in snow right now.
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and i haven't seen any cars coming through. so that is a live camera that we have there, takes a snapshot every few seconds. so we're seeing the whiteout conditions continuing there. and what's been really amazing is the wind speeds. take a look at the peak winds we've already measured in the sierra, at pallisades, they just got the wind gust of 145 miles an hour. it is really roaring up there. and heavenly, had a 96 mile-an-hour wind gust, sustained at mammoth, the same at mammoth mountain and sierra at tahoe. with 20 inches at sugar bowl. sierra snow lab has reported 19 inches in the last 24 hours. we're seeing the snow come down hard and fast as the storm system continues to funnel all of the moisture. and we're starting to get some lightning strikes and seeing them pop up with the icons with
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the central valley and areas to the north. which is what we're expecting as the system continues to move. in but the coverage of rain really hasn't been all that impressive for the bay area. so we are expecting off and on rain, some gusty winds at times, throughout the weekend, we could see about one to two inches of rainfall in some of our valleys, with the coastal areas and the hills about four to five inches of rain. all of us will be left with a coating of light snow over our bay area hills. about 1 to 2,000 feet. looking at once again just waves of rain coming in that may pick up in intensity later on this evening, and throughout the day tomorrow, with some off and on showers. and we do expect it to stay in this very active weather pattern, going into next week, only some minor breaks here and there with the next storm system coming in next tuesday, into wednesday. so march definitely coming in like a lion. out like a lamb. hopefully. as we go toward the end of the month. and all of this originates from really constellations and so we're going to hopefully see much calmer end to the month,
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but it does look like it remains very cold over the next few days as we're looking at temperatures in the low 50s. we'll be tracking all of that, and the impact as we go through the weekend. back to you. >> thanks. exciting news to hear, steph curry is growing their team, expecting a fourth child, and steph and ayesha shared the story in a magazine article. and they decided last year that somebody was missing and they are now done having kids. the couple are already parents to riley, ryan, and cannon curry. >> congratulations to them. bay area get ready, bad bunny is in the house. ♪ ♪ >> get ready for everything you need to know about this weekend's shows over there at chase center. chase center. and how much you can expect to
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transform your skin in one simple step. introducing paula's choice mandelic and lactic acid aha liquid exfoliant. resurface texture & tone without irritation. 100% saw smoother, softer, brighter skin. available at paula's choice and sephora. what do i see in peter dixon? so i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy.
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because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. right now, we are following
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some breaking news on the peninsula. that's where caltrans service is temporarily stopped for now after a train struck a pedestrian there. now, this is video from nbc bay area sky ranger of the scene just moments ago. now this happened, they say about an hour ago in the northbound direction near fair oaks lane in atherton. it is not clear when service will resume. the warriors will try to continue their role on the road as they take on toronto tonight. last night in madison square garden, they got off to a fast start against the knicks but things tightened up in the fourth quarter when they led by four and steph curry had a game high 31 points and warriors winning this one 110-99, and now, the dubs are 12 of the last 15 games, they have won. >> that's exciting. also exciting, happening tonight, puerto rican mega star bad bunny in the bay area.
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>> back-to-back shows at the chase center in san francisco. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> and the shows are tonight and saturday night. his tour is called the most wanted, those tickets are still available there. we did look at some of the cheapest tickets to help you a little bit, ticketmaster said around 165. keep trying. they might go a little bit lower but you never know. and live like a rock star. like bad bunny. a perfect rental for you. it is going to cost you a lot. >> this is one price tag, try a whopping $1 million a month, and it is for this home right here on martha's vineyard. it is just about everything you can dream of, 11 bedrooms and 11 full bath rooms located on five acres and two kitchens and home theater and a basketball court and six car garages and by the way, we couldn't help but look, the estimate is valued at about
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$30 million. and we also did the math, if you plan to stay there for two years, marcus, you may want to buy the thing. >> of course. >> why not? >> of course. >> i'll do that with my little pocket change. >> you know, 30 million, no big deal. >> that's right. >> it will be raining off and on. you might want to escape and get somewhere elsewhere there is some sunshine. we are going to see this active weather pattern continue through the weekend. we'll have the updates. >> mother nature showing off. >> thanks for joining us, for our
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live.
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your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done. ♪♪ right now on "california live." >> you say tomato, i say tomato mania. i'm at the world largest event kicking off in newport beach. we'll reveal the tomato of the year. and then we're in san francisco getting our creative


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